Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held last Saturday in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . There was a good attendance of members . Br ° . W . Roebuck took the chair , and among other brethren present were Bros . Raynham W . Stewart , Jesse Turner , Benj . Mallam , S . Rosenthal , J . G . Chancellor ,
Walter Hopekirk , W . Hughes , Benj . Head , I-I . Browse , 1 * . Adlard , W . F . C . Moutrie , W . H . Saunders , John Symonds , James Winter , Hyde Pullen , George Snow , G . J . Palmer , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and F . Binckes , Secretary . The minutes of meetings of the Committee and of the House Committee were read and confirmed . In the latter were included the records of the resignations of the Head and
Second Masters , and their acceptance . The letters containing the resignations were read to the Committee . Eleven petitions for placing boys on the list for election were read and passed , and the list was settled , there being 48 cases and 8 vacancies . On the motion of Bro . John Symonds , a vote expressive of the regret of the Institution at the loss of Bro . Benj .
Bond Cabbell , one of the Trustees , was unanimously agreed to . Bro . Symonds gave notice of the same motion for the Quarterly Court of the Boys' School on the 18 th , as he gave for the Girls' to increase the privileges of the Stewards for the festivals , and the ] Committee shortly afterwards adjourned .
Dinner Of The Audit Committee Of The Domatic Lodge.
The above dinner took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday last , lhc 2 nd inst ; Bro . Frederick Kent , C . C , the Master of the lodge , being in the chair , and Bro . Everett , the W . M . elect , in the vice-chair , supported by Bro . J . Fortescue Harrison , M . P ., and other
brethren . The result of the audit disclosed a balance of £ 53 6 s . 6 d . to the credit of the lodge , besides a payment to Grand Lodge of £ 66 3 s . for dues . After the loyal toasts , the W . M . proposed " The House of Commons , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Harrison , M . P . for Kilmarnock . The Hon . brother , in reply , stated that he was an old English Mason , and
thoroughly devoted to the interests of the Craft . Strange to say , although representing a Scotch burgh , he had not seen much of Scotch Masonry , but if every lodge bore such a reputation as the Domatic , Masonry , with all its true and noble principles , must flourish . He had come there to spend a pleasant evening- with Bro . Kent , their W . M ., whom he learned in the course of the evening
was about shortly to quit the chair ; he could only say that he wished him all happiness in the future . The toasts of the Audit Committee , the W . M ., the W . M . elect , and the Past Masters , followed . Bro . Kent , in responding to his own health , said : — Brethren , the Master of a lodge is always anxious about his audit , and for myself I can say that the result is to mc
most gratifying ; after all our pleasures , to have so large a surplus as £ 53 6 s . 6 d ., shows that we have been merry and wise , and have not forgotten charity . The Master made some amusing allusions to bread-and-cheese banquets , describing them as unreal , if given for ostentation and display , but praiseworth y , if from pure motives . He was happy to say that , in the Domatic Lodge , there was no occasion for bread-and-cheese banquets .
To the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Uro . Joseph Smith , P . M ., Aic , and Bro . Willing , severally replied , the former speaking of the prosperity of the lodge under Bro . Kent , and the latter expressing his intention to do all he could to promote its prosperity . The concluding toast , i . e ., " The Pretty Maids , Handsome Wives , and Buxom Widows of the Domatic Lodge , " was given by the Master in happy terms , and most facetiously acknowledged by Bro . Ferguson .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
MASONIC BALI , LIVIUU ' . —The approaching ball in Liverpool on Tuesday next ( of which an advertisement appears in another column ) promises to be one of a highly successful kind , and there is no doubt that the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , on behalf of which the annual festival is held , will reap a substantial benefit from the gathering . The arrangements are in . 1 very
forward condition , and our numerous readers will find a full report of the successful gathering in the Freemason in due course . Our distinguished Bro ., theRt . Hon . the Lord Mayor of London , David Henry Stone , P . M ., No . 1 P . Z ., will preside at the Girl's School Anniversary in May next . He left London on a state visit to the French metropolis ,
accompanied by the Sheriffs , and reached Paris at midnight . He was received by the Minister of Police , the Prefect of the Seine , and other officials . He was present at the opening of the New Opera I louse , where a special box was reserved for him , having been previously presented to Marshal MacMahon . The second of the series of five concerts in aid of the
organ fund of the new Masonic Hall , Liverpool , took place in the large dining hall of the building on Wednesday week , when there was a good attendance . The concert was highly successful in a musical point of view , much of the credit being due to Bro . Walter Barnct , who efficiently fulfilled the duties of conductor and accompanyist .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the members of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , on Thursday evening , January 28 th 187 , *; , at 6 . 30 precisely , at No . it 1 , Cheapside ( the London Warehousemens' Association ) . Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 , 1216 , I . P . M . 1426 will preside . Brethren are invited to attend .
Consecration Of A Chapter In New Zealand.
It may be interesting to many of our readers to learn that in the fast-progressing colony of New Zealand , " the Britain of the South , " Masonry flourishes and is respected . We have just received from a correspondent the following report of the consecration and the opening of the Trafalgar
Royal Arch Chapter of Nelson , S . C . In that confessedly delightful and serene spot— " the garden of New Zealand " —the Southern Star Lodge , No . 735 , E . C , has been established about twenty years , and it is out of that strong and well-established lodge that has sprung the chapter just inaugurated . On Thursday , the 8 th of October , three M . E . Principals
from the Canterbury Kilwinning R . A . Chapter arrived in Nelson Haven , on their fraternal mission , after a four day ' s voyage in the New Zealand Coasting Steamer , Wellington , from Lyttclton , for the purpose of opening the chapter . These gentlemen were the guests of the Nelson Masons for nine days , a great portion of which time was occupied in their Masonic duties .
On the afternoon of their arrival , the M . E . Comps . F . W . Thiel , Z . J . ; Booth , H . ; and Arthur A . Dobbs , J . ; met the brethren in the Masonic Hall , where afterwards , assisted by other companions resident in Nelson , they formed the chapter . In the evening of the same day , the Mark Master ' s Lodge was opened , and a considerable number of the brethren advanced to that degree . On the
Friday afternoon , the Lodge of Excellent Masons was formed , and the brethren passed through the veils , and , in the evening , the exaltations into the Royal Arch degree were given . On the Saturday a Royal Ark Mariner ' s Lodge was formed among those Royal Arch companions qualified to take the degree . On Monday afternoon there were more exaltations , and , in the evening , the
officebearers were installed and invested by M . E . Comp . Thiel . The ceremony was exceedingly impressive , and during the evening Comp . Dobbs , of Christchurch , acting , ) ., delivered an address , a slight sketch of which , as taken by our correspondent , we give . Comp . Dobbs said : On first entering into Masonry our attention was , in an especial manner , directed to the
volume of the Sacred Law as our sole guide in all things , whether relating to our civil , social , or domestic duties . In the second degree we were encouraged to cultivate the understanding by a study of the liberal arts and sciences , and in the third degree not only was our higher intelligence to be exercised , but we were enjoined to the study of our own nature , and our higher aspirations were
directed to the source of all good m the universe , and to that immortality , the instinct of which has been implanted within every soul . But at the close of this degree we are , in terms equally strong , directed to God's Holy Word , and especially with his dealings with I lis creatures . The certainty of a national punishment following national sin , and the equal certainty , but more immediate sequence , of
pardon on national repentance , is strongly shown in God ' s dealing with His rebellious people—showing His character , as revealed by Himself , as a God who sits in His seat to administer mercy , but who comes out of His place in executing punishment which is His strange work . Next we have a dramatic scene , enacted in the visits of the Sojourners to the vaults , which , although it may not
be an exact representation of a real or historical occurrence , yet undoubtedly represents a fact—the discovery of the secret vault of King Solomon erected by him , directed by the providence of God to preserve the precious deposits there from the ruin that he prophetically foresaw would overtake Jerusalem . We had there , in the decorations of the chamber , an evidence of the advanced position of
science , cultivated by Masons , in the Zodiacal signs , and it is remarkable also that the names of the twelve tribes are actually lost lo human knowledge , although we know that most surely will the promises of God to His ancient people be fulfilled to the letter , and but for the preservation of the Sacred histories and for these prophetic lirecautions , the very names of these tribes would have been
lost . We come now to the climax or key-stone of the K . A ., in the discovery of the genuine secrets of Masonry , and especially of tin ; grand mysterious name of the Deity and the manner in which it should be pronounced . From the singular care taken by the Jews to prevent an irreverent use of the sacred name , manifested in so many ways , and so uniformly , we should learn an important
lesson , and the Arch-Mason who uses the ordinary name of God irreverently on light or trivial occasions is peculiarly inconsistent in his conduct . The veteran companion in the foregoing address was listened to with marked attention . The following companions were severally invested as officebearers of the Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter of
Nelson , by M . E . Com )) . F . W . Thiel , by authority of the Provincial Grand Superintendent , W . 13 . Sealy , Z . ; W . Westbroke Squires , H . ; R . Burn , J . ; Wm . M . Stanton , E . ; A . M . K . Wit , N . ; W . I . ightfoot , Treasurer ; William Holmes , J . Hounsell , and Leonard G . Boor , Sojourners .
On the next evening , the Southern Star Lodge niel ( by emergency ) to afford their Canterbury brethren the opportunity of visiting . A brother was raised to the third degree by W . M . Maclean , and the visitors were pleased to express their gratification at the order and good working of the lodge .
THE 11 ANQUF . T . The Craft Lodge joined with the Chapter to do honour to their guests and brethren , by inviting M . E . Comps . Thiel , Booth , and Dobbs to a banquet , which was accordingly given in the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday evening ,
the 14 th Oct . The companions and brethren dined in regalia , and the gallery was open for an hour , to ladies , being members of the families of Masons . The following toasts were given , the first four from the
Consecration Of A Chapter In New Zealand.
chair , which was ably filled by M . E . Comp . Sealy , — " The Queen and the Craft ; " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W ., First Grand Principal for England ; " ( this toast called for special remark , from the recently arrived telegraphic intelligence of the defection of the late Noble Grand Principal , and was drunk vvith enthusiasm ) "The Grand Principals of Scotland and Ireland ; " and "The
Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy G . M . for England ; " and " The Grand Officers . " M . E . Comp . Dobbs gave " The three Principals of the Trafalgar R . A . Chapter of Nelson , " responded to by M . E . Comp . Sealy , who , after some songs , ' proposed the toast rf the occasion— "The Installing Ofiicers , " vvhich was most cordially and heartily drunk . M . E . Comp . Thiel , for himself and fellow principals ,
very kindly responded , and gave " The healths of E . Comps . Stanton and Holmes , " who , he said , had been instrumental in the formation of the Chapter whose opening was at that moment being so well celebrated . He was responded to by the former . M . E . Comp . Sealy then gave " The Worshipful Master , the Wardens , and Officers of the Southern Star Lodge , " to
which W . M . Charles L . Maclean responded . To the toast of " The Visiting brethren , " Bro . T . M . Foy responded . "The Newly Elected Companions" was responded to by Comp . A . J . Richmond , and "The Canterbury Kilwinning Chapter , " by Comp . Booth . Comp . Burn proposed the health of M . E . Com ]) , and Bro . Squires , whose zealous care in fostering Freemasonry in Nelson , at a time when such guardianship was so much required , he highly
eulogized . Comp . Dobbs , in a humorous speech , proposed "The Ladies , " responded to by Bro . Deacon . " The W . M . and officers of the Forest Lodge , " " The health of HostToejca , " with a well-deserved compliment for his providing so excellently , and " To all poor and distressed Masons " were duly drunk , and the evening passed away pleasantly with agreeable speeches and good music , among which was the following original song .
THE MASON ' S TEMPLE . " A Temple not made vvith hands . " Written by E . Comp . W . M . Stanton , to music by Bro . Charles Bonnington , and sung by Comp . C . A . Deacon . E . Com ]) . Stanton accompanied on the pianoforte . Fill the rosy cup to the brim ' . to the brim ! Raise the cheerful song and joyous hymn !
Every Mason s heart rej . 'iccs At the work this day begun , And as jubilant our voices , Be our hearts and souls as one ; We have left behind our labours With the setting of the sun . So around the festive lable be banish'd every cue , As we meet upon the level aul part upon ' . lhe square .
The temple we are building is sublime ! is sublime ! Its pillars are eternal ! beyond time ! In Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty Our grand Architect Divine Has traced each Craftsman ' s tlutv
To the true Masonic line ; Then let brother aid each brother , Love and labour thus combine . Cheerfully , untiring , let us build our temple fair , Meeting on the level—parting on the square .
Then forward with the structure ! let it rise ! let it rise ! Rear up its lofty arches to the skies ! Ply the chisel and the gavel , Till the ashlars square become , Lay a true ami perfect level ,
Fix a true and upright plumb , Then pile up the glorious temple , The perfect Mason ' s home , And adorn the the sacred building—that palace bright and rare , Where we meet upon the level , to part upon the square .
'I he delay of two days 111 the departure of the steamer * enabled the Masons to shew their guests the suburban districts , and to explore with them the sunny gardens and the green hills and valleys with their shady walks and pleasant drives , surrounded by pretty cottages and elegant villas embosomed in trees . The weather was most
favourable to the enjoyment of the charming spring-time , until at noon on Saturday , the 17 th , with a calm sea and a cloudless sky , their guests re-embarked in the Wellington for home , carrying with them high respect and hearty good wishes . No less than fifty Masons , without any previous arrangement , came together on the pier , during the morning , to take leave of their Christchurch
brethren . The Trafalgar Chapter already numbers thirty-five Companions .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending truiay , January 1 ( 1 , 1875 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries ot Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c ., of any change in place or time of meeting .
Saturday , January 9 . Quarterly General Court , Girls' School , at 12 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 17 6 , Caveac , Westminster Palace 1 Iotel . „ 1328 , Granite , Freemasons' Hall . „ 13 61 , United Service , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . 1 , 1426 , The Great City , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-slrect .
„ 1457 , Bagshaw , Bald-Faced Stag , Buckhurst Hill . Chap . 1293 , Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held last Saturday in the Board Room , Freemasons' Hall . There was a good attendance of members . Br ° . W . Roebuck took the chair , and among other brethren present were Bros . Raynham W . Stewart , Jesse Turner , Benj . Mallam , S . Rosenthal , J . G . Chancellor ,
Walter Hopekirk , W . Hughes , Benj . Head , I-I . Browse , 1 * . Adlard , W . F . C . Moutrie , W . H . Saunders , John Symonds , James Winter , Hyde Pullen , George Snow , G . J . Palmer , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and F . Binckes , Secretary . The minutes of meetings of the Committee and of the House Committee were read and confirmed . In the latter were included the records of the resignations of the Head and
Second Masters , and their acceptance . The letters containing the resignations were read to the Committee . Eleven petitions for placing boys on the list for election were read and passed , and the list was settled , there being 48 cases and 8 vacancies . On the motion of Bro . John Symonds , a vote expressive of the regret of the Institution at the loss of Bro . Benj .
Bond Cabbell , one of the Trustees , was unanimously agreed to . Bro . Symonds gave notice of the same motion for the Quarterly Court of the Boys' School on the 18 th , as he gave for the Girls' to increase the privileges of the Stewards for the festivals , and the ] Committee shortly afterwards adjourned .
Dinner Of The Audit Committee Of The Domatic Lodge.
The above dinner took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday last , lhc 2 nd inst ; Bro . Frederick Kent , C . C , the Master of the lodge , being in the chair , and Bro . Everett , the W . M . elect , in the vice-chair , supported by Bro . J . Fortescue Harrison , M . P ., and other
brethren . The result of the audit disclosed a balance of £ 53 6 s . 6 d . to the credit of the lodge , besides a payment to Grand Lodge of £ 66 3 s . for dues . After the loyal toasts , the W . M . proposed " The House of Commons , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Harrison , M . P . for Kilmarnock . The Hon . brother , in reply , stated that he was an old English Mason , and
thoroughly devoted to the interests of the Craft . Strange to say , although representing a Scotch burgh , he had not seen much of Scotch Masonry , but if every lodge bore such a reputation as the Domatic , Masonry , with all its true and noble principles , must flourish . He had come there to spend a pleasant evening- with Bro . Kent , their W . M ., whom he learned in the course of the evening
was about shortly to quit the chair ; he could only say that he wished him all happiness in the future . The toasts of the Audit Committee , the W . M ., the W . M . elect , and the Past Masters , followed . Bro . Kent , in responding to his own health , said : — Brethren , the Master of a lodge is always anxious about his audit , and for myself I can say that the result is to mc
most gratifying ; after all our pleasures , to have so large a surplus as £ 53 6 s . 6 d ., shows that we have been merry and wise , and have not forgotten charity . The Master made some amusing allusions to bread-and-cheese banquets , describing them as unreal , if given for ostentation and display , but praiseworth y , if from pure motives . He was happy to say that , in the Domatic Lodge , there was no occasion for bread-and-cheese banquets .
To the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , Uro . Joseph Smith , P . M ., Aic , and Bro . Willing , severally replied , the former speaking of the prosperity of the lodge under Bro . Kent , and the latter expressing his intention to do all he could to promote its prosperity . The concluding toast , i . e ., " The Pretty Maids , Handsome Wives , and Buxom Widows of the Domatic Lodge , " was given by the Master in happy terms , and most facetiously acknowledged by Bro . Ferguson .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
MASONIC BALI , LIVIUU ' . —The approaching ball in Liverpool on Tuesday next ( of which an advertisement appears in another column ) promises to be one of a highly successful kind , and there is no doubt that the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , on behalf of which the annual festival is held , will reap a substantial benefit from the gathering . The arrangements are in . 1 very
forward condition , and our numerous readers will find a full report of the successful gathering in the Freemason in due course . Our distinguished Bro ., theRt . Hon . the Lord Mayor of London , David Henry Stone , P . M ., No . 1 P . Z ., will preside at the Girl's School Anniversary in May next . He left London on a state visit to the French metropolis ,
accompanied by the Sheriffs , and reached Paris at midnight . He was received by the Minister of Police , the Prefect of the Seine , and other officials . He was present at the opening of the New Opera I louse , where a special box was reserved for him , having been previously presented to Marshal MacMahon . The second of the series of five concerts in aid of the
organ fund of the new Masonic Hall , Liverpool , took place in the large dining hall of the building on Wednesday week , when there was a good attendance . The concert was highly successful in a musical point of view , much of the credit being due to Bro . Walter Barnct , who efficiently fulfilled the duties of conductor and accompanyist .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the members of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 , on Thursday evening , January 28 th 187 , *; , at 6 . 30 precisely , at No . it 1 , Cheapside ( the London Warehousemens' Association ) . Bro . Jas . Stevens , P . M . 720 , 1216 , I . P . M . 1426 will preside . Brethren are invited to attend .
Consecration Of A Chapter In New Zealand.
It may be interesting to many of our readers to learn that in the fast-progressing colony of New Zealand , " the Britain of the South , " Masonry flourishes and is respected . We have just received from a correspondent the following report of the consecration and the opening of the Trafalgar
Royal Arch Chapter of Nelson , S . C . In that confessedly delightful and serene spot— " the garden of New Zealand " —the Southern Star Lodge , No . 735 , E . C , has been established about twenty years , and it is out of that strong and well-established lodge that has sprung the chapter just inaugurated . On Thursday , the 8 th of October , three M . E . Principals
from the Canterbury Kilwinning R . A . Chapter arrived in Nelson Haven , on their fraternal mission , after a four day ' s voyage in the New Zealand Coasting Steamer , Wellington , from Lyttclton , for the purpose of opening the chapter . These gentlemen were the guests of the Nelson Masons for nine days , a great portion of which time was occupied in their Masonic duties .
On the afternoon of their arrival , the M . E . Comps . F . W . Thiel , Z . J . ; Booth , H . ; and Arthur A . Dobbs , J . ; met the brethren in the Masonic Hall , where afterwards , assisted by other companions resident in Nelson , they formed the chapter . In the evening of the same day , the Mark Master ' s Lodge was opened , and a considerable number of the brethren advanced to that degree . On the
Friday afternoon , the Lodge of Excellent Masons was formed , and the brethren passed through the veils , and , in the evening , the exaltations into the Royal Arch degree were given . On the Saturday a Royal Ark Mariner ' s Lodge was formed among those Royal Arch companions qualified to take the degree . On Monday afternoon there were more exaltations , and , in the evening , the
officebearers were installed and invested by M . E . Comp . Thiel . The ceremony was exceedingly impressive , and during the evening Comp . Dobbs , of Christchurch , acting , ) ., delivered an address , a slight sketch of which , as taken by our correspondent , we give . Comp . Dobbs said : On first entering into Masonry our attention was , in an especial manner , directed to the
volume of the Sacred Law as our sole guide in all things , whether relating to our civil , social , or domestic duties . In the second degree we were encouraged to cultivate the understanding by a study of the liberal arts and sciences , and in the third degree not only was our higher intelligence to be exercised , but we were enjoined to the study of our own nature , and our higher aspirations were
directed to the source of all good m the universe , and to that immortality , the instinct of which has been implanted within every soul . But at the close of this degree we are , in terms equally strong , directed to God's Holy Word , and especially with his dealings with I lis creatures . The certainty of a national punishment following national sin , and the equal certainty , but more immediate sequence , of
pardon on national repentance , is strongly shown in God ' s dealing with His rebellious people—showing His character , as revealed by Himself , as a God who sits in His seat to administer mercy , but who comes out of His place in executing punishment which is His strange work . Next we have a dramatic scene , enacted in the visits of the Sojourners to the vaults , which , although it may not
be an exact representation of a real or historical occurrence , yet undoubtedly represents a fact—the discovery of the secret vault of King Solomon erected by him , directed by the providence of God to preserve the precious deposits there from the ruin that he prophetically foresaw would overtake Jerusalem . We had there , in the decorations of the chamber , an evidence of the advanced position of
science , cultivated by Masons , in the Zodiacal signs , and it is remarkable also that the names of the twelve tribes are actually lost lo human knowledge , although we know that most surely will the promises of God to His ancient people be fulfilled to the letter , and but for the preservation of the Sacred histories and for these prophetic lirecautions , the very names of these tribes would have been
lost . We come now to the climax or key-stone of the K . A ., in the discovery of the genuine secrets of Masonry , and especially of tin ; grand mysterious name of the Deity and the manner in which it should be pronounced . From the singular care taken by the Jews to prevent an irreverent use of the sacred name , manifested in so many ways , and so uniformly , we should learn an important
lesson , and the Arch-Mason who uses the ordinary name of God irreverently on light or trivial occasions is peculiarly inconsistent in his conduct . The veteran companion in the foregoing address was listened to with marked attention . The following companions were severally invested as officebearers of the Trafalgar Royal Arch Chapter of
Nelson , by M . E . Com )) . F . W . Thiel , by authority of the Provincial Grand Superintendent , W . 13 . Sealy , Z . ; W . Westbroke Squires , H . ; R . Burn , J . ; Wm . M . Stanton , E . ; A . M . K . Wit , N . ; W . I . ightfoot , Treasurer ; William Holmes , J . Hounsell , and Leonard G . Boor , Sojourners .
On the next evening , the Southern Star Lodge niel ( by emergency ) to afford their Canterbury brethren the opportunity of visiting . A brother was raised to the third degree by W . M . Maclean , and the visitors were pleased to express their gratification at the order and good working of the lodge .
THE 11 ANQUF . T . The Craft Lodge joined with the Chapter to do honour to their guests and brethren , by inviting M . E . Comps . Thiel , Booth , and Dobbs to a banquet , which was accordingly given in the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday evening ,
the 14 th Oct . The companions and brethren dined in regalia , and the gallery was open for an hour , to ladies , being members of the families of Masons . The following toasts were given , the first four from the
Consecration Of A Chapter In New Zealand.
chair , which was ably filled by M . E . Comp . Sealy , — " The Queen and the Craft ; " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W ., First Grand Principal for England ; " ( this toast called for special remark , from the recently arrived telegraphic intelligence of the defection of the late Noble Grand Principal , and was drunk vvith enthusiasm ) "The Grand Principals of Scotland and Ireland ; " and "The
Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy G . M . for England ; " and " The Grand Officers . " M . E . Comp . Dobbs gave " The three Principals of the Trafalgar R . A . Chapter of Nelson , " responded to by M . E . Comp . Sealy , who , after some songs , ' proposed the toast rf the occasion— "The Installing Ofiicers , " vvhich was most cordially and heartily drunk . M . E . Comp . Thiel , for himself and fellow principals ,
very kindly responded , and gave " The healths of E . Comps . Stanton and Holmes , " who , he said , had been instrumental in the formation of the Chapter whose opening was at that moment being so well celebrated . He was responded to by the former . M . E . Comp . Sealy then gave " The Worshipful Master , the Wardens , and Officers of the Southern Star Lodge , " to
which W . M . Charles L . Maclean responded . To the toast of " The Visiting brethren , " Bro . T . M . Foy responded . "The Newly Elected Companions" was responded to by Comp . A . J . Richmond , and "The Canterbury Kilwinning Chapter , " by Comp . Booth . Comp . Burn proposed the health of M . E . Com ]) , and Bro . Squires , whose zealous care in fostering Freemasonry in Nelson , at a time when such guardianship was so much required , he highly
eulogized . Comp . Dobbs , in a humorous speech , proposed "The Ladies , " responded to by Bro . Deacon . " The W . M . and officers of the Forest Lodge , " " The health of HostToejca , " with a well-deserved compliment for his providing so excellently , and " To all poor and distressed Masons " were duly drunk , and the evening passed away pleasantly with agreeable speeches and good music , among which was the following original song .
THE MASON ' S TEMPLE . " A Temple not made vvith hands . " Written by E . Comp . W . M . Stanton , to music by Bro . Charles Bonnington , and sung by Comp . C . A . Deacon . E . Com ]) . Stanton accompanied on the pianoforte . Fill the rosy cup to the brim ' . to the brim ! Raise the cheerful song and joyous hymn !
Every Mason s heart rej . 'iccs At the work this day begun , And as jubilant our voices , Be our hearts and souls as one ; We have left behind our labours With the setting of the sun . So around the festive lable be banish'd every cue , As we meet upon the level aul part upon ' . lhe square .
The temple we are building is sublime ! is sublime ! Its pillars are eternal ! beyond time ! In Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty Our grand Architect Divine Has traced each Craftsman ' s tlutv
To the true Masonic line ; Then let brother aid each brother , Love and labour thus combine . Cheerfully , untiring , let us build our temple fair , Meeting on the level—parting on the square .
Then forward with the structure ! let it rise ! let it rise ! Rear up its lofty arches to the skies ! Ply the chisel and the gavel , Till the ashlars square become , Lay a true ami perfect level ,
Fix a true and upright plumb , Then pile up the glorious temple , The perfect Mason ' s home , And adorn the the sacred building—that palace bright and rare , Where we meet upon the level , to part upon the square .
'I he delay of two days 111 the departure of the steamer * enabled the Masons to shew their guests the suburban districts , and to explore with them the sunny gardens and the green hills and valleys with their shady walks and pleasant drives , surrounded by pretty cottages and elegant villas embosomed in trees . The weather was most
favourable to the enjoyment of the charming spring-time , until at noon on Saturday , the 17 th , with a calm sea and a cloudless sky , their guests re-embarked in the Wellington for home , carrying with them high respect and hearty good wishes . No less than fifty Masons , without any previous arrangement , came together on the pier , during the morning , to take leave of their Christchurch
brethren . The Trafalgar Chapter already numbers thirty-five Companions .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending truiay , January 1 ( 1 , 1875 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries ot Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c ., of any change in place or time of meeting .
Saturday , January 9 . Quarterly General Court , Girls' School , at 12 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . „ 17 6 , Caveac , Westminster Palace 1 Iotel . „ 1328 , Granite , Freemasons' Hall . „ 13 61 , United Service , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . 1 , 1426 , The Great City , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-slrect .
„ 1457 , Bagshaw , Bald-Faced Stag , Buckhurst Hill . Chap . 1293 , Burdett , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court .