Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Langton Lodge of Instruction resumed work yesterday ( T hursday ) , and will continue to meet every Thursday at 5 . 30 p . m . at the White Hart , Abchurch-lane . At the meeting of the Concord Chapter , No . 223 , held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , Comp . T . C . Lewarn , P . Z ., was installed in the chair of J . by Comp . J . R . Lord , S . E . 70 , Prov . G . D . C .
Their Imperial Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Sergius and the Grand Duke Paul of Russia have concluded their visit to . the Queen at Balmoral and returned to the Bristol Hotel . ~ The bequests by the late Earl of Derby to his different employes were distributed at Knowsley on Wednesday . The sum total was £ 16 , 000 , and the bequests ranged in amount from £ 250 to £ 100 , according to each legatees length of service .
A bazaar will be held under the patronage of Princess Christian , the Duchess of Edinburgh , the Duchess of Teck , and the Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in the Kensington Town Hall , on the 6 th December and three following days , in aid of the fund for free breakfasts and winter dinners for poor children .
Though further donations are not required for the Mansion House Fund in aid of the sufferers by the loss of H . M . S . Victoria , subscriptions still continue to be received , among them being one of nearly £ 110 from Exeter , another of nearly £ So from Dundee , and several from the officers and men of her Majesty ' s ships .
The Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom are holding their annual conference at Manchester during the Circuit . The proceedings commenced on Tuesday , and in honour of the event the delegates were entertained at a conversazione at the Town Hall by the Lord Mayor , the guests numbering altogether about 1500 .
The funeral of the late Sir S . A . Blackwood , K . C . B ., Secretary of the General Post Office , took place in Kensal Green Cemetery on Monday , there being a large concourse of friends present to witness the interment , the Post Office itself being represented by Mr . Arnold Morley , M . P ., her Majesty ' s Postmaster General , and some of the leading members of the permanent staff .
In the unavoidable absence of Earl Spencer , Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire , the ceremony of unveiling the memorial recently placed in Peterborough Cathedral in honour of the late Bro . Dr . Magee , Bishop of Peterborough and subsequently Archbishop of York , was performed by the Duke of Rutland on Monday . There was a large gathering of the clergy of both dioceses present on the
occasion , and a sermon was preached by the Rev . Canon Farrar , of Durham , formerly Examining Chaplain to the deceased prelate . The Prince of Wales , who was accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York , visited Camberwell on Monday and opened , firstly , the lecture hall and reading room which
have been added to the Fine Art Gallery there located , and secondly the Camberwell Central Library and Recreation Ground . The Royal party met with a most enthusiastic reception from the crowds which had assembled in the Peckham-road , while the inhabitants made quite a brave show with the banners and other decorations they displayed in honour of the occasion .
The Fruiterers' Company , in accordance with annual custom , presented the usual offering of fruit to the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House on Wednesday , and subsequently his lordship and the Lady Mayoress entertained the Court of the Company and other guests at dinner , among those present being Bro . Alderman Sir J oseph Renals , Warden , and Lady Renals , Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield and Lady Inglefield , Bro . Alderman Sir H . E . and Lady Knight , and Bro . Thomas Beard .
Of the tour matches sailed off New York between the Valkyrie , the property of Bro . the Earl of Dunraven , and the American yacht Vigilant for the America Cup , the first in which the former appeared to stand a good chance of winning , could not be completed within the appointed limits of time , and was , therefore , no race . In the second and third courses the Vigilant won , in the one case by over five
minutes , and in the other by over 10 minutes . The fourth course , like the first , proved no race , and , therefore , there is snll another race to be won by the Vicilant in order to give her the victory , or—which seems very unlikely—the V alkyrie must win the remaining three couises if she is to he declared the winner . 'The greatest interest has been taken in the match , and both yachts appear to have been handled in a thoroughly seamanlike fashion .
The Duke and Duchess of York visited Poplar on Monday for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the new buildings about to be erected for the use of seamen in connection with the Church of England Mission to Seamen . The institute will be erected by Bro . Lord Brassey at his sole cost , while the Mission will find the funds for the coffee bar and mission church . A large company was assembled on the
site of the proposed buildings , among them being the Archbishop of Canterbury ! the Lord Mayor , the Prime Warden of the Fishmongers' Company , the Archdeacon of ' -ondon , and others . The stone was laid by the Duke , a "d the Duchess received purses in aid of the building fund , ,. -- —— .......... ........... v . f . u > . j ,., j it . mv . v » i v . iv- MUIIUIII ^ IUIIU ,
5 amount contained in the 149 purses received by her "oval Highness being stated at £ 1140 , while £ 312 was collected at the stone-laying ceremony . The proceedings were highly interesting , and the vast crowds assembled along the line of route and in the neighbourhood of the Mone accorded a most enthusiastic welcome to their Royal "' ghnesses .
tlmm , ?'""'' " is a cry tn ! lt ls 'l"lckly taken up in any London amnn " t' . ' for tllc i ,, stincts of the hunter are quickly roused tliew . 1 most ¦"" Hc-of-fart people , and the cry of thief in 1 'iirlni ys c "e l , on < l » to 'hat of wolf in ancient times . The WelfJrf ° "wr people ' s goods is an enemy dangerous to the that 1 . . "oriety , and therefore it is to the advantage of us all 'till m S , ' ' speedily raptured , laisease , however , is a Ihror r , 2 fi dcaJ | y enemy , but its atUeKscan be renderd harmless cai , fe" H " medium of Holloway ' s Fills and Ointment . They c hcml « t obta , " ''l In uny part of the world from all respectable " » is and medicine Vendors .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , will in future meet at the Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , each Thursday at 7 o ' clock . The Second International Billiard Match between Roberts and Ives has been won by the English champion by 1262 points . The final figures were as follows : Roberts , io , oooj Ives , S 73 S .
The Duke of Cambridge Iwill be the guest of the Royal Navy Club of 1765 and 17 S 5 at the Hotel Metropole on Saturday , the 21 st inst ., when the chair will be taken by Admiral Sir A . Hoskens , K . C . B . The Royal Horticultural Society's Show at Westminster was largely devoted to exhibits of pears and apples , and Bro . P . Saillard , of Crawley , who had about Go dishes of dessert fruit , took a Silver Knightian Medal .
The value of the personal estate of the late Bro . John Bagot Scriven , of 19 , Connaught-square , the White House , Ashford , and Park-street , Southwark , a partner in the firm of Barclay , Perkins , and Co ., brewers , was £ 53 , 107 . The Marquis of Salisbury will be the guest of Bro . the Earl of Lathom at Lathom House , Ormskirk , during his approaching visit to Lancashire . On Monday next his lordship will deliver an address at the Ormskirk Working Men ' s Institution .
Brethren are invited to send for the list of Masonic Books published at the office of the Freemason . Many works of interest both to the Masonic student and general reader have recently been added , and the publisher will gladly forward a copy to any address on receipt of a post-card .
The Duchess of Albany has very kindly consented to distribute the prizes and certificates in connection with the Metropolitan Drawing Classes at Carpenters' Hall on Tuesday , the 31 st instant . The chair will be taken on the occasion by Lord Knutsford .
The London County Council ' s exhibition of chrysanthemums will be opened in Battersea Park to-morrow ( Saturday ) , but quite a week must elapse before the flowers are in a state of perfection . However , the earlier opening will give the public an additional Sunday , and enable them to see the show from the commencement .
The annual review and presentation of medals to the members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade took place in Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon last . Unfortunately rain fell heavily duiing the ; proceedings and marred the effect of the spectacle , but great enthusiasm was shown by those who had assembled to witness it .
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Arran are spending the season at Castle Gore , County Mayo . Lady Arran ' s School of-Industry for Irish Girls has proved a great success and furnished employment to a large number of young women on the estate , while the excellence of their work has attracted much attention and is bringing in many orders .
The race for the Cesarewitch Stakes at the Newmarket Second October meeting , which was run on Wednesday , terminated in a dead heat between Mr . Ellis ' s Red Eyes and Mr . T . Jenning ' s Cypria . Among those present on the course were the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge , Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire , Bro . the Duke of St . Albans , Bro . Lord Randolph Churchil , Sir Henry Hawkins , Lord Stanley and Lady Alice Stanley , and the Marchioness of Londonderry and Ormonde .
The new Church of St . George , which has been erected in the South Camp , Aldcrshot , for the use of the troops , was consecrated by the Bishop of Winchester on Saturday last . The duty of receiving his lordship was the last that devolved upon Bro . Lieut .-Gen . Sir Evelyn Wood previous to retiring from the command of the troops quartered at Aldershot . On Monday Sir Evelyn entered upon his new duties as Quartermaster-General at the War Office , and the Duke of Connaught assumed the command ot the Aldershot Camp .
It has been decided to remove the Eccleston Lodge of Instruction from the Greyhound , Cambridge-street , to the Windsor Castle Restaurant , Victoria Station , S . W ., it being more suitable and central premises , and having a private entrance at 231 , Vauxhall Bridge-road . The first meeeting
will be held at the new premises to-morrow ( Saturday ) , the 14 th inst ., at seven o ' clock , p . m ., when the W . M . and brethren hope to be favoured with the company of as many Masonic friends as can make it convenient to attend . During the evening the ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by the Preceptor , Bro . Flattely , P . M .
The Lord Mayor headed the deputation trom the Corporation of London which waited upon the Duke and Duchess of York , on Saturday last , and presented the diamond and pearl neklace and the silver service which framed the wedding present from the City to their Royal Highnesses . His lordship prefaced the presentation with a brief address , which was graciouslacknowledged by the Duke . Audience
y was subsequently given to other deputations , one of which was from the citizens of London , and the other from the nonconformist bodies , the gift of the former being sundry pieces of beautiful tapestry which had already been hung in one of the rooms of York House , and the other a handsomely bound Bible . Both of these were likewise graciously acknowledged by the Duke on behalf of himself and his wife .
We congratulate Bro . A . B . Hudson , the chairman of the Bridge House Estates Committee , upon his remarkable escape from death or serious injury on Saturday last . How he escaped beyond a slight shaking is a mystery . It seemed that while crossing the road at the bottom of Godliman-strect he slipped and fell . Just at that moment a hansom cab was being driven at a smart pace down the
incline , and although the driver did his best to pull up there was not sufficient time to do so , and Bro . Hudson disappeared under the hoofs of the horse and the wheels of the hansom . Strange to say , the animal very cleverly picked its feet up without touching Bro . Hudson's prostrate form ,
which passed also between the wheels , the gentleman in question finding hirr self with no other injury than a mudbedraggled suit ot clothes . These he rapidly changed , and was not long afterwards on his way to York House with the other members of the deputation who presented the City ' s gift to the Duke and Duchess of York . —City Press .
Twelfth Annual Edition of Explanatory Book , sent gratis and post free , gives reliable information how to make money quickly by Stocks and Shares . Highest and lowest prices for past years . —Address , G . Evans and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
A portrait of Bro . F . John Horniman is published in the last number issued of the Philanthropist . We regret to announce the death , on the 9 th instant , of Bro . James Garner , P . M . and Treas . of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . The Scottish Masonic Club opened its premises in Hillstreet , Edinburgh , on Monday with a membership of So . The Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , M . W . G . M . is President .
The Queen has forwarded through General Sir H . F . Ponsonby , G . C . B ., her annual subscription of £ 50 to the Army and Navy Pensioners' Employment Society , of which her Majesty is patrori . The Duke of York has forwarded to the Lord Mayor £ 150 in aid of the Victoria Relief Fund , as a donation from his Royal Highness in connection with the exhibition of the wedding presents at the Imperial Institute .
The Princess of Wales and the Princesses Victoria and Maud will bring their visit to the King and Queen of Denmark to a close on Tuesday next , when their Royal Highnesses will leave on board the Royal yacht Osborne . The Czar and Czarina will return to Russia on the same day .
The Earl of Haddington has , at the earnest solicitation of the Grand Committee , consented to be again nominated as Grand Master at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in November . Lord Haddington has already filled the throne in Grand Lodge two years . His nomination for a third year proves his popularity as Grand Master .
What is believed to be the largest audience ever gathered together in London , or probably in Great Britain , to listen to a scientific lecture was to be seen on Thursday night in the Great Assembly Hall , Mile End-road . In connection with the Gilchrist Education Trust , Professor Sir Robert Ball discoursed on " Other Worlds , " illustrating his subject with admirable limelight pictures . The attendance , mostly of the working classes , numbered about 5000 .
The last of the fleet of three steamers constructed to the order of the London County Council for the free conveyance of passengers and vehicles across the Thames at Woolwich has just been launched at Renfrew . The new ship is 170 feet long and 5 S feet broad , and is built to cirry
60 tons weight of passengers and 70 tons of vehicles , and is intended to embark and land traffic on Haating pantoans sationed on either side of the river . She was built by Messrs . Simons and Co ., and is named the Hutton , in honour of the Chairman of the County Council .
The Grand Master of Scotland , the Earl of Haddington , has resolved to make a grand visitation to the Aberdeen City Province , of which Bro . Forshaw is Provincial Grand Master , on the 20 th inst ., and to the Province of Aberdeenshire West , of which Bro . Col . H . Lumsden of Pitcaple is Provincial Grand Master , on the 21 st inst . The latter ceremonial will take place at Inverurie . The Grand
Master will also visit the Edinburgh lodges Dramatic and Arts and Roman Eagle on the 25 th inst ., on the occasion of opening new Masonic Halls for these lodges . There is every prospect that the installation of Bro . M . H . Shaw Stewart of Carnock , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire West , and ot Bro . A . Johnstone Douglas of Comlongan as Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire ,
will take place in January next . Under the patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury and many other dignitaries of the Church of England , the Hausa Association has been formed in Landon , in memory of the late Rev . John Alfred Robinson , M . A ., who died at his work in the employment of the Church Missionary Society , at Lokoja , in the Niger Territories , in June , 1 S 91 . Its object is to study the language of Hausa-land , an
immense tract of land on the south side of the Great Sahura Desert , to translate the Scriptures into it , and generally to promote missionary enterprise in the country . An expedition is to be sent into the land , and one of Mr . Robinson ' s brothers has been selected as the missionary . The estimated cost is £ 1600 , of which £ Soo has already been subscribed . Scientific as well as religious results are expected .
ENGLISH COOKERY IN PARIS . —Much interest is created by the scheme which Messrs . Spiers and Pond are starting of an English restaurant in Paris . They have taken extensive premises at No . 26 , Boulevard des Capucines , with a frontage on the street , and there they propose to erect a mighty grill , and to offer chops and steaks cooked to perfection , in addition to the more ingenious dishes
common to the Parisian menu . The wines , too , are intended to appeal to both French and British tastes , a speciality being made of the champagnes which are most in vogue with Englishmen . English dainties will be provided , and may be purchased wholesale , at a shop adjoining the restaurant . A Court dinner of the Shipwrights' Company was held at
thc Albion I avern on the 10 th instant , when , in the absence in India of the Master ( Lord Brassey ) , the Duke of Rutland , Past Master , occupied the chair . At a meeting of the Court prior to the dinner the Duke was presented with his Past Master ' s badge , his Grace subsequently presenting similar badges to the following Past Misters of the Guild :
Mr . E . Talbot , Mr . E . J . Talbot , Mr . S . Page , Alderman Sir R . Hanson , Bart ., ALP ., Mr . J . Perkins , C . C ., Mr . J . E . Saunders , J . P ., Mr . R . T . Tough , Mr . T . S . Woolte , Mr . G . E . VVood , C . C , and Col . Scotter . 'The Past Masters' badges , which were of 18 carat gold and beautifully finished , were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain .
1 he North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry are just now making gay the streets of Bath with their daily processions and recessions to and from Newton Meads . The Earl of Cork , according to the regulations , has resigned , the active duties of Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment , but he retains his connection with it as honorary colonel , and his son reigns in his stead . He is youthful looking to ride at the head of a cavalry regiment , is Viscount Dungarvanj
but his slim figure L upright and soldierly , and that he performs thc duties with all the enthusiasm of youth will be understood when I say that one day this week he kept the men in the saddle for nearly seven hi , urs , and put them through their drill in about the quickest time in the Yeomanry record . It is clear that the good old blue and white regiment will not go back for want of vigour in its new commanding officer . — Ex .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Langton Lodge of Instruction resumed work yesterday ( T hursday ) , and will continue to meet every Thursday at 5 . 30 p . m . at the White Hart , Abchurch-lane . At the meeting of the Concord Chapter , No . 223 , held on Thursday , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , Comp . T . C . Lewarn , P . Z ., was installed in the chair of J . by Comp . J . R . Lord , S . E . 70 , Prov . G . D . C .
Their Imperial Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Sergius and the Grand Duke Paul of Russia have concluded their visit to . the Queen at Balmoral and returned to the Bristol Hotel . ~ The bequests by the late Earl of Derby to his different employes were distributed at Knowsley on Wednesday . The sum total was £ 16 , 000 , and the bequests ranged in amount from £ 250 to £ 100 , according to each legatees length of service .
A bazaar will be held under the patronage of Princess Christian , the Duchess of Edinburgh , the Duchess of Teck , and the Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in the Kensington Town Hall , on the 6 th December and three following days , in aid of the fund for free breakfasts and winter dinners for poor children .
Though further donations are not required for the Mansion House Fund in aid of the sufferers by the loss of H . M . S . Victoria , subscriptions still continue to be received , among them being one of nearly £ 110 from Exeter , another of nearly £ So from Dundee , and several from the officers and men of her Majesty ' s ships .
The Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom are holding their annual conference at Manchester during the Circuit . The proceedings commenced on Tuesday , and in honour of the event the delegates were entertained at a conversazione at the Town Hall by the Lord Mayor , the guests numbering altogether about 1500 .
The funeral of the late Sir S . A . Blackwood , K . C . B ., Secretary of the General Post Office , took place in Kensal Green Cemetery on Monday , there being a large concourse of friends present to witness the interment , the Post Office itself being represented by Mr . Arnold Morley , M . P ., her Majesty ' s Postmaster General , and some of the leading members of the permanent staff .
In the unavoidable absence of Earl Spencer , Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire , the ceremony of unveiling the memorial recently placed in Peterborough Cathedral in honour of the late Bro . Dr . Magee , Bishop of Peterborough and subsequently Archbishop of York , was performed by the Duke of Rutland on Monday . There was a large gathering of the clergy of both dioceses present on the
occasion , and a sermon was preached by the Rev . Canon Farrar , of Durham , formerly Examining Chaplain to the deceased prelate . The Prince of Wales , who was accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of York , visited Camberwell on Monday and opened , firstly , the lecture hall and reading room which
have been added to the Fine Art Gallery there located , and secondly the Camberwell Central Library and Recreation Ground . The Royal party met with a most enthusiastic reception from the crowds which had assembled in the Peckham-road , while the inhabitants made quite a brave show with the banners and other decorations they displayed in honour of the occasion .
The Fruiterers' Company , in accordance with annual custom , presented the usual offering of fruit to the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House on Wednesday , and subsequently his lordship and the Lady Mayoress entertained the Court of the Company and other guests at dinner , among those present being Bro . Alderman Sir J oseph Renals , Warden , and Lady Renals , Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield and Lady Inglefield , Bro . Alderman Sir H . E . and Lady Knight , and Bro . Thomas Beard .
Of the tour matches sailed off New York between the Valkyrie , the property of Bro . the Earl of Dunraven , and the American yacht Vigilant for the America Cup , the first in which the former appeared to stand a good chance of winning , could not be completed within the appointed limits of time , and was , therefore , no race . In the second and third courses the Vigilant won , in the one case by over five
minutes , and in the other by over 10 minutes . The fourth course , like the first , proved no race , and , therefore , there is snll another race to be won by the Vicilant in order to give her the victory , or—which seems very unlikely—the V alkyrie must win the remaining three couises if she is to he declared the winner . 'The greatest interest has been taken in the match , and both yachts appear to have been handled in a thoroughly seamanlike fashion .
The Duke and Duchess of York visited Poplar on Monday for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of the new buildings about to be erected for the use of seamen in connection with the Church of England Mission to Seamen . The institute will be erected by Bro . Lord Brassey at his sole cost , while the Mission will find the funds for the coffee bar and mission church . A large company was assembled on the
site of the proposed buildings , among them being the Archbishop of Canterbury ! the Lord Mayor , the Prime Warden of the Fishmongers' Company , the Archdeacon of ' -ondon , and others . The stone was laid by the Duke , a "d the Duchess received purses in aid of the building fund , ,. -- —— .......... ........... v . f . u > . j ,., j it . mv . v » i v . iv- MUIIUIII ^ IUIIU ,
5 amount contained in the 149 purses received by her "oval Highness being stated at £ 1140 , while £ 312 was collected at the stone-laying ceremony . The proceedings were highly interesting , and the vast crowds assembled along the line of route and in the neighbourhood of the Mone accorded a most enthusiastic welcome to their Royal "' ghnesses .
tlmm , ?'""'' " is a cry tn ! lt ls 'l"lckly taken up in any London amnn " t' . ' for tllc i ,, stincts of the hunter are quickly roused tliew . 1 most ¦"" Hc-of-fart people , and the cry of thief in 1 'iirlni ys c "e l , on < l » to 'hat of wolf in ancient times . The WelfJrf ° "wr people ' s goods is an enemy dangerous to the that 1 . . "oriety , and therefore it is to the advantage of us all 'till m S , ' ' speedily raptured , laisease , however , is a Ihror r , 2 fi dcaJ | y enemy , but its atUeKscan be renderd harmless cai , fe" H " medium of Holloway ' s Fills and Ointment . They c hcml « t obta , " ''l In uny part of the world from all respectable " » is and medicine Vendors .
Masonic And General Tidings.
The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , will in future meet at the Moorgate Tavern , Moorgate-street , each Thursday at 7 o ' clock . The Second International Billiard Match between Roberts and Ives has been won by the English champion by 1262 points . The final figures were as follows : Roberts , io , oooj Ives , S 73 S .
The Duke of Cambridge Iwill be the guest of the Royal Navy Club of 1765 and 17 S 5 at the Hotel Metropole on Saturday , the 21 st inst ., when the chair will be taken by Admiral Sir A . Hoskens , K . C . B . The Royal Horticultural Society's Show at Westminster was largely devoted to exhibits of pears and apples , and Bro . P . Saillard , of Crawley , who had about Go dishes of dessert fruit , took a Silver Knightian Medal .
The value of the personal estate of the late Bro . John Bagot Scriven , of 19 , Connaught-square , the White House , Ashford , and Park-street , Southwark , a partner in the firm of Barclay , Perkins , and Co ., brewers , was £ 53 , 107 . The Marquis of Salisbury will be the guest of Bro . the Earl of Lathom at Lathom House , Ormskirk , during his approaching visit to Lancashire . On Monday next his lordship will deliver an address at the Ormskirk Working Men ' s Institution .
Brethren are invited to send for the list of Masonic Books published at the office of the Freemason . Many works of interest both to the Masonic student and general reader have recently been added , and the publisher will gladly forward a copy to any address on receipt of a post-card .
The Duchess of Albany has very kindly consented to distribute the prizes and certificates in connection with the Metropolitan Drawing Classes at Carpenters' Hall on Tuesday , the 31 st instant . The chair will be taken on the occasion by Lord Knutsford .
The London County Council ' s exhibition of chrysanthemums will be opened in Battersea Park to-morrow ( Saturday ) , but quite a week must elapse before the flowers are in a state of perfection . However , the earlier opening will give the public an additional Sunday , and enable them to see the show from the commencement .
The annual review and presentation of medals to the members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade took place in Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon last . Unfortunately rain fell heavily duiing the ; proceedings and marred the effect of the spectacle , but great enthusiasm was shown by those who had assembled to witness it .
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Arran are spending the season at Castle Gore , County Mayo . Lady Arran ' s School of-Industry for Irish Girls has proved a great success and furnished employment to a large number of young women on the estate , while the excellence of their work has attracted much attention and is bringing in many orders .
The race for the Cesarewitch Stakes at the Newmarket Second October meeting , which was run on Wednesday , terminated in a dead heat between Mr . Ellis ' s Red Eyes and Mr . T . Jenning ' s Cypria . Among those present on the course were the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge , Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire , Bro . the Duke of St . Albans , Bro . Lord Randolph Churchil , Sir Henry Hawkins , Lord Stanley and Lady Alice Stanley , and the Marchioness of Londonderry and Ormonde .
The new Church of St . George , which has been erected in the South Camp , Aldcrshot , for the use of the troops , was consecrated by the Bishop of Winchester on Saturday last . The duty of receiving his lordship was the last that devolved upon Bro . Lieut .-Gen . Sir Evelyn Wood previous to retiring from the command of the troops quartered at Aldershot . On Monday Sir Evelyn entered upon his new duties as Quartermaster-General at the War Office , and the Duke of Connaught assumed the command ot the Aldershot Camp .
It has been decided to remove the Eccleston Lodge of Instruction from the Greyhound , Cambridge-street , to the Windsor Castle Restaurant , Victoria Station , S . W ., it being more suitable and central premises , and having a private entrance at 231 , Vauxhall Bridge-road . The first meeeting
will be held at the new premises to-morrow ( Saturday ) , the 14 th inst ., at seven o ' clock , p . m ., when the W . M . and brethren hope to be favoured with the company of as many Masonic friends as can make it convenient to attend . During the evening the ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by the Preceptor , Bro . Flattely , P . M .
The Lord Mayor headed the deputation trom the Corporation of London which waited upon the Duke and Duchess of York , on Saturday last , and presented the diamond and pearl neklace and the silver service which framed the wedding present from the City to their Royal Highnesses . His lordship prefaced the presentation with a brief address , which was graciouslacknowledged by the Duke . Audience
y was subsequently given to other deputations , one of which was from the citizens of London , and the other from the nonconformist bodies , the gift of the former being sundry pieces of beautiful tapestry which had already been hung in one of the rooms of York House , and the other a handsomely bound Bible . Both of these were likewise graciously acknowledged by the Duke on behalf of himself and his wife .
We congratulate Bro . A . B . Hudson , the chairman of the Bridge House Estates Committee , upon his remarkable escape from death or serious injury on Saturday last . How he escaped beyond a slight shaking is a mystery . It seemed that while crossing the road at the bottom of Godliman-strect he slipped and fell . Just at that moment a hansom cab was being driven at a smart pace down the
incline , and although the driver did his best to pull up there was not sufficient time to do so , and Bro . Hudson disappeared under the hoofs of the horse and the wheels of the hansom . Strange to say , the animal very cleverly picked its feet up without touching Bro . Hudson's prostrate form ,
which passed also between the wheels , the gentleman in question finding hirr self with no other injury than a mudbedraggled suit ot clothes . These he rapidly changed , and was not long afterwards on his way to York House with the other members of the deputation who presented the City ' s gift to the Duke and Duchess of York . —City Press .
Twelfth Annual Edition of Explanatory Book , sent gratis and post free , gives reliable information how to make money quickly by Stocks and Shares . Highest and lowest prices for past years . —Address , G . Evans and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .
Masonic And General Tidings.
A portrait of Bro . F . John Horniman is published in the last number issued of the Philanthropist . We regret to announce the death , on the 9 th instant , of Bro . James Garner , P . M . and Treas . of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . The Scottish Masonic Club opened its premises in Hillstreet , Edinburgh , on Monday with a membership of So . The Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington , M . W . G . M . is President .
The Queen has forwarded through General Sir H . F . Ponsonby , G . C . B ., her annual subscription of £ 50 to the Army and Navy Pensioners' Employment Society , of which her Majesty is patrori . The Duke of York has forwarded to the Lord Mayor £ 150 in aid of the Victoria Relief Fund , as a donation from his Royal Highness in connection with the exhibition of the wedding presents at the Imperial Institute .
The Princess of Wales and the Princesses Victoria and Maud will bring their visit to the King and Queen of Denmark to a close on Tuesday next , when their Royal Highnesses will leave on board the Royal yacht Osborne . The Czar and Czarina will return to Russia on the same day .
The Earl of Haddington has , at the earnest solicitation of the Grand Committee , consented to be again nominated as Grand Master at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in November . Lord Haddington has already filled the throne in Grand Lodge two years . His nomination for a third year proves his popularity as Grand Master .
What is believed to be the largest audience ever gathered together in London , or probably in Great Britain , to listen to a scientific lecture was to be seen on Thursday night in the Great Assembly Hall , Mile End-road . In connection with the Gilchrist Education Trust , Professor Sir Robert Ball discoursed on " Other Worlds , " illustrating his subject with admirable limelight pictures . The attendance , mostly of the working classes , numbered about 5000 .
The last of the fleet of three steamers constructed to the order of the London County Council for the free conveyance of passengers and vehicles across the Thames at Woolwich has just been launched at Renfrew . The new ship is 170 feet long and 5 S feet broad , and is built to cirry
60 tons weight of passengers and 70 tons of vehicles , and is intended to embark and land traffic on Haating pantoans sationed on either side of the river . She was built by Messrs . Simons and Co ., and is named the Hutton , in honour of the Chairman of the County Council .
The Grand Master of Scotland , the Earl of Haddington , has resolved to make a grand visitation to the Aberdeen City Province , of which Bro . Forshaw is Provincial Grand Master , on the 20 th inst ., and to the Province of Aberdeenshire West , of which Bro . Col . H . Lumsden of Pitcaple is Provincial Grand Master , on the 21 st inst . The latter ceremonial will take place at Inverurie . The Grand
Master will also visit the Edinburgh lodges Dramatic and Arts and Roman Eagle on the 25 th inst ., on the occasion of opening new Masonic Halls for these lodges . There is every prospect that the installation of Bro . M . H . Shaw Stewart of Carnock , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire West , and ot Bro . A . Johnstone Douglas of Comlongan as Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire ,
will take place in January next . Under the patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury and many other dignitaries of the Church of England , the Hausa Association has been formed in Landon , in memory of the late Rev . John Alfred Robinson , M . A ., who died at his work in the employment of the Church Missionary Society , at Lokoja , in the Niger Territories , in June , 1 S 91 . Its object is to study the language of Hausa-land , an
immense tract of land on the south side of the Great Sahura Desert , to translate the Scriptures into it , and generally to promote missionary enterprise in the country . An expedition is to be sent into the land , and one of Mr . Robinson ' s brothers has been selected as the missionary . The estimated cost is £ 1600 , of which £ Soo has already been subscribed . Scientific as well as religious results are expected .
ENGLISH COOKERY IN PARIS . —Much interest is created by the scheme which Messrs . Spiers and Pond are starting of an English restaurant in Paris . They have taken extensive premises at No . 26 , Boulevard des Capucines , with a frontage on the street , and there they propose to erect a mighty grill , and to offer chops and steaks cooked to perfection , in addition to the more ingenious dishes
common to the Parisian menu . The wines , too , are intended to appeal to both French and British tastes , a speciality being made of the champagnes which are most in vogue with Englishmen . English dainties will be provided , and may be purchased wholesale , at a shop adjoining the restaurant . A Court dinner of the Shipwrights' Company was held at
thc Albion I avern on the 10 th instant , when , in the absence in India of the Master ( Lord Brassey ) , the Duke of Rutland , Past Master , occupied the chair . At a meeting of the Court prior to the dinner the Duke was presented with his Past Master ' s badge , his Grace subsequently presenting similar badges to the following Past Misters of the Guild :
Mr . E . Talbot , Mr . E . J . Talbot , Mr . S . Page , Alderman Sir R . Hanson , Bart ., ALP ., Mr . J . Perkins , C . C ., Mr . J . E . Saunders , J . P ., Mr . R . T . Tough , Mr . T . S . Woolte , Mr . G . E . VVood , C . C , and Col . Scotter . 'The Past Masters' badges , which were of 18 carat gold and beautifully finished , were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain .
1 he North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry are just now making gay the streets of Bath with their daily processions and recessions to and from Newton Meads . The Earl of Cork , according to the regulations , has resigned , the active duties of Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment , but he retains his connection with it as honorary colonel , and his son reigns in his stead . He is youthful looking to ride at the head of a cavalry regiment , is Viscount Dungarvanj
but his slim figure L upright and soldierly , and that he performs thc duties with all the enthusiasm of youth will be understood when I say that one day this week he kept the men in the saddle for nearly seven hi , urs , and put them through their drill in about the quickest time in the Yeomanry record . It is clear that the good old blue and white regiment will not go back for want of vigour in its new commanding officer . — Ex .