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Masonic And General Tidings
The regular meeting ' of ; the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will-be-held , at Freemasons' . Hall t 6-morrow' ( Saturday ) at . 4 p . m . The . Committee . of' ManjLgement of the Royal Masonic Benevolent . Institution , will hold their regular monthly meeting-at Freemasons ' . Hall on Wednesday next , the nth instant , at 4 p . m . ' .. .
Bro . Earl CoWper has started a scheme for the equipment of the Hertfordshire Volunteers similar to that whicli was ¦ started by . Bro . Alderman Sir James Whitehead for London with so much success . . . . At a largely-attended meeting of merchants , engineers , and others , held at Frankfort-on-Afain , on Saturday last , it vvas ^ resolved , to hold- ' an International Electro-Technical Exhibiton from June to October , next year .
It has been arranged that a ball shall be held at York , on the 2 nd Jan ' uary ' ' next , in aid of the funds of the County Hospital . All the leading families in the county will give it their support , and several fancy quadrilles will be danced . Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise , accompanied by the Marquis of Lome , opened the Central Public Library , High-street , Kensington , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., many local personages of influence being present .
The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh concluded their visit to the Queen at Windsor , on the 29 th ult ., and then went on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham , after which it vvas their intention to visit Bro . Tyssen Amherst , ALP ., at Diddington Hall , Norfolk .
Bros . Lord Mayor Isaacs , Alderman and Sheriff Knill , Sheriff Harris , James Glaisher , Sir Morell Mackenzie , and Sir J . B . Alonckton vvere among the aruests at the dinner given by the Worshipful Company of Playing Card Makers in Stationers' Hall , on Saturday evening last .
_ Sunday , the ist instant , vvas the 45 th anniversary of the birth of the Princess of Wales , and the celebration , therefore , vvas held on Monday , the chief feature being the entertainment given to the children at the schools at Sandringham , Wolferton , West Newton , and Derringham .
"Ithuriel , " of London ( Bro . W . E . Chapman , S . W . ) , vvas , on Tuesday , unanimously elected W . AL of the Savage Club Lodge for the year ensuing . Among those raised to the Degree of AI . AL at the same time were Bros . W . Hughes , Dalgety Henderson , and Bennet Burleigh .
It is announced that Bro . Lord Brooke , ALP ., P . G . Al . Essex , and Lady Brooke intend spending the winter months at Beaulteu , on the Riviera . Her ladyship's last act before leaving Easton Lodge vvas to ? ive a cheque for 1100 to Mr . Curzon , of Colchester , for distribution among the poor of the town , irrespective of creed and politics .
Probate of the will of the late Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., formerly ALP . for Cricklade , and Prov . G . AIaster of Berks and Bucks , has been granted to his son , Sir H . D . Gooch , Bart ., and Air . T . AL Merriman , solicitor , the acting executors , power being reserved to grant probate to Mr ! N . F . Gooch , brother , and Air . G . Fulthorpe Gooch , son . The personalty has been sworn at £ 653 , 492 is . id .
Bro . Captain Murrell , who rescued the passengers and crew of the steamer Danmark , is unable to take the command of his vessel , the Missouri , on her voyage from Philadelphia to Baltimore . A Renter ' s telegram from New York says that he strained his eyes on the voyage across the Atlantic . 'The sight of one eye is obscured and that of the other threatened .
Bro . Arthur Charles Fowler , P . AI . 11 S 5 , Professor of Music , announces an evening concert to he held at the Holborn Town Hall , on Tuesday next . A very attractive programme of vocal and instrumental music , as well as recitations , has been provided , and the concert is under the patronage of H . R . H . Princess Christian and Earl and Countess G-mpton .
The Alhambra A'lanagement announces a special matinee for Saturday , the 14 th inst ., when the grand naval and military spectacle , "Our Army and Navy , " will be presented , and on which occasion Herr Sandow and Professor Attila will perform their marvellous athletic feats ; in addition to Mr . James Fawn , Air . Harry Randall , Air . Walter Alunroe , Aliss Alarie Coleridge , Alarie Lloyd , Rezene and Rohini , Mr . Walter Stanton and Mdlle . 'Tina , the Brothers Wilson , and various other artistes .
Bro . Edward Terry is beginning to feel the strain on his system consequent of the work entailed by the unprecedented run of " Sweet Lavender , " and , notwithstanding its great success , it will probably have to be withdrawn early in the ensuing year , to enable the eminent comedian to take a few weeks necessary rest . It is not yet decided what attraction will be put on at this pretty little theatre during the proprietor ' s temporary absence , though several offers from popular attractions are beinsr considered .
As an illustration of how time flies , at the seventh annual dinner , held at the Cafe Royal the other evening , Hm . John Maclean proposed the toast ' of ¦ ' The Logic Club " ; in reply , Bro . J . P . Fitzgerald ( Hon . Sec ) said the members had held 36 meetings during the year , and that the amount of time devoted at those meetings to the rehearsal of Alasonic
ritual vvould be equal to a week ' s work- of ten hours per day . The aggregate number of attendances at the 36 meetings was S 75 . In Charity the Club vvas not behindin January next it will have completed 1035 guineas to the Ma'onic Charities . Bro . James Fernandez , ' in reply to the toast of "The Visitors , " congratulated thc members upon the good and useful work they vvere doing .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that "evil is wrought by want of thought , as well as want of heart . " . If all consumers vvould purchase Bryant and A'lay ' s Matches ,: that firm vvould be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
CAPE TOWN , DEC . 3 . —The export of gold from the Cape during November amounted in value to £ 133 , 000 . —Renter . The _ Provincial Grand Chapter of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will be held at Southampton on the 3 rd of February .
Bro . Pritchard Morgan , M . P ., is recovering from his recent illness , and hopes are entertained that he will he able to leave his room in a few days . Bro . Sir Norman Pringle vvas yesterday ( Thursday ) installed as W . M . of the Moira Lodge , No . 92 , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street .
Bro . the Alarquisof Hartington , M . P ., vvas present and addressed a political meeting- in the Stephenson Memorial Hall , Chesterfield , on Saturday last . We regret to hear that the health of Rro . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., is causing great anxiety , and that he will be again compelled to spend the winter abroad .
The series of " Letters of Philip Dormer , Fourth Earl of Chesterfield , to his Godson and Successor , " edited by Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , will be issued next week . Over 200 officers and seamen have arrived at Alalta for the purpose of navigating Her Alajesty ' s Ship-Sultan , which struck on some rocks and vvas sunk several months ago , and bringing her home to England .
Bros . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Lord George Hamilton , and Sir AL E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., attended the Cabinet Council held at the Foreign Office , on Saturday last . At a meeting of Friendship Lodge , No . 202 , Devonport , Bro . George Bray , S . W ., vvas unanimously elected VV . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . H . Wetch , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C , re-elected as Treasurer ; and Bro . T . Sears as Tyler .
Saturday last being St . Andrew ' s Day , there were concerts , great and small , in all parts , in which the programmes included only Scotch music , the principal being those held at the St . James' and Royal Albert Halls , and the Crystal Palace . The Paris Temps states . that King Milan , who has returned to Paris , and was received on Monday by AL Spuller , Minister of Foivign Affairs , intends to reside in Paris as a private individual , without interfering in political events .
At Devizes , on the 27 th ult ., Bro . A . F . Brereton vvas duly installed W . AI . of the Wiltshire Keystone Lodge of Mark Alasons , Devizes . Recently Bro . Brereton vvas installed W . AL of tho Friendship and Unity Lodge , No . 1271 , Bradford-on-Avon , and thus enjoys the unusual distinction of being Master in a Craft lodge and in a Alark lodge during the same year of office .
At a meetingof St . Botolph s Lodge , No . 2020 , held atthe Albion 'Tavern , Aldersgate-street , Bro . G . M . Sayle vvas elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . Saillard , P . AL , vvas elected Treasurer in succession to Bro . H . Legg , who has resigned in consequence of ill-health . Bro . G . AI . Sayle vvas the first initiate of the lodge , and vve congratulate him on attaining the highest position in the lodge in a comparitively short time .
Sir Percy Shelley , Bart ., died on Thursday morning at his residence at Bascombe Alanor , Bournemouth . Sir Percy Florence Shelley , of Castle Goring , Co . Sussex , J . ., and D . L ., who vvas born in iSig , vvas the son of Percy Bysshe , the poet , by his second wife , Alary Wellstonecraft . He succeeded to the title on the death of his grandfather in 1 S 44 , and married in 1 S 4 S the widow of the Hon-Charles Robert St . John . The heir is Sir Percy ' s cousin , Captain Edward Shelley .
Those who desire a large and first-rate photograph of Aliss Julia Neilson , of thc Haymarket Theatre , will find it in the current number of " Alen and Women of the Day " ( Bentley ) . Aliss Neilson is young indeed to be included in this worshipful category , seeing that she is only now in her 2 ist year . She vvas born in London , her father being
Scotch and her mother English . Educated at first by the latter , she was afterwards taken to Germany , where she developed a taste for music Returning to London in 1 SS 3 , she entered as a student at the Royal Academy of Music , beginning as a pianist mainly , but by and by ( on the advice of Air . Randegger ) devoting herself wholly to singing .
I he 35 th annual meeting of the supporters of the Royal Hospital for Incurables vvas held at the Cannon-street Hotel on the 29 th ult ., Bro . J . D . Allcroft presiding . According to the report , the expenditure of the year had amounted to £ 25 , 705 , and the income had proved equal to the calls upon it . The rate of election had been maintained at 30 , or 60 in the year , being considerably beyond the death rate .
Ihe number of inmates vvas 213 , with 540 pensioners , or a total of 753 under the care of the institution . The Chairman , in moving the adoption of the report , said the Board were glad to present such a satisfactory statement , lt was a good thing when a hospital or any charitable institution did not recede in prosperity , but they were able to point to a work that progressed , and to a support which
correspondingly increased . 'The Board vvere also pleased to state that but few deaths had occurred during the past 12 months , and that the general health of the inmates was good . 'They vvere satisfied that the home at St . Leonard's had a great deal to do with this healthy condition . The bequests and legacies had , as usual , been considerable , and they had a great many to receive which had not yet become due . Although the Board did not like to lose friends , it vvas
pleasing to know that in their last moments they did not forget the hospital to which they had been attached . Mr . VV . M . Seaman seconded the adoption of the report , which vvas agreed to unanimously . Clause 2 of Rule S was altered , so that in the payment of legacies one life vote would be given for each £ 20 received , instead of for every £ 50 . The election of 30 incurables to the benefits of the institution , out of 141 candidates , vvas then proceeded with in the Great Hall .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin's Sanitary Cylinders are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c . They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonous , and cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used
for all household disinfecting purposes , vvaterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c . Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., gs ., and iSs . A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
A memorial in favour of the establishment of a London Orphan Asylums Fund has just been presented to the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House . Probate of the will , with codicils , of the late Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Chairman of the Great Western Railway
Company , has been granted . The value of the personalty is £ 653 , 492-Dr . Donald Frazer is the Chairman of a Committee which has arranged a meeting at the Memorial Hall , next Monday afternoon , to organise a memorial fund in acknowledgment of the services of the late Professor Elmslie .
The editor of Great Thoughts has made arrangements with Dr . Joseph Parker , of the City Temple , London , to contribute a serial story , entitled " The History of a Soul ; or , Robert Elsmere's Contrast , " to commence with the new volume , January 4 th , 1 S 90 .
The Emperor William , says the Hamburgische correspondent , has sent a telegram to Emin Pasha and A'Ir . Stanley , in which he expresses his sympathy with the two explorers in all they have undergone , congratulates them on the ending of their dangerous journey , and bids them welcome to civilisation and home .
The royal baron of beef which will decorate the Queen ' s tabic at Osborne on Christmas Day , will be supplied by Mr . J . Bedborough , of AVindsor , and will be cut from a fine beast bred and fed at Prince Consort's Shaw Farm , Windsor . The joint will weigh upwards of 300 pounds , and will be roasted at Windsor Castle .
Orders have been issued from the War Office stating that next year the allowance of ball ammunition to corps of Volunteer engineers , mounted rifles , and rifles is to be reduced from 90 rounds per annum for each efficient member to 75 . Sixty rounds are to be used for class firing as heretofore . As many volunteers do not lire more than 40 rounds in the year , it is considered that the reduction will not cause any inconvenience .
Bro . Henry Baldwin , P . AL , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., & c , has kindly consented to work the ceremony of installation in the Stuart Lodge of Instruction , No . 1632 , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the Aloorgate Hotel , Finsbury Pavement , E . C . ( close to Moorgate-street Station ) , at 7 p . m ., assisted by the Preceptor , Bro . Maurice Spiegel , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Brethren , especially Past Masters , are most cordially invited to attend .
A large and varied programme has been arranged for the performance to be given at 'Toole's Theatre next Thursday afternoon for the benefit of Mr . E . C . Stafford . Among other attractions there will be Mr . VV . Sapte , junior ' s , sensational skit , "The Gipsy ' s Vengeance , " with a cast including Miss Clara Jecks , Aliss AT . Schubert , Air . VV . L .
Abingdon , and Air . J . L . Shine . —Miss A'lyra Kemble ' s matinee at the Criterion Theatre has been postponed from the 17 th to the 19 th inst . —At the Comedy Theatre , on the afternoon of the 7 th of January , Mr . Frank Lindo will produce his new live-act drama , " A Sinless Secret , " assisted by Aliss Alaud Milton , Mr . C . Dodsworth , and others .
CO-OPERATIVE STORES . —The increase of co-operative stores is one of the most remarkable commercial facts of the age , and their success has been phenomenal . Why then , the public asks , should they not only have to go through certain formalities to become shareholders or to obtain tickets for stores , and , what is more , pay a fee for such a privilege ? Very welcome then to many
householders will be the news that Alessrs . Spiers and Pond have acquired the business of the London and . Westminster Supply Association , where every article required in a house can be obtained at the lowest possible price , and no ticket whatever- has to be taken on the part of the purchaser .
'Thus the well-known stores and provision market of Messrs . Spiers and Pond in Water-lane , Ludgate , will be amalgamated with the London and Westminster Stores , which are just opposite in New Bridge-Street , Blackfriars , and the whole will form an unrivalled establishment for the supply of all possible household requirements .
Probate of the will of the late Bro . Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips has just been obtained by his two sons , the executors ( Mr . Samuel Henry Phillips and Mr . Alderman Faudel Phillips ) , lo the elder son Sir Benjamin bequeaths his town mansion , 17 , Grosvenor-street , together with all the furniture , effects , & c , it contains . To the Alderman the testator leaves his freehold residence , 12 , Oueen ' s-gardens ,
West Brighton , with all its furniture , effects , & c Io the three grandsons considerable legacies are bequeathed , and there are also legacies to his son-in-law , Baron H . De Worms , ALP ., and the Baroness . To the latter is further left an annuity of £ 4000 . Several relatives are also considered by means of annuities , personal gifts , & c . Sir Benjamin also bears in mind his former employes , for he
directs his trustees , who are the executors , to pay to them in such proportions and manner as they may see fit the sum of £ 2000 . To charities Sir Benjamin leaves the following sums , viz .: the London Hospital , £ 100 ; Jewish Board of Guardians , £ 100 ; Royal Hospital tor Incurables , £ 100 ; Jews' Hospital , 4 100 ; Sussex County Hospital , ^ ioo ; the Jews' Free School , Bell-yard , £ 100 ; the
Handin-hand Asylum , £ 100 ; the Jews' Infant School , Commercial-street , £ 100 ; the Farringdon Dispensary , £ 100 ; the Aletropolitan Hospital , £ 100 ; the Brighton Jewish Synagogue , 4 . 100 ; the Society for the Indigent Blind of the Jewish Religion , £ 100 ; and the Jewish Home , £ 100 . lo the two sons are bequeathed , in equal shares , all the testator's leasehold messuages and premises in
Newgatestreet , Queen's Head-passage , Lovell ' s-court , and Little 1 ritain , and also all his other leasehold messuages and premises wheresoever situated . 'The residue of his whole real , and personal estate is left to the two sons in equal shares . The personal estate has been sworn at £ 291 , 282 3 s . Od ., which total does not include the freeholds in the City of London and the countiesof Sussex and Hants , which represent a very large sum .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —Weary of Life . —Derangement of the liver is one of the most efficient causes of dangerous diseases , and the most prolific source of those forebodings which are worse than death itself . A few doses of these noted Pills act mag ically in dispelling low spirits , and repelling the covert attacks made on thc nerves by excessive heat , impure atmosphere , over-indulgence derive
or excitement . The most shattered constitution may benelit from Holloway ' s Pills , which will regulate disordered action , brace the nerves , increase the intellectual faculties , ana revive the failing memory . Hy attentively studying the instruction of taking these Pills and explicitly putting them in practice , the most desponding will soon feel conlident of a perlec recovery . ' ;;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
The regular meeting ' of ; the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will-be-held , at Freemasons' . Hall t 6-morrow' ( Saturday ) at . 4 p . m . The . Committee . of' ManjLgement of the Royal Masonic Benevolent . Institution , will hold their regular monthly meeting-at Freemasons ' . Hall on Wednesday next , the nth instant , at 4 p . m . ' .. .
Bro . Earl CoWper has started a scheme for the equipment of the Hertfordshire Volunteers similar to that whicli was ¦ started by . Bro . Alderman Sir James Whitehead for London with so much success . . . . At a largely-attended meeting of merchants , engineers , and others , held at Frankfort-on-Afain , on Saturday last , it vvas ^ resolved , to hold- ' an International Electro-Technical Exhibiton from June to October , next year .
It has been arranged that a ball shall be held at York , on the 2 nd Jan ' uary ' ' next , in aid of the funds of the County Hospital . All the leading families in the county will give it their support , and several fancy quadrilles will be danced . Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise , accompanied by the Marquis of Lome , opened the Central Public Library , High-street , Kensington , on Friday , the 29 th ult ., many local personages of influence being present .
The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh concluded their visit to the Queen at Windsor , on the 29 th ult ., and then went on a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham , after which it vvas their intention to visit Bro . Tyssen Amherst , ALP ., at Diddington Hall , Norfolk .
Bros . Lord Mayor Isaacs , Alderman and Sheriff Knill , Sheriff Harris , James Glaisher , Sir Morell Mackenzie , and Sir J . B . Alonckton vvere among the aruests at the dinner given by the Worshipful Company of Playing Card Makers in Stationers' Hall , on Saturday evening last .
_ Sunday , the ist instant , vvas the 45 th anniversary of the birth of the Princess of Wales , and the celebration , therefore , vvas held on Monday , the chief feature being the entertainment given to the children at the schools at Sandringham , Wolferton , West Newton , and Derringham .
"Ithuriel , " of London ( Bro . W . E . Chapman , S . W . ) , vvas , on Tuesday , unanimously elected W . AL of the Savage Club Lodge for the year ensuing . Among those raised to the Degree of AI . AL at the same time were Bros . W . Hughes , Dalgety Henderson , and Bennet Burleigh .
It is announced that Bro . Lord Brooke , ALP ., P . G . Al . Essex , and Lady Brooke intend spending the winter months at Beaulteu , on the Riviera . Her ladyship's last act before leaving Easton Lodge vvas to ? ive a cheque for 1100 to Mr . Curzon , of Colchester , for distribution among the poor of the town , irrespective of creed and politics .
Probate of the will of the late Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., formerly ALP . for Cricklade , and Prov . G . AIaster of Berks and Bucks , has been granted to his son , Sir H . D . Gooch , Bart ., and Air . T . AL Merriman , solicitor , the acting executors , power being reserved to grant probate to Mr ! N . F . Gooch , brother , and Air . G . Fulthorpe Gooch , son . The personalty has been sworn at £ 653 , 492 is . id .
Bro . Captain Murrell , who rescued the passengers and crew of the steamer Danmark , is unable to take the command of his vessel , the Missouri , on her voyage from Philadelphia to Baltimore . A Renter ' s telegram from New York says that he strained his eyes on the voyage across the Atlantic . 'The sight of one eye is obscured and that of the other threatened .
Bro . Arthur Charles Fowler , P . AI . 11 S 5 , Professor of Music , announces an evening concert to he held at the Holborn Town Hall , on Tuesday next . A very attractive programme of vocal and instrumental music , as well as recitations , has been provided , and the concert is under the patronage of H . R . H . Princess Christian and Earl and Countess G-mpton .
The Alhambra A'lanagement announces a special matinee for Saturday , the 14 th inst ., when the grand naval and military spectacle , "Our Army and Navy , " will be presented , and on which occasion Herr Sandow and Professor Attila will perform their marvellous athletic feats ; in addition to Mr . James Fawn , Air . Harry Randall , Air . Walter Alunroe , Aliss Alarie Coleridge , Alarie Lloyd , Rezene and Rohini , Mr . Walter Stanton and Mdlle . 'Tina , the Brothers Wilson , and various other artistes .
Bro . Edward Terry is beginning to feel the strain on his system consequent of the work entailed by the unprecedented run of " Sweet Lavender , " and , notwithstanding its great success , it will probably have to be withdrawn early in the ensuing year , to enable the eminent comedian to take a few weeks necessary rest . It is not yet decided what attraction will be put on at this pretty little theatre during the proprietor ' s temporary absence , though several offers from popular attractions are beinsr considered .
As an illustration of how time flies , at the seventh annual dinner , held at the Cafe Royal the other evening , Hm . John Maclean proposed the toast ' of ¦ ' The Logic Club " ; in reply , Bro . J . P . Fitzgerald ( Hon . Sec ) said the members had held 36 meetings during the year , and that the amount of time devoted at those meetings to the rehearsal of Alasonic
ritual vvould be equal to a week ' s work- of ten hours per day . The aggregate number of attendances at the 36 meetings was S 75 . In Charity the Club vvas not behindin January next it will have completed 1035 guineas to the Ma'onic Charities . Bro . James Fernandez , ' in reply to the toast of "The Visitors , " congratulated thc members upon the good and useful work they vvere doing .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that "evil is wrought by want of thought , as well as want of heart . " . If all consumers vvould purchase Bryant and A'lay ' s Matches ,: that firm vvould be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
CAPE TOWN , DEC . 3 . —The export of gold from the Cape during November amounted in value to £ 133 , 000 . —Renter . The _ Provincial Grand Chapter of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight will be held at Southampton on the 3 rd of February .
Bro . Pritchard Morgan , M . P ., is recovering from his recent illness , and hopes are entertained that he will he able to leave his room in a few days . Bro . Sir Norman Pringle vvas yesterday ( Thursday ) installed as W . M . of the Moira Lodge , No . 92 , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street .
Bro . the Alarquisof Hartington , M . P ., vvas present and addressed a political meeting- in the Stephenson Memorial Hall , Chesterfield , on Saturday last . We regret to hear that the health of Rro . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., is causing great anxiety , and that he will be again compelled to spend the winter abroad .
The series of " Letters of Philip Dormer , Fourth Earl of Chesterfield , to his Godson and Successor , " edited by Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , will be issued next week . Over 200 officers and seamen have arrived at Alalta for the purpose of navigating Her Alajesty ' s Ship-Sultan , which struck on some rocks and vvas sunk several months ago , and bringing her home to England .
Bros . Lord Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) , Lord Ashbourne ( Lord Chancellor of Ireland ) , Lord George Hamilton , and Sir AL E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., attended the Cabinet Council held at the Foreign Office , on Saturday last . At a meeting of Friendship Lodge , No . 202 , Devonport , Bro . George Bray , S . W ., vvas unanimously elected VV . M . for the year ensuing ; Bro . H . Wetch , P . AL , P . P . G . D . C , re-elected as Treasurer ; and Bro . T . Sears as Tyler .
Saturday last being St . Andrew ' s Day , there were concerts , great and small , in all parts , in which the programmes included only Scotch music , the principal being those held at the St . James' and Royal Albert Halls , and the Crystal Palace . The Paris Temps states . that King Milan , who has returned to Paris , and was received on Monday by AL Spuller , Minister of Foivign Affairs , intends to reside in Paris as a private individual , without interfering in political events .
At Devizes , on the 27 th ult ., Bro . A . F . Brereton vvas duly installed W . AI . of the Wiltshire Keystone Lodge of Mark Alasons , Devizes . Recently Bro . Brereton vvas installed W . AL of tho Friendship and Unity Lodge , No . 1271 , Bradford-on-Avon , and thus enjoys the unusual distinction of being Master in a Craft lodge and in a Alark lodge during the same year of office .
At a meetingof St . Botolph s Lodge , No . 2020 , held atthe Albion 'Tavern , Aldersgate-street , Bro . G . M . Sayle vvas elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . Saillard , P . AL , vvas elected Treasurer in succession to Bro . H . Legg , who has resigned in consequence of ill-health . Bro . G . AI . Sayle vvas the first initiate of the lodge , and vve congratulate him on attaining the highest position in the lodge in a comparitively short time .
Sir Percy Shelley , Bart ., died on Thursday morning at his residence at Bascombe Alanor , Bournemouth . Sir Percy Florence Shelley , of Castle Goring , Co . Sussex , J . ., and D . L ., who vvas born in iSig , vvas the son of Percy Bysshe , the poet , by his second wife , Alary Wellstonecraft . He succeeded to the title on the death of his grandfather in 1 S 44 , and married in 1 S 4 S the widow of the Hon-Charles Robert St . John . The heir is Sir Percy ' s cousin , Captain Edward Shelley .
Those who desire a large and first-rate photograph of Aliss Julia Neilson , of thc Haymarket Theatre , will find it in the current number of " Alen and Women of the Day " ( Bentley ) . Aliss Neilson is young indeed to be included in this worshipful category , seeing that she is only now in her 2 ist year . She vvas born in London , her father being
Scotch and her mother English . Educated at first by the latter , she was afterwards taken to Germany , where she developed a taste for music Returning to London in 1 SS 3 , she entered as a student at the Royal Academy of Music , beginning as a pianist mainly , but by and by ( on the advice of Air . Randegger ) devoting herself wholly to singing .
I he 35 th annual meeting of the supporters of the Royal Hospital for Incurables vvas held at the Cannon-street Hotel on the 29 th ult ., Bro . J . D . Allcroft presiding . According to the report , the expenditure of the year had amounted to £ 25 , 705 , and the income had proved equal to the calls upon it . The rate of election had been maintained at 30 , or 60 in the year , being considerably beyond the death rate .
Ihe number of inmates vvas 213 , with 540 pensioners , or a total of 753 under the care of the institution . The Chairman , in moving the adoption of the report , said the Board were glad to present such a satisfactory statement , lt was a good thing when a hospital or any charitable institution did not recede in prosperity , but they were able to point to a work that progressed , and to a support which
correspondingly increased . 'The Board vvere also pleased to state that but few deaths had occurred during the past 12 months , and that the general health of the inmates was good . 'They vvere satisfied that the home at St . Leonard's had a great deal to do with this healthy condition . The bequests and legacies had , as usual , been considerable , and they had a great many to receive which had not yet become due . Although the Board did not like to lose friends , it vvas
pleasing to know that in their last moments they did not forget the hospital to which they had been attached . Mr . VV . M . Seaman seconded the adoption of the report , which vvas agreed to unanimously . Clause 2 of Rule S was altered , so that in the payment of legacies one life vote would be given for each £ 20 received , instead of for every £ 50 . The election of 30 incurables to the benefits of the institution , out of 141 candidates , vvas then proceeded with in the Great Hall .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin's Sanitary Cylinders are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c . They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonous , and cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used
for all household disinfecting purposes , vvaterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c . Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., gs ., and iSs . A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
A memorial in favour of the establishment of a London Orphan Asylums Fund has just been presented to the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House . Probate of the will , with codicils , of the late Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Chairman of the Great Western Railway
Company , has been granted . The value of the personalty is £ 653 , 492-Dr . Donald Frazer is the Chairman of a Committee which has arranged a meeting at the Memorial Hall , next Monday afternoon , to organise a memorial fund in acknowledgment of the services of the late Professor Elmslie .
The editor of Great Thoughts has made arrangements with Dr . Joseph Parker , of the City Temple , London , to contribute a serial story , entitled " The History of a Soul ; or , Robert Elsmere's Contrast , " to commence with the new volume , January 4 th , 1 S 90 .
The Emperor William , says the Hamburgische correspondent , has sent a telegram to Emin Pasha and A'Ir . Stanley , in which he expresses his sympathy with the two explorers in all they have undergone , congratulates them on the ending of their dangerous journey , and bids them welcome to civilisation and home .
The royal baron of beef which will decorate the Queen ' s tabic at Osborne on Christmas Day , will be supplied by Mr . J . Bedborough , of AVindsor , and will be cut from a fine beast bred and fed at Prince Consort's Shaw Farm , Windsor . The joint will weigh upwards of 300 pounds , and will be roasted at Windsor Castle .
Orders have been issued from the War Office stating that next year the allowance of ball ammunition to corps of Volunteer engineers , mounted rifles , and rifles is to be reduced from 90 rounds per annum for each efficient member to 75 . Sixty rounds are to be used for class firing as heretofore . As many volunteers do not lire more than 40 rounds in the year , it is considered that the reduction will not cause any inconvenience .
Bro . Henry Baldwin , P . AL , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., & c , has kindly consented to work the ceremony of installation in the Stuart Lodge of Instruction , No . 1632 , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the Aloorgate Hotel , Finsbury Pavement , E . C . ( close to Moorgate-street Station ) , at 7 p . m ., assisted by the Preceptor , Bro . Maurice Spiegel , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Brethren , especially Past Masters , are most cordially invited to attend .
A large and varied programme has been arranged for the performance to be given at 'Toole's Theatre next Thursday afternoon for the benefit of Mr . E . C . Stafford . Among other attractions there will be Mr . VV . Sapte , junior ' s , sensational skit , "The Gipsy ' s Vengeance , " with a cast including Miss Clara Jecks , Aliss AT . Schubert , Air . VV . L .
Abingdon , and Air . J . L . Shine . —Miss A'lyra Kemble ' s matinee at the Criterion Theatre has been postponed from the 17 th to the 19 th inst . —At the Comedy Theatre , on the afternoon of the 7 th of January , Mr . Frank Lindo will produce his new live-act drama , " A Sinless Secret , " assisted by Aliss Alaud Milton , Mr . C . Dodsworth , and others .
CO-OPERATIVE STORES . —The increase of co-operative stores is one of the most remarkable commercial facts of the age , and their success has been phenomenal . Why then , the public asks , should they not only have to go through certain formalities to become shareholders or to obtain tickets for stores , and , what is more , pay a fee for such a privilege ? Very welcome then to many
householders will be the news that Alessrs . Spiers and Pond have acquired the business of the London and . Westminster Supply Association , where every article required in a house can be obtained at the lowest possible price , and no ticket whatever- has to be taken on the part of the purchaser .
'Thus the well-known stores and provision market of Messrs . Spiers and Pond in Water-lane , Ludgate , will be amalgamated with the London and Westminster Stores , which are just opposite in New Bridge-Street , Blackfriars , and the whole will form an unrivalled establishment for the supply of all possible household requirements .
Probate of the will of the late Bro . Sir Benjamin Samuel Phillips has just been obtained by his two sons , the executors ( Mr . Samuel Henry Phillips and Mr . Alderman Faudel Phillips ) , lo the elder son Sir Benjamin bequeaths his town mansion , 17 , Grosvenor-street , together with all the furniture , effects , & c , it contains . To the Alderman the testator leaves his freehold residence , 12 , Oueen ' s-gardens ,
West Brighton , with all its furniture , effects , & c Io the three grandsons considerable legacies are bequeathed , and there are also legacies to his son-in-law , Baron H . De Worms , ALP ., and the Baroness . To the latter is further left an annuity of £ 4000 . Several relatives are also considered by means of annuities , personal gifts , & c . Sir Benjamin also bears in mind his former employes , for he
directs his trustees , who are the executors , to pay to them in such proportions and manner as they may see fit the sum of £ 2000 . To charities Sir Benjamin leaves the following sums , viz .: the London Hospital , £ 100 ; Jewish Board of Guardians , £ 100 ; Royal Hospital tor Incurables , £ 100 ; Jews' Hospital , 4 100 ; Sussex County Hospital , ^ ioo ; the Jews' Free School , Bell-yard , £ 100 ; the
Handin-hand Asylum , £ 100 ; the Jews' Infant School , Commercial-street , £ 100 ; the Farringdon Dispensary , £ 100 ; the Aletropolitan Hospital , £ 100 ; the Brighton Jewish Synagogue , 4 . 100 ; the Society for the Indigent Blind of the Jewish Religion , £ 100 ; and the Jewish Home , £ 100 . lo the two sons are bequeathed , in equal shares , all the testator's leasehold messuages and premises in
Newgatestreet , Queen's Head-passage , Lovell ' s-court , and Little 1 ritain , and also all his other leasehold messuages and premises wheresoever situated . 'The residue of his whole real , and personal estate is left to the two sons in equal shares . The personal estate has been sworn at £ 291 , 282 3 s . Od ., which total does not include the freeholds in the City of London and the countiesof Sussex and Hants , which represent a very large sum .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . —Weary of Life . —Derangement of the liver is one of the most efficient causes of dangerous diseases , and the most prolific source of those forebodings which are worse than death itself . A few doses of these noted Pills act mag ically in dispelling low spirits , and repelling the covert attacks made on thc nerves by excessive heat , impure atmosphere , over-indulgence derive
or excitement . The most shattered constitution may benelit from Holloway ' s Pills , which will regulate disordered action , brace the nerves , increase the intellectual faculties , ana revive the failing memory . Hy attentively studying the instruction of taking these Pills and explicitly putting them in practice , the most desponding will soon feel conlident of a perlec recovery . ' ;;