Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
be requested to allow their names to be put on the sU ^ 0 [ the lodge as honorary members , which was , iided by Bro . J . Bagshaw , J . W ., and unanimously s ' } Ad by the brethren . In acknowledging the complia It Bro . K . Binckes gave an explanation of some of the "" V important principles and ceremonies of the order . S j | . L . Ellerm and L . Finch also addressed the closed mie torm
I -tliren . Ihe lodge was men m . avo . F Binckes , G . S ., then left to . proceed to London , to fulfil ther engagements , by the five o ' clock train , much to the Lrret of the brethren , who were deprived of his company \ t the banquet . The brethren then proceeded to the Britannia Inn , to a banquet provided by Mrs . Green , widow „ c rhi- late Bro . Green , in the usual excellent style . After
doin" full justice to the excellent viands , and the cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and duly honoured ; when with speeches from the Provincial brethren , and harmony from the musical brothers , the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner , while each felt sorry to part , but , happily , to meet again . ' LEICESTER . —FOWKE LODGE ( No . 19 ) . —The regular
bimonthly meeting of this large and prosperous lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 28 th ult Bro . J . M . MacAUister , W . M ., Prov . G . Sec , in the chair , supported by Bros . W . Weare , f . P . M . ; G . Toller , iun ., S . W . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Steward , J . W . ; J . H . Garnar , Treas ., and other officers . There were also oresent : —Bros . Partridge , P . M ., P . J . G . W . ; Duff , P . M .,
P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Wright Smith , G . Odell , and several others . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes read and approved , the ballot was taken for Bros . J . W . Noble , and G . Flanagan as candidates for advancement , both of whom-were elected . The next business on the agenda paper was to elect the W . M . For the ensuing year , and upon thc ballot being taken , the
votes of the members were found to be unanimous in favour of the Senior Warden , Bro . G . Toller , jun ., whose zeal , ability , and efficiency cannot fail to secure to the lodge a continuance and increase of the prosperity which it has so long enjoyed . The W . M . elect has already filled the chief offices in all the other Masonic degrees practised in this province , and last year he occupied the office of
G . S . W . in the Craft Provincial Grand Lodge , thus proving that he is well qualified for the chair of this Mark lodge . Bro . J . 11 . Garnar was re-elected Treasurer , and a resolution was unanimously passed , thanking him for his regular attendance and able services during the past year . Bros . Sculthorpe , Wykes , and Odell were elected an audit committee , and this concluding the regular business , the lodge
resolved itself into a Lodge of Instruction , when the ceremony of advancement was practised , under the direction of the W . M . Apologies for absence having been received from Bro . W . Kelly , R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M ., and other brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment , the remainder of the evening being spent in the gieatest harmony .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . —The regular quarterly communication of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s llall on 28 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . W . Montgomerie Neilson , of Queenshill , R . W . M ., Bro . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M ., presided , and there were
present Bros . J . IS . Walker , P . G . Treasurer : T . Halket , P . G . S . D . ; George Thallon , P . G . J . D . ; Alexander Bain , P . G . B . B . ; R . Robb , P . G . Marshal ; John Frazer , P . G . Assistant-Marshal ; James Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . Gillies , P . G . S . B . ; and a large number of members and
visiting brethren of the Craft . Bro . Bell , R . W . M . ^ , occupied the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . M'Donald , R . W . M . 73 , that of the J . W . Before entering upon the business the presiding brother read notes of apology from the R . W . P . G . M . and the Vice-Chaplain , Bro . Rev . Dr . Penny . The
Depute-Master then explained at some length his reasons for retiring from active duty , stating that from his long connection with the P . G . L . and the fact that the principal duties in connection with his work—especially those of the annual visitations—had fallen upon himself , he found it necessary , for a time at least , to seek for a measure of
repose and seclusion . Thc billet of business for the consideration of the meeting contained the following items : — first , minutes of the P . G . L . and P . G . L . committees ; second , installation of office-bearers ; third , appointment of "•G . L . committee and convener ; fourth , appointment of auditors ; and fifth , consideration of billet of business for
Grand Lodge meeting to be held on Monday ensuing , •hereupon , the minutes of former P . G . L . and committees were read and confirmed , and the installation of office-bearers proceeded with , when the following took the oath de hddi :- _ B ros . J . B . Walker , Treasurer ; James Gillies , o . U . ; Gi-n Tlmllnr , in . A « .,:., Bnna . i ^™
„„ wtchie , Architect ; A . Allison Jeweller ; R . Robb , Grand marshal ; J . Fraser , Assistant Marshal ; James Balfour , uir . of Cer . ; William Phillips , S . B . ; A . A . Smith , I . G . ; ""» . !• B . Hardie , O . G . The acting P . G . M . performed the " ¦ jfreniony of the installation in a very interesting and wicient m . inni-r Tii .- ™ ft * - ih » i > n c „„ , „ , «„ . „ ., „ , i UVULiaiY IllUkU
,, , .. - — .. » ..... ......... , K . W . . . .. . offi 1 1 > , G ' commlttee should consist , as formerly , of the : < nee-bearcrs of P . G . L . and the several Masters of lodges _ * be P rovince i an ( l tha' B " > - William Bell , J , should I Wa ai > l > 0 Mltetl convener . After some discussion , the motion § A "" animously agreed to . The following brethren were S "" CH , OH . 1 . f •f . p ,-. c __„_ . __ , „_ . „ _•„_ . „ .,,, « _\
I Walv the Benevo 1 ent Fund Committee , viz .: —Bros . Smiih ' Gniu : s ' Th ;» llon , Bain , Fraser , Balfour , Phillips , Wed t ' * Ta S & < and Geo . Sinclair—the last follow' 1 Treasurcr and convener of committee . The J , j , '" fr brethren were appointed auditors : —John Wallace , povA , ' ' *? d J ° - Mu » r ° ! Bro . Walker being antherc au apiioillt a meeting , and summon auditors . As K Pl'eared to be nothing of urgent importance on the
billet of business for Grand Lodge meeting , there was no discussion thereanent , and the P . G . L . was closed in proper form . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE EAST . —A meeting of this lodge was held , on 30 th ult ., in the hall of Paisley St . Mirren Lodge , No . 129 . There was a large attendance . Bro . Jas . Caldwell , P . G . Junior
Warden , in the absence of the P . G ' . M ., Bro . Colonel Campbell , presided , and the duties of S . W . were discharged by Bro . W . Ferguson , Royal Arch 116 , Rutherglen ; and J . W . by Bro . John Peters , Royal Arch 153 , Pollokshaws . The Secretary , Bro . R . L . Henderson , read a communication from Bro . A . Warnock , Secretary of St . John ' s Operative Lodge , No . 347 , Rutherglen , asking
permission to allow Bro . John Cunningham , the R . W . M . of that lodge , to lay the foundation-stone of a new hall with Masonic honours , and invite deputations . The communication stated that the St . John ' s Lodge had formed themselves into a company ( limited ) to raise funds to erect this hall , and that it was in the course of erection in Cathcart-street , Rutherglen , the estimated cost being
£ 1 , 400 . As Bro . Cunningham had originated the scheme , and shown great zeal in carrying it out , it was earnestly hoped permission would be granted . A long discussion took place relative to the letter , after which , on a division , the permission was granted by 11 to o . It was agreed afterwards to allow Royal Arch Lodge No . 153 , Pollokshaws , to hold meetings in a new hall , to which
they had removedprll such time as the consecration of it could be arranged for . The nomination of office-bearers to be elected by the lodge was then proceeded with as follows -. —Bros . James Brown , Treasurer 129 •, Alex . M'Leod , S . D . 129 ; A . Wallace , 129 ; J . B . Lamb , Architect 129 ; ex-Bailie Fisher , B . B . 370 ; J . Buchanan , S . D . 116 ; R . F . M'Gibbon , D . M . 129 ; J . Carswell , Marshal
129 ; Smillie , Assistant Marshal 307 ; Alexander M'Pherson , Standard-Bearer ; Alex . Morrison , S . S . 129 ; George Masson , J . S . 370 ; Forrest , I . G . ; W . Alexander , Tyler ; H . S . Edmonds and Alex . M'Pherson , Conveners , jointly . GLASGOW . —LODOE ST . ^ J N" ( NO . 3 J ) . —The usual bi-monthly meeting of this large and important lodge was
held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 2 nd February " , 1875 , Bros . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., presiding ; John D . Young , S . W . ; David Home , J . W . There were also present , Bros . Thos . Fletcher , I . P . M . ; J B . Walker , P . M . ; D . M . Nelson , D . M . ; R . B . Dalzeil , Treasurer ; John Dick , Secretary , and the remaining officers in their respective places , with a large attendance
of members of the lodge and visiting brethren , including Bros . D . Paul , R . W . M . ; A . S . McBride , P . M . ; W . Sinclair , H . McGregor , Jas Scobbie , as a deputation from Lodge Leven St . John , No . ijo . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge raised to F . C , and the following brethren received this degree , D . Adam , J . B . McCallum , J . L . Cowan , and S . Adam
the ceremony being performed in a most impressive manner by Bro . Thos . B . Bell . The following brethren were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bros . Jas . Paterson , Robert M'Connel , J . Reid , A . Cameron , Robt . Reid , D . Montgomery , D . Adam , J . B . McCallum , J . L . Cowan , and S . Adam—Bro . A . S . McBride , P . M ., and the Wardens of Lodge Leven St . John , No . 170 , officiating . Bro .
Gibson , Caledonian Railway 354 , and Bro . W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ) , were then proposed for affiliation into Lodge St . John , N 0 . 3 J , which was carried ' unanimouslythe ceremony of affiliation being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Bell . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to the deputation from Lodge Leven St . John for the very valuable assistance they had rendered to Lodge
St . John , No . 3 b , at this meeting , which was carried unanimously . Bro . A . S . McBride , P . M . 170 , replied in a neat and impressive speech on behalf of Lodge Leven St . John . Bro . J . D . Deacon , S . W ., addressed the chair , and said that it gave him much pleasure to propose that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Thos . Fletcher , I . P . M ., and not only to him but to all Past Masters of
Lodge St . John , No . 33—to show a mark of appreciation to brothers Cwho had held such an honourable position . Bro . D . M . Nelson warmly supported' this motion , which met with the entire approval of the lodge . There being no further business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and , with the aid cf harmony , the evening was passed most pleasantly .
An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Saturday afternoon , Gth inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . William Bell , occupied the chair , supported on the dais by Past Masters J . B . Walker and Thos . Fletcher , and Bro . Thos . Halket , P . M . 102 . There were also present Bros . Jno . D . Young , S . W . ; David Home , J . W . ; Peter Brownlie , S . D . ; and Jno . Dick , Sec .
The lodge having been opened on the first degree , thc following candidates were duly initiated at the hands of the R . W . M .: —Jno . Rutherford , Jno . Gilliland , and Wm . Muir Scott . Thereafter these brethren were passed to the Fellow Craft degree by Bro . Jno . Dick j and finally raised the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Thos . Halket , as was also at the same time Bro . A . F .
McFarlane . This concluded the business . DUNFERMLINE . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 26 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge met in their lodge-room , Maygate-street , on Monday , 25 th ult ., at 8 p . m . The lodge was opened by Bro . Lindsey , R . W . M ., assisted by Bro . Cook , R . W . M . of Crossgates Lodge . There was a large attendance of the brethren of the lodge . Thc minutes of
the last meeting having been read and approved of , after which Mr . Leapolous Mace and Mr . Thos . Reynolds , candidates for initiation , were approved of . They were duly initiated by the R . W . M ., who also gave them the charge in the first degree . Subsequently the newly-initiated brothers addressed the R . W . M ., Officers , and brethren very neatly and feelingly , expressing their appreciation of the honour they had received , and their desire to prove them-
selves worthy of it . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren then adjourned to refreshment to Bro . Blyth ' s , where thc rest of the evening was spent in song and sentiment . A special meeting was held on Thursday , 28 th ult . The lodge was opened- by Bro . Wilson , Treasurer , assisted by Bro . Robertson , D . M ., and Wardens , and brethren , owing to indisposition of Bro . Lindsey , R . W . M ., who could
not attend . Bro . Mace and Reynolds were passed to the Fellow-Craft , and raised to the degree of Master Masons . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form , when the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment to Bro . Blyth ' s . The health of the newly-made brothers of the lodge was given and responded to . A most pleasant evening was passed , and as the hour
of eleven drew on , the brethren separated . We must not omit to remark that some capital songs were sung by Bros . Mace and Reynolds , and other brethren of the lodge , and visiting brethren of Lodge Union , 250 . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Thursday , the 4 th
inst ., Bro . Dugald Butler , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . A . Bain , P . M ., acting S . W . ; G . McComb , J . W . ; Archibald McTaggart , D . M . There were also present : —Bro . John Munro , R . W . M ., Lodge Commercial , No . 3 60 ; W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ); and a goodly number of brethren of the lodge and visitors . The lodge was opened by Bro . D . Butler , R . W . M ., thc minutes read and confirmed . The
Secretaiy then read a letter from a brother in England , stating that Bro . Joseph John Basoine , a member of Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 S . C , was in a state of destitution , caused by total blindness . Bro . Dugald Butler , in . reference to this letter , called upon the brethren to exercise that great principle of Freemasonry , Charity , and made a motion that Lodge St . Mungo should vote £ 5 and recommend
another £$ from the Provincial Benevolent Fund , to meet Bro . Basoine ' s present wants . This motion was received unanimously . Bro . Archibald McTaggart , D . M ., in an able , painstaking , and correct style , initiated Messrs . John Brownie McNichol and Peter McNichol into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Bros . J . C . Auld and Geo . Miller were then raised to the sublime
degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed in a most solemn and impressive manner by Bro . John Munro , R . W . M . No . 3 60 , and Bro . A . Bain , P . M . No . 27 . There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , at
213 , Buchanan-street , on 25 th ult ., the R . W . M ., Bro . Jas . F . Mitchell , presiding , beside whom on the dais was Bro . John Munro , R . W . M . 3 60 . The lodge having been opened , a candidate was duly vouched for , Joseph Allmark , and received thc first degree at the hands of the R . W . M . There being no further business , the lodge was closed . On the following day an emergency meeting was held , at
which Bro . Allmark was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft , and thereafter raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the working of both being performed by the R . W . M . in a markedly efficient manner . On Friday , 29 th ult ., a harmony meeting in connection with this lodge was held within their hall in Buchananstreet , when the first of a series of lectures on " important
social subjects" was delivered by Bro . J ohn Smith , Secretary of the lodge . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . f . F . Mitchell , with whom , on the dais , were Bros . Thos . Halket , William Bell , R . W . M . ji ; and Thomas Fletcher , P . M . 3 J . The lodge having been opened and adjourned to refreshment , the Chairman said there was no necessity for him to say much in introducing Bro . Smith
to them . He was known as a most efficient Mason and a most efficient accountant , so that would be all right . He ( the chairman ) was sure he spoke the mind of them , all , that a series of lectures given in a Masonic hall would meet with a most hearty reception . Some years ago they had a series there , which were very successful , and he did not see why they should not be so now . If they merely
met there night after night to see people brought from darkness to light , there would be a sameness about their proceedings which such a feature as these lectures would tend to obviate . Referring to the fact that the proceeds of collection to be made on each lecture night are to go to the cause of charity , the Chairman said that such lectures ought , by every right-thinking Mason , to be most heartily
supported . He then introduced Bro . Smith , who proceeded with thc lecture , the subject of which was " Millions of Money for the Million ; or how Life Assurance can be made doubly sure , and become a great Monetary Medium for the People . " The lecture was divided into four parts , during thc intervals between which some excellent songs were given by Bros . Halket , Robert Fraser , and others . A
second lecture , in continuation of the same subject , is to be given by Bro . Smith , on 16 th inst ., and the future arrangements include also two lectures on "Music" and "The Drama , " with illustrations , and one by the R . W . M . ( Bro . Mitchell ) entitled "Down a Coal Pit . " GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION AND CROWN ( No . 103 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the
hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on 25 th ult ., the R . W . M . in the chair . The lodge having opened in the E . A . degree , the following candidates , all duly vouched for , were initiated into the mysteries of the order by Bro . George Muir , D . M ., viz .: Messrs . John Arkison , Thos . Murphy , William Murray , Peter Thos . Ewing , and Andrew Robertson . Thereafter , Bros . Alex . Bain , jun ., Edward Wylie , and John
Dunlop , were raised from Fellow-Craft to the sublime degree by Bro . Alex . Bain , P . M . ; who also performed the ceremony of installing Bro . David Murray as S . M . of the lodge . There being no further business , thc lodge was thereafter closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( No . 332 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodgeroom , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , 1 st .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
be requested to allow their names to be put on the sU ^ 0 [ the lodge as honorary members , which was , iided by Bro . J . Bagshaw , J . W ., and unanimously s ' } Ad by the brethren . In acknowledging the complia It Bro . K . Binckes gave an explanation of some of the "" V important principles and ceremonies of the order . S j | . L . Ellerm and L . Finch also addressed the closed mie torm
I -tliren . Ihe lodge was men m . avo . F Binckes , G . S ., then left to . proceed to London , to fulfil ther engagements , by the five o ' clock train , much to the Lrret of the brethren , who were deprived of his company \ t the banquet . The brethren then proceeded to the Britannia Inn , to a banquet provided by Mrs . Green , widow „ c rhi- late Bro . Green , in the usual excellent style . After
doin" full justice to the excellent viands , and the cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and duly honoured ; when with speeches from the Provincial brethren , and harmony from the musical brothers , the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner , while each felt sorry to part , but , happily , to meet again . ' LEICESTER . —FOWKE LODGE ( No . 19 ) . —The regular
bimonthly meeting of this large and prosperous lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 28 th ult Bro . J . M . MacAUister , W . M ., Prov . G . Sec , in the chair , supported by Bros . W . Weare , f . P . M . ; G . Toller , iun ., S . W . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Steward , J . W . ; J . H . Garnar , Treas ., and other officers . There were also oresent : —Bros . Partridge , P . M ., P . J . G . W . ; Duff , P . M .,
P . Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Wright Smith , G . Odell , and several others . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., and the minutes read and approved , the ballot was taken for Bros . J . W . Noble , and G . Flanagan as candidates for advancement , both of whom-were elected . The next business on the agenda paper was to elect the W . M . For the ensuing year , and upon thc ballot being taken , the
votes of the members were found to be unanimous in favour of the Senior Warden , Bro . G . Toller , jun ., whose zeal , ability , and efficiency cannot fail to secure to the lodge a continuance and increase of the prosperity which it has so long enjoyed . The W . M . elect has already filled the chief offices in all the other Masonic degrees practised in this province , and last year he occupied the office of
G . S . W . in the Craft Provincial Grand Lodge , thus proving that he is well qualified for the chair of this Mark lodge . Bro . J . 11 . Garnar was re-elected Treasurer , and a resolution was unanimously passed , thanking him for his regular attendance and able services during the past year . Bros . Sculthorpe , Wykes , and Odell were elected an audit committee , and this concluding the regular business , the lodge
resolved itself into a Lodge of Instruction , when the ceremony of advancement was practised , under the direction of the W . M . Apologies for absence having been received from Bro . W . Kelly , R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M ., and other brethren , the lodge was closed , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment , the remainder of the evening being spent in the gieatest harmony .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW . —The regular quarterly communication of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s llall on 28 th ult . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . W . Montgomerie Neilson , of Queenshill , R . W . M ., Bro . F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M ., presided , and there were
present Bros . J . IS . Walker , P . G . Treasurer : T . Halket , P . G . S . D . ; George Thallon , P . G . J . D . ; Alexander Bain , P . G . B . B . ; R . Robb , P . G . Marshal ; John Frazer , P . G . Assistant-Marshal ; James Balfour , P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . Gillies , P . G . S . B . ; and a large number of members and
visiting brethren of the Craft . Bro . Bell , R . W . M . ^ , occupied the S . W . ' s chair , and Bro . M'Donald , R . W . M . 73 , that of the J . W . Before entering upon the business the presiding brother read notes of apology from the R . W . P . G . M . and the Vice-Chaplain , Bro . Rev . Dr . Penny . The
Depute-Master then explained at some length his reasons for retiring from active duty , stating that from his long connection with the P . G . L . and the fact that the principal duties in connection with his work—especially those of the annual visitations—had fallen upon himself , he found it necessary , for a time at least , to seek for a measure of
repose and seclusion . Thc billet of business for the consideration of the meeting contained the following items : — first , minutes of the P . G . L . and P . G . L . committees ; second , installation of office-bearers ; third , appointment of "•G . L . committee and convener ; fourth , appointment of auditors ; and fifth , consideration of billet of business for
Grand Lodge meeting to be held on Monday ensuing , •hereupon , the minutes of former P . G . L . and committees were read and confirmed , and the installation of office-bearers proceeded with , when the following took the oath de hddi :- _ B ros . J . B . Walker , Treasurer ; James Gillies , o . U . ; Gi-n Tlmllnr , in . A « .,:., Bnna . i ^™
„„ wtchie , Architect ; A . Allison Jeweller ; R . Robb , Grand marshal ; J . Fraser , Assistant Marshal ; James Balfour , uir . of Cer . ; William Phillips , S . B . ; A . A . Smith , I . G . ; ""» . !• B . Hardie , O . G . The acting P . G . M . performed the " ¦ jfreniony of the installation in a very interesting and wicient m . inni-r Tii .- ™ ft * - ih » i > n c „„ , „ , «„ . „ ., „ , i UVULiaiY IllUkU
,, , .. - — .. » ..... ......... , K . W . . . .. . offi 1 1 > , G ' commlttee should consist , as formerly , of the : < nee-bearcrs of P . G . L . and the several Masters of lodges _ * be P rovince i an ( l tha' B " > - William Bell , J , should I Wa ai > l > 0 Mltetl convener . After some discussion , the motion § A "" animously agreed to . The following brethren were S "" CH , OH . 1 . f •f . p ,-. c __„_ . __ , „_ . „ _•„_ . „ .,,, « _\
I Walv the Benevo 1 ent Fund Committee , viz .: —Bros . Smiih ' Gniu : s ' Th ;» llon , Bain , Fraser , Balfour , Phillips , Wed t ' * Ta S & < and Geo . Sinclair—the last follow' 1 Treasurcr and convener of committee . The J , j , '" fr brethren were appointed auditors : —John Wallace , povA , ' ' *? d J ° - Mu » r ° ! Bro . Walker being antherc au apiioillt a meeting , and summon auditors . As K Pl'eared to be nothing of urgent importance on the
billet of business for Grand Lodge meeting , there was no discussion thereanent , and the P . G . L . was closed in proper form . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE EAST . —A meeting of this lodge was held , on 30 th ult ., in the hall of Paisley St . Mirren Lodge , No . 129 . There was a large attendance . Bro . Jas . Caldwell , P . G . Junior
Warden , in the absence of the P . G ' . M ., Bro . Colonel Campbell , presided , and the duties of S . W . were discharged by Bro . W . Ferguson , Royal Arch 116 , Rutherglen ; and J . W . by Bro . John Peters , Royal Arch 153 , Pollokshaws . The Secretary , Bro . R . L . Henderson , read a communication from Bro . A . Warnock , Secretary of St . John ' s Operative Lodge , No . 347 , Rutherglen , asking
permission to allow Bro . John Cunningham , the R . W . M . of that lodge , to lay the foundation-stone of a new hall with Masonic honours , and invite deputations . The communication stated that the St . John ' s Lodge had formed themselves into a company ( limited ) to raise funds to erect this hall , and that it was in the course of erection in Cathcart-street , Rutherglen , the estimated cost being
£ 1 , 400 . As Bro . Cunningham had originated the scheme , and shown great zeal in carrying it out , it was earnestly hoped permission would be granted . A long discussion took place relative to the letter , after which , on a division , the permission was granted by 11 to o . It was agreed afterwards to allow Royal Arch Lodge No . 153 , Pollokshaws , to hold meetings in a new hall , to which
they had removedprll such time as the consecration of it could be arranged for . The nomination of office-bearers to be elected by the lodge was then proceeded with as follows -. —Bros . James Brown , Treasurer 129 •, Alex . M'Leod , S . D . 129 ; A . Wallace , 129 ; J . B . Lamb , Architect 129 ; ex-Bailie Fisher , B . B . 370 ; J . Buchanan , S . D . 116 ; R . F . M'Gibbon , D . M . 129 ; J . Carswell , Marshal
129 ; Smillie , Assistant Marshal 307 ; Alexander M'Pherson , Standard-Bearer ; Alex . Morrison , S . S . 129 ; George Masson , J . S . 370 ; Forrest , I . G . ; W . Alexander , Tyler ; H . S . Edmonds and Alex . M'Pherson , Conveners , jointly . GLASGOW . —LODOE ST . ^ J N" ( NO . 3 J ) . —The usual bi-monthly meeting of this large and important lodge was
held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 2 nd February " , 1875 , Bros . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., presiding ; John D . Young , S . W . ; David Home , J . W . There were also present , Bros . Thos . Fletcher , I . P . M . ; J B . Walker , P . M . ; D . M . Nelson , D . M . ; R . B . Dalzeil , Treasurer ; John Dick , Secretary , and the remaining officers in their respective places , with a large attendance
of members of the lodge and visiting brethren , including Bros . D . Paul , R . W . M . ; A . S . McBride , P . M . ; W . Sinclair , H . McGregor , Jas Scobbie , as a deputation from Lodge Leven St . John , No . ijo . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and the lodge raised to F . C , and the following brethren received this degree , D . Adam , J . B . McCallum , J . L . Cowan , and S . Adam
the ceremony being performed in a most impressive manner by Bro . Thos . B . Bell . The following brethren were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bros . Jas . Paterson , Robert M'Connel , J . Reid , A . Cameron , Robt . Reid , D . Montgomery , D . Adam , J . B . McCallum , J . L . Cowan , and S . Adam—Bro . A . S . McBride , P . M ., and the Wardens of Lodge Leven St . John , No . 170 , officiating . Bro .
Gibson , Caledonian Railway 354 , and Bro . W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ) , were then proposed for affiliation into Lodge St . John , N 0 . 3 J , which was carried ' unanimouslythe ceremony of affiliation being performed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Wm . Bell . Bro . Wm . Bell , R . W . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to the deputation from Lodge Leven St . John for the very valuable assistance they had rendered to Lodge
St . John , No . 3 b , at this meeting , which was carried unanimously . Bro . A . S . McBride , P . M . 170 , replied in a neat and impressive speech on behalf of Lodge Leven St . John . Bro . J . D . Deacon , S . W ., addressed the chair , and said that it gave him much pleasure to propose that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Thos . Fletcher , I . P . M ., and not only to him but to all Past Masters of
Lodge St . John , No . 33—to show a mark of appreciation to brothers Cwho had held such an honourable position . Bro . D . M . Nelson warmly supported' this motion , which met with the entire approval of the lodge . There being no further business the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and , with the aid cf harmony , the evening was passed most pleasantly .
An emergency meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Saturday afternoon , Gth inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . William Bell , occupied the chair , supported on the dais by Past Masters J . B . Walker and Thos . Fletcher , and Bro . Thos . Halket , P . M . 102 . There were also present Bros . Jno . D . Young , S . W . ; David Home , J . W . ; Peter Brownlie , S . D . ; and Jno . Dick , Sec .
The lodge having been opened on the first degree , thc following candidates were duly initiated at the hands of the R . W . M .: —Jno . Rutherford , Jno . Gilliland , and Wm . Muir Scott . Thereafter these brethren were passed to the Fellow Craft degree by Bro . Jno . Dick j and finally raised the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Thos . Halket , as was also at the same time Bro . A . F .
McFarlane . This concluded the business . DUNFERMLINE . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 26 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge met in their lodge-room , Maygate-street , on Monday , 25 th ult ., at 8 p . m . The lodge was opened by Bro . Lindsey , R . W . M ., assisted by Bro . Cook , R . W . M . of Crossgates Lodge . There was a large attendance of the brethren of the lodge . Thc minutes of
the last meeting having been read and approved of , after which Mr . Leapolous Mace and Mr . Thos . Reynolds , candidates for initiation , were approved of . They were duly initiated by the R . W . M ., who also gave them the charge in the first degree . Subsequently the newly-initiated brothers addressed the R . W . M ., Officers , and brethren very neatly and feelingly , expressing their appreciation of the honour they had received , and their desire to prove them-
selves worthy of it . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren then adjourned to refreshment to Bro . Blyth ' s , where thc rest of the evening was spent in song and sentiment . A special meeting was held on Thursday , 28 th ult . The lodge was opened- by Bro . Wilson , Treasurer , assisted by Bro . Robertson , D . M ., and Wardens , and brethren , owing to indisposition of Bro . Lindsey , R . W . M ., who could
not attend . Bro . Mace and Reynolds were passed to the Fellow-Craft , and raised to the degree of Master Masons . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form , when the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment to Bro . Blyth ' s . The health of the newly-made brothers of the lodge was given and responded to . A most pleasant evening was passed , and as the hour
of eleven drew on , the brethren separated . We must not omit to remark that some capital songs were sung by Bros . Mace and Reynolds , and other brethren of the lodge , and visiting brethren of Lodge Union , 250 . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MUNGO ( NO . 27 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Thursday , the 4 th
inst ., Bro . Dugald Butler , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . A . Bain , P . M ., acting S . W . ; G . McComb , J . W . ; Archibald McTaggart , D . M . There were also present : —Bro . John Munro , R . W . M ., Lodge Commercial , No . 3 60 ; W . H . Bickerton { Freemason ); and a goodly number of brethren of the lodge and visitors . The lodge was opened by Bro . D . Butler , R . W . M ., thc minutes read and confirmed . The
Secretaiy then read a letter from a brother in England , stating that Bro . Joseph John Basoine , a member of Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 S . C , was in a state of destitution , caused by total blindness . Bro . Dugald Butler , in . reference to this letter , called upon the brethren to exercise that great principle of Freemasonry , Charity , and made a motion that Lodge St . Mungo should vote £ 5 and recommend
another £$ from the Provincial Benevolent Fund , to meet Bro . Basoine ' s present wants . This motion was received unanimously . Bro . Archibald McTaggart , D . M ., in an able , painstaking , and correct style , initiated Messrs . John Brownie McNichol and Peter McNichol into the mysteries and the privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Bros . J . C . Auld and Geo . Miller were then raised to the sublime
degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed in a most solemn and impressive manner by Bro . John Munro , R . W . M . No . 3 60 , and Bro . A . Bain , P . M . No . 27 . There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , at
213 , Buchanan-street , on 25 th ult ., the R . W . M ., Bro . Jas . F . Mitchell , presiding , beside whom on the dais was Bro . John Munro , R . W . M . 3 60 . The lodge having been opened , a candidate was duly vouched for , Joseph Allmark , and received thc first degree at the hands of the R . W . M . There being no further business , the lodge was closed . On the following day an emergency meeting was held , at
which Bro . Allmark was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft , and thereafter raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the working of both being performed by the R . W . M . in a markedly efficient manner . On Friday , 29 th ult ., a harmony meeting in connection with this lodge was held within their hall in Buchananstreet , when the first of a series of lectures on " important
social subjects" was delivered by Bro . J ohn Smith , Secretary of the lodge . The chair was occupied by the R . W . M ., Bro . f . F . Mitchell , with whom , on the dais , were Bros . Thos . Halket , William Bell , R . W . M . ji ; and Thomas Fletcher , P . M . 3 J . The lodge having been opened and adjourned to refreshment , the Chairman said there was no necessity for him to say much in introducing Bro . Smith
to them . He was known as a most efficient Mason and a most efficient accountant , so that would be all right . He ( the chairman ) was sure he spoke the mind of them , all , that a series of lectures given in a Masonic hall would meet with a most hearty reception . Some years ago they had a series there , which were very successful , and he did not see why they should not be so now . If they merely
met there night after night to see people brought from darkness to light , there would be a sameness about their proceedings which such a feature as these lectures would tend to obviate . Referring to the fact that the proceeds of collection to be made on each lecture night are to go to the cause of charity , the Chairman said that such lectures ought , by every right-thinking Mason , to be most heartily
supported . He then introduced Bro . Smith , who proceeded with thc lecture , the subject of which was " Millions of Money for the Million ; or how Life Assurance can be made doubly sure , and become a great Monetary Medium for the People . " The lecture was divided into four parts , during thc intervals between which some excellent songs were given by Bros . Halket , Robert Fraser , and others . A
second lecture , in continuation of the same subject , is to be given by Bro . Smith , on 16 th inst ., and the future arrangements include also two lectures on "Music" and "The Drama , " with illustrations , and one by the R . W . M . ( Bro . Mitchell ) entitled "Down a Coal Pit . " GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION AND CROWN ( No . 103 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the
hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on 25 th ult ., the R . W . M . in the chair . The lodge having opened in the E . A . degree , the following candidates , all duly vouched for , were initiated into the mysteries of the order by Bro . George Muir , D . M ., viz .: Messrs . John Arkison , Thos . Murphy , William Murray , Peter Thos . Ewing , and Andrew Robertson . Thereafter , Bros . Alex . Bain , jun ., Edward Wylie , and John
Dunlop , were raised from Fellow-Craft to the sublime degree by Bro . Alex . Bain , P . M . ; who also performed the ceremony of installing Bro . David Murray as S . M . of the lodge . There being no further business , thc lodge was thereafter closed in due form . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION ( No . 332 ) . —The regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodgeroom , 170 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Monday , 1 st .