Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
t pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , f ^^^^ s- , V- ^ opposite the Royal Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- i Ulfllla li ^ n ^ r ^^ a ^ t ^^ m ^ a ^^"" " * ""* " ** WKlIKllilllllj THE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I ^* ^ \ # dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ -V ^ X * /> X ~ \ / CLARET 16 s . 22 s . 28 s . 36 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \ ^ \\ A * wfitA ^ ^ I SHERRY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . 48 s . to 84 s . VCCSt ^ S ^^ Z / lt PORT 28 s . 34 s . 42 s . 48 s . 54 s . to 120 s . \ C * > ^ ^ C ^ S & I CHAMPAGNE .. 3 6 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . ^^ r /—> '•^ a , i ^> J , WHISKEY-thc Ben Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . 's Spe- \ *» f / fhff I ciahty , 20 s . per gallon ; the softest and most fascinating Whiskey for \ * vV 1 / 1 / 1 W Toddy in the market . — 30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . ^¦ Ss ^*** S" //<** X Sample Bottles may be had . * V * tf ^ r _ ,,. , , THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen , carriage \/^ Established 1798 . ¦»¦ paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had . Established 179 S . «< jVfESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 30 , Cornhill , fORNHILL SHERRY .-CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Corn forwarded us samples of their Cornhill Sherry . ' We have . ^ hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , request thc favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containing a large stock of the finest old ^ upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . C . W and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . •—Medical Press . Agents , with first-class references , in towns where not represented .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices ; OUTFITS , HOSIERY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth ) Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , i 7 r , FENCHURCH-ST .
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Sickel ' s Ahiman Rezon ( cloth ) ... ... ... 5 / . ,, Freemasons * Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... 4 / 8 R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 Guide to the Chapter ( cloth ) ... ... 5 /_ Manual „ „ ... ... ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Rite „ . . . . „ i / 6 R . and S . M . Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swedenborg Rite ... ... ... 4 / 5 Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy's Manual E . Star ... , „ . . . 2 I 3 Simon ' s B . K . Commandery ( tuck ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... .,. ... 3 / 6 Chase's Digest of Masonic Law ... ... 5 / 6 Pierson ' s Traditions ... ... ... 7 / - Signet of King Solomon ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon's Jurisprudence ... ... ... 5 / 6 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... 9 / - Obituary Rites ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . Taylor , P . M . 5 / 0 Portal's Symbols ( cloth ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lockwood ' s Masonic Law ... ... ... 4 / - Webb's Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook „ ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lawrence's Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 6 Woodruffs Masonic Code .., ... 2 / - Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) . . . ... ... 6 / - Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... 4 / 6 * Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... s / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... . „ ... 14 / - Reflected Rays of Light ... ... ... , / . Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ... ... ... ... , /¦ Kingston Masonx Annual ... ... 3 / - Knight Templar Sermon ... ... ... . /( j The Rosicrucian , a Quarterly Record of the Society ' s Transactions The American Freemason . , S . G . C Regulations ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Royal Arch „ ... ... ... 2 / 6 G . L , Constitutions ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Mark Constitutions ' ... ... ... 2 / 6 Life of Constantine , by Eusebius ... ... 5 / - Knights Templar Statutes ... ... 3 / 6 and 5 / 6 Craft , Mark , R . A , R . C , R .+, K . T . Books . Vols . I „ II . and III . ofthe FREEMASON , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 and 15 / - Book of Illustrations Clothing and Jewels ( coloured ) 3 / 6 General History of Freemasonry ( Rebold in Europe ) 15 / - World's Masonic Register , Hyneman ... ... 17 / 6 Stories for the Fireside , Barber ... ... 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 1871 ... . . . a / . „ Tucks ... ... ... a / 6 G . L . Calendar ... ... „ . ... j / . Lo- '» e Bibles ... . . . ... 15 / . ,, / . 42 / . Chapter Bibles ... ... 15 / . 3 j / . 49 / . Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland ... ... 3 / S Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look ... ... 67-
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often hurtful in ns effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is suppliedbjr the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the *• MANUFACTURER , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price 01 a Single Truss , 16 s ., ais ., aCs . 6 d . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage is . " ° f ? D ° uble Truss , 31 s . 6 d .. 4- and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . 8 d . 11 of Umbilical lruss , 42 s . and . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Oflice Orders to be made pay le to J OHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NE } y TENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & -, The material of which these are made is recommended by thc faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and the best invention f « r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , ! cc . Price , 4 s . 6 d . Ti ??* T * i «* . ? J dl 65 *^ ' * Postage fid . SPINAL MACHINES , I / fiQ IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . WIN WHITS , Miumftutunr , aaB , Piccadill y Undon .
THE BEST PUDDING . MAYAR'S SEMOLINA . * "* iiirii * '( "Ji "*' *¦ ¦ ¦ kt- * NOTIGK . Read this with care and attention . ) THE MANUFACTORY of MAYAR'S SEMOLINA was established in 1815 . It is the oldest and the largest in the World , Twenty-five Million pounds being yearly produced . ( 25 , 000 , 000 . ) Our SEMOLINA is the staple food in France , Russia , Spain , Italy , & c , and will soon be that of England . It has obtained 24 PRIZE MEDALS in the Great Exhibitions for its superiority over all others , and is pronounced by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession , both in London and in Paris , to be far more Nutritious than Tapioca , Arrowroot , corn flour ( which are only Starch ) , or any farinaceous food already introduced into this country . See Dr . HassaU ' s Analytical Report in the columns of this paper . N . H . — Ileing determined to maintain its reputation , we again CAUTION the Public , that an imitation , to whicli a false andridicuous name has been given , isintroduccd by awell known Finn , taking advantage of its name and publicity to sell a similar article of very inferior quality , to realise extra profits , and who advertise in favour of that article the qualities possessed by our Semolina . As a proof of our assertion we challenge a comparison , by analysis , between our SEMOLININA and the so-called Pearllna .
M A Y A R ' S S E M 0 ~ L I N A " ¦ "j * 1 is solely the heart 1 of the very best Wheat . M A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA „ , is richer than any other farinaceous food 3 . in Azotic matter , indispensable in the — muscular formation of the body . B A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . <*> Highl y recommended by the 5 > Faculty for Children and invalids | A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . *< Is extremely nourishing and easily digested . | A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA — _ makes delicious Jf Puddings , Custards and Pastry S A Y A R' S rElfoTnTA •v unequalled for thickening i ***** Soups , Beef Tea , and Gruels . SAYAR'S SEMOLINA y , is the greatest delicacy M for Hrcakfast and Supper SA Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . ^ Is very economical . > -i May be used with or without Milk . £ ¦« Recipes on each Package . r 6 d . lb . in Packtt , 8 d . in Canister . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , & c .
HOMINY . MAYAR'S HOMINY , •produced from the best Indian Maze , without any adulteration obtained by grinding , is far superior to the Maize Corn Flour already introduced in this country , which is only Starch obtained b y a process of washing , which dctcriotatcs entirely the quality , and is sold at a very high price . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , and Corn Dealers . Wholesale at MAYAR'S , 3 6 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . C . A Wholesale Agent wanted in every Town .
THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Journal , published on the 1 * 5 th of every month , by H . G . REYNOLDS , Jun ., Springfield , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen friges large quarto . Circulation 20 , 000 monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received , at TJJH FHEH - MASON Office , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and forwarded free of charge .
THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE . Conducted by SHIRLEY HIBBERD , Esq ., F . R . H . S . TWOI-BNC ** Weekly ; and in Monthly Parts , Tenpence . Superbly illustrated . London : —E . W . ALLEN II . Stationer-. ' Hall Court
GALVANISM .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthl ) RECORD of CURES is now ready for thc benefit of sufferers containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by PULVERMACHER ' S IMPROVED PATENT SELF- APPLICABLE VOLTAELECTRIC CHAIN BANDS and POCKET B ATTERIES , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee , J . L . PULVERMACHER , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter fothose suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Function ; . Disorders , & . C ., & c .
Obituary .
BRO . MAJOR MYERS . Major Myers , who recently died in Schenectady , N . Y ., U . S . A ., was born on the ist of May , 1776 * was educated in New York city , and resided for several years at Richmond in Virginia . There he served in a military company ,
under Col . ( afterwards Chief Justice ) Marshall . He soon returned to New York , engaged in business there , and served in an artillery company . He was afterwards commissioned as a captain of infantry , and for two years studied
military tactics assiduously under Monsieur de la Croix , who was a military authority at that period , especially in the sword exercise . When war was threatened he was active in raising volunteer companies , and in March , 1812 , he
was commissionedacaptain 111 the 13 th Infantry , and with his regiment joined General Wilkinson ' s army in the invasion of Canada . During the boisterous weather which assailed General Wilkinson ' s expedition from Sackett ' s Harbour
in October , 1813 , Captain Myers was very active in saving lives arid property . At the battle of Chrysler ' s Field a bullet passed through Captain Myer ' s arm near the shoulder while at the head of his men in assailing the British behind a
stone wall . The desperateness of the encounter may be conceived when the fact is stated that of eighty-nine men he lost twenty-three . Being in command of the boat-guard of the expedition , he did not join the attack until the fortune of
the day seemed to be in jeopardy . A portion of his epaulette being driven into the wound rendered his recovery tedious and uncertain , and crippled his arm for life . During the war he performed laborious and gallant services
under several commanders in the . Northern Department , and in 1815 the disability produced by his wound caused him to be disbanded and placed on the pension roll for the half-pay of a captain . Thus ended his military career . He
was the oldest as well as the last surviving officer of the old 13 th Regiment , of which the late Major-General Wool was senior captain . Major Myers represented New York city in the Legislature of the State for six years , and
served two terms as Mayor of Schenectady ; and was a candidate for congress when eighty-four years of age . He was present at the inauguration of Washington as President by Chancellor Livingston , and retained a vivid recollection of
that event . He was probably one of the oldest Masons in the country , having been a member of the Fraternity for nearly seventy-five years .
He took a high rank among the Fraternity , having been Grand Master and Grand High Priest , respectively , of thc Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of New York State .
The Schenectady Times , to whom we are indebted for most of these facts , says : " Major Myers was in many respects a remarkable man . He was possessed of a clear mind , strong will , and the fact that , with all the hardships incident to the life ofa soldier in the war of 1812 , he
lived to be nearly ninety-six years of age , is proof that he possessed a strong and robust constitution . His physical appearance was striking . No stranger ever met or passed him in the street without being struck with his appearance , being
of large proportions , and having a remarkably clear and keen black eye that gave evidence of the strong intellectual power of the man . As Mayor of the city he added dignity to the office ,
and brought all the power of his strong common sense and an indomitable will to bear against wrong and in favour of right and justice . " —New York Army Journal .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
t pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , f ^^^^ s- , V- ^ opposite the Royal Exchange , invite attention to the CORN- i Ulfllla li ^ n ^ r ^^ a ^ t ^^ m ^ a ^^"" " * ""* " ** WKlIKllilllllj THE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale and dry , 30 s . per I ^* ^ \ # dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ -V ^ X * /> X ~ \ / CLARET 16 s . 22 s . 28 s . 36 s . 42 s . to Five Guineas . \ ^ \\ A * wfitA ^ ^ I SHERRY 22 s . 26 s . 30 s . 3 6 s . 42 s . 48 s . to 84 s . VCCSt ^ S ^^ Z / lt PORT 28 s . 34 s . 42 s . 48 s . 54 s . to 120 s . \ C * > ^ ^ C ^ S & I CHAMPAGNE .. 3 6 s . 42 s . 54 s . 60 s . to 84 s . ^^ r /—> '•^ a , i ^> J , WHISKEY-thc Ben Nevis—CHARLES WATSON and Co . 's Spe- \ *» f / fhff I ciahty , 20 s . per gallon ; the softest and most fascinating Whiskey for \ * vV 1 / 1 / 1 W Toddy in the market . — 30 , Cornhill . Carriage free within 50 miles . ^¦ Ss ^*** S" //<** X Sample Bottles may be had . * V * tf ^ r _ ,,. , , THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich gold , 30 s . per dozen , carriage \/^ Established 1798 . ¦»¦ paid . 30 , Cornhill . Sample bottles may be had . Established 179 S . «< jVfESSRS . CHARLES WATSON and Co ., of 30 , Cornhill , fORNHILL SHERRY .-CHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Corn forwarded us samples of their Cornhill Sherry . ' We have . ^ hill ( opposite Royal Exchange ) , request thc favour of a visit to taken the opinion of competent judges and veteran wine consumers these old-established cellars , containing a large stock of the finest old ^ upon its merits , and pronounce it decidedly the best of the wines at Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the most a similar cost which we have tasted , and a great many came before critical connoisseurs . Descriptive list free . C . W and Co . appoint us during the process of our analysis . •—Medical Press . Agents , with first-class references , in towns where not represented .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices ; OUTFITS , HOSIERY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth ) Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , i 7 r , FENCHURCH-ST .
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Sickel ' s Ahiman Rezon ( cloth ) ... ... ... 5 / . ,, Freemasons * Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... 4 / 8 R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 Guide to the Chapter ( cloth ) ... ... 5 /_ Manual „ „ ... ... ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Rite „ . . . . „ i / 6 R . and S . M . Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swedenborg Rite ... ... ... 4 / 5 Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy's Manual E . Star ... , „ . . . 2 I 3 Simon ' s B . K . Commandery ( tuck ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... .,. ... 3 / 6 Chase's Digest of Masonic Law ... ... 5 / 6 Pierson ' s Traditions ... ... ... 7 / - Signet of King Solomon ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon's Jurisprudence ... ... ... 5 / 6 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... ... 9 / - Obituary Rites ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . Taylor , P . M . 5 / 0 Portal's Symbols ( cloth ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lockwood ' s Masonic Law ... ... ... 4 / - Webb's Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook „ ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lawrence's Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 6 Woodruffs Masonic Code .., ... 2 / - Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) . . . ... ... 6 / - Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... 4 / 6 * Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... s / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... . „ ... 14 / - Reflected Rays of Light ... ... ... , / . Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ... ... ... ... , /¦ Kingston Masonx Annual ... ... 3 / - Knight Templar Sermon ... ... ... . /( j The Rosicrucian , a Quarterly Record of the Society ' s Transactions The American Freemason . , S . G . C Regulations ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Royal Arch „ ... ... ... 2 / 6 G . L , Constitutions ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Mark Constitutions ' ... ... ... 2 / 6 Life of Constantine , by Eusebius ... ... 5 / - Knights Templar Statutes ... ... 3 / 6 and 5 / 6 Craft , Mark , R . A , R . C , R .+, K . T . Books . Vols . I „ II . and III . ofthe FREEMASON , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 and 15 / - Book of Illustrations Clothing and Jewels ( coloured ) 3 / 6 General History of Freemasonry ( Rebold in Europe ) 15 / - World's Masonic Register , Hyneman ... ... 17 / 6 Stories for the Fireside , Barber ... ... 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , 1871 ... . . . a / . „ Tucks ... ... ... a / 6 G . L . Calendar ... ... „ . ... j / . Lo- '» e Bibles ... . . . ... 15 / . ,, / . 42 / . Chapter Bibles ... ... 15 / . 3 j / . 49 / . Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland ... ... 3 / S Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look ... ... 67-
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often hurtful in ns effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is suppliedbjr the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the *• MANUFACTURER , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price 01 a Single Truss , 16 s ., ais ., aCs . 6 d . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage is . " ° f ? D ° uble Truss , 31 s . 6 d .. 4- and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . 8 d . 11 of Umbilical lruss , 42 s . and . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Oflice Orders to be made pay le to J OHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . NE } y TENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & -, The material of which these are made is recommended by thc faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and the best invention f « r giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , ! cc . Price , 4 s . 6 d . Ti ??* T * i «* . ? J dl 65 *^ ' * Postage fid . SPINAL MACHINES , I / fiQ IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . WIN WHITS , Miumftutunr , aaB , Piccadill y Undon .
THE BEST PUDDING . MAYAR'S SEMOLINA . * "* iiirii * '( "Ji "*' *¦ ¦ ¦ kt- * NOTIGK . Read this with care and attention . ) THE MANUFACTORY of MAYAR'S SEMOLINA was established in 1815 . It is the oldest and the largest in the World , Twenty-five Million pounds being yearly produced . ( 25 , 000 , 000 . ) Our SEMOLINA is the staple food in France , Russia , Spain , Italy , & c , and will soon be that of England . It has obtained 24 PRIZE MEDALS in the Great Exhibitions for its superiority over all others , and is pronounced by the most eminent members of the Medical Profession , both in London and in Paris , to be far more Nutritious than Tapioca , Arrowroot , corn flour ( which are only Starch ) , or any farinaceous food already introduced into this country . See Dr . HassaU ' s Analytical Report in the columns of this paper . N . H . — Ileing determined to maintain its reputation , we again CAUTION the Public , that an imitation , to whicli a false andridicuous name has been given , isintroduccd by awell known Finn , taking advantage of its name and publicity to sell a similar article of very inferior quality , to realise extra profits , and who advertise in favour of that article the qualities possessed by our Semolina . As a proof of our assertion we challenge a comparison , by analysis , between our SEMOLININA and the so-called Pearllna .
M A Y A R ' S S E M 0 ~ L I N A " ¦ "j * 1 is solely the heart 1 of the very best Wheat . M A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA „ , is richer than any other farinaceous food 3 . in Azotic matter , indispensable in the — muscular formation of the body . B A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . <*> Highl y recommended by the 5 > Faculty for Children and invalids | A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . *< Is extremely nourishing and easily digested . | A Y A R ' S SEMOLINA — _ makes delicious Jf Puddings , Custards and Pastry S A Y A R' S rElfoTnTA •v unequalled for thickening i ***** Soups , Beef Tea , and Gruels . SAYAR'S SEMOLINA y , is the greatest delicacy M for Hrcakfast and Supper SA Y A R ' S SEMOLINA . ^ Is very economical . > -i May be used with or without Milk . £ ¦« Recipes on each Package . r 6 d . lb . in Packtt , 8 d . in Canister . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , & c .
HOMINY . MAYAR'S HOMINY , •produced from the best Indian Maze , without any adulteration obtained by grinding , is far superior to the Maize Corn Flour already introduced in this country , which is only Starch obtained b y a process of washing , which dctcriotatcs entirely the quality , and is sold at a very high price . Sold by all Chemists , Grocers , and Corn Dealers . Wholesale at MAYAR'S , 3 6 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . C . A Wholesale Agent wanted in every Town .
THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Journal , published on the 1 * 5 th of every month , by H . G . REYNOLDS , Jun ., Springfield , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen friges large quarto . Circulation 20 , 000 monthly . Terms to be obtained , and Subscriptions received , at TJJH FHEH - MASON Office , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and forwarded free of charge .
THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE . Conducted by SHIRLEY HIBBERD , Esq ., F . R . H . S . TWOI-BNC ** Weekly ; and in Monthly Parts , Tenpence . Superbly illustrated . London : —E . W . ALLEN II . Stationer-. ' Hall Court
GALVANISM .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthl ) RECORD of CURES is now ready for thc benefit of sufferers containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by PULVERMACHER ' S IMPROVED PATENT SELF- APPLICABLE VOLTAELECTRIC CHAIN BANDS and POCKET B ATTERIES , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee , J . L . PULVERMACHER , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter fothose suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Function ; . Disorders , & . C ., & c .
Obituary .
BRO . MAJOR MYERS . Major Myers , who recently died in Schenectady , N . Y ., U . S . A ., was born on the ist of May , 1776 * was educated in New York city , and resided for several years at Richmond in Virginia . There he served in a military company ,
under Col . ( afterwards Chief Justice ) Marshall . He soon returned to New York , engaged in business there , and served in an artillery company . He was afterwards commissioned as a captain of infantry , and for two years studied
military tactics assiduously under Monsieur de la Croix , who was a military authority at that period , especially in the sword exercise . When war was threatened he was active in raising volunteer companies , and in March , 1812 , he
was commissionedacaptain 111 the 13 th Infantry , and with his regiment joined General Wilkinson ' s army in the invasion of Canada . During the boisterous weather which assailed General Wilkinson ' s expedition from Sackett ' s Harbour
in October , 1813 , Captain Myers was very active in saving lives arid property . At the battle of Chrysler ' s Field a bullet passed through Captain Myer ' s arm near the shoulder while at the head of his men in assailing the British behind a
stone wall . The desperateness of the encounter may be conceived when the fact is stated that of eighty-nine men he lost twenty-three . Being in command of the boat-guard of the expedition , he did not join the attack until the fortune of
the day seemed to be in jeopardy . A portion of his epaulette being driven into the wound rendered his recovery tedious and uncertain , and crippled his arm for life . During the war he performed laborious and gallant services
under several commanders in the . Northern Department , and in 1815 the disability produced by his wound caused him to be disbanded and placed on the pension roll for the half-pay of a captain . Thus ended his military career . He
was the oldest as well as the last surviving officer of the old 13 th Regiment , of which the late Major-General Wool was senior captain . Major Myers represented New York city in the Legislature of the State for six years , and
served two terms as Mayor of Schenectady ; and was a candidate for congress when eighty-four years of age . He was present at the inauguration of Washington as President by Chancellor Livingston , and retained a vivid recollection of
that event . He was probably one of the oldest Masons in the country , having been a member of the Fraternity for nearly seventy-five years .
He took a high rank among the Fraternity , having been Grand Master and Grand High Priest , respectively , of thc Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of New York State .
The Schenectady Times , to whom we are indebted for most of these facts , says : " Major Myers was in many respects a remarkable man . He was possessed of a clear mind , strong will , and the fact that , with all the hardships incident to the life ofa soldier in the war of 1812 , he
lived to be nearly ninety-six years of age , is proof that he possessed a strong and robust constitution . His physical appearance was striking . No stranger ever met or passed him in the street without being struck with his appearance , being
of large proportions , and having a remarkably clear and keen black eye that gave evidence of the strong intellectual power of the man . As Mayor of the city he added dignity to the office ,
and brought all the power of his strong common sense and an indomitable will to bear against wrong and in favour of right and justice . " —New York Army Journal .