Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
L ODGE . •» s . d . r 44 e ; W . H . Myers ..- 72 o o T 464 Chas . Dinham $ 8 IO ° r 4 ; i J . L . Mather 40 15 o r , je J . T . Dalby 60 o o
l 489 T . Hastings Miller 28 10 o 149 1 H . C . Levander ... ... 60 50 1494 F . Sumner Knyvett .. 12 12 o jjoo T . Isley 6 12 o 1 507 Jas . Willing , jun 80 j o
i * *; i 2 Thos . W . Ockenden ... ... 25 00 1524 W . H . Lee 49 1 6 Ti- , 31 John Coutts ... ... ... 45 90 i 53 ' 8 Wm Rough 16 5 o 1 t 6 j John Mason 25 o o Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , D . D .,
President of the Board of Stwds . 10 10 o Thomas Fenn , Hon . Treasurer ... 87 00 Andrew Hay ... ... •¦•¦ - •. 500 Thos . Cubitt . 72 o o
PROVINCE OF WEST YORKSHIRE . 61 Lt . Col . Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., ( P . G . M . ) 50 o o 139 W . H . Brittain 10 o o G . W . Hawkesley 10 00 G . E . Webster 10 o o
149 Geo . Haig h ... 10 o o 208 Rev . J . Critchley ... ... 10 o o 290 Wm . Hanop . ' 10 o o 29 6 M . M . De Bartolome , M . D . ... 10 o o Ensor Drury ... ... ... 10 o o George A . Cubley ... ... 10 60
Joseph Colvtr ... ... ... 10 c o H . Colver ... ... ... 10 00 The Province of West Yorkshire , per Bro . H . Smith ... ... 100 o e Do ., own donation ... ... 10 o o 302 Thos . G . Andrews ... ... 10 o o
Benj . Broughton ... ... to ; o o Rev . E . Sewell , M . A . ... 10 o o 306 C . J . Malcolm ... ... 10 10 o . 3 . 37 John Barnes ... ... ... 6 11 o John Hirst , jun . ... ... 70 o o
380 Capt . J . Wordswoith ... ... 10 o o 45 8 Dr . M . A . Morris ... ... 1 5 00 910 Thos . W . Tew , J . P . ... ... 10 o John Simpson ... ... ... to o o 101 9 George Newton ... ... 10 o o And various other sums .
Total ^' . 55 ° ° o PROVINCE OF WEST LANCASHIRE . Chairman ... ... ... 50 00 Provincial Grand Lodge per Bro . R . Wylie ... ... ... 100 00 Do ., own donation ... ... 20 10 o 113 Lieut .-Col . T . Birchall , W . Harrison , J . P ., and Charles
Fryer ... ... ... ... 130 o o 203 Bradshaw W . Rowson ... ... 20 7 o 216 W . Laidlaw 85 j o 220 Charles Humphries ... ... 27 5 o 241 Robert Wilson ... ... ... 67 2 o 249 Dr . J . Kellett Smith 90 o o , 580 John Prescott ... ... ... 26 5 o 613 Thos . P . Griffiths 10 o o
icocj H - Nelson 60 o o ' 667 W . P . Witter 10 o o 680 H . S . Allpass 27 r 8 o 724 John William Ballard 27 o o
823 J-R . Goepel 30 o o 8 97 Lieut . -Col . Gamble 46 o o 995 R- Pearson 33 o o 1013 James Thompson 12 o o 1021 R . T . Taylor 40 o o 1086 Josh . Charles Lunt 24 1 o
1225 JamesC . Hunter it o o 126 4 P . B . Gee 16 o o •3 " 3 J- F . Roberts 10 o o ¦ 345 Joseph C . Gillman .- 00 John Brooks V o o Thomas Buxton .., ... 30 o o l
35 S William Leader V jr ; 0 " 375 G . D . Pochin 74-0 L 393 Henry Jackson .... . " 2000 - ¦ 473 J . P . McArthur , r r o - 49 < 5 E . B . Harding ... ' '" „ „ -56 t J . D . Moore , M . D . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' 33 9 o Total for West Lancashire .... ^ 1508 10 o " Total , £ 9174 ° o
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
There are other lists to come in . Immense cheering followed the announcement of this amount by the Chairman , The Chairman then proposed " The Other Masonic Institutions . " I think , said his lordship , I cannot do better than wish them equal ,
if not better , success than that which has been achieved to-day by this Institution . I thank you all again , brethren , for the hearty way in which you have come forward to support the Institution whose festival we are holding . Bro . Little , who will respond to this toast , will tell you
that he hopes you will support quite as well , if not better . I heartil y re-echo that , but as I have alread y expressed my views on the subject of the Masonic charities , I will not do more than propose the toast . Bro . Little replied , and said : I take it the
first duty I shall have to discharge this evening > s one which must lead to an echo in your hear's . It is to congratulate our R . W . Presiding Officer upon the magnificent success which has been achieved this day . Most heartily , most
cordially , and most ungrudgingly do I own tharthat meed of success has been well deserved by the Institution over which the noble lord presides this evening . Most heartily has it merited the support it has obtained . It is said of one who was condemned for bis sins to roll a stone
up a hill that his work should be incessant , and his work unprofitable . That is not the case with us in the Alasonic charities . We know vhat we are training our children in the Schools of Masonry , we are doing the utmost credit to the Craft to which we belong .
This evening you have done your utmost for the aged , an utmost which has not been exceeded , but which I hope will be exceeded in future . I plead with > ou now for theyoung of both sexes for those that have been under your charge in institutions which have existed for seventy , eighty ,
or ninety years . The Girls' School Festival will take place on the 10 th May , and the Boys' on the 28 th June , and I ask you to support both as liberally as you have supported this institution to-night . Allow me io congratulate Bro . Terry on the result of this evening ' s meeting . ( Cheers . )
There were loud calls for Bro . Binckes , who , after a little delay , rose to speak , when he was received with hearty applause . He said . * There is the understanding amongst us that you should not have an infliction made upon you of two speeches for this toast . I thought our Bro .
Little had said all he could on behalf of the two festivals . I do not want to intrude myself upon you over and over again . I am quite prepared to admit that you appreciate the poor services made by us from time to time , and that you do honestly support us in all that we do to maintain
our various institutions in a atate of efficiency and prosperity . I have worn you out year after year , but I am delighted to find that I still am welcome amongst you . Do not let me wear out that welcome this evening , because I have not a word to address you more than
this , how greatly I appreciate all the services you have rendered during a long past ; how nobly our appeals made to you now , and how thoroughly I know you and your survivors will respond to any appeals in the future . Our institutions are growing day by day , week
by week , month by month , and year by year , and we must have your kind support , we must have your kind sympathy , and we must have your substantial ( here Bro . Binckes created great laughter by tapping his right hand trousers pocket ) . You have made to-night a glorious
success ; but what is that ? What do I interpret that ? It is an augury of still greater success in the future . I never could spell the word " finality . " Of all the spelling bees I never attended one , but if ever I did I should break down over the word " finality . " Go on then
and do more and more , and take your highest gratification from this , that whatever you do in connection with Freemasonry your highest , holiest duty is to go on more largely and more liberally on behalf of these admirably managed institutions .
Bro . F . P . Morrell , J . G . D ., proposed " The Ladies , " and Dr . Cox replied for "The Stewards , " after which the brethren joined the ladies in the Temple , where a concert was held , in which-Madame Liebhart , Mrs . Seymour Smith ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Miss Marian Severn , Bro . A . Lester , Bro . G . T . Carter , Bro . Gr . W . Farmer , Bro . Seymour Smith , Bro . Chaplin Henry , Bro . Lazarus , and Mr . Michael Watson took part . The whole was under the direction of Bro . Seymour Smith . Bro . Hawkes was toastmaster .
The following brethren from Liverpool and West Lancashire came up especiall y to support their Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master of England : —Bros . W . P . Witter , 667 ; J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg . ; H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec : Robert Wilson ,
P . P . G . S . D . ; Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; Wm . Laidlaw , P . P . G . S . ofW . j B . W . Rowson , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . of C ; H . Nelson , P . M . 673 , 1505 ; J . W . Ballard , P'M . 724 ; J . Thompson , 1013 ; J . C Lunt , 1086 , P . B . Gee , W . M . 1264 ; Henry Jackson , W . M , 1 393 ; J . Prescott , P . P . J . G . W . ;
J . Boures , P . M . 148 ; J . C . Gillman , P . P . G . J . D . ; Reuben Pearson , P . P . G . Reg . ; G . D . Pochin , P . M . 1375 ; E . B . Harding , P . M . 1499 ; T . Buxton , P . M . 134 S ; Roberts , Lieut-Col . Gamble , 8 97 ; Major Birchall , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . C . Deeley , Prov . G . J . W . ; Fryer , Prov . G . S . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, February 18, 1876.
METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday , February 18 , 1876 .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 12 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 173 , Phoinix , F . M . H . „ 1308 , Granite , F . M . H . ,, 1361 , United Service , Greyhound Hot . Richmond . „ 1423 , Era , King's Arras Hot ., Hampton-court . „ 1426 , The Great City , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . ,, 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Swan Tav ., Battersea .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 179 , London-st ., Fitzroy-square . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross Road . Sinai Chapter , London Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st . MONDAY , FEBRUARY 14 th . Lodge 5 , St . George ' s Corner Stone , F . M . H . „ 29 , St . Alban ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate .
56 , Royal Naval , F . M . H . „ 90 , St . John ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate . „ 12 ,-j , Confidence , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 222 , St . Andrews , London Tav ., Bishopsgate . 957 . Leigh , F . M . H . ,, 1506 , White Horse of Kent , 33 , Golden-sq . Chap . 21 , Mt-unt Zion , Guildhall ' Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Horns Tav ., Kennington . „ 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., KLigsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To .
Eastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour ' s College , Forest-hill . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood .
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Lodge 30 , United Mariners' , Guildhall Tav . ,, 73 , Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hot . ,, 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 162 , Cadogan , F . M . H .
„ 165 , Honour and Generosity , London Tav . „ 194 , St . Paul's , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , Salisbury , F . M . H . Chap . 11 , Enoch , F . M . H . ,, 19 , Mount Sinai , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 186 , Industry , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . IL , Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Vrince Frtdk . Wm ., Lord's Rot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , 1 , Camomile-st ., Bishopsgate .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Percy , Grapes Tav ., Little Windmill-st ., W . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontrcc , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 16 . Gen . Com . Grand Lodge and Lodge of Ben ., at 6 . Lodge 140 , St . George ' s , Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich . „ 175 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 190 , Oak , F . M . H . „ 700 , Nelson , M . IL , William-st ., Woolwich .
„ 9 69 , Maybury , F . M . H . „ 1044 , Wandswoith , Spreatl Eagle , Wandsworth . „ 1150 , Buckingham and Chandos , F . M . H . „ 1349 , Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . ,, 1540 , Chaucer , Bridge House Hot . Rose Croix Chap ., Bard of Avon , 33 , Golden-sq . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Cas Tt Southwark-bdg .-rd .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
L ODGE . •» s . d . r 44 e ; W . H . Myers ..- 72 o o T 464 Chas . Dinham $ 8 IO ° r 4 ; i J . L . Mather 40 15 o r , je J . T . Dalby 60 o o
l 489 T . Hastings Miller 28 10 o 149 1 H . C . Levander ... ... 60 50 1494 F . Sumner Knyvett .. 12 12 o jjoo T . Isley 6 12 o 1 507 Jas . Willing , jun 80 j o
i * *; i 2 Thos . W . Ockenden ... ... 25 00 1524 W . H . Lee 49 1 6 Ti- , 31 John Coutts ... ... ... 45 90 i 53 ' 8 Wm Rough 16 5 o 1 t 6 j John Mason 25 o o Bro . the Rev . J . E . Cox , D . D .,
President of the Board of Stwds . 10 10 o Thomas Fenn , Hon . Treasurer ... 87 00 Andrew Hay ... ... •¦•¦ - •. 500 Thos . Cubitt . 72 o o
PROVINCE OF WEST YORKSHIRE . 61 Lt . Col . Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., ( P . G . M . ) 50 o o 139 W . H . Brittain 10 o o G . W . Hawkesley 10 00 G . E . Webster 10 o o
149 Geo . Haig h ... 10 o o 208 Rev . J . Critchley ... ... 10 o o 290 Wm . Hanop . ' 10 o o 29 6 M . M . De Bartolome , M . D . ... 10 o o Ensor Drury ... ... ... 10 o o George A . Cubley ... ... 10 60
Joseph Colvtr ... ... ... 10 c o H . Colver ... ... ... 10 00 The Province of West Yorkshire , per Bro . H . Smith ... ... 100 o e Do ., own donation ... ... 10 o o 302 Thos . G . Andrews ... ... 10 o o
Benj . Broughton ... ... to ; o o Rev . E . Sewell , M . A . ... 10 o o 306 C . J . Malcolm ... ... 10 10 o . 3 . 37 John Barnes ... ... ... 6 11 o John Hirst , jun . ... ... 70 o o
380 Capt . J . Wordswoith ... ... 10 o o 45 8 Dr . M . A . Morris ... ... 1 5 00 910 Thos . W . Tew , J . P . ... ... 10 o John Simpson ... ... ... to o o 101 9 George Newton ... ... 10 o o And various other sums .
Total ^' . 55 ° ° o PROVINCE OF WEST LANCASHIRE . Chairman ... ... ... 50 00 Provincial Grand Lodge per Bro . R . Wylie ... ... ... 100 00 Do ., own donation ... ... 20 10 o 113 Lieut .-Col . T . Birchall , W . Harrison , J . P ., and Charles
Fryer ... ... ... ... 130 o o 203 Bradshaw W . Rowson ... ... 20 7 o 216 W . Laidlaw 85 j o 220 Charles Humphries ... ... 27 5 o 241 Robert Wilson ... ... ... 67 2 o 249 Dr . J . Kellett Smith 90 o o , 580 John Prescott ... ... ... 26 5 o 613 Thos . P . Griffiths 10 o o
icocj H - Nelson 60 o o ' 667 W . P . Witter 10 o o 680 H . S . Allpass 27 r 8 o 724 John William Ballard 27 o o
823 J-R . Goepel 30 o o 8 97 Lieut . -Col . Gamble 46 o o 995 R- Pearson 33 o o 1013 James Thompson 12 o o 1021 R . T . Taylor 40 o o 1086 Josh . Charles Lunt 24 1 o
1225 JamesC . Hunter it o o 126 4 P . B . Gee 16 o o •3 " 3 J- F . Roberts 10 o o ¦ 345 Joseph C . Gillman .- 00 John Brooks V o o Thomas Buxton .., ... 30 o o l
35 S William Leader V jr ; 0 " 375 G . D . Pochin 74-0 L 393 Henry Jackson .... . " 2000 - ¦ 473 J . P . McArthur , r r o - 49 < 5 E . B . Harding ... ' '" „ „ -56 t J . D . Moore , M . D . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' 33 9 o Total for West Lancashire .... ^ 1508 10 o " Total , £ 9174 ° o
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
There are other lists to come in . Immense cheering followed the announcement of this amount by the Chairman , The Chairman then proposed " The Other Masonic Institutions . " I think , said his lordship , I cannot do better than wish them equal ,
if not better , success than that which has been achieved to-day by this Institution . I thank you all again , brethren , for the hearty way in which you have come forward to support the Institution whose festival we are holding . Bro . Little , who will respond to this toast , will tell you
that he hopes you will support quite as well , if not better . I heartil y re-echo that , but as I have alread y expressed my views on the subject of the Masonic charities , I will not do more than propose the toast . Bro . Little replied , and said : I take it the
first duty I shall have to discharge this evening > s one which must lead to an echo in your hear's . It is to congratulate our R . W . Presiding Officer upon the magnificent success which has been achieved this day . Most heartily , most
cordially , and most ungrudgingly do I own tharthat meed of success has been well deserved by the Institution over which the noble lord presides this evening . Most heartily has it merited the support it has obtained . It is said of one who was condemned for bis sins to roll a stone
up a hill that his work should be incessant , and his work unprofitable . That is not the case with us in the Alasonic charities . We know vhat we are training our children in the Schools of Masonry , we are doing the utmost credit to the Craft to which we belong .
This evening you have done your utmost for the aged , an utmost which has not been exceeded , but which I hope will be exceeded in future . I plead with > ou now for theyoung of both sexes for those that have been under your charge in institutions which have existed for seventy , eighty ,
or ninety years . The Girls' School Festival will take place on the 10 th May , and the Boys' on the 28 th June , and I ask you to support both as liberally as you have supported this institution to-night . Allow me io congratulate Bro . Terry on the result of this evening ' s meeting . ( Cheers . )
There were loud calls for Bro . Binckes , who , after a little delay , rose to speak , when he was received with hearty applause . He said . * There is the understanding amongst us that you should not have an infliction made upon you of two speeches for this toast . I thought our Bro .
Little had said all he could on behalf of the two festivals . I do not want to intrude myself upon you over and over again . I am quite prepared to admit that you appreciate the poor services made by us from time to time , and that you do honestly support us in all that we do to maintain
our various institutions in a atate of efficiency and prosperity . I have worn you out year after year , but I am delighted to find that I still am welcome amongst you . Do not let me wear out that welcome this evening , because I have not a word to address you more than
this , how greatly I appreciate all the services you have rendered during a long past ; how nobly our appeals made to you now , and how thoroughly I know you and your survivors will respond to any appeals in the future . Our institutions are growing day by day , week
by week , month by month , and year by year , and we must have your kind support , we must have your kind sympathy , and we must have your substantial ( here Bro . Binckes created great laughter by tapping his right hand trousers pocket ) . You have made to-night a glorious
success ; but what is that ? What do I interpret that ? It is an augury of still greater success in the future . I never could spell the word " finality . " Of all the spelling bees I never attended one , but if ever I did I should break down over the word " finality . " Go on then
and do more and more , and take your highest gratification from this , that whatever you do in connection with Freemasonry your highest , holiest duty is to go on more largely and more liberally on behalf of these admirably managed institutions .
Bro . F . P . Morrell , J . G . D ., proposed " The Ladies , " and Dr . Cox replied for "The Stewards , " after which the brethren joined the ladies in the Temple , where a concert was held , in which-Madame Liebhart , Mrs . Seymour Smith ,
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Miss Marian Severn , Bro . A . Lester , Bro . G . T . Carter , Bro . Gr . W . Farmer , Bro . Seymour Smith , Bro . Chaplin Henry , Bro . Lazarus , and Mr . Michael Watson took part . The whole was under the direction of Bro . Seymour Smith . Bro . Hawkes was toastmaster .
The following brethren from Liverpool and West Lancashire came up especiall y to support their Provincial Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master of England : —Bros . W . P . Witter , 667 ; J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg . ; H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec : Robert Wilson ,
P . P . G . S . D . ; Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; Wm . Laidlaw , P . P . G . S . ofW . j B . W . Rowson , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . of C ; H . Nelson , P . M . 673 , 1505 ; J . W . Ballard , P'M . 724 ; J . Thompson , 1013 ; J . C Lunt , 1086 , P . B . Gee , W . M . 1264 ; Henry Jackson , W . M , 1 393 ; J . Prescott , P . P . J . G . W . ;
J . Boures , P . M . 148 ; J . C . Gillman , P . P . G . J . D . ; Reuben Pearson , P . P . G . Reg . ; G . D . Pochin , P . M . 1375 ; E . B . Harding , P . M . 1499 ; T . Buxton , P . M . 134 S ; Roberts , Lieut-Col . Gamble , 8 97 ; Major Birchall , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . C . Deeley , Prov . G . J . W . ; Fryer , Prov . G . S . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, February 18, 1876.
METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday , February 18 , 1876 .
SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 12 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 173 , Phoinix , F . M . H . „ 1308 , Granite , F . M . H . ,, 1361 , United Service , Greyhound Hot . Richmond . „ 1423 , Era , King's Arras Hot ., Hampton-court . „ 1426 , The Great City , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . ,, 1446 , Mount Edgcumbe , Swan Tav ., Battersea .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 179 , London-st ., Fitzroy-square . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross Road . Sinai Chapter , London Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st . MONDAY , FEBRUARY 14 th . Lodge 5 , St . George ' s Corner Stone , F . M . H . „ 29 , St . Alban ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate .
56 , Royal Naval , F . M . H . „ 90 , St . John ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate . „ 12 ,-j , Confidence , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 222 , St . Andrews , London Tav ., Bishopsgate . 957 . Leigh , F . M . H . ,, 1506 , White Horse of Kent , 33 , Golden-sq . Chap . 21 , Mt-unt Zion , Guildhall ' Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Horns Tav ., Kennington . „ 1319 , Asaph , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., KLigsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John ' s Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To .
Eastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour ' s College , Forest-hill . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood .
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Lodge 30 , United Mariners' , Guildhall Tav . ,, 73 , Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hot . ,, 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 162 , Cadogan , F . M . H .
„ 165 , Honour and Generosity , London Tav . „ 194 , St . Paul's , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , Salisbury , F . M . H . Chap . 11 , Enoch , F . M . H . ,, 19 , Mount Sinai , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 186 , Industry , F . M . H .
LODGES or INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . IL , Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Vrince Frtdk . Wm ., Lord's Rot ., St . John ' s Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , 1 , Camomile-st ., Bishopsgate .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Percy , Grapes Tav ., Little Windmill-st ., W . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontrcc , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 16 . Gen . Com . Grand Lodge and Lodge of Ben ., at 6 . Lodge 140 , St . George ' s , Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich . „ 175 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 190 , Oak , F . M . H . „ 700 , Nelson , M . IL , William-st ., Woolwich .
„ 9 69 , Maybury , F . M . H . „ 1044 , Wandswoith , Spreatl Eagle , Wandsworth . „ 1150 , Buckingham and Chandos , F . M . H . „ 1349 , Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . ,, 1540 , Chaucer , Bridge House Hot . Rose Croix Chap ., Bard of Avon , 33 , Golden-sq . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Cas Tt Southwark-bdg .-rd .