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Table Of Contents.
> „ iHtio « of Prince Lc ° P ° 6 1 ¦ k *; ^ - S MA «» . cMm . » o .-CraftMasonry •» 7 scotiau d * * ;" . ;; , ;;;¦; . " .. ; .,.. > 4 Ireland ..- 0 B „ ° G B . Adams " 9 Sr ,., ' . rtro . W . Romaine Callender 69
T 1 , e Ancient and Accepted Rite 70 i „ i Masonic Benevolent Institution 7 ° •?Sicand General Tidings 7 ° K and Girls ' Schools 71 _ V . Vinci . il Grand Chapter of Hampshire 71 Reception of Sir W . W . Wynn at Malta 71 R 0 v . 1 l Masonic Institution ior Boys 71 rinrRoyal Grand Master's Visit :. India 72 ¦* ¦
Mi-tonic Mementoes •7 J The Position and Prerogative ot Provincial Grand Lodges 72 Ke-opcning of Parliament 72 Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution 73 Kcnning ' s Masonic Cyclopredia 73 ClIRRESI-N-PBKC- : — ' Freemasonry and the Ladies 73 Was the Investigation Committee of West Yorkshire Legally Appointed ? 73
Bye-Laws 73 Aililiation 73 Mark Masters' Jewels 73 The Masonic Charities 73 Consecration ofa Lodc-e at New Cross 73 Consecration of a Lotlge at Parkgatc 74 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 75 Masonic Meetings for Next Week 77 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi . vii . viii .
Installation Of H.R.H. Prince Leopold As Provincial Grand Master For Oxfordshire.
As announced in a leader in our last issue the installation of H . R . H . Prince Leopold as Provincial Grand Master for the distinguished Province of Oxfordshire will take place on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst ., in the Sheldonian Theatre ,
Oxford . As a special and full report of the proceedings will appear in the issue for the 26 th inst ., all orders for that number should at once be sent to the Publisher of the " Freemason , " 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ito 0 jm-. g . FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND LODGE ( No . 12 ) . —On Monday afternoon last thc annual meeting for installation of W . M . of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Bro . Joseph Clever , VV . M ., presided , and , assistetl by his officers , raised Bros . Elliott , Allen , and Kidder , and passed Bro . Thos . F . Cooper . Bro . William Jos : ph Clever , of the Amity Lodge ,
171 , was unanimously elected a joining member of the lodge . The bye-laws were then read , after which Bro . J . Clever proceeded to instal Bro . George Angold as W . AL for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively , yet withal quietly rendered , and obtained the hearty applause of the brethren at its conclusion . The brethren appointed to office by the W . M . were Bros . Joseph Clever ,
I . P . M . ; L . Ruf , P . M ., Treas . ; Alfred Snellgrove , P . M ., Sec ; W . B . Kidder , S . W . ; W . H . Bateman , J . W . ; H . Mower , S . D . ; R . N . Coombs , J . D . ; T . K y ffin , I . G . ; W . Rudderforth , D . C . ; L . Ruf , W . S . ; Gilchrist , Tyler . Afterwards the W . M . presented Bro . Joseph Clever , in the name of the lodge , with a handsome P . AI . 's jewel , and in doing so said that he was sure that all the brethren would
feel that it was nothing more than was his tlue for the heavy amount of work he had done during the year , and also for his excellent rendciing of the installation . Bro . Clever , P . M ., then said—I sincerely thank you for your very great kindness in having voted mc this jewel . I can assure you I shall highly prize it . No jewel shall I wear on my breast that I shall prize more highly than that of
Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , and I sincerely thank you . If I have discharged my duties to your satisfaction during my year of office I am fully paid for any efforts I may have used . ( Cheers . ) Some other business was then transacted , and the brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Painter ' s choice banquets . Among the company present were besides the brethren named above , Past
Masters A . H . Lilley , Raynham W . Stewart , Dudley Rolls , Sidney H . Rolls , and J . B . Lemaitre " ; I " . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School ; R . W . Little , Secretary Girls' School ; James Terry , Secretary Benevolent Institution ; Chas . Atkins , 27 ; J . A . Barnard , 217 ; A . M . Thomas , 134 ; E . Francis , 403 ; A . J . Small , D . Cormac K 53 $ ; R . Peart , W . H . Dudgeon , it 58 ; E . B . Grab-*
ham , S . W . 19 ; J . R . Gallant , S . W . 813 ; A . Perndes , ' 79 ; E . Power , 91 ; Mortimer Davis , P . M . 12 ; J . Terras , ! - - 7 ' 5 ; J . W . South , P . M . Oo ; J . R . Glenn , 1491 ; H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); and IL Farquharson , go . Altogether fifty-seven brethren sat down to banquet . When the toasts wcie proposed Bro . Raynham W . Stewart responded for " The Grand Officers . " Hehoweverthought
, , that when hc sat down in the lodge as one of its Past Masters his rank in Grand Lod ge should be sunk . But as he had been called upon to reply , he would say that the yrand Officers weic proud to have the opportunity of coming to thc Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lod ge to see how the brethren did things there , and how prosperous the
lodge was . The lodge was exceedingly prosperous , and WJ 6 Was l * ard ' y ro for another member . Although the « . Af . was well up in his work he would not have the opportunity of making a Freemason until a vacancy occurred . On behalf of Lord Skelmersdale and the other wand Officers , he begged to inform the brethren that they were all deli ghted at the progress that was being made by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Order . Bro . Clever proposed the toast of " The Health of the W . M ., " and in doing so said that it was with very great pleasure that he did so . All the brethren were very much delighted to see that the W . M . had arrived at the proud position of presiding over the brethren of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lotlge . Many of the brethren present remembered his being * initiated , antl had watched
over his progress through the different tlegrees till he attained his present rank . None of the brethren had seen anything in him but what was pleasing , and that they woultl be gratified to find in any brethren following him . ( Applause . ) The W . M ., in reply , said , after thanking the brethren fur their cordiality , that he did not set himself up as a pattern Master ,- but lie hoped that
he should do Ihe work of thc IIHI ^ 'C properly during his year of ofiice . ( Loud cheers . ) The W . M . next proposed " The Health of thc Visitors , " whom the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Ledge were always pleased to see . After this he proposed a special toast in favour of Bro . Painter , who had spread such a splendid repast for the brethren that evening . Bro . Mortimer Davis was the first to reply ,
and remarked on the magnificent hospitality which the lodge had displayctl that evening to the visitors . The manner in which the work had been done , antl the gorgeous hospitality of the lodge , had always won for it great renown . From first to last it had been splendid . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . C . Painter , in replying , expressed his gratification that the brethren were satisfied with what the
Ship and Turtle had done . Thc W . M . then gave " The P . M . ' s , "« f rom whom hc expected great assistance during his year of office . Bro . Clever replied . fie was very proud at being enrolled that tlay among the ranks of the P . M . ' s . The pleasure he felt at being so enrolled was only equalled by the pleasure in being installed twelve months ago as W . M . As a Past Master hc would do the
best he could for the benefit of the lotlge , the same as he had done while he was W . M . H he was spared , which he hoped he shoultl he , he shoultl use his utmost endeavours to forward the interest of the brethren ; and certainly he should always be ready to render any assistance in his power . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart proposed " The Charities , " to which all three Secretaries responded , and the
remaining toasts having been honoured , ihe brethren separated . The evening was enlivened h y some beautiful singing hy Bro . Farquharson . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . — -A meeting of this lodge took p lace at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 25 th ult . The lodge was opened by Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; Kennett , I . P . M . Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Sec ;
Davis , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; Darey , J . D . ; Bye , I . G . ; Rumball , D . C . Amongst the P . M . ' s were Bros . Peevor , Hopwood , Taylor , Given , ' 1 henians . The minutes of the previous meeting having been reatl and confirmed , Bro . Kennett , I . P . M ., hy permission of the W . M . raised Bros . Elverstonc and Ormiston . The W . M . then passed Bros . Goldsmith , Tilley , Colin , Robinson , and Gin ; -, ai . d
initiated Mr . George Goulden into Craft mysteries . A letter of resignation from Bro . D . Davis , W . S ., having been reatl , in consequence of his going abroad , and several communications having been made by the Secretary , thc lodge was closed , antl the brethren adjourned to banquet . The visitors were Bros . Callingham ( Domatic ) and Cantle , S . W . ( Ivy ) . Upon the removal of thc cloth the toast oP'The
Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " " The Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers Past and Present , " were given by theW . M . with a bnef preface to each , and duly honoured . In proposing " The Health of the VV . M . " Bro . Kennett , I . P . M ., spoke of thc difficulties Bro . VVnygood laboured under through business arrangements , wlrch necessitated his
residing for a time in the province- - , and that in order that day to be present in the chair of K . S . he had journeyed all the way from Manchester . He hoped that the brethren would join with him in drinking theW . M . 's very good health and a prosperous year of office . Thc W . M . having suitably acknowledged the compliment , proposed " Thc Health of the Initiate , Bro . Goulden , " inavery cordial speech . The
toast having been drank , Bro . Goulden returned thanks . "The Health of the Visitors" followed , and Bro . Cantle made a neat reply . In the intervals of the above toasts Bros . Bird and Robinson contributed some instrumental music , and Bros . Walls and Cantle sang several ballads . ST . THOMAS'S LODGE ( No . 142 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Saturday last , at the City
Terminus Hotel . Bro . G . A . Rook ; , W . M ., presided , suppoited by Past Masters I Jugucnin , ( representative of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland ) , H . Lloyd Thomas , F . T . Dubois , Cockcraft , Powell , antl Scarth ; Bros . Burnaby , Lambert , Beattic , H . A . Dubois , Battye , Levander , Lee , Carlisle , Hannan , and visitors , Dr . Lavies , E . Home , 92 ,- W . Stcpher , 34 ; VV . C . A . Roeltger , 251 ; J . Stare , Celtic ; J .
Stoddfcst , 181 ; and fl . Massey ( " Freemason" ) . After the confirmation of the minutes of last regular lodge meeting , and of the emergency of the 21 st of December , when the lodge celebrated its centenary , the W . M ., Bro . Rooks , installed Bro . W . D . Burnaby in the Master's chair . The brethren appointed to ofiice by the new W . M . were Bros . Lambert . S . W . ; W . Beattie , J . W . ; Battye ,
P . M ., I reas . ; II . C . Levander , P . M ., Sec ; Macaulay , S . D . ; Powell , J . D . ; Lee , I . G . ; Carlisle , D . C ; Hannan ; W . S . ; and Riley , Tyler . Atthe conclusion of the addresses , which were well delivered by ^ Bro . Rooks , Bro . Levander read a very interesting report made by the Centenary Committee , in which it was shown that the Centenaiy Festival was very successful , and that the whole of the expenses had been defrayed . The adoption of the report ,
which was moved by Bro . II . Lloyd Thomas , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . M ., was carried unanimously . 'The Treasurer informed the brethren that the W . M ., Bro . Rooks , had presented £ 30 to the lodge towards the expenses of the centenary , a fact which he thought they ought to be all acquainted with . ( Cheers . ) The accounts were then read , and on the motion of Bro . II . A . Dubois , it was ordered that they be printed with the next lodge sum-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mons . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a choice banquet . When the toasts were proposed the W . M . called on Bro . Huguenin to respond for the Grand Officers , and Bro . Huguenin , as representative in Grand Lodge of the Grantl Lotlge of Switzerland , said he was glad to see St . Thomas ' s Lotlge still following the path that had been laid out by its former Masters . The lodge had
obtained for itself a high position , and on the occasion of the centenary festival this was appreciated b y the large number of Grantl Officers who were then present . He felt sure that the lodge would pursue its old course . He then passed a high compliment on Bro . Rooks' working during the whole of last year . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Rooks proposed "Thc I Icalth of the W . M . " He saitl that he was old
enough to remember Bro . Burnaby coming to the lodge for initiation , and the first evening was not over before every brother was satisfied that he was animated by a truly-Masonic spirit . It was his ( Bro . Rooks' ) privilege when the brethren for the first time elected him to the chair , to place Bro . Barnaby iu the firs ! office he had filled in the lodge , and he felt determined with the assistance of the
brethren to give him a higher position still . That determination had been carried out , for the brethren had now elected Bro . Burr . ahy as their W . M ., and he had been installed that evening . That hig h position he would adorn , antl the brethren would have the honour of being under the command of an excellent VV . M . ( Applause . ) TheW . M . in replying saiti ( alter thanking the brethren for their
heartiness ) that everything appertaining to rreemasonry was always present to his mind , antl had a great interest or him , wherever he went . It was not , he said , by his own desire that he was elected and installed ; but as it was with the concurrence and approbation of the whole lodge , he coultl not tlo otherwise than accept the office . He would then ask thc brethren generously to look over any failings
they mig ht perceive in him . Ilecould not hope to discharge his duties ns well as the I . P . M . ; his old age , his want of health , ami his less of memory would prevent him doing that ; and it was in the full assurance that he would have the generous forbearance of the brethren that he consented to fbe their Master . All he could possibly tlo he would do ; but he must remind them that he was often afflicted by a
pertinacious old enemy called the gout , which might prevent his coming . If he lived his year of ofiice throughout hc woultl do in that time all in his power for the good of Freemasonry . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Home , 92 , and Bro . Dr . Lavies , replied for the visitors . Bro . Lavies wore his Scotch Masonic clothing , antl in reference to it said , that although a member of the Apollo Lodge , Grantl Lotlge of Scotland
was his Alma Mater in Freemasonry . As in his profession as a medical man he had found Scotch doctors well received in England , so had hc found the same cordial reception lor Scotch Masons in English lodges . Bro . Roeltger , also reply ing for thc visitors , and who wore the English apron , explained though a member of the Grand Lodge of Belg ium before he was a member of our English lodge ,
he wore blue because thc Belgium colours covered a number of degrees which had no status at all in a blue lodge . ( Hear hear . ) TheW . M . afterwards proposed " The P . M . ' s , " and presented Bro . Rooks with a handsome gold jewel , in accordance with the wishes of the whole of the brethren , as a . token of their acknowledgment of his services for two years as their W . M . It
was with the most heartfelt pleasure he presented him with this jewel , and hc wished him many years of life to enjoy thc wearing of it . Bro . Rooks , after some preliminary observations , in which he adveited to his new position of P . M . requiring the same indulgence as the W . M . had asked fcr himself , thanked thc brethren for the gift of the P . M . ' s jewel . But to speak a word for the P . M . 's , he
assured the brethren that during the time he held office as VV . M . it would have been impossible for him to perform his duties unless he had hatl the support of thc P . M . 's . He thanked the brethren for the unanimity with which they hail received his directions in the lodge , and the readiness with which they had always supported him . He should never forget the assistance he had had from one and all
during his two years of office . Bro . Cockcraft also responded , assuring the brethren that all the P . M . 's had the interest of the lodge at heart ; they had all spent many , many happy hours together , and he hoped that St . 'I homas's Lodge woultl never be wanting in that feeling . Bro . Levander , responding for the Treasurer and Secretary , read Bro . Binckes ' s circular asking for a Steward for the
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys' festival . Bro . Lambert replied for "The Officers . " They thanked the I . P . M . for having helped them on and supported them . Speaking for himself , he felt especially grateful to him for many acts of kindness . With regard to the working of the lodge he trusted that the officers would not fall short . He hoped they would not prove themselves unworthy of the high
character which St . 1 homas's Lodge bore , or unworthy successors of those who hail gone before them . He hoped rather that they would strive to perpetuate the fame of the lodge for years to come . The endeavours of all the officers should be uted lo the best of their ability , supported by the W . M . and P . M . ' s , to render the lodge efficient and worthy of the Grantl Lotlge ! of England , ff there was no other
member of the lodge who would take upon himself the duty of representing it as Steward at the Boys' School festival , this being the centenary year of the lodge , he would undeitake that office himself . ( Cheers . ) The brethren shortly afterwards separated . During the evening Dr . Lavies , the VV . M ., and ethers , favoured the brethren with some excellent singing . KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . I . - JSI ) . —The
installation meeting of this prosperous young lodge , now four years old , was held on Tuesday last at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , Bro . Saml . W . Gardner in the chair , when Bros . Collins and Andrews were raised , and Bro . Guinwade was passed to the Second Degree After the conclusion of the ordinary business , Bro . Mann P . M ., one of the founders of the lodge , took the chair a acting W . M ., and Bro . George Everett was presented fo
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
> „ iHtio « of Prince Lc ° P ° 6 1 ¦ k *; ^ - S MA «» . cMm . » o .-CraftMasonry •» 7 scotiau d * * ;" . ;; , ;;;¦; . " .. ; .,.. > 4 Ireland ..- 0 B „ ° G B . Adams " 9 Sr ,., ' . rtro . W . Romaine Callender 69
T 1 , e Ancient and Accepted Rite 70 i „ i Masonic Benevolent Institution 7 ° •?Sicand General Tidings 7 ° K and Girls ' Schools 71 _ V . Vinci . il Grand Chapter of Hampshire 71 Reception of Sir W . W . Wynn at Malta 71 R 0 v . 1 l Masonic Institution ior Boys 71 rinrRoyal Grand Master's Visit :. India 72 ¦* ¦
Mi-tonic Mementoes •7 J The Position and Prerogative ot Provincial Grand Lodges 72 Ke-opcning of Parliament 72 Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution 73 Kcnning ' s Masonic Cyclopredia 73 ClIRRESI-N-PBKC- : — ' Freemasonry and the Ladies 73 Was the Investigation Committee of West Yorkshire Legally Appointed ? 73
Bye-Laws 73 Aililiation 73 Mark Masters' Jewels 73 The Masonic Charities 73 Consecration ofa Lodc-e at New Cross 73 Consecration of a Lotlge at Parkgatc 74 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 75 Masonic Meetings for Next Week 77 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi . vii . viii .
Installation Of H.R.H. Prince Leopold As Provincial Grand Master For Oxfordshire.
As announced in a leader in our last issue the installation of H . R . H . Prince Leopold as Provincial Grand Master for the distinguished Province of Oxfordshire will take place on Wednesday , the 23 rd inst ., in the Sheldonian Theatre ,
Oxford . As a special and full report of the proceedings will appear in the issue for the 26 th inst ., all orders for that number should at once be sent to the Publisher of the " Freemason , " 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft ito 0 jm-. g . FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND LODGE ( No . 12 ) . —On Monday afternoon last thc annual meeting for installation of W . M . of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Bro . Joseph Clever , VV . M ., presided , and , assistetl by his officers , raised Bros . Elliott , Allen , and Kidder , and passed Bro . Thos . F . Cooper . Bro . William Jos : ph Clever , of the Amity Lodge ,
171 , was unanimously elected a joining member of the lodge . The bye-laws were then read , after which Bro . J . Clever proceeded to instal Bro . George Angold as W . AL for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively , yet withal quietly rendered , and obtained the hearty applause of the brethren at its conclusion . The brethren appointed to office by the W . M . were Bros . Joseph Clever ,
I . P . M . ; L . Ruf , P . M ., Treas . ; Alfred Snellgrove , P . M ., Sec ; W . B . Kidder , S . W . ; W . H . Bateman , J . W . ; H . Mower , S . D . ; R . N . Coombs , J . D . ; T . K y ffin , I . G . ; W . Rudderforth , D . C . ; L . Ruf , W . S . ; Gilchrist , Tyler . Afterwards the W . M . presented Bro . Joseph Clever , in the name of the lodge , with a handsome P . AI . 's jewel , and in doing so said that he was sure that all the brethren would
feel that it was nothing more than was his tlue for the heavy amount of work he had done during the year , and also for his excellent rendciing of the installation . Bro . Clever , P . M ., then said—I sincerely thank you for your very great kindness in having voted mc this jewel . I can assure you I shall highly prize it . No jewel shall I wear on my breast that I shall prize more highly than that of
Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , and I sincerely thank you . If I have discharged my duties to your satisfaction during my year of office I am fully paid for any efforts I may have used . ( Cheers . ) Some other business was then transacted , and the brethren adjourned to one of Bro . Painter ' s choice banquets . Among the company present were besides the brethren named above , Past
Masters A . H . Lilley , Raynham W . Stewart , Dudley Rolls , Sidney H . Rolls , and J . B . Lemaitre " ; I " . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School ; R . W . Little , Secretary Girls' School ; James Terry , Secretary Benevolent Institution ; Chas . Atkins , 27 ; J . A . Barnard , 217 ; A . M . Thomas , 134 ; E . Francis , 403 ; A . J . Small , D . Cormac K 53 $ ; R . Peart , W . H . Dudgeon , it 58 ; E . B . Grab-*
ham , S . W . 19 ; J . R . Gallant , S . W . 813 ; A . Perndes , ' 79 ; E . Power , 91 ; Mortimer Davis , P . M . 12 ; J . Terras , ! - - 7 ' 5 ; J . W . South , P . M . Oo ; J . R . Glenn , 1491 ; H . Massey ( "Freemason" ); and IL Farquharson , go . Altogether fifty-seven brethren sat down to banquet . When the toasts wcie proposed Bro . Raynham W . Stewart responded for " The Grand Officers . " Hehoweverthought
, , that when hc sat down in the lodge as one of its Past Masters his rank in Grand Lod ge should be sunk . But as he had been called upon to reply , he would say that the yrand Officers weic proud to have the opportunity of coming to thc Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lod ge to see how the brethren did things there , and how prosperous the
lodge was . The lodge was exceedingly prosperous , and WJ 6 Was l * ard ' y ro for another member . Although the « . Af . was well up in his work he would not have the opportunity of making a Freemason until a vacancy occurred . On behalf of Lord Skelmersdale and the other wand Officers , he begged to inform the brethren that they were all deli ghted at the progress that was being made by
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Order . Bro . Clever proposed the toast of " The Health of the W . M ., " and in doing so said that it was with very great pleasure that he did so . All the brethren were very much delighted to see that the W . M . had arrived at the proud position of presiding over the brethren of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lotlge . Many of the brethren present remembered his being * initiated , antl had watched
over his progress through the different tlegrees till he attained his present rank . None of the brethren had seen anything in him but what was pleasing , and that they woultl be gratified to find in any brethren following him . ( Applause . ) The W . M ., in reply , said , after thanking the brethren fur their cordiality , that he did not set himself up as a pattern Master ,- but lie hoped that
he should do Ihe work of thc IIHI ^ 'C properly during his year of ofiice . ( Loud cheers . ) The W . M . next proposed " The Health of thc Visitors , " whom the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Ledge were always pleased to see . After this he proposed a special toast in favour of Bro . Painter , who had spread such a splendid repast for the brethren that evening . Bro . Mortimer Davis was the first to reply ,
and remarked on the magnificent hospitality which the lodge had displayctl that evening to the visitors . The manner in which the work had been done , antl the gorgeous hospitality of the lodge , had always won for it great renown . From first to last it had been splendid . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . C . Painter , in replying , expressed his gratification that the brethren were satisfied with what the
Ship and Turtle had done . Thc W . M . then gave " The P . M . ' s , "« f rom whom hc expected great assistance during his year of office . Bro . Clever replied . fie was very proud at being enrolled that tlay among the ranks of the P . M . ' s . The pleasure he felt at being so enrolled was only equalled by the pleasure in being installed twelve months ago as W . M . As a Past Master hc would do the
best he could for the benefit of the lotlge , the same as he had done while he was W . M . H he was spared , which he hoped he shoultl he , he shoultl use his utmost endeavours to forward the interest of the brethren ; and certainly he should always be ready to render any assistance in his power . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart proposed " The Charities , " to which all three Secretaries responded , and the
remaining toasts having been honoured , ihe brethren separated . The evening was enlivened h y some beautiful singing hy Bro . Farquharson . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . — -A meeting of this lodge took p lace at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 25 th ult . The lodge was opened by Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; Kennett , I . P . M . Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Sec ;
Davis , S . W . ; Mallett , J . W . ; Darey , J . D . ; Bye , I . G . ; Rumball , D . C . Amongst the P . M . ' s were Bros . Peevor , Hopwood , Taylor , Given , ' 1 henians . The minutes of the previous meeting having been reatl and confirmed , Bro . Kennett , I . P . M ., hy permission of the W . M . raised Bros . Elverstonc and Ormiston . The W . M . then passed Bros . Goldsmith , Tilley , Colin , Robinson , and Gin ; -, ai . d
initiated Mr . George Goulden into Craft mysteries . A letter of resignation from Bro . D . Davis , W . S ., having been reatl , in consequence of his going abroad , and several communications having been made by the Secretary , thc lodge was closed , antl the brethren adjourned to banquet . The visitors were Bros . Callingham ( Domatic ) and Cantle , S . W . ( Ivy ) . Upon the removal of thc cloth the toast oP'The
Queen and Craft , " " The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " " The Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers Past and Present , " were given by theW . M . with a bnef preface to each , and duly honoured . In proposing " The Health of the VV . M . " Bro . Kennett , I . P . M ., spoke of thc difficulties Bro . VVnygood laboured under through business arrangements , wlrch necessitated his
residing for a time in the province- - , and that in order that day to be present in the chair of K . S . he had journeyed all the way from Manchester . He hoped that the brethren would join with him in drinking theW . M . 's very good health and a prosperous year of office . Thc W . M . having suitably acknowledged the compliment , proposed " Thc Health of the Initiate , Bro . Goulden , " inavery cordial speech . The
toast having been drank , Bro . Goulden returned thanks . "The Health of the Visitors" followed , and Bro . Cantle made a neat reply . In the intervals of the above toasts Bros . Bird and Robinson contributed some instrumental music , and Bros . Walls and Cantle sang several ballads . ST . THOMAS'S LODGE ( No . 142 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Saturday last , at the City
Terminus Hotel . Bro . G . A . Rook ; , W . M ., presided , suppoited by Past Masters I Jugucnin , ( representative of the Grand Lodge of Switzerland ) , H . Lloyd Thomas , F . T . Dubois , Cockcraft , Powell , antl Scarth ; Bros . Burnaby , Lambert , Beattic , H . A . Dubois , Battye , Levander , Lee , Carlisle , Hannan , and visitors , Dr . Lavies , E . Home , 92 ,- W . Stcpher , 34 ; VV . C . A . Roeltger , 251 ; J . Stare , Celtic ; J .
Stoddfcst , 181 ; and fl . Massey ( " Freemason" ) . After the confirmation of the minutes of last regular lodge meeting , and of the emergency of the 21 st of December , when the lodge celebrated its centenary , the W . M ., Bro . Rooks , installed Bro . W . D . Burnaby in the Master's chair . The brethren appointed to ofiice by the new W . M . were Bros . Lambert . S . W . ; W . Beattie , J . W . ; Battye ,
P . M ., I reas . ; II . C . Levander , P . M ., Sec ; Macaulay , S . D . ; Powell , J . D . ; Lee , I . G . ; Carlisle , D . C ; Hannan ; W . S . ; and Riley , Tyler . Atthe conclusion of the addresses , which were well delivered by ^ Bro . Rooks , Bro . Levander read a very interesting report made by the Centenary Committee , in which it was shown that the Centenaiy Festival was very successful , and that the whole of the expenses had been defrayed . The adoption of the report ,
which was moved by Bro . II . Lloyd Thomas , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . H . A . Dubois , P . M ., was carried unanimously . 'The Treasurer informed the brethren that the W . M ., Bro . Rooks , had presented £ 30 to the lodge towards the expenses of the centenary , a fact which he thought they ought to be all acquainted with . ( Cheers . ) The accounts were then read , and on the motion of Bro . II . A . Dubois , it was ordered that they be printed with the next lodge sum-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mons . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a choice banquet . When the toasts were proposed the W . M . called on Bro . Huguenin to respond for the Grand Officers , and Bro . Huguenin , as representative in Grand Lodge of the Grantl Lotlge of Switzerland , said he was glad to see St . Thomas ' s Lotlge still following the path that had been laid out by its former Masters . The lodge had
obtained for itself a high position , and on the occasion of the centenary festival this was appreciated b y the large number of Grantl Officers who were then present . He felt sure that the lodge would pursue its old course . He then passed a high compliment on Bro . Rooks' working during the whole of last year . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Rooks proposed "Thc I Icalth of the W . M . " He saitl that he was old
enough to remember Bro . Burnaby coming to the lodge for initiation , and the first evening was not over before every brother was satisfied that he was animated by a truly-Masonic spirit . It was his ( Bro . Rooks' ) privilege when the brethren for the first time elected him to the chair , to place Bro . Barnaby iu the firs ! office he had filled in the lodge , and he felt determined with the assistance of the
brethren to give him a higher position still . That determination had been carried out , for the brethren had now elected Bro . Burr . ahy as their W . M ., and he had been installed that evening . That hig h position he would adorn , antl the brethren would have the honour of being under the command of an excellent VV . M . ( Applause . ) TheW . M . in replying saiti ( alter thanking the brethren for their
heartiness ) that everything appertaining to rreemasonry was always present to his mind , antl had a great interest or him , wherever he went . It was not , he said , by his own desire that he was elected and installed ; but as it was with the concurrence and approbation of the whole lodge , he coultl not tlo otherwise than accept the office . He would then ask thc brethren generously to look over any failings
they mig ht perceive in him . Ilecould not hope to discharge his duties ns well as the I . P . M . ; his old age , his want of health , ami his less of memory would prevent him doing that ; and it was in the full assurance that he would have the generous forbearance of the brethren that he consented to fbe their Master . All he could possibly tlo he would do ; but he must remind them that he was often afflicted by a
pertinacious old enemy called the gout , which might prevent his coming . If he lived his year of ofiice throughout hc woultl do in that time all in his power for the good of Freemasonry . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Home , 92 , and Bro . Dr . Lavies , replied for the visitors . Bro . Lavies wore his Scotch Masonic clothing , antl in reference to it said , that although a member of the Apollo Lodge , Grantl Lotlge of Scotland
was his Alma Mater in Freemasonry . As in his profession as a medical man he had found Scotch doctors well received in England , so had hc found the same cordial reception lor Scotch Masons in English lodges . Bro . Roeltger , also reply ing for thc visitors , and who wore the English apron , explained though a member of the Grand Lodge of Belg ium before he was a member of our English lodge ,
he wore blue because thc Belgium colours covered a number of degrees which had no status at all in a blue lodge . ( Hear hear . ) TheW . M . afterwards proposed " The P . M . ' s , " and presented Bro . Rooks with a handsome gold jewel , in accordance with the wishes of the whole of the brethren , as a . token of their acknowledgment of his services for two years as their W . M . It
was with the most heartfelt pleasure he presented him with this jewel , and hc wished him many years of life to enjoy thc wearing of it . Bro . Rooks , after some preliminary observations , in which he adveited to his new position of P . M . requiring the same indulgence as the W . M . had asked fcr himself , thanked thc brethren for the gift of the P . M . ' s jewel . But to speak a word for the P . M . 's , he
assured the brethren that during the time he held office as VV . M . it would have been impossible for him to perform his duties unless he had hatl the support of thc P . M . 's . He thanked the brethren for the unanimity with which they hail received his directions in the lodge , and the readiness with which they had always supported him . He should never forget the assistance he had had from one and all
during his two years of office . Bro . Cockcraft also responded , assuring the brethren that all the P . M . 's had the interest of the lodge at heart ; they had all spent many , many happy hours together , and he hoped that St . 'I homas's Lodge woultl never be wanting in that feeling . Bro . Levander , responding for the Treasurer and Secretary , read Bro . Binckes ' s circular asking for a Steward for the
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys' festival . Bro . Lambert replied for "The Officers . " They thanked the I . P . M . for having helped them on and supported them . Speaking for himself , he felt especially grateful to him for many acts of kindness . With regard to the working of the lodge he trusted that the officers would not fall short . He hoped they would not prove themselves unworthy of the high
character which St . 1 homas's Lodge bore , or unworthy successors of those who hail gone before them . He hoped rather that they would strive to perpetuate the fame of the lodge for years to come . The endeavours of all the officers should be uted lo the best of their ability , supported by the W . M . and P . M . ' s , to render the lodge efficient and worthy of the Grantl Lotlge ! of England , ff there was no other
member of the lodge who would take upon himself the duty of representing it as Steward at the Boys' School festival , this being the centenary year of the lodge , he would undeitake that office himself . ( Cheers . ) The brethren shortly afterwards separated . During the evening Dr . Lavies , the VV . M ., and ethers , favoured the brethren with some excellent singing . KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . I . - JSI ) . —The
installation meeting of this prosperous young lodge , now four years old , was held on Tuesday last at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , Bro . Saml . W . Gardner in the chair , when Bros . Collins and Andrews were raised , and Bro . Guinwade was passed to the Second Degree After the conclusion of the ordinary business , Bro . Mann P . M ., one of the founders of the lodge , took the chair a acting W . M ., and Bro . George Everett was presented fo