Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
CONSECRATION OF THE LODGE OF UNITY , No . 1332 , AT CREDITON . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge and General Communication ofthe Masons of Devon was held at Crediton . The occasion of the Grand Lodge meeting in this ancient town was the
establishment of a new lodge , entitled the Lodge of Unity , No . 1332 , Crediton , the oldest seat of the episcopate in Devon , and in more recent times for several centuries an important county town celebrated for its manufactures , has on various occasions enjoyed the rays of Masonry ,
out for over the last sixty years has been barren to the . influences of the mystic art . Somewhere about that time has elapsed since the last lodge held in the town was removed to what was then considered a more congenial seat . Within the past few months some of the resident brethren ,
moved by what had just taken place at Tiverton , resolved on restoring the prestige of a Masonic lodge to Crediton . A petition was presented , and the honour obtained of receiving the first warrant granted for tlie establishment of a lodge by the newly-appointed Grand Master of
England , Earl de Grey and Ripon . Since then a dispensation for working in the province has also been obtained from the P . G . M ., and the present meeting was ultimately arranged for the consecration of the lodge in ancient form , for which purpose the public room at the Assembly
Rooms in High-street was tastefully fitted up . About one hundred brethren attended . Among them were R . W . Bros , the Rev . Jno . Huyshe , M . A ., P . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , P . J . G . D ., D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros . Major Yates , P . G . S . W . ; Spence Bate , P . P . G . Reg ., P . M . 189 ;! .
Sharland , P . G . Treas ., W . M . 1125 ; W . G . Rogers , P . G . Sec , P . M . 112 ; Captain Gierke , 21 st Fus ., P . G . S . B .: the Rev . Dr . W . Langley Pope , P . G . C , 797 ; Rev . T . H . Maitland , Vicar of Southmolton , P . G . C . 421 ; Rev . Preb . C . F . Smith , Vicar of Crediton , 1 ^ 2 : Rev . T . R .
Nankivell , Chap . 1332 ; Rev . A . Calvert , Head Master of the Crediton Grammar School ; Rev . J . Russell , Vicar of Swymhridge , ^ 51 ; Rev . C . R . N . Lyne , Curate of St . John's , Exeler , 1254 ; Dr . Hodge , W . M . 164 , P . P . G . D . ; C . Deacon , P . M . 444 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Harris , W . M . 1091 ;
W . Easton , P . M . 39 , P . P . G . S . W . ; S . R . Force , P . M . 444 ; S . Jew , P . M . 105 , P . P . G . Treas . ; H . L . Brewster , P . M . 39 , W . M . 1254 , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Aitken Davis , W . M . 1099 ; C . S . Williams , I . P . M . 251 , P . G . D . C . ; C . T . Force , I . P . M . 444 ; J . Way , W . M . 39 , P . G . S . ; J . M .
Hifley , P . M . 223 , P . G . S . ; H . M . B . rrtlett , I . P . M . 303 ; H . Bale , P . P . G . D C ; J . Edwards , P . P . G . O ., P . M . 251 ; R . W . Head , W . M . ; Bros . G . Evans , S . W . 1181 ; J . Tucker , J . W . 1254 ; W . W . Hooper , S . W . 1254 ; R . C . S . Stocker , J . D . 112 ; W . Hugo , Sec . 1254 and
34 ; W . E . Stone , J . W . 372 ; H . Bartlett , P . S . W . 710 , P . P . G . D . C . ; T . Sanders , 412 . On the roll of the lodges being called over , the following were answered for : —39 , 106 , 112 , 251 , 303 , 372 , 421 , 1099 , 1125 , 11 35 , 1181 , 1254 , 128 4 , I
332-The business commenced witli the confirming the minutes ofthe last P . G . Lodge meeting held at Tiverton , on July 21 st , 1870 . The notice of the motion given at that meeting by Bro . Isaac Latimer for the appointment of two Auditors to examine the Treasurer ' s accounts was then
considered . In the absence of Bro . Latimer , turough the sad affliction in his family , R . W . Bro . Metham brought forward the proposition , which was seconded by W . Bro . Jew , and carried , and Bros . Latimer and Cann appointed the Auditors .
Bro . ) c \ v brought forward his motion for the appointment of a committee to examine the books of the P . G . Lodge with reference to the augmented fees of honour and to issue notices thereon .
Thepropositionwassecondedh y Bro . Brewster . An amendment was proposed by Bro . Spence Bate , P . J . G . W . pro . tern ., and seconded by Bro . 1 ' ulford . Bro . Bale thought the resolution bore too much lhe appearance of a censure . The original proposition was , however , carried .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
and Bros . J . Sharland , P . G . Treas . ; W . G . Rogers , P . G . Sec . ; S . Jew , P . P . G . Treas . ; and J . B . B . Gover , P . P . G . A . D . C ., appointed the committee . R . W . Bro . Metham's motion , given notice of also at the last meeting , relative to the construction of the committee of petitions by the
nomination of one member from every lodge in the province , and the addition of the Grand Secretary and two other Grand or Past Grand Officers ofthe Province , to be annually appointed by the P . G . Lodge , was carried , and Bros . Denis , Moore and Cann , appointed the additional Grand Officers members of the committee
for the year . The Unity Lodge was then opened with the following officers : —W . Bros . S . Jones , W . M ., P . M . 112 ; Rev . J . R . Nankivell , S . W ., P . M . E 4 8 ; Bros . J . Dand , J . W . ; H . Lear , S . D . ; G . Norris , J . D . ; G . F . G . England , Sec . ; and the
lodge was consecrated in due and solemn form , R . W . Bro . J . Huyshe officiating , assisted by R . W . Bros . L . P . Metham , Major Yates , Spence Bate , and Dr . Pope . During the ceremony an eloquent oration was delivered to the brethren
by the R . W . Bro . L . P . Metham , who with much feeling , depicted the great requirement of the extension of Masonic principles to prevent such sad scenes as are now being depicted in Europe ; congratulated the brethren on the evident tendency of human thought towards their views , as shown in the aid now forwarded to the sick and
wounded of alien nations , an incident unheard of before ; and urged on the brethren their duty to steadily persevere in the extension of Masonry . At the close of the ceremony the brethren adjourned in procession , with banners , but without regalia or band , to the ancient church of the
Holy Cross , where an excellent sermon was preached to the brethren by Bro . the Rev . T . H . Maitland , from Psalm exxxiii ., 1 : " Behold , how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! " The prayers were conducted by Bro . the Rev . J . R . Nankivell , and the lessons read by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Pope .
At the close ofthe services the brethren returned in procession to the lodge-room , and at the close of business adjourned to the Ship Hotel , where a large party dined together . The P . G . M . presided , supported by his officers , and tlie usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were drunk . — Western Morning Netos .
PORT WINE OLD IN THE WOOD . — " The readers of the MedicalTi ' mesand'Gawtteare aware of tlie importance which wc attach to good wine in the treatment of disease . Five samples of Port Wine have been forwarded to our office , which we think well deserving the attention of practitioners . We are informed that they are samples of a meat quantity of wine of the vintages 1834 , 1 S 40 , 1847 ,
1 S 5 S and 1 S 63 , winch have been left in the wood till quite a recent period , and have been allowed to rest in tlie eaves of their native country . By this means , as wc are informed , old wine costs must less than it would have done had it been imported and bottled years ago , and put into store in the wine merchants' cellars in this country : certainly , if we are not misinformed , the wines before us arc
extremely moderate in price . Moreover , the double process of spoliation and of development , the parting with superfluous body , and the evolution of fine flavours which wine undergoes as it grows old , is very different in cask to what it is in bottle . " ( More than one thousand two hundred pipes of these wines were bought from the
trustees of the late Baron Seixo hy Messrs . W . & A . Gilbey , forming one ofthe many purchases they are from time lo time miking in Portugal to represent their established brands . ) " Wc subjoin the memorandum we jotted down in lhe order in which each was handed to us by out secretary : —
" /' . i / V 1 S 47—Fine tawny colour , not much deeper than Madeira . Taste strong , rich , subluscious , clean ; fine vinous flavour : no heat . "Port 1 S 40—Colourand qualities similar to the preceding ! hardly so sweet : line flavour . "Port 1 S 34—Colour of Madeira ; line , strong , clean ,
vinous flavour : very soft ; drier than preceding ; might be taken for Madeira , yet with decided Port flavour ; a very fine wine . "Port 1 S 5 S—Light Port colour ; very rich taste ; strong and vinous ; not hot . "Port 1 SG 3—A sweet , rich Port wine , not cloying nor heavy .
" We may add that we have administered these wines to the sick with benefit . These old wines , especially the 1 S 34 , would be most valuable in any case in which life was menaced by exhausting disease . —The Medical Times a / id Ga ' . c / te .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —This ancient lodge ( certainly the oldest meeting ; in this old town , being consecrated and opened in it ) held its usual meeting on the 31 st ult ., at tlie Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Bro . T . Perridge , W . M ., presided , supported by the attendance of Bros . J . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; W . C . Penny ,
P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . H . Doughney , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Nash'S . D . ; H . Roberts , J . D . ; C . M . Munyard , I . G . ; F . W . Ward , P . M . ; W . Blackboum , W . Wyatt , J . Shaw , W . West Smith ( W . M . 890 ) , J . Hunter , J . R . Dussee , F . Bond , B . W . Parsons , W . Smith , W . Roberts , H . E . Thompson , C . Fowler , and others . The visitors were Bros . F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , J- Griffen
( J-W . 933 ) , and R . West ( P . M . 54 8 ) . The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously confirmed , and new by-laws made . Bro . J . Hunter was passed , and Bros . B . W . Parsons and J . R . Dussee were raised , all the work being done in a superior manner ; in fact , this lodge is second so none for good working . Bro . Timothy ( 73 ) was proposed as a joining member , and one
gentleman as a candidate for initiation . The lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to the usual good banquet supplied at the Ship , when the routine loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and some good songs and recitations brought an agreeable evening to a close . Temple Lodge , No . 101 . —Nearly fifty members and visitors of this efficient and influential lodge met on the 1 st
inst . in their lodge room at the Ship and T . urtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , when the very able Master , W . Bro . Frederick J . Cox , in an admirable manner , conferred the sublime degree on Bio . Alfred Beck . The W . M . was well supported by Past Masters E . Farthing , J . H . Wynne , Hastelow , Beard , May , Stevens , and "W . W . Wynne ; and Bros . Grimsby , S . W . ; Youle , J . W . ;
Tanner , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Reynolds , S . D . ; Prince , J . D . ; and E . Farthing , jun ., l . G . Amongst the visitors we noticed W . Bro . C . Swan , P . M . S 69 and P . P . G . D . Herts . ; and Bros , George Howard King , 78 , Louisiana , U . S . A ., and Maunders , 145 . After the banquet , which was supplied by Bro . Charles Painter and his brother ,
Bro . King , in returning thanks , expressed his admiration of the working , and stated that it excelled that of many American lodges ; at the same time he trusted that any brother of the Temple Lodge visiting Louisiana would not fail in paying a visit to his lodge , and also to his home . After a very pleasant evening , the brethren separated about nine o'clock .
St . Thomas's Lodge , A o . 142 . —The first meeting of the season of this old lodge was held on Saturday , the 5 th ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , Bro . Dubois , W . M ., presiding . There were also present , Bros . Kirk , S . W . ; Scarth , as J . W . ; Cockcraft , P . M ., Sec . ; Thomas , P . M ., l . G . ; Gilbert , P . M . ; Thisleton , P . M . ; Huguenin , P . M . ; Rooks , and others . The minutes of the former
meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was closed-It was announced that the W . M . Bro . Dubois would represent the lodge as its Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held next January . The usual good banquet followed , toasts were given and received , songs were as usual sang , and a very happy evening was passed . Visitors , F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; , Brown , 177 .
Percy Lodge , No . 198 . —At the Ship and 1 urtle , Leadenhall-street , this old lodge held its regular meeting on thcSth inst . Bro . ] . N . Palmer , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . D . C . Nichols , S . W . ; A . J . Mansfield , J . W . ; G . Lambert , P . M ., Treas .: W . Heath , P . M ., Sec ; P . M . ' s Adams , Roby , Winter , Thome , Ovi t ; and a large number of members . The visitors were Bros . Plucknett , P . G . D . ;
Muro , Australia , 390 ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Brclcr , Cooper , Hankin , Mosely , Cox , and others . The work done was completing liro . Martin in his last degree , the ceremony being most admirably rendered by the W . M ., every part of it being given . The Peter Gilkes ' s Past Master ' s jewel was exhibited , and in due course will become the property of tlie lodge . Its intrinsic value is
estimated at one hundred guineas . The lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to a first-class banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , Bro . Plucknett responded for the Grand Officers , anil Bro . F . Walters for the visitors . Bro . Painter , jun ., was unremitting in his attentions to all present , and saw that every brother was well served , and
the usual happy evening was spent . Zetland Lodge , No . 511 . —This prosperous lodge held its 26 th installation meeting on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ,, at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . Copus , P . M ., opened the lodge , when the minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The candidate for raising being absent , the time was agreeably and
profitably filled up by the fourth and fifth sections of the first degree being worked . The S . W ., Bro . II . J . Birch , and the J . W ., Uro . Reed responded to the questions admirably put in a perfect manner , showing what good Masters arc in store for this lodge for some time to come . Bro . Andrew , P . M ., Sec , took the chair , and Bro . Copus , P . M ., presented Bro . II . J . Uirch , S . W ., and W . M .-elect , to received the benefit of installation . Uro .
Davy , W . M ., read the antient charges , to which the necessary assent was given . The Board of Installed Masters , numbering at least two dozen , was formed . Uro . H . J . Birch ( the present J . W . of 1295 , and who lives at Swindon ) was , according to ancient custom , installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The board was then closed , and the following brethren were appointed as the officers for the ensuing year , v \/„ : Bros . W . Adams Davy . I . P . M . ; Reed , S . W . ; Hoisted , J . W . j
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
CONSECRATION OF THE LODGE OF UNITY , No . 1332 , AT CREDITON . A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge and General Communication ofthe Masons of Devon was held at Crediton . The occasion of the Grand Lodge meeting in this ancient town was the
establishment of a new lodge , entitled the Lodge of Unity , No . 1332 , Crediton , the oldest seat of the episcopate in Devon , and in more recent times for several centuries an important county town celebrated for its manufactures , has on various occasions enjoyed the rays of Masonry ,
out for over the last sixty years has been barren to the . influences of the mystic art . Somewhere about that time has elapsed since the last lodge held in the town was removed to what was then considered a more congenial seat . Within the past few months some of the resident brethren ,
moved by what had just taken place at Tiverton , resolved on restoring the prestige of a Masonic lodge to Crediton . A petition was presented , and the honour obtained of receiving the first warrant granted for tlie establishment of a lodge by the newly-appointed Grand Master of
England , Earl de Grey and Ripon . Since then a dispensation for working in the province has also been obtained from the P . G . M ., and the present meeting was ultimately arranged for the consecration of the lodge in ancient form , for which purpose the public room at the Assembly
Rooms in High-street was tastefully fitted up . About one hundred brethren attended . Among them were R . W . Bros , the Rev . Jno . Huyshe , M . A ., P . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , P . J . G . D ., D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros . Major Yates , P . G . S . W . ; Spence Bate , P . P . G . Reg ., P . M . 189 ;! .
Sharland , P . G . Treas ., W . M . 1125 ; W . G . Rogers , P . G . Sec , P . M . 112 ; Captain Gierke , 21 st Fus ., P . G . S . B .: the Rev . Dr . W . Langley Pope , P . G . C , 797 ; Rev . T . H . Maitland , Vicar of Southmolton , P . G . C . 421 ; Rev . Preb . C . F . Smith , Vicar of Crediton , 1 ^ 2 : Rev . T . R .
Nankivell , Chap . 1332 ; Rev . A . Calvert , Head Master of the Crediton Grammar School ; Rev . J . Russell , Vicar of Swymhridge , ^ 51 ; Rev . C . R . N . Lyne , Curate of St . John's , Exeler , 1254 ; Dr . Hodge , W . M . 164 , P . P . G . D . ; C . Deacon , P . M . 444 , P . P . G . S . W . ; J . Harris , W . M . 1091 ;
W . Easton , P . M . 39 , P . P . G . S . W . ; S . R . Force , P . M . 444 ; S . Jew , P . M . 105 , P . P . G . Treas . ; H . L . Brewster , P . M . 39 , W . M . 1254 , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Aitken Davis , W . M . 1099 ; C . S . Williams , I . P . M . 251 , P . G . D . C . ; C . T . Force , I . P . M . 444 ; J . Way , W . M . 39 , P . G . S . ; J . M .
Hifley , P . M . 223 , P . G . S . ; H . M . B . rrtlett , I . P . M . 303 ; H . Bale , P . P . G . D C ; J . Edwards , P . P . G . O ., P . M . 251 ; R . W . Head , W . M . ; Bros . G . Evans , S . W . 1181 ; J . Tucker , J . W . 1254 ; W . W . Hooper , S . W . 1254 ; R . C . S . Stocker , J . D . 112 ; W . Hugo , Sec . 1254 and
34 ; W . E . Stone , J . W . 372 ; H . Bartlett , P . S . W . 710 , P . P . G . D . C . ; T . Sanders , 412 . On the roll of the lodges being called over , the following were answered for : —39 , 106 , 112 , 251 , 303 , 372 , 421 , 1099 , 1125 , 11 35 , 1181 , 1254 , 128 4 , I
332-The business commenced witli the confirming the minutes ofthe last P . G . Lodge meeting held at Tiverton , on July 21 st , 1870 . The notice of the motion given at that meeting by Bro . Isaac Latimer for the appointment of two Auditors to examine the Treasurer ' s accounts was then
considered . In the absence of Bro . Latimer , turough the sad affliction in his family , R . W . Bro . Metham brought forward the proposition , which was seconded by W . Bro . Jew , and carried , and Bros . Latimer and Cann appointed the Auditors .
Bro . ) c \ v brought forward his motion for the appointment of a committee to examine the books of the P . G . Lodge with reference to the augmented fees of honour and to issue notices thereon .
Thepropositionwassecondedh y Bro . Brewster . An amendment was proposed by Bro . Spence Bate , P . J . G . W . pro . tern ., and seconded by Bro . 1 ' ulford . Bro . Bale thought the resolution bore too much lhe appearance of a censure . The original proposition was , however , carried .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Devon.
and Bros . J . Sharland , P . G . Treas . ; W . G . Rogers , P . G . Sec . ; S . Jew , P . P . G . Treas . ; and J . B . B . Gover , P . P . G . A . D . C ., appointed the committee . R . W . Bro . Metham's motion , given notice of also at the last meeting , relative to the construction of the committee of petitions by the
nomination of one member from every lodge in the province , and the addition of the Grand Secretary and two other Grand or Past Grand Officers ofthe Province , to be annually appointed by the P . G . Lodge , was carried , and Bros . Denis , Moore and Cann , appointed the additional Grand Officers members of the committee
for the year . The Unity Lodge was then opened with the following officers : —W . Bros . S . Jones , W . M ., P . M . 112 ; Rev . J . R . Nankivell , S . W ., P . M . E 4 8 ; Bros . J . Dand , J . W . ; H . Lear , S . D . ; G . Norris , J . D . ; G . F . G . England , Sec . ; and the
lodge was consecrated in due and solemn form , R . W . Bro . J . Huyshe officiating , assisted by R . W . Bros . L . P . Metham , Major Yates , Spence Bate , and Dr . Pope . During the ceremony an eloquent oration was delivered to the brethren
by the R . W . Bro . L . P . Metham , who with much feeling , depicted the great requirement of the extension of Masonic principles to prevent such sad scenes as are now being depicted in Europe ; congratulated the brethren on the evident tendency of human thought towards their views , as shown in the aid now forwarded to the sick and
wounded of alien nations , an incident unheard of before ; and urged on the brethren their duty to steadily persevere in the extension of Masonry . At the close of the ceremony the brethren adjourned in procession , with banners , but without regalia or band , to the ancient church of the
Holy Cross , where an excellent sermon was preached to the brethren by Bro . the Rev . T . H . Maitland , from Psalm exxxiii ., 1 : " Behold , how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! " The prayers were conducted by Bro . the Rev . J . R . Nankivell , and the lessons read by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Pope .
At the close ofthe services the brethren returned in procession to the lodge-room , and at the close of business adjourned to the Ship Hotel , where a large party dined together . The P . G . M . presided , supported by his officers , and tlie usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were drunk . — Western Morning Netos .
PORT WINE OLD IN THE WOOD . — " The readers of the MedicalTi ' mesand'Gawtteare aware of tlie importance which wc attach to good wine in the treatment of disease . Five samples of Port Wine have been forwarded to our office , which we think well deserving the attention of practitioners . We are informed that they are samples of a meat quantity of wine of the vintages 1834 , 1 S 40 , 1847 ,
1 S 5 S and 1 S 63 , winch have been left in the wood till quite a recent period , and have been allowed to rest in tlie eaves of their native country . By this means , as wc are informed , old wine costs must less than it would have done had it been imported and bottled years ago , and put into store in the wine merchants' cellars in this country : certainly , if we are not misinformed , the wines before us arc
extremely moderate in price . Moreover , the double process of spoliation and of development , the parting with superfluous body , and the evolution of fine flavours which wine undergoes as it grows old , is very different in cask to what it is in bottle . " ( More than one thousand two hundred pipes of these wines were bought from the
trustees of the late Baron Seixo hy Messrs . W . & A . Gilbey , forming one ofthe many purchases they are from time lo time miking in Portugal to represent their established brands . ) " Wc subjoin the memorandum we jotted down in lhe order in which each was handed to us by out secretary : —
" /' . i / V 1 S 47—Fine tawny colour , not much deeper than Madeira . Taste strong , rich , subluscious , clean ; fine vinous flavour : no heat . "Port 1 S 40—Colourand qualities similar to the preceding ! hardly so sweet : line flavour . "Port 1 S 34—Colour of Madeira ; line , strong , clean ,
vinous flavour : very soft ; drier than preceding ; might be taken for Madeira , yet with decided Port flavour ; a very fine wine . "Port 1 S 5 S—Light Port colour ; very rich taste ; strong and vinous ; not hot . "Port 1 SG 3—A sweet , rich Port wine , not cloying nor heavy .
" We may add that we have administered these wines to the sick with benefit . These old wines , especially the 1 S 34 , would be most valuable in any case in which life was menaced by exhausting disease . —The Medical Times a / id Ga ' . c / te .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Pythagorean Lodge , No . 79 . —This ancient lodge ( certainly the oldest meeting ; in this old town , being consecrated and opened in it ) held its usual meeting on the 31 st ult ., at tlie Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Bro . T . Perridge , W . M ., presided , supported by the attendance of Bros . J . Burls , S . W . ; C . Nash , J . W . ; W . C . Penny ,
P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . H . Doughney , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Nash'S . D . ; H . Roberts , J . D . ; C . M . Munyard , I . G . ; F . W . Ward , P . M . ; W . Blackboum , W . Wyatt , J . Shaw , W . West Smith ( W . M . 890 ) , J . Hunter , J . R . Dussee , F . Bond , B . W . Parsons , W . Smith , W . Roberts , H . E . Thompson , C . Fowler , and others . The visitors were Bros . F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 ) , J- Griffen
( J-W . 933 ) , and R . West ( P . M . 54 8 ) . The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously confirmed , and new by-laws made . Bro . J . Hunter was passed , and Bros . B . W . Parsons and J . R . Dussee were raised , all the work being done in a superior manner ; in fact , this lodge is second so none for good working . Bro . Timothy ( 73 ) was proposed as a joining member , and one
gentleman as a candidate for initiation . The lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to the usual good banquet supplied at the Ship , when the routine loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and some good songs and recitations brought an agreeable evening to a close . Temple Lodge , No . 101 . —Nearly fifty members and visitors of this efficient and influential lodge met on the 1 st
inst . in their lodge room at the Ship and T . urtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , when the very able Master , W . Bro . Frederick J . Cox , in an admirable manner , conferred the sublime degree on Bio . Alfred Beck . The W . M . was well supported by Past Masters E . Farthing , J . H . Wynne , Hastelow , Beard , May , Stevens , and "W . W . Wynne ; and Bros . Grimsby , S . W . ; Youle , J . W . ;
Tanner , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Reynolds , S . D . ; Prince , J . D . ; and E . Farthing , jun ., l . G . Amongst the visitors we noticed W . Bro . C . Swan , P . M . S 69 and P . P . G . D . Herts . ; and Bros , George Howard King , 78 , Louisiana , U . S . A ., and Maunders , 145 . After the banquet , which was supplied by Bro . Charles Painter and his brother ,
Bro . King , in returning thanks , expressed his admiration of the working , and stated that it excelled that of many American lodges ; at the same time he trusted that any brother of the Temple Lodge visiting Louisiana would not fail in paying a visit to his lodge , and also to his home . After a very pleasant evening , the brethren separated about nine o'clock .
St . Thomas's Lodge , A o . 142 . —The first meeting of the season of this old lodge was held on Saturday , the 5 th ult ., at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , Bro . Dubois , W . M ., presiding . There were also present , Bros . Kirk , S . W . ; Scarth , as J . W . ; Cockcraft , P . M ., Sec . ; Thomas , P . M ., l . G . ; Gilbert , P . M . ; Thisleton , P . M . ; Huguenin , P . M . ; Rooks , and others . The minutes of the former
meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge was closed-It was announced that the W . M . Bro . Dubois would represent the lodge as its Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held next January . The usual good banquet followed , toasts were given and received , songs were as usual sang , and a very happy evening was passed . Visitors , F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; , Brown , 177 .
Percy Lodge , No . 198 . —At the Ship and 1 urtle , Leadenhall-street , this old lodge held its regular meeting on thcSth inst . Bro . ] . N . Palmer , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . D . C . Nichols , S . W . ; A . J . Mansfield , J . W . ; G . Lambert , P . M ., Treas .: W . Heath , P . M ., Sec ; P . M . ' s Adams , Roby , Winter , Thome , Ovi t ; and a large number of members . The visitors were Bros . Plucknett , P . G . D . ;
Muro , Australia , 390 ; F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Brclcr , Cooper , Hankin , Mosely , Cox , and others . The work done was completing liro . Martin in his last degree , the ceremony being most admirably rendered by the W . M ., every part of it being given . The Peter Gilkes ' s Past Master ' s jewel was exhibited , and in due course will become the property of tlie lodge . Its intrinsic value is
estimated at one hundred guineas . The lodge being closed , the brethren sat down to a first-class banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , Bro . Plucknett responded for the Grand Officers , anil Bro . F . Walters for the visitors . Bro . Painter , jun ., was unremitting in his attentions to all present , and saw that every brother was well served , and
the usual happy evening was spent . Zetland Lodge , No . 511 . —This prosperous lodge held its 26 th installation meeting on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ,, at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . Copus , P . M ., opened the lodge , when the minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The candidate for raising being absent , the time was agreeably and
profitably filled up by the fourth and fifth sections of the first degree being worked . The S . W ., Bro . II . J . Birch , and the J . W ., Uro . Reed responded to the questions admirably put in a perfect manner , showing what good Masters arc in store for this lodge for some time to come . Bro . Andrew , P . M ., Sec , took the chair , and Bro . Copus , P . M ., presented Bro . II . J . Uirch , S . W ., and W . M .-elect , to received the benefit of installation . Uro .
Davy , W . M ., read the antient charges , to which the necessary assent was given . The Board of Installed Masters , numbering at least two dozen , was formed . Uro . H . J . Birch ( the present J . W . of 1295 , and who lives at Swindon ) was , according to ancient custom , installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The board was then closed , and the following brethren were appointed as the officers for the ensuing year , v \/„ : Bros . W . Adams Davy . I . P . M . ; Reed , S . W . ; Hoisted , J . W . j