Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—?—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . St . George ' s Lodge , No . 140 . — This old-established lodge held its last meeting of the session at the Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich , on the 19 th ult , when the W . M ., Bro . Johnson , assisted by his officers , passed two brethren
to the second degree . The committee appointed to make arrangements for the summer festival reported that it would be held at Seven Oaks on the 24 th of June . After labour the usual good banquet followed , several distinguished brethren being present as visitors .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —The last regular meeting of the season of thc above lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , 25 th ult . Present : Bros . Joseph Speed , W . M . ; C . C . Taylor , S . W . ; Green , J . W . ; Hill , I . P . M . ; W . Carter , P . M . and Treasurer ; T . Anslow , P . M . and Sec . ; N . Gluckstein , A . E . Harris , and E . Gottheil , P . M . ' s ; Themans , S . D . ; M . Davis , as
J . D . ; J . Kennett , I . G . ; and a moderate attendance of brethren . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and continued , the business of the evening was proceeded with , which comprised the raising of Brother Parker to the third degree , and the passing of Brothers Downey and Levy lo the second . The ballot was then
taken , for Messrs . Ellis Berg , Arthur Dixon Housman ; and Henry llyman , which proved in their favour , and they being present were duly admitted into thc Order . The following visitors honoured the lodge with their presence : Bros . 11 . H . Swallow ( 3 S 2 ) , Chas . Haywood ( 186 ) , W . N . Cobham ( P . M . 342 ) , and S . S . P . Blight ( P . M . 39 ) .
Lodge of Asaph , A o . 1319 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., in the Moira Room , Freemasons' Hall . Present : Bros . E . S . Jones , W . M . Chas . Coote , P . M ., S . W . ; J . M . Chamberlm , P . M ., J . W .-James Weaver , P . M ., P . G . O . Middlesex , S . D . ; Edward Frewin , J . D . ; Chas . Coote , jun ., Treas . ; W . A . Tinney , D . C ; II . Snyders , II . J . Tinney , J . Strachan , J . T .
Carrodus , J . Baker , Edward Terry , H . Snelling . W . T . Maby , L . Sifberberg , J . Egerton , and J . Boatwright . Visitor : Bro . J . C . Pritchard , 862 . The business consisted in a successful ballot for Messrs . G . Compton , J . Horton , and Charles Wright for initiation , and Bro . Edward Swanborough for joining . Messrs . Horton and Wright were initiated , Bro . Silberberg was passed , Bros . Carrodus and
Straclian were raised , and Mr . F . Colmar , Prof , of Music , was proposed for initiation . The ceremonies were performed in the usual impressive manner observed in this young lodge , and the candidates were a credit to their instructors for the able manner in which they went through their examinations without being prompted . The lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . — I ^ dge of Lights , Mo . 14 S . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , April the 24 th . The W . M ., Bro . W . Richardson , was supported by Bros . Jas . Jackson , S . W . ; W . Sharp , J . W . ; John Harding , S . D . ; Jos . Cassidy , J . D . ; John Bowes , P . M .. P . P . G . Reg . ; Horatio Syred ,
T . S . Patten , Thos . Jones , Peter Jones , fohn Wild Thorp , John II . Gornall , D . W . Finney , Edward Howorth , Rev . J . N . Porter , W . Mossop , Jos . Bancroft , Robert Richardson , Thos . Morris , W . Woods , Jabez G . Hughes , and James I lannah , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . George Jubb ( 261 ) , II . Walmislcy ( 317 ) , P . J . Edclsten ( 1250 ) . The
lodge was opened in solemn form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and declared to be duly recorded . Mr . Edward Howorth was duly initiated by Bro . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; Bro . John Wild Thorp was passed by Bro . Bowes ; and Bro . John S . Patten was raised by the W . M . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for initiation , after whicli ( he lodge was duly closed .
TORQUAY . — . ft . John ' s Lodge , No . 328 . —A very interesting meeting of tins lod ge was held on the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened by thc W . M ., Bro . Thos . Oliver , who was supported by Bios . D . Watson , S . W . ; J . Paul , J . W . ; K . Bowden , P . M ., Chaplain ; Thos . Perry , Treas . ; J . Chapman , Hon . Sec . ; G . Glanfield , I . P . M . ; J . Greenfield , C . J . Harland , II . J . Ward , and W . A . Goss , P . M . ' s :
Dr . II . Hopkins , P . Z . 5 S 7 and 710 . Thc first business , after thc minutes of past meeting had been confirmed , was to raise Bro . C . A . Baizcnt , to the third degree , which ceremony was very eflectively worked by Bro . Glanfield , I . P . M ., at the special request ofthe W . M ., owing to Bro . Glanfield being about to leave Torquay for Colchester ; and this being in all probability the last opportunity the
brethren would have of seeing the efficient working of their respected I . P . M ., it was more than ordinarily interesting . A very able lecture on the thc third degree was then given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . Bro . J . Smith Ayerst , AID ., of Lodge Sincerity , Xo . 1 S 9 , was then elected as a joining member . The lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren , about thirty in number , in addition to six or
seven visitors , then sat down to an ample repast , provided specially on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . G . Glanfield on thc eve of his going to reside in Colchester . Tlie banquet was of a recherche character , Bro . W . IIeanlcr providing the wines . After thc usual loyal toasts had been disposed of , liro . the Rev . R .
Bowden presented the testimonial , which consisted of a Life Governorship in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and also a beautifully illuminated address , executed by Bros . Harland and Chapman , displaying upon the border the various stages which Jlr . Glanfield had taken in arriving at his present exalted position in Masonry . The following is a copy of the address : —
"St . John ' s Lodge , 328 , Torquay . " To George Glanfield , Esq ., P . M . 328 , Z . SunJChap . 106 P . S . Pleiades Chap . 710 , J . W . Mark 710 , P . P . M . Q
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Prov . G . Mark Devon , P . P . G . S . D . Devon , and . S . PRose Croix . "Dear Sir and Brother , — "We , the brethren of the lodge in which you were initiated and of which you have been on three occasions W . M ., cannot allow the pleasing associations of so many years to be broken without some memento on our part which may serve to recall to your mind
the fraternal love and regard we feel towards you . In deciding upon a form of testimonial to express in some slight degree our appreciation of your long and valued services to Masonry in this town , we are led to believe that a Life Governorship in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be more compatible with your wishes and feelings than any testimonial of mere intrinsic value * , and in asking
you to accept this our parting token of regard , we feel we shall be promoting the great Masonic principles you have practised and inculcated—Benevolence and Charity . May the G . A . O . T . TJ . guide , guard and direct you , and give you long life and happiness , and finally raise you to the Grand Lodge above . ( Signed ) THOS . OLIVER , W . M . J . PAUL , J . W .
D . WATSON , S . W . T . PERRY , Treas . J . CHAPMAN , 18 ° , Hon . Sec . "Torquay , May 1 st , 1871 . " The short notice which had been given the brethren to prepare the work proved the high esteem in whicli Bro . Glanfield is held by the lodge when it is known that only a few days sufficed for the brethren to make the design , and
complete the arrangements for privately contributing to and executing the work . The expression of kindly regard was very appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Glanfield , who fully sympathised with the idea of placing the substantial part of their efforts in one of the best and most worthy of the Masonic charities ; while the unique and beautiful picture which surrounded the address , would ever
remind him of the various steps up that ladder which had placed him in such an honourable position in Freemasonry , The usual Masonic toasts having been responded to , Bro . Glanfield retired , waving his adieus to the brethren , who will feel his absence very much , owing to the zealous and perfect character of his labours . DURHAM . —Fawcett Lodge , No . 661 . —On Friday , the
14 th ult , a special lodge was held at the Lord Seaham Inn , Seaham Harbour , for the purpose of installing Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Vane as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . SirH . Williamson , Bart , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., having presented the W . M .-elect for the benefit of installation , that ceremony was very effectively performed by Bro . J . Fawcett , Prov . G . M . Bro . Earl Vane then appointed
and invested the following officers : —Bros . H . B . Wright , I . P . M . ; W . Forster , S . W . ; Joseph Armstrong , J . W . j J . Richardson , P . M . Treas . ; E . Sellintine , Sec . ; J . Pattison , S . D . ; J . B . Wells , J . D . ; and T . Gibbon , P . M ., I . G . The brethren afterwards dined together , the newlyinstalled W . M . occupying the chair , supported by Bros .
J . Fawcett , P . G . M . ; SirH . Williamson , D . P . G . M . ; "VV II . Crookes , P . G . S . ; W . Skelton , W . M . 97 ; J . Monkhouse , W . M . 124 ; M . Allison , P . M . 97 ; W . C Blackett , P . M . 224 ; and II . B Wright , P . M . 661 . The lodges of the province were largely represented . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the noble chairman , and were duly respectively to .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st May , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . In the absence of Bro . Dr . Mercer , the W . M ., the chair was occupied by W . Bro . Hall , L . R . C . P ., the Immediate Past Master , who was supported as follows : —Bros , Dr . Moore , Grand Sword-Bearer , as I . P . M . ; W . Hall , S . W .
2 S 1 , as S . W ., Wilson Barker , J . W . and Treasurer ; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; J . Harrison as J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; J . Watson , Tyler ; Edmund Simpson and John Hatch , P . M . ' s , 2 S 1 ; G . C . Barker , F . C ; John Harger , E . A . P . The lodge was opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted . Bro . G . C . Barker having been examined as to his proficiency with satisfactory result , was
raised to the degree of M M . in an impressive manner by the Acting W . M ., Bro . Hall . The degree of F . C . was afterwards conferred upon Bro . Harger by Bro . John Hatch , P . M . 2 S 1 . Bro . Moore reported that , on the 26 th April , he had , for the sixth time , represented thc Rowley Lodge in the Grand Lodge of England , on which occasion it had pleased the Grand Master to confer upon him the
office of Grand Sword-Bearer . The W . M . proposed that the hearty congratulations of the lodge should be given to Bro . Moore on his appointment , which was carried by acclamation , the brethren saluting that energetic brother in due form as an officer of the Grand Lodge . Bro . Moore briefly responded , and , after the usual proclamation , the lodge was closed .
. SHKERNKSS . —De Shurlaiid lodge , No . 1089 . — -Thc regular meeting of this progressing lodge was held at the Fountain Hotel , Sheernesa , on the 18 th ult ., Bro . Maurice West , W . M ., presiding . There were also present , Bros . Pannell , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Shrubsole , P . M ., Treas . ; Layland , P . M ., Sec . ; Nixon , S . D . pro tem . ; Ingleton , J . D . ; Archer , I . G . ; Parish , Steward ; J . R . McDonald ,
I . P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; Capt . Shepherd , P . M . ; Jones , P . M . ; Willis , Capt . II . Cotton , ami many other brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form and the minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed , Bros . Fleming , P . M ., and Mole were elected as joining members , Bros . Horton and Bergrie were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Pannell , S . W ., and Shrubsole , P . M ., were chosen to fill thc offices of W . M . and Treas . respectively for the
ensuing year . The lodge was closed in harmony , and tbe brethren adjourned for refreshment The usual loyal toasts were proposed by the W . M . and heartily honoured . Bro . McDonald responded in his usual kindly manner for the Prov . Grand Officers . Thc gavel having then been intrusted to Bro . McDonald , he rose to propose the health of the present W . M ., under whose reign the lodge had so happily prospered , and who had evinced so lively a desire to cement the groundwork of pret-jaasonry ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
viz ., brotherly love . —The W . M . having ably responded * resumed the gavel , and proposed the health of the W . M .-elect , expressing his pleasure at the choice of the brethren , as he felt sure the prosperity of the lodge would not diminish under his hands . —Br . Pannell , in returning thanks , expressed his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him , and trusted that at the termination of his year of
office they would accord to him the same degree of approbation they had just shown towards their presiding W . M . —The W . M . then rose and said he had now toast to propose which would be drank with willingness by every one present ; that was the health of two brethren who , he regretted to say , were about to leave the lodge and the town , viz ., Bros . Willis and Archer . He knew he but
expressed the feelings of all when he said they regretted those brothers leaving , and that they would carry with them the good wishes of every member of the lodge . He had specially to thank Bro . Archer , who had so ably assisted him as one of his officers during the past year . ( The toast was warmly received . )—Bro . Willis offered to the brethren his best thanks . He parted from them with
feelings of deep emotion ; he had received the utmost kindness since his arrival in the town , where his profession as a solicitor needed so greatly the goodwill of all . He had met with so much good Masonic feeling of brotherly love , that it made the parting from them more difficult . He should wish it to go forth—not to Masons only , but to the whole town , friends and neighbours—that he parted
from them with regret , and that he should for ever remember the kindness shown him . —Bro . Archer then in a most pleasing manner returned thanks for thc great mark of respect shown to him . He regarded it as another great favour conferred upon him . He had deemed it one of the highest honours ever to have been admitted into the noble brotherhood of Freemasonry , and he felt that having been
elected by the De Shurlanders and becoming a member of their lodge had added brightness to that honour ; and , again , having been advanced to office so soon , made him proud of the kind favour shown towards him , and he had tried hard to make himself acquainted with the duties of his office , so that he might add his little part towards making the lodge work correctly and harmoniously , and if
he had succeeded in earning the approbation ofthe W . M , to whom he was so much indebted , and to please his brethren , he felt himself repaid a hundred times for any little trouble he might have been at . He regretted that the opportunity for drinting his health as a parting brother should so soon have arisen . He should carry with him to his latest moments the remembrance of the many happy hours he
had spent amongst them , and would endeavour at some future time to pay them a visit , when he hoped he should meet the same happy smiling faces he now saw around him . —During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by the excellent songs of Bros . Parish , McDonald , Nixon , Archer and Dutnall . The brethren separated after having spent a most happy evening .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter 0 / Fortitude , No . 279 . —A regular bi-monthly meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 27 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . L . A . Clarke , the Prov . G . Supt , Comp . Kelly , P . Z ., presided , and there were also present Comps . Toller , J . and IT .-elect ; the Rev .
Charles J . E . Smith ( Rugby ) , J .-elect : Partridge , N ., as P . S . * , Ca-ptain Bankart , P . Z . ; Weare , P . Z . ; J . Wright , Smith , Baines , Sculthorpe , Bryan , and Bembridge , Janitor . Visitors : Comps . E . I . Orford , M . E . Z .-elect , and J . J . Fast , 'J .. elect , of No . 1130 , Melton ; and Thomas White , of No . 376 . Apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of three out of the five candidates for exaltation .
The first business was to instal the Principals of this and the De Mowbray chapter , and a conclave of Installed Principals having been opened , this was done in due form by the P . G . Supt . assisted by Comps . Bankart and Weare , P . Z . ' s , as follows : —E . I . Orford as M . E . Z ., Toller as II ., and Rev . Charles J . E . Smith and J . J . Fast as J . On the other companions being admitted , Bros , the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers , W . M . 279 and P . G . J . W ., and R . A .
Barber , 279 , were regularly installed as Companions of the Order . On the conclusion of the ceremony , as some ofthe companions had to leave by early trains , a brief abstract only of the historical lecture was given , after which Comp . Toller gave the symbolical and Comp . Kelly the mystical lectures . Two additional candidates having been proposed , the chapter was closed in solemn form and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . — Chapter of Liverpool , No . 292 . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on the evening of Monday , the 3 rd of April . Officers present : Comps . J . Mercer Johnson , M . D-, M . E . Z . ; K . Wylie , P . Z ., H . ; R . S . Williams , J . ; Thomas Wylie , P . Z . and Treas . ; Laidaw . P . Z . ; Hamer , P . Z . ; Ilustwick , S . E . ; Hughes , as S . N . ;
and Pelham , P . S . Visitors : Comps . A . Fletcher , Z . Montreal Chapter , Montreal ; Thomas Nicholson , 241 * , Pembcrton , J . 1094 . After the opening of the chapter , the Companions were admitted , and the S . E . read the minutes of the last meeting , which were duly confirmed . Comp . Hamer then took the 1 st chair , ami proceeded to install the Principals in accordance with previous election ,
Comps . Johnson , Z . ( re-elected ) ; Williams , II . ; anil Pelham , J . On the re-admission of the Companions , the 1 st Principal invested his officers as follows , a . suitable address being delivered to each by Comp . Thos . Wvlie Elliott , S . E . ; Hughes , S . N . ; Ilustwick , P . S . : ball ,
Janitor . Pursuant to notice , thc late S . L . brought forward a motion to change the night of meeting from first Monday to fourth Thursday in January , March , May , July , September and November , this step being rendered necessary on account of the great inconvenience felt by many of the Companions , who areprofessional men , in having to attend
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
—?—THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . St . George ' s Lodge , No . 140 . — This old-established lodge held its last meeting of the session at the Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich , on the 19 th ult , when the W . M ., Bro . Johnson , assisted by his officers , passed two brethren
to the second degree . The committee appointed to make arrangements for the summer festival reported that it would be held at Seven Oaks on the 24 th of June . After labour the usual good banquet followed , several distinguished brethren being present as visitors .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —The last regular meeting of the season of thc above lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , 25 th ult . Present : Bros . Joseph Speed , W . M . ; C . C . Taylor , S . W . ; Green , J . W . ; Hill , I . P . M . ; W . Carter , P . M . and Treasurer ; T . Anslow , P . M . and Sec . ; N . Gluckstein , A . E . Harris , and E . Gottheil , P . M . ' s ; Themans , S . D . ; M . Davis , as
J . D . ; J . Kennett , I . G . ; and a moderate attendance of brethren . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and continued , the business of the evening was proceeded with , which comprised the raising of Brother Parker to the third degree , and the passing of Brothers Downey and Levy lo the second . The ballot was then
taken , for Messrs . Ellis Berg , Arthur Dixon Housman ; and Henry llyman , which proved in their favour , and they being present were duly admitted into thc Order . The following visitors honoured the lodge with their presence : Bros . 11 . H . Swallow ( 3 S 2 ) , Chas . Haywood ( 186 ) , W . N . Cobham ( P . M . 342 ) , and S . S . P . Blight ( P . M . 39 ) .
Lodge of Asaph , A o . 1319 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., in the Moira Room , Freemasons' Hall . Present : Bros . E . S . Jones , W . M . Chas . Coote , P . M ., S . W . ; J . M . Chamberlm , P . M ., J . W .-James Weaver , P . M ., P . G . O . Middlesex , S . D . ; Edward Frewin , J . D . ; Chas . Coote , jun ., Treas . ; W . A . Tinney , D . C ; II . Snyders , II . J . Tinney , J . Strachan , J . T .
Carrodus , J . Baker , Edward Terry , H . Snelling . W . T . Maby , L . Sifberberg , J . Egerton , and J . Boatwright . Visitor : Bro . J . C . Pritchard , 862 . The business consisted in a successful ballot for Messrs . G . Compton , J . Horton , and Charles Wright for initiation , and Bro . Edward Swanborough for joining . Messrs . Horton and Wright were initiated , Bro . Silberberg was passed , Bros . Carrodus and
Straclian were raised , and Mr . F . Colmar , Prof , of Music , was proposed for initiation . The ceremonies were performed in the usual impressive manner observed in this young lodge , and the candidates were a credit to their instructors for the able manner in which they went through their examinations without being prompted . The lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . — I ^ dge of Lights , Mo . 14 S . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday , April the 24 th . The W . M ., Bro . W . Richardson , was supported by Bros . Jas . Jackson , S . W . ; W . Sharp , J . W . ; John Harding , S . D . ; Jos . Cassidy , J . D . ; John Bowes , P . M .. P . P . G . Reg . ; Horatio Syred ,
T . S . Patten , Thos . Jones , Peter Jones , fohn Wild Thorp , John II . Gornall , D . W . Finney , Edward Howorth , Rev . J . N . Porter , W . Mossop , Jos . Bancroft , Robert Richardson , Thos . Morris , W . Woods , Jabez G . Hughes , and James I lannah , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . George Jubb ( 261 ) , II . Walmislcy ( 317 ) , P . J . Edclsten ( 1250 ) . The
lodge was opened in solemn form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and declared to be duly recorded . Mr . Edward Howorth was duly initiated by Bro . Mossop , W . M . 1250 ; Bro . John Wild Thorp was passed by Bro . Bowes ; and Bro . John S . Patten was raised by the W . M . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for initiation , after whicli ( he lodge was duly closed .
TORQUAY . — . ft . John ' s Lodge , No . 328 . —A very interesting meeting of tins lod ge was held on the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened by thc W . M ., Bro . Thos . Oliver , who was supported by Bios . D . Watson , S . W . ; J . Paul , J . W . ; K . Bowden , P . M ., Chaplain ; Thos . Perry , Treas . ; J . Chapman , Hon . Sec . ; G . Glanfield , I . P . M . ; J . Greenfield , C . J . Harland , II . J . Ward , and W . A . Goss , P . M . ' s :
Dr . II . Hopkins , P . Z . 5 S 7 and 710 . Thc first business , after thc minutes of past meeting had been confirmed , was to raise Bro . C . A . Baizcnt , to the third degree , which ceremony was very eflectively worked by Bro . Glanfield , I . P . M ., at the special request ofthe W . M ., owing to Bro . Glanfield being about to leave Torquay for Colchester ; and this being in all probability the last opportunity the
brethren would have of seeing the efficient working of their respected I . P . M ., it was more than ordinarily interesting . A very able lecture on the thc third degree was then given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . Bro . J . Smith Ayerst , AID ., of Lodge Sincerity , Xo . 1 S 9 , was then elected as a joining member . The lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren , about thirty in number , in addition to six or
seven visitors , then sat down to an ample repast , provided specially on the occasion of the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . G . Glanfield on thc eve of his going to reside in Colchester . Tlie banquet was of a recherche character , Bro . W . IIeanlcr providing the wines . After thc usual loyal toasts had been disposed of , liro . the Rev . R .
Bowden presented the testimonial , which consisted of a Life Governorship in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and also a beautifully illuminated address , executed by Bros . Harland and Chapman , displaying upon the border the various stages which Jlr . Glanfield had taken in arriving at his present exalted position in Masonry . The following is a copy of the address : —
"St . John ' s Lodge , 328 , Torquay . " To George Glanfield , Esq ., P . M . 328 , Z . SunJChap . 106 P . S . Pleiades Chap . 710 , J . W . Mark 710 , P . P . M . Q
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Prov . G . Mark Devon , P . P . G . S . D . Devon , and . S . PRose Croix . "Dear Sir and Brother , — "We , the brethren of the lodge in which you were initiated and of which you have been on three occasions W . M ., cannot allow the pleasing associations of so many years to be broken without some memento on our part which may serve to recall to your mind
the fraternal love and regard we feel towards you . In deciding upon a form of testimonial to express in some slight degree our appreciation of your long and valued services to Masonry in this town , we are led to believe that a Life Governorship in the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be more compatible with your wishes and feelings than any testimonial of mere intrinsic value * , and in asking
you to accept this our parting token of regard , we feel we shall be promoting the great Masonic principles you have practised and inculcated—Benevolence and Charity . May the G . A . O . T . TJ . guide , guard and direct you , and give you long life and happiness , and finally raise you to the Grand Lodge above . ( Signed ) THOS . OLIVER , W . M . J . PAUL , J . W .
D . WATSON , S . W . T . PERRY , Treas . J . CHAPMAN , 18 ° , Hon . Sec . "Torquay , May 1 st , 1871 . " The short notice which had been given the brethren to prepare the work proved the high esteem in whicli Bro . Glanfield is held by the lodge when it is known that only a few days sufficed for the brethren to make the design , and
complete the arrangements for privately contributing to and executing the work . The expression of kindly regard was very appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Glanfield , who fully sympathised with the idea of placing the substantial part of their efforts in one of the best and most worthy of the Masonic charities ; while the unique and beautiful picture which surrounded the address , would ever
remind him of the various steps up that ladder which had placed him in such an honourable position in Freemasonry , The usual Masonic toasts having been responded to , Bro . Glanfield retired , waving his adieus to the brethren , who will feel his absence very much , owing to the zealous and perfect character of his labours . DURHAM . —Fawcett Lodge , No . 661 . —On Friday , the
14 th ult , a special lodge was held at the Lord Seaham Inn , Seaham Harbour , for the purpose of installing Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Vane as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . SirH . Williamson , Bart , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., having presented the W . M .-elect for the benefit of installation , that ceremony was very effectively performed by Bro . J . Fawcett , Prov . G . M . Bro . Earl Vane then appointed
and invested the following officers : —Bros . H . B . Wright , I . P . M . ; W . Forster , S . W . ; Joseph Armstrong , J . W . j J . Richardson , P . M . Treas . ; E . Sellintine , Sec . ; J . Pattison , S . D . ; J . B . Wells , J . D . ; and T . Gibbon , P . M ., I . G . The brethren afterwards dined together , the newlyinstalled W . M . occupying the chair , supported by Bros .
J . Fawcett , P . G . M . ; SirH . Williamson , D . P . G . M . ; "VV II . Crookes , P . G . S . ; W . Skelton , W . M . 97 ; J . Monkhouse , W . M . 124 ; M . Allison , P . M . 97 ; W . C Blackett , P . M . 224 ; and II . B Wright , P . M . 661 . The lodges of the province were largely represented . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the noble chairman , and were duly respectively to .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st May , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . In the absence of Bro . Dr . Mercer , the W . M ., the chair was occupied by W . Bro . Hall , L . R . C . P ., the Immediate Past Master , who was supported as follows : —Bros , Dr . Moore , Grand Sword-Bearer , as I . P . M . ; W . Hall , S . W .
2 S 1 , as S . W ., Wilson Barker , J . W . and Treasurer ; W . J . Sly , S . D . ; J . Harrison as J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; J . Watson , Tyler ; Edmund Simpson and John Hatch , P . M . ' s , 2 S 1 ; G . C . Barker , F . C ; John Harger , E . A . P . The lodge was opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted . Bro . G . C . Barker having been examined as to his proficiency with satisfactory result , was
raised to the degree of M M . in an impressive manner by the Acting W . M ., Bro . Hall . The degree of F . C . was afterwards conferred upon Bro . Harger by Bro . John Hatch , P . M . 2 S 1 . Bro . Moore reported that , on the 26 th April , he had , for the sixth time , represented thc Rowley Lodge in the Grand Lodge of England , on which occasion it had pleased the Grand Master to confer upon him the
office of Grand Sword-Bearer . The W . M . proposed that the hearty congratulations of the lodge should be given to Bro . Moore on his appointment , which was carried by acclamation , the brethren saluting that energetic brother in due form as an officer of the Grand Lodge . Bro . Moore briefly responded , and , after the usual proclamation , the lodge was closed .
. SHKERNKSS . —De Shurlaiid lodge , No . 1089 . — -Thc regular meeting of this progressing lodge was held at the Fountain Hotel , Sheernesa , on the 18 th ult ., Bro . Maurice West , W . M ., presiding . There were also present , Bros . Pannell , S . W . ; Smith , J . W . ; Shrubsole , P . M ., Treas . ; Layland , P . M ., Sec . ; Nixon , S . D . pro tem . ; Ingleton , J . D . ; Archer , I . G . ; Parish , Steward ; J . R . McDonald ,
I . P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; Capt . Shepherd , P . M . ; Jones , P . M . ; Willis , Capt . II . Cotton , ami many other brethren . The lodge having been opened in due form and the minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed , Bros . Fleming , P . M ., and Mole were elected as joining members , Bros . Horton and Bergrie were passed to the second degree , and Bros . Pannell , S . W ., and Shrubsole , P . M ., were chosen to fill thc offices of W . M . and Treas . respectively for the
ensuing year . The lodge was closed in harmony , and tbe brethren adjourned for refreshment The usual loyal toasts were proposed by the W . M . and heartily honoured . Bro . McDonald responded in his usual kindly manner for the Prov . Grand Officers . Thc gavel having then been intrusted to Bro . McDonald , he rose to propose the health of the present W . M ., under whose reign the lodge had so happily prospered , and who had evinced so lively a desire to cement the groundwork of pret-jaasonry ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
viz ., brotherly love . —The W . M . having ably responded * resumed the gavel , and proposed the health of the W . M .-elect , expressing his pleasure at the choice of the brethren , as he felt sure the prosperity of the lodge would not diminish under his hands . —Br . Pannell , in returning thanks , expressed his appreciation of the honour conferred upon him , and trusted that at the termination of his year of
office they would accord to him the same degree of approbation they had just shown towards their presiding W . M . —The W . M . then rose and said he had now toast to propose which would be drank with willingness by every one present ; that was the health of two brethren who , he regretted to say , were about to leave the lodge and the town , viz ., Bros . Willis and Archer . He knew he but
expressed the feelings of all when he said they regretted those brothers leaving , and that they would carry with them the good wishes of every member of the lodge . He had specially to thank Bro . Archer , who had so ably assisted him as one of his officers during the past year . ( The toast was warmly received . )—Bro . Willis offered to the brethren his best thanks . He parted from them with
feelings of deep emotion ; he had received the utmost kindness since his arrival in the town , where his profession as a solicitor needed so greatly the goodwill of all . He had met with so much good Masonic feeling of brotherly love , that it made the parting from them more difficult . He should wish it to go forth—not to Masons only , but to the whole town , friends and neighbours—that he parted
from them with regret , and that he should for ever remember the kindness shown him . —Bro . Archer then in a most pleasing manner returned thanks for thc great mark of respect shown to him . He regarded it as another great favour conferred upon him . He had deemed it one of the highest honours ever to have been admitted into the noble brotherhood of Freemasonry , and he felt that having been
elected by the De Shurlanders and becoming a member of their lodge had added brightness to that honour ; and , again , having been advanced to office so soon , made him proud of the kind favour shown towards him , and he had tried hard to make himself acquainted with the duties of his office , so that he might add his little part towards making the lodge work correctly and harmoniously , and if
he had succeeded in earning the approbation ofthe W . M , to whom he was so much indebted , and to please his brethren , he felt himself repaid a hundred times for any little trouble he might have been at . He regretted that the opportunity for drinting his health as a parting brother should so soon have arisen . He should carry with him to his latest moments the remembrance of the many happy hours he
had spent amongst them , and would endeavour at some future time to pay them a visit , when he hoped he should meet the same happy smiling faces he now saw around him . —During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by the excellent songs of Bros . Parish , McDonald , Nixon , Archer and Dutnall . The brethren separated after having spent a most happy evening .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter 0 / Fortitude , No . 279 . —A regular bi-monthly meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Thursday , the 27 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . L . A . Clarke , the Prov . G . Supt , Comp . Kelly , P . Z ., presided , and there were also present Comps . Toller , J . and IT .-elect ; the Rev .
Charles J . E . Smith ( Rugby ) , J .-elect : Partridge , N ., as P . S . * , Ca-ptain Bankart , P . Z . ; Weare , P . Z . ; J . Wright , Smith , Baines , Sculthorpe , Bryan , and Bembridge , Janitor . Visitors : Comps . E . I . Orford , M . E . Z .-elect , and J . J . Fast , 'J .. elect , of No . 1130 , Melton ; and Thomas White , of No . 376 . Apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of three out of the five candidates for exaltation .
The first business was to instal the Principals of this and the De Mowbray chapter , and a conclave of Installed Principals having been opened , this was done in due form by the P . G . Supt . assisted by Comps . Bankart and Weare , P . Z . ' s , as follows : —E . I . Orford as M . E . Z ., Toller as II ., and Rev . Charles J . E . Smith and J . J . Fast as J . On the other companions being admitted , Bros , the Right Hon . Earl Ferrers , W . M . 279 and P . G . J . W ., and R . A .
Barber , 279 , were regularly installed as Companions of the Order . On the conclusion of the ceremony , as some ofthe companions had to leave by early trains , a brief abstract only of the historical lecture was given , after which Comp . Toller gave the symbolical and Comp . Kelly the mystical lectures . Two additional candidates having been proposed , the chapter was closed in solemn form and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . — Chapter of Liverpool , No . 292 . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on the evening of Monday , the 3 rd of April . Officers present : Comps . J . Mercer Johnson , M . D-, M . E . Z . ; K . Wylie , P . Z ., H . ; R . S . Williams , J . ; Thomas Wylie , P . Z . and Treas . ; Laidaw . P . Z . ; Hamer , P . Z . ; Ilustwick , S . E . ; Hughes , as S . N . ;
and Pelham , P . S . Visitors : Comps . A . Fletcher , Z . Montreal Chapter , Montreal ; Thomas Nicholson , 241 * , Pembcrton , J . 1094 . After the opening of the chapter , the Companions were admitted , and the S . E . read the minutes of the last meeting , which were duly confirmed . Comp . Hamer then took the 1 st chair , ami proceeded to install the Principals in accordance with previous election ,
Comps . Johnson , Z . ( re-elected ) ; Williams , II . ; anil Pelham , J . On the re-admission of the Companions , the 1 st Principal invested his officers as follows , a . suitable address being delivered to each by Comp . Thos . Wvlie Elliott , S . E . ; Hughes , S . N . ; Ilustwick , P . S . : ball ,
Janitor . Pursuant to notice , thc late S . L . brought forward a motion to change the night of meeting from first Monday to fourth Thursday in January , March , May , July , September and November , this step being rendered necessary on account of the great inconvenience felt by many of the Companions , who areprofessional men , in having to attend