Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 4 of 4 Article Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
take it on himself to say that the W . M . felt much greater pride in filling the chair of his mother lodge than he would that of any other lodge . They could all of them rest assured that their new W . M . was a jolly good Mason and a goo 1 in in . Bro . Thos . Moysey , W . M ., who was most enthusiastically received , prefaced his reply by the observation that he was a modest man —( laughter )— -and their applause had somewhat disconcerted him . He felt that he hardly deserved the reception that had been accorded him , nor the flattering terms in which the I . P . M . had proposed his
health . At the same time he was one who had Masonry deeply at heart , and he hoped during the coming year to endeavour to merit the good opinion thev had formed of him . He was very fond of the lodge through the chair oE which he had passed , as it was a lodge connected with his old school , and he was one of the founders ; but he had been initiated in the United Northern Counties Lodge eight years ago , and he hoped then to become its W . M . in due course . This was , therefore , the proudest evening of his life , and he felt that was one of the chief causes of the flittering reception that had been
accorded him . The I . P . M . and Bro . Heydon , P . M ., before him had both worked hard to bring the lotige up to its present statu ? , and it was largely due to their efforts that the lodge had such bright prospects before it , and that there v ; is such a wide circle of dear friends present on these occasions ; occasions when he had no doubt the links of the chain of friends h p were welded more closely together , and he trusted it
would be many years before that chain was severed . He was proud of being Master of a lodge which was capable of entering into close rivalry with any lodge in London or elsewhere , and he should make the greatest efforts during his year of office to carry that idea through . He hoped during his year of office to see the visitors at many assemblies of the lodge ; quieter assemblies , perhaps , thin the present one , but at which they would be equally welcome .
Bro . Nield , J . P ., in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " observed that it had been said that the way to an Englishman ' s pocket was through his stomach ; but that did not apply to Masonry . No banquet was needed to enable them to acquit themselves as they should towards the Charities . The United Northern Counties Lodge was behind none in giving to the best of its means . It had subscribed 70 guineas at the Boys' Festival , and 300 [ guineas had been left by a late member to the Benevolent Institution . The Boys were being taken out to Bushey , but he hoped the School
Committee would be able to continue Dr . Porter s services , for he was sure the lodge would raise as much money as it could , not only among its members , but also from among their neighbours—with the consent of the latter , of course . ( Laughter . ) The Masonic Charities resulted in boys and girls not only being given a gcod secular education , but they were taught reverence for T . G . A . O . T . U ., which they could not learn in a State school ; and the Old People were given a certain amount of help to spire them making an appeal to the public oliicers . I le coupled the name of Bro . Smithson with the toast .
Bro . W . F . Smithson , P . G . D ., in reply , said he had been associated with the Charities for a number of years , not only with the education of the boys and girls , but also with the maintenance of the old men and women . There were zco old men receiving £ 42 a year , and over 200 old women who received £ 30 a year each , or a total cost to the Order of £ 16 , 000 a year . The Girls' School had 270 on the roll to-day , all
of whom were taught cooking and sewing in addition to ordinary lessons , so as to make them good housewives in the future . The cost of that Institution was £ 14 , 000 a year , while in the Boys' School there were 300 boys receiving a good commercial education ; they were also taught shorthand , carpentry , printing , and book-binding . The Craft was spending voluntarily £ . So , ooo a year on the three Institutions , and at the Centeniry , 1140 , 000 had been raised to provide accommodation at Bushey for from 300 to 400
ooys . Bro . W . B . Hextall proposed the toast of "The Visitors , " which was responded to by Bros . Brock , Anderson , Robinson , Gooding , Davies , and Pridvnore , P . Ms . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the I . P . M . and Instilling Master , " presenting him , on behalf of the lodge , with a Past Master ' s collar and jewel as a mark
of esteem for his great services , this being the first occasion on which the lodge had voted a collar to a P . M . Bro . Henry Smith , P . G . D ., also pinned a Past Master ' s jewel on the breast of the I . P . M ., on behalf of the lodge . Tie I . P . M . suitabl y ; acknowledged the compliments paid him in a humorous speech , the remaining toasts being those of " The Past Masters and Officers , " responded to by Bros . Heydon , P . M . ; Bullock , P . M . ; and Weller , S . W . ; and the Tyler ' s toast .
During the progress of the banquet a programme of music wis performed , under the direction of Bro . Augustus Toop , P . P . G . Org . Surrey , ia which Madame Franken , Misses Amy Fletcher , and Alice Stroud , Bros . James Gawthrop and William Llewellyn took part .
Arrow Lodge , No . 2240 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . THOMAS E . MALL , P . P . G . O . The tibove prosperous lodge in the Province of Hereford celebrated in grand style its annual festival on the 2 nd instant , in the lodge room at the Burton House Hotel , Kington , when the above-ntimcd esteemed brother was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in the presence of Bros . H . C Beddoc , I ) . . G . M . ; S . Passey , P . P . G . S ., W . M . ; T . E . Hall , P . P . G . O ., S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . H . Vaughan Morris , J . W . ; G . T .
Goodwin , S . D . ; G . W . S . Hart , J . D . ; F . P . Young , P . M ., P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; | . VV . Lloyd , P . M ., P . P . G . Stwd ., D . C ; C VV . Lloyd , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; R . VV . Griffiths , P . M ., P . P . G . Purst . ; B . A . liamer , P . M ., P . G . Stwi . ; R . A . Billiald , L . . F . Roese , Edward Bore , C . Bridgewater , T . G . Sprague , C F . Blakely , G . I ) ivies , J . Welson , B . 1 'iiilpin , E . j . Jones , A . Dingwall , L . A . D . rvies , and Robert -Bich . The
visitors were Bros . R . Bright , P . M ., 11 . Gosling , P . M ., Powell , P . G . S ., Bradford , and Bach , all of S . 12 ; W . 11 . Matthews , P . M ., VV . Margrett , W . M ., and VV . W . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., all of 120 ; Rees Williams , F . B . Powell , and A . J . Lilwall , of 23 S 2 ' . Thomas Bore , P . M . 1275 ; A . E . Pritchard , 20 O 2 ; C . J . Johnson , 1706 ; J . R . Blair , P . M . 13 S 7 ; A . S . Townsend , 117 , P . P . G . W . ; E . Lewis , 377 ; and Herman Stiauss , 1120 .
After the formal business , whirli included the adoption of a very satisfactory balance-sheet , the W . M . elect , Bio . T . E . Hall , was duly installed intu the chair by Bro . S . Mayor , P . M ., P . G . Org . Hereford , who delivered the addresses in a most impressive manner , after the following officers for the ensuing yiar had been invested ; Bro . T . II . Vaughan Morris , S . W . ; G . T . Goodwin , | . W . ; A . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works Hereford , Treas . ; F . P . Young , P . M ., Sec ; G . W . S . Hart , S . I ) . ; E . A . Mahir , J . D . ; E . Bore , I . G . ; L . V . Roese , Org . ; and T . G . Sprague and C . Biidgewater , Stwds .
Alter the closing of the lodge , the members sat down to 11 . first-class banquet , which was admirably served by liro . Robert L ' . dje and the Misses Lodge . A list of the usual loyal and Masonic tiasts was submitted , excellent speeches biing made by Bros . Beddoe , D . P . G . M ., and Robinson . A capital prcgramme of music , under the direction of Bio . S . Mayor , who also accompanied , was gone through in a manner highly plea'iog to the listeners , the following being the contiibutors : Bros . Bradford , Gosling , Johnson , George Davies , llait , Roese , and Powell .
Borough of Greenwich Lodge , No . 2332 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . J . W . ROSIER . 'lite installation meeting of the above excel' . c . it bilge took 1 lice , on Tuesday , t ' ae 3 rd instant , at the Masinic Reims , King William the Fourth Hotel , East Greenwich , and was a most enj , ; a '; le affair i ' rem fust to last . The lod ; ie was opened by the W . M ., Bio . 1 ' . J . Sirnpsor , ami , alter the minutes of the previ iu .- ; regulir and an emergency
meeting had been continued , Bro . J . VV . Rosier , . S . W ., W . M . elect , v . a ; presented to the W . A 1 . to receive at his hands the benefit ; of in . stal ' n'ion , and in the presence of a large and u Hut 11 ial B-.-aul of Instilled Masters ; Bro . K-o , i .-r wa- ; installed , proclaimed , and saluted . He appointed Mid inves ' c 1 his oliicers os fo lo . vs : Bros . F . J . Simp ton , I . P . M . ; 1 ) . McCall , S . W . ; C Greenaway , J . W . ; E . W . Higgs , P . M ., Treas - . ; G .
P . Carter , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Powley , S . D . ; E . Mill .- - . J . D . ; R . 1 ) . Simpson , D . C ; E . A . Hkjgs , I . G . ; A . Lades , P . M ., J . S . Fowler , If . Iv . nnaird , B . G . Stringer , and F . Fortt , Stewards ; and F . Spinks , Tyler . The co . - omoii )' w .: s then conclu . led by the In tailing Master giving the addre-ses in a mo . t elotiua it and im oressive nann : ' . He was afterwards tendered a hearty vute of thanks f-. r his services , and ti , va-tleJ a hatilsorne and valuable I ' a t Master ' s , jewel . Bro . VV . J . Ilunlly was ; presented with a testimonial for his services as Secretary to he lodge for nine years , and then the lodge was closed .
Craft Masonry.
Tbe banquet was served in the handsome assembly room of the hotel , under the direct supervision of Bro . George Burney , P . M ., and was much enjoyed . Among the other brethren present were Bros . T . G . Thomas , P . M . ; J . Harper , P . M . ; C . Barrett , J . Nixon , T . Law , T . Bargent , B . Blagrove , T . Rogers , E . Hedges , H . Davis , S . Crayford , B . Stringer , W . C . Stokes T . Shields , C . Thomas , D . Foster , W . Pinnie , F . Burney , J . Smith , G . Burney , jun ., E . Brady , J . Smalley , E . W .
Carpenter , B . Springer , P . M . S 71 ; J . Sivien , P . M . 2721 ; Captain G . Fishenden , P . M . 706 ; R . Salter , P . M . 79 ; G . Kendall , P . M . C 15 ; T . M . Coombes , S . W . 829 ; L . Thomas , E . Tree , S 79 ; VVhitelock , S 79 ; W . Rogers , P . M . 1339 ; C Cooper , S . W . 79 ; G . Haynes , 79 ; F . Robertson , 170 S ; C . Jolly , P . M . and Sec . 1472 , P . M . 21 S 4 , P . P . A . G . D . C . Essex ; and others . The usual loyal and Grand Lodge toasts having been honoured ,
The I . P . M . proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " and in so doing said that Bro . Rosier had achieved the height of his ambition . He had been a most efficient officer in every office he had gone through , and would be able , as he was willing , to carry out the duties entrusted to him to their satisfaction . Bro . Rosier , in response , said " Allow me to thank the I . P . M . for his kind expressions , and you , brethren , for your hearty reception of the toist . It is quite true as the I . P . M . has said , that I have been a very attentive member of the lodge , and mean to try by every means in my power to prove worthy of your confidence , but if you find me a little remiss , I trust you will excuse me . "
The W . M . then proposed the toast of " The Installing Officer , " and , in so doing , praised not only Bro . Simpson ' s work that day , but more especially his work while in the chair , and trusted to have his support and assistance during the coming year . He then presented Bro . Simpson with the Past Master ' s jewel above mentioned , as being awarded him in the lodge by a unanimous resolution , and wished him many years to
wear it . Bro . Simpson thanked the W . M . and brethren for the toast of his health , and also the jewel , and said that during the time he had been in the lodge he had always endeavoured to do his duty , and could assure them that he should endeavour to assist the W . M . in any little work he might require of him for the benefit and prosperity of the lodge .
The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . Rogers , Fishenden , Salter , Stringer , VVhitelock , and F . Roberts . Several other toasts followed , and the harmony was upheld by Bros . Fishenden , Rogers , Powley , Fowler , Mills , Strainer , and others . Bro . Carpenter created roars of laughter by rendering a most comical recitation , Bro . VV . C . Stokes played a cornet solo , and " all went merry as a marriage bell . "
Instruction .
HORNSEY CHAPTER , No . 8 qo . A meeting was held on the Gth inst ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne terrace , Bishop's-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present : Comps . R . N . Larter , Sgo . -M . E . Z . ' iSs , M . E . Z . ; F . P . Baxter , M . E . Z . elect 2 ( 021 , H . ; H . J . Pearn , J . elect 2621 , J . ; H . Dehane , P . Z . 890 , P . P . G . P . S . Essex , S . E . ; W . J . Lewis , S . N . S 90 and 173 , S . N . ; H . Foskett . 890 , M . E . Z . 186 , Treas . ; F . Marchant , P . S . S 90 , P . S . ; A . L . Butters , J . S 90 , 1 st A . S . ; E . Stevens , 733 ; and C . Webster , J . 1642 . Comp . H . Bladon , 2 5 , was a visitor .
The chapter was opened , companions admitted , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Bladon being the candidate . The executive officers for the ensuing 12 months were elected as follows : Comps . H . Dehane , S . E . ; II . Foskett , Treas . ; E . Lloyd and A . L . Butters , all of whom acknowledged the compliment . A vote of thanks was
passed to Comps . Larter , Baxter , and Pearn for the able manner they had rehearsed the duties of their respective offices for the first time . All three worthy companions expressed their thanks . The M . E . Z . having risen , Comp . Bladon was unanimously elected a member , and , after " Hearty good wishes " were accorded , the chapter was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . A meeting of the above lodge was held on the yth instant at the Prince of Wales ' Hotel , Eastbourne-terrace , Bishop ' s-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present Bros . G . B . Oberti , W . M . ; F . Spink , S . W . ; H . II . Bagnall , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , P . P . S . G . D . Essex , Sec ; VV . J . Lewis , S . D . ; W . ' H . Handover , P . M 1 ( 1 42 , J . D . ; A . E . Pinfold , I . G . ; VV . Daniell , Stwd . ; H . Foskett , P . M . 1 ( 042 , Dep , Preceptor ; C S . Moti , P . M . 1732 ; VV . A . Macleod , E . Stevens , J . H . Beardon , W . C . Franklin , and VV . Smith-Rose . Visitors : Bros . A . L . Marchant , 1793 ; and F . Chidley , 733 .
Ihe lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . 'The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Chidley acting as candidate . The lodge was called off and on . Bro . Bagnall , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair , and opened up to the Third Degree . The brethren were instructed in " entry drill , " after which the oliicers were invested . The W . M ., Bro . Oberti , then rose , and
Bros . Marchant and Chidley were elected members , and acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Spink was elected W . M . for the next lodge meeting , and a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Oberti for the admirable manner he had rehearsed the duties of the chair for the first time , and , in reply , thanked the brethren for the great consideration he had always received from them . After "Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
COBOKN LODGE , No . 1 S 04 . Friday , the 30 th ult ., being the fifth Friday in the month , was , according to the byelaws of the lodge , Preceptor's night , Bro . Meyer elected to work the ceremony of installation and investiture of officers . A special whip having been sent round , resulted in a good attendance of 23 Installed Masters , Past Masters , ami brethren . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed , the W . M . requested Bro . White , P . M ., to occupy the S . W . chair , and Bro . Sulley ( P . M . and
Sec . of mother lodge ) the J . W . chair , while Bro . G . P . Minett , P . M ., acted as D . C . Bro . Ranger , P . M ., having been duly presented , wis installed in the chiir of K . S ., the Preceptor giving the addresses in a most impressive style , and that part of the Ceremony concluded , the Preceptor then invited Bro . Captain Duff to work the investiture , to which he kindly assented , giving the extended working in each case with much edification to the brethren . A very hearty vote of thanks to the Preceptor for his admirable rendering of the ceremonies , brought a very successful meeting to a conclusion .
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Craft Masonry.
take it on himself to say that the W . M . felt much greater pride in filling the chair of his mother lodge than he would that of any other lodge . They could all of them rest assured that their new W . M . was a jolly good Mason and a goo 1 in in . Bro . Thos . Moysey , W . M ., who was most enthusiastically received , prefaced his reply by the observation that he was a modest man —( laughter )— -and their applause had somewhat disconcerted him . He felt that he hardly deserved the reception that had been accorded him , nor the flattering terms in which the I . P . M . had proposed his
health . At the same time he was one who had Masonry deeply at heart , and he hoped during the coming year to endeavour to merit the good opinion thev had formed of him . He was very fond of the lodge through the chair oE which he had passed , as it was a lodge connected with his old school , and he was one of the founders ; but he had been initiated in the United Northern Counties Lodge eight years ago , and he hoped then to become its W . M . in due course . This was , therefore , the proudest evening of his life , and he felt that was one of the chief causes of the flittering reception that had been
accorded him . The I . P . M . and Bro . Heydon , P . M ., before him had both worked hard to bring the lotige up to its present statu ? , and it was largely due to their efforts that the lodge had such bright prospects before it , and that there v ; is such a wide circle of dear friends present on these occasions ; occasions when he had no doubt the links of the chain of friends h p were welded more closely together , and he trusted it
would be many years before that chain was severed . He was proud of being Master of a lodge which was capable of entering into close rivalry with any lodge in London or elsewhere , and he should make the greatest efforts during his year of office to carry that idea through . He hoped during his year of office to see the visitors at many assemblies of the lodge ; quieter assemblies , perhaps , thin the present one , but at which they would be equally welcome .
Bro . Nield , J . P ., in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " observed that it had been said that the way to an Englishman ' s pocket was through his stomach ; but that did not apply to Masonry . No banquet was needed to enable them to acquit themselves as they should towards the Charities . The United Northern Counties Lodge was behind none in giving to the best of its means . It had subscribed 70 guineas at the Boys' Festival , and 300 [ guineas had been left by a late member to the Benevolent Institution . The Boys were being taken out to Bushey , but he hoped the School
Committee would be able to continue Dr . Porter s services , for he was sure the lodge would raise as much money as it could , not only among its members , but also from among their neighbours—with the consent of the latter , of course . ( Laughter . ) The Masonic Charities resulted in boys and girls not only being given a gcod secular education , but they were taught reverence for T . G . A . O . T . U ., which they could not learn in a State school ; and the Old People were given a certain amount of help to spire them making an appeal to the public oliicers . I le coupled the name of Bro . Smithson with the toast .
Bro . W . F . Smithson , P . G . D ., in reply , said he had been associated with the Charities for a number of years , not only with the education of the boys and girls , but also with the maintenance of the old men and women . There were zco old men receiving £ 42 a year , and over 200 old women who received £ 30 a year each , or a total cost to the Order of £ 16 , 000 a year . The Girls' School had 270 on the roll to-day , all
of whom were taught cooking and sewing in addition to ordinary lessons , so as to make them good housewives in the future . The cost of that Institution was £ 14 , 000 a year , while in the Boys' School there were 300 boys receiving a good commercial education ; they were also taught shorthand , carpentry , printing , and book-binding . The Craft was spending voluntarily £ . So , ooo a year on the three Institutions , and at the Centeniry , 1140 , 000 had been raised to provide accommodation at Bushey for from 300 to 400
ooys . Bro . W . B . Hextall proposed the toast of "The Visitors , " which was responded to by Bros . Brock , Anderson , Robinson , Gooding , Davies , and Pridvnore , P . Ms . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of the I . P . M . and Instilling Master , " presenting him , on behalf of the lodge , with a Past Master ' s collar and jewel as a mark
of esteem for his great services , this being the first occasion on which the lodge had voted a collar to a P . M . Bro . Henry Smith , P . G . D ., also pinned a Past Master ' s jewel on the breast of the I . P . M ., on behalf of the lodge . Tie I . P . M . suitabl y ; acknowledged the compliments paid him in a humorous speech , the remaining toasts being those of " The Past Masters and Officers , " responded to by Bros . Heydon , P . M . ; Bullock , P . M . ; and Weller , S . W . ; and the Tyler ' s toast .
During the progress of the banquet a programme of music wis performed , under the direction of Bro . Augustus Toop , P . P . G . Org . Surrey , ia which Madame Franken , Misses Amy Fletcher , and Alice Stroud , Bros . James Gawthrop and William Llewellyn took part .
Arrow Lodge , No . 2240 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . THOMAS E . MALL , P . P . G . O . The tibove prosperous lodge in the Province of Hereford celebrated in grand style its annual festival on the 2 nd instant , in the lodge room at the Burton House Hotel , Kington , when the above-ntimcd esteemed brother was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in the presence of Bros . H . C Beddoc , I ) . . G . M . ; S . Passey , P . P . G . S ., W . M . ; T . E . Hall , P . P . G . O ., S . W ., W . M . elect ; T . H . Vaughan Morris , J . W . ; G . T .
Goodwin , S . D . ; G . W . S . Hart , J . D . ; F . P . Young , P . M ., P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; | . VV . Lloyd , P . M ., P . P . G . Stwd ., D . C ; C VV . Lloyd , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; R . VV . Griffiths , P . M ., P . P . G . Purst . ; B . A . liamer , P . M ., P . G . Stwi . ; R . A . Billiald , L . . F . Roese , Edward Bore , C . Bridgewater , T . G . Sprague , C F . Blakely , G . I ) ivies , J . Welson , B . 1 'iiilpin , E . j . Jones , A . Dingwall , L . A . D . rvies , and Robert -Bich . The
visitors were Bros . R . Bright , P . M ., 11 . Gosling , P . M ., Powell , P . G . S ., Bradford , and Bach , all of S . 12 ; W . 11 . Matthews , P . M ., VV . Margrett , W . M ., and VV . W . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., all of 120 ; Rees Williams , F . B . Powell , and A . J . Lilwall , of 23 S 2 ' . Thomas Bore , P . M . 1275 ; A . E . Pritchard , 20 O 2 ; C . J . Johnson , 1706 ; J . R . Blair , P . M . 13 S 7 ; A . S . Townsend , 117 , P . P . G . W . ; E . Lewis , 377 ; and Herman Stiauss , 1120 .
After the formal business , whirli included the adoption of a very satisfactory balance-sheet , the W . M . elect , Bio . T . E . Hall , was duly installed intu the chair by Bro . S . Mayor , P . M ., P . G . Org . Hereford , who delivered the addresses in a most impressive manner , after the following officers for the ensuing yiar had been invested ; Bro . T . II . Vaughan Morris , S . W . ; G . T . Goodwin , | . W . ; A . Parker , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works Hereford , Treas . ; F . P . Young , P . M ., Sec ; G . W . S . Hart , S . I ) . ; E . A . Mahir , J . D . ; E . Bore , I . G . ; L . V . Roese , Org . ; and T . G . Sprague and C . Biidgewater , Stwds .
Alter the closing of the lodge , the members sat down to 11 . first-class banquet , which was admirably served by liro . Robert L ' . dje and the Misses Lodge . A list of the usual loyal and Masonic tiasts was submitted , excellent speeches biing made by Bros . Beddoe , D . P . G . M ., and Robinson . A capital prcgramme of music , under the direction of Bio . S . Mayor , who also accompanied , was gone through in a manner highly plea'iog to the listeners , the following being the contiibutors : Bros . Bradford , Gosling , Johnson , George Davies , llait , Roese , and Powell .
Borough of Greenwich Lodge , No . 2332 . INSTALLATION OF BRO . J . W . ROSIER . 'lite installation meeting of the above excel' . c . it bilge took 1 lice , on Tuesday , t ' ae 3 rd instant , at the Masinic Reims , King William the Fourth Hotel , East Greenwich , and was a most enj , ; a '; le affair i ' rem fust to last . The lod ; ie was opened by the W . M ., Bio . 1 ' . J . Sirnpsor , ami , alter the minutes of the previ iu .- ; regulir and an emergency
meeting had been continued , Bro . J . VV . Rosier , . S . W ., W . M . elect , v . a ; presented to the W . A 1 . to receive at his hands the benefit ; of in . stal ' n'ion , and in the presence of a large and u Hut 11 ial B-.-aul of Instilled Masters ; Bro . K-o , i .-r wa- ; installed , proclaimed , and saluted . He appointed Mid inves ' c 1 his oliicers os fo lo . vs : Bros . F . J . Simp ton , I . P . M . ; 1 ) . McCall , S . W . ; C Greenaway , J . W . ; E . W . Higgs , P . M ., Treas - . ; G .
P . Carter , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Powley , S . D . ; E . Mill .- - . J . D . ; R . 1 ) . Simpson , D . C ; E . A . Hkjgs , I . G . ; A . Lades , P . M ., J . S . Fowler , If . Iv . nnaird , B . G . Stringer , and F . Fortt , Stewards ; and F . Spinks , Tyler . The co . - omoii )' w .: s then conclu . led by the In tailing Master giving the addre-ses in a mo . t elotiua it and im oressive nann : ' . He was afterwards tendered a hearty vute of thanks f-. r his services , and ti , va-tleJ a hatilsorne and valuable I ' a t Master ' s , jewel . Bro . VV . J . Ilunlly was ; presented with a testimonial for his services as Secretary to he lodge for nine years , and then the lodge was closed .
Craft Masonry.
Tbe banquet was served in the handsome assembly room of the hotel , under the direct supervision of Bro . George Burney , P . M ., and was much enjoyed . Among the other brethren present were Bros . T . G . Thomas , P . M . ; J . Harper , P . M . ; C . Barrett , J . Nixon , T . Law , T . Bargent , B . Blagrove , T . Rogers , E . Hedges , H . Davis , S . Crayford , B . Stringer , W . C . Stokes T . Shields , C . Thomas , D . Foster , W . Pinnie , F . Burney , J . Smith , G . Burney , jun ., E . Brady , J . Smalley , E . W .
Carpenter , B . Springer , P . M . S 71 ; J . Sivien , P . M . 2721 ; Captain G . Fishenden , P . M . 706 ; R . Salter , P . M . 79 ; G . Kendall , P . M . C 15 ; T . M . Coombes , S . W . 829 ; L . Thomas , E . Tree , S 79 ; VVhitelock , S 79 ; W . Rogers , P . M . 1339 ; C Cooper , S . W . 79 ; G . Haynes , 79 ; F . Robertson , 170 S ; C . Jolly , P . M . and Sec . 1472 , P . M . 21 S 4 , P . P . A . G . D . C . Essex ; and others . The usual loyal and Grand Lodge toasts having been honoured ,
The I . P . M . proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " and in so doing said that Bro . Rosier had achieved the height of his ambition . He had been a most efficient officer in every office he had gone through , and would be able , as he was willing , to carry out the duties entrusted to him to their satisfaction . Bro . Rosier , in response , said " Allow me to thank the I . P . M . for his kind expressions , and you , brethren , for your hearty reception of the toist . It is quite true as the I . P . M . has said , that I have been a very attentive member of the lodge , and mean to try by every means in my power to prove worthy of your confidence , but if you find me a little remiss , I trust you will excuse me . "
The W . M . then proposed the toast of " The Installing Officer , " and , in so doing , praised not only Bro . Simpson ' s work that day , but more especially his work while in the chair , and trusted to have his support and assistance during the coming year . He then presented Bro . Simpson with the Past Master ' s jewel above mentioned , as being awarded him in the lodge by a unanimous resolution , and wished him many years to
wear it . Bro . Simpson thanked the W . M . and brethren for the toast of his health , and also the jewel , and said that during the time he had been in the lodge he had always endeavoured to do his duty , and could assure them that he should endeavour to assist the W . M . in any little work he might require of him for the benefit and prosperity of the lodge .
The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . Rogers , Fishenden , Salter , Stringer , VVhitelock , and F . Roberts . Several other toasts followed , and the harmony was upheld by Bros . Fishenden , Rogers , Powley , Fowler , Mills , Strainer , and others . Bro . Carpenter created roars of laughter by rendering a most comical recitation , Bro . VV . C . Stokes played a cornet solo , and " all went merry as a marriage bell . "
Instruction .
HORNSEY CHAPTER , No . 8 qo . A meeting was held on the Gth inst ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne terrace , Bishop's-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present : Comps . R . N . Larter , Sgo . -M . E . Z . ' iSs , M . E . Z . ; F . P . Baxter , M . E . Z . elect 2 ( 021 , H . ; H . J . Pearn , J . elect 2621 , J . ; H . Dehane , P . Z . 890 , P . P . G . P . S . Essex , S . E . ; W . J . Lewis , S . N . S 90 and 173 , S . N . ; H . Foskett . 890 , M . E . Z . 186 , Treas . ; F . Marchant , P . S . S 90 , P . S . ; A . L . Butters , J . S 90 , 1 st A . S . ; E . Stevens , 733 ; and C . Webster , J . 1642 . Comp . H . Bladon , 2 5 , was a visitor .
The chapter was opened , companions admitted , and the minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Bladon being the candidate . The executive officers for the ensuing 12 months were elected as follows : Comps . H . Dehane , S . E . ; II . Foskett , Treas . ; E . Lloyd and A . L . Butters , all of whom acknowledged the compliment . A vote of thanks was
passed to Comps . Larter , Baxter , and Pearn for the able manner they had rehearsed the duties of their respective offices for the first time . All three worthy companions expressed their thanks . The M . E . Z . having risen , Comp . Bladon was unanimously elected a member , and , after " Hearty good wishes " were accorded , the chapter was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE , No . 1425 . A meeting of the above lodge was held on the yth instant at the Prince of Wales ' Hotel , Eastbourne-terrace , Bishop ' s-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present Bros . G . B . Oberti , W . M . ; F . Spink , S . W . ; H . II . Bagnall , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , P . P . S . G . D . Essex , Sec ; VV . J . Lewis , S . D . ; W . ' H . Handover , P . M 1 ( 1 42 , J . D . ; A . E . Pinfold , I . G . ; VV . Daniell , Stwd . ; H . Foskett , P . M . 1 ( 042 , Dep , Preceptor ; C S . Moti , P . M . 1732 ; VV . A . Macleod , E . Stevens , J . H . Beardon , W . C . Franklin , and VV . Smith-Rose . Visitors : Bros . A . L . Marchant , 1793 ; and F . Chidley , 733 .
Ihe lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . 'The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Chidley acting as candidate . The lodge was called off and on . Bro . Bagnall , at the request of the W . M ., assumed the chair , and opened up to the Third Degree . The brethren were instructed in " entry drill , " after which the oliicers were invested . The W . M ., Bro . Oberti , then rose , and
Bros . Marchant and Chidley were elected members , and acknowledged the compliment . Bro . Spink was elected W . M . for the next lodge meeting , and a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Oberti for the admirable manner he had rehearsed the duties of the chair for the first time , and , in reply , thanked the brethren for the great consideration he had always received from them . After "Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
COBOKN LODGE , No . 1 S 04 . Friday , the 30 th ult ., being the fifth Friday in the month , was , according to the byelaws of the lodge , Preceptor's night , Bro . Meyer elected to work the ceremony of installation and investiture of officers . A special whip having been sent round , resulted in a good attendance of 23 Installed Masters , Past Masters , ami brethren . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed , the W . M . requested Bro . White , P . M ., to occupy the S . W . chair , and Bro . Sulley ( P . M . and
Sec . of mother lodge ) the J . W . chair , while Bro . G . P . Minett , P . M ., acted as D . C . Bro . Ranger , P . M ., having been duly presented , wis installed in the chiir of K . S ., the Preceptor giving the addresses in a most impressive style , and that part of the Ceremony concluded , the Preceptor then invited Bro . Captain Duff to work the investiture , to which he kindly assented , giving the extended working in each case with much edification to the brethren . A very hearty vote of thanks to the Preceptor for his admirable rendering of the ceremonies , brought a very successful meeting to a conclusion .
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