Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Result Of Election.
be on the Committee of Management for the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institntion for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , and no nthers were named . —Bros . James Brett , P . M . C A CottebrunePM 733 Thomas
„ . . , .. ; Cubitt , P . M . 15 ? ; J- A . Farnfield , P . M . 256 ; C F . Hogard , P . M . 205 ; M . Levy , P . M , . 00 . T . G . Stevens , 554 . A . H . Tattershall , PM . 140 ; H . G . Warren , P . M . 173 3 T . W . White , P . M . 2 i .
NEW LODGES . The following is a list of the Lodges for which warrants have been granted since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . 1 ( idS . Samson Lotlge , Freemasons Hall . 1660 . Boyal Leopold Loi-ige , Camberwell . 670 ! Adelphi Lodge , Strand .
, rfi-r . Mizpah Lodge , Aldersgate-street . 1 ( 1-2 . Mornington Lodge , Snaresbrook . jfi ' j . Langton Lodge , Queen Victoria-street . nCri .. Caradoc Lodge , Rhyl , Flintshire . jf , i . . Antient Briton Lodge , Liverpool . jiTi-fi . St . Nicholas Lodge , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . jfi--. Crusader ' s Lodge , Cler k enwell . Tonbrid Kent
ifi-S . Tonbiid -c Lodge , ge , . , ( i-n . Henry Muggeridge Lodge , Dalston . ifitSn . Comet Lodge , Dingo Creek , Queensland . ifiSi . Londesborough Lodge . Regent-street . 1 OS 2 . Tarn worth Lodge , Tarn worth , New South Wales . j CSV Gt-raldton Lodge , Champion Bay , Western Australia . i 6 Sx- Carnarvon Lodge , Richmond , Natal .
ifiSv f » nelph Lodge , Leytonstone . idSfi . Pax ton Lodge , Sydenham . jdS " . R"thcsay Lodge , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields . idSS . Buxton Lodge , Buxton , Derby . ifiSy . Lnzar Lodge , Kennard , Westland , N . Z . lfiq'i . Phoenix Lodge , Westport , Westland , N . Z . if-yr . Quadratic Lodge , Hampton Court . 1692 . Hervey Lotlge , Haves , Kent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft lUtosMrjr . WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursrlav , the i 7 th ult ., at thc New Market Hotel , Kingstreet , West Smithfield . Punctually at half-past two o ' clock Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . T . W . Adams , S . W . ; G . S . Elliott , J . W . ; F .
Walters , P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Sec ; J . Howes , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Johnson , J . D . ; G . S . Wintle , I . G . ; W . Pennc father . ' P . M ., D . C . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ; J . J . Howes , E . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stephens , W . Smyth , H . J . Lardner . T . Butt , W . Snow , T . M . Butt , and
others . Amongst the numerous visitors , we noticed Bros . J . W . Baldwin , P . A . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 1423 , & c . ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; G . Wallace , ns ; A . Stevens , 121 ) 8 ; J . H . Pearson , 1423 , and others . The minutes of the last regular lodge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc ballot was unanimous in favour of thc admission of
Mr . Craddock Seymour as a candidate for initiation , also for Bro . James Payne , No . 245 , as a joining member . The work , done in an able and efficient manner , was passing Bros . J . J . Howes , E . C . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stephens , and H . J . Lardncr to the Second Degree ; raismg Bro . XV . Smyth to thc Third Degree . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and some brethren for joining .
An important notice of motion was given by the Secretary . The lodge was closed , and adjourned to Thursday , the 1 gth July , to meet at half-past two . Bro . T . Butt , the courteous proprietor , under his personal superintendence hart a splendid 'banquet served , which gave great satisfaction , and pleased every one . -The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs , glees , and recitations
were given , and passed away a pleasant and agreeable evening . JERSEY . —La Cesaree Lodge ( No . <) o ) . —The twenty-sixth anniversary of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Temple , ! tm Thursday , the 24 th ult . Bro . A . Grant , W . M ., occupied thc chair , supported by Bros . J . Pallet , I . P . M ; P . Messervy , S . W . ; E . Carre , J . W . ; A .
Schmitt . P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Sec ; I . T . du Jardin , P . M ., W -M . 244 , P . P . S . G . W . ; G . J . Rcnouf , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . j J- Oatley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; P . W . Binch , P . M ., P . P . G . 1 Pur- ; J . O'Flahcrty , P . M . 95 S , P . S . G . D ., and other i officers , members , and a goodly complement of visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . P . G . M . ; P - W . Benham , P . M . 244 , P . G . Treas . -, J . O . Le Sueur
? 'M- 49 ' , P . G . Sec . ; R . Barrow , P . M . 491 , P . J . G . W . ; E . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , 11 . 12 ; E . Martel , P . M . 9 ^ 8 , PP . G . D . C ; F . Le Feuvre , W . M . 8 77 , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . ' ll . CIwpman , W . M . 05 S , Ass . G . D . C . ; W . Metherell , P . M . ™ ° 3 , P . G . S . B . ; P . Blampied , W . M . 245 , P . P . G . D . C , and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the jast meeting were read and confirmed . The only business oefore it was the installation of Bro . Capt . P . Messervy , .,, -... _ ..... iii . iana . 'uii .,. uiv .-. * ,.. . . . > . <_ ...,... ,
• L elect . The lodge was opened in the Second De-S « r , Bro , A . Schmitt took the chair as Installing Master , n ( 1 at his request the W . M . elect was presented by 'os . Grant and J . Pallot . The customary preliminaries Jiving- been gone through , all the brethren below the ) A ' " - ' ''" "cd . A board of Installed Masters was then . r"lec ' > and Bro . Messervy was , according to ancient Q ° m , installed in the chair of K . S . as W . M . of the 8 e - Thcbrethren were then re-admitted , and having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
saluted the new W . M ., the Installing Master proceeded with the rest of the ceremony , and delivered the usual address . The following brethren were appointed as the ofiicers of the lodge , viz .: —E . Carre ' , S . W . ; A . Gallichan , . 1 . W . ; J . P . Dr . ^ St . Croix , S . D . ; Capt . T . Le Scelleur , J . D . ; J . De La Marc , I . G . ; G . Rogers , Tyler ; and invested by the I . M . Lastly , the W . M . appointed Bro . A .
Schmitt , Sec , whom Bro . du Jardin , the founder of the lodge , invested as such , with some remarks as well deserved by his past services in that capacity as they were complimentary and sincere . All lodge business being ended , it was closed at six o ' clock in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , and forty-three sat down to an excellent dinner provided
by the Curator of the Temple , Bro . Rogers . The W . M . presided . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The D . P . G . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " being convinced that the lodge will maintain under his rule its statu quo and prosperity . The W . M . in warm terms returned thanks . The D . P . G . M . then , in the course of an
emphatic and feeling address , said : I am deputed by the Board of Management of the Jersey Masonic Temple Company to present this chaste gold penci ' , ™ t > E exquisite beauty and workmanship , to our esteemed Bro . A . Schmitt , in recognition ' of his indefatigable exertions as Hon . Sec . since the laying of the foundation stone till this very moment , that is to say , during a period of fifteen' years ,
and handed it to the recipient , bearing the inscription"Jersey Masonic Temple to A . Schmitt , its Hon . Sec , 1877 . " The Hon . Sec , in a few words , set forth the livelypleasurewhich hadcometo him in the unexpected presentation of thc magnificent testimonial he had just received ; he felt gratified in knowing that his Masonic labour of love gave satisfaction to the members of the
province , and concluded by stating how dear and valuable the testimonial would ever be to him , and again he begged to thank them for this renewed tangible expression of their esteem and satisfaction . After thc healths of " The Visitors " and " P . M . ' s , " the Secretary proposed "The Health of the distinguished absent Hon . Members , " viz ., Wm . James Hughan ( Truro ) , and Dr . H . Hopkins
( Bath ) , whose Masonic and literary labours , their truly fraternal attachment and good vvill towards the brethren of this province , particulaily merit our esteem and admiration , and they are in every way deserving of our brotherly remembrance . The toast was received with the greatest warmth by the brethren . Two or three more were given , and the brethren separated at half-past nine , highly
satisfied with the proceedings of the evening . JERSEY . —St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( No . 958 ) . —The fourteenth annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 15 th ult ., when a large number of brethren assembled to congratulate Bro . E . Martel on the successful termination of his two years ' labour , and Bro . W . H . Chapman on the commencement
of his career as a ruler in thc Craft , under auspices so favourable , witb such an example before him and with the affairs of thc lodge in so prosperous a condition . The lodge was opened bv the W . M ., supported by Bros . W . H . Chapman , S . W . ; R . Barrow , P . M . 491 , P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; J . Oatley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; Jos . O'Flaherty , P . M ., P . S . G . D ., and many others . Among the visitors
were Bros . A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . P . S . G . W . ; P . W . Benham , P . M . 244 , P . G ., Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , P . M . 491 , P . G . Sec ; W . Z . Pugsley , P . M . 275 , P . P . J . G . W . ; C . Kingsnorth , P . M . 245 , P . P . J . G . W ., 6 . Dodge , P . M . 245 , P . P . G . R . ; G . F . Baker , P . M . 491 , P . G . D . C . ; Dr . T . J . Aubin , W . M . 491 , P . G . S . W . ; A . Grant , W . M . j . 90 ; P . Bois , W . M . ioorj ; Frs . Le Feuvre , W . M . 877 , P . P . G . S . B . ;
J . Moss , P . M . 245 , and others . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Bro . Butfield being a candidate for promotion , and having proved his claim , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , the candidate was admitted , and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The W . M . informed the brethren that his two years of
Mastership having expired , he was highly pleased to be succeeded by a worthy brother , the W . M . elect , whom he should have the pleasure of installing . Bro . J . Oatley presented Bro . W . H . Chapman . The customary enumeration of duties was made , the ancient charges were read and assented to , and the obligation of W . M . elect administered . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and all who
had not passed the chair withdrew . A board of sixteen Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Chapman was duly placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . After the board had been closed , the several classes of M . M . ' s , Fellow Crafts , and Entered Apprentices were in turn admitted , and the processions and proclamations were gone through , respecting which it need only be
recorded that Bro . Ed . Martel conducted the ceremonies with great exactitude and impressiveness . After the usual address to the W . M ., delivered with great fervour , Bro , Chapman briefly remarked , that fully acknowledging the difficulty of the task he had undertaken , he was sensible of the honour conferred upon him . He accepted the responsibility , and trusted that , with God ' s help , he should
not be found wanting in the worthy discharge of it , especially as he had been promised , and could confidently rely upon , efficient assistance from the Past Masters . The following appointments were made , Bro . Martel in each case officiating and offering appropriate observations : — Bros . S . Hurst , S . W . ; Th . J . De Bourcier , J . W . ; W . T . Campbell , S . D . ; Ch . Naylor , J . D . ; G . Ninnim , I . G . ; J
Oatley , Treas . ; J . O'Flahcrty , Org . ; G . Rogers , Tyler . Lastly the W . M . appointed Bro . Martel , Secretary , with some remarks as well deserved by his past services in that capacity as they were complimentary and sincere . It may be observed , en passant , that last year the lodge had fully acknowledged this worthy brother ' s indefatigable zeal , activity , and usefulness in presenting him with a splendid gold Past Master's Jewel . The lodge was closed at 6 . 30
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
p . m . in perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room , splendidly decorated for the occasion , and about eighty sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by the Guardian of the Temple , Bro . Rogers . The W . M . presided , having on his right Bros . Rev . Steward Patterson , P . P . G . M . for Manitoba ( Canada ) ; A . Schmitt , J . Th . du Jardin , Barham , Le Sueur , and on his left Bros . Martel , Oatley , O'Flaherty , Dr . Aubin . The cloth having been
drawn , the usual loyal Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M . ' s was warmly received , as well as that of the Installing Master . The P . M . ' s , with which the name of Bro . Dr . H . Hopkins ( Bath ) , the founder of the lodge , was associated , for whom his brother and friend A . Schmitt , feelingly acknowledged that cordinl mark of remembrance and fraternal esteem . " The Visitors " was answered by Bro . the Rev . S . Patterson . At intervals some excellent
songs were given by Bros . G . F . B iker , O . Dodge , Giles , Bishop , S . Gilley , Bartlett , ' . Oufon , but Bro . Campbell ' s were raptuously applauded , and thus a most enjoyable evening was spent , grave and gay alternating . The party separated highly satisfied . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —The last meeting of the lodge , previous to the summer recess ,
took place at the Middleton Hotel , ' on Thursday , the 24 th ult . Bro . Rev . S . R . Wigram , Past Grand Chaplain , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers and brethren , viz . : Bros . Dr . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 379 , Prov . J . G . D ., I . P . M . ; W . Chaplin , S . W . ; W . P . Belliss , J . W . ; Rev . H . Hayes , Chap . ; j . A . Wardell , P . M . 160 and ' rooo , P . P . G . D ., Sec . ; A . Lucking , P . M . 160 and 1000 , Prov .
A . G . D . C ., D . C ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 ( I . C ) . S . D . ; G . F . Jones , I . G . ; Mountain , Tyler ; J . R . Hemmann , P . M , P . P . G . D . ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; S . Cox , P . M . ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . 9 and 9 ^ , W . M . 1672 ; Rev . H . J . Hatch , W . M . 160 , P . P . G . Chap . ; H . Luker , W . H . Lockey , H . Briggs , F . Cantor , W . D . Merritt , J . English , F . V . Jillings , W . M . elect 160 ; T . Barratt , G . F . Wood ,
F . D . Grayson , W . H . Norman , A F . Godward . Visitors : Bros . Dr . S . W . Fisher , M . D ., 379 : F . Calrony , 197 . Ths ballot was taken for Messrs . E . Birkett and Bruce McMay Johnstone , which being unanimous in their favour they were duly initiated by the W . M . in a highly efficient manner , the charge being given by the J . W . and the lecture on the tracing board by the S . W . The lodge was
then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment and passed a pleasant evening . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster , on the 7 th inst . Bro . T . Jackson , W . M ., presided , but there was only a small attendance . The lodge having been opened with the usual
formalities , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Bradshaw , who was a candidate for thc degree of F . C , having shown his proficiency for the same , was entrusted and retired , and the lodge having been opened in the Second Degree he was re-admitted , and passed to the degree of F . C , the working tools being presented by the S . W . The usual proclamations were
afterwards made , and the lodge closed in due form . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 12 G 4 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this large and influential lodge was recently held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , when there was a numerous attendance of members owing to the interest attaching to election night . The lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock by Bro .
Alexander Cotter , who was supported by a full compliment of his officers . Bro . Joseph Healing , the first W . M . of the Neptune Lodge , and now holding the honourable office of Treasurer , was duly elected W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . Bro . P . B . Gee , P . M . ( who twice served the duties of the chair ) was also elected Treasurer for the coming year . A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks
was accorded to Bro . J . Healing , P . M ., for the able and efficient services he had rendered the lodge by acting as Treasurer for the last eight years . The W . M . ( Bro . A . Cotter ) presented to the lodge three very handsome gavels , with suitable inscriptions engraved on silver plates , and for this valuable gift the thanks of the brethren were cordially given to Bro . Cotter . The Secretary , Bro . T . Walton ,
intimated to the brethren of the lodge the demise of Bro . Charles Seldon , chief engineer of the S . S . Tagus , which recently foundered in the Bay of Biscay with all hands . It was unanimously resolved that the Secretary should write to the relatives of Uro . Seldon , condoling with them upon the loss they had sustained , and expressing the deep
sympathy of all the brethren with them in their bereavement . It was cordially agreed to that a sum of money should be voted towards purchasing a Past Master's jewel for Bro . Cotter on his retirement from the chair . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded from labour to refreshment .
HAMPTON—Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 1 gth ult ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion-square , Thamesstreet , Hampton . Bro . Edwin Gilbert , W . M . opened the lodge . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and unanimously confirmed , and signed by the W . M . The ballot for Mr . W . Clark was declared to be
unanimous in favour of his admission . The W . M ., Bro . E . Gilbert , showed his proficiency by passing Bros . W . Priddy and S . Page to the Second Degree . He then raised Bro . W . Blakeley to the Third Degree , all the work being ably done . On the motion made by Bro . F . Walters , it was unanimously resolved that a congratulatory letter be sent Bro . R . W . Little , on his appointment as D . P . G . M . Middx .
The subject of the Burdett testimonial was deferred until the next regular meeting , double the amount ( on notice of motion made ) being intended to be given than what had been proposed at this meeting . The usual notice of motion was given to present the W . M . with the customary Past Master ' s jewel , value seven guineas . Several names of brethren for joining and gentlemen for initiation were given in to the Secretary . Business ended the lodge was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Result Of Election.
be on the Committee of Management for the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institntion for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , and no nthers were named . —Bros . James Brett , P . M . C A CottebrunePM 733 Thomas
„ . . , .. ; Cubitt , P . M . 15 ? ; J- A . Farnfield , P . M . 256 ; C F . Hogard , P . M . 205 ; M . Levy , P . M , . 00 . T . G . Stevens , 554 . A . H . Tattershall , PM . 140 ; H . G . Warren , P . M . 173 3 T . W . White , P . M . 2 i .
NEW LODGES . The following is a list of the Lodges for which warrants have been granted since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . 1 ( idS . Samson Lotlge , Freemasons Hall . 1660 . Boyal Leopold Loi-ige , Camberwell . 670 ! Adelphi Lodge , Strand .
, rfi-r . Mizpah Lodge , Aldersgate-street . 1 ( 1-2 . Mornington Lodge , Snaresbrook . jfi ' j . Langton Lodge , Queen Victoria-street . nCri .. Caradoc Lodge , Rhyl , Flintshire . jf , i . . Antient Briton Lodge , Liverpool . jiTi-fi . St . Nicholas Lodge , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . jfi--. Crusader ' s Lodge , Cler k enwell . Tonbrid Kent
ifi-S . Tonbiid -c Lodge , ge , . , ( i-n . Henry Muggeridge Lodge , Dalston . ifitSn . Comet Lodge , Dingo Creek , Queensland . ifiSi . Londesborough Lodge . Regent-street . 1 OS 2 . Tarn worth Lodge , Tarn worth , New South Wales . j CSV Gt-raldton Lodge , Champion Bay , Western Australia . i 6 Sx- Carnarvon Lodge , Richmond , Natal .
ifiSv f » nelph Lodge , Leytonstone . idSfi . Pax ton Lodge , Sydenham . jdS " . R"thcsay Lodge , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields . idSS . Buxton Lodge , Buxton , Derby . ifiSy . Lnzar Lodge , Kennard , Westland , N . Z . lfiq'i . Phoenix Lodge , Westport , Westland , N . Z . if-yr . Quadratic Lodge , Hampton Court . 1692 . Hervey Lotlge , Haves , Kent .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft lUtosMrjr . WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1623 ) . — The regular meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursrlav , the i 7 th ult ., at thc New Market Hotel , Kingstreet , West Smithfield . Punctually at half-past two o ' clock Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bros . T . W . Adams , S . W . ; G . S . Elliott , J . W . ; F .
Walters , P . G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Sec ; J . Howes , P . M ., S . D . ; J . Johnson , J . D . ; G . S . Wintle , I . G . ; W . Pennc father . ' P . M ., D . C . ; J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler Middx ., Tyler ; J . J . Howes , E . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stephens , W . Smyth , H . J . Lardner . T . Butt , W . Snow , T . M . Butt , and
others . Amongst the numerous visitors , we noticed Bros . J . W . Baldwin , P . A . G . P . Middx ., P . M . 1423 , & c . ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; G . Wallace , ns ; A . Stevens , 121 ) 8 ; J . H . Pearson , 1423 , and others . The minutes of the last regular lodge meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc ballot was unanimous in favour of thc admission of
Mr . Craddock Seymour as a candidate for initiation , also for Bro . James Payne , No . 245 , as a joining member . The work , done in an able and efficient manner , was passing Bros . J . J . Howes , E . C . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stephens , and H . J . Lardncr to the Second Degree ; raismg Bro . XV . Smyth to thc Third Degree . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and some brethren for joining .
An important notice of motion was given by the Secretary . The lodge was closed , and adjourned to Thursday , the 1 gth July , to meet at half-past two . Bro . T . Butt , the courteous proprietor , under his personal superintendence hart a splendid 'banquet served , which gave great satisfaction , and pleased every one . -The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to . Songs , glees , and recitations
were given , and passed away a pleasant and agreeable evening . JERSEY . —La Cesaree Lodge ( No . <) o ) . —The twenty-sixth anniversary of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Temple , ! tm Thursday , the 24 th ult . Bro . A . Grant , W . M ., occupied thc chair , supported by Bros . J . Pallet , I . P . M ; P . Messervy , S . W . ; E . Carre , J . W . ; A .
Schmitt . P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Sec ; I . T . du Jardin , P . M ., W -M . 244 , P . P . S . G . W . ; G . J . Rcnouf , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . j J- Oatley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; P . W . Binch , P . M ., P . P . G . 1 Pur- ; J . O'Flahcrty , P . M . 95 S , P . S . G . D ., and other i officers , members , and a goodly complement of visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . P . G . M . ; P - W . Benham , P . M . 244 , P . G . Treas . -, J . O . Le Sueur
? 'M- 49 ' , P . G . Sec . ; R . Barrow , P . M . 491 , P . J . G . W . ; E . Hopwood , P . M . 141 , 11 . 12 ; E . Martel , P . M . 9 ^ 8 , PP . G . D . C ; F . Le Feuvre , W . M . 8 77 , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . ' ll . CIwpman , W . M . 05 S , Ass . G . D . C . ; W . Metherell , P . M . ™ ° 3 , P . G . S . B . ; P . Blampied , W . M . 245 , P . P . G . D . C , and others . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the jast meeting were read and confirmed . The only business oefore it was the installation of Bro . Capt . P . Messervy , .,, -... _ ..... iii . iana . 'uii .,. uiv .-. * ,.. . . . > . <_ ...,... ,
• L elect . The lodge was opened in the Second De-S « r , Bro , A . Schmitt took the chair as Installing Master , n ( 1 at his request the W . M . elect was presented by 'os . Grant and J . Pallot . The customary preliminaries Jiving- been gone through , all the brethren below the ) A ' " - ' ''" "cd . A board of Installed Masters was then . r"lec ' > and Bro . Messervy was , according to ancient Q ° m , installed in the chair of K . S . as W . M . of the 8 e - Thcbrethren were then re-admitted , and having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
saluted the new W . M ., the Installing Master proceeded with the rest of the ceremony , and delivered the usual address . The following brethren were appointed as the ofiicers of the lodge , viz .: —E . Carre ' , S . W . ; A . Gallichan , . 1 . W . ; J . P . Dr . ^ St . Croix , S . D . ; Capt . T . Le Scelleur , J . D . ; J . De La Marc , I . G . ; G . Rogers , Tyler ; and invested by the I . M . Lastly , the W . M . appointed Bro . A .
Schmitt , Sec , whom Bro . du Jardin , the founder of the lodge , invested as such , with some remarks as well deserved by his past services in that capacity as they were complimentary and sincere . All lodge business being ended , it was closed at six o ' clock in perfect harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , and forty-three sat down to an excellent dinner provided
by the Curator of the Temple , Bro . Rogers . The W . M . presided . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The D . P . G . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " being convinced that the lodge will maintain under his rule its statu quo and prosperity . The W . M . in warm terms returned thanks . The D . P . G . M . then , in the course of an
emphatic and feeling address , said : I am deputed by the Board of Management of the Jersey Masonic Temple Company to present this chaste gold penci ' , ™ t > E exquisite beauty and workmanship , to our esteemed Bro . A . Schmitt , in recognition ' of his indefatigable exertions as Hon . Sec . since the laying of the foundation stone till this very moment , that is to say , during a period of fifteen' years ,
and handed it to the recipient , bearing the inscription"Jersey Masonic Temple to A . Schmitt , its Hon . Sec , 1877 . " The Hon . Sec , in a few words , set forth the livelypleasurewhich hadcometo him in the unexpected presentation of thc magnificent testimonial he had just received ; he felt gratified in knowing that his Masonic labour of love gave satisfaction to the members of the
province , and concluded by stating how dear and valuable the testimonial would ever be to him , and again he begged to thank them for this renewed tangible expression of their esteem and satisfaction . After thc healths of " The Visitors " and " P . M . ' s , " the Secretary proposed "The Health of the distinguished absent Hon . Members , " viz ., Wm . James Hughan ( Truro ) , and Dr . H . Hopkins
( Bath ) , whose Masonic and literary labours , their truly fraternal attachment and good vvill towards the brethren of this province , particulaily merit our esteem and admiration , and they are in every way deserving of our brotherly remembrance . The toast was received with the greatest warmth by the brethren . Two or three more were given , and the brethren separated at half-past nine , highly
satisfied with the proceedings of the evening . JERSEY . —St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( No . 958 ) . —The fourteenth annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 15 th ult ., when a large number of brethren assembled to congratulate Bro . E . Martel on the successful termination of his two years ' labour , and Bro . W . H . Chapman on the commencement
of his career as a ruler in thc Craft , under auspices so favourable , witb such an example before him and with the affairs of thc lodge in so prosperous a condition . The lodge was opened bv the W . M ., supported by Bros . W . H . Chapman , S . W . ; R . Barrow , P . M . 491 , P . J . G . W ., as J . W . ; J . Oatley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . ; Jos . O'Flaherty , P . M ., P . S . G . D ., and many others . Among the visitors
were Bros . A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 , P . P . S . G . W . ; P . W . Benham , P . M . 244 , P . G ., Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , P . M . 491 , P . G . Sec ; W . Z . Pugsley , P . M . 275 , P . P . J . G . W . ; C . Kingsnorth , P . M . 245 , P . P . J . G . W ., 6 . Dodge , P . M . 245 , P . P . G . R . ; G . F . Baker , P . M . 491 , P . G . D . C . ; Dr . T . J . Aubin , W . M . 491 , P . G . S . W . ; A . Grant , W . M . j . 90 ; P . Bois , W . M . ioorj ; Frs . Le Feuvre , W . M . 877 , P . P . G . S . B . ;
J . Moss , P . M . 245 , and others . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Bro . Butfield being a candidate for promotion , and having proved his claim , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , the candidate was admitted , and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The W . M . informed the brethren that his two years of
Mastership having expired , he was highly pleased to be succeeded by a worthy brother , the W . M . elect , whom he should have the pleasure of installing . Bro . J . Oatley presented Bro . W . H . Chapman . The customary enumeration of duties was made , the ancient charges were read and assented to , and the obligation of W . M . elect administered . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and all who
had not passed the chair withdrew . A board of sixteen Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Chapman was duly placed in the chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . After the board had been closed , the several classes of M . M . ' s , Fellow Crafts , and Entered Apprentices were in turn admitted , and the processions and proclamations were gone through , respecting which it need only be
recorded that Bro . Ed . Martel conducted the ceremonies with great exactitude and impressiveness . After the usual address to the W . M ., delivered with great fervour , Bro , Chapman briefly remarked , that fully acknowledging the difficulty of the task he had undertaken , he was sensible of the honour conferred upon him . He accepted the responsibility , and trusted that , with God ' s help , he should
not be found wanting in the worthy discharge of it , especially as he had been promised , and could confidently rely upon , efficient assistance from the Past Masters . The following appointments were made , Bro . Martel in each case officiating and offering appropriate observations : — Bros . S . Hurst , S . W . ; Th . J . De Bourcier , J . W . ; W . T . Campbell , S . D . ; Ch . Naylor , J . D . ; G . Ninnim , I . G . ; J
Oatley , Treas . ; J . O'Flahcrty , Org . ; G . Rogers , Tyler . Lastly the W . M . appointed Bro . Martel , Secretary , with some remarks as well deserved by his past services in that capacity as they were complimentary and sincere . It may be observed , en passant , that last year the lodge had fully acknowledged this worthy brother ' s indefatigable zeal , activity , and usefulness in presenting him with a splendid gold Past Master's Jewel . The lodge was closed at 6 . 30
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
p . m . in perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room , splendidly decorated for the occasion , and about eighty sat down to an excellent dinner , provided by the Guardian of the Temple , Bro . Rogers . The W . M . presided , having on his right Bros . Rev . Steward Patterson , P . P . G . M . for Manitoba ( Canada ) ; A . Schmitt , J . Th . du Jardin , Barham , Le Sueur , and on his left Bros . Martel , Oatley , O'Flaherty , Dr . Aubin . The cloth having been
drawn , the usual loyal Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M . ' s was warmly received , as well as that of the Installing Master . The P . M . ' s , with which the name of Bro . Dr . H . Hopkins ( Bath ) , the founder of the lodge , was associated , for whom his brother and friend A . Schmitt , feelingly acknowledged that cordinl mark of remembrance and fraternal esteem . " The Visitors " was answered by Bro . the Rev . S . Patterson . At intervals some excellent
songs were given by Bros . G . F . B iker , O . Dodge , Giles , Bishop , S . Gilley , Bartlett , ' . Oufon , but Bro . Campbell ' s were raptuously applauded , and thus a most enjoyable evening was spent , grave and gay alternating . The party separated highly satisfied . SOUTHEND . —Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —The last meeting of the lodge , previous to the summer recess ,
took place at the Middleton Hotel , ' on Thursday , the 24 th ult . Bro . Rev . S . R . Wigram , Past Grand Chaplain , W . M ., presided , supported by the following officers and brethren , viz . : Bros . Dr . E . E . Phillips , P . M . 379 , Prov . J . G . D ., I . P . M . ; W . Chaplin , S . W . ; W . P . Belliss , J . W . ; Rev . H . Hayes , Chap . ; j . A . Wardell , P . M . 160 and ' rooo , P . P . G . D ., Sec . ; A . Lucking , P . M . 160 and 1000 , Prov .
A . G . D . C ., D . C ; J . C . Johnstone , P . M . 20 ( I . C ) . S . D . ; G . F . Jones , I . G . ; Mountain , Tyler ; J . R . Hemmann , P . M , P . P . G . D . ; H . Rowley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; S . Cox , P . M . ; W . R . Marsh , P . M . 9 and 9 ^ , W . M . 1672 ; Rev . H . J . Hatch , W . M . 160 , P . P . G . Chap . ; H . Luker , W . H . Lockey , H . Briggs , F . Cantor , W . D . Merritt , J . English , F . V . Jillings , W . M . elect 160 ; T . Barratt , G . F . Wood ,
F . D . Grayson , W . H . Norman , A F . Godward . Visitors : Bros . Dr . S . W . Fisher , M . D ., 379 : F . Calrony , 197 . Ths ballot was taken for Messrs . E . Birkett and Bruce McMay Johnstone , which being unanimous in their favour they were duly initiated by the W . M . in a highly efficient manner , the charge being given by the J . W . and the lecture on the tracing board by the S . W . The lodge was
then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment and passed a pleasant evening . LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster , on the 7 th inst . Bro . T . Jackson , W . M ., presided , but there was only a small attendance . The lodge having been opened with the usual
formalities , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Bradshaw , who was a candidate for thc degree of F . C , having shown his proficiency for the same , was entrusted and retired , and the lodge having been opened in the Second Degree he was re-admitted , and passed to the degree of F . C , the working tools being presented by the S . W . The usual proclamations were
afterwards made , and the lodge closed in due form . LIVERPOOL . —Neptune Lodge ( No . 12 G 4 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this large and influential lodge was recently held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , when there was a numerous attendance of members owing to the interest attaching to election night . The lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock by Bro .
Alexander Cotter , who was supported by a full compliment of his officers . Bro . Joseph Healing , the first W . M . of the Neptune Lodge , and now holding the honourable office of Treasurer , was duly elected W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . Bro . P . B . Gee , P . M . ( who twice served the duties of the chair ) was also elected Treasurer for the coming year . A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks
was accorded to Bro . J . Healing , P . M ., for the able and efficient services he had rendered the lodge by acting as Treasurer for the last eight years . The W . M . ( Bro . A . Cotter ) presented to the lodge three very handsome gavels , with suitable inscriptions engraved on silver plates , and for this valuable gift the thanks of the brethren were cordially given to Bro . Cotter . The Secretary , Bro . T . Walton ,
intimated to the brethren of the lodge the demise of Bro . Charles Seldon , chief engineer of the S . S . Tagus , which recently foundered in the Bay of Biscay with all hands . It was unanimously resolved that the Secretary should write to the relatives of Uro . Seldon , condoling with them upon the loss they had sustained , and expressing the deep
sympathy of all the brethren with them in their bereavement . It was cordially agreed to that a sum of money should be voted towards purchasing a Past Master's jewel for Bro . Cotter on his retirement from the chair . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded from labour to refreshment .
HAMPTON—Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 1 gth ult ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion-square , Thamesstreet , Hampton . Bro . Edwin Gilbert , W . M . opened the lodge . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and unanimously confirmed , and signed by the W . M . The ballot for Mr . W . Clark was declared to be
unanimous in favour of his admission . The W . M ., Bro . E . Gilbert , showed his proficiency by passing Bros . W . Priddy and S . Page to the Second Degree . He then raised Bro . W . Blakeley to the Third Degree , all the work being ably done . On the motion made by Bro . F . Walters , it was unanimously resolved that a congratulatory letter be sent Bro . R . W . Little , on his appointment as D . P . G . M . Middx .
The subject of the Burdett testimonial was deferred until the next regular meeting , double the amount ( on notice of motion made ) being intended to be given than what had been proposed at this meeting . The usual notice of motion was given to present the W . M . with the customary Past Master ' s jewel , value seven guineas . Several names of brethren for joining and gentlemen for initiation were given in to the Secretary . Business ended the lodge was