Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MIDLAND RAILWAY HOTELS will be found cotnplete in all arrangements , and charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND HOTEL ( Adjoining St . Pancras Station ) , LoNIOON , N . W . 'The new Venetian Runin at this Hotel is available for VVedding Breakfasts , and Ma :. unic and other- Banquets . ADELP 111 HOTEL , LIVERPOOL . OUEEN'S HOTEL , LEEDS . MIDLAND HOTEL , BRADFORD . MIDLAND HOTEL , DERBY . MIDLAND HOTEL , MORECAMBE . IIEY 5 HAM TOWER , NEAR MORECAMBE . Telegrams— " Ml DOTH L . " Tariffs on application to each Hotel ' , or VV . TOVVLE , Manager , Midland Railway Hotels , ccc . Chic Ollice t—Midland Granil Hotel , London , N . W .
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , S . E . PUOPIUKTOR : C . J . BROWN . Within live minutes L . 1 ! . and S . C Railway , and S . E . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpuoli . lreetainl llio . nl-street Stations . SI ' LK . ' UID ACCOMMODATION IIU ; MASONIC I . ODOKS AND CH . M'U ' . KS . LAUOI-. BANIJI ' ' I INO IIAI . I .. y \ ll up 1 , 1 dale , ami lale-t improvernelit :,. Acknowledged by the I ' re ., lo be the line . t Ma ,-, uuic Hall in I dun . Tele | ilnilie No . JJJ Hop . Ill . | iei : lion invited .
FJR SALE .-SPLENDID SET OF SI-. VKN COLOURED PLA I ES of various degiecs ¦ il Fctina-iniy , ptiiili > hcd in iSu , £ j , ) s . oj . Apply | . S . Olliee el the Freemason , 10 and ilu , Great Oueen-. Iree . W . C . MKS . ALF . A . PENDLEBURYS ANGI O-GEKMAN BOARDING SCHOOL for the Daughters of Gentlemen . " KlVIKKA , " Wl ' . STCI . IKK , ituoKNKMoji'H . I lighly leeoiiniieiiileil by luhvard Lelehwoith , f ' si l-i Giand Seerelaiy ; The Right Hon . Lord Jit ~ . ti . i- - T ' it / .- ( iililinn , Dublin ; . sir Heriiianii Weber , M . D ., V . R . C ' . I ' ., and others . HEPBURN AND COCKS ( KSTAni . lSIIIU ) 17 'lo ) , a , j . \ , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , LONDON , W . C , DEED , CASH , DESPATCH , AIR-TIGHT AND JAPANNED TIN 'BOX MANUFACTURERS . SPECIAL I 10 . XKS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE . . STRONG DEED BONES , from 5 / - ; STRONG CASH BOXES , from 3 / C . I ' KICK LISTS . ESII . MATKS SUIIMIIIKI ) .
JOHN J . M . BULT , ** CASH TAILOR , 1 . 11 . , 1-KNCIIUKClt ST ., LONDON E . C . TWO LEADING SPECIALITIESllKI- ' . SS Sill ( Lined Satin ) , £ 4 . | s . 1 / ROC'K COAT ( Silk Kircd ) , eY VEST , £ 2 3 s . 'llie l . ai . ; , I S , I , ill ,, 11 ill lb , I'ily uf Seidell Tweed , I 'In viol and Tain V Suiting :.. pAbTLE HOTEL , HASTINGS , COFFEE ROOM , BIDKOOMS , SMOKING LOUNGE , BILLIARD ROOMS , ASSEMBLY ROOM FOR BANQUETS , & c . l | ... iihpiarU-t :-ol I rait , An h , Mail ; , Ail ; & l . od ^ e ol Instruction Extensive Stahlint ; . Pusses meet Trains . Apply—H . BOVCK . MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , T . AS 1 MOl . ESKY , HAMI'IUN COURT Sr-. vi TUN . BR () . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . A , 1 "' inn , illation in ill'' 'i' w uin ^ l <» r I ' . impiets f , » r any , M ] 1 II |„ 1 initi , ! . ' " . t '\ , 1 \ 1 ,-n \ , in , in e t ,, | - I aili , ¦ . ' I latin 1-iliM S | ,. ,, ion ¦ la'iilin-j t < , II \ , I . \* In in i- Si , ¦ am 1 .. nun hi : ; , ; in ? iaii . Iiu 1 . , „) LM . in , ,-i 11 , i -. ari'l i , l , ' ,-in i- may be made In tin- n- I" ' < ' ¦ ¦ ' Ma '' '' ' '" "' ¦ ¦ . Hi-ring , rve . ' -pWO ENGRAVINGS FOR SALE . HI . l \ . s | . \ M . AI H IN ol U . K . II . I MI . I'klNCK I H W \ l K- > , " ¦ " I "'" :- ; '' ' " '' 1 ""' '" ' ' " ' l ' "' befme i ¦¦ ' ¦ l . —R . N ' "ll" . H ' . i \ sON , < ii . I iiidilirv T . i . en . ent , !¦ : ( . .
ANDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . 11 . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position uf Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meelinus of Creditor .- ; , Arbitrations , & C . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of lintel Entrance i :. open to the public horn 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheon :., Teas , and Dinners . 'Ihe -s . I lot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams t—¦ CLEMOW , LONDON .
HOSKIN'S HOTEL , OXTED , SURREY , One minute's walk from S . E . and I .. 15 . & S . C . Rly . Station : ; . Proprietor—Bro . THOMAS TUCKER . SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Spaeiou :. Banquet Room , Ante-Rooms & other conveniences . EVERY FACILITY FOR SUMMER OUTINGS . CUMNAKY AlSKANOKMKNTS PKKFECIION . WiNiis , CiiiAits , & c , OF FiNi ' . sr BRANDS . The East . Surrey Lodge , Jjdij , meet :, at this establishinent . GOOD STABLING . SPLENDID SCENERY . Charges very moderate . Further particulars of the Proprietor . ZURICH . ( Station on the Gutlliard anil Ailbeig Line ) . p RAND HOTEL ^ BELLEVUE AU LAC . Ivieeptiniiable position un the Lake . I'Vntirely rebuilt . One of the finest hotels in Switzerland . 301 I Beds , - ; o Saloons , Batbiooms , several Lifts , Electric Light , and modern Sanitary arrangements . Grandly situated near the Lake and New Bridge . Large 'Terrace and Garden . 'Terms , 10 fes . a day for live days and upwards . Near the New English Church , the Theatre and the Town Hall . Private apartments , with baths and every comfort . Cook ' s Coupons . Bin . F . A . POIIL , Manager . WA . GRIFFIN , . UMBRELLA & STlcK MANUFACTURER And Dealer in FANCY LEATHER GOODS , SALISBURY HOUSE , LONDON WALL , E . C 3 , MONUMENT STATION BUILDINGS , E . C * 104 , LKADKNIIAI . L STKBHT , E . C . STI-XIAI . ITY-O . M . SII . K , 2 years' Wearing Umbrella , 10 / 6 KK ('() VKI < lN ( iS in 15 minutes , Ironi 3 , 0 . UMHKI-XI . AS & SIICKS ' h'UR 1 'KKSKNTATION . THE EXMOOR MUSICAL SERVICES FOR CKAL'T MASONRY . . A SELECTION OF HYMNS , PSALMS , & c , WITH MUSICAL SETTINGS , COMPILED FOR THE U *' . OF THE EXMOOR LODGE , No . 2300 , BV lJRO . T . 11 . AN 1 JRKW . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & iCa , Great Oucen Street , Lincoln ' s-lnn-I ' "ields , W . C
FISH , POULTRY GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , 1 / , NEW BKOAD STREET , E . C . 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S Rl ) ., HOLBORN , W . C , SG , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E ., And 203 , FINCHLEY ROAD , N . W . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of the Very Best Ouality at Lowest Prices
Q . REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CM RISTMAS HOLIDAYS . EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : — SATI ' KOAV , DECKMUKR 21 st . —To CORK AND KILLAR - NKV . for a fortnight or less ; and at midnight to Merth yr , Abcrdare , etc ., to return DlvCKMr . KR 2 ( ith or . 'Sth night . Dvtc'itMi ' . i-tu oist anil 2 . 4 th night . — To SWINDON Cirencester , Stroud , Gi . oi'CKSTKU , CHELTENHAM , Chep ! slow , Newport , Abergavenny , CARDIFF , SWANSEA Llanelly . (' n'liiailben , Tenby , Pembroke I lock , NEW MILI FORD , Chippenham , Bath , BRISTOL , Weston-Siiper-Maie , Sx ., to return DECEMBER 211 th or- jSlh night ; and to Taunton . EXETER , Dawlish , 'Teignmoiilh , TORQUAY Dai'tinniilh , Tavktork , l . niinceston , PLYMOUTH , DEVON ! riiKT , Bodmin , Newquay , Truro , FALMOUTH , PENZANCE , itc , tn return DEI K . MBKIJ j' , th or jiilh night , MONDAY , DECEMBER - ' 3 rd . — 'To WATKKFORD , Kilkenny , ( lonincl , LIMKKICK . Tralee , KILLARNEY , BELFAST Armagh , GIANTS CAUSEWAY , & C , for a fortnight or less . ' TuKsitAV , DECEMBER _ ' 4 th . —To Savevnake , Marlborough , DEVIZES . TKOWIIRIIIOE . Fronie , She [ rton Mallei , Wells , Yi-tnvir ., liriilpnrt , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , Portland , VVilliton , MINKHKAII , WellingUm , 'Tiverton , Stc , lo return DKCKMHKK jdth night . TUESDAY NIGHT , DKCKMHKK 2 . 4 th . — -To GUKRNSKY and J KRSKV , for 14 days or less ; to LLANDILO , Llandovery , Newcastle Emlyn , Cardigan , & c , to return DKCKMHKK - 'i , | h or jSth night ; to WAPKISRIIIGK , St . Ives , ecc .: to ( 'hipping Norton , Evesham , WORCESTER , Droitwich , Malvern , IIKKF . MIUII , & c , to return December 2 dth night ; and In OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIR - MINGHAM , Dudley , Kidderminster , WOLVERHAMPTON , Shrewsbury , ( Iswestry , Llangollen , Corwen , CHR . STKR , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & c , to return DKCKMHKK jOlli , - 'Sth , or J ANUARY 1 st . For full particulars of SPECIAL trains , see pamphlets . Several through Expresses from and to London will not run on the Bank Holiday , and certain local trains will be discontinued during the Holidays . Tickets and Pamphlets obtainable at the Company ' :, Stations and Town Oflices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
PRICE 5 s . THE GRAND REGISTRAR'S BOOK ON "THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRAFT IN ENGLAND . " In consequence of a request for a cheaper issue of the work on "NORTHUMBRIAN MASONRY , " Bv R . W . Bro . STRACHAN , Q . C , Grand Registrar of England , Bro . GI ' . OKGK KHNNING has arranged for stout paper copies to be supplied at 5 s . each , as well as in the more expensive binding and finish at ios . rod . Am , 1111 , ' oilier items of interest in this work will lie finrnil the e \ idem (¦* ol Masonry union ,: the Ancient llritnnj ; , the inlrnttnclion ul travelling hands id " (' einentarms" by llenediet Hisci'V . mil Si . Wilfrid 1 their Art rnrried into Snitland , Wales , ami llie Midlands ; how Masons lieiami ' " Tree ; " the wages ol ( Tuftsin ,-u and Masters ; tl Marks" on the works ; verily'iie MOM , ni , Ira , I , li ,, 11 l > v rei nrds anil t ir , iiin ^ taiif es ; the relation ' •! (' . nil , Is in l . nil | . - ; the lirsl renird ol a "S | iiriilative " initiate in l-. nr . land ; lire iilentilv ol early Kii |; lish Operative and . Scottish S | , e , nlatiie Toilers ; how the latter erossed the Murder ; how lire Lode .,-:-1 . line timier eenlral authority . The lelebr . ited IMasiinii Orations given hy V . W . liro . ( ANON TKISII . AM , l-. K . S ,, Past Craml Chaplain , the liislorian of 11 " - ' Holy Land , haw lieerr tolleiled , and will be lotlild in the appendix , revised by their author fur this wotk LONDON : GEOUOE KKNNING , 16 & ifia , Great Ouecn-st . And may be ordered through any Bookseller . MARRIAGE . —A Director of Planbatations in India Wishes to C ORRESPOND with a good-looking Young Lady of birth and education . Income about , ( , 300 . Advertisi 1 is a gentleman ( 30 ) of g ? l appearance and excellent family . Please write in ( i'St instance to " India Advertiser , Box ijjOj , Daily Git : cttc Ollice , Birmingham , " enclosing photo , which will be returned . Strictly private and conli lential . No reply possible under two months . NEW MASONIC SONG ( Patronized by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , "THE INNER GUARD'S SONG , '' Specimen Copy , i / - net . Piulits given to Masonic Charities . GKUI . OH RUNNING , IO & 16 a , GRKAT QUBEN ST ., W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MIDLAND RAILWAY HOTELS will be found cotnplete in all arrangements , and charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND HOTEL ( Adjoining St . Pancras Station ) , LoNIOON , N . W . 'The new Venetian Runin at this Hotel is available for VVedding Breakfasts , and Ma :. unic and other- Banquets . ADELP 111 HOTEL , LIVERPOOL . OUEEN'S HOTEL , LEEDS . MIDLAND HOTEL , BRADFORD . MIDLAND HOTEL , DERBY . MIDLAND HOTEL , MORECAMBE . IIEY 5 HAM TOWER , NEAR MORECAMBE . Telegrams— " Ml DOTH L . " Tariffs on application to each Hotel ' , or VV . TOVVLE , Manager , Midland Railway Hotels , ccc . Chic Ollice t—Midland Granil Hotel , London , N . W .
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , S . E . PUOPIUKTOR : C . J . BROWN . Within live minutes L . 1 ! . and S . C Railway , and S . E . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpuoli . lreetainl llio . nl-street Stations . SI ' LK . ' UID ACCOMMODATION IIU ; MASONIC I . ODOKS AND CH . M'U ' . KS . LAUOI-. BANIJI ' ' I INO IIAI . I .. y \ ll up 1 , 1 dale , ami lale-t improvernelit :,. Acknowledged by the I ' re ., lo be the line . t Ma ,-, uuic Hall in I dun . Tele | ilnilie No . JJJ Hop . Ill . | iei : lion invited .
FJR SALE .-SPLENDID SET OF SI-. VKN COLOURED PLA I ES of various degiecs ¦ il Fctina-iniy , ptiiili > hcd in iSu , £ j , ) s . oj . Apply | . S . Olliee el the Freemason , 10 and ilu , Great Oueen-. Iree . W . C . MKS . ALF . A . PENDLEBURYS ANGI O-GEKMAN BOARDING SCHOOL for the Daughters of Gentlemen . " KlVIKKA , " Wl ' . STCI . IKK , ituoKNKMoji'H . I lighly leeoiiniieiiileil by luhvard Lelehwoith , f ' si l-i Giand Seerelaiy ; The Right Hon . Lord Jit ~ . ti . i- - T ' it / .- ( iililinn , Dublin ; . sir Heriiianii Weber , M . D ., V . R . C ' . I ' ., and others . HEPBURN AND COCKS ( KSTAni . lSIIIU ) 17 'lo ) , a , j . \ , LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS , LONDON , W . C , DEED , CASH , DESPATCH , AIR-TIGHT AND JAPANNED TIN 'BOX MANUFACTURERS . SPECIAL I 10 . XKS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE . . STRONG DEED BONES , from 5 / - ; STRONG CASH BOXES , from 3 / C . I ' KICK LISTS . ESII . MATKS SUIIMIIIKI ) .
JOHN J . M . BULT , ** CASH TAILOR , 1 . 11 . , 1-KNCIIUKClt ST ., LONDON E . C . TWO LEADING SPECIALITIESllKI- ' . SS Sill ( Lined Satin ) , £ 4 . | s . 1 / ROC'K COAT ( Silk Kircd ) , eY VEST , £ 2 3 s . 'llie l . ai . ; , I S , I , ill ,, 11 ill lb , I'ily uf Seidell Tweed , I 'In viol and Tain V Suiting :.. pAbTLE HOTEL , HASTINGS , COFFEE ROOM , BIDKOOMS , SMOKING LOUNGE , BILLIARD ROOMS , ASSEMBLY ROOM FOR BANQUETS , & c . l | ... iihpiarU-t :-ol I rait , An h , Mail ; , Ail ; & l . od ^ e ol Instruction Extensive Stahlint ; . Pusses meet Trains . Apply—H . BOVCK . MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , T . AS 1 MOl . ESKY , HAMI'IUN COURT Sr-. vi TUN . BR () . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . A , 1 "' inn , illation in ill'' 'i' w uin ^ l <» r I ' . impiets f , » r any , M ] 1 II |„ 1 initi , ! . ' " . t '\ , 1 \ 1 ,-n \ , in , in e t ,, | - I aili , ¦ . ' I latin 1-iliM S | ,. ,, ion ¦ la'iilin-j t < , II \ , I . \* In in i- Si , ¦ am 1 .. nun hi : ; , ; in ? iaii . Iiu 1 . , „) LM . in , ,-i 11 , i -. ari'l i , l , ' ,-in i- may be made In tin- n- I" ' < ' ¦ ¦ ' Ma '' '' ' '" "' ¦ ¦ . Hi-ring , rve . ' -pWO ENGRAVINGS FOR SALE . HI . l \ . s | . \ M . AI H IN ol U . K . II . I MI . I'klNCK I H W \ l K- > , " ¦ " I "'" :- ; '' ' " '' 1 ""' '" ' ' " ' l ' "' befme i ¦¦ ' ¦ l . —R . N ' "ll" . H ' . i \ sON , < ii . I iiidilirv T . i . en . ent , !¦ : ( . .
ANDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . 11 . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position uf Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meelinus of Creditor .- ; , Arbitrations , & C . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of lintel Entrance i :. open to the public horn 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheon :., Teas , and Dinners . 'Ihe -s . I lot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams t—¦ CLEMOW , LONDON .
HOSKIN'S HOTEL , OXTED , SURREY , One minute's walk from S . E . and I .. 15 . & S . C . Rly . Station : ; . Proprietor—Bro . THOMAS TUCKER . SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Spaeiou :. Banquet Room , Ante-Rooms & other conveniences . EVERY FACILITY FOR SUMMER OUTINGS . CUMNAKY AlSKANOKMKNTS PKKFECIION . WiNiis , CiiiAits , & c , OF FiNi ' . sr BRANDS . The East . Surrey Lodge , Jjdij , meet :, at this establishinent . GOOD STABLING . SPLENDID SCENERY . Charges very moderate . Further particulars of the Proprietor . ZURICH . ( Station on the Gutlliard anil Ailbeig Line ) . p RAND HOTEL ^ BELLEVUE AU LAC . Ivieeptiniiable position un the Lake . I'Vntirely rebuilt . One of the finest hotels in Switzerland . 301 I Beds , - ; o Saloons , Batbiooms , several Lifts , Electric Light , and modern Sanitary arrangements . Grandly situated near the Lake and New Bridge . Large 'Terrace and Garden . 'Terms , 10 fes . a day for live days and upwards . Near the New English Church , the Theatre and the Town Hall . Private apartments , with baths and every comfort . Cook ' s Coupons . Bin . F . A . POIIL , Manager . WA . GRIFFIN , . UMBRELLA & STlcK MANUFACTURER And Dealer in FANCY LEATHER GOODS , SALISBURY HOUSE , LONDON WALL , E . C 3 , MONUMENT STATION BUILDINGS , E . C * 104 , LKADKNIIAI . L STKBHT , E . C . STI-XIAI . ITY-O . M . SII . K , 2 years' Wearing Umbrella , 10 / 6 KK ('() VKI < lN ( iS in 15 minutes , Ironi 3 , 0 . UMHKI-XI . AS & SIICKS ' h'UR 1 'KKSKNTATION . THE EXMOOR MUSICAL SERVICES FOR CKAL'T MASONRY . . A SELECTION OF HYMNS , PSALMS , & c , WITH MUSICAL SETTINGS , COMPILED FOR THE U *' . OF THE EXMOOR LODGE , No . 2300 , BV lJRO . T . 11 . AN 1 JRKW . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 & iCa , Great Oucen Street , Lincoln ' s-lnn-I ' "ields , W . C
FISH , POULTRY GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , 1 / , NEW BKOAD STREET , E . C . 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S Rl ) ., HOLBORN , W . C , SG , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E ., And 203 , FINCHLEY ROAD , N . W . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of the Very Best Ouality at Lowest Prices
Q . REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CM RISTMAS HOLIDAYS . EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : — SATI ' KOAV , DECKMUKR 21 st . —To CORK AND KILLAR - NKV . for a fortnight or less ; and at midnight to Merth yr , Abcrdare , etc ., to return DlvCKMr . KR 2 ( ith or . 'Sth night . Dvtc'itMi ' . i-tu oist anil 2 . 4 th night . — To SWINDON Cirencester , Stroud , Gi . oi'CKSTKU , CHELTENHAM , Chep ! slow , Newport , Abergavenny , CARDIFF , SWANSEA Llanelly . (' n'liiailben , Tenby , Pembroke I lock , NEW MILI FORD , Chippenham , Bath , BRISTOL , Weston-Siiper-Maie , Sx ., to return DECEMBER 211 th or- jSlh night ; and to Taunton . EXETER , Dawlish , 'Teignmoiilh , TORQUAY Dai'tinniilh , Tavktork , l . niinceston , PLYMOUTH , DEVON ! riiKT , Bodmin , Newquay , Truro , FALMOUTH , PENZANCE , itc , tn return DEI K . MBKIJ j' , th or jiilh night , MONDAY , DECEMBER - ' 3 rd . — 'To WATKKFORD , Kilkenny , ( lonincl , LIMKKICK . Tralee , KILLARNEY , BELFAST Armagh , GIANTS CAUSEWAY , & C , for a fortnight or less . ' TuKsitAV , DECEMBER _ ' 4 th . —To Savevnake , Marlborough , DEVIZES . TKOWIIRIIIOE . Fronie , She [ rton Mallei , Wells , Yi-tnvir ., liriilpnrt , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , Portland , VVilliton , MINKHKAII , WellingUm , 'Tiverton , Stc , lo return DKCKMHKK jdth night . TUESDAY NIGHT , DKCKMHKK 2 . 4 th . — -To GUKRNSKY and J KRSKV , for 14 days or less ; to LLANDILO , Llandovery , Newcastle Emlyn , Cardigan , & c , to return DKCKMHKK - 'i , | h or jSth night ; to WAPKISRIIIGK , St . Ives , ecc .: to ( 'hipping Norton , Evesham , WORCESTER , Droitwich , Malvern , IIKKF . MIUII , & c , to return December 2 dth night ; and In OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIR - MINGHAM , Dudley , Kidderminster , WOLVERHAMPTON , Shrewsbury , ( Iswestry , Llangollen , Corwen , CHR . STKR , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & c , to return DKCKMHKK jOlli , - 'Sth , or J ANUARY 1 st . For full particulars of SPECIAL trains , see pamphlets . Several through Expresses from and to London will not run on the Bank Holiday , and certain local trains will be discontinued during the Holidays . Tickets and Pamphlets obtainable at the Company ' :, Stations and Town Oflices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
PRICE 5 s . THE GRAND REGISTRAR'S BOOK ON "THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRAFT IN ENGLAND . " In consequence of a request for a cheaper issue of the work on "NORTHUMBRIAN MASONRY , " Bv R . W . Bro . STRACHAN , Q . C , Grand Registrar of England , Bro . GI ' . OKGK KHNNING has arranged for stout paper copies to be supplied at 5 s . each , as well as in the more expensive binding and finish at ios . rod . Am , 1111 , ' oilier items of interest in this work will lie finrnil the e \ idem (¦* ol Masonry union ,: the Ancient llritnnj ; , the inlrnttnclion ul travelling hands id " (' einentarms" by llenediet Hisci'V . mil Si . Wilfrid 1 their Art rnrried into Snitland , Wales , ami llie Midlands ; how Masons lieiami ' " Tree ; " the wages ol ( Tuftsin ,-u and Masters ; tl Marks" on the works ; verily'iie MOM , ni , Ira , I , li ,, 11 l > v rei nrds anil t ir , iiin ^ taiif es ; the relation ' •! (' . nil , Is in l . nil | . - ; the lirsl renird ol a "S | iiriilative " initiate in l-. nr . land ; lire iilentilv ol early Kii |; lish Operative and . Scottish S | , e , nlatiie Toilers ; how the latter erossed the Murder ; how lire Lode .,-:-1 . line timier eenlral authority . The lelebr . ited IMasiinii Orations given hy V . W . liro . ( ANON TKISII . AM , l-. K . S ,, Past Craml Chaplain , the liislorian of 11 " - ' Holy Land , haw lieerr tolleiled , and will be lotlild in the appendix , revised by their author fur this wotk LONDON : GEOUOE KKNNING , 16 & ifia , Great Ouecn-st . And may be ordered through any Bookseller . MARRIAGE . —A Director of Planbatations in India Wishes to C ORRESPOND with a good-looking Young Lady of birth and education . Income about , ( , 300 . Advertisi 1 is a gentleman ( 30 ) of g ? l appearance and excellent family . Please write in ( i'St instance to " India Advertiser , Box ijjOj , Daily Git : cttc Ollice , Birmingham , " enclosing photo , which will be returned . Strictly private and conli lential . No reply possible under two months . NEW MASONIC SONG ( Patronized by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , "THE INNER GUARD'S SONG , '' Specimen Copy , i / - net . Piulits given to Masonic Charities . GKUI . OH RUNNING , IO & 16 a , GRKAT QUBEN ST ., W . C .