Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUFFOLK. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUFFOLK. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk held its annual gathering at the Masonic Hall , Brook-street , Ipswich , on Monday last , and was attended by a large number of the brethren . Among those present were : R . W . Bro . Sir Robert Alex . Shafto Adair , Bart , Prov . Grand Master ; W . Bro . the Rev . E . I . Lockwood ,
Deputy Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain ; R . W . Bro . R . J . Bagslmw , Prov . G . M . Essex ; V . AV . Bro . the Rev . E . F . Palmer , Prov . Grand Chap . Oxfordshire ; W . Bros . W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec . ; E . Dorling , P . P . G . Sec . ; W . Boby , P . G . S . B . ; P . Cornell , P . G . Steward ; W . Wilmshurst , P . P . G . S . B . ; H .
Harris , P . P . G . S . D . ; S . Wright , P . P . G . S . D . ; F . Jennings , P . S . G . Warden ; J . Pettit , jun ., P . P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; James Franks , P . P . G . Reg . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . Org . ; Rev . Dr . Shaboe , P . G . Chap . ; S . B . King , P . G . S . W . ; W . Hayward ,
P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; S . Freeman , P . G . Treas . ; J . S . Gissing , P . P . G . J . Warden ; J . W . Sheridan , P . G . Reg . ; Bro . Newson Garrett , P . M . ; and about ioo others . The following brethren were appointed Prov-Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Rt . Hon . Lord Henniker ... P . G . S . W . Rev . T . J . Brercton ... P . G . Chaplain . J . H . Staddon P . G . S . D . P . Cornell P . G . J . D . E . B . Powell P . G . Supt . of Works . Emra Holmes P . G . Dir . of Cer . G . S . Golding P . G . Standard-bearer — Newman P . G . Purs . W . E . Bailey P . G . Sec . S . Freeman ... P . G . Treas . — Syer P . G . Tyler .
The brethren attended Divine service at two o ' clock in St . Stephen ' s Church . Prayers were read by the vicar , Rev . G . Stokes , and the lessons by the P . G . Chaplain , Bro . tlie Rev . C . J . Martyn .
The sermon was preached by the Prov . G . Chap ., V . W . Bro . the Rev . T . J . Brereton , from Isaiah xxviii . 16 : "Therefore , thus said thc Lord God , behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone , a tried stone , a sure foundation . " All commentators agreed that Jesus Christ was the foundation here referred to .
He wished , he said , that it hacl fallen to thc lot of one more eloquent than he to preach to the brethren on this anniversary ; but he gladly availed himself of the opportunity to exhort them , in all sincerity , not merely to perform their Masonic duties , but , as a Christian minister , to perform their Christian
duties , to look for salvation to Jesus Christ , the chief corner-stone . There were two great points in the text—first , God ' s foundation for the stability of His church ; and , secondly , the peculiar qualities by which this foundation is distinguished . Great pains were taken by skilful builders that the
foundation of a building should be good , because , if not , the safety of the building was endangered . So , when the Great Architect had to erect the glorious temple of which Christ was thc foundation , He selected the only stone which could bear thc weight of the building which should be erected—namely ,
Jesus Christ . It was only through Christ taking upon himself the form of man and dying upon the cross that at one time sinners could be saved , God ' s justice satisfied , His law magnified , and His glory advanced . He passed on lo notice the peculiar qualities by which this foundation was
distinguished . Christ was frequently spoken of in the . Scriptures as a stone , and one of the qualifications necessary was strength . The poets fabled one Atlas , who bore the earth upon his shoulders , but this Christ , the sure foundation-stone , could bear a much greater weight . Let no one present suppose the burthen of his
sin too heavy for him to bear . Christ was further represented as a tried stone . The wise master-builder examined and proved thc quality of thc stones he used for the foundation , for were they rotten thc building must fall . God had tried this foundation by laying upon Him the
iniquity of us all , by causing Him to drink thc cup of wrath , and placing Him in the ignominious position of death upon the cross . Herod tried it when he massacred the infants at Bethlehem , thc Pharisees tried it when they charged Him with being gluttonous and a winebibber , and when they took Him to the browof the hill and cast Him down
headlong , when they took Him before Pilate and nailed Him to the tree , and when they placed a stone at the door of the sepulchre and set a watch , saying , " This deceiver said , In three d ays will I rise again . " But in spite of this the foundation remained unshaken , and Christ had ascended up into heaven , He had led captivity captive , and had received gifts for men , What further testimony
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
was needed ? Again this was to be a foundationstone , a corner-stone . Corner stones were generally used for three purposes . The first was union . If the corner-stones of a building were removed , the building would fall ; and if the great cornerstone were removed , the living temple would
become a confused heap . The second purpose was beauty , and in Christ , the sure foundation-stone , they had the greatest beauty . The other purpose for which a corner-stone was used was for regulation —the walls must be squared up with the cornerstone ; and so our lives must be regulated by Christ , the chief corner-stone . In conclusion , he asked
whether all the brethren were building on this sure foundation , and if they were not , he besought them to consider their position , retrace their steps , and rest themselves upon Christ , so that in due time they might receive the benediction , "Well done , good and faithful servant , enter thou into the joy of thy Lord . "
A grand banquet was afterwards held in the Public Hall , which was handsomely decorated for the occasion with the banners of the various lodges , as well as with spreading ferns and beautiful plants . Tlie banquet was served by Bro . George Spalding , and reflected great credit
upon his management . Tlie harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by Bros . Monlem Smith , Chaplin Henry , — Baxter , and G . T . Carter , who sung a selection of songs and ballads during the evening . The Provincial Grand Master , who presided ,
upon the close of the repast , gave the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Royal Family , " which were loyally responded to ; " The Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon ; " " The Earl Zetland and the Prince of AVales , Past Grand
Masters of England . Tlie toast of " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge " was responded to by Bros , the Rev . C . J . Martyn and R . W . Robert Bagshaw ,
P . G . M . of Essex . Bro . E . I . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , then proposed " The Health of the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , " who appropriately responded .
The toast of " The D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , " responded to by Bro . Lockwood , was followed by those of '' The Provincial Grancl Chaplain and Clergy of the Province , " and " The Wardens and Oflicers , Past and Present , of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . the
Rev . F . Palmer replied . Tlie " Visiting Brethren of other Provinces' was replied to by the Worshipful the Mayor of Ipswich . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn responded for the toast of the " Masonic Charities , " Bros . R . M . Senderson and P . Cornell for the " Masters
ofthe Province , " Bro . Lucia for the "Provincial Grand Secretary , " and Bro . Barber , Provincial Grand Organist , for " The Ladies . " Bro . Montem Smith and the rest of the vocalists were then toasted , the P . G . M . speaking in high terms of their vocal abilities and the
extreme pleasure they had caused the brethren . With the Tyler ' s toast , one of the most successful gatherings every held in the county were brought to a close . We may mention here that Assistant Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Emra Holmes , acted as toastmaster .
The next meeting will be held at Sudbury , under the auspices of the Stour Valley Lodge . Bro . F . S . Corrance , M . P ., who had been expected ta attend , was unavoidably absent , ancl Bro . Lord Henniker had unfortunately to leave for town before the banquet .
ARK MARINERS . —The Ark Mariners of Rochdale , who constitute thc oldest , if not thc only continuous , Ark lodge in England , have applied lo thc G . M . M . M . for a warrant of confirmation . HOLLOWAY ' S PiLLS .--Biliousncss , Headache , and Deranged Slomach . —Recollect , reader , that most diseases come on wilh apparently a aii'iv' . g beginning , which could
at that stage be readily stopped , but hcing neglected , other and more serious symptoms soon set in—the stomach becomes disordered , more or less feverish signs appear , followed by loss of appetite , strength ancl energy . As a cuunteracter of these terrible symptoms it is only
necessary to take moderate doses of Holloway s Pills , which will purify the blood , give a healthy action to the vital functions and restore a robust state of feeling to the greatest valetudinarian . During hot weather , when the spirits flag from exhaustion , occasional doses of Holloway ' s medicine will recruit thc failing powers and renew vigour . —[ Advt . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The usual meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday , the ist instant , at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Browse , V . P ., presiding . There were also present : Bros . B . Head , R . W .
Stewart , J . Symonds , J . R . Sheen , and F . Walters , V . P . ' s ; W . Young , N . Wingfield , T . Wilkins , D . Rose , M . A . Loewenstark , J . Weaver , T . J . Sabine , A . D . Loewenstark , H . Bartlett , Dr . Dixon , J . Turner , Grosjean , Motion , & c .
Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary , read the minutes ofthe previous meeting , which were confirmed . Six candidates' names were added to the
large list of applicants for admission to the school at the October election—making sixty applicants , viz ., forty from the old list and twenty added during the last six months . Nine vacancies were declared .
Such a state of affairs should not be allowed to exist . If every brother would but contribute a small sum annually , all applications would be received , want of funds only preventing more than the stated number being admitted .
Obituary .
Bro . William Donald , D . D ., Chaplain of Union Lodge of Portland and the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , recently died . He was made a Master Mason in Union Lodge on the 17 th of August , 1865 ; exalted to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason in New Brunswick Chapter , on the 30 th July , 1866 ; admitted to the
circle of R . and S . Masters , 14 th August , 1866 ; made a Knight ofthe Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , 9 th February , 1 S 6 9 ; a Knight of Malta , 2 nd September , 186 9 ; and was installed a member of the Order of Rose Croix , H . R . D . M ., in Moore Chapter ( Ancient Rite ) , the 14 th April , 1870 .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will you have the
goodness to say in next number of THE FREEMASON what is the correct size for a Master Mason ' s apron , as in two or three lodges that I know the size varies . Your replv will much oblige
A MASTER MASON . Church-street , Liverpool , June 28 th , 1871 .
We copy the following from the Art fournal for this month , and are glad to see our Brother Rosenthal's work so hi ghly spoken of : — " A distinguished and very able artist , S . Rosenthal , has painted a picture to commemorate the inauguration of Freemasons' Hall . Bro . H . R . H .
the Prince of Wales , the G . Master , thc Earl of Zetland , thc Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , and many other of the Brotherhood , ' Free and Accepted Masons , ' figure in the group . It contains several portraits ; we can depose to the accuracy of likeness in several of lesser note , while the leading
personages will be recognised at once . The arrangement is excellent ; each is fully seen while there is no overcrowding or confusion . Thc painter has necessarily introduced so many persons that perhaps grace of composition is sacrificed ; but as an assemblage of portraits , it has been rarely
surpassed ; while as a work of art , it has high merit as well as interest , indeed , it may be justly ranked among the very best productions of its class . We presume it will be engraved , and probably some wealthy brother will present thc picture to one of the Freemasons' Charities . "
WE have received a ticket for thc Grand Masonic Festival at Fountains Abbey on Wednesday next , the 12 th inst ., and regret our inability to attend . The object of thc festival being to augment thc fund for the " De Grey Scholarships , " we are convinced it will ensure extensive support from the members of thc Craft , and we wish its energetic promoters sunshine and success in their praiseworthy undertaking .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk held its annual gathering at the Masonic Hall , Brook-street , Ipswich , on Monday last , and was attended by a large number of the brethren . Among those present were : R . W . Bro . Sir Robert Alex . Shafto Adair , Bart , Prov . Grand Master ; W . Bro . the Rev . E . I . Lockwood ,
Deputy Prov . G . M . ; V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain ; R . W . Bro . R . J . Bagslmw , Prov . G . M . Essex ; V . AV . Bro . the Rev . E . F . Palmer , Prov . Grand Chap . Oxfordshire ; W . Bros . W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec . ; E . Dorling , P . P . G . Sec . ; W . Boby , P . G . S . B . ; P . Cornell , P . G . Steward ; W . Wilmshurst , P . P . G . S . B . ; H .
Harris , P . P . G . S . D . ; S . Wright , P . P . G . S . D . ; F . Jennings , P . S . G . Warden ; J . Pettit , jun ., P . P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; James Franks , P . P . G . Reg . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . Org . ; Rev . Dr . Shaboe , P . G . Chap . ; S . B . King , P . G . S . W . ; W . Hayward ,
P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; S . Freeman , P . G . Treas . ; J . S . Gissing , P . P . G . J . Warden ; J . W . Sheridan , P . G . Reg . ; Bro . Newson Garrett , P . M . ; and about ioo others . The following brethren were appointed Prov-Grand Officers for the ensuing year : —
Rt . Hon . Lord Henniker ... P . G . S . W . Rev . T . J . Brercton ... P . G . Chaplain . J . H . Staddon P . G . S . D . P . Cornell P . G . J . D . E . B . Powell P . G . Supt . of Works . Emra Holmes P . G . Dir . of Cer . G . S . Golding P . G . Standard-bearer — Newman P . G . Purs . W . E . Bailey P . G . Sec . S . Freeman ... P . G . Treas . — Syer P . G . Tyler .
The brethren attended Divine service at two o ' clock in St . Stephen ' s Church . Prayers were read by the vicar , Rev . G . Stokes , and the lessons by the P . G . Chaplain , Bro . tlie Rev . C . J . Martyn .
The sermon was preached by the Prov . G . Chap ., V . W . Bro . the Rev . T . J . Brereton , from Isaiah xxviii . 16 : "Therefore , thus said thc Lord God , behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone , a tried stone , a sure foundation . " All commentators agreed that Jesus Christ was the foundation here referred to .
He wished , he said , that it hacl fallen to thc lot of one more eloquent than he to preach to the brethren on this anniversary ; but he gladly availed himself of the opportunity to exhort them , in all sincerity , not merely to perform their Masonic duties , but , as a Christian minister , to perform their Christian
duties , to look for salvation to Jesus Christ , the chief corner-stone . There were two great points in the text—first , God ' s foundation for the stability of His church ; and , secondly , the peculiar qualities by which this foundation is distinguished . Great pains were taken by skilful builders that the
foundation of a building should be good , because , if not , the safety of the building was endangered . So , when the Great Architect had to erect the glorious temple of which Christ was thc foundation , He selected the only stone which could bear thc weight of the building which should be erected—namely ,
Jesus Christ . It was only through Christ taking upon himself the form of man and dying upon the cross that at one time sinners could be saved , God ' s justice satisfied , His law magnified , and His glory advanced . He passed on lo notice the peculiar qualities by which this foundation was
distinguished . Christ was frequently spoken of in the . Scriptures as a stone , and one of the qualifications necessary was strength . The poets fabled one Atlas , who bore the earth upon his shoulders , but this Christ , the sure foundation-stone , could bear a much greater weight . Let no one present suppose the burthen of his
sin too heavy for him to bear . Christ was further represented as a tried stone . The wise master-builder examined and proved thc quality of thc stones he used for the foundation , for were they rotten thc building must fall . God had tried this foundation by laying upon Him the
iniquity of us all , by causing Him to drink thc cup of wrath , and placing Him in the ignominious position of death upon the cross . Herod tried it when he massacred the infants at Bethlehem , thc Pharisees tried it when they charged Him with being gluttonous and a winebibber , and when they took Him to the browof the hill and cast Him down
headlong , when they took Him before Pilate and nailed Him to the tree , and when they placed a stone at the door of the sepulchre and set a watch , saying , " This deceiver said , In three d ays will I rise again . " But in spite of this the foundation remained unshaken , and Christ had ascended up into heaven , He had led captivity captive , and had received gifts for men , What further testimony
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
was needed ? Again this was to be a foundationstone , a corner-stone . Corner stones were generally used for three purposes . The first was union . If the corner-stones of a building were removed , the building would fall ; and if the great cornerstone were removed , the living temple would
become a confused heap . The second purpose was beauty , and in Christ , the sure foundation-stone , they had the greatest beauty . The other purpose for which a corner-stone was used was for regulation —the walls must be squared up with the cornerstone ; and so our lives must be regulated by Christ , the chief corner-stone . In conclusion , he asked
whether all the brethren were building on this sure foundation , and if they were not , he besought them to consider their position , retrace their steps , and rest themselves upon Christ , so that in due time they might receive the benediction , "Well done , good and faithful servant , enter thou into the joy of thy Lord . "
A grand banquet was afterwards held in the Public Hall , which was handsomely decorated for the occasion with the banners of the various lodges , as well as with spreading ferns and beautiful plants . Tlie banquet was served by Bro . George Spalding , and reflected great credit
upon his management . Tlie harmony of the evening was greatly promoted by Bros . Monlem Smith , Chaplin Henry , — Baxter , and G . T . Carter , who sung a selection of songs and ballads during the evening . The Provincial Grand Master , who presided ,
upon the close of the repast , gave the toasts of "The Queen , " "The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Royal Family , " which were loyally responded to ; " The Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon ; " " The Earl Zetland and the Prince of AVales , Past Grand
Masters of England . Tlie toast of " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge " was responded to by Bros , the Rev . C . J . Martyn and R . W . Robert Bagshaw ,
P . G . M . of Essex . Bro . E . I . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , then proposed " The Health of the R . W . the Provincial Grand Master , " who appropriately responded .
The toast of " The D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , " responded to by Bro . Lockwood , was followed by those of '' The Provincial Grancl Chaplain and Clergy of the Province , " and " The Wardens and Oflicers , Past and Present , of the Provincial Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . the
Rev . F . Palmer replied . Tlie " Visiting Brethren of other Provinces' was replied to by the Worshipful the Mayor of Ipswich . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn responded for the toast of the " Masonic Charities , " Bros . R . M . Senderson and P . Cornell for the " Masters
ofthe Province , " Bro . Lucia for the "Provincial Grand Secretary , " and Bro . Barber , Provincial Grand Organist , for " The Ladies . " Bro . Montem Smith and the rest of the vocalists were then toasted , the P . G . M . speaking in high terms of their vocal abilities and the
extreme pleasure they had caused the brethren . With the Tyler ' s toast , one of the most successful gatherings every held in the county were brought to a close . We may mention here that Assistant Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Emra Holmes , acted as toastmaster .
The next meeting will be held at Sudbury , under the auspices of the Stour Valley Lodge . Bro . F . S . Corrance , M . P ., who had been expected ta attend , was unavoidably absent , ancl Bro . Lord Henniker had unfortunately to leave for town before the banquet .
ARK MARINERS . —The Ark Mariners of Rochdale , who constitute thc oldest , if not thc only continuous , Ark lodge in England , have applied lo thc G . M . M . M . for a warrant of confirmation . HOLLOWAY ' S PiLLS .--Biliousncss , Headache , and Deranged Slomach . —Recollect , reader , that most diseases come on wilh apparently a aii'iv' . g beginning , which could
at that stage be readily stopped , but hcing neglected , other and more serious symptoms soon set in—the stomach becomes disordered , more or less feverish signs appear , followed by loss of appetite , strength ancl energy . As a cuunteracter of these terrible symptoms it is only
necessary to take moderate doses of Holloway s Pills , which will purify the blood , give a healthy action to the vital functions and restore a robust state of feeling to the greatest valetudinarian . During hot weather , when the spirits flag from exhaustion , occasional doses of Holloway ' s medicine will recruit thc failing powers and renew vigour . —[ Advt . ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The usual meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday , the ist instant , at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . Browse , V . P ., presiding . There were also present : Bros . B . Head , R . W .
Stewart , J . Symonds , J . R . Sheen , and F . Walters , V . P . ' s ; W . Young , N . Wingfield , T . Wilkins , D . Rose , M . A . Loewenstark , J . Weaver , T . J . Sabine , A . D . Loewenstark , H . Bartlett , Dr . Dixon , J . Turner , Grosjean , Motion , & c .
Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary , read the minutes ofthe previous meeting , which were confirmed . Six candidates' names were added to the
large list of applicants for admission to the school at the October election—making sixty applicants , viz ., forty from the old list and twenty added during the last six months . Nine vacancies were declared .
Such a state of affairs should not be allowed to exist . If every brother would but contribute a small sum annually , all applications would be received , want of funds only preventing more than the stated number being admitted .
Obituary .
Bro . William Donald , D . D ., Chaplain of Union Lodge of Portland and the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , recently died . He was made a Master Mason in Union Lodge on the 17 th of August , 1865 ; exalted to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason in New Brunswick Chapter , on the 30 th July , 1866 ; admitted to the
circle of R . and S . Masters , 14 th August , 1866 ; made a Knight ofthe Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , 9 th February , 1 S 6 9 ; a Knight of Malta , 2 nd September , 186 9 ; and was installed a member of the Order of Rose Croix , H . R . D . M ., in Moore Chapter ( Ancient Rite ) , the 14 th April , 1870 .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will you have the
goodness to say in next number of THE FREEMASON what is the correct size for a Master Mason ' s apron , as in two or three lodges that I know the size varies . Your replv will much oblige
A MASTER MASON . Church-street , Liverpool , June 28 th , 1871 .
We copy the following from the Art fournal for this month , and are glad to see our Brother Rosenthal's work so hi ghly spoken of : — " A distinguished and very able artist , S . Rosenthal , has painted a picture to commemorate the inauguration of Freemasons' Hall . Bro . H . R . H .
the Prince of Wales , the G . Master , thc Earl of Zetland , thc Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , and many other of the Brotherhood , ' Free and Accepted Masons , ' figure in the group . It contains several portraits ; we can depose to the accuracy of likeness in several of lesser note , while the leading
personages will be recognised at once . The arrangement is excellent ; each is fully seen while there is no overcrowding or confusion . Thc painter has necessarily introduced so many persons that perhaps grace of composition is sacrificed ; but as an assemblage of portraits , it has been rarely
surpassed ; while as a work of art , it has high merit as well as interest , indeed , it may be justly ranked among the very best productions of its class . We presume it will be engraved , and probably some wealthy brother will present thc picture to one of the Freemasons' Charities . "
WE have received a ticket for thc Grand Masonic Festival at Fountains Abbey on Wednesday next , the 12 th inst ., and regret our inability to attend . The object of thc festival being to augment thc fund for the " De Grey Scholarships , " we are convinced it will ensure extensive support from the members of thc Craft , and we wish its energetic promoters sunshine and success in their praiseworthy undertaking .