Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS OF R OME AND CONSTANTINE : — Installation Meeting of the Premier Conclave , 13 . Metropolitan . Premier , 1 , 13 . 14 Macdonald , 1 . 2 Plantagenet , 6 . 2 Plautagenet Preceptory , 1 , 3 , 11 , 6 Roman Eagle , 1 . 17 St . Patrick ' s , 11 .
Provincial . S Concord , Jersey , 3 . 7 Doyle , Guernsey , 3 . 12 Red Rose , Lancaster , 5 - 3 Rose aud Lily , Richmond , 4 .
19 Rose of Sharon , Birmingham , 10 . 15 St . Andrew ' s , Edinburgh , 6 . Foreign . 13 McLeod Moore , St . John , N . B ., 1 , 14 . L .
Lecture on Light , by Eev . Bro . Smyth , Belfast . 12 . Lodge of Benevolence , 4 , 11 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION : —
975 Metropolitan , II . 79 Pythagorean , 15 . London Guarantee and Accident Company , 10 . M .
MARK MASONBY : — Metropolitan . Kent , 11 . 22 Southwark , 16 . 24 St . Mark ' s , 9 . Provincial
0 Carlisle . 12 . 58 Halifax , 6 . 7 ' Ipswich , 10 . ' . eicester , 13 . , j [ eltou Mowbray , 13 . 52 Wiuchester , 11 . Mark asonry , 14 . Marriages , 9 , 14 .
MASONIC ANTIQUITIES , RECORDS , & C . : — Specimens from a Masonic Quarry , I , 2 , ., 5 , <> , 8 . Archaeological Institute , 11 . Female Orphan School , Dublin , 7 , 14 , Gathering at Skibbereen , 9 . Hall , Ipswich , 13 . Installation at Derby , 12 . Jurisprudence , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 5 , ti , S . 9 .
Literature , 11 . Miscellanea , 1 , 2 , 3 . 4 , 5 . Mysteries , 15 . Pic-Nie , Hi . Preferments , 3 , 7 . Masonry and Politics , 15 , Metropolitan Masonic Meetings . 2 , . 'i , I , 5 , 6 , 7 , ** , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 .
N .
New Lodge at Egremont , Cumberland , 15 . N _ IV MtTROl'OJ-ITAN LODOES . * - 1259 Duke of Edinburgh , 5 . 1261 Golden Rule , 5 . 1257 Grosvoiioi * , 3 . 1260 Hervey , 5 .
NOTI > ANU ( QUERIES : - A Convention , 4 . Ancient and Accepted Rito , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 " , 7 , 8 , 0 . Antiquity Lodge . 1 . Bro . Jacob Norton and the Masonic Monthly , 16 . Bro . . lames Clarke , 14 . Cagliostro , 3 . Centenarian Arch , 2 .
Chapter Centenaries , 11 . Cubic Stone , I . Five . pointed Slur , 3 . Grand Masters Sword of State , 5 , Hint to Reporters 3 . Initiation of It . ft fl ,, I ' l-ancih , Duke of f . oahi , I . Joppa , 8 . . UultutUse . l 1 : V Clmi-le- II ., 1 .
Mark Degree , ( i , 7 . Muster uf tbe Gl-il'liu , I . . Melohisedee , 4 . Must Excellent Muster , 1 '* . Mystic Numbers . 3 . Nohcmiah , 15 . Uld Masonic Jug , 14 . Operative Lodges , fl .
NOTES AND QUERIES— Continued . " Orthodoxie Macoiiuique , " 4 . Past Masters as Preceptors , 4 . Philolaus , 15 . , Queries , 15 . Red Cross of Rome aud Constantine , 1 , 15 . Rite of Memphis . 6 , 11 . Rosaic Rite , 2 , Z . Royal Arch Degree , 4 , 5 , S . The A _ e of Christ . 3 .
Chapter of the Nine Ai-ehes of Enoch , 4 . Chevalier Ramsay and the Chapter of Arras , 16 . -Deacon in the 2 nd degree , 5 . ---Dog , 2 . ~ Dovo , 3 . --Ragle , 2 . Evangelists , 4 . First Masonic Periodical , 1 .
Ualc Tree , S . Palm Tree , 2 . Serpent , 3 . Stuarts of Freemasonry , 14 . -1722 Constitution aud the High Grades , 15 . Three Druidical Pillars , 2 . Triangulum , 8 . NOTES BY A NOVICE : — Guardian Angels . 5 , 7 . The Ephemeral and the Eternal , 8 , 10 .
O . OBITUARY : — Cramp , Bro . George , 9 . Farrar , Bro . Wm . Kershaw , G . Jennings , Bro . R . W . P . G . Warden of England , 16 . Raymond , Bro . George , 2 .
Speirs , Bro . Capt ., 2 . Old Men ' s Aunuity Fund , 2 . Opening of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , Warrington , 7 . New Masouic Hall , Richmoud , Surrey , 6 . Oration , delivered afc the Inauguration Festival , Freemasons' Hall , 8 ,
OiuaiNAL CORRESPONDENCE : — A Caution , 12 . A Correction , 9 . Allegorical Sculptures , 14 , 16 . Celestial Mysteries , 11 . Chair Degree , 4 6 , 7 , 8 . !) , 12 , 14 , 15 . Freemasons as Arbitrators , 14 . Garibaldi and the Craft , 12 . Information desired by a Country Brother , 7 . Lodge of Benevolence , 16 . Masonrv and the Number Seven , 11 .
Masonic Manuscripts , 8 . Rituals , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 . Operative Lodges , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 . Past Masters a-. Preceptors , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , U . Royal Arch Masonry , 14 , 15 , 16 . Masonic Institution for Girls . 10 , 11 , 12 . Solomon ' s Temple , 10 , 12 . Templar Uniformity of Ritual , 2 . Testimonial to Bro . Brett , 2
The Chivalric Orders , 2 .. Masonic Charities , 8 , 10 . Priuee : of Wales aud Freemasonry , 14 . Romish Anfci-Masouie Bogle , 9 , 11 . Tolerance of Freemasonry , 4 . Thistle Lodge , Glasgow , 10 , 12 , Verbosity in Reports of Lodge Meetings , G . Our Melbourne Bi-tlireii , 13 .
P . Paisley Free Library , 8 . PAPERS ON MASONRY : — Masonry and Atheism , 14 . tlio Meridian , 16 .
civil obligations , ( 5 . J J istmy , , S , — i » s Mission , 12 . I ' ubli- Architecture , 4 . - Pre-Historic Masonry , 11 . . ... liefreshment , 3 . — Social Rank , 5 . Swedenborg . 15 . the >; , > . Seven , 10 . Woman , 7 .
Prov . Graud Chap , of II . A . Masonry , N . _ K . Yorkshire , 13 . Lodge of Kent , 15 . — . — Oxfordshire , aud Alfred Lodge , 13 . _ . Wiltshire , Presentations to Bros , Sir D . Gooch , and S . Wittey , 4 . Tlll .-TllV
A flyinll , 9 . — Mas-onio Hymn , 15 . —Red Cross Song , 3 . Aro you . » MiMoii ! 11 . Masonic Anthem , 11 . Ode , 1 . Song , 8 . Memorial Hymn , 6 . Ode to Freemasonry , 1 . On Masonry , 6 .
Poi- 'Tii . —Continued , Peace . Love , Harmony , Fidelity , 12 . The Ear of Corn , 2 . Queeu and the Craft , 11 . Raising of the Beauseaut , 3 . Presentation to Bro . Martin , 19 . Sehmitt , 3 , 4 .
spratt , tu . States , Lodge of Prudent Brethren . S . Wm . Cooke , 10 . of Addresses to Sir R . A . S . Adair , Curt ., II . Proceedings of the Two Grand Lodges of England , iu Ratification of the Union , 1813 , 3 , 5 , ( i , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 . Q-
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , 13 . R .
Bail ways , 15 . RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE : — Birmingham , 16 , KEVIEWS : — A Letter on Bro . Clabon ' s Scheme , 11 . Freemason ' s Calendar for the Province of Durham , 7 . Grand Chapter of Scotland ' s Reporter , 14 . Masouic Monthly , Boston , U . S . A ., 14 , 15 .
Monograms , 13 . My Own Philology , 14 . Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Canada , 14 . Ten Miles from Town , 8 . The Freemasou , St . Louis , U . S . A ., 13 . Masonic Press Abroad , 1 . Voice of Masonry , 7 . Rosicrucian Society of England , 7 . .
ROYAL ARCH-. — Metropolitan . 619 Beadon , 14 , 16 . 749 Belgrave , 14 . S British , 11 . 657 Canonbury , 13 . 177 Domatic Lodge of Instruction , 11 . 185 Jerusalem , 7 . 188 Joppa , 9 . 720 Paumure , 11 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 1 , 14 . 1056 Victoria , 9 , 14 .
Provincial . Lancashire—Prov . Grand Chapter , 5 . 448 Halifax , 13 . 959 Ipswich , 6 . 1051 Lancaster , 3 , 5 , 11 . 279 Leicester , 11 . 1130 Melton Mowbray , 13 . 230 Scarborough , 1 , 7 . 148 Warrington , 2 .
Royal Arch Masonry , by the Son of Salathie ] , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , Victoria Chapter , 9 . Ark Mariners' Lodge , 11 . Athelstan Lodge , ll . Freemasons' School for Female Chihlreu , 6 . Masonic Benevolent Institution , 11 . 1 'lantageuet Encampment , 13 .
S . Secrecy aud Silence , l'i . Showing a Freemason ' s Sign , 12 . Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Auimals , 9 . Stability Lodge of Instruction , 52 nd Anniversary , 9 . Supreme Graud Chapter of England , 9 .
T . The Ancient Britons , 9 . ¦ Aucient and Accepted Rite in India , 12 . — Brett Testimonial Fund , 7 , 14 . Eastern Emperors , 4 . Loudon Literary Union , 16 . Nawab of Bengal , 12 . Negro aud the Craft , 12 . Origin of Freemasonry and Mr . Dennehv , 11 .
Philharmonic Music Hall 12 , 11 . Royal Christy ' s Minstrels , 16 . Masonic Benevolent Institution , 16 . Institution Cor Boys , 1 , 2 , 8 , 8 . _ _ Girls , H" . Social Bocks' Philanthropic Society , 9 , 10 . — Tallest Freemason in the World . 15 .
Too Many Decrees , 1 . 5 . _ . Zetland Ctiaimeuioration Fund , 2 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS OF R OME AND CONSTANTINE : — Installation Meeting of the Premier Conclave , 13 . Metropolitan . Premier , 1 , 13 . 14 Macdonald , 1 . 2 Plantagenet , 6 . 2 Plautagenet Preceptory , 1 , 3 , 11 , 6 Roman Eagle , 1 . 17 St . Patrick ' s , 11 .
Provincial . S Concord , Jersey , 3 . 7 Doyle , Guernsey , 3 . 12 Red Rose , Lancaster , 5 - 3 Rose aud Lily , Richmond , 4 .
19 Rose of Sharon , Birmingham , 10 . 15 St . Andrew ' s , Edinburgh , 6 . Foreign . 13 McLeod Moore , St . John , N . B ., 1 , 14 . L .
Lecture on Light , by Eev . Bro . Smyth , Belfast . 12 . Lodge of Benevolence , 4 , 11 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION : —
975 Metropolitan , II . 79 Pythagorean , 15 . London Guarantee and Accident Company , 10 . M .
MARK MASONBY : — Metropolitan . Kent , 11 . 22 Southwark , 16 . 24 St . Mark ' s , 9 . Provincial
0 Carlisle . 12 . 58 Halifax , 6 . 7 ' Ipswich , 10 . ' . eicester , 13 . , j [ eltou Mowbray , 13 . 52 Wiuchester , 11 . Mark asonry , 14 . Marriages , 9 , 14 .
MASONIC ANTIQUITIES , RECORDS , & C . : — Specimens from a Masonic Quarry , I , 2 , ., 5 , <> , 8 . Archaeological Institute , 11 . Female Orphan School , Dublin , 7 , 14 , Gathering at Skibbereen , 9 . Hall , Ipswich , 13 . Installation at Derby , 12 . Jurisprudence , 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 5 , ti , S . 9 .
Literature , 11 . Miscellanea , 1 , 2 , 3 . 4 , 5 . Mysteries , 15 . Pic-Nie , Hi . Preferments , 3 , 7 . Masonry and Politics , 15 , Metropolitan Masonic Meetings . 2 , . 'i , I , 5 , 6 , 7 , ** , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 .
N .
New Lodge at Egremont , Cumberland , 15 . N _ IV MtTROl'OJ-ITAN LODOES . * - 1259 Duke of Edinburgh , 5 . 1261 Golden Rule , 5 . 1257 Grosvoiioi * , 3 . 1260 Hervey , 5 .
NOTI > ANU ( QUERIES : - A Convention , 4 . Ancient and Accepted Rito , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 " , 7 , 8 , 0 . Antiquity Lodge . 1 . Bro . Jacob Norton and the Masonic Monthly , 16 . Bro . . lames Clarke , 14 . Cagliostro , 3 . Centenarian Arch , 2 .
Chapter Centenaries , 11 . Cubic Stone , I . Five . pointed Slur , 3 . Grand Masters Sword of State , 5 , Hint to Reporters 3 . Initiation of It . ft fl ,, I ' l-ancih , Duke of f . oahi , I . Joppa , 8 . . UultutUse . l 1 : V Clmi-le- II ., 1 .
Mark Degree , ( i , 7 . Muster uf tbe Gl-il'liu , I . . Melohisedee , 4 . Must Excellent Muster , 1 '* . Mystic Numbers . 3 . Nohcmiah , 15 . Uld Masonic Jug , 14 . Operative Lodges , fl .
NOTES AND QUERIES— Continued . " Orthodoxie Macoiiuique , " 4 . Past Masters as Preceptors , 4 . Philolaus , 15 . , Queries , 15 . Red Cross of Rome aud Constantine , 1 , 15 . Rite of Memphis . 6 , 11 . Rosaic Rite , 2 , Z . Royal Arch Degree , 4 , 5 , S . The A _ e of Christ . 3 .
Chapter of the Nine Ai-ehes of Enoch , 4 . Chevalier Ramsay and the Chapter of Arras , 16 . -Deacon in the 2 nd degree , 5 . ---Dog , 2 . ~ Dovo , 3 . --Ragle , 2 . Evangelists , 4 . First Masonic Periodical , 1 .
Ualc Tree , S . Palm Tree , 2 . Serpent , 3 . Stuarts of Freemasonry , 14 . -1722 Constitution aud the High Grades , 15 . Three Druidical Pillars , 2 . Triangulum , 8 . NOTES BY A NOVICE : — Guardian Angels . 5 , 7 . The Ephemeral and the Eternal , 8 , 10 .
O . OBITUARY : — Cramp , Bro . George , 9 . Farrar , Bro . Wm . Kershaw , G . Jennings , Bro . R . W . P . G . Warden of England , 16 . Raymond , Bro . George , 2 .
Speirs , Bro . Capt ., 2 . Old Men ' s Aunuity Fund , 2 . Opening of the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , Warrington , 7 . New Masouic Hall , Richmoud , Surrey , 6 . Oration , delivered afc the Inauguration Festival , Freemasons' Hall , 8 ,
OiuaiNAL CORRESPONDENCE : — A Caution , 12 . A Correction , 9 . Allegorical Sculptures , 14 , 16 . Celestial Mysteries , 11 . Chair Degree , 4 6 , 7 , 8 . !) , 12 , 14 , 15 . Freemasons as Arbitrators , 14 . Garibaldi and the Craft , 12 . Information desired by a Country Brother , 7 . Lodge of Benevolence , 16 . Masonrv and the Number Seven , 11 .
Masonic Manuscripts , 8 . Rituals , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 . Operative Lodges , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 . Past Masters a-. Preceptors , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , U . Royal Arch Masonry , 14 , 15 , 16 . Masonic Institution for Girls . 10 , 11 , 12 . Solomon ' s Temple , 10 , 12 . Templar Uniformity of Ritual , 2 . Testimonial to Bro . Brett , 2
The Chivalric Orders , 2 .. Masonic Charities , 8 , 10 . Priuee : of Wales aud Freemasonry , 14 . Romish Anfci-Masouie Bogle , 9 , 11 . Tolerance of Freemasonry , 4 . Thistle Lodge , Glasgow , 10 , 12 , Verbosity in Reports of Lodge Meetings , G . Our Melbourne Bi-tlireii , 13 .
P . Paisley Free Library , 8 . PAPERS ON MASONRY : — Masonry and Atheism , 14 . tlio Meridian , 16 .
civil obligations , ( 5 . J J istmy , , S , — i » s Mission , 12 . I ' ubli- Architecture , 4 . - Pre-Historic Masonry , 11 . . ... liefreshment , 3 . — Social Rank , 5 . Swedenborg . 15 . the >; , > . Seven , 10 . Woman , 7 .
Prov . Graud Chap , of II . A . Masonry , N . _ K . Yorkshire , 13 . Lodge of Kent , 15 . — . — Oxfordshire , aud Alfred Lodge , 13 . _ . Wiltshire , Presentations to Bros , Sir D . Gooch , and S . Wittey , 4 . Tlll .-TllV
A flyinll , 9 . — Mas-onio Hymn , 15 . —Red Cross Song , 3 . Aro you . » MiMoii ! 11 . Masonic Anthem , 11 . Ode , 1 . Song , 8 . Memorial Hymn , 6 . Ode to Freemasonry , 1 . On Masonry , 6 .
Poi- 'Tii . —Continued , Peace . Love , Harmony , Fidelity , 12 . The Ear of Corn , 2 . Queeu and the Craft , 11 . Raising of the Beauseaut , 3 . Presentation to Bro . Martin , 19 . Sehmitt , 3 , 4 .
spratt , tu . States , Lodge of Prudent Brethren . S . Wm . Cooke , 10 . of Addresses to Sir R . A . S . Adair , Curt ., II . Proceedings of the Two Grand Lodges of England , iu Ratification of the Union , 1813 , 3 , 5 , ( i , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 . Q-
Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , 13 . R .
Bail ways , 15 . RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE : — Birmingham , 16 , KEVIEWS : — A Letter on Bro . Clabon ' s Scheme , 11 . Freemason ' s Calendar for the Province of Durham , 7 . Grand Chapter of Scotland ' s Reporter , 14 . Masouic Monthly , Boston , U . S . A ., 14 , 15 .
Monograms , 13 . My Own Philology , 14 . Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Canada , 14 . Ten Miles from Town , 8 . The Freemasou , St . Louis , U . S . A ., 13 . Masonic Press Abroad , 1 . Voice of Masonry , 7 . Rosicrucian Society of England , 7 . .
ROYAL ARCH-. — Metropolitan . 619 Beadon , 14 , 16 . 749 Belgrave , 14 . S British , 11 . 657 Canonbury , 13 . 177 Domatic Lodge of Instruction , 11 . 185 Jerusalem , 7 . 188 Joppa , 9 . 720 Paumure , 11 . 975 Rose of Denmark , 1 , 14 . 1056 Victoria , 9 , 14 .
Provincial . Lancashire—Prov . Grand Chapter , 5 . 448 Halifax , 13 . 959 Ipswich , 6 . 1051 Lancaster , 3 , 5 , 11 . 279 Leicester , 11 . 1130 Melton Mowbray , 13 . 230 Scarborough , 1 , 7 . 148 Warrington , 2 .
Royal Arch Masonry , by the Son of Salathie ] , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , Victoria Chapter , 9 . Ark Mariners' Lodge , 11 . Athelstan Lodge , ll . Freemasons' School for Female Chihlreu , 6 . Masonic Benevolent Institution , 11 . 1 'lantageuet Encampment , 13 .
S . Secrecy aud Silence , l'i . Showing a Freemason ' s Sign , 12 . Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Auimals , 9 . Stability Lodge of Instruction , 52 nd Anniversary , 9 . Supreme Graud Chapter of England , 9 .
T . The Ancient Britons , 9 . ¦ Aucient and Accepted Rite in India , 12 . — Brett Testimonial Fund , 7 , 14 . Eastern Emperors , 4 . Loudon Literary Union , 16 . Nawab of Bengal , 12 . Negro aud the Craft , 12 . Origin of Freemasonry and Mr . Dennehv , 11 .
Philharmonic Music Hall 12 , 11 . Royal Christy ' s Minstrels , 16 . Masonic Benevolent Institution , 16 . Institution Cor Boys , 1 , 2 , 8 , 8 . _ _ Girls , H" . Social Bocks' Philanthropic Society , 9 , 10 . — Tallest Freemason in the World . 15 .
Too Many Decrees , 1 . 5 . _ . Zetland Ctiaimeuioration Fund , 2 .