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Special Joint Court Of The Masonic Schools.
On Saturday last a Special Joint Court of the Governors arid Subscribers ' of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys , and of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , was held in * £ e Board room , Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Lieut . Col . Creaton , P . G . D ., Vice Patron of both institutions , was
voted to the chair . The other brethren who were present werc Bros . J . Symonds , H . Browse , John Wordsworth , Hy de Pullen , F . II . Ebsworth , S . Rawson , H . Massey t" Freemason" ) , Benj . Head , Raynham W . Stewart , Jesse Turner , W . Roebuck , Robert B . Webster , IL VV . Hemsworth , W . Mann , H . A . Dubois , W . F . C . Moutrie , A . A . Richards , F . Binckes ( Secretary Boys' School ) .
and R . Wentworth Little ( Secretary Girls' School ) . The meeting was called for thc purpose of considering the following notice of motion , by Bro . C . F . Matier : — •" That any brother not serving thc office of Steward , who may collect for thc Royal Masonic Institution for „ . \ the sum of fifty guineas , shall , when that sum is completed , be made a life subscriber , and have one vote for
life , and should he collect a further sum of fifty guineas , shall , on the completion thereof , receive an additional vote , and so on for every fifty guineas he may collect . " Bro . Matier not being present to make the motion , it was moved formally by Bro . H . Browse , P . G . D ., and seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , Past District G . M . of China . Bro . John Sy monds , P . G . D ., urged several objections to
the proposition , though he did not wish to move an -amendment . He was afraid that brethren in thc provinces collecting subscriptions though not Stewards , would be thrown into competition with those brethren who were acting as ¦ Stewards . He thought that before entering upon his duties as collector of fifty guineas , a brother shonld put himself into communication with thc committee of either
school . If lie had been going to move an amendment he would have suggested that the following words be added as a clause to Law 75 of the two institutions : — " The committee , may grant to any brother not serving thc office of Steward who may collect and pay over the sum of fifty guineas the privilege of a life subscriber , with one vote at -all elections for boys or girls , and an additional vote for
any further sum of fifty guineas so collected and paid over . ' In the larger provinces perhaps , like Bro . Mailer ' s . province , it might not cause any inconvenience having two brethren collecting ; but in the smaller provinces he thought -that considerable inconvenience would arise . If thc matter ¦ were placed first in the hands of the committees they would take care that justice was done to all parties .
Bro . IL Browse thought that if two brethren ran counter to each other in a province it was a matter personal to themselves , and they must set it right . It would be very much better to leave brethren wishing to . collect subscriptions perfectly free and unfettered , and not to hamper them by placing them first in the hands of the Committees . He could not sec his way in putting Bro .
•Symond ' s proposition in . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D ., was afraid that Bro . Symefnd ' s suggestions if agreed to would frtter intending •collectors , who ought to be perfectly tree . Bro . H . W . Hemsworth suggested , anil at first introduced as an amendment , that instead of giving a brother -collecting 50 guineas a vote at each election during his life , ten votes should be given him for thc next election following his collection , and let the matter end there .
Bro . Jesse Turner seconded thc amendment . Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart thought this would be a most fatal mistake . All that was proposed to be done by the original motion was to give one vote at each election , and the brother who took the trouble to collect 50 guineas well deserved one vote at each election for that trouble . 'Hie institution would be lowering themselves very much if they offered ten votes at one election only for 50 guineas collected .
_ Bro . John Symonds said he preferred thc original motion to Bro . Hemswoith ' s amendment , although hc himself hail suggested an amendment . A vote for lifc was better than ten votes for one election . Bro . H . Browse was opposed to hampering brethren collecting by reference to committees .
Bro . Hemsworth having stated that if Bro . Symonds would move his suggestion as an amendment he would second it , Bro . Symonds did so , and after it had been seconded by Bro . Hemsworth it was put by thc Chairman and lost . The original motion was then put and carried , and a vote of thanks to Colonel Creaton for presiding closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
1 he General Committee of this Institution met on Satur--e 7 n at , '' reemaso ' - -i' I 'all . Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , V . P ., presided , and was supported by Bros . A . II . Diaper , W . Roebuck , Benj . Head , S . Rosenthal , II . Browse , John Symonds , Hyde Pullen . John W . Dennison , John Wordsworth , S . Rawson , W . Mann , Jesse Turner , Robert li Webster
, VV . I-. C . Moutrie , 11 . A . Dubois , VV . Clifton Crick ,.. Vy . DoscU F . Adlard , J . G . Chancellor , A . A . Richards , 1 * II . Ebsworth , II . Massey ( ''Freemason '') , and F . Binckes , Secretary . After the formal business of reading and confirming nmutes had been transacted , it was found there were no etitions from thc friends of intending candidates and no lications for outfits
pp . The matter of the purchase of thc lease of Kent House •posite the institution at Wood Green , for a sanitary d convalescent home for thc pupils , was then mentioned •sanction , and the Chairman stated that the object of liposing to buy the lease of the house antl grounds , and 1 the freehold , was that when thc freehold came into thc ¦ rket the institution might purchase it at its proper
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
value , which would be about twenty years' purchase . In consequence of the age of the freeholder , thc property would probably soon come into the market , and the institution had a written offer lhat if they took thc lease they should have the first offer of the freehold . If they had not thc lease they would not have the refusal of thc freehold ; and when it was kne . wn lhat they wanted it the market price
would go up considerably . The brethren must bear in mind that the property atljoincd the Boys' School , and there was no property but their own close by . The house was well adapted for the purpose for which it was proposed it should be taken , as he and Bro . Browse , who had inspected it , could testify . It was just the sort of house that was required ; it would be exceedingly useful , and would
be at all limes worth the money proposed to be given . Bro . Robt . B . Webster proposed , and Bro . W . F . C . 1-lard Moutrie seconded , the adoption of the recommendation of thc House Committee that Kent House should be purchased . Bro . Jesse Turner , notwithstanding thc statement that by taking the lease the institution would at the proper
time be able to get the freehold at a proper market price , could not help thinking that the price would go np . It was hardly reasonable to look forward to a time when the price would be cheaper than now . He quite concurred in the opinion of the Chairman that the building was most eligible and suitable for the proposed purpose ; bet he thought it would be a wise thing to purchase thc freehold
at once . Br * . Binckes , in answer to enquiries , said the price of the freehold was £ 2100 . Mr . Hall , the medical officer , had reported most favourably on thc property . The motion was carried unanimously , and the brethren separated . A Special Court of this Institution ' s Governor's and
Subscribers was held on Saturday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Symonds , P . G . D ., V . P ., presiding . The brethren present were Bros . Raynham W . Stewart , A . H . Diaper , W . Roebuck , Benjamin Head , John Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , F . Adlard , S . Rosenthal , II . Bro . vse Hyde Pullen , S . Rawson , VV . F . C . Moutrie , VV . Mann ' H . A . Dubois , W . Clifton Crick , Robert B . Webster , A-
A . Richards , John W . Dennison , J . G . Chancellor , J . - VV . Dosell , John Wordsworth , F . H . Ebsworth , Jesse Turner , H . Massey ( " Freemason" ) , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . The meeting was called in compliance with a requisition addressed to thc Secr-rtary by a Trustee of thc Institution , to consider a recommendation of the House
Committee under a reference made to them by the General Committee : — " That with , a view to provide the requisite sanitary and convalescent accommodation , the lease of the house and premises known as Kent House , situated opposite the Institution ( an unexpired term of 88 years at £ 100 per annum ) , be purchased at a cost not exceeding £ 500 . " Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , P . G . D ., moved the resolution .
Bro . H . Browse , P . G . D ., seconded it , observing that obtaining Kent House as a sanitarium would be beneficial to thc Institution . The motion was carried , with the rider that the ' solicitors be instructed to act on behalf of the Institution . Bro . Symonds observed that the place would now be taken as from Christmas last , the rent to commence from
that term . It was not deemed necessary to enter into any discussion with reference to the purchase of the lease , as the subject had been fully gone into at the General Committee which sat a short time previously to thc Special Court . A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman , ami the brethren separated .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
There was a numerous gathering of Royal Arch Freemasons at thc Masonic Hall , Portsmouth , on Monday , the occasion being the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter . In the unavoidable absence of the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Bro . VV . VV . B . Beach , M . P ., —who was compelled to attend a special board meeting of the South
Western Railway Company , of which he is a director—Comp . W . Hickman presided as 7 .., supported by Comps . J . E . Le Feuvre , E . ; Lillywhite , Prin . Soj . ; Frost , Treasurer ; A . Cudlipp , Asst . Soj ; Cecil ! , D . C . The Principals present included Comps . Captain Hooper , Furber , H . Coles , Hare , and J . R . Weston , of Southampton ; H . M . Emanuel , II . Cawte , 'I ' . Batchelor , E .
Wells , G . Wilkins , E . G . Holbrook , Ubsdell , G . F . Lancaster , E . S . Main , S . R . Ellis , W . II . Ford , Craven , Tuohy , and Maltby ; Loveland , Hilhnan ( Havant ) . Among Ihe other companions present were W . arrcn and . Stroud ( Southampton ); J . Wallingford , II . J . Guy , A . RiddcII , Turney , Dr . Knott , J . S . Dyer , G . E . Lancaster , G . Norris , IL Ncwland , R . Barber , Gunnell ,
Yearworth , Willmott , Johns , Payne , Salter ( Royal Sussex Chapter ); James Collins and Cole ( Chapter of Friendship ) ; W . Tuck , G . Johnson , R . J . Rastwick , Gamblcn , Osborne , VV . Dance ( Portsmouth Chapter ) , and others . The Provincial Grand Treasurer's accounts for the past year were submitted , shewing—Receipts ( including balance from 1874 ) , £ 47 12 s . 91 I . ; expenditure , £ 4 4 s . 6 d . ;
balance in hand , £ 43 8 s . 3 d . On the motion of Comp . E . G . Holbrook , seconded by Comp . VV . II . Ford , thc accounts were received , and Comp . Frost was subsequently unanimously re-elected Treasurer , for which he thanked the brethren . On thc motion of Comp . Booth , seconded
by Comp . T . Batchelor , a vote of thanks was accordctl to Comp . Frost for his past services as Treasurer of the Provincial Grand Chapter . The Acting Superintendent ( Comp . Hickman ) then announced that he had been requested by the Provincial Grand Superintendent to take the office of Secontl Principal ,
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
which request , hc need hardly say , hc had much pleasure in complying with . The other officers were appointed as follows : — Comps . H . M . Emanuel , 342 , J . ; J . E . Le Feuvre , 136 , S E . ; H . Coles , 359 , S N . ; G . Wilkins , 342 , P . S . ; S . R . Ellis , 343 , Past Asst . S . ; R . J . Rastwick , 487 , S . Asst . Soj . ; ME . Frost , 487 , Treas . ; R . Newland , 342 , Reg . ;
G . F . Lancaster , 342 , Swd . B . ; German , 487 , Std . Bearer ; Forbes , P . Z ., Dir . of Cers . ; Osborne , 487 , Org . ; Biggs and Exell , Janitors . Thc chapter having been closed with the usual ceremonies , about fifty of the companions adjourned to the banqueting-room , where a most recherche' banquet was served by Bro . Sherman , of the Hard , Portsea , Comp .
Hickman presided , and proposed the following toasts : — " . The Queen , and Royal Arch Masonry ; " "Three Grand Principals of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England ;" and "The Grand Superintendent of the Province ( Comp . Beach , M . P . ) . " In giving the latter toast ; Comp . Hickman said that thc services of Comp . Beach were always at thc disposal
of thc Provincial Grand Chapter , and of every lodge and chapter in the province . The fact of having so- worthy a , Mason to preside over its deliberations was a distinguished honour for the province , and hc was sure they all regretted that another important engagement prevented Comp . Beach being present that day . Comp . Forbes proposed "Comp . Hickman , Second
Grand Principal of thc Province . " Comp . G . F . Lancaster proposed " Comp . EmanueT , Third Grand Principal , and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter . " Comp . Wilkins acknowledged thc compliment . Comp . M . E . Frost gave" The Past Officers of the
Provincial Grand Chapter , " and Comp . E . M . Wells responded . " The Chapter of Friendship , 257 " was acknowledged by Comp . Lillywhite ; " The Chapter of Harmony , 309 , " by Comp . E . G . Holbrook ; " The Royal Sussex Chapter , 342 , " by Comp . Main ; and the Portsmouth Chapter , 487 , " by Comp . Cudlipp .
Reception Of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Provincial Grand Master For North Wales And Shropshire, In Malta.
The regular meeting of the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 , E . C , was held in tlie ; M . * isonic Hall , Valletta , on Monday , the 3 rd January , 1876 , Present : Bros , the Hon . W . Hylton Jolliffe , W . M . ; Major H . Lyon 0
Campbell , 30 , I . P . M . ; Holmes , S . W . ; Buckle , J . W . ; Rosenbusch , P . M ., Treas . ; Cromey , Sec . ; Watt , S . D . ; Paulson , J D . ; Read , I . G . ; Beck , Tyler ; and the following brethren : —Bros . W . Kingston , D . G . M . j thc Rev . M , C . Odell , D . D . G . M . ; Col . A . Macdonald , P . M . 2 . 1 s , E . C . ; I . Buchanan , P . M . 51 s , E . G . ; J . Doherty , P . M ., W . Rotherham , P . M ., T . Bond , D . M ., VV . F . Taylor , P . M ., Union Lodge , 407 , E . C . ; J . Bowers , W . M . Leinster Lodge ,
387 . J-c The lodge was opened in due and ancient form . Thc W . M ., officers , and brethren then received thc R . W . D . G . M . of Malta with great honours . The R . W . D . G . M . having assumed thc chair , called upon thc brethren to receive the R . W . P . G . M . for North Wales and Shropshire with grand honours—having entered , and
on the Rev . Bro . Kingston ' s offering him the gavel , he courteously declined thc same , and signified his wish that the business for which the lodge met might be proceeded with . Whereon the R . W . D . G . M . of Malta called upon W » Bro . Hon . Jolliffe , the W . M ., to resume his chair , when Bro . Capt . II . Hamilton Beamish , R . N ., H . M . S . " Pallas , « was duly passed to the Second Degree , after which
ceremony thc lodge was reduced and closed . At thc banquet which followed , and after thc usdal loyal toasts , the D . G . M . for Malta , in proposing " The Health of the P . G . M . for Wales and Shropshire , " expressed the pleasure he experienced by the attendance that evening of such a distinguished member of the Craft , and after wishing him a pleasant sojourn in Malta , concluded by calling on the
bicthren to drink the health of the R . W . P . G . M . for N . Wales and Shropshire with grand honours . Bro . Sir W . 'Wynn , in returiiingjthanks for the handsome manner in which the toast of his health had been proposed and received , assured the D . G . M . and brethren , that it afforded him infinite pleasure in attending and witnessing the admirable manner in which the ceremony had been
performed by the VV . M . that evening , and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the hearty welcome he received . flro . Sir W . Wynn then rose , and in a most flattering manner proposed " Thc Health of the R . W . the D . G . ML for Malta , " congratulating him on thc high position which his district held in the Craft , and bearing testimony to the fact that it was amongst the foremost in disseminating the
true principles of the Order , besides being noted for the excellence of the working in the several degrees , and he concluded by wishing him personally , as well as the whole of the Masonic bodies in Malta , every success and prosperity . The R . W . D . G . M ., in returning thanks to Bro . Sir W . Wynn for proposing his health in such eulogistic terms , and the brethren for responding to the toast in such a
cordial manner , said it was highly gratifying to hear his district spoken of in such high terms , especially by such a elistinguished member of thc Craft , and further , that during his twenty years' association with the Masonic bodies in thc island hc was proud to say that althought his district could not claim to be a vcry influential one , yet hc
considered it second to none either in working ov disseminating the genuine tenets of thc system . After " The Healths of thc P . M . 's of thc Lodge , " with which was coupled the name of Bro . Major Lyon Campbell , 30 , and " Thc Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . Col . Macdonald and Major Mounsey , were drank and duly responded to , the brethren separated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Special Joint Court Of The Masonic Schools.
On Saturday last a Special Joint Court of the Governors arid Subscribers ' of the Boyal Masonic Institution for Boys , and of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , was held in * £ e Board room , Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Lieut . Col . Creaton , P . G . D ., Vice Patron of both institutions , was
voted to the chair . The other brethren who were present werc Bros . J . Symonds , H . Browse , John Wordsworth , Hy de Pullen , F . II . Ebsworth , S . Rawson , H . Massey t" Freemason" ) , Benj . Head , Raynham W . Stewart , Jesse Turner , W . Roebuck , Robert B . Webster , IL VV . Hemsworth , W . Mann , H . A . Dubois , W . F . C . Moutrie , A . A . Richards , F . Binckes ( Secretary Boys' School ) .
and R . Wentworth Little ( Secretary Girls' School ) . The meeting was called for thc purpose of considering the following notice of motion , by Bro . C . F . Matier : — •" That any brother not serving thc office of Steward , who may collect for thc Royal Masonic Institution for „ . \ the sum of fifty guineas , shall , when that sum is completed , be made a life subscriber , and have one vote for
life , and should he collect a further sum of fifty guineas , shall , on the completion thereof , receive an additional vote , and so on for every fifty guineas he may collect . " Bro . Matier not being present to make the motion , it was moved formally by Bro . H . Browse , P . G . D ., and seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , Past District G . M . of China . Bro . John Sy monds , P . G . D ., urged several objections to
the proposition , though he did not wish to move an -amendment . He was afraid that brethren in thc provinces collecting subscriptions though not Stewards , would be thrown into competition with those brethren who were acting as ¦ Stewards . He thought that before entering upon his duties as collector of fifty guineas , a brother shonld put himself into communication with thc committee of either
school . If lie had been going to move an amendment he would have suggested that the following words be added as a clause to Law 75 of the two institutions : — " The committee , may grant to any brother not serving thc office of Steward who may collect and pay over the sum of fifty guineas the privilege of a life subscriber , with one vote at -all elections for boys or girls , and an additional vote for
any further sum of fifty guineas so collected and paid over . ' In the larger provinces perhaps , like Bro . Mailer ' s . province , it might not cause any inconvenience having two brethren collecting ; but in the smaller provinces he thought -that considerable inconvenience would arise . If thc matter ¦ were placed first in the hands of the committees they would take care that justice was done to all parties .
Bro . IL Browse thought that if two brethren ran counter to each other in a province it was a matter personal to themselves , and they must set it right . It would be very much better to leave brethren wishing to . collect subscriptions perfectly free and unfettered , and not to hamper them by placing them first in the hands of the Committees . He could not sec his way in putting Bro .
•Symond ' s proposition in . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D ., was afraid that Bro . Symefnd ' s suggestions if agreed to would frtter intending •collectors , who ought to be perfectly tree . Bro . H . W . Hemsworth suggested , anil at first introduced as an amendment , that instead of giving a brother -collecting 50 guineas a vote at each election during his life , ten votes should be given him for thc next election following his collection , and let the matter end there .
Bro . Jesse Turner seconded thc amendment . Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart thought this would be a most fatal mistake . All that was proposed to be done by the original motion was to give one vote at each election , and the brother who took the trouble to collect 50 guineas well deserved one vote at each election for that trouble . 'Hie institution would be lowering themselves very much if they offered ten votes at one election only for 50 guineas collected .
_ Bro . John Symonds said he preferred thc original motion to Bro . Hemswoith ' s amendment , although hc himself hail suggested an amendment . A vote for lifc was better than ten votes for one election . Bro . H . Browse was opposed to hampering brethren collecting by reference to committees .
Bro . Hemsworth having stated that if Bro . Symonds would move his suggestion as an amendment he would second it , Bro . Symonds did so , and after it had been seconded by Bro . Hemsworth it was put by thc Chairman and lost . The original motion was then put and carried , and a vote of thanks to Colonel Creaton for presiding closed the proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
1 he General Committee of this Institution met on Satur--e 7 n at , '' reemaso ' - -i' I 'all . Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , V . P ., presided , and was supported by Bros . A . II . Diaper , W . Roebuck , Benj . Head , S . Rosenthal , II . Browse , John Symonds , Hyde Pullen . John W . Dennison , John Wordsworth , S . Rawson , W . Mann , Jesse Turner , Robert li Webster
, VV . I-. C . Moutrie , 11 . A . Dubois , VV . Clifton Crick ,.. Vy . DoscU F . Adlard , J . G . Chancellor , A . A . Richards , 1 * II . Ebsworth , II . Massey ( ''Freemason '') , and F . Binckes , Secretary . After the formal business of reading and confirming nmutes had been transacted , it was found there were no etitions from thc friends of intending candidates and no lications for outfits
pp . The matter of the purchase of thc lease of Kent House •posite the institution at Wood Green , for a sanitary d convalescent home for thc pupils , was then mentioned •sanction , and the Chairman stated that the object of liposing to buy the lease of the house antl grounds , and 1 the freehold , was that when thc freehold came into thc ¦ rket the institution might purchase it at its proper
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
value , which would be about twenty years' purchase . In consequence of the age of the freeholder , thc property would probably soon come into the market , and the institution had a written offer lhat if they took thc lease they should have the first offer of the freehold . If they had not thc lease they would not have the refusal of thc freehold ; and when it was kne . wn lhat they wanted it the market price
would go up considerably . The brethren must bear in mind that the property atljoincd the Boys' School , and there was no property but their own close by . The house was well adapted for the purpose for which it was proposed it should be taken , as he and Bro . Browse , who had inspected it , could testify . It was just the sort of house that was required ; it would be exceedingly useful , and would
be at all limes worth the money proposed to be given . Bro . Robt . B . Webster proposed , and Bro . W . F . C . 1-lard Moutrie seconded , the adoption of the recommendation of thc House Committee that Kent House should be purchased . Bro . Jesse Turner , notwithstanding thc statement that by taking the lease the institution would at the proper
time be able to get the freehold at a proper market price , could not help thinking that the price would go np . It was hardly reasonable to look forward to a time when the price would be cheaper than now . He quite concurred in the opinion of the Chairman that the building was most eligible and suitable for the proposed purpose ; bet he thought it would be a wise thing to purchase thc freehold
at once . Br * . Binckes , in answer to enquiries , said the price of the freehold was £ 2100 . Mr . Hall , the medical officer , had reported most favourably on thc property . The motion was carried unanimously , and the brethren separated . A Special Court of this Institution ' s Governor's and
Subscribers was held on Saturday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Symonds , P . G . D ., V . P ., presiding . The brethren present were Bros . Raynham W . Stewart , A . H . Diaper , W . Roebuck , Benjamin Head , John Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , F . Adlard , S . Rosenthal , II . Bro . vse Hyde Pullen , S . Rawson , VV . F . C . Moutrie , VV . Mann ' H . A . Dubois , W . Clifton Crick , Robert B . Webster , A-
A . Richards , John W . Dennison , J . G . Chancellor , J . - VV . Dosell , John Wordsworth , F . H . Ebsworth , Jesse Turner , H . Massey ( " Freemason" ) , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . The meeting was called in compliance with a requisition addressed to thc Secr-rtary by a Trustee of thc Institution , to consider a recommendation of the House
Committee under a reference made to them by the General Committee : — " That with , a view to provide the requisite sanitary and convalescent accommodation , the lease of the house and premises known as Kent House , situated opposite the Institution ( an unexpired term of 88 years at £ 100 per annum ) , be purchased at a cost not exceeding £ 500 . " Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , P . G . D ., moved the resolution .
Bro . H . Browse , P . G . D ., seconded it , observing that obtaining Kent House as a sanitarium would be beneficial to thc Institution . The motion was carried , with the rider that the ' solicitors be instructed to act on behalf of the Institution . Bro . Symonds observed that the place would now be taken as from Christmas last , the rent to commence from
that term . It was not deemed necessary to enter into any discussion with reference to the purchase of the lease , as the subject had been fully gone into at the General Committee which sat a short time previously to thc Special Court . A vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman , ami the brethren separated .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
There was a numerous gathering of Royal Arch Freemasons at thc Masonic Hall , Portsmouth , on Monday , the occasion being the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter . In the unavoidable absence of the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Bro . VV . VV . B . Beach , M . P ., —who was compelled to attend a special board meeting of the South
Western Railway Company , of which he is a director—Comp . W . Hickman presided as 7 .., supported by Comps . J . E . Le Feuvre , E . ; Lillywhite , Prin . Soj . ; Frost , Treasurer ; A . Cudlipp , Asst . Soj ; Cecil ! , D . C . The Principals present included Comps . Captain Hooper , Furber , H . Coles , Hare , and J . R . Weston , of Southampton ; H . M . Emanuel , II . Cawte , 'I ' . Batchelor , E .
Wells , G . Wilkins , E . G . Holbrook , Ubsdell , G . F . Lancaster , E . S . Main , S . R . Ellis , W . II . Ford , Craven , Tuohy , and Maltby ; Loveland , Hilhnan ( Havant ) . Among Ihe other companions present were W . arrcn and . Stroud ( Southampton ); J . Wallingford , II . J . Guy , A . RiddcII , Turney , Dr . Knott , J . S . Dyer , G . E . Lancaster , G . Norris , IL Ncwland , R . Barber , Gunnell ,
Yearworth , Willmott , Johns , Payne , Salter ( Royal Sussex Chapter ); James Collins and Cole ( Chapter of Friendship ) ; W . Tuck , G . Johnson , R . J . Rastwick , Gamblcn , Osborne , VV . Dance ( Portsmouth Chapter ) , and others . The Provincial Grand Treasurer's accounts for the past year were submitted , shewing—Receipts ( including balance from 1874 ) , £ 47 12 s . 91 I . ; expenditure , £ 4 4 s . 6 d . ;
balance in hand , £ 43 8 s . 3 d . On the motion of Comp . E . G . Holbrook , seconded by Comp . VV . II . Ford , thc accounts were received , and Comp . Frost was subsequently unanimously re-elected Treasurer , for which he thanked the brethren . On thc motion of Comp . Booth , seconded
by Comp . T . Batchelor , a vote of thanks was accordctl to Comp . Frost for his past services as Treasurer of the Provincial Grand Chapter . The Acting Superintendent ( Comp . Hickman ) then announced that he had been requested by the Provincial Grand Superintendent to take the office of Secontl Principal ,
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
which request , hc need hardly say , hc had much pleasure in complying with . The other officers were appointed as follows : — Comps . H . M . Emanuel , 342 , J . ; J . E . Le Feuvre , 136 , S E . ; H . Coles , 359 , S N . ; G . Wilkins , 342 , P . S . ; S . R . Ellis , 343 , Past Asst . S . ; R . J . Rastwick , 487 , S . Asst . Soj . ; ME . Frost , 487 , Treas . ; R . Newland , 342 , Reg . ;
G . F . Lancaster , 342 , Swd . B . ; German , 487 , Std . Bearer ; Forbes , P . Z ., Dir . of Cers . ; Osborne , 487 , Org . ; Biggs and Exell , Janitors . Thc chapter having been closed with the usual ceremonies , about fifty of the companions adjourned to the banqueting-room , where a most recherche' banquet was served by Bro . Sherman , of the Hard , Portsea , Comp .
Hickman presided , and proposed the following toasts : — " . The Queen , and Royal Arch Masonry ; " "Three Grand Principals of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England ;" and "The Grand Superintendent of the Province ( Comp . Beach , M . P . ) . " In giving the latter toast ; Comp . Hickman said that thc services of Comp . Beach were always at thc disposal
of thc Provincial Grand Chapter , and of every lodge and chapter in the province . The fact of having so- worthy a , Mason to preside over its deliberations was a distinguished honour for the province , and hc was sure they all regretted that another important engagement prevented Comp . Beach being present that day . Comp . Forbes proposed "Comp . Hickman , Second
Grand Principal of thc Province . " Comp . G . F . Lancaster proposed " Comp . EmanueT , Third Grand Principal , and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter . " Comp . Wilkins acknowledged thc compliment . Comp . M . E . Frost gave" The Past Officers of the
Provincial Grand Chapter , " and Comp . E . M . Wells responded . " The Chapter of Friendship , 257 " was acknowledged by Comp . Lillywhite ; " The Chapter of Harmony , 309 , " by Comp . E . G . Holbrook ; " The Royal Sussex Chapter , 342 , " by Comp . Main ; and the Portsmouth Chapter , 487 , " by Comp . Cudlipp .
Reception Of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Provincial Grand Master For North Wales And Shropshire, In Malta.
The regular meeting of the Lodge of St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 , E . C , was held in tlie ; M . * isonic Hall , Valletta , on Monday , the 3 rd January , 1876 , Present : Bros , the Hon . W . Hylton Jolliffe , W . M . ; Major H . Lyon 0
Campbell , 30 , I . P . M . ; Holmes , S . W . ; Buckle , J . W . ; Rosenbusch , P . M ., Treas . ; Cromey , Sec . ; Watt , S . D . ; Paulson , J D . ; Read , I . G . ; Beck , Tyler ; and the following brethren : —Bros . W . Kingston , D . G . M . j thc Rev . M , C . Odell , D . D . G . M . ; Col . A . Macdonald , P . M . 2 . 1 s , E . C . ; I . Buchanan , P . M . 51 s , E . G . ; J . Doherty , P . M ., W . Rotherham , P . M ., T . Bond , D . M ., VV . F . Taylor , P . M ., Union Lodge , 407 , E . C . ; J . Bowers , W . M . Leinster Lodge ,
387 . J-c The lodge was opened in due and ancient form . Thc W . M ., officers , and brethren then received thc R . W . D . G . M . of Malta with great honours . The R . W . D . G . M . having assumed thc chair , called upon thc brethren to receive the R . W . P . G . M . for North Wales and Shropshire with grand honours—having entered , and
on the Rev . Bro . Kingston ' s offering him the gavel , he courteously declined thc same , and signified his wish that the business for which the lodge met might be proceeded with . Whereon the R . W . D . G . M . of Malta called upon W » Bro . Hon . Jolliffe , the W . M ., to resume his chair , when Bro . Capt . II . Hamilton Beamish , R . N ., H . M . S . " Pallas , « was duly passed to the Second Degree , after which
ceremony thc lodge was reduced and closed . At thc banquet which followed , and after thc usdal loyal toasts , the D . G . M . for Malta , in proposing " The Health of the P . G . M . for Wales and Shropshire , " expressed the pleasure he experienced by the attendance that evening of such a distinguished member of the Craft , and after wishing him a pleasant sojourn in Malta , concluded by calling on the
bicthren to drink the health of the R . W . P . G . M . for N . Wales and Shropshire with grand honours . Bro . Sir W . 'Wynn , in returiiingjthanks for the handsome manner in which the toast of his health had been proposed and received , assured the D . G . M . and brethren , that it afforded him infinite pleasure in attending and witnessing the admirable manner in which the ceremony had been
performed by the VV . M . that evening , and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the hearty welcome he received . flro . Sir W . Wynn then rose , and in a most flattering manner proposed " Thc Health of the R . W . the D . G . ML for Malta , " congratulating him on thc high position which his district held in the Craft , and bearing testimony to the fact that it was amongst the foremost in disseminating the
true principles of the Order , besides being noted for the excellence of the working in the several degrees , and he concluded by wishing him personally , as well as the whole of the Masonic bodies in Malta , every success and prosperity . The R . W . D . G . M ., in returning thanks to Bro . Sir W . Wynn for proposing his health in such eulogistic terms , and the brethren for responding to the toast in such a
cordial manner , said it was highly gratifying to hear his district spoken of in such high terms , especially by such a elistinguished member of thc Craft , and further , that during his twenty years' association with the Masonic bodies in thc island hc was proud to say that althought his district could not claim to be a vcry influential one , yet hc
considered it second to none either in working ov disseminating the genuine tenets of thc system . After " The Healths of thc P . M . 's of thc Lodge , " with which was coupled the name of Bro . Major Lyon Campbell , 30 , and " Thc Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros . Col . Macdonald and Major Mounsey , were drank and duly responded to , the brethren separated .