Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Barfield , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; Andrew , P . M ., Sec ; Gamer , S . D . ; Hevlan , J . D . ; Lock , l . G .,- Pardoe , S . S . ; W . J . Russell , J . S . ; Scholfield , P . M ., D . C . ( reinvested ) ; W . Radford , Past Prov . Grand Steward Cheshire , Tyler ( re-invested ) . The customary addresses were then given , the ceremony being performed by the experienced Installing Master , and pronounced to be most
perfect , and never better rendered by any one . The new W . M . set about his duties in an admirable manner . ( It may here be mentioned to his credit that on several occasions he has worked the fifteen sections at lodges of instruction . ) He initiated Messrs . Schapper , Bertae , Jackson , and H . Dixon , after which the usual questions were put to Bros . Dwedde , Hulen , and Didon , who were
introduced and passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The sufferings of a poor distressed foreign brother were relieved in a handsome manner . Three candidates' names for initiation were left on the agenda paper , and three gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . The correct and impressive manner in which the W . M . did all his work fully bore out the reputation he had
earned for being a proficient in the science of Masonry . The lodge was then closed , and nearly ninety sat down to one of the good banquets which is invariably supplied at this hotel . Every arrangement was made to render every one happy and comfortable , everything being supplied with an unsparing hand . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Coleman , 1306 ,
presided at the pianofore . The initiates each responded separately to their toast , and many of the visitors also responded to the health of the visitors . The lodge was informed by one visitor who had just returned from the Grand Chapter meeting that it had been announced that His Royal Highness Frederick Crown Prince of Denmark was initiated by the King of Sweden into Freemasonry
on the 1 st inst ., also that the Grand Chapter had voted . £ 100 to relieve the distress of the peasants in northeastern France . These facts were received with applauseand songs , music , and other enjoyments terminated a pleasant evening ' s entertainment . Besides the bethren mentioned there were present : Bros . J . Daley ( P . M . ) , Jones ( P . M . ) , Durrant ( P . M . ) , and Ardent ( P . M . ) ,
besides over sixty members . The long list of visitors included Bros . W . G . Smith ( 145 ) , L . Alexander ( P . M . 18 S ) , S . Millas ( P . M . 157 ) , J . Wheeler ( 574 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 , P . M . 73 ) , A . Pilbcam ( S 42 ) , A . J . Braid ( S . W . 1194 ) , W . Sawyer ( W . M . 1196 ) , W . Hall ( J . D . 1295 ) , R . S . White ( 1295 ) , R . Lines ( P . M . S 34 ) , J . Hughes ( 766 ) , J . Pearce ( 733 ) , J . Wheeler ( 574 ) , and many others whose names we were unable to learn .
Fiitsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —This lodge met for the season on Friday , the 2 Sth ult . Present : Bros . Nicholls , W . M . ; Hart , S . W . ; Benjamin , J . W . ; Day , P . M ., Treas . ; Stokes , S . D . ; Meanwell , J . D . ; Odell , I . G .. and numerous other brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed . The W . M . then , in an able manner , initiated Mr . Arthur
Peake . Bro . G . Conquest ( loi ) , was proposed and received as a joining member . Tlie sum of seven guineas and one guinea respectively wereunanimously voted to twodistressed brethren . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in form and with solemn prayer . After the banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Sheppard responded on behalf of the
visitors , and Bro . Hart , on behalf of the officers . A few songs and an animated conversation enlivened the proceedings , and the brethren separted about eleven o ' clock . Homsey Lodge , No . S 90 . — This well established lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . West Smith , W . M ., in his usual superior manner initiated Messrs . A . Skaife ,
J . Nutter , R . Meggelt , Richmond and Williams , into Freemasonry . Tlie ceremony was given in a correct , faultless , letter-perfect , and most impressive style . It was a treat to all present to have lhe pleasure and gratification of hearing such superior and excellent working . This being election night , the ballot for the W . M . resulted in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Garner , occupying that all
important position for the ensuing year . Uro . 11 . Webb , P . M . and Treas ., was again unanimously by ballot elected Treas . Bro . W . Radford , P . P . G . S . of Cheshire , was unanimously re-elected Tyler . In the temporary absence of the W . M ., the chair being occupied by Bro . II . Webb , P . M . and Treas ., it was unanimously voted that the usual six-guinea P . M . ' s jewel be presented at the
next meeting ( the installation ) to Bro . W . West Smith , for his efficient services during his year of office . Tlie lodge was closed . Present besides those mined , Bros . A . A . Drew , S . D . ; J . C . Gant , J . D . ; G . I . emann , l . G . ; J . West , Steward ; and others . The visitors were , Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; S . Wade 131 , G . Russell 781 , W . B . Wheeler 865 , T . W . Turner 1017 , & c . Banquet
was served up , Bro . W . Smith attending to lhe wants of all present in that kind and courteous manner which makes him a favourite wilh all present at any meeting . The usual happy , agreeable , and pleasant evening was spent , a few hours recreation bringing this reunion to a close . The usual toasts were given and received . Victoria Lodge , A ' o . 1056 . —the regular meeting of this
lod ge look place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Flcel-streel , on Wednesday , lhe 2 f ) th ult . Bro . George Roberts , W . M . j Ulysses l . atreille , S . W . ; A . Kobhins , J . W . ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; and many other members were present . Amongst other business Uro . Arthur James W'illmorc was raised to lhe third degree . Bros . William George White ami John Williams were duly passed to the second degree , " and Mr . V » 'i !| jam Perrin was initialed into the Order . The
I ' csignaliu ¦¦ of Bro . C . J . Allen was received and accepted by lhe lodge with very much regret , and the Secretary was desired to communicate the same to him , expressing the deep sympathy ofthe brethren wilh him in his heavy lamil y bereavement . It was resolved that the meeting of the lodge in April be changed to the Thursday after the lourth Wednesday in that month . A communication having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
been read fro- ' fhi Committee of the " George Tedder Testimonial Fund , " the brethren made a collection among themselves on behalf thereof . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . W . R . Hayward ( 999 ) , Charles Winsdale ( P . M . and Sec . 69 ) , J . C . Dwarber ( S . D . 55 ) , Wm . Morris ( 1228 ) , A . Wadeson ( 122 S ) , and R . C . Chanter ( 1159 ) . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and after the usual toasts had been disposed of , separated at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . ULVERSTON . —Lodge of Furncss , No . 995 . — -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., under the presidency of Bro . John Case , W . M ., supported by tlie following officers : Bros . Dr . Barber P . M . ; Reuben Pearson , S . W . ; Robert James , Hon . Sec . ; R . Dodgson ,
S . D . ; James Paxton , J . D . ; Robert Casson , Org . ; M . Wilson , l . G . ; Henry Crook , Steward ; John Robinson , Tyler , and 25 other members . Bro . T . Dodgson , P . S . W ., acted as J . W . The visitors were James Porter , W . M . 343 and 1256 , and F . C . Warne , 723 and 1046 . The lodge was opened indue form by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed .
Bro . Tyson proved his efficiency as a F . C ., was entrusted , and retired , and on being readmitted was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Barber , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Porter , who also gave the lecture . Bro . Hudson , was passed as a Fellow Craft . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after some other business had be entransacted the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . Present : Bros . H . Douglas , W . M . ; Robinson and Langley , P . M . ' s ; Fast , Bright , Weaver , Oldham , Leadbetter , Adcock , and many others . Bro . King was raised by the W . M ., and Messrs . Nixon and Luke Riley were initiated—the former by dispensation , as he was
under age . The brethren were then called off to refreshment , and on their return to labour the W . M . gave the ancient charge to the initiates . The work was exceedingly well rendered by the W . M . and all his officers . The muster of brethren was very large . OAKHAM . —The Vale of Calmos Lodge , No . 1265 . — The annual festival of this lodge was held in the
Agricultural Hill , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros , the Rev . F . K . Orme , P . M . ; Thomas Markham , W . M .-elect ; Duncombe , Bennett , Bailey , Crowson , Morris , Hassan , Hardy , and Newcombe , members of the lodge ; and the following visitors—Bros . Orford , P . P . S . G . W . of Norths , and Hunts . ; W . Langley , P . M . of 1130 , P . P . S . G . W . of Leicestershire ; Douglas , W . M .
1130 , P . P . G . D . of Leicestershire ; and Bro . Clark , Steward of 1130 . On the confirmation of the minutes , letters of apology were read from the P . G . M . and Uro . Biown , the W . M . The Installing Master , Bro . Langley , then obligated the W . M .-elect , and in a Board of Installing Masters , placed him in the chair of K . S . On the return of the brethren , he was proclaimed and saluted ,
and Uro . Langley gave the usual charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and officers . The following brethren were then appointed and invested : Duncombe , S . W . ; Bennett , J . W . ; Morris , Treas . ; Hassan , Sec . ; Hardy , S . D . ; Kew , J . D . ; Bailey , l . G . ; Newcombe and Crowson , Stewards . Mr . Thomas Bennett was then initiated by Bro . Douglas , at the request ofthe W . M .
WEST DERBY . —Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the West Derby Hotel , near Liverpool , on Thursday , the 20 th ult . The lodge having been opened by liro . Wm . Crane , P . M . 1 094 and 249 , W . M ., assisted by Bros . James Cook , S . W . ; John Sellar , J . W . ; Clayton , Treas . ; Clegg , Sec ; Macmuldrow , S . D . ; Bartlctt , S . S . ; Vine , ' P . M ., and Marsh ,
P . M . 155 , W . M . 1091 , P . G . A . D . C . W . L . Visitors : Bros . Jones , Sec . 216 , fos . Wood , Treas . 1094 , James I lamer , P . M . 220 , P . G . " T . ; & c . Mr . Richard Bennett was duly initiated into Freemasonry , the working tools being given by Bro . J . Sellar , J . W ., and the charge by Uro . J . Ilamcr , P . M . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Uro . Gunn was duly passed to the
degree of KG ., in a very impressive style , by Uro . Wm . Vine , P . M ., the working tools being given by Bro . Wm . Crane , W . M ., in his usual impressive manner . The lodge was then closed down , and a banquet , excellent as usual , was provided by Bro . Richard Rawliuson . After the usual opening toasts , that of the Provincial Grand Lodge was responded to by Uro . Marsh , who said he
hoped the Prov . G . M . would give honours to deserving members of the Craft , and not to untried Masons who hail done nothing for its good . —The W . Master ' s health was given , and duly responded to . —Bro . ( as . Cook responded for the officers . —The health of Bro . Bennett , the newlyinitiated brother , was proposed in appropriate terms by the W . M . — Uro . Bennett , in the course of his reply , alluded
in humorous terms to the world ' s opinion touching the principles and practices of the Order . In feeling language he referred lo the solemn ceremony of his initiation , and after expressing a high opinion of the character of ihosc he was united lo that evening , said that the principles he had heard expounded , and to which he was now pledged
as an Apprentice , from their high and holy nature , could only emanate from the mind of thai Great Being who rules overall . —Uro . John Jones , 216 , in responding on behalf of the visitors , said lie was much pleased with the good working of this young lodge , complimented the officers and brethren upon their efforts , and acknowledged the princely hospitality of the W . M .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . The chapter having been opened
Royal Arch.
and the minutes confirmed , Comp . R . W . Little , P . Z ., installed P . A . Naime , M . E . Z ., and J . Brett installer " M . Scott as J . The officers appointed for the year were , besides those named , Comps . F . Walters , P , Z ., Treas . ; R . S . Foreman , S . E . ; A : Williams , S . N . ; T . Qu . ih . amp > ton , P . S . ; J . Hills , 1 st A . S . ; J . C . Hall , 2 nd A . S . ; C . f . B . Plcstow , D . C . ; W . A . Hinde , W . S . ; and Speight ,
Janitor . Comp . P . Browne , the H .-elect , was unavoidably absent . Comp . Plestow was the Steward appointed to represent the chapter at the Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution in January , 1871 . The chapter having been duly closed , the brethren retired to banquet , and a pleasant evening was spent . Visitors : Comps . J . Hart , M . E . Z . 410 ; J . Brett , P . Z . 177 ; L . H . Isaacs , 72 ; & c .
PROVINCIAL . ULVERSTON , W . L . —Chapter of Furness , No . 995 . — A convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple on Saturday , the 29 th ult . The chapter was duly opened bv Comps . Moore ( P . Z . Rowley Chapter , 105 r , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks ., & c ) , Win . Dodd , H ., and John Case , M . E . Z ., as J . The following companions were
then admitted : Robt . James , Scribe E . ; Thos . Dodgson , Scribe N . ; Reuben Pearson , Prin . Soj . ; Roger Dodgson , Treas . ; John Ii . Matthews , Organist ; Thos . Roper , George Cornfield , James Postelthwaite , and others ; John Robinson , Janitor Comp F . C . Warne , Panmure Chapter , 720 , was also present . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken
for Bro . W . J . A . Baldwin , J . P . ( 995 ) , which proved unanimous in his favour . Bros . Rogers ( S 72 ) and Baldwin were then duly exalted to this supreme degree by Comp . Moore , who also delivered in a most impressive manner the symbolical and mystical lectures , Comp . Dodd , H ., giving the historical lecture . Comp . James , Scribe E ., then read the proposed by-laws of the chapte - , which ,
with two exceptions , were unanimously agreed to . The M . E . Z . gave notice of motion proposing a companion as an honorary member . The thanks of the companions were heartily accorded to Comp . Moore for his kindness in coming from Lancaster to preside , and for the very able , instructive , and effective manner in which he discharged the various duties . The chapter was then duly closed according to ancient form .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . An assembly of this conclave was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 29 th ult . The chair of Constantine was occupied by Dr . William Robert Woodman , M . P . S ., who was supported by the following officers and Knights : Dr . C . H . Rogers Harrison , V . E . ; Rev . W . B . Church , S . G . ; J . Read , J . G . ; II . Allman , H . P . ; W .
F . N . Quilty , P . Sov ., Treas . ; A . A . Pendelbury , P . Sov ., Rec ; H . C . Levander , M . A ., P . Sov . ; R . Wentworth Little , G . R . ; S . G . Foxall , P . Sov ., Prefect ; W . C . Lucey , M . D ., Herald ; J . Weaver , Organist ; A . Perrot , S . S . ; C . A . Thompson , J . S . ; J . Brett , P . Sov . ; W . C . Barlow , Alfred Smith , D . R . Adams , J . R . Foulger , Alphcus C . Morton , J . J . Caney , George Smith , and J .
Gilbert , Sentinel . Visitors : J . Mayo , P . Sov . 2 ; Magnus Ohren , 30 , an ex-member of No . 6 . The conclave having been duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , ballots were taken for several candidrtes on the agenda paper , and the following being in alien lance were regularly installed as Knights of the Order , viz ., Bros . W . Carpenter , P . M . P . Z . 177 ; T . L .
Fox , P . M . P . Z . 19 ; W . B Hambly , S . W . S 57 ; and W . W . Anderson , 862 . The conclave then proceeded to elect the officers for the ensuing year , with the following result : Dr . Harrison , M . P . S . ; Rev . W . B . Church , V . E . ; W . F . N . Quilty , P . S ., Treas . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Sir Knights Foulger , Barlow , and Perrot were re-elected members of the Permanent Committee .
A Past Sovereign s jewel was unanimously awarded to Dr . Woodman as the retiring M . P . S ., and a notice of motion by Sir Knight Levander . P . Sov ., to increase the installation fee and annual subscription having been given , the conclave was closed and the chevaliers adjourned to the banqucting-hall . In the course of the evening the usual loyal and
chivalric toasts were proposed and duly honoured . In responding for "Lord Kenlis , G . Sovereign , and the Grand Council , " Sir Knight Little , as the only member of that body present , congratulated the conclave on its continued prosperity al the close of its third year of existence , and said he was happy to say it was but the reflex of the progress made by the whole Order , which was
steadily advancing in the estimation of the Craft . As an instance of its flourishing condition he stated that the Council had recently purchased , £ 200 Consols , besides which the Almoner ' s or Benevolent Fund had nearly £ 40 to its credit . Sir Knight Carpenter , in a quaint and humorous speech , returned thanks for the newly-installed "
Companions-in-Arras , remarking that although lie would make but a poor hand with the carnal weapon , he had no objection to light under the banners ol progress and enlightenment . Sir Kills , fox , Ilambly , and Anderson also responded . A special toast was offered by the Grand Recorder , and received unanimous acceptance— "Prosperity to the other Christian Orders connected with Freemasonry , " coupled 0
with lhe name of Sir Knight Magnus Ohren , 30 . "The M . P . S ., " "ThcM . P . S .-elect , " "The Visitors , " "The Officers , " and other toasts having been given , the proceedings terminated . As usual in this conclave , music , both instrumental and vocal formed a pleasing addition to the evening ' s enjoyment . Sir Knights | Weaver , Read , Ohren , and Perrot especially distinguishing themselves in this respect .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Barfield , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; Andrew , P . M ., Sec ; Gamer , S . D . ; Hevlan , J . D . ; Lock , l . G .,- Pardoe , S . S . ; W . J . Russell , J . S . ; Scholfield , P . M ., D . C . ( reinvested ) ; W . Radford , Past Prov . Grand Steward Cheshire , Tyler ( re-invested ) . The customary addresses were then given , the ceremony being performed by the experienced Installing Master , and pronounced to be most
perfect , and never better rendered by any one . The new W . M . set about his duties in an admirable manner . ( It may here be mentioned to his credit that on several occasions he has worked the fifteen sections at lodges of instruction . ) He initiated Messrs . Schapper , Bertae , Jackson , and H . Dixon , after which the usual questions were put to Bros . Dwedde , Hulen , and Didon , who were
introduced and passed to the Fellow Craft degree . The sufferings of a poor distressed foreign brother were relieved in a handsome manner . Three candidates' names for initiation were left on the agenda paper , and three gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . The correct and impressive manner in which the W . M . did all his work fully bore out the reputation he had
earned for being a proficient in the science of Masonry . The lodge was then closed , and nearly ninety sat down to one of the good banquets which is invariably supplied at this hotel . Every arrangement was made to render every one happy and comfortable , everything being supplied with an unsparing hand . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Coleman , 1306 ,
presided at the pianofore . The initiates each responded separately to their toast , and many of the visitors also responded to the health of the visitors . The lodge was informed by one visitor who had just returned from the Grand Chapter meeting that it had been announced that His Royal Highness Frederick Crown Prince of Denmark was initiated by the King of Sweden into Freemasonry
on the 1 st inst ., also that the Grand Chapter had voted . £ 100 to relieve the distress of the peasants in northeastern France . These facts were received with applauseand songs , music , and other enjoyments terminated a pleasant evening ' s entertainment . Besides the bethren mentioned there were present : Bros . J . Daley ( P . M . ) , Jones ( P . M . ) , Durrant ( P . M . ) , and Ardent ( P . M . ) ,
besides over sixty members . The long list of visitors included Bros . W . G . Smith ( 145 ) , L . Alexander ( P . M . 18 S ) , S . Millas ( P . M . 157 ) , J . Wheeler ( 574 ) , F . Walters ( W . M . 1309 , P . M . 73 ) , A . Pilbcam ( S 42 ) , A . J . Braid ( S . W . 1194 ) , W . Sawyer ( W . M . 1196 ) , W . Hall ( J . D . 1295 ) , R . S . White ( 1295 ) , R . Lines ( P . M . S 34 ) , J . Hughes ( 766 ) , J . Pearce ( 733 ) , J . Wheeler ( 574 ) , and many others whose names we were unable to learn .
Fiitsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —This lodge met for the season on Friday , the 2 Sth ult . Present : Bros . Nicholls , W . M . ; Hart , S . W . ; Benjamin , J . W . ; Day , P . M ., Treas . ; Stokes , S . D . ; Meanwell , J . D . ; Odell , I . G .. and numerous other brethren . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed . The W . M . then , in an able manner , initiated Mr . Arthur
Peake . Bro . G . Conquest ( loi ) , was proposed and received as a joining member . Tlie sum of seven guineas and one guinea respectively wereunanimously voted to twodistressed brethren . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed in form and with solemn prayer . After the banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Sheppard responded on behalf of the
visitors , and Bro . Hart , on behalf of the officers . A few songs and an animated conversation enlivened the proceedings , and the brethren separted about eleven o ' clock . Homsey Lodge , No . S 90 . — This well established lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . West Smith , W . M ., in his usual superior manner initiated Messrs . A . Skaife ,
J . Nutter , R . Meggelt , Richmond and Williams , into Freemasonry . Tlie ceremony was given in a correct , faultless , letter-perfect , and most impressive style . It was a treat to all present to have lhe pleasure and gratification of hearing such superior and excellent working . This being election night , the ballot for the W . M . resulted in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Garner , occupying that all
important position for the ensuing year . Uro . 11 . Webb , P . M . and Treas ., was again unanimously by ballot elected Treas . Bro . W . Radford , P . P . G . S . of Cheshire , was unanimously re-elected Tyler . In the temporary absence of the W . M ., the chair being occupied by Bro . II . Webb , P . M . and Treas ., it was unanimously voted that the usual six-guinea P . M . ' s jewel be presented at the
next meeting ( the installation ) to Bro . W . West Smith , for his efficient services during his year of office . Tlie lodge was closed . Present besides those mined , Bros . A . A . Drew , S . D . ; J . C . Gant , J . D . ; G . I . emann , l . G . ; J . West , Steward ; and others . The visitors were , Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; S . Wade 131 , G . Russell 781 , W . B . Wheeler 865 , T . W . Turner 1017 , & c . Banquet
was served up , Bro . W . Smith attending to lhe wants of all present in that kind and courteous manner which makes him a favourite wilh all present at any meeting . The usual happy , agreeable , and pleasant evening was spent , a few hours recreation bringing this reunion to a close . The usual toasts were given and received . Victoria Lodge , A ' o . 1056 . —the regular meeting of this
lod ge look place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Flcel-streel , on Wednesday , lhe 2 f ) th ult . Bro . George Roberts , W . M . j Ulysses l . atreille , S . W . ; A . Kobhins , J . W . ; W . Ashby , S . D . ; and many other members were present . Amongst other business Uro . Arthur James W'illmorc was raised to lhe third degree . Bros . William George White ami John Williams were duly passed to the second degree , " and Mr . V » 'i !| jam Perrin was initialed into the Order . The
I ' csignaliu ¦¦ of Bro . C . J . Allen was received and accepted by lhe lodge with very much regret , and the Secretary was desired to communicate the same to him , expressing the deep sympathy ofthe brethren wilh him in his heavy lamil y bereavement . It was resolved that the meeting of the lodge in April be changed to the Thursday after the lourth Wednesday in that month . A communication having
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
been read fro- ' fhi Committee of the " George Tedder Testimonial Fund , " the brethren made a collection among themselves on behalf thereof . Amongst the visitors present were Bros . W . R . Hayward ( 999 ) , Charles Winsdale ( P . M . and Sec . 69 ) , J . C . Dwarber ( S . D . 55 ) , Wm . Morris ( 1228 ) , A . Wadeson ( 122 S ) , and R . C . Chanter ( 1159 ) . On the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and after the usual toasts had been disposed of , separated at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . ULVERSTON . —Lodge of Furncss , No . 995 . — -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., under the presidency of Bro . John Case , W . M ., supported by tlie following officers : Bros . Dr . Barber P . M . ; Reuben Pearson , S . W . ; Robert James , Hon . Sec . ; R . Dodgson ,
S . D . ; James Paxton , J . D . ; Robert Casson , Org . ; M . Wilson , l . G . ; Henry Crook , Steward ; John Robinson , Tyler , and 25 other members . Bro . T . Dodgson , P . S . W ., acted as J . W . The visitors were James Porter , W . M . 343 and 1256 , and F . C . Warne , 723 and 1046 . The lodge was opened indue form by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed .
Bro . Tyson proved his efficiency as a F . C ., was entrusted , and retired , and on being readmitted was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Barber , P . M ., assisted by Bro . Porter , who also gave the lecture . Bro . Hudson , was passed as a Fellow Craft . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after some other business had be entransacted the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 . — A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . Present : Bros . H . Douglas , W . M . ; Robinson and Langley , P . M . ' s ; Fast , Bright , Weaver , Oldham , Leadbetter , Adcock , and many others . Bro . King was raised by the W . M ., and Messrs . Nixon and Luke Riley were initiated—the former by dispensation , as he was
under age . The brethren were then called off to refreshment , and on their return to labour the W . M . gave the ancient charge to the initiates . The work was exceedingly well rendered by the W . M . and all his officers . The muster of brethren was very large . OAKHAM . —The Vale of Calmos Lodge , No . 1265 . — The annual festival of this lodge was held in the
Agricultural Hill , on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst . Present : Bros , the Rev . F . K . Orme , P . M . ; Thomas Markham , W . M .-elect ; Duncombe , Bennett , Bailey , Crowson , Morris , Hassan , Hardy , and Newcombe , members of the lodge ; and the following visitors—Bros . Orford , P . P . S . G . W . of Norths , and Hunts . ; W . Langley , P . M . of 1130 , P . P . S . G . W . of Leicestershire ; Douglas , W . M .
1130 , P . P . G . D . of Leicestershire ; and Bro . Clark , Steward of 1130 . On the confirmation of the minutes , letters of apology were read from the P . G . M . and Uro . Biown , the W . M . The Installing Master , Bro . Langley , then obligated the W . M .-elect , and in a Board of Installing Masters , placed him in the chair of K . S . On the return of the brethren , he was proclaimed and saluted ,
and Uro . Langley gave the usual charges to the W . M ., Wardens , and officers . The following brethren were then appointed and invested : Duncombe , S . W . ; Bennett , J . W . ; Morris , Treas . ; Hassan , Sec . ; Hardy , S . D . ; Kew , J . D . ; Bailey , l . G . ; Newcombe and Crowson , Stewards . Mr . Thomas Bennett was then initiated by Bro . Douglas , at the request ofthe W . M .
WEST DERBY . —Pembroke Lodge , No . 1299—This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the West Derby Hotel , near Liverpool , on Thursday , the 20 th ult . The lodge having been opened by liro . Wm . Crane , P . M . 1 094 and 249 , W . M ., assisted by Bros . James Cook , S . W . ; John Sellar , J . W . ; Clayton , Treas . ; Clegg , Sec ; Macmuldrow , S . D . ; Bartlctt , S . S . ; Vine , ' P . M ., and Marsh ,
P . M . 155 , W . M . 1091 , P . G . A . D . C . W . L . Visitors : Bros . Jones , Sec . 216 , fos . Wood , Treas . 1094 , James I lamer , P . M . 220 , P . G . " T . ; & c . Mr . Richard Bennett was duly initiated into Freemasonry , the working tools being given by Bro . J . Sellar , J . W ., and the charge by Uro . J . Ilamcr , P . M . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Uro . Gunn was duly passed to the
degree of KG ., in a very impressive style , by Uro . Wm . Vine , P . M ., the working tools being given by Bro . Wm . Crane , W . M ., in his usual impressive manner . The lodge was then closed down , and a banquet , excellent as usual , was provided by Bro . Richard Rawliuson . After the usual opening toasts , that of the Provincial Grand Lodge was responded to by Uro . Marsh , who said he
hoped the Prov . G . M . would give honours to deserving members of the Craft , and not to untried Masons who hail done nothing for its good . —The W . Master ' s health was given , and duly responded to . —Bro . ( as . Cook responded for the officers . —The health of Bro . Bennett , the newlyinitiated brother , was proposed in appropriate terms by the W . M . — Uro . Bennett , in the course of his reply , alluded
in humorous terms to the world ' s opinion touching the principles and practices of the Order . In feeling language he referred lo the solemn ceremony of his initiation , and after expressing a high opinion of the character of ihosc he was united lo that evening , said that the principles he had heard expounded , and to which he was now pledged
as an Apprentice , from their high and holy nature , could only emanate from the mind of thai Great Being who rules overall . —Uro . John Jones , 216 , in responding on behalf of the visitors , said lie was much pleased with the good working of this young lodge , complimented the officers and brethren upon their efforts , and acknowledged the princely hospitality of the W . M .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . The chapter having been opened
Royal Arch.
and the minutes confirmed , Comp . R . W . Little , P . Z ., installed P . A . Naime , M . E . Z ., and J . Brett installer " M . Scott as J . The officers appointed for the year were , besides those named , Comps . F . Walters , P , Z ., Treas . ; R . S . Foreman , S . E . ; A : Williams , S . N . ; T . Qu . ih . amp > ton , P . S . ; J . Hills , 1 st A . S . ; J . C . Hall , 2 nd A . S . ; C . f . B . Plcstow , D . C . ; W . A . Hinde , W . S . ; and Speight ,
Janitor . Comp . P . Browne , the H .-elect , was unavoidably absent . Comp . Plestow was the Steward appointed to represent the chapter at the Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution in January , 1871 . The chapter having been duly closed , the brethren retired to banquet , and a pleasant evening was spent . Visitors : Comps . J . Hart , M . E . Z . 410 ; J . Brett , P . Z . 177 ; L . H . Isaacs , 72 ; & c .
PROVINCIAL . ULVERSTON , W . L . —Chapter of Furness , No . 995 . — A convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Temple on Saturday , the 29 th ult . The chapter was duly opened bv Comps . Moore ( P . Z . Rowley Chapter , 105 r , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks ., & c ) , Win . Dodd , H ., and John Case , M . E . Z ., as J . The following companions were
then admitted : Robt . James , Scribe E . ; Thos . Dodgson , Scribe N . ; Reuben Pearson , Prin . Soj . ; Roger Dodgson , Treas . ; John Ii . Matthews , Organist ; Thos . Roper , George Cornfield , James Postelthwaite , and others ; John Robinson , Janitor Comp F . C . Warne , Panmure Chapter , 720 , was also present . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken
for Bro . W . J . A . Baldwin , J . P . ( 995 ) , which proved unanimous in his favour . Bros . Rogers ( S 72 ) and Baldwin were then duly exalted to this supreme degree by Comp . Moore , who also delivered in a most impressive manner the symbolical and mystical lectures , Comp . Dodd , H ., giving the historical lecture . Comp . James , Scribe E ., then read the proposed by-laws of the chapte - , which ,
with two exceptions , were unanimously agreed to . The M . E . Z . gave notice of motion proposing a companion as an honorary member . The thanks of the companions were heartily accorded to Comp . Moore for his kindness in coming from Lancaster to preside , and for the very able , instructive , and effective manner in which he discharged the various duties . The chapter was then duly closed according to ancient form .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 . An assembly of this conclave was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 29 th ult . The chair of Constantine was occupied by Dr . William Robert Woodman , M . P . S ., who was supported by the following officers and Knights : Dr . C . H . Rogers Harrison , V . E . ; Rev . W . B . Church , S . G . ; J . Read , J . G . ; II . Allman , H . P . ; W .
F . N . Quilty , P . Sov ., Treas . ; A . A . Pendelbury , P . Sov ., Rec ; H . C . Levander , M . A ., P . Sov . ; R . Wentworth Little , G . R . ; S . G . Foxall , P . Sov ., Prefect ; W . C . Lucey , M . D ., Herald ; J . Weaver , Organist ; A . Perrot , S . S . ; C . A . Thompson , J . S . ; J . Brett , P . Sov . ; W . C . Barlow , Alfred Smith , D . R . Adams , J . R . Foulger , Alphcus C . Morton , J . J . Caney , George Smith , and J .
Gilbert , Sentinel . Visitors : J . Mayo , P . Sov . 2 ; Magnus Ohren , 30 , an ex-member of No . 6 . The conclave having been duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , ballots were taken for several candidrtes on the agenda paper , and the following being in alien lance were regularly installed as Knights of the Order , viz ., Bros . W . Carpenter , P . M . P . Z . 177 ; T . L .
Fox , P . M . P . Z . 19 ; W . B Hambly , S . W . S 57 ; and W . W . Anderson , 862 . The conclave then proceeded to elect the officers for the ensuing year , with the following result : Dr . Harrison , M . P . S . ; Rev . W . B . Church , V . E . ; W . F . N . Quilty , P . S ., Treas . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Sir Knights Foulger , Barlow , and Perrot were re-elected members of the Permanent Committee .
A Past Sovereign s jewel was unanimously awarded to Dr . Woodman as the retiring M . P . S ., and a notice of motion by Sir Knight Levander . P . Sov ., to increase the installation fee and annual subscription having been given , the conclave was closed and the chevaliers adjourned to the banqucting-hall . In the course of the evening the usual loyal and
chivalric toasts were proposed and duly honoured . In responding for "Lord Kenlis , G . Sovereign , and the Grand Council , " Sir Knight Little , as the only member of that body present , congratulated the conclave on its continued prosperity al the close of its third year of existence , and said he was happy to say it was but the reflex of the progress made by the whole Order , which was
steadily advancing in the estimation of the Craft . As an instance of its flourishing condition he stated that the Council had recently purchased , £ 200 Consols , besides which the Almoner ' s or Benevolent Fund had nearly £ 40 to its credit . Sir Knight Carpenter , in a quaint and humorous speech , returned thanks for the newly-installed "
Companions-in-Arras , remarking that although lie would make but a poor hand with the carnal weapon , he had no objection to light under the banners ol progress and enlightenment . Sir Kills , fox , Ilambly , and Anderson also responded . A special toast was offered by the Grand Recorder , and received unanimous acceptance— "Prosperity to the other Christian Orders connected with Freemasonry , " coupled 0
with lhe name of Sir Knight Magnus Ohren , 30 . "The M . P . S ., " "ThcM . P . S .-elect , " "The Visitors , " "The Officers , " and other toasts having been given , the proceedings terminated . As usual in this conclave , music , both instrumental and vocal formed a pleasing addition to the evening ' s enjoyment . Sir Knights | Weaver , Read , Ohren , and Perrot especially distinguishing themselves in this respect .