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Consecration Of The 2nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge, No. 2484.
The 2 nd Middlesex- Artillery Lodge was consecrated at Freemasons Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Monday , the gth inst ., in the presence of a large number of brethren . The founders and several other brethren appeared in the uniform of their respective corps and thus added brightness to the scene . The Consecrating Officer was Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Sec , assisted by Bros . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col .
Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W ., as J . W . ; Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and Major-General J . Crossland Hay , C . B ., P . G . D ., as l . G . The founders of the new lodge arc Bros . Capt . Robert Gresley Hall , P . G . S ., P . M . 4 , P . Z . . , W . M . designate ; Gunner Geo . Cook , P . M . 820 , Treas . 2346 ; Capt . A . S . Hatchett-Jones , J . W . 101 , S . W . designate ;
Lieut . Edward VV . Postans , P . M . 34 , J . W . designate ; Reg . Sergt .-Major Peter Pickles , 650 and 2346 ; Sergt .-Major Philip C Rogers , J . D . 901 ; Sergt . Joseph H . Haine , A . D . C . 1260 and 2346 ; Sergt .-Major John Dalton Lidbury , A . S . 2346 ; Bandmaster Henry Harding , Org . 1536 ; Sergt . Edward H . Ridge , Org . 2346 ; Lieut . Frederick J . Down , W . M . 706 ; Sergt .-Major Edward T . Lea , 2246 ; Sergt .-Major Frank
Williams , 2346 ; Sergt . William J . Boyle , 2346 ; Staff .-Sergt . James Bray , 2346 ; Sergt . Ralp h Bullock , 2128 ; Sergt .-Major John Chappell , 552 , 2346 ; Sergt .-Major Allenby Daubney , 2346 ; Capt . C . J . Higgins , 1579 ; Corpl . Hy . Chas . Johnson , 2346 ; Master-Tailor James Richardson McGill , 2346 ; Staff .-Sergt . William Richards , 2346 ; Sergt . Joseph Toon , 2346 ; and Sergt .-Major Alfred Watson , 2346 . The following visitors also attended :
Bros . H . Mackintosh , A . G . D . C . ; R . C . Sudlow , P . G . S . B .-, Fred . West , Deputy Prov . G . M . Surrey ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; W . A . Scurrah , P . P . G . S . of W . Middx . ; H . Sadler , G . Tyler ; C . H . Haine , P . P . A . G . D . C . Sussex ; W . H . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Geo . R . Langley , Prov . S . G . D . Middx . ; J . M , McLeod , Sec . R . M . I . B . ; E . Venner , l . P . M . 901 ; W . H . W . Casely , W . M . 1580 , P . G . C . Her s ; W . R . Baggallay , W . M . 1718 ; L . V . Durett Auley , W . M . 1201 ;
J . Suzart , 65 ; F . Parker , 1461 ; G . Scott-Miller , S . W . 2264 ; R . H . Johnson , 2346 ; A . Venn , S . W . 4 ; A . Briscoe , Prov . G . Org . Surrey ; F . Hale Forshall , Chap . 34 ; W . H . Glazier , P . M . 34 ; A . H . Robinson , 1010 ; E . J . Wood , 2466 ; S . A . Calderara , 1489 ; Vernon Lee , S . D . 1288 ; R . R . Thompson , 177 ( N . S . W . ) ; H . Gardiner , P . M . 2346 ; Capt . jj . N . Stephens , 1718 and 2466 ; Dr . J . Wayte ,
J . W . 2096 ; R . Ponre , P . M . 1949 ; W . Scott-Miller , W . M . 2264 ; J . Evans , 34 ; P . E . Montagu , 2182 ; T . David , 1929 ; F . Hanson , 2 ; Barry Lindon , 733 ; W . Youells , P . M . 74 ; J . Stevens , P . M . 923 ; R . W . Brown ; Rev . A . W . Oxford , P . M . 4 ; G . Weldon , P . M . 4 , P-G . Stwd ; E . H . Baylis , P . M . 259 ; J . M . Bastowe , P . M . 1861 ; G . L . Cooper , 1572 ; W . W . Lee , l . P . M . 2381 ; and many others .
Lodge having been opened in the Three Degrees and a hymn sung , The CONSECRATING OFFICER , addressing the brethren , said : In view of the somewhat lengthy ceremony before us , I will not presume to occupy your time for many moments with any words of my own . We are met here to-day for the purpose of constituting and consecrating a new lodge , which will hereafter be known as thc 2 nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge . It takes its
name from a corps well known and occupying a high position among the corps of the county of Middlesex . As a very old volunteer myself , it affords me peculiar pleasure that the duty should devolve upon me to consecrate this lodge . At a time when warrants are not granted as a matter of course , and when every petition for a new lodge is very closely scrutinised and examined , it is a matter of congratulation that H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . has been pleased to grant this new warrant , and I congratulate the founders on
the fact . I take this opportunity of congratulating thc founders on being presided over during thc first and most critical period of the existence of the lodge by a W . M . of such experience and ability , who , I feel sure , will most worthily preside over them . With these few words I must express the hope that this lodge may have before it a career of very great success and usefulness . I will now proceed with the ceremony by calling upon the rev . Chaplain to give us the benefit of prayer .
The founders signified approval of the officers named in the warrant , and an eloquent oration was then delivered by Bro . the Rev . J . S . BROWNRIGG , D . P . G . M . Bucks , in which he emphasised the duty and necessity of order and discip line , whether in military or Masonic life . The ceremony , which included several anthems , was brought to a happy conclusion , and the new lodge was solemnly dedicated and constituted .
The W . M . designate , Bro . Capt . R . Gresley Hall , P . G . Stwd ., was regularly installed by Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Sec , and the following officers wers appointed and invested : Bros . Gun . Geo . Cook , P . M . 820 , Treas . 2346 , acting l . P . M . and Treas . ; Capt . A . S . Hatchctt-Jones , J . W . , S . W . ; Lieut . Edward W . Postans , P . M . 34 , J . W . ; Reg . Sergt .-Major Peter Pickles , 650 and 234 6 , Sec . ; Sergt .-Majur P . C . Rogers , J . D . 901 ,
S . D . ; Sergt . J . H . Haine , A . D . C 1260 and 2346 , J . D . ; Scrgt .-Major J . Dalton Lidbury , Stwd . 2346 , l . G . ; Bandmaster Henry Harding , Org . 153 6 , Org . ; Sergt . Edward H . Ridge , Org . 2346 , Asst . Org . ; Lieut . F . j . Down , W . M . 706 , D . C ; Sergt .-Major Edward T . Lea , 2346 , Sergt .-Major Frank Williams , 2346 , and Sergt . William J . Boyle , 235 6 , Stewards ; and Corpl . J . Saunders , 1923 , Tyler .
On the proposition of the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the Consecrating and Grand Officers present , and they were unanimously asked to accept the honorary membership of the lodge . The GRAND SECRETARY , on behalf of himself and colleagues , returned thanks for the honour done them , which he assured the founders they highly prized .
Other business was transacted , and previous to the closing of the lodge , the W ORSHIPFUL MASTER intimated his intention ot serving as Steward for thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . A banquet was served in the newly-decorated Crown Room of Freemasons' Tavern , under the personal superintendance of Bro . Mantel , and reflected the ' greatest credit on all concerned .
Consecration Of The 2nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge, No. 2484.
The first toast afterwards submitted was " The Queen and the Craft , " which the WORSHIPFUL MASTER said there was a peculiar fitness in proposing at the consecration of a new military lodge . The next toasts given were " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " and " The Grand Officers . "
In replying to the latter , Bro . Sir J B . MONCKTON , P . G . W ., said the exceptional circumstances of seniority— -which some people might call a regrettable exception—enabled him to return thanks , not for the first time for this toast , and he responded very heartily that day . He agreed with the W . M . that it was an important toast , because there was no doubt , without saying anything about present company , that there were many excellent
Masons involved in it . As regards the proceedings of the evening , it would be a shortcoming if they did not offer a word of congratulation to the new lodge , and more than a word to the W . Master . A quarter of a century ago he was an enthusiastic gunner in the 1 st Middlesex , and was the founder and first W . M . of the lodge connected with that corps . The Buckingham and
Chandos Lodge — so named after the honorary colonel — flourished well , and he could not express a better wish than that the new lodge might do as well . The Buckingham and Chandos had been a smart , good-working , and charitable lodge , and still possessed its old Secretary , and he hoped that Bro . Pickles , the Secretary of the 2 nd Middlesex Lodge , would have as pleasant and lengthy a term of service as the brother of whom he spoke .
In proposing " The Consecrating Officers , " the W . M . said that if he was crowded with eloquence he would exhaust it all on this toast , but he would make up for that deficiency by heartfelt utterances in expressing their feelings of thanks for the very kind and impressive way in which the Grand Secretary had performed the ceremony , and he was sure it would remain in their minds and hearts for years to come .
Bro . E . LETCHWORTH , Grand Sec , said he rose at once to acknowledge the extremely cordial manner in which the brethren had received the toast proposed by the W . M . in terms as kind and complimentary as he felt they were undeserved , and , on behalf of himself and those who had so kindly assisted him , he begged to thank them . He could assure them it had afforded him more than usual pleasure to occupy the position he had
filled that evening , because , as he thought he said in the lodge , he was probably the oldest volunteer in the room . His captain ' s commission was dated between 30 and 40 years ago , and previous to that he was a private in the Victoria Rifles , but owing to his Quaker descent he was never much of a warrior , and in 1867 her Majesty was pleased to accept his resignation . He had always entertained the most profound respect for those who had stuck
to their guns and raised the volunteer force to its present position , and gained the commendation not only of Sir Evelyn Wood but also of thc Commander-in-Chief . He anticipated for this new lodge as successful a career as the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , to which Bro . Sir John B . Monckton had alluded . He had to thank the other Grand Officers who had been good enough to assist him and acknowledge the kindness of the two
Wardens , of Bro . Brownrigg , who delivered the admirable oration , of Bro . Richardson , who always performed the duties of D . C . in a manner second to none , and also of Bro . Major-Gen . Hay , who on this occasion had condescended to fill the post of l . G . If they would allow him , he would proceed at once to propose the next toast , which was really the toast of the evening . He asked them to join in drinking " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " whom he had had the great pleasure of installing into the chair .
The W . M . was no novice as a Mason , for he had already filled many offices with distinction , and was a P . M . of one of the most ancient and distinguished lodges in the Craft—the Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge . Bro . Capt . Gresley Hall was also a Past G . Stwd ., and under his able and genial rule this lodge could not fail to discharge its various duties in such a manner as to ensure a great success . He confidently predicted that in a very short time this 2 nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge would occupy a very high position among the lodges of the Metropolis .
Bro . Capt . R . GRESLEY HALL , P . G . S ., W . M ., in response , thanked them one * and all from the bottom of his heart for the very kind way thc toast had been proposed and received . He was truly delig hted that the 2 nd Middlesex had now a lodge of its own . It was a child ha tried to rear up some years ago , but , unfortunately , it did not then meet with success . It was a proof of the old motto , " try , try again , " for . thanks to the support they had received , it was now unfa it accomplait . As there were several toasts to follow he would only again thank them for their reception of thc toast .
In giving "The Charities , " the W . M . said they were thc mainspring of every Mason ' s heart . Those who were old Masons and had served Stewardships knew the good done by the Institutions , and those who were young Masons had a duty to do , for every brother should at least serve one Stewardship . Prompted' by the kind suggestion of Bro . Monckton that
evening , he had offered to be the first Steward from the lodge for the Girls School , and , although that Institution was not represented by its Secretary , it was an instance that the absent were not always forgotten . They were fortunate in having present two able representatives of the other Institutions in Bro . Terry , who was a host in himself , and Bro . McLeod , the Sec . of the Boys' School , which continued to flourish .
Bro . J AMES TERRY , Sec . R . M . B . I ., in response , said it was remarkably good of the W . M . not only to propose the toast , but to place it in a distinguished position on the list . As a rule they travelled five miles , it might be 50 , and generally found the toast immediately before the Tyler ' s toast , when there were no brethren present to address but the officers of the lodge . At
the suggestion of one of the House Committee , the W . M . had kindly undertaken to art as Steward for the Girls' School , the Secretary of which they rarely had the opportunity of meeting at these gatherings . He thanked the W . M . for the compliment paid him , and believed that when next a Steward was sent from the lodge the claims of the Old People would not he forgotten .
Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , said he had no desire to stand between the brethren and the harmony and therefore he should say but a few words . It was a matter of congratulation to him as the executive officer of one of the Institutions that at the consecration of a new lodge tne Charities should be brought so prominently forward . He congratulate
them and wished them every success in the venture they had undertakci He regretted the absence of the Secretary of the Girls' School who wa fortunate in his absence , and who would no doubt gain a great deal 0 support from the efforts of the W . M ., and as all the Institutions deserve equal success he hoped that this lodge in the third year of its existen would give him cause to congratulate the Boys' School on a good list .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The 2nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge, No. 2484.
The 2 nd Middlesex- Artillery Lodge was consecrated at Freemasons Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , on Monday , the gth inst ., in the presence of a large number of brethren . The founders and several other brethren appeared in the uniform of their respective corps and thus added brightness to the scene . The Consecrating Officer was Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Sec , assisted by Bros . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., as S . W . ; Col .
Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., P . G . W ., as J . W . ; Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , P . G . Chap ., as Chap . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . C . ; and Major-General J . Crossland Hay , C . B ., P . G . D ., as l . G . The founders of the new lodge arc Bros . Capt . Robert Gresley Hall , P . G . S ., P . M . 4 , P . Z . . , W . M . designate ; Gunner Geo . Cook , P . M . 820 , Treas . 2346 ; Capt . A . S . Hatchett-Jones , J . W . 101 , S . W . designate ;
Lieut . Edward VV . Postans , P . M . 34 , J . W . designate ; Reg . Sergt .-Major Peter Pickles , 650 and 2346 ; Sergt .-Major Philip C Rogers , J . D . 901 ; Sergt . Joseph H . Haine , A . D . C . 1260 and 2346 ; Sergt .-Major John Dalton Lidbury , A . S . 2346 ; Bandmaster Henry Harding , Org . 1536 ; Sergt . Edward H . Ridge , Org . 2346 ; Lieut . Frederick J . Down , W . M . 706 ; Sergt .-Major Edward T . Lea , 2246 ; Sergt .-Major Frank
Williams , 2346 ; Sergt . William J . Boyle , 2346 ; Staff .-Sergt . James Bray , 2346 ; Sergt . Ralp h Bullock , 2128 ; Sergt .-Major John Chappell , 552 , 2346 ; Sergt .-Major Allenby Daubney , 2346 ; Capt . C . J . Higgins , 1579 ; Corpl . Hy . Chas . Johnson , 2346 ; Master-Tailor James Richardson McGill , 2346 ; Staff .-Sergt . William Richards , 2346 ; Sergt . Joseph Toon , 2346 ; and Sergt .-Major Alfred Watson , 2346 . The following visitors also attended :
Bros . H . Mackintosh , A . G . D . C . ; R . C . Sudlow , P . G . S . B .-, Fred . West , Deputy Prov . G . M . Surrey ; J . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; W . A . Scurrah , P . P . G . S . of W . Middx . ; H . Sadler , G . Tyler ; C . H . Haine , P . P . A . G . D . C . Sussex ; W . H . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . ; Geo . R . Langley , Prov . S . G . D . Middx . ; J . M , McLeod , Sec . R . M . I . B . ; E . Venner , l . P . M . 901 ; W . H . W . Casely , W . M . 1580 , P . G . C . Her s ; W . R . Baggallay , W . M . 1718 ; L . V . Durett Auley , W . M . 1201 ;
J . Suzart , 65 ; F . Parker , 1461 ; G . Scott-Miller , S . W . 2264 ; R . H . Johnson , 2346 ; A . Venn , S . W . 4 ; A . Briscoe , Prov . G . Org . Surrey ; F . Hale Forshall , Chap . 34 ; W . H . Glazier , P . M . 34 ; A . H . Robinson , 1010 ; E . J . Wood , 2466 ; S . A . Calderara , 1489 ; Vernon Lee , S . D . 1288 ; R . R . Thompson , 177 ( N . S . W . ) ; H . Gardiner , P . M . 2346 ; Capt . jj . N . Stephens , 1718 and 2466 ; Dr . J . Wayte ,
J . W . 2096 ; R . Ponre , P . M . 1949 ; W . Scott-Miller , W . M . 2264 ; J . Evans , 34 ; P . E . Montagu , 2182 ; T . David , 1929 ; F . Hanson , 2 ; Barry Lindon , 733 ; W . Youells , P . M . 74 ; J . Stevens , P . M . 923 ; R . W . Brown ; Rev . A . W . Oxford , P . M . 4 ; G . Weldon , P . M . 4 , P-G . Stwd ; E . H . Baylis , P . M . 259 ; J . M . Bastowe , P . M . 1861 ; G . L . Cooper , 1572 ; W . W . Lee , l . P . M . 2381 ; and many others .
Lodge having been opened in the Three Degrees and a hymn sung , The CONSECRATING OFFICER , addressing the brethren , said : In view of the somewhat lengthy ceremony before us , I will not presume to occupy your time for many moments with any words of my own . We are met here to-day for the purpose of constituting and consecrating a new lodge , which will hereafter be known as thc 2 nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge . It takes its
name from a corps well known and occupying a high position among the corps of the county of Middlesex . As a very old volunteer myself , it affords me peculiar pleasure that the duty should devolve upon me to consecrate this lodge . At a time when warrants are not granted as a matter of course , and when every petition for a new lodge is very closely scrutinised and examined , it is a matter of congratulation that H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . has been pleased to grant this new warrant , and I congratulate the founders on
the fact . I take this opportunity of congratulating thc founders on being presided over during thc first and most critical period of the existence of the lodge by a W . M . of such experience and ability , who , I feel sure , will most worthily preside over them . With these few words I must express the hope that this lodge may have before it a career of very great success and usefulness . I will now proceed with the ceremony by calling upon the rev . Chaplain to give us the benefit of prayer .
The founders signified approval of the officers named in the warrant , and an eloquent oration was then delivered by Bro . the Rev . J . S . BROWNRIGG , D . P . G . M . Bucks , in which he emphasised the duty and necessity of order and discip line , whether in military or Masonic life . The ceremony , which included several anthems , was brought to a happy conclusion , and the new lodge was solemnly dedicated and constituted .
The W . M . designate , Bro . Capt . R . Gresley Hall , P . G . Stwd ., was regularly installed by Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Sec , and the following officers wers appointed and invested : Bros . Gun . Geo . Cook , P . M . 820 , Treas . 2346 , acting l . P . M . and Treas . ; Capt . A . S . Hatchctt-Jones , J . W . , S . W . ; Lieut . Edward W . Postans , P . M . 34 , J . W . ; Reg . Sergt .-Major Peter Pickles , 650 and 234 6 , Sec . ; Sergt .-Majur P . C . Rogers , J . D . 901 ,
S . D . ; Sergt . J . H . Haine , A . D . C 1260 and 2346 , J . D . ; Scrgt .-Major J . Dalton Lidbury , Stwd . 2346 , l . G . ; Bandmaster Henry Harding , Org . 153 6 , Org . ; Sergt . Edward H . Ridge , Org . 2346 , Asst . Org . ; Lieut . F . j . Down , W . M . 706 , D . C ; Sergt .-Major Edward T . Lea , 2346 , Sergt .-Major Frank Williams , 2346 , and Sergt . William J . Boyle , 235 6 , Stewards ; and Corpl . J . Saunders , 1923 , Tyler .
On the proposition of the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the Consecrating and Grand Officers present , and they were unanimously asked to accept the honorary membership of the lodge . The GRAND SECRETARY , on behalf of himself and colleagues , returned thanks for the honour done them , which he assured the founders they highly prized .
Other business was transacted , and previous to the closing of the lodge , the W ORSHIPFUL MASTER intimated his intention ot serving as Steward for thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . A banquet was served in the newly-decorated Crown Room of Freemasons' Tavern , under the personal superintendance of Bro . Mantel , and reflected the ' greatest credit on all concerned .
Consecration Of The 2nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge, No. 2484.
The first toast afterwards submitted was " The Queen and the Craft , " which the WORSHIPFUL MASTER said there was a peculiar fitness in proposing at the consecration of a new military lodge . The next toasts given were " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., " and " The Grand Officers . "
In replying to the latter , Bro . Sir J B . MONCKTON , P . G . W ., said the exceptional circumstances of seniority— -which some people might call a regrettable exception—enabled him to return thanks , not for the first time for this toast , and he responded very heartily that day . He agreed with the W . M . that it was an important toast , because there was no doubt , without saying anything about present company , that there were many excellent
Masons involved in it . As regards the proceedings of the evening , it would be a shortcoming if they did not offer a word of congratulation to the new lodge , and more than a word to the W . Master . A quarter of a century ago he was an enthusiastic gunner in the 1 st Middlesex , and was the founder and first W . M . of the lodge connected with that corps . The Buckingham and
Chandos Lodge — so named after the honorary colonel — flourished well , and he could not express a better wish than that the new lodge might do as well . The Buckingham and Chandos had been a smart , good-working , and charitable lodge , and still possessed its old Secretary , and he hoped that Bro . Pickles , the Secretary of the 2 nd Middlesex Lodge , would have as pleasant and lengthy a term of service as the brother of whom he spoke .
In proposing " The Consecrating Officers , " the W . M . said that if he was crowded with eloquence he would exhaust it all on this toast , but he would make up for that deficiency by heartfelt utterances in expressing their feelings of thanks for the very kind and impressive way in which the Grand Secretary had performed the ceremony , and he was sure it would remain in their minds and hearts for years to come .
Bro . E . LETCHWORTH , Grand Sec , said he rose at once to acknowledge the extremely cordial manner in which the brethren had received the toast proposed by the W . M . in terms as kind and complimentary as he felt they were undeserved , and , on behalf of himself and those who had so kindly assisted him , he begged to thank them . He could assure them it had afforded him more than usual pleasure to occupy the position he had
filled that evening , because , as he thought he said in the lodge , he was probably the oldest volunteer in the room . His captain ' s commission was dated between 30 and 40 years ago , and previous to that he was a private in the Victoria Rifles , but owing to his Quaker descent he was never much of a warrior , and in 1867 her Majesty was pleased to accept his resignation . He had always entertained the most profound respect for those who had stuck
to their guns and raised the volunteer force to its present position , and gained the commendation not only of Sir Evelyn Wood but also of thc Commander-in-Chief . He anticipated for this new lodge as successful a career as the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , to which Bro . Sir John B . Monckton had alluded . He had to thank the other Grand Officers who had been good enough to assist him and acknowledge the kindness of the two
Wardens , of Bro . Brownrigg , who delivered the admirable oration , of Bro . Richardson , who always performed the duties of D . C . in a manner second to none , and also of Bro . Major-Gen . Hay , who on this occasion had condescended to fill the post of l . G . If they would allow him , he would proceed at once to propose the next toast , which was really the toast of the evening . He asked them to join in drinking " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " whom he had had the great pleasure of installing into the chair .
The W . M . was no novice as a Mason , for he had already filled many offices with distinction , and was a P . M . of one of the most ancient and distinguished lodges in the Craft—the Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge . Bro . Capt . Gresley Hall was also a Past G . Stwd ., and under his able and genial rule this lodge could not fail to discharge its various duties in such a manner as to ensure a great success . He confidently predicted that in a very short time this 2 nd Middlesex Artillery Lodge would occupy a very high position among the lodges of the Metropolis .
Bro . Capt . R . GRESLEY HALL , P . G . S ., W . M ., in response , thanked them one * and all from the bottom of his heart for the very kind way thc toast had been proposed and received . He was truly delig hted that the 2 nd Middlesex had now a lodge of its own . It was a child ha tried to rear up some years ago , but , unfortunately , it did not then meet with success . It was a proof of the old motto , " try , try again , " for . thanks to the support they had received , it was now unfa it accomplait . As there were several toasts to follow he would only again thank them for their reception of thc toast .
In giving "The Charities , " the W . M . said they were thc mainspring of every Mason ' s heart . Those who were old Masons and had served Stewardships knew the good done by the Institutions , and those who were young Masons had a duty to do , for every brother should at least serve one Stewardship . Prompted' by the kind suggestion of Bro . Monckton that
evening , he had offered to be the first Steward from the lodge for the Girls School , and , although that Institution was not represented by its Secretary , it was an instance that the absent were not always forgotten . They were fortunate in having present two able representatives of the other Institutions in Bro . Terry , who was a host in himself , and Bro . McLeod , the Sec . of the Boys' School , which continued to flourish .
Bro . J AMES TERRY , Sec . R . M . B . I ., in response , said it was remarkably good of the W . M . not only to propose the toast , but to place it in a distinguished position on the list . As a rule they travelled five miles , it might be 50 , and generally found the toast immediately before the Tyler ' s toast , when there were no brethren present to address but the officers of the lodge . At
the suggestion of one of the House Committee , the W . M . had kindly undertaken to art as Steward for the Girls' School , the Secretary of which they rarely had the opportunity of meeting at these gatherings . He thanked the W . M . for the compliment paid him , and believed that when next a Steward was sent from the lodge the claims of the Old People would not he forgotten .
Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , said he had no desire to stand between the brethren and the harmony and therefore he should say but a few words . It was a matter of congratulation to him as the executive officer of one of the Institutions that at the consecration of a new lodge tne Charities should be brought so prominently forward . He congratulate
them and wished them every success in the venture they had undertakci He regretted the absence of the Secretary of the Girls' School who wa fortunate in his absence , and who would no doubt gain a great deal 0 support from the efforts of the W . M ., and as all the Institutions deserve equal success he hoped that this lodge in the third year of its existen would give him cause to congratulate the Boys' School on a good list .