Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
A meeting of the Sovereign Princes of this degree was held on Monday last , for tlie purpose of conferring the degree on His Royal Highness Prince Leopold . There were present on the occasion ;—The Earl of Carnarvon , 33 , M . P . S . G . C . ; Captain N . G . Phillips , -53 ° , S . G ^ C ..
Major-General Clerk , R . A ., F . R . S ., 33 , G . T . G . ; J . M . P . Montagu , . 33 ° , G . C . ; Colonel A . W . Adair , 33 ° ; C . J . Vigne , 33 ° . P . M . P . S . G . C . ; Major Shadwell F . Clerke , R . B . G ., 3 . 3 , G . S . G . ; Hugh D . Sandenian , , 33 ° ; Andrew Hay , , 33 ° of Scotland ; Raphael Costa , 33 ° , D . I . G . ; Samuel
Rawson , 33 ° , D . I . G . ; W . Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , A . S . S . G . ; Major George Barlow , 32 ° , D . I . G . ; The Earl of Limerick , 32 ° ; C . Hutton Gregory , 3 a ; fames Glaisher , F . R . S ., 32 ° ; Colonel Goddard , 32 ; Lt .-Col . F . Burdett , 3 2 ° of Ireland ; Captain Portlock Dadson , Royal Body
Guard , 32 ; Captain Paget Bourke , Royal Body Guard , 30 , J . C . Parkinson , 31 ° ; George Lambert , 31 ( Warden of Regalia ) ; Major-General J . Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., , 31 ° ; John Hervey , 31 ; Charles Horsley , 31 ° ; Capt . A . Bott Cook , 31 ° ; The Earl of Shrewsbury , Royal 0
Body Guard , 30 ; Lt .-Col . H . Somerville Burney , 30 ; Lt .-Col . the Hon . W . E . Sackville-West , late Gren . Guards , 30 ° ; Montague j " . Guest , 30 ° ; Raymond H , Thrupp , 30 ° - H . H . Riach , 30 ; Capt . F . Courtney Trower , 30 ; E . B . Webb , 30 ; ] . B . Monckton , 30 ; Walter
Spencer , 30 ° ; C . E . Willing , 30 ; C . Grillion , 30 ; F . Binckes , 30 ; John Read , 30 ; . R . W . Little , 30 ; & c ., & c . The Earl of Carnarvon , assisted by Capt . Philips , and the other officers of the Chapter , duly performed the ceremony of advancement , and at its conclusion the Earl of Cjrnarvon
expressed to His Royal Highness the great pleasure he had in welcoming him to the 30 th degree , in the absence of the patron , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . CONSECRATION OF THE STUDHOLME CHAPTER . Most of those present at 30 Chapter remained
for the ceremony of consecration , and to see the thirteen candidates afterwards advanced to the 18 ° H . R . H . Prince Leopold staying to see Mr . Collins , his Equerry receive the degree . The musical part of the ceremony was very finely executed under the direction of Bros . C . E .
Willing , 30 , and John Read , 30 , assisted by Bros . C . S . Jekyll , 18 ° : R . de Lacy , i 8 ° John Hodges , 18 ° ; and G . T . C . Carter , 18 , all of the St . George Chapter , Rose Croix . The original members of the chapter who were present at the consecration ceremony were Bros . 0
H . R . H . Prince Leopold , 30 , K . G ., & c , & c . Major George Barlow , 32 ; Capt . P . J . Bourke , 30 ° , Royal Body Guard ' 5 Dr . D . B . Brodie , i 8 ° Major-General j . S . Brownrigg , C . 8 ., 3 i ° ; Capt , H . S . Brownrigg , r 8 ° , Hifb Brigade ' ; Colonel F . Burdett , 32 ( Ireland ) ; Lieut .-Colonel H .
Somerville Burney , 30 ; Captain A . B . Cook , 31 ° ; Bonamy Dobree , 18 ; Captain W . D . M . C . P . Farrier , 18 , Grenadier Guards ; C . Grillion , 30 "; the Earl of Limerick , 32 ° ; J . B . Monckton , 30 ° ; J . C . Parkinson , 31 , Colonel C . W . Randolph , 18 , Grenadier Guards ; S . Rawson , 0
33 ; Lieut .-Colonel Hon . W . E . Sackville-West , 30 , late Grenadier Guards ; Capt . L . V . Swaine , 18 , Rifle Brigade ; Captain F . C . Trower , 30 ; Edward B . Webb , 30 ; C . E . Willing , 30 . A chapter of the 18 th Degree was first opened by the Supreme Council , 33 ° , and the Studholme
Chapter wasthen consecrated by the M . P . S . G . C . the Earl of Carnarvon . After this the following candidates were perfected : —Bros . Sir . J , E . Hartington ,- Bart . ; Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton , Bart . ; the Rev . ' . S . Brownrigg , P . G . C . ; Capt . G . F . Ormby , Harry Hankey Dobree , K . R .
Murchison , late 13 th Lt . Inft . ; E . Pattison , P . G . W . j Sir George R . Prescott , Bart . ; George Claridge , Capt . J . B . Hayes , 12 th Lancers ; E . Henslowe Bedford , Robert Hawthorn Collins , Equerry to H . R . H . Prince Leopold 3 Sir William Henry Drake , K . C . B .
General Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., was then installed M . W . S . by 111 Bro . Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° Grand Secretary General ; after which thc following officers of the chapter were appointed : —ist General , Colonel Randolph , Grenadier Guards j 2 nd General , Captain H . Studholme Brownrigg , Rifle Brigade ; High Prelate ,
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , Captain of the Guard ; Captain Farrar , Grenadier Guards ; Raphael , Captain Leopold S . Swaine , Rifle Brigade ; ; Treasurer , Bro . Ii . Hankey Dobree ; Recorder , Bro . Charles Grillion , 30 .
Some further business was afterwards transacted , and a dinner was subsequently partaken of at Willis ' s Room , to which about fifty sat down . The whole of the ceremonies of the day were splendidly conducted , and were very impressive .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this institution was held on Tuesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Lieut-Col . Creaton in the chair . Among the other members present were B : os . S . Rawson , Charles Lacey , Benj . Head , L . Stean , Capt . Wordsworth ., John Constable , William Hilton , A . H . Tattershall , 1 . Newton , lames Brett , | . Ebenezer
Saunders , C . F . Hogard , Thos . Cubitt , H . M . Levy , Raynham W . Stewart , A . Lemaitre , Griffiths Smith , H . Massey ( " Freemason '' ) and James Terry , ( Secretary ) . The Secretary- announced the death of three annuitants who had long been in the receipt of the benefits of the institution ; also that there were 24 male and 33 female candidates for next election . The receipts for the female
fund during 18 75 were £ 4 , 131 and the expenditure £ 3 , 792 3 s . id . ; leaving a balance of £ 338 ifis . 1 id . The receipts for tlie male fund had been £ 5 , 668 3 s . gd . ; and the disbursement- ! £ 3 , 34 . 3 17 s . Sd . ; leaving a balance of £ 124 5 s . id . I he committee then declared vacancies for 17 males and 10 fema l es ; antl on the motion of the Chairman , it was
resolved to put 10 more females on the fund . The Finance Committee having recommended that £ 50 a year be added to the Secretary ' s sal iry , Bro . Terry left the room after the foregoing business hatl b : en transacted ; and The Chairman rose and said that in consequence of this recommendation , and thai the matter might be brought on
in order , he now beggetl to move it . He hatl very great plcasuie in doing- so , because he thought no one round the table saw more of the working of the Secretary ' s office than himself . Having seen so much he could say truthfully that since . Bro . Terry had been Secretary he had done the work of the institution well . Not only hatl he increased thc work of the office , but he had greatly added to the
income of the institution . The income now was one third more that it was when Bro . Terry took the ofiice of Secretary . It was not necessary to go further into the matter ; and he would therefore move " That thc salary of the Secretary be increased £ 50 per annum . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , P . G . D ., sccontled the motion . Me also knew a great deal of the management of
this institution , and he could say that they all owed a great deal to Bro . Terry for the proud position in which the institution now stood . A proof of this position lay in the fact of their having been that day able to put 10 additional women on the funds . That at least showed that there hatl been a great deal of ability on thc part of Bro . Terry . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Terry , he was sure , had done
thc best that he could for the institution . When he ( Bro . Stewart ) served his first Stewardship it was thought a vcry proud thing if £ 500 was collected at a festival . Last year it was £ 8000 odd . He had now stood 27 Stewardships , and none knew better than he the working of the institution . He was very proutl indeed to second the motion , because he felt that it was Bro . Terry who had so raised it .
That brother had given his best support to the institutior , and the brethren would all shew that they would support those who did good to the Masonic institutions . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . S . Rawson , Past District Grand Master , China , put the motion , which was then carried unanimously . Bro . Terry having been called into the committee room ,
thc Chairman , addressing him , said he had vcry great pleasure in informing him that the Committee had unanimously agreed to raise his salary £ 50 a year . The vote was quite unanimous , and hc was sure Bro . Terry would appreciate it the more for being unanimous . He congratulated Bro . Terry on the event . Bro . Terry said it was exceedingly gratifying to him that the vote had been passed unanimously . That
certainly added to its value . If by any increased effotts on his part he could further the objects of the institution more than lie had done already , the brethren might rely 011 his using increased efforts . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Benjamin Head , P . G . D ., said that though he did not happen to be jiresent at the time the vote was passed , he heartily concurred in it , for he thought that Bro . Terry was well deserving of it . ( Hear , hear . ) The brethren then separated .
In the Dublin Court of Exchequer , on Saturday , judgment was given in the cause " Attorney-General v . the Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork . " ft was decided by this judgment that bequests for masses for the repose of one ' s soul , to be celebrated in private , were not charitable , and that therefore legacy duty must be paid upon such bequests .
HOLLOWAY ' OiNTMitNT AND PILLS . —Common humanity suggests and public interests demand that the knowledge of thc surest , safest , and quickest method ol renewing soundness to tbe sick should be forced upon all unfortunate sufferers . For bad legs , bad breasts , antl scorbueic or scrofulous scores , Holloway ' s medicaments are specific . The grateful anil earnest testimony of thousands
who have experienced their unrivalled powcrovcr these complaints , and who have been raised from prostrate helplessness , and a condition loathsome to themselres and others , renders it quite unnecessary to enlarge in this place upon their extraordinary virtues . The atlectcd part should be bathed with lukc-warm water , and when the pores are opened the Ointment should be rubbed in twice a day all round the complaining parts . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Brighton maintains its pre-eminence as being thc most healthy of the 20 English towns of which the Registrar-General now takes cognisance in his returns . Last week the rate in Brighton was 14 , whilst at Manchester and Bradford it was as high a 5 34 per thousand .
The total receipts of revenue from April ist , 1875 , to February 5 , 18 7 6 , were £ 62 , 370 , 697 , against £ 61 , 133 , 6 35 in the corresponding period of the last financial year . The expenditure was £ 65 , 028 , 442 , against £ 63 , 681 , 48 9 last year . The balance in the Bank of England on Saturday last was £ 1 , 672 , 830 .
Preparations are being made at Malta on an extensive scale for the reception of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who will pay a visit to that place on his way home in the Serapis . A grand ball will be given in the Governor's palace to His Royal Highness , and another will be given by the officers of the fleet and the garrison .
1 here will also be a ball on a very large scale given by the officers of the 42 nd Royal Highlanders ( the Black Watch ) . As their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of Connaught will be present , the island will present a scene never before witnessed in that part of the world .
VALENTINES . —The Postmaster-General desires it to be known that the public woultl greatly assist the operations of the Post Ofiice if they would be good enough to post their newspapers , letters , and valentines intended for despatch from London on Saturday earlier in the day than usual , lo ensure their being forwarded by the night mails .
The Scottish National Rifle Club have accepted the challenge of the National Rifle Association of America to shoot for the championship of the world in the autumn of the present year . A sum of £ 84 23 . has been collected by Bro . Boord ,
31 , M . P . for the Borough of Greenwich , in aid of the fund for the wives and families of the two arsenal workmen , named Young and Walstow , recently killed in the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich , by the explosion of a 9-inch Palliser shell .
The meetings of the Manchester Lodge of Instruction , No . 179 , are held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , every Saturday evening . » His Royal Highness Prince Leopold honoured the performance at Drury-lane Theatre with his presence on ; Monday evening .
A somewhat serious accident occurred on Monday last to Bro . thc Rt . Hon . the Earl of Hardwicke , Master of the Queen ' s Staghounds , and Prov . Grand Master for Cambridgeshire . The meet , which generally takes place on Tuesday , had been altered to Monday , as Lord Hardwicke was to have been in attendance on Her Majesty at the opening of Parliament . The hounds were at Maidenhead ,
and the deer on being uncarted made in the direction ol Winklield . Soon after the hounds had been put on Lord Hardwicke , in jumping a fence , wrenched the muscles of his left thigh . At first he did not think that much was amiss , but the pain increased , and he had great difficulty in keeping on his horse . He managed , however , to get back to Slough Station , and returned to London by the 2 . 55 train .
We have been given to understand that H . M . S . Sultan , 9000 tons , one of the largest and most modern of our ironclads , is to immediately prepare for commission under the command of H . R . H . thc Duke of Edinburgh , her present officers and crew being previously paid off at
Portsmouth . Bro . Lord Charles Beresford , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W . Devon , now with the Prince of Wales in India , who served with the Duke as lieutenant in the Galatea when she went to Australia , will be the commander . The Sultan ordinarily belongs to the Channel Squadron , but will cruise further afield under her Royal captain .
iiF We are in a position to state , by a letter from a trustworthy source , that the story of Lord Ripon ' s gift of £ 10 , 000 to the Pope is without foundation . At least , neither His Holiness nor Lord Ripon would appear to have any knowledge of the affair .
The first meeting of the Board of Grand Stewards , 111 connection with the approaching Annual Grand Festival , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday 3 rd inst ., when the following brethren were unanimously elected as officers , viz .: —Bros . G . N . Johnson , Lodge No . 1 , President ; G . R . Shervill , Lodge No . 23 , Treasurer ; C . J . Morgan , Lodge No . 8 , Hon . Sec . At its close the meeting adjourned until Thursday , 17 th inst .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 548 , at the White Swan , Deptford , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., when Bro . Govan Macdonald , S . W . 1158 , will preside . Lodge will be opened at 7 o ' clock precisely .
The ceremonies of consecration and installation will 1 * rehearsed in the Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Masons Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street , on Wednesday next , hy Bros . Terry , G . D . C . Herts , and John Constable , P . M . 185 . HKAI - , comfort , and economy promoted . Gas superseded in day time , and daylight reflected in darK rooms by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylig ht Reflectors . Manufactory , 60 , Fleet-street , London . »* —" tJ . - ¦ - '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
A meeting of the Sovereign Princes of this degree was held on Monday last , for tlie purpose of conferring the degree on His Royal Highness Prince Leopold . There were present on the occasion ;—The Earl of Carnarvon , 33 , M . P . S . G . C . ; Captain N . G . Phillips , -53 ° , S . G ^ C ..
Major-General Clerk , R . A ., F . R . S ., 33 , G . T . G . ; J . M . P . Montagu , . 33 ° , G . C . ; Colonel A . W . Adair , 33 ° ; C . J . Vigne , 33 ° . P . M . P . S . G . C . ; Major Shadwell F . Clerke , R . B . G ., 3 . 3 , G . S . G . ; Hugh D . Sandenian , , 33 ° ; Andrew Hay , , 33 ° of Scotland ; Raphael Costa , 33 ° , D . I . G . ; Samuel
Rawson , 33 ° , D . I . G . ; W . Hyde Pullen , 33 ° , A . S . S . G . ; Major George Barlow , 32 ° , D . I . G . ; The Earl of Limerick , 32 ° ; C . Hutton Gregory , 3 a ; fames Glaisher , F . R . S ., 32 ° ; Colonel Goddard , 32 ; Lt .-Col . F . Burdett , 3 2 ° of Ireland ; Captain Portlock Dadson , Royal Body
Guard , 32 ; Captain Paget Bourke , Royal Body Guard , 30 , J . C . Parkinson , 31 ° ; George Lambert , 31 ( Warden of Regalia ) ; Major-General J . Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., , 31 ° ; John Hervey , 31 ; Charles Horsley , 31 ° ; Capt . A . Bott Cook , 31 ° ; The Earl of Shrewsbury , Royal 0
Body Guard , 30 ; Lt .-Col . H . Somerville Burney , 30 ; Lt .-Col . the Hon . W . E . Sackville-West , late Gren . Guards , 30 ° ; Montague j " . Guest , 30 ° ; Raymond H , Thrupp , 30 ° - H . H . Riach , 30 ; Capt . F . Courtney Trower , 30 ; E . B . Webb , 30 ; ] . B . Monckton , 30 ; Walter
Spencer , 30 ° ; C . E . Willing , 30 ; C . Grillion , 30 ; F . Binckes , 30 ; John Read , 30 ; . R . W . Little , 30 ; & c ., & c . The Earl of Carnarvon , assisted by Capt . Philips , and the other officers of the Chapter , duly performed the ceremony of advancement , and at its conclusion the Earl of Cjrnarvon
expressed to His Royal Highness the great pleasure he had in welcoming him to the 30 th degree , in the absence of the patron , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . CONSECRATION OF THE STUDHOLME CHAPTER . Most of those present at 30 Chapter remained
for the ceremony of consecration , and to see the thirteen candidates afterwards advanced to the 18 ° H . R . H . Prince Leopold staying to see Mr . Collins , his Equerry receive the degree . The musical part of the ceremony was very finely executed under the direction of Bros . C . E .
Willing , 30 , and John Read , 30 , assisted by Bros . C . S . Jekyll , 18 ° : R . de Lacy , i 8 ° John Hodges , 18 ° ; and G . T . C . Carter , 18 , all of the St . George Chapter , Rose Croix . The original members of the chapter who were present at the consecration ceremony were Bros . 0
H . R . H . Prince Leopold , 30 , K . G ., & c , & c . Major George Barlow , 32 ; Capt . P . J . Bourke , 30 ° , Royal Body Guard ' 5 Dr . D . B . Brodie , i 8 ° Major-General j . S . Brownrigg , C . 8 ., 3 i ° ; Capt , H . S . Brownrigg , r 8 ° , Hifb Brigade ' ; Colonel F . Burdett , 32 ( Ireland ) ; Lieut .-Colonel H .
Somerville Burney , 30 ; Captain A . B . Cook , 31 ° ; Bonamy Dobree , 18 ; Captain W . D . M . C . P . Farrier , 18 , Grenadier Guards ; C . Grillion , 30 "; the Earl of Limerick , 32 ° ; J . B . Monckton , 30 ° ; J . C . Parkinson , 31 , Colonel C . W . Randolph , 18 , Grenadier Guards ; S . Rawson , 0
33 ; Lieut .-Colonel Hon . W . E . Sackville-West , 30 , late Grenadier Guards ; Capt . L . V . Swaine , 18 , Rifle Brigade ; Captain F . C . Trower , 30 ; Edward B . Webb , 30 ; C . E . Willing , 30 . A chapter of the 18 th Degree was first opened by the Supreme Council , 33 ° , and the Studholme
Chapter wasthen consecrated by the M . P . S . G . C . the Earl of Carnarvon . After this the following candidates were perfected : —Bros . Sir . J , E . Hartington ,- Bart . ; Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton , Bart . ; the Rev . ' . S . Brownrigg , P . G . C . ; Capt . G . F . Ormby , Harry Hankey Dobree , K . R .
Murchison , late 13 th Lt . Inft . ; E . Pattison , P . G . W . j Sir George R . Prescott , Bart . ; George Claridge , Capt . J . B . Hayes , 12 th Lancers ; E . Henslowe Bedford , Robert Hawthorn Collins , Equerry to H . R . H . Prince Leopold 3 Sir William Henry Drake , K . C . B .
General Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., was then installed M . W . S . by 111 Bro . Major Shadwell H . Clerke , 33 ° Grand Secretary General ; after which thc following officers of the chapter were appointed : —ist General , Colonel Randolph , Grenadier Guards j 2 nd General , Captain H . Studholme Brownrigg , Rifle Brigade ; High Prelate ,
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , Captain of the Guard ; Captain Farrar , Grenadier Guards ; Raphael , Captain Leopold S . Swaine , Rifle Brigade ; ; Treasurer , Bro . Ii . Hankey Dobree ; Recorder , Bro . Charles Grillion , 30 .
Some further business was afterwards transacted , and a dinner was subsequently partaken of at Willis ' s Room , to which about fifty sat down . The whole of the ceremonies of the day were splendidly conducted , and were very impressive .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this institution was held on Tuesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Lieut-Col . Creaton in the chair . Among the other members present were B : os . S . Rawson , Charles Lacey , Benj . Head , L . Stean , Capt . Wordsworth ., John Constable , William Hilton , A . H . Tattershall , 1 . Newton , lames Brett , | . Ebenezer
Saunders , C . F . Hogard , Thos . Cubitt , H . M . Levy , Raynham W . Stewart , A . Lemaitre , Griffiths Smith , H . Massey ( " Freemason '' ) and James Terry , ( Secretary ) . The Secretary- announced the death of three annuitants who had long been in the receipt of the benefits of the institution ; also that there were 24 male and 33 female candidates for next election . The receipts for the female
fund during 18 75 were £ 4 , 131 and the expenditure £ 3 , 792 3 s . id . ; leaving a balance of £ 338 ifis . 1 id . The receipts for tlie male fund had been £ 5 , 668 3 s . gd . ; and the disbursement- ! £ 3 , 34 . 3 17 s . Sd . ; leaving a balance of £ 124 5 s . id . I he committee then declared vacancies for 17 males and 10 fema l es ; antl on the motion of the Chairman , it was
resolved to put 10 more females on the fund . The Finance Committee having recommended that £ 50 a year be added to the Secretary ' s sal iry , Bro . Terry left the room after the foregoing business hatl b : en transacted ; and The Chairman rose and said that in consequence of this recommendation , and thai the matter might be brought on
in order , he now beggetl to move it . He hatl very great plcasuie in doing- so , because he thought no one round the table saw more of the working of the Secretary ' s office than himself . Having seen so much he could say truthfully that since . Bro . Terry had been Secretary he had done the work of the institution well . Not only hatl he increased thc work of the office , but he had greatly added to the
income of the institution . The income now was one third more that it was when Bro . Terry took the ofiice of Secretary . It was not necessary to go further into the matter ; and he would therefore move " That thc salary of the Secretary be increased £ 50 per annum . " ( Cheers . ) Bro . Raynham VV . Stewart , P . G . D ., sccontled the motion . Me also knew a great deal of the management of
this institution , and he could say that they all owed a great deal to Bro . Terry for the proud position in which the institution now stood . A proof of this position lay in the fact of their having been that day able to put 10 additional women on the funds . That at least showed that there hatl been a great deal of ability on thc part of Bro . Terry . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Terry , he was sure , had done
thc best that he could for the institution . When he ( Bro . Stewart ) served his first Stewardship it was thought a vcry proud thing if £ 500 was collected at a festival . Last year it was £ 8000 odd . He had now stood 27 Stewardships , and none knew better than he the working of the institution . He was very proutl indeed to second the motion , because he felt that it was Bro . Terry who had so raised it .
That brother had given his best support to the institutior , and the brethren would all shew that they would support those who did good to the Masonic institutions . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . S . Rawson , Past District Grand Master , China , put the motion , which was then carried unanimously . Bro . Terry having been called into the committee room ,
thc Chairman , addressing him , said he had vcry great pleasure in informing him that the Committee had unanimously agreed to raise his salary £ 50 a year . The vote was quite unanimous , and hc was sure Bro . Terry would appreciate it the more for being unanimous . He congratulated Bro . Terry on the event . Bro . Terry said it was exceedingly gratifying to him that the vote had been passed unanimously . That
certainly added to its value . If by any increased effotts on his part he could further the objects of the institution more than lie had done already , the brethren might rely 011 his using increased efforts . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Benjamin Head , P . G . D ., said that though he did not happen to be jiresent at the time the vote was passed , he heartily concurred in it , for he thought that Bro . Terry was well deserving of it . ( Hear , hear . ) The brethren then separated .
In the Dublin Court of Exchequer , on Saturday , judgment was given in the cause " Attorney-General v . the Roman Catholic Bishop of Cork . " ft was decided by this judgment that bequests for masses for the repose of one ' s soul , to be celebrated in private , were not charitable , and that therefore legacy duty must be paid upon such bequests .
HOLLOWAY ' OiNTMitNT AND PILLS . —Common humanity suggests and public interests demand that the knowledge of thc surest , safest , and quickest method ol renewing soundness to tbe sick should be forced upon all unfortunate sufferers . For bad legs , bad breasts , antl scorbueic or scrofulous scores , Holloway ' s medicaments are specific . The grateful anil earnest testimony of thousands
who have experienced their unrivalled powcrovcr these complaints , and who have been raised from prostrate helplessness , and a condition loathsome to themselres and others , renders it quite unnecessary to enlarge in this place upon their extraordinary virtues . The atlectcd part should be bathed with lukc-warm water , and when the pores are opened the Ointment should be rubbed in twice a day all round the complaining parts . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
Brighton maintains its pre-eminence as being thc most healthy of the 20 English towns of which the Registrar-General now takes cognisance in his returns . Last week the rate in Brighton was 14 , whilst at Manchester and Bradford it was as high a 5 34 per thousand .
The total receipts of revenue from April ist , 1875 , to February 5 , 18 7 6 , were £ 62 , 370 , 697 , against £ 61 , 133 , 6 35 in the corresponding period of the last financial year . The expenditure was £ 65 , 028 , 442 , against £ 63 , 681 , 48 9 last year . The balance in the Bank of England on Saturday last was £ 1 , 672 , 830 .
Preparations are being made at Malta on an extensive scale for the reception of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , who will pay a visit to that place on his way home in the Serapis . A grand ball will be given in the Governor's palace to His Royal Highness , and another will be given by the officers of the fleet and the garrison .
1 here will also be a ball on a very large scale given by the officers of the 42 nd Royal Highlanders ( the Black Watch ) . As their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of Connaught will be present , the island will present a scene never before witnessed in that part of the world .
VALENTINES . —The Postmaster-General desires it to be known that the public woultl greatly assist the operations of the Post Ofiice if they would be good enough to post their newspapers , letters , and valentines intended for despatch from London on Saturday earlier in the day than usual , lo ensure their being forwarded by the night mails .
The Scottish National Rifle Club have accepted the challenge of the National Rifle Association of America to shoot for the championship of the world in the autumn of the present year . A sum of £ 84 23 . has been collected by Bro . Boord ,
31 , M . P . for the Borough of Greenwich , in aid of the fund for the wives and families of the two arsenal workmen , named Young and Walstow , recently killed in the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich , by the explosion of a 9-inch Palliser shell .
The meetings of the Manchester Lodge of Instruction , No . 179 , are held at the Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-square , every Saturday evening . » His Royal Highness Prince Leopold honoured the performance at Drury-lane Theatre with his presence on ; Monday evening .
A somewhat serious accident occurred on Monday last to Bro . thc Rt . Hon . the Earl of Hardwicke , Master of the Queen ' s Staghounds , and Prov . Grand Master for Cambridgeshire . The meet , which generally takes place on Tuesday , had been altered to Monday , as Lord Hardwicke was to have been in attendance on Her Majesty at the opening of Parliament . The hounds were at Maidenhead ,
and the deer on being uncarted made in the direction ol Winklield . Soon after the hounds had been put on Lord Hardwicke , in jumping a fence , wrenched the muscles of his left thigh . At first he did not think that much was amiss , but the pain increased , and he had great difficulty in keeping on his horse . He managed , however , to get back to Slough Station , and returned to London by the 2 . 55 train .
We have been given to understand that H . M . S . Sultan , 9000 tons , one of the largest and most modern of our ironclads , is to immediately prepare for commission under the command of H . R . H . thc Duke of Edinburgh , her present officers and crew being previously paid off at
Portsmouth . Bro . Lord Charles Beresford , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W . Devon , now with the Prince of Wales in India , who served with the Duke as lieutenant in the Galatea when she went to Australia , will be the commander . The Sultan ordinarily belongs to the Channel Squadron , but will cruise further afield under her Royal captain .
iiF We are in a position to state , by a letter from a trustworthy source , that the story of Lord Ripon ' s gift of £ 10 , 000 to the Pope is without foundation . At least , neither His Holiness nor Lord Ripon would appear to have any knowledge of the affair .
The first meeting of the Board of Grand Stewards , 111 connection with the approaching Annual Grand Festival , was held at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday 3 rd inst ., when the following brethren were unanimously elected as officers , viz .: —Bros . G . N . Johnson , Lodge No . 1 , President ; G . R . Shervill , Lodge No . 23 , Treasurer ; C . J . Morgan , Lodge No . 8 , Hon . Sec . At its close the meeting adjourned until Thursday , 17 th inst .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 548 , at the White Swan , Deptford , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., when Bro . Govan Macdonald , S . W . 1158 , will preside . Lodge will be opened at 7 o ' clock precisely .
The ceremonies of consecration and installation will 1 * rehearsed in the Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Masons Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street , on Wednesday next , hy Bros . Terry , G . D . C . Herts , and John Constable , P . M . 185 . HKAI - , comfort , and economy promoted . Gas superseded in day time , and daylight reflected in darK rooms by adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylig ht Reflectors . Manufactory , 60 , Fleet-street , London . »* —" tJ . - ¦ - '