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VOL . 1 .
A . A Masonic Prayer , 15 . Address delivered to tlie Pkntagenet Preceptory of Instruction , 1 . ANCIENT AND AOOEPTED RITE : —
Bombay , 12 . Ipswich , 13 . Woolwich , 8 . An Old Mason . 10 . Annual Festival of Caledonian Railway Lodgo , Glasgow , 3 . Pic-nic of Lodge of Unity , Southport , 15 . Another Fenian Outrage , 8 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 16 . Answers to Correspondents , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , lo . Antonio Lascaris Coinneno , 8 .
B . Babylonish Pass , or Red Cross Degrees , 11 . Beadon Cliapter , 14 . Births . . ! , 5 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 .
C . Celestial Mysteries , 6 , 7 . CHAPTERS OP INSTRUCTION : —
177 Domatic . 11 . .. Plautagenet Preceptory , 11 . Consecration of tlie De Mowbray Chapter , 13 . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , 9 . Golden Rule Lodge , 10 . ' Grosvenor Lodge , 8 . Neptune Lodge , 16 . aud Dedication of Accacia Lodge , 10 .
CRAFT , TUB : — Mctrii / iolitan . 176 Caveac , 16 . 177 Domatic , 2 . 27 Egyptian . 1 , 10 , 3 Fidelity , S . 861 Finsbury , 8 , 13 . 206 Friendship , II . 255 Harmony , 4 . 2115 Israel , 3 . 8 , 12 . 188 Joima , 9 , 14 .
147 Justice , 2 , 7 . 820 Lily , 11 . 192 Liou aud Lauib , 1 . 121 G Macdonald , 1 , 5 , 10 . 781 Merchant Navy , 11 , 1017 Montefiore , 11 . 700 Nelson , 16 . 235 Nino Muses , 7 .
720 Panmure , 7 . 1178 . Perfect Ashlar , 11 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 7 . 907 Royal Albert . 7 . 19 Royal Athelstan , 11 . 72 Royal Jubilee , 9 . 857 St . Mark's , 2 . 1158 Southern Star , 9 , 12 . 216 Stability , 6 . 185 Tranquility , 7 . 1196 Urban , 4 , 0 . 1118 University , 8 . 802 Whittington , 2 .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , 5 . Provincial . 915 Abingdon , 1 , 2 . 779 Ashby-de-la-Zouch , 2 . 1114 Ashton-under-Lyne , 1 . 1107 Belvidere , 14 . 1121 Bishop Auckland , 11 . 36 Cardiff , ? .
GS 1 Chesterfield , 5 , 14 . 1002 Cockermonth , 1 , G , 13 . G 97 Colchester , 10 . 509 Durham , 2 . 531 Hartlepool , 3 . 114 Ipswich , 8 . 959 Ipswich , ! , 5 . 1194 Isleworth , 1 , 5 , 9 .
CBAb'T , THE—Continued . 1091 Ivybridge , 3 . 1051 Lancaster , 1 , 11 . 279 Leicester . 1 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 12 , 16 .
523 Leicester , 3 , 7 , 12 . 549 Liverpool , 5 , 15 . 1094 Liverpool , 7 . 1161 Manchester , 14 . 127 Margate , 1 , 3 , 5 . 1136 Melton Mowbray , 1 . 949 Moukwearmouth , 10 . 574 Newbury , 1 . 340 Oxford , 13 .
1213 Patricroft , 2 . 1101 Reading , 11 . 341 Rye , 1 . 1206 Sandwich , 2 . 200 Scarborough , 1 , 3 , 16 . 1248 Scarborough , 2 , 7 , 15 . ' 1220 Silloth , 15 . 513 Stokeslev . 12 .
995 Ulverston , 1 . 1076 Walmer , 7 . 869 Waltham Cross , 11 , 15 . 148 Warrington , 13 . 764 West Hartlepool , 16 . 872 Whitehaven , 2 , 3 , 7 . 76 Winchester , 13 . Scotland . 117 Partick , 4 . Stonehaven . 4 .
Ireland . S 4 Baudon , 8 , 0 , 11 . 3 Belfast , 14 . 22 , 11 . 51 , 14 . 59 , 14 .
97 , 10 , 14 . 609 , 8 , 14 . GC 6 Dublin , 2 . 64 Kilkenny , 8 . 379 Tralee , 6 , 9 .
D . Deaths , I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , ( i , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 1-1 , 16 . Divulgiug tho Masonic Word , G . Drumbo Church Erection Fund , Outaria , Canada , 7 .
F . EDITORIAL ARTICLES : — Allegorical Teachings , 3 . High Places of Freemascnry , S Laboraro est Oraro , 4 . Masonic Festivals , 8 . Mutual Congratulations , IG . Our Address , 1 . Past Masters as Preceptors , 10 . " Placo aux Dames , " ( i . Royal Arch Masonry , 2 . Spurious Freemasonry ; or , the Rito of Memphis , 2 . Spurious Masouic Bodies , 14 .
The Church of Rome and Freemasonry , 5 . Earl of Derby on Freemasonry , 10 ' . Explorations in Palestine , G . Fund of Benevolence , 13 . Inauguration of Freemasons' H . \ ll , London , 3 . Lessons of Prosperity , 7 . London Masonic Season , 15 . Negro aud tho Craft , 11 . New Graud Officers , 9 . Parliament of English Freemasonry , 2 . Paths of Virtue and Science , 10 . Princo of Wales and Freemasonry , 13 . Red Cross of Rome and Constantino , 15 . Reward of Masonic Merit , 5 . -Unity of Freemasonry , 12 . Zetland Commemoration Fund , 1 , 7 . What is Freemasonry 1 1 .
EDITOR ' PORTFOLIO : — A beautiful Masonic Prayer , 1 . A Legend , ] . A Masonic Toast , 2 .
EDITOR ' PORTFOLIO—Continued . Masonio Exhortation , 2 . Working Tools , 6 . Seven liberal Arts and Sciences , 6 . Sincerity , 8 . The Hope of Heaven , 16 . England SI years ago , 9 . Especial Grand Lodge for the Dedication of Freemasons ' . Hall , 5 . EXCEBPIS FROM A MASONIC SCRAP BOOK : — Masonic Kuights' Templars , 11 .. Masons on Masonry , 14 .
F . Free ( and Easy ) Masons , 8 . Freemasonry and Politics , o ' . versus Masonry , 5 . French Masonic Literature , 14 . Funeral of the late Bro . George Raymond , 3 .
G . Great Masonic Assembly at Whitehaven , 8 . Graud Lodge of Canada , 15 . Ireland , 14 . . Mark Masons of England , 13 . Stewards , 7 . , Installation of M . W . Grand Master and Grand Officers . 8 . Grand Installation Festival , Windsor , 12 . Masonic Ball , Dublin , 6 . — Masonic Festival at Rochdale , 10 .
H . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , 14 .
I . Ineligibility of Bastards as Freemasons , 14 . Inauguration Festival at Freemasons' Hall , Lomlon , 2 , 6 . Installation of Macdonald Lodge , 10 . tho Southern Star Lodge , 12 . Festival , Abbey Lodgo , Abingdon . !> . Grey Friars' Lodge , Rc-din- ** , 11 . Interesting Masonic Narrative , 14 . Irish Lifeboats , 12 . Is there a God ! 13 .
J . Jubilee of the Domatic Chapter , 4 . JAPAN : — New Masonic Hall , Yokohama , 9 .
K . K NIQUTS' TEMPLARS : — Annual Meeting of P . G . Conclave ef Lancashire , 16 . Metropolitan . Temple Crossing , 11 .
Provincial . Lancashire—Prov . Grand Conclave , 15 . Devonport , 7 . Ipswich , 1 , 10 , 13 . Liverpool , 2 . Manchester , 1 . Newcastle-ou-Tyne , 4 . Plymouth , ! -. The Grand Lodge of Now York and Oraud Orient of France , 16 . KNIGHTS OF MALTA : — Purciyn . St . John , Now Brunswick , 14 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
VOL . 1 .
A . A Masonic Prayer , 15 . Address delivered to tlie Pkntagenet Preceptory of Instruction , 1 . ANCIENT AND AOOEPTED RITE : —
Bombay , 12 . Ipswich , 13 . Woolwich , 8 . An Old Mason . 10 . Annual Festival of Caledonian Railway Lodgo , Glasgow , 3 . Pic-nic of Lodge of Unity , Southport , 15 . Another Fenian Outrage , 8 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 16 . Answers to Correspondents , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , lo . Antonio Lascaris Coinneno , 8 .
B . Babylonish Pass , or Red Cross Degrees , 11 . Beadon Cliapter , 14 . Births . . ! , 5 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 14 , 15 .
C . Celestial Mysteries , 6 , 7 . CHAPTERS OP INSTRUCTION : —
177 Domatic . 11 . .. Plautagenet Preceptory , 11 . Consecration of tlie De Mowbray Chapter , 13 . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , 9 . Golden Rule Lodge , 10 . ' Grosvenor Lodge , 8 . Neptune Lodge , 16 . aud Dedication of Accacia Lodge , 10 .
CRAFT , TUB : — Mctrii / iolitan . 176 Caveac , 16 . 177 Domatic , 2 . 27 Egyptian . 1 , 10 , 3 Fidelity , S . 861 Finsbury , 8 , 13 . 206 Friendship , II . 255 Harmony , 4 . 2115 Israel , 3 . 8 , 12 . 188 Joima , 9 , 14 .
147 Justice , 2 , 7 . 820 Lily , 11 . 192 Liou aud Lauib , 1 . 121 G Macdonald , 1 , 5 , 10 . 781 Merchant Navy , 11 , 1017 Montefiore , 11 . 700 Nelson , 16 . 235 Nino Muses , 7 .
720 Panmure , 7 . 1178 . Perfect Ashlar , 11 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 7 . 907 Royal Albert . 7 . 19 Royal Athelstan , 11 . 72 Royal Jubilee , 9 . 857 St . Mark's , 2 . 1158 Southern Star , 9 , 12 . 216 Stability , 6 . 185 Tranquility , 7 . 1196 Urban , 4 , 0 . 1118 University , 8 . 802 Whittington , 2 .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , 5 . Provincial . 915 Abingdon , 1 , 2 . 779 Ashby-de-la-Zouch , 2 . 1114 Ashton-under-Lyne , 1 . 1107 Belvidere , 14 . 1121 Bishop Auckland , 11 . 36 Cardiff , ? .
GS 1 Chesterfield , 5 , 14 . 1002 Cockermonth , 1 , G , 13 . G 97 Colchester , 10 . 509 Durham , 2 . 531 Hartlepool , 3 . 114 Ipswich , 8 . 959 Ipswich , ! , 5 . 1194 Isleworth , 1 , 5 , 9 .
CBAb'T , THE—Continued . 1091 Ivybridge , 3 . 1051 Lancaster , 1 , 11 . 279 Leicester . 1 , 3 , 6 , 10 , 12 , 16 .
523 Leicester , 3 , 7 , 12 . 549 Liverpool , 5 , 15 . 1094 Liverpool , 7 . 1161 Manchester , 14 . 127 Margate , 1 , 3 , 5 . 1136 Melton Mowbray , 1 . 949 Moukwearmouth , 10 . 574 Newbury , 1 . 340 Oxford , 13 .
1213 Patricroft , 2 . 1101 Reading , 11 . 341 Rye , 1 . 1206 Sandwich , 2 . 200 Scarborough , 1 , 3 , 16 . 1248 Scarborough , 2 , 7 , 15 . ' 1220 Silloth , 15 . 513 Stokeslev . 12 .
995 Ulverston , 1 . 1076 Walmer , 7 . 869 Waltham Cross , 11 , 15 . 148 Warrington , 13 . 764 West Hartlepool , 16 . 872 Whitehaven , 2 , 3 , 7 . 76 Winchester , 13 . Scotland . 117 Partick , 4 . Stonehaven . 4 .
Ireland . S 4 Baudon , 8 , 0 , 11 . 3 Belfast , 14 . 22 , 11 . 51 , 14 . 59 , 14 .
97 , 10 , 14 . 609 , 8 , 14 . GC 6 Dublin , 2 . 64 Kilkenny , 8 . 379 Tralee , 6 , 9 .
D . Deaths , I , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , ( i , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 1-1 , 16 . Divulgiug tho Masonic Word , G . Drumbo Church Erection Fund , Outaria , Canada , 7 .
F . EDITORIAL ARTICLES : — Allegorical Teachings , 3 . High Places of Freemascnry , S Laboraro est Oraro , 4 . Masonic Festivals , 8 . Mutual Congratulations , IG . Our Address , 1 . Past Masters as Preceptors , 10 . " Placo aux Dames , " ( i . Royal Arch Masonry , 2 . Spurious Freemasonry ; or , the Rito of Memphis , 2 . Spurious Masouic Bodies , 14 .
The Church of Rome and Freemasonry , 5 . Earl of Derby on Freemasonry , 10 ' . Explorations in Palestine , G . Fund of Benevolence , 13 . Inauguration of Freemasons' H . \ ll , London , 3 . Lessons of Prosperity , 7 . London Masonic Season , 15 . Negro aud tho Craft , 11 . New Graud Officers , 9 . Parliament of English Freemasonry , 2 . Paths of Virtue and Science , 10 . Princo of Wales and Freemasonry , 13 . Red Cross of Rome and Constantino , 15 . Reward of Masonic Merit , 5 . -Unity of Freemasonry , 12 . Zetland Commemoration Fund , 1 , 7 . What is Freemasonry 1 1 .
EDITOR ' PORTFOLIO : — A beautiful Masonic Prayer , 1 . A Legend , ] . A Masonic Toast , 2 .
EDITOR ' PORTFOLIO—Continued . Masonio Exhortation , 2 . Working Tools , 6 . Seven liberal Arts and Sciences , 6 . Sincerity , 8 . The Hope of Heaven , 16 . England SI years ago , 9 . Especial Grand Lodge for the Dedication of Freemasons ' . Hall , 5 . EXCEBPIS FROM A MASONIC SCRAP BOOK : — Masonic Kuights' Templars , 11 .. Masons on Masonry , 14 .
F . Free ( and Easy ) Masons , 8 . Freemasonry and Politics , o ' . versus Masonry , 5 . French Masonic Literature , 14 . Funeral of the late Bro . George Raymond , 3 .
G . Great Masonic Assembly at Whitehaven , 8 . Graud Lodge of Canada , 15 . Ireland , 14 . . Mark Masons of England , 13 . Stewards , 7 . , Installation of M . W . Grand Master and Grand Officers . 8 . Grand Installation Festival , Windsor , 12 . Masonic Ball , Dublin , 6 . — Masonic Festival at Rochdale , 10 .
H . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , 14 .
I . Ineligibility of Bastards as Freemasons , 14 . Inauguration Festival at Freemasons' Hall , Lomlon , 2 , 6 . Installation of Macdonald Lodge , 10 . tho Southern Star Lodge , 12 . Festival , Abbey Lodgo , Abingdon . !> . Grey Friars' Lodge , Rc-din- ** , 11 . Interesting Masonic Narrative , 14 . Irish Lifeboats , 12 . Is there a God ! 13 .
J . Jubilee of the Domatic Chapter , 4 . JAPAN : — New Masonic Hall , Yokohama , 9 .
K . K NIQUTS' TEMPLARS : — Annual Meeting of P . G . Conclave ef Lancashire , 16 . Metropolitan . Temple Crossing , 11 .
Provincial . Lancashire—Prov . Grand Conclave , 15 . Devonport , 7 . Ipswich , 1 , 10 , 13 . Liverpool , 2 . Manchester , 1 . Newcastle-ou-Tyne , 4 . Plymouth , ! -. The Grand Lodge of Now York and Oraud Orient of France , 16 . KNIGHTS OF MALTA : — Purciyn . St . John , Now Brunswick , 14 .