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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mentof the happy augury given for its continued prosperity . The pleasures of the evening , were , however , tinged with regret , owing to the absence of Bro . John Conning , the Master , through ill-health . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . Adams , P . M ., Treas ., who was supported by Bros . W . A . Stuart , S . W . j E . Valerani , P . M ., Sec ; G . J . Riley , S . D . j A . Clements ,
J . D . J G . Watson , D . C . j Tito Mattei , Org . ; T . J . Bolton , Stwd . j R . Shaw , P . M . j H . Gross . H . Clapton , E . J . Davis , F . Hewetson , G . J . Milford , G . Mentasti , H . Goslin , J . H . Catten , F . P . Smith , L . Roche , W . G . Fenelly , H . Lafontaine , and R . Ballinger . Visitors : Bros . J . Beddoes , P . M . 902 j T . G . Hawkins . 20 G 3 j N . Schultz , 1107 J F . Whiting , P . M . 1772 ,- S . Fonseca , ISGT : R .
W . Steggles , J . W . 239 S ; R . Wake , W . M . 1772 ; J . Stephens , P . M ., Prov . G . D . Bucks j G . White , P . M . 1772 j G . Sinclair , J . W . 1772 j G . Angolle , 212 j J . D . Phillips , 2265 j R . Pye , 920 j W . A . Shaw , jun ., 170 S ; G . Gardner , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . M . McLeod , P . P . S . G . W . Derby , Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boysj A . Butcher , 1227 ; I . Lusty , jun ., 1250 ; F . H . Callingham , 195 ; J . G . Macartney , 1539 j C . Schmidt , 1224 ; and VV . W . Lee , l . P . M . 23 S 1 . Bros . Ballingerand
Davis were raised to the Third Degree , after which the audit report , showing a substantial balance at the bankers , was received and adopted . Bro . R . Shaw , P . M ., then assumed the chair , and in an able manner installed Bro . VV . A . Shaw as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . F . Gallezia , S . W . ; A . E . Clements , J . W . j VV . Adams , P . M ., Treas . ;
E . Valeriani , P . M ., Sec . j H . Lafontaine , S . D . j W . A . Watson , J . D . j F . Hewetson , l . G . j Cavaliere Tito Mattei , Org . j Bolton , D . C . j H . T . C . Goslin , A . D . C . j L . Roche and H . M . Wartmann , Stwds . j and Potter , Tyler . A deputation of Past Masters was appointed to present Bro . Conning , l . P . M ., with the Past Master's jewel and collar , voted by the lodge , and to express the good wishes
of the members for his speedy recovery . Other business was transacted , and lodge was closed . An excellent repast was . -erved in the banqueting hall , and ' was followed by the usual toasts . Bro . W . Adams , P . M ., Treas ., in giving " The Health of the W . M ., " said this was the only toast entrusted to him that evening , but he was pleased to have the honour of
submitting it . He congratulated Bro . W . A . Shaw on attaining the chair as he had seen him in various offices carrying out his duty with credit to himself and advantage to the lodge . Bro . W . A . Shaw , W . M ., returned thanks , and said it was a proud position to any Mason to find himself occupying the chair of a lodge if he had any interest in the society to which he belonged . It had taken him ig years
to gain that position , and it was not through want of intellect or willingness that he had not attained it sooner , but circumstances prevented him . He had belonged to four lodges , but was precluded from taking the chair in them as they met at his place of business . Bro . R . Shaw , P . M ., induced him to join this lodge and he had to thank that brother for the kind manner in which he installed him
that evening . He trusted they would excuse any little shortcomings on his part that evening as it was a very anxious time for newly-installed Masters , as those who had passed through the chair had experienced . He hoped to fulfil his duties to the satisfaction and gratification of the brethren . The Worshipful Master then said the next toast was
usually that of- 'The I . P . M ., " but as Bro . Conning was unfortunately precluded from being present , he would propose "The Installing Master , " who was justly entitled to the next place of honour . Bro . R . Shaw was very arduous in his work and the way in which he had performed the ceremony had delighted them all . Bro . R , Shaw , P . M ., said it had afforded him great
pleasure to instal the W . M ., as it had always been his ambition to do so . It was one of the red letter days of his Masonic life , and he wished the W . M . a successful year of office and hoped to see him instal his successor a year hence , Bro . J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , responded for •' The Masonic Institutions , " and said the reception of the toast was always cordial in the Rothesay Lodge , for he
knew they took a great interest in all the Institutions . It was his duty to say something in reference to the work done during the past year , and ix was one of hearty congratulation to all concerned , whether officers on the executive or subscribers . The Institutions had been liberally supported , and the success of the various Festivals must have been gratifying to all . It was a wonder to all outside the Craft ,
as it was a matter of congratulation to all in it , that such large sums were subscribed for the support of the Institutions , and that would continue while the precepts taught in the lodges were carried out , and so long as the work of those Institutions was done to the satisfaction of the Craft . 1 here was no necessity in starting a new year to appeal so forcibly to them , for he felt sure that whatever had been
said in the past had earned its weight , and had been proved to be just , and there was therefore no object in lengthy remarks . As the Craft increased , so did the demands and the necessity for further subscriptions . Each year the sub tcribers took more interest in the work , and he hoped they would continue to do so , for the more closely they looked into the management , the more their subscriptions would
increase , feeling sure they were getting full worth for the gift . He thanked that lodge for the liberal support given lo the . Institution for Boys . The I . P . M ., whose absence he regretted , rendered good service at the last Festival , and Bros . Gross , P . M ., and Adams , P . M ., before that took up lists worthy of the lodge . As thc lodge was entering upon a new era , he was confident it would not forget the interests
"' the Institutions , which had benefited by their support in '" e past . The W . M . had consented to act as a Steward , and as they had 2 GS boys in the School , and only £ 1000 assured income , there was a great deal of leeway to make "P > which he knew the brethren would endeavour to do by supporting their Worshi p ful Master . He could confidently leave the matter in their hands to enable the executive to rarry on the good work they were doing at the present time
, Hro . Geo . Gardner , P . P . G . S . B . Bucks , replied for "The Visitors , " and said he was associated with the W . M . in pother degree , where he hoped to also see him occupying u , e chair . The lodge had the right man at the helm , especially with regard to the Charities , and he hoped the remarks of Uro . McLeod had not been lost on the brethren . j'ros . Schmidt and Salter also responded . „ '" submitting " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and secretary , " the W . M . said the Past Masteis had done
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
much for the lodge , and without them he did not know how it would progress , for a Master naturally trusted a great deal to them . Bro . Adams , P . M ., Treasurer , briefly replied , after which Bro . E . Valeriani , P . M ., Sec , thanked the W . M . for his kind remarks . He had always tried to do his very best , and thought he had succeeded , which was a great
encouragement to him . Throughout the year he was doing what he could for the lodge , and if he did not please the brethren he pleased himself , for his conscience was satisfied . He would execute the orders of the W . M . and the brethren , and endeavour to keep the lodge in its present prosperous state .
" The Officers" was given , and was followed by the Tyler's toast . As Bro . Cavaliere Tito Mattei is the Organist of the lodge , it is almost needless to say the music was one of the principal features of the evening ' s entertainment . Bro . Mattei gave several solos on the piano to the enjoyment of all present , and was ably assisted by Bro . Alsepti and other brethren .
KjngSland Lodge ( No . 1693 ) . —The annual meeting of this now well-known lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Highbury Station , N . The lodge was called for an early hour , as the business was rather heavy . Bro . L . Simon , the W . M ., was punctual to time , as , indeed , he always is , and was ably supported by the whole of his officers , consisting of Bros . H . J . Hazel , l . P . M . j W . Elliott , S . W ., W . M . elect j J . Potter , J . W . j
J . Cooper , P . M ., Treas . j A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec . j A . \ V . Cooper , S . D . j S . Robson , J . D . j J . S . Anthony , I . G . j W . Windsor , Org . j A . White , D . C . j G . Cook , A . D . C . j J . G . Harrington and E . Dimes , Stewards j and C . Shepperd , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , after which Bro . T . Bettcsworth was raised to the Third Degree . The W . M .
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hazel , I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of passing Bro . A . T . Armstrong . The Auditors' report , which proved satisfactory , was unanimously adopted . Bro . Simon having resumed the chair , Bro . W . T . H . Mayer , P . M ., presented Bro . VV . ' Elliott , W . M . elect , for installation , which ceremony was performed in a very excellent manner , and elicited the approbation of all present . The Board of Installed Master , numbering 12 , having been closed , the W . M . then appointed and invested
his officers as follows : Bros . L . Simon , l . P . M . ; J . Potter , S . W . j A . W . Cooper , J . W . j J . Cooper , P . M ., Treas . j A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec .. S . Robson , S . D . j I . S . Anthony , J . D . j A . White , I . G . j W . Windsor , Org . j G . Cook , D . C . j J . G . Harrington , A . D . C . j E . Dimes and W . H . Drury , Stewards j andC . Shepperd , Tyler . The ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . John Wm . Doubtfire and Joseph Robert Clarke , which proved unanimous , and , both these gentlemen being in attendance , were regularly initiated by the new W . M . in a very praiseworthy
manner . Routine business followed , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The following attended to do honour to the occasion Bros . H . Hall , P . M . j VV . T . H . Mayer , P . M . j H . J , Hazel , P . M . j A . T . Armstrong , C . J . Brampton , J . Ball , H . T . Bangs , T . Birt , T . Bettesivorth , L . Cutty , M . Doerr , J . Deacon , F . VV . C . Forge , L . Fromm , VV . Lee ,
J . B . Harper . H . Moore , W . Metcalfe , F . C . Maffev , T . H . Nye , C . VV . Potter , A . J . Porter , F . Richards , VV . J . Robinson , J . S . Sunderland , VV . E . Windsor , T . N . Watkins , E . C . Windsor , and A . J . Windsor . Visitors : Bros . T . Glass , P . P . G . Std . Br . Jersey j A . H . Hickman , P . M . 228 ; W . P . Dukes , P . M . 15 ; A . Oliver , P . M . S 20 J G . Rubardt , P . M . 901 j W . J . Hunter , P . M . 1677 j G . H . Lewis , P . M . 2206 j VV . J . Harris , W . M . 1321 j K .
Gillard , S . W . 901 j C . H . Belsey , 127 j R . M . H . Griffiths , 1177 ; E . James , 2374 j O . G . Haig , and G . Elliott . The banquet was served in Messrs . Baker Bros . ' best style , and gave the brethren every satisfaction , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to . The toast of "The W . M . " was received very cordially
by the members , and , in giving it , Bro . Simon , I . P . M ., said the brethren had selected a very efficient brother to preside over them for the ensuing year , and felt assured , from the able manner he had assisted him ( Bro . Simon ) during the past year , that the W . M . would leave the chair with as much honour as any of his predecessors . In responding , the W . M . thanked Bro . Simon for the flattering manner he had proposed his health j he assured
the brethren he would do his utmost for the benefit of the lodge . 'The toast of "The Initiates" followed , and was given by the W . M . in a very graceful manner , congratulating the lodge on its accession of strength . The toast was duly honoured in true Masonic style . Both Initiates replied in very excellent speeches , expressing- the high opinion they entertained of Masjnry , and
trusted in time to become prominent members of the Craft . "The Visitors' " toast was next on the list , and was given in a very able manner by the W . M ., who congratulated the lodge on having such a brilliant array of visitors , of which he personally felt very proud at having the number of Past Masters at his installation . He assured them the Kingsland Lodge was only too glad to have visitors at their meetings , where they would always receive a most hearty
welcome . Bros . Harris , W . M . 1321 j Hickman , P . M . 22 S j Glass , P . P . G . Std . Br . Jersey j and Lewis , P . M . 220 G , were nominated for responding . The toast was received with all the honour it deserved . The responses by the above Past Masters to the toast were given in very happy speeches , expressing the pleasure they felt in visiting the Kingsland Lodge , where they always received a truly Masinic welcome , and thanked the W . M .
and his oflicers and brethren for the hospitality shown them on their visit . The W . M . next gave what he considered a most important toast connected with the lodge . It was that of " The l . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro . L . Simon , " who had the interests of thc lodge at heart , and who had striven during
his year of office to perform his duties conscientiously . What he had done was done well , and showed an excellent example to those now coming on in the lodge . At the same time he had the pleasure of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , which was unanimously voted him at the last meeting , and he assured Bro . Simon from the impressive
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
manner he had installed him ( Bro . Elliott ) that he had fully earned it , and wished him , on behalf of the lodge , many years of happiness to wear it as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of the lodge . The toast was very cordially received and honoured . In replying , Bro . Simon thanked Bro . Elliott for the very kind way he had spoken of him ; also the brethren for the very hearty reception of the toast , and expressed his
willingness to assist the W . M . at any time he might require it , as he knew from experience that such help from the l . P . M . was of great value . He also assured the brethren he prized the jewel , and would always look upon it as a memento of the happiest time he spent in the Kingsland Lodge . At the same time he took the opportunity of tendering his thanks to the officers of the lodge for their able assistance during his year of office , whose valuable aid had reduced his labours . hemightsay . toamvmmum . He also thanked those
brethren who had so generously supported him in his Stewardship on behalf of the Girls' Institution , and concluded by wishing the W . M . a prosperous year of office . " The Past Masters' " toast was given in a very telling speech by the W . M ., who expressed his thanks for the great assistance he had received from them , without whose advice , founded on experience , no W . M . could conduct his lodge to the satisfaction of the brethren , and asked the brethren to honour the toast in the manner it deserved , which was most certainly received in a very hearty
manner . Bro . H . Hall , P . M ., being called upon to respond , made a very short but happy speech on behalf of the Past Masters , which met with applause . " The Treasurer and Secretary's " toast was then proposed by the W . M ., who assured the brethren that he felt proud in having such efficient officers . The Treasurer was a brother in whom the lodge could place unbounded
confidence , and was also the guiding star of a W . M ., his advice upon all matters connected with the funds of the lodge being given with great judgment and ability . The Secretary was so well known to the members , and on whom the W . M . always relied' for assistance , that he could not add to the esteem in which he was held by alt the members of the lodge . The Secretary , replying to the toast , said he regretted the
absence of the Treasurer , who had to leave early on some important business , thanked the W . M . on the Treasurer ' s behalf for the very complimentary manner he had proposed his health , and assured him and the lodge generally that he would always do his best to further the interests of the lodge , he also thanked the brethren for the . very cardial way the toast was received . He also made a few remarks on his own behalf , by thanking the W . M . and brethren for
the high compliment paid him . " The Officers' " toast was the next on the list , and was cordially acknowledged , the W . M . paying a graceful compliment to each , and to which each officer present responded , by assuring the W . M . of their assistance during his year of office . The Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a long , but happy evening ' s enjoyment , which was appreciated by all ,
and that is saying a great deal . We note a very pretty addition to the lodge summons , which adds very much to its appearance , it being the coat of arms of the De Beauvoir family , who gave permission for its use by the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693 , at the time of its formation . It must not be supposed for one moment that the musical clement was omitted , far be it from us any such intention .
This was under the able management of the respected Organist of the lodge , Bro . VV . Windsor , being supported by Bros . W . J . Harris and F . Richards , also Messrs . Barry Lindon and J . G . Blanchard . Signor Alsepti gave selections on the ringush concertina , songs , duets , and concertina performances were much applauded , and conduced in a very great measure to the enjoyment of the evening . Bro . VV . Windsor presided at the piano in a very masterly manner .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( No . 2076 ) . — This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 6 th inst . For thc third time this session the pedestals were draped in mourning , the lodge having suffered a grevious loss in the death of one of the earliest of the members—Bro . Major F . G . Irwin . The brethren present were Bros . Professor T . Hayter Lewis , W . M . j W . H . Rylands , P . G . Stwd ., l . P . M . j Dr . W . Wynn Westcott , S . W . j Rev . J .
C . Ball , J . W . j G . W . Speth , Sec . j C . Kupferschmidc , J . U . j K . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., D . C . j C . Purdon Clarke , I . G . j S . T . Klein , Steward ,- and VV . M . Bywater , P . M ., P . G . S . B . Also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . A . Howell , J . Joel , R . Roy , L . L . G . Robbins , S . G . D . j H . M . Hoobs , A . F . Lamette , Rev . J . H . Scott , T . VV . Leaver , H , B . Papenfus , VV . F . Stauffer , VV . Tailby , G . Stevens , Professor P . L .
Simmonds , t _ . A . Hardwick , F . W . Levander , Professor F . W . Driver , VV . G . A . Gilbert , T . Cohu , E . Armitage , J . Robbins , J . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C . j E . H . Bramley , J . Leach Barrett , R . A . Gowan , G . Gregson , L . B . Barnes , J . A . Randall , E . Glaeser , and A . AI . Webb . Visitors : Bros . G . C . Burry , P . M . 1347 , and Dr . V . Jagielski , P . M . 534 . Bro . Gould delivered an address in memory of Bro . Irwin , and on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Westcott , a vote
of condolence with the widow was passed , and ordered to be transmitted to her by the secretary . Eight cui '| j ~ r .. ce bodies and 52 brethren were admitted to the memb ; i » uip of the Correspondence Circle as follows : Lodge Goodwill , No . 4 65 , Bellary , Madras j J Lodge Pitt-Macdunald , No . nyS , Vepery , Madras j Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras j Albion Lod ^ e , No . j , New Glasgow , Nova Scotia j Lodge Athole , iNo . 752 ( S . C . ) ,
Bundaberg , Oueenslandj Masonic Library Association , Minneapolis , . Minnesota , U . S . A . j Derriaghy R . A . Chapter , No . G 02 , Lisburne , Ireland ; St . Germain Lodge , No . 5 GG ; Bros . A . Pryor , 23 Gb , Castleton , J . C . Bruennich , 1554 , Port Mackay , VV . Wood , P . D . G . S . B ., Roma , C . E . luckcy , ib ' 50 , Roma , VV . B . Taybr , 775 , ( S . C ) , Cecil Plains , and VV . H . L . Thornton , 232 S , Muttaburra , all in Oueenslandj J . II . Ingamills , Doric Lodge ,
Melbourne j T . Morgan , 114 , VV . F . Coltman , 40 , Sergt .-Major J . C . Brough , 114 , W . F . Homer , 53 , and Bandmaster J . B . Gray , 53 , all of Ballarat , Victoria j W . C . Marshall , P . M . 1 S 1 , and C . A . Urd , W . M . 57 , both of Sydney j F . H . Bracewell , 132 , Waverley , C . Heimrich , P . M . 1 S 1 , and H . H . Stodait , 150 , buthot Paddington , all in Neiv South VValesj E . Wluley , P . M . iy 4 ( i , Zeerust , South African Republic j J . Garden , Unity Lodge ( D . C . J , Winburg , VV . F . Hornby , J . C . Keast , VV . , G . Cox , J . B .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mentof the happy augury given for its continued prosperity . The pleasures of the evening , were , however , tinged with regret , owing to the absence of Bro . John Conning , the Master , through ill-health . The lodge was opened by Bro . W . Adams , P . M ., Treas ., who was supported by Bros . W . A . Stuart , S . W . j E . Valerani , P . M ., Sec ; G . J . Riley , S . D . j A . Clements ,
J . D . J G . Watson , D . C . j Tito Mattei , Org . ; T . J . Bolton , Stwd . j R . Shaw , P . M . j H . Gross . H . Clapton , E . J . Davis , F . Hewetson , G . J . Milford , G . Mentasti , H . Goslin , J . H . Catten , F . P . Smith , L . Roche , W . G . Fenelly , H . Lafontaine , and R . Ballinger . Visitors : Bros . J . Beddoes , P . M . 902 j T . G . Hawkins . 20 G 3 j N . Schultz , 1107 J F . Whiting , P . M . 1772 ,- S . Fonseca , ISGT : R .
W . Steggles , J . W . 239 S ; R . Wake , W . M . 1772 ; J . Stephens , P . M ., Prov . G . D . Bucks j G . White , P . M . 1772 j G . Sinclair , J . W . 1772 j G . Angolle , 212 j J . D . Phillips , 2265 j R . Pye , 920 j W . A . Shaw , jun ., 170 S ; G . Gardner , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . M . McLeod , P . P . S . G . W . Derby , Secretary Royal Masonic Institution for Boysj A . Butcher , 1227 ; I . Lusty , jun ., 1250 ; F . H . Callingham , 195 ; J . G . Macartney , 1539 j C . Schmidt , 1224 ; and VV . W . Lee , l . P . M . 23 S 1 . Bros . Ballingerand
Davis were raised to the Third Degree , after which the audit report , showing a substantial balance at the bankers , was received and adopted . Bro . R . Shaw , P . M ., then assumed the chair , and in an able manner installed Bro . VV . A . Shaw as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . F . Gallezia , S . W . ; A . E . Clements , J . W . j VV . Adams , P . M ., Treas . ;
E . Valeriani , P . M ., Sec . j H . Lafontaine , S . D . j W . A . Watson , J . D . j F . Hewetson , l . G . j Cavaliere Tito Mattei , Org . j Bolton , D . C . j H . T . C . Goslin , A . D . C . j L . Roche and H . M . Wartmann , Stwds . j and Potter , Tyler . A deputation of Past Masters was appointed to present Bro . Conning , l . P . M ., with the Past Master's jewel and collar , voted by the lodge , and to express the good wishes
of the members for his speedy recovery . Other business was transacted , and lodge was closed . An excellent repast was . -erved in the banqueting hall , and ' was followed by the usual toasts . Bro . W . Adams , P . M ., Treas ., in giving " The Health of the W . M ., " said this was the only toast entrusted to him that evening , but he was pleased to have the honour of
submitting it . He congratulated Bro . W . A . Shaw on attaining the chair as he had seen him in various offices carrying out his duty with credit to himself and advantage to the lodge . Bro . W . A . Shaw , W . M ., returned thanks , and said it was a proud position to any Mason to find himself occupying the chair of a lodge if he had any interest in the society to which he belonged . It had taken him ig years
to gain that position , and it was not through want of intellect or willingness that he had not attained it sooner , but circumstances prevented him . He had belonged to four lodges , but was precluded from taking the chair in them as they met at his place of business . Bro . R . Shaw , P . M ., induced him to join this lodge and he had to thank that brother for the kind manner in which he installed him
that evening . He trusted they would excuse any little shortcomings on his part that evening as it was a very anxious time for newly-installed Masters , as those who had passed through the chair had experienced . He hoped to fulfil his duties to the satisfaction and gratification of the brethren . The Worshipful Master then said the next toast was
usually that of- 'The I . P . M ., " but as Bro . Conning was unfortunately precluded from being present , he would propose "The Installing Master , " who was justly entitled to the next place of honour . Bro . R . Shaw was very arduous in his work and the way in which he had performed the ceremony had delighted them all . Bro . R , Shaw , P . M ., said it had afforded him great
pleasure to instal the W . M ., as it had always been his ambition to do so . It was one of the red letter days of his Masonic life , and he wished the W . M . a successful year of office and hoped to see him instal his successor a year hence , Bro . J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , responded for •' The Masonic Institutions , " and said the reception of the toast was always cordial in the Rothesay Lodge , for he
knew they took a great interest in all the Institutions . It was his duty to say something in reference to the work done during the past year , and ix was one of hearty congratulation to all concerned , whether officers on the executive or subscribers . The Institutions had been liberally supported , and the success of the various Festivals must have been gratifying to all . It was a wonder to all outside the Craft ,
as it was a matter of congratulation to all in it , that such large sums were subscribed for the support of the Institutions , and that would continue while the precepts taught in the lodges were carried out , and so long as the work of those Institutions was done to the satisfaction of the Craft . 1 here was no necessity in starting a new year to appeal so forcibly to them , for he felt sure that whatever had been
said in the past had earned its weight , and had been proved to be just , and there was therefore no object in lengthy remarks . As the Craft increased , so did the demands and the necessity for further subscriptions . Each year the sub tcribers took more interest in the work , and he hoped they would continue to do so , for the more closely they looked into the management , the more their subscriptions would
increase , feeling sure they were getting full worth for the gift . He thanked that lodge for the liberal support given lo the . Institution for Boys . The I . P . M ., whose absence he regretted , rendered good service at the last Festival , and Bros . Gross , P . M ., and Adams , P . M ., before that took up lists worthy of the lodge . As thc lodge was entering upon a new era , he was confident it would not forget the interests
"' the Institutions , which had benefited by their support in '" e past . The W . M . had consented to act as a Steward , and as they had 2 GS boys in the School , and only £ 1000 assured income , there was a great deal of leeway to make "P > which he knew the brethren would endeavour to do by supporting their Worshi p ful Master . He could confidently leave the matter in their hands to enable the executive to rarry on the good work they were doing at the present time
, Hro . Geo . Gardner , P . P . G . S . B . Bucks , replied for "The Visitors , " and said he was associated with the W . M . in pother degree , where he hoped to also see him occupying u , e chair . The lodge had the right man at the helm , especially with regard to the Charities , and he hoped the remarks of Uro . McLeod had not been lost on the brethren . j'ros . Schmidt and Salter also responded . „ '" submitting " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and secretary , " the W . M . said the Past Masteis had done
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
much for the lodge , and without them he did not know how it would progress , for a Master naturally trusted a great deal to them . Bro . Adams , P . M ., Treasurer , briefly replied , after which Bro . E . Valeriani , P . M ., Sec , thanked the W . M . for his kind remarks . He had always tried to do his very best , and thought he had succeeded , which was a great
encouragement to him . Throughout the year he was doing what he could for the lodge , and if he did not please the brethren he pleased himself , for his conscience was satisfied . He would execute the orders of the W . M . and the brethren , and endeavour to keep the lodge in its present prosperous state .
" The Officers" was given , and was followed by the Tyler's toast . As Bro . Cavaliere Tito Mattei is the Organist of the lodge , it is almost needless to say the music was one of the principal features of the evening ' s entertainment . Bro . Mattei gave several solos on the piano to the enjoyment of all present , and was ably assisted by Bro . Alsepti and other brethren .
KjngSland Lodge ( No . 1693 ) . —The annual meeting of this now well-known lodge took place on the 3 rd inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Highbury Station , N . The lodge was called for an early hour , as the business was rather heavy . Bro . L . Simon , the W . M ., was punctual to time , as , indeed , he always is , and was ably supported by the whole of his officers , consisting of Bros . H . J . Hazel , l . P . M . j W . Elliott , S . W ., W . M . elect j J . Potter , J . W . j
J . Cooper , P . M ., Treas . j A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec . j A . \ V . Cooper , S . D . j S . Robson , J . D . j J . S . Anthony , I . G . j W . Windsor , Org . j A . White , D . C . j G . Cook , A . D . C . j J . G . Harrington and E . Dimes , Stewards j and C . Shepperd , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , after which Bro . T . Bettcsworth was raised to the Third Degree . The W . M .
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hazel , I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of passing Bro . A . T . Armstrong . The Auditors' report , which proved satisfactory , was unanimously adopted . Bro . Simon having resumed the chair , Bro . W . T . H . Mayer , P . M ., presented Bro . VV . ' Elliott , W . M . elect , for installation , which ceremony was performed in a very excellent manner , and elicited the approbation of all present . The Board of Installed Master , numbering 12 , having been closed , the W . M . then appointed and invested
his officers as follows : Bros . L . Simon , l . P . M . ; J . Potter , S . W . j A . W . Cooper , J . W . j J . Cooper , P . M ., Treas . j A . W . Fenner , P . M ., Sec .. S . Robson , S . D . j I . S . Anthony , J . D . j A . White , I . G . j W . Windsor , Org . j G . Cook , D . C . j J . G . Harrington , A . D . C . j E . Dimes and W . H . Drury , Stewards j andC . Shepperd , Tyler . The ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . John Wm . Doubtfire and Joseph Robert Clarke , which proved unanimous , and , both these gentlemen being in attendance , were regularly initiated by the new W . M . in a very praiseworthy
manner . Routine business followed , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The following attended to do honour to the occasion Bros . H . Hall , P . M . j VV . T . H . Mayer , P . M . j H . J , Hazel , P . M . j A . T . Armstrong , C . J . Brampton , J . Ball , H . T . Bangs , T . Birt , T . Bettesivorth , L . Cutty , M . Doerr , J . Deacon , F . VV . C . Forge , L . Fromm , VV . Lee ,
J . B . Harper . H . Moore , W . Metcalfe , F . C . Maffev , T . H . Nye , C . VV . Potter , A . J . Porter , F . Richards , VV . J . Robinson , J . S . Sunderland , VV . E . Windsor , T . N . Watkins , E . C . Windsor , and A . J . Windsor . Visitors : Bros . T . Glass , P . P . G . Std . Br . Jersey j A . H . Hickman , P . M . 228 ; W . P . Dukes , P . M . 15 ; A . Oliver , P . M . S 20 J G . Rubardt , P . M . 901 j W . J . Hunter , P . M . 1677 j G . H . Lewis , P . M . 2206 j VV . J . Harris , W . M . 1321 j K .
Gillard , S . W . 901 j C . H . Belsey , 127 j R . M . H . Griffiths , 1177 ; E . James , 2374 j O . G . Haig , and G . Elliott . The banquet was served in Messrs . Baker Bros . ' best style , and gave the brethren every satisfaction , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and heartily responded to . The toast of "The W . M . " was received very cordially
by the members , and , in giving it , Bro . Simon , I . P . M ., said the brethren had selected a very efficient brother to preside over them for the ensuing year , and felt assured , from the able manner he had assisted him ( Bro . Simon ) during the past year , that the W . M . would leave the chair with as much honour as any of his predecessors . In responding , the W . M . thanked Bro . Simon for the flattering manner he had proposed his health j he assured
the brethren he would do his utmost for the benefit of the lodge . 'The toast of "The Initiates" followed , and was given by the W . M . in a very graceful manner , congratulating the lodge on its accession of strength . The toast was duly honoured in true Masonic style . Both Initiates replied in very excellent speeches , expressing- the high opinion they entertained of Masjnry , and
trusted in time to become prominent members of the Craft . "The Visitors' " toast was next on the list , and was given in a very able manner by the W . M ., who congratulated the lodge on having such a brilliant array of visitors , of which he personally felt very proud at having the number of Past Masters at his installation . He assured them the Kingsland Lodge was only too glad to have visitors at their meetings , where they would always receive a most hearty
welcome . Bros . Harris , W . M . 1321 j Hickman , P . M . 22 S j Glass , P . P . G . Std . Br . Jersey j and Lewis , P . M . 220 G , were nominated for responding . The toast was received with all the honour it deserved . The responses by the above Past Masters to the toast were given in very happy speeches , expressing the pleasure they felt in visiting the Kingsland Lodge , where they always received a truly Masinic welcome , and thanked the W . M .
and his oflicers and brethren for the hospitality shown them on their visit . The W . M . next gave what he considered a most important toast connected with the lodge . It was that of " The l . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro . L . Simon , " who had the interests of thc lodge at heart , and who had striven during
his year of office to perform his duties conscientiously . What he had done was done well , and showed an excellent example to those now coming on in the lodge . At the same time he had the pleasure of presenting him with a Past Master ' s jewel , which was unanimously voted him at the last meeting , and he assured Bro . Simon from the impressive
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
manner he had installed him ( Bro . Elliott ) that he had fully earned it , and wished him , on behalf of the lodge , many years of happiness to wear it as a mark of the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of the lodge . The toast was very cordially received and honoured . In replying , Bro . Simon thanked Bro . Elliott for the very kind way he had spoken of him ; also the brethren for the very hearty reception of the toast , and expressed his
willingness to assist the W . M . at any time he might require it , as he knew from experience that such help from the l . P . M . was of great value . He also assured the brethren he prized the jewel , and would always look upon it as a memento of the happiest time he spent in the Kingsland Lodge . At the same time he took the opportunity of tendering his thanks to the officers of the lodge for their able assistance during his year of office , whose valuable aid had reduced his labours . hemightsay . toamvmmum . He also thanked those
brethren who had so generously supported him in his Stewardship on behalf of the Girls' Institution , and concluded by wishing the W . M . a prosperous year of office . " The Past Masters' " toast was given in a very telling speech by the W . M ., who expressed his thanks for the great assistance he had received from them , without whose advice , founded on experience , no W . M . could conduct his lodge to the satisfaction of the brethren , and asked the brethren to honour the toast in the manner it deserved , which was most certainly received in a very hearty
manner . Bro . H . Hall , P . M ., being called upon to respond , made a very short but happy speech on behalf of the Past Masters , which met with applause . " The Treasurer and Secretary's " toast was then proposed by the W . M ., who assured the brethren that he felt proud in having such efficient officers . The Treasurer was a brother in whom the lodge could place unbounded
confidence , and was also the guiding star of a W . M ., his advice upon all matters connected with the funds of the lodge being given with great judgment and ability . The Secretary was so well known to the members , and on whom the W . M . always relied' for assistance , that he could not add to the esteem in which he was held by alt the members of the lodge . The Secretary , replying to the toast , said he regretted the
absence of the Treasurer , who had to leave early on some important business , thanked the W . M . on the Treasurer ' s behalf for the very complimentary manner he had proposed his health , and assured him and the lodge generally that he would always do his best to further the interests of the lodge , he also thanked the brethren for the . very cardial way the toast was received . He also made a few remarks on his own behalf , by thanking the W . M . and brethren for
the high compliment paid him . " The Officers' " toast was the next on the list , and was cordially acknowledged , the W . M . paying a graceful compliment to each , and to which each officer present responded , by assuring the W . M . of their assistance during his year of office . The Tyler's toast brought to a conclusion a long , but happy evening ' s enjoyment , which was appreciated by all ,
and that is saying a great deal . We note a very pretty addition to the lodge summons , which adds very much to its appearance , it being the coat of arms of the De Beauvoir family , who gave permission for its use by the Kingsland Lodge , No . 1693 , at the time of its formation . It must not be supposed for one moment that the musical clement was omitted , far be it from us any such intention .
This was under the able management of the respected Organist of the lodge , Bro . VV . Windsor , being supported by Bros . W . J . Harris and F . Richards , also Messrs . Barry Lindon and J . G . Blanchard . Signor Alsepti gave selections on the ringush concertina , songs , duets , and concertina performances were much applauded , and conduced in a very great measure to the enjoyment of the evening . Bro . VV . Windsor presided at the piano in a very masterly manner .
Quatuor Coronati Lodge ( No . 2076 ) . — This lodge met at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , the 6 th inst . For thc third time this session the pedestals were draped in mourning , the lodge having suffered a grevious loss in the death of one of the earliest of the members—Bro . Major F . G . Irwin . The brethren present were Bros . Professor T . Hayter Lewis , W . M . j W . H . Rylands , P . G . Stwd ., l . P . M . j Dr . W . Wynn Westcott , S . W . j Rev . J .
C . Ball , J . W . j G . W . Speth , Sec . j C . Kupferschmidc , J . U . j K . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., D . C . j C . Purdon Clarke , I . G . j S . T . Klein , Steward ,- and VV . M . Bywater , P . M ., P . G . S . B . Also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros . A . Howell , J . Joel , R . Roy , L . L . G . Robbins , S . G . D . j H . M . Hoobs , A . F . Lamette , Rev . J . H . Scott , T . VV . Leaver , H , B . Papenfus , VV . F . Stauffer , VV . Tailby , G . Stevens , Professor P . L .
Simmonds , t _ . A . Hardwick , F . W . Levander , Professor F . W . Driver , VV . G . A . Gilbert , T . Cohu , E . Armitage , J . Robbins , J . Bodenham , P . A . G . D . C . j E . H . Bramley , J . Leach Barrett , R . A . Gowan , G . Gregson , L . B . Barnes , J . A . Randall , E . Glaeser , and A . AI . Webb . Visitors : Bros . G . C . Burry , P . M . 1347 , and Dr . V . Jagielski , P . M . 534 . Bro . Gould delivered an address in memory of Bro . Irwin , and on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Westcott , a vote
of condolence with the widow was passed , and ordered to be transmitted to her by the secretary . Eight cui '| j ~ r .. ce bodies and 52 brethren were admitted to the memb ; i » uip of the Correspondence Circle as follows : Lodge Goodwill , No . 4 65 , Bellary , Madras j J Lodge Pitt-Macdunald , No . nyS , Vepery , Madras j Lodge Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 , Madras j Albion Lod ^ e , No . j , New Glasgow , Nova Scotia j Lodge Athole , iNo . 752 ( S . C . ) ,
Bundaberg , Oueenslandj Masonic Library Association , Minneapolis , . Minnesota , U . S . A . j Derriaghy R . A . Chapter , No . G 02 , Lisburne , Ireland ; St . Germain Lodge , No . 5 GG ; Bros . A . Pryor , 23 Gb , Castleton , J . C . Bruennich , 1554 , Port Mackay , VV . Wood , P . D . G . S . B ., Roma , C . E . luckcy , ib ' 50 , Roma , VV . B . Taybr , 775 , ( S . C ) , Cecil Plains , and VV . H . L . Thornton , 232 S , Muttaburra , all in Oueenslandj J . II . Ingamills , Doric Lodge ,
Melbourne j T . Morgan , 114 , VV . F . Coltman , 40 , Sergt .-Major J . C . Brough , 114 , W . F . Homer , 53 , and Bandmaster J . B . Gray , 53 , all of Ballarat , Victoria j W . C . Marshall , P . M . 1 S 1 , and C . A . Urd , W . M . 57 , both of Sydney j F . H . Bracewell , 132 , Waverley , C . Heimrich , P . M . 1 S 1 , and H . H . Stodait , 150 , buthot Paddington , all in Neiv South VValesj E . Wluley , P . M . iy 4 ( i , Zeerust , South African Republic j J . Garden , Unity Lodge ( D . C . J , Winburg , VV . F . Hornby , J . C . Keast , VV . , G . Cox , J . B .