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Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — PAGE Craft Masonry , , TI Mark Masonry 13 Red Cross of Constantine , 13 Scotland 13 Masonic Bibliography 15 Is the Pope a Freemason ? 16
Bro . Binckes's Letter , 16 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Installation of the Grand Master * 7 The Office of Grand Master * 7 United Orders of the Temple and Hospital 17 Masonic Jurisprudence 17 Scottish IVIasonic Benevolent Institution * 7 A Correction , iS Bro . Constable ' s History of the Lodge of Tranquility iS
Reviews 18 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 18 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls iS Royal"Masonic Institution for Boys 19 Dinner of the Audit Committee of the Domtaic Lodge 19 Masonic Tidings 19 Consecration of a Chapter in New Zealand 19 Lodge Meetings for next Week ig Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
.. .-o Craft Itonm
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons ' Hall , Bolton , on January 4 th , and amongst those present were Bros . Wm . Slater , Prov . S . G . Deacon , W . M . ; James Walker , S . W . ; E . Ainsworth , Secretary ; R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; Jas . Brown , J . D . ; F . W . Pacey , Organist ; Samuel Crowthcr , Inner Guard ; Thos . Glaister , P . M ., Prov . S . G .
Warden ; Saml . Ishervvood , P . M ., Prov . G . Treasurer ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . Deacon ; Jas . McAdam , P . M ., Prov . G . Deacon , Derbyshire ; Jas . Newton , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; Jno . Rutter , Prov . G . Steward ; Frank Ainsworth , Prov . G . Steward j R . W . Knowles , P . M . ; Jas . Pilkington , P . M . ; also visiting brethren—Snml . Chectham , P . M . 815 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; Robt . Whittaktr , P . M .
6 78 , Prov . G . D . C ; Jno . Taylor , P . M . 221 , Prov . G . Organist ; W . H . J . Jones , W . M . 221 ; II . Stead , 221 ; Milne , 1253 ; and others . The lodge being opened in form , and the minutes confirmed , the W . M . elect , ( Bro James Walker ) was installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . James Newton , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward . The following brethren were appointed and invested as officers for the ensuing year :
W . II . Horrocks , S . W . ; R . K . Freeman , J . W . ; E . Ainsworth , Treasurer , ( elected ); Frank F . W . Pacey , Organist ; Rooke Pennington , I . G . ; Chas . Walker , Tyler . A candidate for initiation was proposed , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to fhe banqnet . FALMOUTH . —Lodge of Lore and Honour ( No . 75 ) . —At n . meeting of this , the mother Lodge of the County ol
Cornwall , held in the Masonic Hall at Falmouth , Bro . W . II . Dunstan , P . M ., was elected W . M ., for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . M . W . F . Newman , was re-elected Treasurer . The installation of the Worshipful Master took place on the 29 th of December . STOCKPORT . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 104 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held Monday , Dec . 14 , at
Ashton House , Greek-street , Stockport , when Bro . Herbert Finch was duly installed as W orshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . J . Beresford , P . P . G . D ., and Bro . W . Goodacre , P . P . G . P ., assisted by the other Past Masters of the lodge . The musical portion of the ceremony was under the direction of Bro . Henry Collier , Organist , and was very
satisfactorily rendered , the lodge choir adding very materially to the imprcssivencss of the ritual . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year , and they were duly installed with the insignia of their offices : —Bro . W . II . Wakefield , J . P . M . ; Bro . C . Cooke , S . W . ; Bro . G . Shaw , J . W . ; Bro . W . Goodacre . P . P . G . P .. Treasurer ; Bro . Jas . Kirk , Sec ;
Bro . G . Barber , S . D . ; Bro . G . Armitage , J . D . ; Bro . J . Beresford , P . P . G . D ., Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . II . Collier , Organist ; Bro . J . II . Duffill , I . G . ; Bros . G . Rodgcrs , W . M . Jones , T . B . Birch , and W . Booth , Stewards ; Bro . G . Turner , P . M ., 287 Tyler . After the installation , the lodge was closed , according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room of the lodge at
Ashton House , where a banquet was served in excellent style to about 70 brethren , by Bro . Minshall , the proprietor of Ashton Mouse . Amongst the visiting brethren present on the occasion were Bros . Col . Wilkinson , P . P . G . D . ; E . G . Simpson , P . P . G . D . ; R . Taylor , P . M . 287 ; J . Scott , P . M . 122 ; J . Chctham , W . M . 322 ; J . Hill , J . W . 322 ; G . Ro " , W . M . Elect 123 ; W . Banks , 287 ; W . Shepherd ,
J . W . 287 ; A . Graham , W . M . 2 R 7 ; K . Johnson , P . M . 10 ^ 2 ; J . Andrews , W . M . 1 . 319 ; Rev . II . B . Jones , J . W . 1387 ; W . Ridings , 152 ; E . Besvvick , Organist 1134 ; W . H . Pratt , P . M . 1009 ; J . Foster , Secy . 1054 ; F . Ilepton , W . M . 1009 ; Jabez Clayton , 322 ; J . H . Robinson , 112 ( 1 After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Wakefield , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the Worshipful Master in a
highly complimentary speech , to which Bro . 1-inch suitably responded . The Worship ful Master then presented to Bro . Wakefield a handsome Past Master's jewel , which had been subscribed for by the members of the lodge ; and after spending a very pleasant evening , the Tyler ' s Toast , " All poor and distressed Masons , " was given , and the brethren separated .
SOUTHAMPTON * . —Royal'Gloucester Lot / gc ( No . 130 ) . —Tlie festival of St . John was celebrated on Tuesday last at Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , when Bro . Morris Miles was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a large attendance of Past Masters and brethren , including a goodly number of visitors from the sister lodges . The ceremony of . installation was admirably performed , b y W ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . P . M . Payne , after which the newly-installed W . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . Hickman , S . W . ; R . Sharpe , Prov . G . O ., J . W . ; Abraham , Treas . ; Le Fcuvre , P . P . G . Sec , Sec . ; Rev . W . W . Pcrrin , Chaplain ; II . M . Pike , Organist ; C . W . A . Jellicoe , S . D . ; W . E . Manby , J . D . ; J . Cole , I . G . The W . M . evinced his ability , by
initiating a brother in such a manner as to call forth the warmest expressions of approval . In the evening , the brethren sat down to a banquet served in Bro . Dartnall ' s best style , and the after proceedings were of a most agreeable kind 1 WARRINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The installation of the W . M . elect and the one hundred and tenth
anniversary banquet of the above lodge , was held on Monday , Dec . 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Warrington . The W . M ., Bro . John Harding , occupied the chair , and was supported by the following brethren—Bros . W . Pollitt , P . M ., as S . W . ; D . W . Finney , P . M ., as J . W . ; John Pierpoint , W . I-I . Robinson , D . Wilkins , Thos . Tunstall , Thos . Jones , T . Mee Pattison , A . I-I . Young . | . R . Young , C . E .
Hmdley , W . Morris , P . M ., Prov . G . Stew . ; C . Ekkcrt ., J . S . Patten , John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Cumberland and Westmoreland ; John Dimelow , Thos . Jones , Thos . Morris , W . Richardson , P . M . ; Peter Jones , Walter Milncr , W . Crompton , Jno . Armstrong , Robt . Gibbon , J . J . Thompson , W . Sharp , P . M . ; Jas . Baylcy , Thos . Grime , Thos . Gartside , Dr . Spinks , W . Dooley , C . W . Savage , J . G . I Iughes ,
R . Hooper , J . Taylor , Jas . Hannah , R . G . Stringer , P . M . Visitors—Bros . Rev . ] . 11 . Bluck , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . Chap . Shropshire , Robt . Wylie , P . M . 155 , 292 ; P . Prov . G . S . D . ; John W . Turley , P . M . 1035 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Dr . Gornall , L . R . Barnes , W . M . 113 ; P . J . Edeiston , W . M . 1134 ; Robt . Brierley , W . M . 1250 ; W . S . Hawkins , P . M . 1250 ; Thos . Crompton , 484 , tie The lodge having been opened
in due form , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when the chair of K . S . was assumed by W . Bro . Robert Wylie , P . M ., as Installing Master , and the W . M . elect , Bro . John Bowes , P . M . & c , was presented by Bros . Harding and J . W . Turley . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , all brethren below the chair
retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . John Bowes was , according to ancient custom , installed into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . In due course the other brethren were admitted , and the new W . M . having been proclaimed , greeted , and saluted in the three degrees , the appointment and investiture of officers then took place as follows—Bros . John Harding ,
I . P . M . ; W . II . Robinson , S . W . ; Thos . Tunstall , J . W . ; Rev . J . P . Stcdman , Chaplain ; W . Sharp , P . M ., Treas . ; David Wilkins , Sec . ; Jos . Pickthall , S . D . ; J . Rymcr Young , J . D . ; T . Mee Pattison , Org . ; C . E . I lindley , I . G . ; and Jas . Hannah , Tyler . Bro . J . W . Tuvlcy then proceeded with the remainder of the ceremony , and was assisted by the Rev , J . H . Bluck . The whole ceremony was
rendered in an able manner and was acknowledged by a special vote of thanks , which was ordered to be entered on the minutes of the lodge . The new W . M . then addressed Bro . Harding , I . P . M . and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present him with a gold P . M . jewel , as a recognition of his services and a token of sincere esteem . Bro . Harding feelingly acknowledged the
handsome gift , which he said he should value very highly as a special mark of kindness and he should wear it with pleasure for the rest of his life . The auditors now presented their report which , together with an abstract of the Treasurer ' s accounts , was ordered to be printed and circulated among the members . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was
furnished in Bro . J . G . Hughes ' s best style ; it embraced everything in season and was of a bountiful description . The cloth having bctn withdrawn , the W . M . gave briefly the usual loyal toasts . The W . M . then gave the health of " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " which he did with peculiar pleasure . It was nearly 85 years since the ancient and honourable fraternity was presided over by
a Prmcc of Wales . It was in the year 1790 that George , Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV , was installed Grand Master of thoOrdcr , and singularly enough it was in the same year that the Duke of Kent , the present Royal Grand Master ' s maternal grandfather , was initiated . The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed the health of " The Rt . I Ion . the Earl of Carnarvon ,
Pro Grand Master , the Rt . I Ion . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " I le said that those of their number who were present a few years ago in the Free Trade Hall , Manchester , when the Pro Grand Master installed the Prov . Grand Master of East Lancashire , would not soon forget the eloquent manner in which the ceremony was rendered . That their own Prov .
Grand Master was selected by I I . R . I 1 . the Prince of Wales , for the important position of Deputy Grand Master , was a proof of the estimation in which that nobleman was held in high quarters . The rest of the Grand Officers were worthy of every confidence , and he gave the toast in confident anticipation that it would be warmly received . Drunk with applause . The W . M . said the next loast he had the
honour lo propose was "The Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . F . Stanley , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " 1 le then dilated at length on the merits of these brethren , and mentioned a long train of Warrington brethren , who had held offices of various degrees in the Provincial Grand Lodge . The toast was warmly received , and responded to , by Bros . R . Wylie , J . W . Turley , and W . Monnp . Bro .
R . Wylie proposed the next toast , " The Provincial Grand Masters of the neighbouring' provinces , " which was res ponded to at length by Bro . ' the Rev . j . II . Bluck , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., Shropshire and North Wales . Bro . John Harding said : It is my privilege as the I . P . M ., to propose the next loast , which is "The health of our W . M . " I am sure it does not require a long speech from me to extol the good qualities of out * W . M ., as he is well known
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to us all as a good and worth y Mason , and one who has taken great interest in this lodge , and in Masonry in general . I may say that it was at the request of a large number of the members of this lodge that he consented again to take the office . Personally , it has been a source of great pleasure to me to see him placed in the position he now so worthily fills , as I am sure the lodge will prosper
in his hands . The W . M . in responding , said that night , eleven years ago , he occupied the same position in relation to the lodge ; since then he had worked hard and continuously , and , he hoped , for the good of the Craft in general , and of that portion of it located in Warrington in particular . He should be animated by one single principle , the promotion of the genuine tenets of the Order . It was
a matter of deep regret to him that they had no past Warden who aspired to the position of W . M ., and as such was the case , he of course had no alternative but to accept the honour , and he assured them he appreciated very highly that renewal of their kindness . He would much rather have seen Bro . Harding re-elected , but that brother headed the deputation that waited upon him , and
manifested the utmost anxiety in the matter , so that he , the W . M ., felt that it was his duty to yield to the wishes of the brethren . He thanked them most heartily . The W . M . proposed " The Past Masters and Officers of No . 148 , " and in doing so said that he felt proud of his officers , because they were able , and , he was sure , willing to do credit to the various offices to which they had that day
been appointed . Before he referred more at length to the qualifications of those brethren who had consented to hel p him in the conduct of the lodge , he must say a word about the Past Masters . Some were present , others unavoidably absent . Of those present he wished particularly to mention the oldest and the youngest , Bros . Stringer and I larding . The estimation in which those brethren
were held was acknowledged on all sides . As men and as Masons , they all esteemed them , and trusted they might long be spared to be ornaments to their mother lodge . Of his officers , as he said before , he was proud . Few W . M . s had the good fortune to be able to select brethren to fill the Wardens' chair , who could work the ceremonies as well as himself . Such , however , was his good fortune . Then , the
Deacons were brethren who would most assuredl y rise to the chair . Indeed , in each case there was no doubt that the brethren appointed to office that day would in due time succeed him as W . M . The toast was drunk very heartily . Bros . Stringer , Richardson , Harding , Robinson , T . Tunstall , D . Wilkins , J . Rymcr Young , and I lindley severally responded , and assured the W . M . " and brethren that they
would prove their appreciation of the consideration shown them by a regular and punctual attendance at the lodge , and a careful performance of the duties of their respective offices . The W . M . next proposed "The W . M ., Wardens and Members of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 , " and , in doing so , expressed his deep regret that the Senior Past Master of that lodge—the distinguished brother after
whom the lodge is named—Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., was absent through indisposition . They had , however , the present W . M . with them , as well as some of the Past Masters , and he need not tell them that the parent lodge was happy to hold out the ri ght hand of fellowship to them and to rejoice at their prosperity as a lodge . They all knew the interest he took in the formation of No . 1250 , and how
long and regularly he attended to watch their interests and to give them a helping hand whenever needed , and he assured them that they still had his best wishes . The old lodge was glad to welcome her offspring , and he gave the toast with extreme pleasure . Drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Robt . Brierley , W . M ., No . 1250 , responded at great length , and in an able manner . Hethanked the W . M . for
his many kind utterances , and assured him , and the brethren seated around those tables , that he and the members of No . 1250 were deeply obliged to both him and them . With respect to their W . M ., Bro . Bowes , he would like to say a good deal , but as he was present , he would only say that certainly no one in Warrington had done so much for the real welfare of the Craft as that brother . Long before he
was admitted lo the light of the Order he was made aware of Bro . Bowcs's exertions , and since he had been privileged to be numbered among them . I le had witnessed Bro . Bowcs ' s efforts for the good of the Craft , and the benefit of its members . Personally , he rejoiced that Bro . Bowes had consented to take the position of W . M . again , because it would give Masonry afresh impetus in Warrington , and
benefit thereby both lodges and chapter . Bro . W . Pollitt , I . P . M ., No . 1250 , said he could not refrain from endorsing the remarks of Bro . Brierley . The members of No . 1250 were greatly indebted to Bro . Bowes . I le was their first Acting Master , and , until they could " run alone , " performed all their ceremonies . He considered the members of No . 148 had done themselves credit by again seeking the services of one
ever ready and always willing to benefit the Craft . The W . M . proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " and expressed the pleasure it afforded them to entertain those who did them the honour of visiting them . He was proud to have on his left hand the W . M . of the Lodge of Unanimity , No . 1 I . - , Preston , Bro . L . R . Barnes , because in another way he was connected with No . 14 H , being the
nephew of their S . D ., Bro . Pickthall . lie was also glad to welcome Bro . Crompton of the Lodge of Faith , No . 484 , Ashlon-in-Mnkcrficld . Time was , so he found in the old minute books , when the Ashton brethren came in a bod y to assist them , and surely it was desirable that such should be done . Then there was his old and valued friend , Dr . Gornall , whom they all , equally vvith himself , rejoiced tu
see and welcome . Then again they were favoured with the pretence of Die W . M . of No . 1134 , East I-nncashire ; who , although resident in Warrington , had earned a reputation in the adjoining Province . To one and all the visitors he gave a hearty welcome , and he was sure their healths would be drank most cordially . The loast was drank vvith enthusiasm . Bro . Barnes responded , and referred to lhc great advantages to be derived
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — PAGE Craft Masonry , , TI Mark Masonry 13 Red Cross of Constantine , 13 Scotland 13 Masonic Bibliography 15 Is the Pope a Freemason ? 16
Bro . Binckes's Letter , 16 CORRESPONDENCE : — The Installation of the Grand Master * 7 The Office of Grand Master * 7 United Orders of the Temple and Hospital 17 Masonic Jurisprudence 17 Scottish IVIasonic Benevolent Institution * 7 A Correction , iS Bro . Constable ' s History of the Lodge of Tranquility iS
Reviews 18 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 18 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls iS Royal"Masonic Institution for Boys 19 Dinner of the Audit Committee of the Domtaic Lodge 19 Masonic Tidings 19 Consecration of a Chapter in New Zealand 19 Lodge Meetings for next Week ig Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
.. .-o Craft Itonm
BOLTON . —Anchor and Hope Lodge ( No . 37 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons ' Hall , Bolton , on January 4 th , and amongst those present were Bros . Wm . Slater , Prov . S . G . Deacon , W . M . ; James Walker , S . W . ; E . Ainsworth , Secretary ; R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; Jas . Brown , J . D . ; F . W . Pacey , Organist ; Samuel Crowthcr , Inner Guard ; Thos . Glaister , P . M ., Prov . S . G .
Warden ; Saml . Ishervvood , P . M ., Prov . G . Treasurer ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . Deacon ; Jas . McAdam , P . M ., Prov . G . Deacon , Derbyshire ; Jas . Newton , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward ; Jno . Rutter , Prov . G . Steward ; Frank Ainsworth , Prov . G . Steward j R . W . Knowles , P . M . ; Jas . Pilkington , P . M . ; also visiting brethren—Snml . Chectham , P . M . 815 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer ; Robt . Whittaktr , P . M .
6 78 , Prov . G . D . C ; Jno . Taylor , P . M . 221 , Prov . G . Organist ; W . H . J . Jones , W . M . 221 ; II . Stead , 221 ; Milne , 1253 ; and others . The lodge being opened in form , and the minutes confirmed , the W . M . elect , ( Bro James Walker ) was installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . James Newton , P . M ., Prov . G . Steward . The following brethren were appointed and invested as officers for the ensuing year :
W . II . Horrocks , S . W . ; R . K . Freeman , J . W . ; E . Ainsworth , Treasurer , ( elected ); Frank F . W . Pacey , Organist ; Rooke Pennington , I . G . ; Chas . Walker , Tyler . A candidate for initiation was proposed , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to fhe banqnet . FALMOUTH . —Lodge of Lore and Honour ( No . 75 ) . —At n . meeting of this , the mother Lodge of the County ol
Cornwall , held in the Masonic Hall at Falmouth , Bro . W . II . Dunstan , P . M ., was elected W . M ., for the ensuing year , and Bro . P . M . W . F . Newman , was re-elected Treasurer . The installation of the Worshipful Master took place on the 29 th of December . STOCKPORT . —Lodge of St . John ( No . 104 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held Monday , Dec . 14 , at
Ashton House , Greek-street , Stockport , when Bro . Herbert Finch was duly installed as W orshipful Master for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . J . Beresford , P . P . G . D ., and Bro . W . Goodacre , P . P . G . P ., assisted by the other Past Masters of the lodge . The musical portion of the ceremony was under the direction of Bro . Henry Collier , Organist , and was very
satisfactorily rendered , the lodge choir adding very materially to the imprcssivencss of the ritual . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year , and they were duly installed with the insignia of their offices : —Bro . W . II . Wakefield , J . P . M . ; Bro . C . Cooke , S . W . ; Bro . G . Shaw , J . W . ; Bro . W . Goodacre . P . P . G . P .. Treasurer ; Bro . Jas . Kirk , Sec ;
Bro . G . Barber , S . D . ; Bro . G . Armitage , J . D . ; Bro . J . Beresford , P . P . G . D ., Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . II . Collier , Organist ; Bro . J . II . Duffill , I . G . ; Bros . G . Rodgcrs , W . M . Jones , T . B . Birch , and W . Booth , Stewards ; Bro . G . Turner , P . M ., 287 Tyler . After the installation , the lodge was closed , according to ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room of the lodge at
Ashton House , where a banquet was served in excellent style to about 70 brethren , by Bro . Minshall , the proprietor of Ashton Mouse . Amongst the visiting brethren present on the occasion were Bros . Col . Wilkinson , P . P . G . D . ; E . G . Simpson , P . P . G . D . ; R . Taylor , P . M . 287 ; J . Scott , P . M . 122 ; J . Chctham , W . M . 322 ; J . Hill , J . W . 322 ; G . Ro " , W . M . Elect 123 ; W . Banks , 287 ; W . Shepherd ,
J . W . 287 ; A . Graham , W . M . 2 R 7 ; K . Johnson , P . M . 10 ^ 2 ; J . Andrews , W . M . 1 . 319 ; Rev . II . B . Jones , J . W . 1387 ; W . Ridings , 152 ; E . Besvvick , Organist 1134 ; W . H . Pratt , P . M . 1009 ; J . Foster , Secy . 1054 ; F . Ilepton , W . M . 1009 ; Jabez Clayton , 322 ; J . H . Robinson , 112 ( 1 After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Wakefield , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the Worshipful Master in a
highly complimentary speech , to which Bro . 1-inch suitably responded . The Worship ful Master then presented to Bro . Wakefield a handsome Past Master's jewel , which had been subscribed for by the members of the lodge ; and after spending a very pleasant evening , the Tyler ' s Toast , " All poor and distressed Masons , " was given , and the brethren separated .
SOUTHAMPTON * . —Royal'Gloucester Lot / gc ( No . 130 ) . —Tlie festival of St . John was celebrated on Tuesday last at Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , when Bro . Morris Miles was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a large attendance of Past Masters and brethren , including a goodly number of visitors from the sister lodges . The ceremony of . installation was admirably performed , b y W ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . P . M . Payne , after which the newly-installed W . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . Hickman , S . W . ; R . Sharpe , Prov . G . O ., J . W . ; Abraham , Treas . ; Le Fcuvre , P . P . G . Sec , Sec . ; Rev . W . W . Pcrrin , Chaplain ; II . M . Pike , Organist ; C . W . A . Jellicoe , S . D . ; W . E . Manby , J . D . ; J . Cole , I . G . The W . M . evinced his ability , by
initiating a brother in such a manner as to call forth the warmest expressions of approval . In the evening , the brethren sat down to a banquet served in Bro . Dartnall ' s best style , and the after proceedings were of a most agreeable kind 1 WARRINGTON . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The installation of the W . M . elect and the one hundred and tenth
anniversary banquet of the above lodge , was held on Monday , Dec . 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Warrington . The W . M ., Bro . John Harding , occupied the chair , and was supported by the following brethren—Bros . W . Pollitt , P . M ., as S . W . ; D . W . Finney , P . M ., as J . W . ; John Pierpoint , W . I-I . Robinson , D . Wilkins , Thos . Tunstall , Thos . Jones , T . Mee Pattison , A . I-I . Young . | . R . Young , C . E .
Hmdley , W . Morris , P . M ., Prov . G . Stew . ; C . Ekkcrt ., J . S . Patten , John Bowes , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Cumberland and Westmoreland ; John Dimelow , Thos . Jones , Thos . Morris , W . Richardson , P . M . ; Peter Jones , Walter Milncr , W . Crompton , Jno . Armstrong , Robt . Gibbon , J . J . Thompson , W . Sharp , P . M . ; Jas . Baylcy , Thos . Grime , Thos . Gartside , Dr . Spinks , W . Dooley , C . W . Savage , J . G . I Iughes ,
R . Hooper , J . Taylor , Jas . Hannah , R . G . Stringer , P . M . Visitors—Bros . Rev . ] . 11 . Bluck , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . Chap . Shropshire , Robt . Wylie , P . M . 155 , 292 ; P . Prov . G . S . D . ; John W . Turley , P . M . 1035 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Dr . Gornall , L . R . Barnes , W . M . 113 ; P . J . Edeiston , W . M . 1134 ; Robt . Brierley , W . M . 1250 ; W . S . Hawkins , P . M . 1250 ; Thos . Crompton , 484 , tie The lodge having been opened
in due form , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when the chair of K . S . was assumed by W . Bro . Robert Wylie , P . M ., as Installing Master , and the W . M . elect , Bro . John Bowes , P . M . & c , was presented by Bros . Harding and J . W . Turley . The usual preliminaries having been gone through , all brethren below the chair
retired . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . John Bowes was , according to ancient custom , installed into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . In due course the other brethren were admitted , and the new W . M . having been proclaimed , greeted , and saluted in the three degrees , the appointment and investiture of officers then took place as follows—Bros . John Harding ,
I . P . M . ; W . II . Robinson , S . W . ; Thos . Tunstall , J . W . ; Rev . J . P . Stcdman , Chaplain ; W . Sharp , P . M ., Treas . ; David Wilkins , Sec . ; Jos . Pickthall , S . D . ; J . Rymcr Young , J . D . ; T . Mee Pattison , Org . ; C . E . I lindley , I . G . ; and Jas . Hannah , Tyler . Bro . J . W . Tuvlcy then proceeded with the remainder of the ceremony , and was assisted by the Rev , J . H . Bluck . The whole ceremony was
rendered in an able manner and was acknowledged by a special vote of thanks , which was ordered to be entered on the minutes of the lodge . The new W . M . then addressed Bro . Harding , I . P . M . and said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present him with a gold P . M . jewel , as a recognition of his services and a token of sincere esteem . Bro . Harding feelingly acknowledged the
handsome gift , which he said he should value very highly as a special mark of kindness and he should wear it with pleasure for the rest of his life . The auditors now presented their report which , together with an abstract of the Treasurer ' s accounts , was ordered to be printed and circulated among the members . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was
furnished in Bro . J . G . Hughes ' s best style ; it embraced everything in season and was of a bountiful description . The cloth having bctn withdrawn , the W . M . gave briefly the usual loyal toasts . The W . M . then gave the health of " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " which he did with peculiar pleasure . It was nearly 85 years since the ancient and honourable fraternity was presided over by
a Prmcc of Wales . It was in the year 1790 that George , Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV , was installed Grand Master of thoOrdcr , and singularly enough it was in the same year that the Duke of Kent , the present Royal Grand Master ' s maternal grandfather , was initiated . The toast was drunk with great enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed the health of " The Rt . I Ion . the Earl of Carnarvon ,
Pro Grand Master , the Rt . I Ion . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " I le said that those of their number who were present a few years ago in the Free Trade Hall , Manchester , when the Pro Grand Master installed the Prov . Grand Master of East Lancashire , would not soon forget the eloquent manner in which the ceremony was rendered . That their own Prov .
Grand Master was selected by I I . R . I 1 . the Prince of Wales , for the important position of Deputy Grand Master , was a proof of the estimation in which that nobleman was held in high quarters . The rest of the Grand Officers were worthy of every confidence , and he gave the toast in confident anticipation that it would be warmly received . Drunk with applause . The W . M . said the next loast he had the
honour lo propose was "The Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . Prov . G . M . ; the Hon . F . Stanley , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " 1 le then dilated at length on the merits of these brethren , and mentioned a long train of Warrington brethren , who had held offices of various degrees in the Provincial Grand Lodge . The toast was warmly received , and responded to , by Bros . R . Wylie , J . W . Turley , and W . Monnp . Bro .
R . Wylie proposed the next toast , " The Provincial Grand Masters of the neighbouring' provinces , " which was res ponded to at length by Bro . ' the Rev . j . II . Bluck , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Chap ., Shropshire and North Wales . Bro . John Harding said : It is my privilege as the I . P . M ., to propose the next loast , which is "The health of our W . M . " I am sure it does not require a long speech from me to extol the good qualities of out * W . M ., as he is well known
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
to us all as a good and worth y Mason , and one who has taken great interest in this lodge , and in Masonry in general . I may say that it was at the request of a large number of the members of this lodge that he consented again to take the office . Personally , it has been a source of great pleasure to me to see him placed in the position he now so worthily fills , as I am sure the lodge will prosper
in his hands . The W . M . in responding , said that night , eleven years ago , he occupied the same position in relation to the lodge ; since then he had worked hard and continuously , and , he hoped , for the good of the Craft in general , and of that portion of it located in Warrington in particular . He should be animated by one single principle , the promotion of the genuine tenets of the Order . It was
a matter of deep regret to him that they had no past Warden who aspired to the position of W . M ., and as such was the case , he of course had no alternative but to accept the honour , and he assured them he appreciated very highly that renewal of their kindness . He would much rather have seen Bro . Harding re-elected , but that brother headed the deputation that waited upon him , and
manifested the utmost anxiety in the matter , so that he , the W . M ., felt that it was his duty to yield to the wishes of the brethren . He thanked them most heartily . The W . M . proposed " The Past Masters and Officers of No . 148 , " and in doing so said that he felt proud of his officers , because they were able , and , he was sure , willing to do credit to the various offices to which they had that day
been appointed . Before he referred more at length to the qualifications of those brethren who had consented to hel p him in the conduct of the lodge , he must say a word about the Past Masters . Some were present , others unavoidably absent . Of those present he wished particularly to mention the oldest and the youngest , Bros . Stringer and I larding . The estimation in which those brethren
were held was acknowledged on all sides . As men and as Masons , they all esteemed them , and trusted they might long be spared to be ornaments to their mother lodge . Of his officers , as he said before , he was proud . Few W . M . s had the good fortune to be able to select brethren to fill the Wardens' chair , who could work the ceremonies as well as himself . Such , however , was his good fortune . Then , the
Deacons were brethren who would most assuredl y rise to the chair . Indeed , in each case there was no doubt that the brethren appointed to office that day would in due time succeed him as W . M . The toast was drunk very heartily . Bros . Stringer , Richardson , Harding , Robinson , T . Tunstall , D . Wilkins , J . Rymcr Young , and I lindley severally responded , and assured the W . M . " and brethren that they
would prove their appreciation of the consideration shown them by a regular and punctual attendance at the lodge , and a careful performance of the duties of their respective offices . The W . M . next proposed "The W . M ., Wardens and Members of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , No . 1250 , " and , in doing so , expressed his deep regret that the Senior Past Master of that lodge—the distinguished brother after
whom the lodge is named—Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., was absent through indisposition . They had , however , the present W . M . with them , as well as some of the Past Masters , and he need not tell them that the parent lodge was happy to hold out the ri ght hand of fellowship to them and to rejoice at their prosperity as a lodge . They all knew the interest he took in the formation of No . 1250 , and how
long and regularly he attended to watch their interests and to give them a helping hand whenever needed , and he assured them that they still had his best wishes . The old lodge was glad to welcome her offspring , and he gave the toast with extreme pleasure . Drunk with enthusiasm . Bro . Robt . Brierley , W . M ., No . 1250 , responded at great length , and in an able manner . Hethanked the W . M . for
his many kind utterances , and assured him , and the brethren seated around those tables , that he and the members of No . 1250 were deeply obliged to both him and them . With respect to their W . M ., Bro . Bowes , he would like to say a good deal , but as he was present , he would only say that certainly no one in Warrington had done so much for the real welfare of the Craft as that brother . Long before he
was admitted lo the light of the Order he was made aware of Bro . Bowcs's exertions , and since he had been privileged to be numbered among them . I le had witnessed Bro . Bowcs ' s efforts for the good of the Craft , and the benefit of its members . Personally , he rejoiced that Bro . Bowes had consented to take the position of W . M . again , because it would give Masonry afresh impetus in Warrington , and
benefit thereby both lodges and chapter . Bro . W . Pollitt , I . P . M ., No . 1250 , said he could not refrain from endorsing the remarks of Bro . Brierley . The members of No . 1250 were greatly indebted to Bro . Bowes . I le was their first Acting Master , and , until they could " run alone , " performed all their ceremonies . He considered the members of No . 148 had done themselves credit by again seeking the services of one
ever ready and always willing to benefit the Craft . The W . M . proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " and expressed the pleasure it afforded them to entertain those who did them the honour of visiting them . He was proud to have on his left hand the W . M . of the Lodge of Unanimity , No . 1 I . - , Preston , Bro . L . R . Barnes , because in another way he was connected with No . 14 H , being the
nephew of their S . D ., Bro . Pickthall . lie was also glad to welcome Bro . Crompton of the Lodge of Faith , No . 484 , Ashlon-in-Mnkcrficld . Time was , so he found in the old minute books , when the Ashton brethren came in a bod y to assist them , and surely it was desirable that such should be done . Then there was his old and valued friend , Dr . Gornall , whom they all , equally vvith himself , rejoiced tu
see and welcome . Then again they were favoured with the pretence of Die W . M . of No . 1134 , East I-nncashire ; who , although resident in Warrington , had earned a reputation in the adjoining Province . To one and all the visitors he gave a hearty welcome , and he was sure their healths would be drank most cordially . The loast was drank vvith enthusiasm . Bro . Barnes responded , and referred to lhc great advantages to be derived