Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
« [ The Editor will be happy to receive Reports of Lodge Meetings at the earliest possible moment , to insure their insertion . ] THE GRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 . A meeting of this lodge—formed in May last in connection with the 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteer corps , and takinsr its name from the esteemed Lieut -Colonel
Commandant of that corps—was held at the Lodgeroom , Head Quarters , Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., when were present : —Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , P . M . and P . Z ., W . M . ; Bro . James Stevens , P . M . and P . Z ., S . W . ; Bro . John Thomas , P . M . and
P . Z ., Acting J . AV . ( in the absence of Bro . P . de Keyser ) ; Bro . J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; Bro . Waterall as S . D . ; Bro . AVagstafTe , J . D . ; Bro . J . Green , I . G . ; also Bros . Captains Wire and Thos . Irvine , Licuts .
II . ruckle and Fletcher , Ensign Fourdrinier , Dr . Cronin , Dicker , llastie . Bridges , Carnell , Ball , Larlham , Kethro , Patton , AVolfon , Cowdry , Newton , and other members , and Bros . Griffiths , Thomas , Dix , and other visitors .
Thc lodge having been duly opened in the three degrees , Bros . Fletcher and Cowdry were severally raised to the sublime degree of -faster Mason , in that most solemn and impressive manner for which the Macdonald Lodge , although so young , has already
earned a reputation in the Craft . AVe have observed that on each occasion of our visits the respective ceremonies—but more especially that in the third degreehave been rendered with enhanced attention to detail and effect , and certainly we . have never yet witnessed
so perfect and imposing a ceremonial as on this evening . The entire arrangements of the lodge in respect of drapery and li g hting , and tho musical accessories under the direction of Bro . Captain Wire , are such as cannot , f-iil to impress visitors with a full
conviction that Masonry , as it should be practised , is well understood by the members of this lodge , and in their hands will not be allowed to subside into a mere prosaic rendering of sublime language unaccompanied , in too many instances , bv even the remotest evidence of
feeling or animation . AVe recommend our brethren to visit tho Macdonald Lodge whenever opportunity may offer , if only to observe the working of this degree . On the termination of tlie Raisings , the lodge was closed in the third degree , resumed to the first , and
called off for light refreshment . After remaining under the charge of the J . AV . for about twenty minutes , it was again called on , resumed to the second degree , and Bros . Patton and AA olton were respectivel y passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was closed
to thc first degree , and Mr . AA ilham Arthur AYillis was introduced to the Light of Masonry . Here again tho foregoing observations as to impressiveness of ceremonial apply . Every officer knows his duty well , and the habit of disci pline practised in thc corps is
made available in the lodge-room to cause the business there to go well and smoothly . Proposals for initiation and joining having been taken , the AA . M . proceeded to fill up a vacant office to which no appointment had hitherto been made
that of Director of Ceremonies . Giving consideration to the progress made by one of the junior brethren of the lodge—through his attention to tho Lodge of Improvement—and that he had really qualified himself forthe ofiice , the AV M . selected Bro . Bridges , and
invested him with tlie collar of D . C . The W . M . then read a letter from Bro . ILJ . Godden , resigning , in consequence of inability to attend on many occasions of the lodge meeting , his office of Treasurer . The resignation having been accepted
with regret . Dr Cronin was proposed by Bro . Stevens , S . AV ., to fill tlie office pro . tern ., and that Brother was unanimously appointed thereto . The AV . M . stated that he had commenced his canvass , as tbe representative of the . lodge , as Steward at
the ensuing Festival of the Boys' -lasonic School . lie desired to evince his appreciation of the position he had accepted , and his interest in the chanty liy constituting himself a life governor of the institution . Bro . Stevens . S A \ ., proposed , Bro , AVagstafTe , J . D .,
seconded , and it was unanimously resolved : " I hat a sum of ten guineas be voted to the Boys' School , to be placed on the W . M . 's list , to constitute the lodge a life governor of the institution . " Several members then gave their names for individual subscript ions , and there can be no doubt that the
Macdonald Lodgo was not near tho bottom of the list , in regard to amount of subscriptions , when the stewards' returns were read out at thc Festival on the 10 th inst . Some further matters of business were then attended to , and , * although nearly twelve o ' clock , in the same orderly manner as at the commencement of the
evening . Thc lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . AVe are informed that it is thc intention of the principal ollieers and some of thc members of this lodge
to form a Conclave of the Christian and Military Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , for which purpose an assembly was called for the 12 th instant ( last evening ) . AA e predict for such Conclave a most brilliant success , and shall be glad to watch and report its progress .
Egyptian Lodge . No . 27 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 4 th iust . The AV . M ., Bro . Lib-is , opened the proceedings and went through the entire business of tbe evening iu a careful and efficient manner .
Mr . Charles Walter was initiated , Bro . Sutherland passed , and Bro . Jones raised . The election of a Steward to represent the lodge at the Inauguration of Freemasons' Hall resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . H . G . Buss , P . M ., the respected
Secretary , as the recipient of this coveted distinction . As usual , the worthy "Egyptians" maintained their reputation for benevolence , as Bro . Jacobs , P . M ., who is Steward for the Girls' School Festival reported the subscriptions on bis list as having reached the handsome sum of £ 00 .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —A meeting of this old lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren in due form , and tlie minutes of tlie last meeting
were read and confirmed . Ihe lodge was opened iu the third degree , aud Bro . Colin raised to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed down to the second degree , and Bros . Taylor , Haynes , aud Grotty were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was
then resumed to the first degree , when Mr . Arkell and Mr . Younger were balloted for aud approved of , and were regularly initiated into Freemasonry ; the ceremonies of the three degrees being worked bv Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M . Among the brethren
present were Bros . Goodycr , P . M . and Treasurer ; I . G . Marsh , I . P . M . ; 11 . Gates , P . M . ; Higman , S . AA . ; Roberts , I . AV . ; Child , S . D . ; Trott , J . D . ; Newman , I . G . ; and several others . Visitors , Bros . Dr . O'Connor , P . M ., 27 ; Anthony O'Neal Have ,
P . M . ; J . Brett , P . M ., 177 ; and Levy , P . M ., 188 . The lodge was then closed in due form and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Those loyal and masonic toasts were then given and responded to . Tlie W . M . then presented the I . P . M .
with a P . M . Jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , manufactured by Bro . G , Kenning , of Little Britain , which gave the greatest satisfaction to tlie brethren present . The attention of the members was then
called to the masonic charity for aged freemasons , when the sum of £ ' il was collected for the same . Thc several toasts being interspersed with some very good harmony by Bros . Levy , Garden and Gardner , which brought the evening to a happy termination .
ISLEWORTH . — Villiers Lodge , No . 1104 . —A special meeting of this lodge was held at the Northumberland Anns Hotel , Isleworth , on the 27 th ult ., the AV . M ., Bro -Sidney E . Clarke , presided , supported by Bros . J . Trickett , S . AV . ; AV . Dodd , J . AV . ; R .
Gurney , Treasurer ; 1 ? , AV . Little , P . M ., Secretary ; E . T . Osbahlcslon , I . G . ; T . Smale , D . C . ; and a number of non-ollicial brethren . Major Henry AV . Palmer was initiated by the AV . M ., who was then compelled to leave , owing to tho illness of a relative . Bro , AA alters , P . M ., then passed Bro . Tustin to the
second degree , and Bro Little raised Bro . Bailey to the degree of M . M . The circular respecting the Inauguration Festival at Freemasons' Hall , on the 14 th April , having been read , Bro . 11 . Wentworth Little , P . M ., was unanimously chosen as the Steward to represent the " Villiers" upon that occasion . Tbe lodge was then closed .
PROVINCIAL . CuMBKm . AXi > AND WKSTMOIILAND . — Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodgo rooms ( Bro . Thwaites ' , ) , Market-place , Coekermoulh , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Present , the AV . M ,, Bro . Shilton , in thc chair ;
Bro Puxley , P . P . G . C , as S . W .: Bro . Robinson , S . AV ., as J . AV , ; Br . Thwaites , P . J . W ., as Secretary ; and Bro . Evening , I . G . ; there were also present Bro , Faithful ! , ] . F . M ., aml PPJ . G . AV . ; Bro . Dodson , P . M . ; Bro . Rapley , Bro . AA ' ybcrgh ; Bro . Ilauiuiil ; Bro
C . Marpon , S . D . ; Bro . Bailey , P . S . D . ; Bro . Pearson , P . S . AV . ; and Bro . Potts , Tyler . The lodge being opened the minutes of the proceeding meeting were confirmed , as also the minutes of a special meeting , when it was unaiiimouslv asireed to subscribe £ & os
from the lodge funds to the Zetland Memorial Fund , and Bro . Faithful ! , P . P . G . J . AV ., P . M ., was unanimously elected steward to ( he s / iine 'J'lie ballot was then taken for tlio Rev . AV . AVilliams of Christ Church , Coekermoulh , and be wns afterwards duly entered and
initiated ; Bro . Dr . ]) o ( l gson , P . MM officiating with his usual ability as Deacon ; the Senior AVarden ' s chair being filled by the vicar , Br . Puxley . Nothing further remaining to be done the lodgo was closed according to ancient usage . One particular feature of this lodge
is that it is held at private rooms , which have been fitted up m an elaborate style , and no refreshments ( so called ) are allowed , so that brethren are not led into the temptation of late hours .
MARGATE The Union Lodge , No . 127 This ancient lodge met on Friday , the 5 th inst ., when an unusual circumstance occurred—namely , there was no ceremony to be worked , an event of rare , occurrence ; whereupon Bro . P . M . E . C . IIavward , P . Prov . S . GD .
Kent , who is also the valued Masonic Instructor , Installing Master , and Treasurer of the lodge , in the absence of the AV . M . assumed the gavel and ascended the chair . The lodge having been duly opened and thc minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed ,
the acting W . M . availed himself of this pause in the general routine of lodge business to test the quality of the brethren iu respect to their Masonic knowledge , and at once proceeded to work the seven sections of the 1 st degree , and all present were gratified to hear
the able manner in which the answers were given by the brethren : —Bro . T . M . Compton , to the 1 st section ; Bro . Alfred AVootton , to the Siid ' nnd 3 rd ; Bro . W . K . Treves , S . D ., to the -th ; Bro . P . M . Townsend , to the 5 th and Gth ; and Bro . Geo . E . Hawkes , S . AA ' ., to
the 7 th . The answers were given by each of those Brothers in a distinct and impressive manner , and afforded much Masonic instruction and pleasure to the numerous brethren present . It is intended at any future time when a . similar opportunity may occur , to embrace it by working , in open lodge , tho sections
in all the degrees , thus laying before the brethren the whole of that beautiful teaching which is recognised and esteemed by all good Masons as the most perfect system of morality ever unveiled before the human mind At the conclusion of this interesting work , Bro . P . M . Brasier , Past Prov . G . S . B . Kent , proposed , and Bro . P . M . Dixon
seconded"I hat as a strenuous and laudable cnort is now being made throughout London and the various provinces to raise a sufficient sum to pay oil" Hie heavy debt with which the Masonic Hoys' School is at present encumbered , at thc ensuing Fctival on the 10 th instant , a further subscription of Ten Guineas be voted from this lodge iu aid of the fund for that purpose . "
1 his resolution having been carried unanimously , the gratifying fact was announced that Miss Hayward , the daughter of P . M . Hayward , the presiding W . M ., had herself collected a further sum of £ 10 10 s . for the same noble purpose , which would be forwarded at
the same time , making a sum of _ 0 guineas in aid of the movement for the emancipation of one of our magnificent charities from its temporary difficulty AVe may mention that it was intended to have presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Townsend , who is also , and
has been for many years , the indefatigable Secretary of the lodge , a P . M . 's Jewel , which had been previously voted by the lodge , but owing to the absence of the AA- ' . M . the presentation was deferred , at the suggestion of the I . P . M . himself , until the next meeting , on the 19 th inst .
IrswiCH Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Monday , Ist inst ., in their beautiful hall , which has just been decorated by Bro . F . Crisp , of Ipswich . The W . M ., the Rev It . N . Sanderson , presided . After the usual preliminaries , two gentlemen were ballotted
for and , having been duly accepted , were admitted nnd initiated into the mysteries of tlie Craft . The working tools of an E . A . P . were described by the M . of the Ceremonies , and the charge delivered io ( he newly initiated by P . M . Townsend . The lodge was afterwards closed in ancient form .
AHINC'DON . —Abbey Jjodge , No . 945 . —Bro . J . 'J ' . Morland has undertaken the dutiesof steward fortius province , in connection with the following Anniversary Festival of the Masonio Institution for Boys ,
and we are gratified to learn that Br . Morland s appeal for subscriptions and donations on bthalf of that excellent institution has been responded to by several lodges .
Niswiiunv . —Lodge of Hope , No . 574 . —Bro . AV . C . Bland , P . G . J . W ., has been instilled for the fourth ye . n- as W . M . of this lodge . The installing member was Bro . AV . Biggs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . AV ., Wilts . The ollieers invested were . as follows : I . P . M ., Br . G . Boyer ; S . AV ., Bro . AV . AV . King , P . M . ; J . AV ., Bro .
A . Burns ; Treasurer , Bro . F . G . Hall , P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . Geo . J . Cosh-urn , ( Herald office ); S . D ., Bro . Johnson ; J . D ., Bro . Charles AVheeler ; I . G ., Bro . Jos . AVheeler ; Tyler , Bro . Stillinin . A banquet was afterwards held , and several brethren from thc Rending lodges were present .
LEICKSTKII . — St . John ' s Lodge , Nr . 279 . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' JIall , II « l / brd-strcet , on Wednesday , the ilrd instant . There wero present : —Bros . Kelly , Dep . Pro . G . M ., anil AV . M-, in the chair ; P . M . ' s
l'cttifor , P . P . S . G . AV . ; Dr . Buck . P . P . J . W . ; Kinder , P . P . J . G . AV ; AVcare , P . P . G . D . and Treas . ; and Clarke . P . G . S . D . ; Stanley , S . AV . ; Stretton , P P . G . Reg . ; J . AV T . Crow , Secy ; aud about thirty other Brethren . Thevisitora were Bros . Dull , AV . M . ; Toller , S . W . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
« [ The Editor will be happy to receive Reports of Lodge Meetings at the earliest possible moment , to insure their insertion . ] THE GRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 . A meeting of this lodge—formed in May last in connection with the 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteer corps , and takinsr its name from the esteemed Lieut -Colonel
Commandant of that corps—was held at the Lodgeroom , Head Quarters , Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., when were present : —Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , P . M . and P . Z ., W . M . ; Bro . James Stevens , P . M . and P . Z ., S . W . ; Bro . John Thomas , P . M . and
P . Z ., Acting J . AV . ( in the absence of Bro . P . de Keyser ) ; Bro . J . J . Curtis , Secretary ; Bro . Waterall as S . D . ; Bro . AVagstafTe , J . D . ; Bro . J . Green , I . G . ; also Bros . Captains Wire and Thos . Irvine , Licuts .
II . ruckle and Fletcher , Ensign Fourdrinier , Dr . Cronin , Dicker , llastie . Bridges , Carnell , Ball , Larlham , Kethro , Patton , AVolfon , Cowdry , Newton , and other members , and Bros . Griffiths , Thomas , Dix , and other visitors .
Thc lodge having been duly opened in the three degrees , Bros . Fletcher and Cowdry were severally raised to the sublime degree of -faster Mason , in that most solemn and impressive manner for which the Macdonald Lodge , although so young , has already
earned a reputation in the Craft . AVe have observed that on each occasion of our visits the respective ceremonies—but more especially that in the third degreehave been rendered with enhanced attention to detail and effect , and certainly we . have never yet witnessed
so perfect and imposing a ceremonial as on this evening . The entire arrangements of the lodge in respect of drapery and li g hting , and tho musical accessories under the direction of Bro . Captain Wire , are such as cannot , f-iil to impress visitors with a full
conviction that Masonry , as it should be practised , is well understood by the members of this lodge , and in their hands will not be allowed to subside into a mere prosaic rendering of sublime language unaccompanied , in too many instances , bv even the remotest evidence of
feeling or animation . AVe recommend our brethren to visit tho Macdonald Lodge whenever opportunity may offer , if only to observe the working of this degree . On the termination of tlie Raisings , the lodge was closed in the third degree , resumed to the first , and
called off for light refreshment . After remaining under the charge of the J . AV . for about twenty minutes , it was again called on , resumed to the second degree , and Bros . Patton and AA olton were respectivel y passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was closed
to thc first degree , and Mr . AA ilham Arthur AYillis was introduced to the Light of Masonry . Here again tho foregoing observations as to impressiveness of ceremonial apply . Every officer knows his duty well , and the habit of disci pline practised in thc corps is
made available in the lodge-room to cause the business there to go well and smoothly . Proposals for initiation and joining having been taken , the AA . M . proceeded to fill up a vacant office to which no appointment had hitherto been made
that of Director of Ceremonies . Giving consideration to the progress made by one of the junior brethren of the lodge—through his attention to tho Lodge of Improvement—and that he had really qualified himself forthe ofiice , the AV M . selected Bro . Bridges , and
invested him with tlie collar of D . C . The W . M . then read a letter from Bro . ILJ . Godden , resigning , in consequence of inability to attend on many occasions of the lodge meeting , his office of Treasurer . The resignation having been accepted
with regret . Dr Cronin was proposed by Bro . Stevens , S . AV ., to fill tlie office pro . tern ., and that Brother was unanimously appointed thereto . The AV . M . stated that he had commenced his canvass , as tbe representative of the . lodge , as Steward at
the ensuing Festival of the Boys' -lasonic School . lie desired to evince his appreciation of the position he had accepted , and his interest in the chanty liy constituting himself a life governor of the institution . Bro . Stevens . S A \ ., proposed , Bro , AVagstafTe , J . D .,
seconded , and it was unanimously resolved : " I hat a sum of ten guineas be voted to the Boys' School , to be placed on the W . M . 's list , to constitute the lodge a life governor of the institution . " Several members then gave their names for individual subscript ions , and there can be no doubt that the
Macdonald Lodgo was not near tho bottom of the list , in regard to amount of subscriptions , when the stewards' returns were read out at thc Festival on the 10 th inst . Some further matters of business were then attended to , and , * although nearly twelve o ' clock , in the same orderly manner as at the commencement of the
evening . Thc lodge was then closed in perfect harmony . AVe are informed that it is thc intention of the principal ollieers and some of thc members of this lodge
to form a Conclave of the Christian and Military Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , for which purpose an assembly was called for the 12 th instant ( last evening ) . AA e predict for such Conclave a most brilliant success , and shall be glad to watch and report its progress .
Egyptian Lodge . No . 27 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge took place at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 4 th iust . The AV . M ., Bro . Lib-is , opened the proceedings and went through the entire business of tbe evening iu a careful and efficient manner .
Mr . Charles Walter was initiated , Bro . Sutherland passed , and Bro . Jones raised . The election of a Steward to represent the lodge at the Inauguration of Freemasons' Hall resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . H . G . Buss , P . M ., the respected
Secretary , as the recipient of this coveted distinction . As usual , the worthy "Egyptians" maintained their reputation for benevolence , as Bro . Jacobs , P . M ., who is Steward for the Girls' School Festival reported the subscriptions on bis list as having reached the handsome sum of £ 00 .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —A meeting of this old lodge was held on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., assisted by the officers and brethren in due form , and tlie minutes of tlie last meeting
were read and confirmed . Ihe lodge was opened iu the third degree , aud Bro . Colin raised to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed down to the second degree , and Bros . Taylor , Haynes , aud Grotty were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was
then resumed to the first degree , when Mr . Arkell and Mr . Younger were balloted for aud approved of , and were regularly initiated into Freemasonry ; the ceremonies of the three degrees being worked bv Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M . Among the brethren
present were Bros . Goodycr , P . M . and Treasurer ; I . G . Marsh , I . P . M . ; 11 . Gates , P . M . ; Higman , S . AA . ; Roberts , I . AV . ; Child , S . D . ; Trott , J . D . ; Newman , I . G . ; and several others . Visitors , Bros . Dr . O'Connor , P . M ., 27 ; Anthony O'Neal Have ,
P . M . ; J . Brett , P . M ., 177 ; and Levy , P . M ., 188 . The lodge was then closed in due form and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Those loyal and masonic toasts were then given and responded to . Tlie W . M . then presented the I . P . M .
with a P . M . Jewel , of the value of 10 guineas , manufactured by Bro . G , Kenning , of Little Britain , which gave the greatest satisfaction to tlie brethren present . The attention of the members was then
called to the masonic charity for aged freemasons , when the sum of £ ' il was collected for the same . Thc several toasts being interspersed with some very good harmony by Bros . Levy , Garden and Gardner , which brought the evening to a happy termination .
ISLEWORTH . — Villiers Lodge , No . 1104 . —A special meeting of this lodge was held at the Northumberland Anns Hotel , Isleworth , on the 27 th ult ., the AV . M ., Bro -Sidney E . Clarke , presided , supported by Bros . J . Trickett , S . AV . ; AV . Dodd , J . AV . ; R .
Gurney , Treasurer ; 1 ? , AV . Little , P . M ., Secretary ; E . T . Osbahlcslon , I . G . ; T . Smale , D . C . ; and a number of non-ollicial brethren . Major Henry AV . Palmer was initiated by the AV . M ., who was then compelled to leave , owing to tho illness of a relative . Bro , AA alters , P . M ., then passed Bro . Tustin to the
second degree , and Bro Little raised Bro . Bailey to the degree of M . M . The circular respecting the Inauguration Festival at Freemasons' Hall , on the 14 th April , having been read , Bro . 11 . Wentworth Little , P . M ., was unanimously chosen as the Steward to represent the " Villiers" upon that occasion . Tbe lodge was then closed .
PROVINCIAL . CuMBKm . AXi > AND WKSTMOIILAND . — Skiddaw Lodge , No . 1002 The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodgo rooms ( Bro . Thwaites ' , ) , Market-place , Coekermoulh , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . Present , the AV . M ,, Bro . Shilton , in thc chair ;
Bro Puxley , P . P . G . C , as S . W .: Bro . Robinson , S . AV ., as J . AV , ; Br . Thwaites , P . J . W ., as Secretary ; and Bro . Evening , I . G . ; there were also present Bro , Faithful ! , ] . F . M ., aml PPJ . G . AV . ; Bro . Dodson , P . M . ; Bro . Rapley , Bro . AA ' ybcrgh ; Bro . Ilauiuiil ; Bro
C . Marpon , S . D . ; Bro . Bailey , P . S . D . ; Bro . Pearson , P . S . AV . ; and Bro . Potts , Tyler . The lodge being opened the minutes of the proceeding meeting were confirmed , as also the minutes of a special meeting , when it was unaiiimouslv asireed to subscribe £ & os
from the lodge funds to the Zetland Memorial Fund , and Bro . Faithful ! , P . P . G . J . AV ., P . M ., was unanimously elected steward to ( he s / iine 'J'lie ballot was then taken for tlio Rev . AV . AVilliams of Christ Church , Coekermoulh , and be wns afterwards duly entered and
initiated ; Bro . Dr . ]) o ( l gson , P . MM officiating with his usual ability as Deacon ; the Senior AVarden ' s chair being filled by the vicar , Br . Puxley . Nothing further remaining to be done the lodgo was closed according to ancient usage . One particular feature of this lodge
is that it is held at private rooms , which have been fitted up m an elaborate style , and no refreshments ( so called ) are allowed , so that brethren are not led into the temptation of late hours .
MARGATE The Union Lodge , No . 127 This ancient lodge met on Friday , the 5 th inst ., when an unusual circumstance occurred—namely , there was no ceremony to be worked , an event of rare , occurrence ; whereupon Bro . P . M . E . C . IIavward , P . Prov . S . GD .
Kent , who is also the valued Masonic Instructor , Installing Master , and Treasurer of the lodge , in the absence of the AV . M . assumed the gavel and ascended the chair . The lodge having been duly opened and thc minutes of the last regular lodge read and confirmed ,
the acting W . M . availed himself of this pause in the general routine of lodge business to test the quality of the brethren iu respect to their Masonic knowledge , and at once proceeded to work the seven sections of the 1 st degree , and all present were gratified to hear
the able manner in which the answers were given by the brethren : —Bro . T . M . Compton , to the 1 st section ; Bro . Alfred AVootton , to the Siid ' nnd 3 rd ; Bro . W . K . Treves , S . D ., to the -th ; Bro . P . M . Townsend , to the 5 th and Gth ; and Bro . Geo . E . Hawkes , S . AA ' ., to
the 7 th . The answers were given by each of those Brothers in a distinct and impressive manner , and afforded much Masonic instruction and pleasure to the numerous brethren present . It is intended at any future time when a . similar opportunity may occur , to embrace it by working , in open lodge , tho sections
in all the degrees , thus laying before the brethren the whole of that beautiful teaching which is recognised and esteemed by all good Masons as the most perfect system of morality ever unveiled before the human mind At the conclusion of this interesting work , Bro . P . M . Brasier , Past Prov . G . S . B . Kent , proposed , and Bro . P . M . Dixon
seconded"I hat as a strenuous and laudable cnort is now being made throughout London and the various provinces to raise a sufficient sum to pay oil" Hie heavy debt with which the Masonic Hoys' School is at present encumbered , at thc ensuing Fctival on the 10 th instant , a further subscription of Ten Guineas be voted from this lodge iu aid of the fund for that purpose . "
1 his resolution having been carried unanimously , the gratifying fact was announced that Miss Hayward , the daughter of P . M . Hayward , the presiding W . M ., had herself collected a further sum of £ 10 10 s . for the same noble purpose , which would be forwarded at
the same time , making a sum of _ 0 guineas in aid of the movement for the emancipation of one of our magnificent charities from its temporary difficulty AVe may mention that it was intended to have presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Townsend , who is also , and
has been for many years , the indefatigable Secretary of the lodge , a P . M . 's Jewel , which had been previously voted by the lodge , but owing to the absence of the AA- ' . M . the presentation was deferred , at the suggestion of the I . P . M . himself , until the next meeting , on the 19 th inst .
IrswiCH Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 959 . —The members of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on Monday , Ist inst ., in their beautiful hall , which has just been decorated by Bro . F . Crisp , of Ipswich . The W . M ., the Rev It . N . Sanderson , presided . After the usual preliminaries , two gentlemen were ballotted
for and , having been duly accepted , were admitted nnd initiated into the mysteries of tlie Craft . The working tools of an E . A . P . were described by the M . of the Ceremonies , and the charge delivered io ( he newly initiated by P . M . Townsend . The lodge was afterwards closed in ancient form .
AHINC'DON . —Abbey Jjodge , No . 945 . —Bro . J . 'J ' . Morland has undertaken the dutiesof steward fortius province , in connection with the following Anniversary Festival of the Masonio Institution for Boys ,
and we are gratified to learn that Br . Morland s appeal for subscriptions and donations on bthalf of that excellent institution has been responded to by several lodges .
Niswiiunv . —Lodge of Hope , No . 574 . —Bro . AV . C . Bland , P . G . J . W ., has been instilled for the fourth ye . n- as W . M . of this lodge . The installing member was Bro . AV . Biggs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . AV ., Wilts . The ollieers invested were . as follows : I . P . M ., Br . G . Boyer ; S . AV ., Bro . AV . AV . King , P . M . ; J . AV ., Bro .
A . Burns ; Treasurer , Bro . F . G . Hall , P . M . ; Secretary , Bro . Geo . J . Cosh-urn , ( Herald office ); S . D ., Bro . Johnson ; J . D ., Bro . Charles AVheeler ; I . G ., Bro . Jos . AVheeler ; Tyler , Bro . Stillinin . A banquet was afterwards held , and several brethren from thc Rending lodges were present .
LEICKSTKII . — St . John ' s Lodge , Nr . 279 . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' JIall , II « l / brd-strcet , on Wednesday , the ilrd instant . There wero present : —Bros . Kelly , Dep . Pro . G . M ., anil AV . M-, in the chair ; P . M . ' s
l'cttifor , P . P . S . G . AV . ; Dr . Buck . P . P . J . W . ; Kinder , P . P . J . G . AV ; AVcare , P . P . G . D . and Treas . ; and Clarke . P . G . S . D . ; Stanley , S . AV . ; Stretton , P P . G . Reg . ; J . AV T . Crow , Secy ; aud about thirty other Brethren . Thevisitora were Bros . Dull , AV . M . ; Toller , S . W . ;