Article NEW YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article THE THEATRES. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE CANON PORTAL. Page 1 of 1 Article DEATH OF VISCOUNT TEMPLETON. Page 1 of 1 Article FUNERAL OF BRO. EX-SHERIFF W. A. HIGGS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Year's Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The annual winter entertainment to the pupils who remain for the Christmas holidays in the Girls' School at Battersea-rise was given on Tuesday evening last , when the following brethren and ladies attended to take part in the amusements : Bros . Frank Richardson , Eugene Monteuuis , Mrs . D . Richardson , Miss Alice
Richardson , Master L . Monteuuis , Bro . Edward 1 erry , Mrs . E . Terry , Miss Maggie Terry , Miss Edith Ashworth , Miss Eylyn Ashworth , Bros . G . W . Garrod , T . Kingston , Miss Louise Kingston , Bro . H . Massey , Miss Massey , Miss Charlotte Massey , Miss Ellen Massey , Bros . A . E . Roworth , Rev . J . Toone , E . M .
Money , C . Stevens , Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Sir John Monckton , Peter de Lande Long , George Faulkner , E . Letchworth , H . P . Monckton , C . Hammerton , H . W . Hunt , and Mr . H . Sedden Lloyd . The visitors arrived at . five o ^ lock , and were received by Bro . Frank Richardson and Miss Buck , the matron ,
and tea and coffee were immediately served . At six o ' clock , Mr . J . Robert Ganthony gave a very lively entertainment , entitled " Skits and Sketches , " consisting of humorous delineations , including singing and palmistry , and a comic description of the phonograph . This , the first part of the " Skits and Sketches , " was
kept up unflaggingly for an hour , and caused a great amount of enjoyment . Another hour was devoted to dancing , which , as the large hall was inaccessible on account of the building operations , was carried on in the large dormitory . At eight o ' clock Mr . Ganthony ' s " Skits and Sketches , "
second part , was gone through , and it was as successful as the first part . Ventriloquism , sleight-of-hand , and humorous tales constituted the principal materials , and , . general applause followed each individual part of the performance . The children , of whom 22 have not gone home for the holidays , afterwards partook of the
twelfth cake entertainment , at which they appeared to . be quite at their ease and very happy , and the visitors subsequently enjoyed the hospitality of the House Committee at a choice little supper , over which Bro . Frank Richardson presided . The establishment was cleared of " strangers" shortly after 10 o ' clock .
Reviews .
MASONIC CALENDAR FOR MIDDLESEX , 1890 . After a careful examination of this hand y and trusty guide for the Province of Middlesex , we mentally exclaimed , Well done , Bros . II . II . Room and W . II . Lee , Prov . G . Sec . and Prov . G . S . E . respectively . The
hope was expressed in 188 9 that "if the Calendar is favourably received this year , to considerably improve the edition for 1890 , so as to render it more of a pocket memorandum book or diary . " The edition before us has abundantly confirmed the conditional promise , for it is all that was agreed and more . For its diminutive
size it is " crammed full of information , " and contains a vast amount of reliable and valuable particulars concerning the province not hitherto given in the series , many of which are of special interest . The increase of the province is something amazing . Sir Francis Burdett ' s patent , as Prov . G . M ., is dated ist December ,
186 9 , and the province was inaugurated on January 22 nd , 1870 , with 10 lodges . There are now 39 , with 1309 subscribing members . The Prov . Grand Chapter was started on 20 th April , 1872 , the patent of the respected ruler bearing date Nov . 6 th of the previous year . There was then but one chapter . There are at
the present time 13 chapters , with close on 300 members ! Of course much of the success is due to the popularity of the Prov . G . Master ( who is also Grand Superintendent ); but , doubtless , its proximity to the Metropolitan District accounts in part for the extraordinary and rapid increase . In evidence of this fact .
it will be found that the addresses of nearly all the Secretaries of the lodges and chapters are within the Metropolitan area , and hence the appointments to office in the province of non-residents will likely be proportionately great . The dates and places of meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge and Chapter are duly given
lrom 18 70 and 18 72 respectively , and the statistical part relative to the membership of each lodge and chapter is well attended to . The average number per lodge is about 34 , which is lower than in many other provinces . There are four " lodges of instruction , " and it seems quite clear that efficiency is the rule in Middlesex . Again we say , Well done , Brother Editors .
SUNDERLAND INFIRMARY . THE HARTLEY MEMORIAL WING . The Masonic Committee formed to raise £ 18 3 15 s . 6 d . for the purpose of furnishing one of the larger wards in the Hartley Memorial Wing of the Sunderland Inhrmary met at the institution recently . After inspecting the wardAlderman POTTS the
, , Treasurer , said after his li ght but agreeable duties , he had pleasure in calling upon Councillor H . J . Turnbull , the Chairman of the Committee , to hand over to the infirmary the cheque for the above amount . Councillor TURNBULL said he had to thank every member of the Committee for their valuable assistance in raising that fund , and now , during the festive week , they had met to put the crowning point to their efforts .
He had pleasure , in the name of the Freemasons of Sunderland , in handing over the cheque to that noble institution the infirmary , and he believed the action the Craft had taken in that scheme would redound to their credit for all time . Mr . SINGLETON , the Secretary of the Committee , said he endorsed the remarks of the previous speakers ,
and it had afforded him much pleasure to act as Secretary to so good an object . Mr . ROBINSON , the Secretary to the infirmary , in receiving the cheque , said on behalf of the institution , to the interests of which he had devoted his life , he
thanked the Freemasons , of which he was proud to be a member , for their handsome gift . The brethren were afterwards courteously conducted through the infirmary , and before separating they expressed their admiration of the excellent arrangements made in the institution .
The Theatres.
" House Full " has been the order of the night since Bro . Fred Leslie and Miss Ellen Farren re-opened with " Ruy Bias and the Blase Roue " that the notice has become chronic . Notwithstanding all the other attractions , the Gaiety yet remains the favourite home
of the worshipper of the sacred lamp of burlesque , though we prefer to call the present piece an extravaganza , for its reputation is almost alone owing to Bro . Fred Leslie and Miss Farren rather than its authors . It is written up to date , and even has been much altered since its production in October . The songs " I ' ve just
had a wire to say so , " duet for Miss Farren and Bro . Leslie ; " Stick to the whisky you ' re used to , " Bro . Leslie ; " What price that ? " Miss Farren ; and Miss Lind and Mr . Daiton Somers duet , "Johnny Jones and his sister Sue , " are always encored . Miss Marion Hood still warbles sweetly several charming lyrics .
Miss S ylvia Grey and Miss Letty Lind dance in that beautiful st yle for which they are renowned and are now the queens . The Gaiet y has been re-decorated by Messrs . Campbell Smith in bhteand white , and presents the appearance of a fairy palace . Mr . Geo . Edwardes '
occupancy has been one unbroken success . Those who want to laugh all the time they are at the theatre and witness graceful effects of the dancer ' s art and hear pleasing music ( which is mainl y by that king of composers for the burlesque stage Bro . Meyer Lutz ) , cannot go anywhere better than the good old Gaiety .
The Alhambra is always well to the fore in the matter of amusements . So as to keep up their character , the directors have introduced a new ballet , which they call "Asmodeus , " representing the goddess of Terpsichore as she is in Spain . It is a ballet full of the most artistic blends of colour and luxury of every
description , and does the hi ghest credit to Signor Casati , who is responsible for the arrangements . The costumiers ' art is very apparent . The head coverings are shown to us in every shape and form , and one begins to think there can be nothing prettier until one comes to the matador and picador hats in the final scene . M .
Jacobi ' s music is full of the most delightful harmony , and , as the " Army and Navy " ballet is still in the programme , lovers of that kind of art have a surfeit of it at the Alhambra . The other portions of the miscelcellaneous entertainment vie well with those in similar places of amusement .
* * * The directors of the Empire , to keep pace with the times , produced a new ballet , "A Dream of Wealth , " on December 21 st , which has some of the most striking chromatic effects ever seen upon the stage . M . Wenzel , the composer , certainly knows how to write danceable
music , and . M . Wilhelm surpasses himself in elaborate designs for dresses , while the balance of colour throughout the entire spectacle is well maintained . The other ballet , the " Paris Exhibition , " does not seem to be b y any means worn out yet . A number of other attractions ,
including Marinelli ( the man serpent ) , Messrs . Charles Godfrey , Sam Torr , the Craggs Troupe , Miss Lydia Yeamans , and the Brewster Combination , are in the bill of fare , and make the Empire crowded every night .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
BIRTHS . CARTER . —un the 2 nd instant , the wife of Robert Carter , solicitor , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields and Sunbury , of a son . PARISH . —On the 3 rd inst ., at Ferdale House , Tunbridge Wells , the w . fe uf Woodbine Parish , of a son .
DEATHS . GRAVELEY , LADY ELLEN . —On the 4 th inst ., at Cheops , VVanstead , Essex , passed away calmly and peacefully , in the presence of her loving sons and daughters , after many years of patient and painful suffering , Lady Ellen , for 36 years the faithful wife of Bro . George Graveley , P . M ., P . Z ., T . L , K . T ., K . H ., aged 62 years . My beloved has gone into the garden to gather liilies .
Interred in family grave , Abney Park Cemetery . HOLLINGTON , GEORGE . —Of Roding House , Woodford , and of Hollington Brothers , Aldgate , youngest son of the late Thomas Hollington , of Mile End-road , on the 6 th inst ., very suddenly ; aged 42 . A dearly loved husband and father . Funeral on Saturday next , at 2 . 30 , Woodford Bridge Church .
The Late Canon Portal.
A cross has just been erected to the memory of the late Canon Portal by his widow and children , in Burghclere churchyard . It is of Runic design , and stands 5 ft . high , and being made in grey mountain limestone , richly carved on both sides with interlacing plaits , relieved by large prominent bosses . On the front of the
great block of stone which forms the base is the following inscription : " GEORGE RAYMOND PORTAL , Rector of Bughclere , Rural Dean , Hon . Canon of Winchester Cathedral . Born February 28 , 1827 . R . I . P . Died April 5 , 1889 . " And on the back of the base is the text , " The Master is come and calleth for thee ; and he left
all , rose up , and followed him . " The whole is a work of very great beauty , and has been ably and carefully executed by Messrs . Farmer and Brindley . By the side of this cross has been placed a small stone coffin with a sli ghtly raised sword lying on it , terminating in a cross ; a coat of arms , and the sacred monogram are
under the cross , and the following inscription runs round the edge of the coffin .- " GASPARD RAYMOND PERCY PORTAL , Died Jan . 28 , 1872 , aged 6 weeks . I the Lord have called thee , and will keep thee . " The beautiful cross at Canon Portal ' s grave has been much admired by all who have seen it , and especially by the
parishioners , to whom his name is dear . No monument was needed to keep alive the memory of one " whose life was work , " and whose work will be a lasting memorial in the parish where he laboured so indefatigably , but all rejoice at the sight of this loving tribute to their
beloved pastor , and like to think of him resting after the battle under the shadow of the Cross for which he fought so long , Canon Blunt , late rector of Millbrook , near Southampton , who hat been appointed to succeed Canon Portal , has taken up his residence at Burghclere . —The Hampshire Independent .
Death Of Viscount Templeton.
General Viscount Templeton died on Saturday at San Remo . He was an Irish representative peer , an ex-member of Parliament , and a soldier with a long and honourable record . He was the second son of John Henry , first viscount , by the Lady Mary Montagu , only daughter of John , fifth Earl of Sandwich .
He was born in 1802 , entered the army in 1823 , served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 ln command of the ist Battalion of the Coldstream Guards , and was present at the battle of the Alma . At the battle of Inkerman he was in command of the Brigade of Guards , which he brought out of action . On that
occasion he was wounded and his horse killed . He was subsequently in command of the ist Division , and took part in the battle of Sebastopol . He was mentioned in dispatches , received the medal , with clasp , for the Crimea ; was made a C . B ., an officer of the Legion of Honour , received the 3 rd Class of the Medjdie ,
and the Turkish medal . From 1855 to 18 58 he was Lieutentant-Colonel of the Coldstream Guards . He was appointed Colonel-Commandant of the 60 th Rifles in 1863 ; and Colonel of the 2 nd Life Guards in 1876 , when , as is customary , he served in his turn as Gold Stick in Waiting . From 1865 to 1869 he was in
command of the forces in the Western District , and in 1870 was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Portsmouth , and to the command of the Southern District . He represented Antrim in the House of Commons from May , 1859 , to March , 186 3 , in the Conservative interest , and was a strong supporter of the late Lord Derby . He was elected a representative peer for
Ireland in 1866 ; was honorary Colonel of the 4 th Royal Irish Rifles ; and an almoner of the Order of St . John . He was nominated K . C . B . in 186 9 and G . C . B . in 1886 . He married in 1850 Susan , eldest daughter of the late Field Marshal Sir Alexander Woodford , G . C . B ., and sister of the late Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , for many years a valued contributor to the pages of the Freemason .
Funeral Of Bro. Ex-Sheriff W. A. Higgs.
The mortal remains of the iate Bro . W . A . Higgs were , on Tuesday , December 31 st , amidst many tokens of respect , laid in the family vault at Highgate Cemetery . There were nine carriages , containing members of the family and other intimate friends of the deceased , including Messrs . W . Norman Higgs , Stanley Higgs ,
Edwin Higgs , C . J . B . Higgs , Harry Higgs , Lewis Higgs i F- Higgs > Joseph Higgs , J . E . White ( nephew of the deceased ) , and Rev . G . E . Gardiner . The Lord Mayor , Mr . Sheriff Harris , and Bro . Under-Sheriff Beard sent their state carriages . The Lord Mayor , who was unable to attend the funeral in person , asked
Mr . Sheriff Harris to represent him , and the Sheriff , who was accompanied by Mr . Henry Williams , joined the procession in a private carriage . Alderman Sir Polydore De Keyser , who was Lord Mayor during Bro . Higgs' shrievalty , was accompanied by Mr . Alderman Davies , co-sheriff with the deceased . Many who were not able to be present sent messages of sympathy and
sorrow from all parts , and a large number of friends forwarded beautiful wreaths and other floral designs . The sorrowing widow placed a lovely cross of white flowers on the coffin , the sons a wreath , and the daughters an anchor of violets , the favourite flower of the deceased . Wreaths and crosses were also sent by Mr . J . E . White and others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Year's Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The annual winter entertainment to the pupils who remain for the Christmas holidays in the Girls' School at Battersea-rise was given on Tuesday evening last , when the following brethren and ladies attended to take part in the amusements : Bros . Frank Richardson , Eugene Monteuuis , Mrs . D . Richardson , Miss Alice
Richardson , Master L . Monteuuis , Bro . Edward 1 erry , Mrs . E . Terry , Miss Maggie Terry , Miss Edith Ashworth , Miss Eylyn Ashworth , Bros . G . W . Garrod , T . Kingston , Miss Louise Kingston , Bro . H . Massey , Miss Massey , Miss Charlotte Massey , Miss Ellen Massey , Bros . A . E . Roworth , Rev . J . Toone , E . M .
Money , C . Stevens , Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , Sir John Monckton , Peter de Lande Long , George Faulkner , E . Letchworth , H . P . Monckton , C . Hammerton , H . W . Hunt , and Mr . H . Sedden Lloyd . The visitors arrived at . five o ^ lock , and were received by Bro . Frank Richardson and Miss Buck , the matron ,
and tea and coffee were immediately served . At six o ' clock , Mr . J . Robert Ganthony gave a very lively entertainment , entitled " Skits and Sketches , " consisting of humorous delineations , including singing and palmistry , and a comic description of the phonograph . This , the first part of the " Skits and Sketches , " was
kept up unflaggingly for an hour , and caused a great amount of enjoyment . Another hour was devoted to dancing , which , as the large hall was inaccessible on account of the building operations , was carried on in the large dormitory . At eight o ' clock Mr . Ganthony ' s " Skits and Sketches , "
second part , was gone through , and it was as successful as the first part . Ventriloquism , sleight-of-hand , and humorous tales constituted the principal materials , and , . general applause followed each individual part of the performance . The children , of whom 22 have not gone home for the holidays , afterwards partook of the
twelfth cake entertainment , at which they appeared to . be quite at their ease and very happy , and the visitors subsequently enjoyed the hospitality of the House Committee at a choice little supper , over which Bro . Frank Richardson presided . The establishment was cleared of " strangers" shortly after 10 o ' clock .
Reviews .
MASONIC CALENDAR FOR MIDDLESEX , 1890 . After a careful examination of this hand y and trusty guide for the Province of Middlesex , we mentally exclaimed , Well done , Bros . II . II . Room and W . II . Lee , Prov . G . Sec . and Prov . G . S . E . respectively . The
hope was expressed in 188 9 that "if the Calendar is favourably received this year , to considerably improve the edition for 1890 , so as to render it more of a pocket memorandum book or diary . " The edition before us has abundantly confirmed the conditional promise , for it is all that was agreed and more . For its diminutive
size it is " crammed full of information , " and contains a vast amount of reliable and valuable particulars concerning the province not hitherto given in the series , many of which are of special interest . The increase of the province is something amazing . Sir Francis Burdett ' s patent , as Prov . G . M ., is dated ist December ,
186 9 , and the province was inaugurated on January 22 nd , 1870 , with 10 lodges . There are now 39 , with 1309 subscribing members . The Prov . Grand Chapter was started on 20 th April , 1872 , the patent of the respected ruler bearing date Nov . 6 th of the previous year . There was then but one chapter . There are at
the present time 13 chapters , with close on 300 members ! Of course much of the success is due to the popularity of the Prov . G . Master ( who is also Grand Superintendent ); but , doubtless , its proximity to the Metropolitan District accounts in part for the extraordinary and rapid increase . In evidence of this fact .
it will be found that the addresses of nearly all the Secretaries of the lodges and chapters are within the Metropolitan area , and hence the appointments to office in the province of non-residents will likely be proportionately great . The dates and places of meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge and Chapter are duly given
lrom 18 70 and 18 72 respectively , and the statistical part relative to the membership of each lodge and chapter is well attended to . The average number per lodge is about 34 , which is lower than in many other provinces . There are four " lodges of instruction , " and it seems quite clear that efficiency is the rule in Middlesex . Again we say , Well done , Brother Editors .
SUNDERLAND INFIRMARY . THE HARTLEY MEMORIAL WING . The Masonic Committee formed to raise £ 18 3 15 s . 6 d . for the purpose of furnishing one of the larger wards in the Hartley Memorial Wing of the Sunderland Inhrmary met at the institution recently . After inspecting the wardAlderman POTTS the
, , Treasurer , said after his li ght but agreeable duties , he had pleasure in calling upon Councillor H . J . Turnbull , the Chairman of the Committee , to hand over to the infirmary the cheque for the above amount . Councillor TURNBULL said he had to thank every member of the Committee for their valuable assistance in raising that fund , and now , during the festive week , they had met to put the crowning point to their efforts .
He had pleasure , in the name of the Freemasons of Sunderland , in handing over the cheque to that noble institution the infirmary , and he believed the action the Craft had taken in that scheme would redound to their credit for all time . Mr . SINGLETON , the Secretary of the Committee , said he endorsed the remarks of the previous speakers ,
and it had afforded him much pleasure to act as Secretary to so good an object . Mr . ROBINSON , the Secretary to the infirmary , in receiving the cheque , said on behalf of the institution , to the interests of which he had devoted his life , he
thanked the Freemasons , of which he was proud to be a member , for their handsome gift . The brethren were afterwards courteously conducted through the infirmary , and before separating they expressed their admiration of the excellent arrangements made in the institution .
The Theatres.
" House Full " has been the order of the night since Bro . Fred Leslie and Miss Ellen Farren re-opened with " Ruy Bias and the Blase Roue " that the notice has become chronic . Notwithstanding all the other attractions , the Gaiety yet remains the favourite home
of the worshipper of the sacred lamp of burlesque , though we prefer to call the present piece an extravaganza , for its reputation is almost alone owing to Bro . Fred Leslie and Miss Farren rather than its authors . It is written up to date , and even has been much altered since its production in October . The songs " I ' ve just
had a wire to say so , " duet for Miss Farren and Bro . Leslie ; " Stick to the whisky you ' re used to , " Bro . Leslie ; " What price that ? " Miss Farren ; and Miss Lind and Mr . Daiton Somers duet , "Johnny Jones and his sister Sue , " are always encored . Miss Marion Hood still warbles sweetly several charming lyrics .
Miss S ylvia Grey and Miss Letty Lind dance in that beautiful st yle for which they are renowned and are now the queens . The Gaiet y has been re-decorated by Messrs . Campbell Smith in bhteand white , and presents the appearance of a fairy palace . Mr . Geo . Edwardes '
occupancy has been one unbroken success . Those who want to laugh all the time they are at the theatre and witness graceful effects of the dancer ' s art and hear pleasing music ( which is mainl y by that king of composers for the burlesque stage Bro . Meyer Lutz ) , cannot go anywhere better than the good old Gaiety .
The Alhambra is always well to the fore in the matter of amusements . So as to keep up their character , the directors have introduced a new ballet , which they call "Asmodeus , " representing the goddess of Terpsichore as she is in Spain . It is a ballet full of the most artistic blends of colour and luxury of every
description , and does the hi ghest credit to Signor Casati , who is responsible for the arrangements . The costumiers ' art is very apparent . The head coverings are shown to us in every shape and form , and one begins to think there can be nothing prettier until one comes to the matador and picador hats in the final scene . M .
Jacobi ' s music is full of the most delightful harmony , and , as the " Army and Navy " ballet is still in the programme , lovers of that kind of art have a surfeit of it at the Alhambra . The other portions of the miscelcellaneous entertainment vie well with those in similar places of amusement .
* * * The directors of the Empire , to keep pace with the times , produced a new ballet , "A Dream of Wealth , " on December 21 st , which has some of the most striking chromatic effects ever seen upon the stage . M . Wenzel , the composer , certainly knows how to write danceable
music , and . M . Wilhelm surpasses himself in elaborate designs for dresses , while the balance of colour throughout the entire spectacle is well maintained . The other ballet , the " Paris Exhibition , " does not seem to be b y any means worn out yet . A number of other attractions ,
including Marinelli ( the man serpent ) , Messrs . Charles Godfrey , Sam Torr , the Craggs Troupe , Miss Lydia Yeamans , and the Brewster Combination , are in the bill of fare , and make the Empire crowded every night .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
BIRTHS . CARTER . —un the 2 nd instant , the wife of Robert Carter , solicitor , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields and Sunbury , of a son . PARISH . —On the 3 rd inst ., at Ferdale House , Tunbridge Wells , the w . fe uf Woodbine Parish , of a son .
DEATHS . GRAVELEY , LADY ELLEN . —On the 4 th inst ., at Cheops , VVanstead , Essex , passed away calmly and peacefully , in the presence of her loving sons and daughters , after many years of patient and painful suffering , Lady Ellen , for 36 years the faithful wife of Bro . George Graveley , P . M ., P . Z ., T . L , K . T ., K . H ., aged 62 years . My beloved has gone into the garden to gather liilies .
Interred in family grave , Abney Park Cemetery . HOLLINGTON , GEORGE . —Of Roding House , Woodford , and of Hollington Brothers , Aldgate , youngest son of the late Thomas Hollington , of Mile End-road , on the 6 th inst ., very suddenly ; aged 42 . A dearly loved husband and father . Funeral on Saturday next , at 2 . 30 , Woodford Bridge Church .
The Late Canon Portal.
A cross has just been erected to the memory of the late Canon Portal by his widow and children , in Burghclere churchyard . It is of Runic design , and stands 5 ft . high , and being made in grey mountain limestone , richly carved on both sides with interlacing plaits , relieved by large prominent bosses . On the front of the
great block of stone which forms the base is the following inscription : " GEORGE RAYMOND PORTAL , Rector of Bughclere , Rural Dean , Hon . Canon of Winchester Cathedral . Born February 28 , 1827 . R . I . P . Died April 5 , 1889 . " And on the back of the base is the text , " The Master is come and calleth for thee ; and he left
all , rose up , and followed him . " The whole is a work of very great beauty , and has been ably and carefully executed by Messrs . Farmer and Brindley . By the side of this cross has been placed a small stone coffin with a sli ghtly raised sword lying on it , terminating in a cross ; a coat of arms , and the sacred monogram are
under the cross , and the following inscription runs round the edge of the coffin .- " GASPARD RAYMOND PERCY PORTAL , Died Jan . 28 , 1872 , aged 6 weeks . I the Lord have called thee , and will keep thee . " The beautiful cross at Canon Portal ' s grave has been much admired by all who have seen it , and especially by the
parishioners , to whom his name is dear . No monument was needed to keep alive the memory of one " whose life was work , " and whose work will be a lasting memorial in the parish where he laboured so indefatigably , but all rejoice at the sight of this loving tribute to their
beloved pastor , and like to think of him resting after the battle under the shadow of the Cross for which he fought so long , Canon Blunt , late rector of Millbrook , near Southampton , who hat been appointed to succeed Canon Portal , has taken up his residence at Burghclere . —The Hampshire Independent .
Death Of Viscount Templeton.
General Viscount Templeton died on Saturday at San Remo . He was an Irish representative peer , an ex-member of Parliament , and a soldier with a long and honourable record . He was the second son of John Henry , first viscount , by the Lady Mary Montagu , only daughter of John , fifth Earl of Sandwich .
He was born in 1802 , entered the army in 1823 , served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 ln command of the ist Battalion of the Coldstream Guards , and was present at the battle of the Alma . At the battle of Inkerman he was in command of the Brigade of Guards , which he brought out of action . On that
occasion he was wounded and his horse killed . He was subsequently in command of the ist Division , and took part in the battle of Sebastopol . He was mentioned in dispatches , received the medal , with clasp , for the Crimea ; was made a C . B ., an officer of the Legion of Honour , received the 3 rd Class of the Medjdie ,
and the Turkish medal . From 1855 to 18 58 he was Lieutentant-Colonel of the Coldstream Guards . He was appointed Colonel-Commandant of the 60 th Rifles in 1863 ; and Colonel of the 2 nd Life Guards in 1876 , when , as is customary , he served in his turn as Gold Stick in Waiting . From 1865 to 1869 he was in
command of the forces in the Western District , and in 1870 was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Portsmouth , and to the command of the Southern District . He represented Antrim in the House of Commons from May , 1859 , to March , 186 3 , in the Conservative interest , and was a strong supporter of the late Lord Derby . He was elected a representative peer for
Ireland in 1866 ; was honorary Colonel of the 4 th Royal Irish Rifles ; and an almoner of the Order of St . John . He was nominated K . C . B . in 186 9 and G . C . B . in 1886 . He married in 1850 Susan , eldest daughter of the late Field Marshal Sir Alexander Woodford , G . C . B ., and sister of the late Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , for many years a valued contributor to the pages of the Freemason .
Funeral Of Bro. Ex-Sheriff W. A. Higgs.
The mortal remains of the iate Bro . W . A . Higgs were , on Tuesday , December 31 st , amidst many tokens of respect , laid in the family vault at Highgate Cemetery . There were nine carriages , containing members of the family and other intimate friends of the deceased , including Messrs . W . Norman Higgs , Stanley Higgs ,
Edwin Higgs , C . J . B . Higgs , Harry Higgs , Lewis Higgs i F- Higgs > Joseph Higgs , J . E . White ( nephew of the deceased ) , and Rev . G . E . Gardiner . The Lord Mayor , Mr . Sheriff Harris , and Bro . Under-Sheriff Beard sent their state carriages . The Lord Mayor , who was unable to attend the funeral in person , asked
Mr . Sheriff Harris to represent him , and the Sheriff , who was accompanied by Mr . Henry Williams , joined the procession in a private carriage . Alderman Sir Polydore De Keyser , who was Lord Mayor during Bro . Higgs' shrievalty , was accompanied by Mr . Alderman Davies , co-sheriff with the deceased . Many who were not able to be present sent messages of sympathy and
sorrow from all parts , and a large number of friends forwarded beautiful wreaths and other floral designs . The sorrowing widow placed a lovely cross of white flowers on the coffin , the sons a wreath , and the daughters an anchor of violets , the favourite flower of the deceased . Wreaths and crosses were also sent by Mr . J . E . White and others .