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Annual Dinner Of The Emblematic Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1321.
A capital musical programme was provided , the following ladies and gentlemen taking part : Miss Susetta Fenn , Miss Edith Yorke , Mr . Gurney Russell , Mr . Fred . Wilson , Sidney Bryant , Edvin Bullock , W . J . Morrell , W . R . G . Roberts ( by kind permission of Messrs . Maskelyne and Cook ) , Bros . W . J . Harris , C . Stuart Walker . Geo . Thatcher , F . B irnes , A . White , W . Sergeant Lee , M . A ., Victor Offerman ( accempanyist ) , and Clement Harris . Altogether it was a most enjoyable evening , and Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M ., President and Preceptor of the Emblematic Lodge of Instructioi , is to be heart ily congratulated on such a successful gathering .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Masonic Hall At Greenock.
The loundation-stone of the new Masonic Hall for Lodge St . John , No . 175 , was laid with full Masonic honours and in the presence of a large gathering of brethren on Saturday , the Sth inst . The brethren , after being marshalled in the Sugar Exchange , marched through the principal streets to the site of the new
building , where Bro . James Reid , R . W . M . 175 , and Depute Prov . Grand Master of the Province of Renfrewshire West , performed the ceremony with the usual customs and usages . He was ably assisted by the Wardens and Office Bearers of No . 175 , and by Bro . Major F . W . Allan , Depute Prov . Grand Master of the Province of Renfrewshire East .
At the conclusion of the ceremony the brethren assembled in the saloon of the Town Hall , where a cake and wine banquet had been prepared . Bro . James Reid occupied the chair and discharged his duties in his usual cheery and exemplary manner . A long toast list was submitted and duly honoured . Bro . REID , in the course of his remarks in reply to the toast of " The Lodge Greenock St . John , No . 175 , " said that when he took the chair some two years
ago the lodge funds stood at something like £ 1000 , but by the energy of the brethren and the success of the bazaar lately held the funds now stood at near £ 3000 , and this , after paying ^ 500 for the site that would shortly be occupied by the building of which they had just laid the foundation . He thanked the visiting brethren for their presence at the ceremony and trusted they would all enjoy themselves during the remainder of the evening .
A very enjoyable evening was joon afler brought to a happy end , and every one present expressed his appreciation of the entertainment and enjoyment oi the harmony which prevailed throughout .
Presentation To Bro. George Abbott, P.M. 192
Interesting ceremonies took place on Monday last , at the Charing-cross and Cannon'Street Termini of the South E istern Railway , when Bro . George Abbott , who then completed his 50 years' service in the company named , was presented with a handsome testimonial and address at each station . The presentation at Charing Cross consisted of a silver epergne and cutglass fruit dishes , and that at Cannon-street of a set of handsome entre ; dishes .
A large number of the staff met at each station to congratulate Bro . Abbott on the auspicious anniversary . The presentation was made at Charing Cross by Mr . S wirr , chief clerk , and and at Cannon-street by Mr . PLANT , the chief inspector , both of whom spoke of the high esteem in which Bro . Abbott was held by his fellow-servants . Bro . ABBOTT , who was cordially cheered , responded in suitable terms .
Inauguration Of The Zodiac Lodge Of Instruction.
A very large number of b-ethren asse-nbled in the Misanic Hall connected With the Denmark Hotel , East Ham , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., the occasion being the inauguration of the above lodge , It will be remembered that the mother lodge was only consecrated in July last , and it is very creditable to the brethren to determine upon giving facilities to its new members to ^ learn the meaning of what they have been initiated into .
There were present Bros . Charles J . R . Tijou , P . A . G . P . ; B . C . Curtis , P . M . ; G . Bidders , P . M . ; A . T . Ives , P . M . ; Palmer , P . M . ; T . Cowell , J . S . Chapman , Wm . W . Ives , Dale , Eggbrecht , Pilgrim , Quinn , G . Smith , Wilkinson , Willson , Wheldon , Munn , Sturt , Manning , Stillwell , Brough , Melkin , and several other brethren .
Bro . W . W . IVES , from the chair , informed the brethren that the W . M . of the Zodiac Lodge had been pleased to grant them a sanction for a lodge of instruction under his warrant , and as it was the unanimous wish of the brethren to elect Bro . Thomas Cowell as their Preceptor , he called upon that brother to come forward , and duly invested him with a collar of offi ; e , and congratulated the brethren on having secured so learned a Freemason .
Bro . Cowell assumed the chair , with Bros . Sidders , as S . W . j Chapman , J . W . ; Thomas , S . D . ; Dale , J . D . ; Melkin , I . G . ; and Manning , Org ., and opened the lodge in the First Degree . The brethren of the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , being on this occasion especially invited to work the ceremonies , occupied the various offices vacated by the officers of the lodge . The W . M ., Bro . A . T .
Ives , the Preceptor of the Henley Lodge , had Bros . Palmer as S . W . ; Morgan as J . W . ; Stevenson as S . D . ; TaiteasJ . D . ; and J , Andrew as I . G . The ceremony of initiation was most impressively worked with Bro . Stillwell as candidate . The officers of the lodge having re-assumed their posts , a hearty vote of thanks to the Henley brethren was unanimously carried and responded to by their Precep ' . or , Bro . A . T . IVES , P . M .
Bros . J , S , Chapman , W , W , Ives , and W . Henshaw were unanimously re-elected Treasurer , Secretary , and Asst . Secretary , respectively , A number of the brethren joined what now fairly claims to be one of the largest lodges of instruction in the East of London , a success due to the popularity of the Preceptor , and his excellent method of teaching .
Bro . C . J . R . Tijou , P . A . G . P ., in responding to a vote of thanks for his presei . ee , expressed his pleasure at being present , and admired the healthy friendly feeling existing between the two lodges , the Henley and the Z idiac , and especially referred to the 15 sections that Bro . Cowell , Preceptor , had worked on i . former occasion , and wishing the new lodge every success .
Inauguration Of The Zodiac Lodge Of Instruction.
The lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet which was admirably served by Bro . G . Smith , the proprietor . In the absence of Bro . Cowell , who had retired indisposed , Bro . William W . Ives , J . W . 2615 , presided , and after all the good things had been duly discussed and appreciated , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , a musical entertainment followed , under the direction of Bros . J . J . Berry and Chapman . A most enjoyable and enthusiastic evening terminating , the brethren departed to their homes singing the national anthem in commemoration of the 60 th year of the Queen ' s glorious reign .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
The consecration of the Stellenbosch Lodge , Stellenbosch , Western Division , South Africa , took place on Saturday , the 9 th ultimo . The lodge was consecrated under a provisional warrant granted by the D . G . M . of the Western Division , South Africa , Bro . the Very Rev . C . W . Barnett Clarke , M . A ., pending the arrival of the charter from the Grand Lodge of England A party of brethren went from Cape Town in the afternoon , including Bros . J . B . Wheelwright , D . D . G . M . ; C . J . Hogg , D . S . G . W . ; A . W .
Snashall , D . J . G . W . ; J . E . King , D . G . Treas . ; G . E . O . Bennett ,
D . G . D . C , acting D . G . Sec . ; T . Millwain , D . A . G . D . C ; E . Buxton , D . G . Tyler ; C . J . Bate , W . M . St . Jan Lodge , Malmesbury ; H . Cunningham , W . M . Lodge de Goede Trouw ( Netherlands Constitution ) ; J . J . Johnston , W . M . elect St . Patrick ' s Lodge , Cape Town ( I . C . ) ; and representatives from many of the lodges in Cape Town and neighbourhood .
The lodge holds its meetings in the Court-house , a building fairly suitable for the purpose . The Consecrating Officer was the D . D . G . M ., assisted by the D . S . G . W . as Chaplain , who delivered a short but effective oration , the D . G . Treas . filling the S . W . ' s chair . After the ceremony of consecration was performed , the installation of the W . M . elect took place , Bro . C . Stapylton-Adkins , P . M . Rocky Park Lodge , No . 2252 , Barkly East .
The usual addresses were delivered , and the W . M . invested his officers as follows : Bros . George Prince , P . M ., I . P . M . ; John Cook , S . W . ; H . R . Rowe , J . W . ; J . W . Honey , Treas . ; J . Cook , acting Sec . ; G . West , S . D . ; A . B . de Villiers , J . D . ; and William Allez , I . G . Several proposals for initiation were made , and the new lodge , which
started with 15 members , bid fair to prosper . Many of its members and candidates are connected with the various educational establishments of Stellenbosch , including a fair sprinkling of graduates of British Universities . A banquet was held in the billiard-room of the Commercial Hotel , at which about three dozen sat down .
In proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " the DEPUTY DISTRICT GRAND MASTER spoke of the energy and labour that Bro . S . Adkins had bestowed in the lodge , which might fairly be said to be called into existence by his labours .
Bro . ADKINS suitably responded . The other usual toasts were also given and acknowledged , Bro . BATE , W . M . of the Lodge St . Jin , Malmesbury , alluding with pleasure to the knowledge of the good work that Bro . Adkins had done in the Rocky Park Lodge , of which they were both P . Ms .
Next morning many of the Cape Town brethren were up betimes and to the station about five o ' clock to await the Main Line train . Punctuality , however , can hardly be expected of a train in South Africa after a journey of 600 or 700 miles on a single line , and this was only three and a half hoars late , impatience being intensified by hunger , strongly developed by the keen morning air .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 242 . The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Nether Hall , Doncaster , on Friday , the 5 th instant . Present : Bros . R . Bridge , W . M . ; J . H . Pawson , I . P . M . ; F . H . Buckland , S . W . j G . Smith , J . W . ; F . Rand , P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; F . Duff , Sec ; H . C . White , S . D . ; F . W . Turner , J . D . ; H . Foster ,
LG . ; S . B . Castle , Steward ; A . W . Fretwell , P . M . ; C . Goldthorpe , P . M . ; F . J . Forth , P . M . ; F . Webb , P . M . ; J . Fitzgerald , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . W . J . Saunders , 599 ; G . Milner , 1 S 0 ; M . Dawson , 1482 j and J . Constable , 1482 and 2259 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . Hirst and Bridge were duly passed to the Degree of F . C . At . the close the brethren partook of light refreshment in the anteroom .
Unanimity Lodge , No . 287 . The regular meeting of lhe above good old lod ^ e which was very numerously attended by brethren and visitors , was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Arthur James Hewett , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes ofthe last lodge meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . J . H . Ciod and W . A . Hall were passed to the Degree of F . C , Bro . C . D . Cheetham performing one of the ceremonies . Before the closing of the lodge a very interesting event tojk place in the pres : ntation by the brethren of a
centenary jenrel to Bro . Charles Derbyshire Cheetham , P . M . 993 , and Prov . J . G . W . of East Lancashire , who 12 months ago became a joining brother of the lodge . In asking the W . M . to present the j ; wel Bro . Dawson , P . M ., Treas ., and Charity Representative , spoke in high terms of the esteem in which Bro . Cheetham was held , not only in that lodge , but by every one in Cheshire ; who had the honour of his acquaintance , and in East Lancashire , the largest province in the world . Bro . Cheetham's name is held in reverence by all who know him , he being at the time their honjured Vice-Chairm in of
the Charity Council . Bro . D-iwion went on to say Bro . Cheetham was Vice-Patron of the R . M . B . L , and owns over 300 votes , and has served as Steward abjut a djzen times at the Old Folk ' s Festival in Londo . i , a Life Governor of the R . M . I . for Girls and Boys , and coming nearer hjm ; . he is a Patron of tie Etst Linciihiri Systematic Benevolent Institution , and to hii credit be it said four members of Bro . Cheetham ' s family had qualified as Life Governors of th ; East Lincashire Benevolent ln « itu : ijn . Bros . T . E . Rigby , P M ., and James Cookso . i , P .. VI ., P . P . G . W ., spoke in high terms of the many sterling qua ities ol Bro . Cheetham . The W . M ., Bro . A . J . Hewett , in a few well-chosen words , askeJ the worthy brother to accept the centenary jewel as an expression of goodwill towards him and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Annual Dinner Of The Emblematic Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1321.
A capital musical programme was provided , the following ladies and gentlemen taking part : Miss Susetta Fenn , Miss Edith Yorke , Mr . Gurney Russell , Mr . Fred . Wilson , Sidney Bryant , Edvin Bullock , W . J . Morrell , W . R . G . Roberts ( by kind permission of Messrs . Maskelyne and Cook ) , Bros . W . J . Harris , C . Stuart Walker . Geo . Thatcher , F . B irnes , A . White , W . Sergeant Lee , M . A ., Victor Offerman ( accempanyist ) , and Clement Harris . Altogether it was a most enjoyable evening , and Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M ., President and Preceptor of the Emblematic Lodge of Instructioi , is to be heart ily congratulated on such a successful gathering .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Masonic Hall At Greenock.
The loundation-stone of the new Masonic Hall for Lodge St . John , No . 175 , was laid with full Masonic honours and in the presence of a large gathering of brethren on Saturday , the Sth inst . The brethren , after being marshalled in the Sugar Exchange , marched through the principal streets to the site of the new
building , where Bro . James Reid , R . W . M . 175 , and Depute Prov . Grand Master of the Province of Renfrewshire West , performed the ceremony with the usual customs and usages . He was ably assisted by the Wardens and Office Bearers of No . 175 , and by Bro . Major F . W . Allan , Depute Prov . Grand Master of the Province of Renfrewshire East .
At the conclusion of the ceremony the brethren assembled in the saloon of the Town Hall , where a cake and wine banquet had been prepared . Bro . James Reid occupied the chair and discharged his duties in his usual cheery and exemplary manner . A long toast list was submitted and duly honoured . Bro . REID , in the course of his remarks in reply to the toast of " The Lodge Greenock St . John , No . 175 , " said that when he took the chair some two years
ago the lodge funds stood at something like £ 1000 , but by the energy of the brethren and the success of the bazaar lately held the funds now stood at near £ 3000 , and this , after paying ^ 500 for the site that would shortly be occupied by the building of which they had just laid the foundation . He thanked the visiting brethren for their presence at the ceremony and trusted they would all enjoy themselves during the remainder of the evening .
A very enjoyable evening was joon afler brought to a happy end , and every one present expressed his appreciation of the entertainment and enjoyment oi the harmony which prevailed throughout .
Presentation To Bro. George Abbott, P.M. 192
Interesting ceremonies took place on Monday last , at the Charing-cross and Cannon'Street Termini of the South E istern Railway , when Bro . George Abbott , who then completed his 50 years' service in the company named , was presented with a handsome testimonial and address at each station . The presentation at Charing Cross consisted of a silver epergne and cutglass fruit dishes , and that at Cannon-street of a set of handsome entre ; dishes .
A large number of the staff met at each station to congratulate Bro . Abbott on the auspicious anniversary . The presentation was made at Charing Cross by Mr . S wirr , chief clerk , and and at Cannon-street by Mr . PLANT , the chief inspector , both of whom spoke of the high esteem in which Bro . Abbott was held by his fellow-servants . Bro . ABBOTT , who was cordially cheered , responded in suitable terms .
Inauguration Of The Zodiac Lodge Of Instruction.
A very large number of b-ethren asse-nbled in the Misanic Hall connected With the Denmark Hotel , East Ham , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., the occasion being the inauguration of the above lodge , It will be remembered that the mother lodge was only consecrated in July last , and it is very creditable to the brethren to determine upon giving facilities to its new members to ^ learn the meaning of what they have been initiated into .
There were present Bros . Charles J . R . Tijou , P . A . G . P . ; B . C . Curtis , P . M . ; G . Bidders , P . M . ; A . T . Ives , P . M . ; Palmer , P . M . ; T . Cowell , J . S . Chapman , Wm . W . Ives , Dale , Eggbrecht , Pilgrim , Quinn , G . Smith , Wilkinson , Willson , Wheldon , Munn , Sturt , Manning , Stillwell , Brough , Melkin , and several other brethren .
Bro . W . W . IVES , from the chair , informed the brethren that the W . M . of the Zodiac Lodge had been pleased to grant them a sanction for a lodge of instruction under his warrant , and as it was the unanimous wish of the brethren to elect Bro . Thomas Cowell as their Preceptor , he called upon that brother to come forward , and duly invested him with a collar of offi ; e , and congratulated the brethren on having secured so learned a Freemason .
Bro . Cowell assumed the chair , with Bros . Sidders , as S . W . j Chapman , J . W . ; Thomas , S . D . ; Dale , J . D . ; Melkin , I . G . ; and Manning , Org ., and opened the lodge in the First Degree . The brethren of the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , being on this occasion especially invited to work the ceremonies , occupied the various offices vacated by the officers of the lodge . The W . M ., Bro . A . T .
Ives , the Preceptor of the Henley Lodge , had Bros . Palmer as S . W . ; Morgan as J . W . ; Stevenson as S . D . ; TaiteasJ . D . ; and J , Andrew as I . G . The ceremony of initiation was most impressively worked with Bro . Stillwell as candidate . The officers of the lodge having re-assumed their posts , a hearty vote of thanks to the Henley brethren was unanimously carried and responded to by their Precep ' . or , Bro . A . T . IVES , P . M .
Bros . J , S , Chapman , W , W , Ives , and W . Henshaw were unanimously re-elected Treasurer , Secretary , and Asst . Secretary , respectively , A number of the brethren joined what now fairly claims to be one of the largest lodges of instruction in the East of London , a success due to the popularity of the Preceptor , and his excellent method of teaching .
Bro . C . J . R . Tijou , P . A . G . P ., in responding to a vote of thanks for his presei . ee , expressed his pleasure at being present , and admired the healthy friendly feeling existing between the two lodges , the Henley and the Z idiac , and especially referred to the 15 sections that Bro . Cowell , Preceptor , had worked on i . former occasion , and wishing the new lodge every success .
Inauguration Of The Zodiac Lodge Of Instruction.
The lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the banquet which was admirably served by Bro . G . Smith , the proprietor . In the absence of Bro . Cowell , who had retired indisposed , Bro . William W . Ives , J . W . 2615 , presided , and after all the good things had been duly discussed and appreciated , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and responded to , a musical entertainment followed , under the direction of Bros . J . J . Berry and Chapman . A most enjoyable and enthusiastic evening terminating , the brethren departed to their homes singing the national anthem in commemoration of the 60 th year of the Queen ' s glorious reign .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
The consecration of the Stellenbosch Lodge , Stellenbosch , Western Division , South Africa , took place on Saturday , the 9 th ultimo . The lodge was consecrated under a provisional warrant granted by the D . G . M . of the Western Division , South Africa , Bro . the Very Rev . C . W . Barnett Clarke , M . A ., pending the arrival of the charter from the Grand Lodge of England A party of brethren went from Cape Town in the afternoon , including Bros . J . B . Wheelwright , D . D . G . M . ; C . J . Hogg , D . S . G . W . ; A . W .
Snashall , D . J . G . W . ; J . E . King , D . G . Treas . ; G . E . O . Bennett ,
D . G . D . C , acting D . G . Sec . ; T . Millwain , D . A . G . D . C ; E . Buxton , D . G . Tyler ; C . J . Bate , W . M . St . Jan Lodge , Malmesbury ; H . Cunningham , W . M . Lodge de Goede Trouw ( Netherlands Constitution ) ; J . J . Johnston , W . M . elect St . Patrick ' s Lodge , Cape Town ( I . C . ) ; and representatives from many of the lodges in Cape Town and neighbourhood .
The lodge holds its meetings in the Court-house , a building fairly suitable for the purpose . The Consecrating Officer was the D . D . G . M ., assisted by the D . S . G . W . as Chaplain , who delivered a short but effective oration , the D . G . Treas . filling the S . W . ' s chair . After the ceremony of consecration was performed , the installation of the W . M . elect took place , Bro . C . Stapylton-Adkins , P . M . Rocky Park Lodge , No . 2252 , Barkly East .
The usual addresses were delivered , and the W . M . invested his officers as follows : Bros . George Prince , P . M ., I . P . M . ; John Cook , S . W . ; H . R . Rowe , J . W . ; J . W . Honey , Treas . ; J . Cook , acting Sec . ; G . West , S . D . ; A . B . de Villiers , J . D . ; and William Allez , I . G . Several proposals for initiation were made , and the new lodge , which
started with 15 members , bid fair to prosper . Many of its members and candidates are connected with the various educational establishments of Stellenbosch , including a fair sprinkling of graduates of British Universities . A banquet was held in the billiard-room of the Commercial Hotel , at which about three dozen sat down .
In proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " the DEPUTY DISTRICT GRAND MASTER spoke of the energy and labour that Bro . S . Adkins had bestowed in the lodge , which might fairly be said to be called into existence by his labours .
Bro . ADKINS suitably responded . The other usual toasts were also given and acknowledged , Bro . BATE , W . M . of the Lodge St . Jin , Malmesbury , alluding with pleasure to the knowledge of the good work that Bro . Adkins had done in the Rocky Park Lodge , of which they were both P . Ms .
Next morning many of the Cape Town brethren were up betimes and to the station about five o ' clock to await the Main Line train . Punctuality , however , can hardly be expected of a train in South Africa after a journey of 600 or 700 miles on a single line , and this was only three and a half hoars late , impatience being intensified by hunger , strongly developed by the keen morning air .
Craft Masonry
Craft Masonry
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 242 . The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Nether Hall , Doncaster , on Friday , the 5 th instant . Present : Bros . R . Bridge , W . M . ; J . H . Pawson , I . P . M . ; F . H . Buckland , S . W . j G . Smith , J . W . ; F . Rand , P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; F . Duff , Sec ; H . C . White , S . D . ; F . W . Turner , J . D . ; H . Foster ,
LG . ; S . B . Castle , Steward ; A . W . Fretwell , P . M . ; C . Goldthorpe , P . M . ; F . J . Forth , P . M . ; F . Webb , P . M . ; J . Fitzgerald , P . M . ; and many others . Visitors : Bros . W . J . Saunders , 599 ; G . Milner , 1 S 0 ; M . Dawson , 1482 j and J . Constable , 1482 and 2259 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . Hirst and Bridge were duly passed to the Degree of F . C . At . the close the brethren partook of light refreshment in the anteroom .
Unanimity Lodge , No . 287 . The regular meeting of lhe above good old lod ^ e which was very numerously attended by brethren and visitors , was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Arthur James Hewett , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes ofthe last lodge meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . J . H . Ciod and W . A . Hall were passed to the Degree of F . C , Bro . C . D . Cheetham performing one of the ceremonies . Before the closing of the lodge a very interesting event tojk place in the pres : ntation by the brethren of a
centenary jenrel to Bro . Charles Derbyshire Cheetham , P . M . 993 , and Prov . J . G . W . of East Lancashire , who 12 months ago became a joining brother of the lodge . In asking the W . M . to present the j ; wel Bro . Dawson , P . M ., Treas ., and Charity Representative , spoke in high terms of the esteem in which Bro . Cheetham was held , not only in that lodge , but by every one in Cheshire ; who had the honour of his acquaintance , and in East Lancashire , the largest province in the world . Bro . Cheetham's name is held in reverence by all who know him , he being at the time their honjured Vice-Chairm in of
the Charity Council . Bro . D-iwion went on to say Bro . Cheetham was Vice-Patron of the R . M . B . L , and owns over 300 votes , and has served as Steward abjut a djzen times at the Old Folk ' s Festival in Londo . i , a Life Governor of the R . M . I . for Girls and Boys , and coming nearer hjm ; . he is a Patron of tie Etst Linciihiri Systematic Benevolent Institution , and to hii credit be it said four members of Bro . Cheetham ' s family had qualified as Life Governors of th ; East Lincashire Benevolent ln « itu : ijn . Bros . T . E . Rigby , P M ., and James Cookso . i , P .. VI ., P . P . G . W ., spoke in high terms of the many sterling qua ities ol Bro . Cheetham . The W . M ., Bro . A . J . Hewett , in a few well-chosen words , askeJ the worthy brother to accept the centenary jewel as an expression of goodwill towards him and