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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
from visiting neighbouring lodges . He was not a stranger to them , but he must say that their hospitality and welcome was as fresh and hearty as it was on the occasion of his first visit . He wished the W . M . every prosperity during his year of office , anil he rejoiced to find that the brethren had been so fortunate as to secure the services of so able an exponent of the Masonic Ritual .
Bro . Rev . J . II . Bluck also responded , and as a Mason of 30 years standing , gave all assembled some good advice ; and at the same time he acknowledged his great obligations for the splendid hospitality they had dispensed that evening . Bro . Dr . Gornall said he need not tell the brethren around him how much he rejoiced to sec his old friend again in the position of W . M . He was sure the
brethren , and indeed the whole Craft in Warrington , would benefit by the administrative ability of the new W . M . Bro . Crompton also acknowledged his indebtedness for the kindness shown him on that occasion , and he should not fail to report to the brethren of his lodge tlie hearty welcome he had received . Bro . P . J . Edelsten , W . M . No . 11 -j . * ., also responded . The W . M . then called upon Bro .
W . Morris , P . M . No . 1250 , Prov . G . Steward , to propose " The Masonic Charities , " which that brother did at great length and in an able manner . The W . M . then called upon Bro . James Hannah to propose the Tyler's Toast , which brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren separated soon after nine in perfect harmony . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . T . Mee Pattison , Organist of the Lodge , who was ably assisled by
Bro . Tunstall , Peter Jones , ' 1 hos . Crompton , C . W . Savage , & c ., Src . J OPPA I . oiinr . ( No . 18 S ) . —This lodge met on Monday , at the Albion , for the installation of the W . M ., and other business . Bro . Obed Roberts , W . M ., presided , and raised Bro . Isaacs , besides passing Bros . S . and I . Botibol and Clarke ; Bro . Hunt , P . M ., initiated W . Skinner ; Bro . Roberts afterwards installed Bro . S . L . Hickman as W . M .
for the present year , performing the ceremony , as he has performed all the ceremonies during his year of office , admirably . The brethren invested as officers for the year were Bros . O . Roberts , I . P . M . ; Dodson , S . W . ; L . Lazarus , J . W . ; I .. Auerhaan , Treasurer ; E , P . Albert , P . M . Secretary ; Miller , S . D . ; Cook , J . D . * , A . Auerhaan , I . G . ; 11 . Flyman , D . C . ; Borgen , Steward ; P . E . Van Noorden ,
Organist ; and Woodstock , T . The ceremony was then completed , and lodge was called off to refreshment , when 13 d brethren sat down to a splendid repast , provided by Bro . Jennings , the manager of the Albion Tavern . At the conclusion of the banquet , grace having been said , the room was cleared and prepared for dessert , and on the rcadmission of the brethren , the toasts were honoured , under
the direction of Bro . Van Xonrclcn . A choice selection of music was performed at intervals by Miss Matilda Scott , Miss Clara Wollaston , Mr . Alfred Mori , and Mr . Prenton , greatly to the satisfaction of the brethren . Dr . Jabcz Hogg , P . G . D ., in responding to the toast of "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , tx . c , " after congratulating the brethren on the sumptuous entertainment they had
partaken of , expressed his gratification at the working he had witnessed in the lodge . The Grand Officers were always ready to assist any lodge which required a brother to perform the installation , but such was the vitality of the Joppa Lodge , that it stood in need of no assistance in that ceremony . As long as Masonry was carried out in the same way , the Order would flourish , not only in this
country , but over the whole face of the earth . " The Joppa Benevolent Fund " was the next loast proposed , and Bro . B . W . Aaron , the President , before replying , called on Bro . K . P . Albert to read the balance sheet . Bro . Albert complied , and announced to the brethren that the balance in hand was £ \ 158 3 s . 1 id . ( Cheers . ) Bro . B . W . Aaron rose to respond , and read a list of d ^ nations of thai evening ,
amounting to £ 17 17 s . ( Applause . ) He then thanked the brethren for supporting the fund , which he said was raised to relieve any brother , or family of a brother of the ledge who might be in vvanl . lie recommended other lodges to do the same , and said thai if this system were adopted , it would greatly assist Grand Lodge of Benevolence . Joppa Lodge never sent a member there whilst it
could relieve him . ( Hear , Hear . ) Bro . Roberts proposed "The W . M ., " who replied , and in his turn proposed "The I . P . M ., " presenting , at the same time , a handsome P . M . jewel and locket to Bro . Roberts , as a slight teken of the respect and esteem in which he was held by his brethren . Bro . Roberts having acknowledged the gift , the toast of " The Visitors , Initiates , and Officers" was given , and
the brethren shortl y afterwards closed the lodge anil separated . LION AND LAM 11 Lone ; - ; ( No . 192 ) . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodge was huldeii at the Cily Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , on Monday the 4 II 1 inst ., Bro . Geo . Abbott , W . M ., in the chair . —Bro . C . J . Benson ( of Lodge 1185 ) was raised to the -ml Degree . The following
brethren were passed lo Ille degree of F . C . ; Bros . II . A . Pratt , W . Mcdvv ' m , Ii . Barch , J . T . Bclfragc , S . Crawford , V . 1 libbins , T . IS . Chnrlcswovth , and G . 11 . Gill-am ; Messrs . A . T . Iloneyvvil ! ami R . Stubington were initiated into the Order . The W . M . who is now about to retire from the chair , worked the ceremonies in his visual characteristic good style . Amongst the brethren present were the
following : Bro . Geo . Newman , S . W . and Master Elect ; Bvo . T . Co ' hu , J . W . ; Bro ., ) . G . Marsh , P . M ., Sec ; Bvo . Charles Arkell , S . D . ; Bro . IC . Jones , J . D . j Bro . II . l . egge , I . G . ; Bros . George Kenning and ]•' . Troll , P . M . ' s ; also Bros . W . Donne , w ' . R . Haki ' r , W . Alflatt , H . Jenkins , V .. \ . Ki-1-lnrsav , S . Klwards , S . Hav nes , 11 . E . Brighl , J . Curie , I- ' .
Fellowes , W . T . Rickvvood , A . J . Mnnks , Geo . Hall , and others . —Thursday ( Ihe 7 II 1 inst . ) , being the day for lhc Installation of Bro . ' Newman , the Master Elect , there was no repast . ISOUMIX . —0 » i-mid All Lodge ( Xo . 330 ) . —On Wednesday , .-50 th ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of the Worshipful Master and festival of St . John was held
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the spacious and beautiful hall dedicated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Mount Edgccumbc , Prov . Grand Master of Cornwall , and-. his officers , at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge in July last . There was present at the annual meeting of the lodge a great number of brethren , among whom were Capt . Colvill , P . M ., P . S . G . Cornwall , W . M . ; Rich , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; Beswithcrick , P . M .,
P . P . G . S . W . ; Collins , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Cummins , P . G . R . ; Hele , P . P . G . O . ; Sandoc , P . M . ; Crang ( Mayor of Bodmin ) , S . W . ; Hawkin , | . W . ; Rowe , S . D . ' Also visiting brethren , Solomon , 1 U \ G . S . W . ; Rev . A . H . Ferris , ' P . G . C . 5 Dyke , P . P . G . O . ; Large , W . M . ; Truscott , I . P . M . ; Lukes , Matthews , and I ligman , of 49 6 St . Austell ; and Hooper of Lodge 510 , Liskeard . The lodge was opened in due
form , and after the preliminary business , the W . M . elect , Bro . Hele , P . P . G . Organist , was duly installed in the chair of King Solomon by Bro . Captain Colvill , W . M ., in a solemn and impressive manner , which called forth high culogiums from the Past Masters and brethren present . The W . M . having been duly proclaimed , appointed and invested the following as his officers . Bros . Colvill , I . P . M .
and Treasurer ; Rich , P . M ., Secretary ; Hawkins , S . W . ; Rowe , J . W . ; Rev . J . D . Hawksley , Chaplain ; Hon . E Alger Robartes , S . D . * , Beacock , J . D . ; Trevail , M . C . ; Vincent and J . Hawke , Stewards ; O'Ncil , I . G . ; Carrol , P . P . G . T ., Ty ler . The lodge being called off from labour to refreshment , about fifty brethren-, repaired to an excellent ban . quct provided by Bro . Sandoc , P . M ., at the Royal Hotel ,
when a pleasant evening was spent . Tiu'uc . —Phamix Lodge of Honour aud Prudence ( No 331 ) . —At a meeting-of this lodge , on Tuesday evening , Bro . T . Olver , who has been S . W . for the past year , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . O Mayne , elected Treasurer , and Bro . Rookes re-elected Tyler . A letter was ordered to be prepared to he sent to Bro .
Ferguson , who is about to leave for India , expressing fraternal regret at his leaving anil well wishes for the future . The members afterwards enjoyed a good repast provided by Bro . Rookes , and several accessions were made lo the lodge . SOUTHAMPTON . —Peticcand Harmony Lodge ( Xo . 359 ) . — The W . M ., Bro . G . H . Burtcnslww , to meet him at his last
time of presiding over the lodge , had nearly sixty brethren present , including the W . M . ' s and officers of the other two lodges in the town , and the W M . 's elect of the same lodges . After two initiations and a raising , the cere , monies being performed in an able manner , a vote of con . dolencc was passed to the family of P . M . William Bemister , who died at a ripe old age this week , after many years
service in Craft and the other degrees in Masonry . He was ( he " father" of the Royal Gloucester Lodge , which celebrated its centenary a few years since . The Lodge of Peace and Harmony , large as it was , has made considerable additions to its members during the Mastership of Bro . Burtenshaw . NOUTIIAMI ' TON . —Pom fret Lmlge ( No . " ( do ) . —The
brethren of the above lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in their lodge room , George I lotcl , on the 2 . SU 1 ult . Bro . Val . Thos . Barf on ) was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably and satisfactorily performed by Bro . Ilinton ( of London , son of an old P . M . of the Pom fret Lodge ) . In the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . E . Cox ( P . M . of the Canonbury Lodge , London ) , who
was unfortunately unable to be present , Bro . J . T . Green , P . M ., was appointed S . W . ; Bro . Winter , | . W . ; Bro . G . Robinson , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . B Wilkins , P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . Lalor S . D . ; Bro . F . Gadsby , J . D . ; Bro . 11 . W . Parker , I . G . ; Bros . Stanton , P . M ., and T . R . Wood , Stewards ; and Bros . Dean and Tvovvp , Tylers . Amongst the visitors at the banquet were Bros . Xeall , Ilinton , . Matthews
( Lcndon ) , Bro . Buckle ( Prov . G . sec , Norths and Hunts ); Bro . Griffin ( W . M . elect of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterborough ) , and others , and although the attendance was not so numerousas usual , owing to the inclemency of the weather , the evening was spent in a very pleasant manner , harmony being contributed by Bros . Buckle , Ilinton , Stanton , Winter , Wood , and others . In the course ol the evening , Bro .
Buckle alluded in a brotherly manner to the loss the province had sustained in Ihe death of the late Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . S . Inns , and expressed the pleasure he felt that so worthy a successor had been ( omul in Bro , Bulley Wilkins , a member of the Ponifret Lodge . Bro . W . B . Gates , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas ., accepted the office of Steward of one of the Masonic charities .
Il . vi . ir . vx . —St . James ' s Lodge ( So . 448 ) . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated b y ( his lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , at their annual meeting . After the ordinary lodge business , the W . M . elect , Bro . I ' reclk . Whitaker , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., was duly installed W . M . of St . James's Lodge , by Bro . Waddington , P . M ., and Bro . Xorinanton , P . M , The following were then
invested officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . I " . Wheelhouse , S . W . ; t . T . Rhodes , ' J . W . ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; | . Chaniock , P . M ., Secretary ; X . IV . Seholelield , S . D . ; j . S . Lambert , J . D . ; F . Whiteley , D . C ; Geo . Taylor , Organist ; J . Ilaiuiey , I . G . Stewards , Bros . C . J " . Hudson , and G . II . Brooks ; John Greenwood , T yler , At the banquet the W . M . was surrounded bv
Bros . Bentley Shaw , Deputy Secretary ; T . I lill , P . P . | . G . W . ; Smith , P . G . Secretary ; | . | , Scliiuppi , P . P . G . D . ; Dew . hirst , W . M . 1284 ; Wells , W . M ., Ky buni , Si . vvci'by Bridge ; Walker , Leeds ; W . II . Hartley , 307 , I lebden Bridge- . ( . Whitaker , S . W . 1 ^ 02 ; Asquiih , W . M . 1 302 ; from Probity , (> i , Bros . IVrkington , P . M ., Taskcr , " P . M ., J . Gnu . kroger , Leeniiivj , Mcuzics , W . M . elect of Probitv , . 1 .
W .-ilerhoiise , Win . GoiikrogiT ; from De Warren 1 Bros . I'alehell , Barren , J . Seed , Cooke , Thos . Nicl-oll , Geo . Normivnlon , J . Hayes ; Three Graces : Bros . Ogdeu , W . M ., Ely Dyson , and Terrell ; Dr . Hartley , Todmorden ; Bros . Ward , P . M ., Trafalgar , 971 ; illakey , Nelson of the Nile , 204 , Batley ; Hybuin : Bros . Slanslicld , Greenwood , and Sutcliffe . Letters of apology were re / id from Bro . M . Rhodes , Bradford , and from Bro . Underwood , who
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
said that as the railway companies had started so early slaughtering her Majesty ' s bipeds , and the weather being so seasonable and favourable for killing , he feared he could not possibly undertake the journey from Manchester . The W . M . proposed the loyal and patriotic toasts , "The Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces" being replied to by Bro . Morley , Bro . Leeming , 4 th W . Y . V . ;
Bro . Whitaker , 8 th W . Y . A . ; Bros . Hayes , 2 nd W . Y . Y . " The W . Deputy P . G . M . of West York , and P . G . Officers , " was proposed by the W . M . To this toast Bro . B . Shaw replied early in the evening , as he was compelled to leave before the proceedings terminated . He said that he trusted that very soon the Prince of Wales would appoint a Provincial Grand Master for West Yorkshire , as , at
present , they were without a head . Bro . Knowles proposed the toast of " The Newly-Installed W . M . of St . James's Lodge , " and hoped that the fact of Bro . Whitaker being elected to that office would mean a year of success and peace to St . James's Lodge . Bro . Whitaker replied , and promised to use every effort in his power to promote the goodwill of the lodge , and , in carrying out that object , he
looked with confidence to the active co-operation of his officers . The toaft was received and responded to with much enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed "The Installing Officers—Bros . Waddington and Normanton . " This toast having been replied to by the installing officers , the W . M . proposed " The Visiting Brethren , " which was replied to by Bro . S . tviJe Crou-thcr in . 1 song— "Tlie
Anchor ' s weighed ; " also by Bro . Schacppi , of Bradford , who stated that the fame of St . James ' s Lodge had been spoken of in terms of the highest praise for many years ; and by Bro . Hill and others , including Bro . Binns , of Probity , Bro . Wells , of Ryburn Lodge , Bro . J . Dewhirst , of the Savile Lodge , Elland , Bro Dr . Hartley , Todmorden , and Bro . Terry . The
W . M . proposed the toast of the officers of " St James's Lodge , " which was rqilied to by Bro . T Whcelhouse , S . W . ; Bro . C . T . Rhodes , J . W . ; and Bro . W . F . Wilkinson . The W . M . then proposed the Past Masters and Officers of St . James ' s Lodge , and in doing so remarked how much he regretted the absence of two of the oldest Past Masters ol St . James ' s Lodge , who were
prevented attending by the severity of the weather—Bro , Waddington , P . M . ; Bro . E . Walshaw , P . M . ; and Bro . Normanton , P . M ., replied . The "Officers of Probity , No , di , " was proposed by the W , M ., and responded to by Bro . Menzies , W . M . elect . Bro . E . Walshaw proposed the " De Warren Lodge , " the response being given by Bro . Asquith , W . M . The toast of the "Masonic Charities "
was duly honoured , and elicited from the , ] , W . ( Bro . C . T . Rhodes ) , that he had made himself a " life governor" of the Boys' School . The chairman spoke of this benevolent instil ution as one of the most deserving , and hoped to see during his year of office many of the brethren become contributors to its funds . " Mrs . Bentley Shaw and the ladies" was proposed by Bro . Whiteley , D . C ; and the
proceedings terminated with " To all poor and distressed Masons . " During the evening several songs and recitations were given by various brethien , and the festive occasion was very joyously spent . The room was neatly decorated , and the banquet , which was supplied by Bro . Swift , of
the Plummet Line Inn , was exceedingly well served , and the tables were beautifully adorned with candelabra * , flowers , fruits , tie During the lodge ceremony , the lmmediate Past Master was presented vvith a Masonic jewel , in recognition of his services , by Bro . Bentley Shaw , in the name of a few brethren .
IlKiiTi-oiiD . —Hertford . Lodge ( Xo . 6 o . - () . —On the 24 th ult . the usual meeting was held at the Shire Hall . There was a large attendance of brethren , the principal business being the installation of Bro . Thomas Stalkart Carter , who had been duly elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the year ensuing . The Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ) having intimated his Intention to be
present anil lo act as Installing Master on the occasion , a number of Provincial Grand Masters attended , and many brethren from Ihe various lodges in Ihe country were also present . The Worshipful Master ( Bro . Orlando Wagner ) took the chair about three o ' clock and opened the lodge . After some r < uline business hail been gone through the Provincial Grand Master was introduced in due form , and
was received by the large number of brethren present with every mark of respect and enthusiasm . Having been conducted lo the chair , which was vacated b y Bro . Wagner , he proceeded lo install Bro . Carter . The ceremony was admirably and Impressively performed by Bro . Halsey , and elicited a general expression of thanks from the brethren . Bro . Carter , having taken the chair , proceeded to appoint
and invest the officers of the lodge . The remainder of the business having been gone through , the lodge was closed . At six o ' clock the banquet took place in the Assembl y Room . There were 64 brethren present , amongst whom were—The 1 ! . W , Prov . G . Master . Bro . T . F . Halsev , M . P . ; V . W . Bro . O . Ii . Wagner , l ' . M . Prov , G . S . Warden ; V . W . Bro . W . Wilson , P . M . ( Bcr ' ihanistead Lodge ) , Prov .
G . J . Warden ; V . W . Bro . T , S . Carter , Prov . G . S . Deacon ; V . W . Bro . Rev . Lewis Dcedes , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; V . W . BID . Malcolm Heywood , Prov . Grand Organist ; Bros . II . Campkin , J . E . Cussans , and E . R . P . Francis , Prov . G , Stewards ; V . W . Bro . H . B . Hodges , l ' , M . P . Prov . G . S . Warden ; Bro . J . R . Cocks , P . M . and Bro . Andrews , P . M . P . Prov . G . I . Wardens ; V . W . Bro .
Stephen Austin , P . M ., and Bro . | . Boatwright , P . Prov . G . Supts . Wks . ; V . W . Bros . C . Drunimond , P . M . and W . H . Rowe , P . Prov , G . S . B . ; V . W . Bro . | . W . Carr , P . M ., aud P . G . Sec , Essex ; V . W . Bro . Buss , P . Prov . Treasurer , Middlesex ; V . SV . Bro . Glass , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Essex ; Bro . j . Lowtl . in , W . M . 1479 ; Bro . W . Cutbush , W . M . ixSi ;
Bro , Mailer , W . M . 7 : 4 ; Bro . Cunningham , P . M . 7 : 4 ; and V . W . Bro . J . Terry , P . M . and Prov . Dir . Cers ., who very ably performed the 01 erous duties of his office . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Heywood . There were no less than twenty-two Past Masters present .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
from visiting neighbouring lodges . He was not a stranger to them , but he must say that their hospitality and welcome was as fresh and hearty as it was on the occasion of his first visit . He wished the W . M . every prosperity during his year of office , anil he rejoiced to find that the brethren had been so fortunate as to secure the services of so able an exponent of the Masonic Ritual .
Bro . Rev . J . II . Bluck also responded , and as a Mason of 30 years standing , gave all assembled some good advice ; and at the same time he acknowledged his great obligations for the splendid hospitality they had dispensed that evening . Bro . Dr . Gornall said he need not tell the brethren around him how much he rejoiced to sec his old friend again in the position of W . M . He was sure the
brethren , and indeed the whole Craft in Warrington , would benefit by the administrative ability of the new W . M . Bro . Crompton also acknowledged his indebtedness for the kindness shown him on that occasion , and he should not fail to report to the brethren of his lodge tlie hearty welcome he had received . Bro . P . J . Edelsten , W . M . No . 11 -j . * ., also responded . The W . M . then called upon Bro .
W . Morris , P . M . No . 1250 , Prov . G . Steward , to propose " The Masonic Charities , " which that brother did at great length and in an able manner . The W . M . then called upon Bro . James Hannah to propose the Tyler's Toast , which brought the proceedings to a close , and the brethren separated soon after nine in perfect harmony . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . T . Mee Pattison , Organist of the Lodge , who was ably assisled by
Bro . Tunstall , Peter Jones , ' 1 hos . Crompton , C . W . Savage , & c ., Src . J OPPA I . oiinr . ( No . 18 S ) . —This lodge met on Monday , at the Albion , for the installation of the W . M ., and other business . Bro . Obed Roberts , W . M ., presided , and raised Bro . Isaacs , besides passing Bros . S . and I . Botibol and Clarke ; Bro . Hunt , P . M ., initiated W . Skinner ; Bro . Roberts afterwards installed Bro . S . L . Hickman as W . M .
for the present year , performing the ceremony , as he has performed all the ceremonies during his year of office , admirably . The brethren invested as officers for the year were Bros . O . Roberts , I . P . M . ; Dodson , S . W . ; L . Lazarus , J . W . ; I .. Auerhaan , Treasurer ; E , P . Albert , P . M . Secretary ; Miller , S . D . ; Cook , J . D . * , A . Auerhaan , I . G . ; 11 . Flyman , D . C . ; Borgen , Steward ; P . E . Van Noorden ,
Organist ; and Woodstock , T . The ceremony was then completed , and lodge was called off to refreshment , when 13 d brethren sat down to a splendid repast , provided by Bro . Jennings , the manager of the Albion Tavern . At the conclusion of the banquet , grace having been said , the room was cleared and prepared for dessert , and on the rcadmission of the brethren , the toasts were honoured , under
the direction of Bro . Van Xonrclcn . A choice selection of music was performed at intervals by Miss Matilda Scott , Miss Clara Wollaston , Mr . Alfred Mori , and Mr . Prenton , greatly to the satisfaction of the brethren . Dr . Jabcz Hogg , P . G . D ., in responding to the toast of "The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , tx . c , " after congratulating the brethren on the sumptuous entertainment they had
partaken of , expressed his gratification at the working he had witnessed in the lodge . The Grand Officers were always ready to assist any lodge which required a brother to perform the installation , but such was the vitality of the Joppa Lodge , that it stood in need of no assistance in that ceremony . As long as Masonry was carried out in the same way , the Order would flourish , not only in this
country , but over the whole face of the earth . " The Joppa Benevolent Fund " was the next loast proposed , and Bro . B . W . Aaron , the President , before replying , called on Bro . K . P . Albert to read the balance sheet . Bro . Albert complied , and announced to the brethren that the balance in hand was £ \ 158 3 s . 1 id . ( Cheers . ) Bro . B . W . Aaron rose to respond , and read a list of d ^ nations of thai evening ,
amounting to £ 17 17 s . ( Applause . ) He then thanked the brethren for supporting the fund , which he said was raised to relieve any brother , or family of a brother of the ledge who might be in vvanl . lie recommended other lodges to do the same , and said thai if this system were adopted , it would greatly assist Grand Lodge of Benevolence . Joppa Lodge never sent a member there whilst it
could relieve him . ( Hear , Hear . ) Bro . Roberts proposed "The W . M ., " who replied , and in his turn proposed "The I . P . M ., " presenting , at the same time , a handsome P . M . jewel and locket to Bro . Roberts , as a slight teken of the respect and esteem in which he was held by his brethren . Bro . Roberts having acknowledged the gift , the toast of " The Visitors , Initiates , and Officers" was given , and
the brethren shortl y afterwards closed the lodge anil separated . LION AND LAM 11 Lone ; - ; ( No . 192 ) . —An Emergency Meeting of this Lodge was huldeii at the Cily Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , on Monday the 4 II 1 inst ., Bro . Geo . Abbott , W . M ., in the chair . —Bro . C . J . Benson ( of Lodge 1185 ) was raised to the -ml Degree . The following
brethren were passed lo Ille degree of F . C . ; Bros . II . A . Pratt , W . Mcdvv ' m , Ii . Barch , J . T . Bclfragc , S . Crawford , V . 1 libbins , T . IS . Chnrlcswovth , and G . 11 . Gill-am ; Messrs . A . T . Iloneyvvil ! ami R . Stubington were initiated into the Order . The W . M . who is now about to retire from the chair , worked the ceremonies in his visual characteristic good style . Amongst the brethren present were the
following : Bro . Geo . Newman , S . W . and Master Elect ; Bvo . T . Co ' hu , J . W . ; Bro ., ) . G . Marsh , P . M ., Sec ; Bvo . Charles Arkell , S . D . ; Bro . IC . Jones , J . D . j Bro . II . l . egge , I . G . ; Bros . George Kenning and ]•' . Troll , P . M . ' s ; also Bros . W . Donne , w ' . R . Haki ' r , W . Alflatt , H . Jenkins , V .. \ . Ki-1-lnrsav , S . Klwards , S . Hav nes , 11 . E . Brighl , J . Curie , I- ' .
Fellowes , W . T . Rickvvood , A . J . Mnnks , Geo . Hall , and others . —Thursday ( Ihe 7 II 1 inst . ) , being the day for lhc Installation of Bro . ' Newman , the Master Elect , there was no repast . ISOUMIX . —0 » i-mid All Lodge ( Xo . 330 ) . —On Wednesday , .-50 th ult ., the annual meeting for the installation of the Worshipful Master and festival of St . John was held
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in the spacious and beautiful hall dedicated by the Right Honourable the Earl of Mount Edgccumbc , Prov . Grand Master of Cornwall , and-. his officers , at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge in July last . There was present at the annual meeting of the lodge a great number of brethren , among whom were Capt . Colvill , P . M ., P . S . G . Cornwall , W . M . ; Rich , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; Beswithcrick , P . M .,
P . P . G . S . W . ; Collins , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; Cummins , P . G . R . ; Hele , P . P . G . O . ; Sandoc , P . M . ; Crang ( Mayor of Bodmin ) , S . W . ; Hawkin , | . W . ; Rowe , S . D . ' Also visiting brethren , Solomon , 1 U \ G . S . W . ; Rev . A . H . Ferris , ' P . G . C . 5 Dyke , P . P . G . O . ; Large , W . M . ; Truscott , I . P . M . ; Lukes , Matthews , and I ligman , of 49 6 St . Austell ; and Hooper of Lodge 510 , Liskeard . The lodge was opened in due
form , and after the preliminary business , the W . M . elect , Bro . Hele , P . P . G . Organist , was duly installed in the chair of King Solomon by Bro . Captain Colvill , W . M ., in a solemn and impressive manner , which called forth high culogiums from the Past Masters and brethren present . The W . M . having been duly proclaimed , appointed and invested the following as his officers . Bros . Colvill , I . P . M .
and Treasurer ; Rich , P . M ., Secretary ; Hawkins , S . W . ; Rowe , J . W . ; Rev . J . D . Hawksley , Chaplain ; Hon . E Alger Robartes , S . D . * , Beacock , J . D . ; Trevail , M . C . ; Vincent and J . Hawke , Stewards ; O'Ncil , I . G . ; Carrol , P . P . G . T ., Ty ler . The lodge being called off from labour to refreshment , about fifty brethren-, repaired to an excellent ban . quct provided by Bro . Sandoc , P . M ., at the Royal Hotel ,
when a pleasant evening was spent . Tiu'uc . —Phamix Lodge of Honour aud Prudence ( No 331 ) . —At a meeting-of this lodge , on Tuesday evening , Bro . T . Olver , who has been S . W . for the past year , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . O Mayne , elected Treasurer , and Bro . Rookes re-elected Tyler . A letter was ordered to be prepared to he sent to Bro .
Ferguson , who is about to leave for India , expressing fraternal regret at his leaving anil well wishes for the future . The members afterwards enjoyed a good repast provided by Bro . Rookes , and several accessions were made lo the lodge . SOUTHAMPTON . —Peticcand Harmony Lodge ( Xo . 359 ) . — The W . M ., Bro . G . H . Burtcnslww , to meet him at his last
time of presiding over the lodge , had nearly sixty brethren present , including the W . M . ' s and officers of the other two lodges in the town , and the W M . 's elect of the same lodges . After two initiations and a raising , the cere , monies being performed in an able manner , a vote of con . dolencc was passed to the family of P . M . William Bemister , who died at a ripe old age this week , after many years
service in Craft and the other degrees in Masonry . He was ( he " father" of the Royal Gloucester Lodge , which celebrated its centenary a few years since . The Lodge of Peace and Harmony , large as it was , has made considerable additions to its members during the Mastership of Bro . Burtenshaw . NOUTIIAMI ' TON . —Pom fret Lmlge ( No . " ( do ) . —The
brethren of the above lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in their lodge room , George I lotcl , on the 2 . SU 1 ult . Bro . Val . Thos . Barf on ) was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably and satisfactorily performed by Bro . Ilinton ( of London , son of an old P . M . of the Pom fret Lodge ) . In the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . E . Cox ( P . M . of the Canonbury Lodge , London ) , who
was unfortunately unable to be present , Bro . J . T . Green , P . M ., was appointed S . W . ; Bro . Winter , | . W . ; Bro . G . Robinson , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . B Wilkins , P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . Lalor S . D . ; Bro . F . Gadsby , J . D . ; Bro . 11 . W . Parker , I . G . ; Bros . Stanton , P . M ., and T . R . Wood , Stewards ; and Bros . Dean and Tvovvp , Tylers . Amongst the visitors at the banquet were Bros . Xeall , Ilinton , . Matthews
( Lcndon ) , Bro . Buckle ( Prov . G . sec , Norths and Hunts ); Bro . Griffin ( W . M . elect of St . Peter ' s Lodge , Peterborough ) , and others , and although the attendance was not so numerousas usual , owing to the inclemency of the weather , the evening was spent in a very pleasant manner , harmony being contributed by Bros . Buckle , Ilinton , Stanton , Winter , Wood , and others . In the course ol the evening , Bro .
Buckle alluded in a brotherly manner to the loss the province had sustained in Ihe death of the late Prov . D . G . M ., Bro . S . Inns , and expressed the pleasure he felt that so worthy a successor had been ( omul in Bro , Bulley Wilkins , a member of the Ponifret Lodge . Bro . W . B . Gates , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas ., accepted the office of Steward of one of the Masonic charities .
Il . vi . ir . vx . —St . James ' s Lodge ( So . 448 ) . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated b y ( his lodge at the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , at their annual meeting . After the ordinary lodge business , the W . M . elect , Bro . I ' reclk . Whitaker , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., was duly installed W . M . of St . James's Lodge , by Bro . Waddington , P . M ., and Bro . Xorinanton , P . M , The following were then
invested officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . I " . Wheelhouse , S . W . ; t . T . Rhodes , ' J . W . ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treasurer ; | . Chaniock , P . M ., Secretary ; X . IV . Seholelield , S . D . ; j . S . Lambert , J . D . ; F . Whiteley , D . C ; Geo . Taylor , Organist ; J . Ilaiuiey , I . G . Stewards , Bros . C . J " . Hudson , and G . II . Brooks ; John Greenwood , T yler , At the banquet the W . M . was surrounded bv
Bros . Bentley Shaw , Deputy Secretary ; T . I lill , P . P . | . G . W . ; Smith , P . G . Secretary ; | . | , Scliiuppi , P . P . G . D . ; Dew . hirst , W . M . 1284 ; Wells , W . M ., Ky buni , Si . vvci'by Bridge ; Walker , Leeds ; W . II . Hartley , 307 , I lebden Bridge- . ( . Whitaker , S . W . 1 ^ 02 ; Asquiih , W . M . 1 302 ; from Probity , (> i , Bros . IVrkington , P . M ., Taskcr , " P . M ., J . Gnu . kroger , Leeniiivj , Mcuzics , W . M . elect of Probitv , . 1 .
W .-ilerhoiise , Win . GoiikrogiT ; from De Warren 1 Bros . I'alehell , Barren , J . Seed , Cooke , Thos . Nicl-oll , Geo . Normivnlon , J . Hayes ; Three Graces : Bros . Ogdeu , W . M ., Ely Dyson , and Terrell ; Dr . Hartley , Todmorden ; Bros . Ward , P . M ., Trafalgar , 971 ; illakey , Nelson of the Nile , 204 , Batley ; Hybuin : Bros . Slanslicld , Greenwood , and Sutcliffe . Letters of apology were re / id from Bro . M . Rhodes , Bradford , and from Bro . Underwood , who
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
said that as the railway companies had started so early slaughtering her Majesty ' s bipeds , and the weather being so seasonable and favourable for killing , he feared he could not possibly undertake the journey from Manchester . The W . M . proposed the loyal and patriotic toasts , "The Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces" being replied to by Bro . Morley , Bro . Leeming , 4 th W . Y . V . ;
Bro . Whitaker , 8 th W . Y . A . ; Bros . Hayes , 2 nd W . Y . Y . " The W . Deputy P . G . M . of West York , and P . G . Officers , " was proposed by the W . M . To this toast Bro . B . Shaw replied early in the evening , as he was compelled to leave before the proceedings terminated . He said that he trusted that very soon the Prince of Wales would appoint a Provincial Grand Master for West Yorkshire , as , at
present , they were without a head . Bro . Knowles proposed the toast of " The Newly-Installed W . M . of St . James's Lodge , " and hoped that the fact of Bro . Whitaker being elected to that office would mean a year of success and peace to St . James's Lodge . Bro . Whitaker replied , and promised to use every effort in his power to promote the goodwill of the lodge , and , in carrying out that object , he
looked with confidence to the active co-operation of his officers . The toaft was received and responded to with much enthusiasm . The W . M . then proposed "The Installing Officers—Bros . Waddington and Normanton . " This toast having been replied to by the installing officers , the W . M . proposed " The Visiting Brethren , " which was replied to by Bro . S . tviJe Crou-thcr in . 1 song— "Tlie
Anchor ' s weighed ; " also by Bro . Schacppi , of Bradford , who stated that the fame of St . James ' s Lodge had been spoken of in terms of the highest praise for many years ; and by Bro . Hill and others , including Bro . Binns , of Probity , Bro . Wells , of Ryburn Lodge , Bro . J . Dewhirst , of the Savile Lodge , Elland , Bro Dr . Hartley , Todmorden , and Bro . Terry . The
W . M . proposed the toast of the officers of " St James's Lodge , " which was rqilied to by Bro . T Whcelhouse , S . W . ; Bro . C . T . Rhodes , J . W . ; and Bro . W . F . Wilkinson . The W . M . then proposed the Past Masters and Officers of St . James ' s Lodge , and in doing so remarked how much he regretted the absence of two of the oldest Past Masters ol St . James ' s Lodge , who were
prevented attending by the severity of the weather—Bro , Waddington , P . M . ; Bro . E . Walshaw , P . M . ; and Bro . Normanton , P . M ., replied . The "Officers of Probity , No , di , " was proposed by the W , M ., and responded to by Bro . Menzies , W . M . elect . Bro . E . Walshaw proposed the " De Warren Lodge , " the response being given by Bro . Asquith , W . M . The toast of the "Masonic Charities "
was duly honoured , and elicited from the , ] , W . ( Bro . C . T . Rhodes ) , that he had made himself a " life governor" of the Boys' School . The chairman spoke of this benevolent instil ution as one of the most deserving , and hoped to see during his year of office many of the brethren become contributors to its funds . " Mrs . Bentley Shaw and the ladies" was proposed by Bro . Whiteley , D . C ; and the
proceedings terminated with " To all poor and distressed Masons . " During the evening several songs and recitations were given by various brethien , and the festive occasion was very joyously spent . The room was neatly decorated , and the banquet , which was supplied by Bro . Swift , of
the Plummet Line Inn , was exceedingly well served , and the tables were beautifully adorned with candelabra * , flowers , fruits , tie During the lodge ceremony , the lmmediate Past Master was presented vvith a Masonic jewel , in recognition of his services , by Bro . Bentley Shaw , in the name of a few brethren .
IlKiiTi-oiiD . —Hertford . Lodge ( Xo . 6 o . - () . —On the 24 th ult . the usual meeting was held at the Shire Hall . There was a large attendance of brethren , the principal business being the installation of Bro . Thomas Stalkart Carter , who had been duly elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge for the year ensuing . The Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ) having intimated his Intention to be
present anil lo act as Installing Master on the occasion , a number of Provincial Grand Masters attended , and many brethren from Ihe various lodges in Ihe country were also present . The Worshipful Master ( Bro . Orlando Wagner ) took the chair about three o ' clock and opened the lodge . After some r < uline business hail been gone through the Provincial Grand Master was introduced in due form , and
was received by the large number of brethren present with every mark of respect and enthusiasm . Having been conducted lo the chair , which was vacated b y Bro . Wagner , he proceeded lo install Bro . Carter . The ceremony was admirably and Impressively performed by Bro . Halsey , and elicited a general expression of thanks from the brethren . Bro . Carter , having taken the chair , proceeded to appoint
and invest the officers of the lodge . The remainder of the business having been gone through , the lodge was closed . At six o ' clock the banquet took place in the Assembl y Room . There were 64 brethren present , amongst whom were—The 1 ! . W , Prov . G . Master . Bro . T . F . Halsev , M . P . ; V . W . Bro . O . Ii . Wagner , l ' . M . Prov , G . S . Warden ; V . W . Bro . W . Wilson , P . M . ( Bcr ' ihanistead Lodge ) , Prov .
G . J . Warden ; V . W . Bro . T , S . Carter , Prov . G . S . Deacon ; V . W . Bro . Rev . Lewis Dcedes , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; V . W . BID . Malcolm Heywood , Prov . Grand Organist ; Bros . II . Campkin , J . E . Cussans , and E . R . P . Francis , Prov . G , Stewards ; V . W . Bro . H . B . Hodges , l ' , M . P . Prov . G . S . Warden ; Bro . J . R . Cocks , P . M . and Bro . Andrews , P . M . P . Prov . G . I . Wardens ; V . W . Bro .
Stephen Austin , P . M ., and Bro . | . Boatwright , P . Prov . G . Supts . Wks . ; V . W . Bros . C . Drunimond , P . M . and W . H . Rowe , P . Prov , G . S . B . ; V . W . Bro . | . W . Carr , P . M ., aud P . G . Sec , Essex ; V . W . Bro . Buss , P . Prov . Treasurer , Middlesex ; V . SV . Bro . Glass , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Essex ; Bro . j . Lowtl . in , W . M . 1479 ; Bro . W . Cutbush , W . M . ixSi ;
Bro , Mailer , W . M . 7 : 4 ; Bro . Cunningham , P . M . 7 : 4 ; and V . W . Bro . J . Terry , P . M . and Prov . Dir . Cers ., who very ably performed the 01 erous duties of his office . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Heywood . There were no less than twenty-two Past Masters present .