Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending May 13 , 1871 . MONDAY , MAY 8 . Festival of Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Lodge 5 , St . George & Corner-stone , Freemasons' Hall „ 29 , St . Albans , Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . >> * 93 > Confidence , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, S 79 , Peckham , Maismore Arms , Peckham .
>• 957 > Leigh , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 720 , Panmure , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro . James Terry , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern ,
Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern-Haverstock-hi . il , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . St . James' Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , at 8 . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 , Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavera , Mile End , at 7 for 8 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . Dilley , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodgeof Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor .
TUESDAY , MAY 9 . Lodge 4 6 , Old Union , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 211 , St . Michael ' s , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . ,, 235 , Nine Muses , Clarendon Hotel , New Bond-st , ,, 548 , Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . ,, 1269 , Stanhope , Thicket Hotel , Anerley . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel
Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerslon Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , 317 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel de Cologne , 60 and 6 i , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . AAdams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Artillery Arms , Rochesterrow , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-strcet , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor .
WEDNESDAY , MAY IO . Committee R . M . Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 3 , Fidelity , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 13 , Union Waterloo , Masonic HaU , Woolwich . ,, 15 , Kent , Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-st .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Lodge 87 , Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth . ,, 147 , Justice , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . ; , 238 , Pilgrim , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 781 , Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . „ 820 , Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond . ,, 1017 , Montefiore , Freemasons' Tavern . ,, 1216 , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles ,
Brunswick-road , Camberwell . „ 1228 , Beacontree , private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1306 , St . John of Wapping , Gun Tav ., High . street , Wapping . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodgeof Instruction , ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate ,
Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav .,
Londonstreet , City , at 7 % . Peckharn Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7 . 30 p . m . ; Bro . II . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , MAY II . Lodge 91 , Regularity , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 206 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . ,, 263 , Bank of Kngland , Radley ' s Htl ., Blackfriars . „ 1076 , Capper , "Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham .
,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Deg Tavern , Upton . „ 12 S 8 , Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sistcrs ' -road , Holloway . „ 1 3 , Emblematic , Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . K .. T . Encampment , Temple Cressing , Horns Tavern , Kennington . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall ,
at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Ceremony , explanations of R . A . Jewels and Solids , and part sections . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern ,
Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Saunders . Preceptor .
FRIDAY , MAY 12 . Lodge 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 134 , Caledonian , Ship & Turtle Tav ., Leadenhallstreet . ,, 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Chap . 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . K . T . Encampment , Faith & Fidelity , Freemasons' Tav Robert Bums Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air street , Regent-street , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . \ V . Watson-Preceptor . Stability Lodge of Instrnction , Guildhall Tavern , 33 , Gvesham-st ., at 6 ; Bro . Henry Muggeridge , Preceptor .
St . Luke ' s Lodgeof Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Htl ., Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pnlsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile end-road , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Polls , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury ; Bro . R . Lee , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , MAY 13 . Lodge 10 S , London , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 173 , Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 132 S , Granite , Freemasons' Hall . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby ,
New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . J . Comb , Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge of Instruction , Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 8 ; Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Mount Sinai Chapter ol Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
CROSBY ' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELI UR . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to g . relief in Coughs , Colds ^ and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus " increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points toCrosby ' s IJalsamic Cough Eli . \ er , as thc true remedy . —Select Tcstinranial . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedl y observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmoa ry consumption .
and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommen . U asa mostvaluable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatmen for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and 'piills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion a strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most ; nal success in Asthmas , Jlronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , and all alfcctions of the throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . C ; d ., , js . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSUV , Chemist , Scarborough . * , * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Discasesof thc Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist . - ¦ [ Advt . ]
EveryPersonrequiringanOUTFITshouldsendfor¦„ THEOUTFITTER: Which contains Routes , Passenger Rates , Distances , Books , and Travelling Information for the Military , Naval and Civil Services , the Emigrant , and the Traveller . PUBLISHED AND FORWARDED FREE BY GANN,JONES&Co., WHOLESALEMANUFACTURINGOUTFITTERS. The List is sent by post to the principal Gentry , Clergy , and Outfitters at Home , ancl to the leading Merchants and Wholesale Buyers in Australia , East Indies , China , Japan , Java and the Eastern Archipelago , West Coast of Africa , Cape of Good Hope , West Indies , Canada , South and Central America , & c . Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH STREET . Manufactory , 15 and 16 , BLOMFIELD STREET , E . C .
JUSTPUBLISHED.PriceONESHILLING. .THELICENSED VICTUALLERS'(CONFISCATION)BILL, With Introductory Comments upon its Inconsistency and Impracticability , by WALTERWOOD; Also a FULL REPORT of tho MONSTER MEETING at tho AGRICULTURAL HALL , and Iho objections taken by tho Trade . Published by BEEVES , SON & Co ., Playhouse-yard , Blackfriars , E . G ., and sold by all Booksellers and Newsagents .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending May 13 , 1871 . MONDAY , MAY 8 . Festival of Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Lodge 5 , St . George & Corner-stone , Freemasons' Hall „ 29 , St . Albans , Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . >> * 93 > Confidence , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . ,, S 79 , Peckham , Maismore Arms , Peckham .
>• 957 > Leigh , Freemasons' Hall . Chap . 720 , Panmure , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , at 8 ; Bro . James Terry , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern ,
Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern-Haverstock-hi . il , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . St . James' Union Lodge of Instruction ( 180 ) , Swan Tavern , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , at 8 . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 , Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavera , Mile End , at 7 for 8 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 ; Bro . Dilley , Preceptor . St . John of Wapping Lodgeof Instruction ( 1306 ) , Gun Tavern , High-street , Wapping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , Preceptor .
TUESDAY , MAY 9 . Lodge 4 6 , Old Union , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 211 , St . Michael ' s , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . ,, 235 , Nine Muses , Clarendon Hotel , New Bond-st , ,, 548 , Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . ,, 1269 , Stanhope , Thicket Hotel , Anerley . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Portugal Hotel
Fleet-street , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerslon Tav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , 317 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 3 S 2 ) , Hotel de Cologne , 60 and 6 i , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . AAdams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Artillery Arms , Rochesterrow , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom Tavern , Winsley-strcet , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . William Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John ' s Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . G . Baker , Preceptor .
WEDNESDAY , MAY IO . Committee R . M . Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 3 , Fidelity , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 13 , Union Waterloo , Masonic HaU , Woolwich . ,, 15 , Kent , Guildhall Coffee House , Gresham-st .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Lodge 87 , Vitruvian , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth . ,, 147 , Justice , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . ; , 238 , Pilgrim , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 781 , Merchant Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse . „ 820 , Lily of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond . ,, 1017 , Montefiore , Freemasons' Tavern . ,, 1216 , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles ,
Brunswick-road , Camberwell . „ 1228 , Beacontree , private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1306 , St . John of Wapping , Gun Tav ., High . street , Wapping . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodgeof Instruction , ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate ,
Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav .,
Londonstreet , City , at 7 % . Peckharn Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7 . 30 p . m . ; Bro . II . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , MAY II . Lodge 91 , Regularity , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 206 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . ,, 263 , Bank of Kngland , Radley ' s Htl ., Blackfriars . „ 1076 , Capper , "Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham .
,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Deg Tavern , Upton . „ 12 S 8 , Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sistcrs ' -road , Holloway . „ 1 3 , Emblematic , Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . K .. T . Encampment , Temple Cressing , Horns Tavern , Kennington . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall ,
at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Ceremony , explanations of R . A . Jewels and Solids , and part sections . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Instruction , Jolly Anglers' Tavern ,
Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Stean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . J . Barnes , Preceptor . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 1278 ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Saunders . Preceptor .
FRIDAY , MAY 12 . Lodge 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 134 , Caledonian , Ship & Turtle Tav ., Leadenhallstreet . ,, 157 , Bedford , Freemasons' Hall .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
Chap . 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . K . T . Encampment , Faith & Fidelity , Freemasons' Tav Robert Bums Lodge of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air street , Regent-street , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . \ V . Watson-Preceptor . Stability Lodge of Instrnction , Guildhall Tavern , 33 , Gvesham-st ., at 6 ; Bro . Henry Muggeridge , Preceptor .
St . Luke ' s Lodgeof Instruction ( 144 ) , Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-road , S . W . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at S ; Comp . W . West Smith , Preceptor .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Portugal Htl ., Fleetstreet , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Wellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pnlsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile end-road , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Polls , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , Marquess Tavern , Canonbury ; Bro . R . Lee , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , MAY 13 . Lodge 10 S , London , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 173 , Phoenix , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . ,, 132 S , Granite , Freemasons' Hall . Mark Lodge ( 104 ) , Macdonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Rifles , Brunswick-road , Camberwell . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby ,
New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bro . J . Comb , Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge of Instruction , Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 8 ; Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Mount Sinai Chapter ol Instruction , Union Tavern , Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
CROSBY ' S BALSAMIC COUGH ELI UR . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to g . relief in Coughs , Colds ^ and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus " increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points toCrosby ' s IJalsamic Cough Eli . \ er , as thc true remedy . —Select Tcstinranial . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedl y observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmoa ry consumption .
and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommen . U asa mostvaluable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatmen for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and 'piills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion a strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most ; nal success in Asthmas , Jlronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , and all alfcctions of the throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . C ; d ., , js . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by JAS . M . CKOSUV , Chemist , Scarborough . * , * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Discasesof thc Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist . - ¦ [ Advt . ]
EveryPersonrequiringanOUTFITshouldsendfor¦„ THEOUTFITTER: Which contains Routes , Passenger Rates , Distances , Books , and Travelling Information for the Military , Naval and Civil Services , the Emigrant , and the Traveller . PUBLISHED AND FORWARDED FREE BY GANN,JONES&Co., WHOLESALEMANUFACTURINGOUTFITTERS. The List is sent by post to the principal Gentry , Clergy , and Outfitters at Home , ancl to the leading Merchants and Wholesale Buyers in Australia , East Indies , China , Japan , Java and the Eastern Archipelago , West Coast of Africa , Cape of Good Hope , West Indies , Canada , South and Central America , & c . Depot , 171 , FENCHURCH STREET . Manufactory , 15 and 16 , BLOMFIELD STREET , E . C .
JUSTPUBLISHED.PriceONESHILLING. .THELICENSED VICTUALLERS'(CONFISCATION)BILL, With Introductory Comments upon its Inconsistency and Impracticability , by WALTERWOOD; Also a FULL REPORT of tho MONSTER MEETING at tho AGRICULTURAL HALL , and Iho objections taken by tho Trade . Published by BEEVES , SON & Co ., Playhouse-yard , Blackfriars , E . G ., and sold by all Booksellers and Newsagents .