Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRE LAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE "LITTLE" TESTIMONIAL FUND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of this Institution was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst , Bro . A . Perkins in the chair . There were also present : Bros . Browse , J . Smith , J .
Brett , J . Farnfield . R . Spencer , Gale , Fraser . F . Walters , G . Bolton , N . Wingfield , Young , Adlard , R . W . Stewart , C . A . Cottebrune , T . Meggy , L . Stein , H . W . Hemsworth , J . R . Sheen , E . Cox , and others .
Bro . W . Farnfield , Secretary , read the minutes of the previous meeting for verification , and the report of the Finance Committee , which were
unanimously received and adopted . Some formal business having been disposed of , a vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly General Court of this Institution was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 13 th inst . Bro . J . Hervey , V . P ., G . S ., in the chair , and there were present Bros .
H Browse , Poultney Scott , B . Head , J . Symonds , W . Farnfield , S . May , R . Spencer , J . R . Sheen , Rucker , S . Rosenthal , J . Empson , Major Creaton , J . Brett , F . Walters , H . Massey ,
Hime , Chadwick , E . Sillifant , T . W . White , A . H . Tattershall , E . Cox , H . Muggeridge , S . Muggeridge , and others . Bro . E . H . Patten read the minutes of the
previous Quarterly Court and the several general meetings . The list of committee formed from annual subscribers was read and approved of .
Bro . B . Head proposed , and Bro . F . Walters seconded , " That a sum not exceeding seventy guineas be granted as a recognition of the medical attendance during the late visitation of
sickness at the school ; that a committee of five members be appointed to carry the foregoing resolution into effect ; that Bros . Head , Nunn , Creaton , Young , and E . Cox be nominated as
such committee . ( lhe resolution was carried ncm . con . ) Bro . B . Baker ' s notice of motion was not entertained , in consequence of his
non-attendance . Some formal business being disposed of , the Court was closed . The election of candidates for Girls' School was then proceeded with ( for result of which see advertisement on our front page ) .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , ' & c , & c ., on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them lo be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HIM . HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
' I ' HEKK is mi medicine at the present day I value so highly as the Pain Killer . I have used it in my family for years , and in every instance it has proved a sovereign remedy . I tested it to-day on a severe burn , and found it all that could be desired . 1 cannot praise it too highly .- —A . D . MILNE , editor of Messenger , N . Y . —To P . Davis & Son . "
0 GLASGOW . Festival of the Girvan Knights Templar Encampment , No . 32 . The annual soiree of the Girvan Knights Templar Encampment , No . 32 , was held on Tuesday evening the 4 th inst ., in the New Masonic Hall , Struthers-street , Calton , which was tastefully decorated
for the occasion . Sir Kt . Robert Bell , M . N . C ., occupied the chair , and surrounding him on the platform were Rev . J . C . Stewart , and Messrs . Thomas Clannachan , P . C . ; James O . Park , D . C . ; J ames E . Speirs , C . G . ; James Love , Treasurer ; Edward M'Farlane , Secretary ; James Barclay , J .
W . Paterson , William Phillips , Joseph Singleton , Thomas Barclay , and J . Thompson . After tea , the Chairman delivered the following address : —Ladies and Gentlemen , it gives me very great pleasure to see so large and so influential an assembly at this our annual festival . It is an
indication that we are making progress , and our prosperity will appear when I say it is not more than eighteen months since we emerged from the deepest obscurity with a number of members barely sufficient to open an encampment ; but now I am glaa to tell you that already our number is adequate to fill this
spacious hall . I regard our prosperity in the higher Orders as another index of the prosperity of Masonry in general—a prosperity which is substantiated by every source of information . It is not only making great progress in Scotland , but itis marching forward with rapid and majestic steps all over the world .
Whyshouldit not ? It istruth , and truth will prevail ; moreover it is truth based on charity , the best of all foundations , and when strengthened with union it breathes the very spirit of the psalm we have just sung " That it is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity , " and to enjoy happy anticipations
of the life that shall never end . It is the mystic tic that binds men of all nations , though varied their creeds , with one determination to preserve unsullied the purity of that virtue which alone emanates from her great light— the Bible . It is the tie that binds them into one band of a peaceful brotherhood , which
all the machinations of the world has hitherto assailed in vain . Though she is as invincible as her landmarks , still her invincibility branches out into a moderation and toleration that has taught many important lessons to the present increasing Christian alliance . Her combination and
fraternization has been of great service to the world ; when discord and division is breaking up into fragments every system of church and state , she towers her loving head above all disorder , and with outstretched arms is ever ready to receive and comfort the desolate and downcast , who arc tossed to and fro with
the cold selfishness of the world . Even when nation is rising against nation , she is not only unshaken , but is rich with the balm of Gilead ; the first to stretch out pecuniary aid , and the foremost to bind up the wounds of the afflicted ; her nature being love , sorrow and suffering delight to nestle under her
wings ; her habits being social , union and communion is the very atmosphere in which she loves to breathe ; it is the soil on which grows her most fragrant and fertile plants—friendship , integrity , mutual love . It is here where the mystic tree , with its evergreen-foliage and never-dying principle ,
adapts itself to our isolated necessities , and when we come under its impartial protecting shade , it becomes clearly demonstrated to us that it is rooted in love , and love is God . It is her love and social clement that endears her to our social natures ; but after all we arc still strangers and pilgrims in the
world . Here we have no abiding-place . Our loved objects fall by our side and crumble into dust beneath our feet ; the seeds of decay and suffering are inherent in our present constitution , and thus are we surrounded with sorrows manifold . What then can be more reasonable , more refreshing and
consoling than thus socially to meet and mutually to bear each other ' s burdens , and so fulfill the law of love ? By doing so we put to shame the narrowminded selfish , and compel them to say , " Behold , how they love one another . " I had just commenced to note some of the special blessings that naturally
now from union and communion ; but no sooner was my anchor weighed and sails set , than I was told by the Committee that the programme was long , and that my words must be few . This at once took the wind out of my sails , and sent me adrift on the fathomless deep of social bliss . I trust ,
however , that they have not in like manner clipped the oratorical wings of our Rev . and very worthy brother , Bro . Stewart . I expect he has been left unfettered to ascend the social tree , and that he has culled for us some of its choicest fruit , which 1 know he can
serve up with a master hand . It must be very congratulating for him to see so many happy faces present ready to receive the good things of our Order . Now , good ladies , I have just one favour to ask of you , and it is this , " will you have a special care over the gentlemen for this evening c" Jf so it
will greatly facilitate and alleviate the duties of the chair ; but , in obedience to the Committee , I hasten to bring you under the captivating power of harmony and song , trusting you will enjoy yourselves this evening , more especially when the ladies are present ,
for without them our meeting would have been the shell without the kernel . A concert followed , the artistes being Mrs . Henderson , and Messrs . T . Paul , A . Brodie , J . C . Wilson , M'Elroy , T . Collins , & c . An assembly brought the proceedings to a close .
Caledonian Chapter of Unify , No . 73 . This chapter met in the Masonic Hall , 170 . Buchanan-street , on the 28 th ult ., Comp . David Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., presiding . Gomp . A . H . M'Couleagh , having sent an apology , the chair of H . was taken by Thomas Findler , his seat as J .
being occupied by William Donaldson , G . W . Wheeler acting as P . S ., and George McLeod as Scribe E . The First Principal of No . 69 having resigned , at the request of the officers of that chapter , Comp . Gilchrist , in' his usual impressive style , exalted for them Bro . George Robertson . The
chapter was then opened in the Mark Degree , and Bro . James Dunlop , Master Mason , Commercial , No . 360 , and H . G , Y . McLeod , of Caledonian Railway Lodge , No . 854 , were elevated to that degree . A lodge of Past Masters was then opened , and the I . P . Z ., Comp . James Balfourentrusted those two
, gentlemen with the secrets of that degree , all the ceremonies being very effectively worked . In the course of the evening a very handsome brooch , with Masonic and Royal Arch emblems at the back , was presented to Comp . Thomas Findler , for his past services as Scribe E .
Comp . E . D . Gilchrist , as theZ . of the chapter , m presenting , said that he knew it would be prized far above its intrinsic worth as a memento of the kind feelings of all the Companions towards both Mr . Findler and his wife , and he trusted that she might be long spared to grace the brooch which she would
do quite as much as it would adorn her . Comp . Findler thanked the M . E . Z . and the rest of the Companions for their kind appreciation of his services . When he was consulted as to the form he should like their gift to take , he suggested a brooch for his wife , for although he could not entrust
her with his Masonic secrets , he thought it only fair she should participate in the honours they had been pleased to bestow upon him , as the time devoted to their service , which had earned this reward , had been principally taken from that which he usually devoted to home , but the very handsome gift he was
now going to take her would make him re-double , if possible , attention to that chapter and the duties of his present office therein . The health of the newly-exalted Companions was also drunk with enthuiasm , and responded to by Comps . McLeod and Dunlop .
Ire Land.
A grand Masonic reunion took place on the 12 th inst ., at the Exhibition Palace , Dublin . Several thousand persons were present , the scene being one of much magnificence . The assembly included several personages of distinction . Lord Powerscourt , in thecourse of some remarks ,
said that charges had been made against their Craft , on the ground that Masonry was a secret society , and , as such , akin to Fenian and other similar organisations , existing for political and disloyal purposes . Such was not the case . Nothing
contrary to law and order was ever permitted in their body . Their object was to promote peace on earth and goodwill to men . ( Cheers . ) Owing to sudden indisposition , the Grand Master of All Ireland ( the Duke of Leinster ) was not present .
The "Little" Testimonial Fund.
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS . L s . d . Grand Conclave Red Cross ... 52 10 o Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex 10 10 o Premier Conclave , No . 1 ... ... 10 10 o Rose and Lily Conclave , No . 3 ... 550 Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 ... 550
Whittington Lodge , 862 ... ... 550 Bro . W . B . Woodman , M . D ., P . M . 66 550 ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 550 „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 5 S ° „ Bayles , 297 ... ... ... 500 Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction 330 Bro . Paton , 393 ... ... —330 „ W . Bustin , P . G . S . B ., P . G . S .
Cumberland ... ... 3 3 o „ JohnWhitwcll . jl / . y ., D . P . G . M . Cumberland ... 3 3 ° „ Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Midd ! csex 220 ,, Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... 220 ,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 ,, Captain ] . Bertram ! Payne ... 2 2 o / , Cairt . Irwin , BriaWl .-.. . v . » * o
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of this Institution was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst , Bro . A . Perkins in the chair . There were also present : Bros . Browse , J . Smith , J .
Brett , J . Farnfield . R . Spencer , Gale , Fraser . F . Walters , G . Bolton , N . Wingfield , Young , Adlard , R . W . Stewart , C . A . Cottebrune , T . Meggy , L . Stein , H . W . Hemsworth , J . R . Sheen , E . Cox , and others .
Bro . W . Farnfield , Secretary , read the minutes of the previous meeting for verification , and the report of the Finance Committee , which were
unanimously received and adopted . Some formal business having been disposed of , a vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly General Court of this Institution was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 13 th inst . Bro . J . Hervey , V . P ., G . S ., in the chair , and there were present Bros .
H Browse , Poultney Scott , B . Head , J . Symonds , W . Farnfield , S . May , R . Spencer , J . R . Sheen , Rucker , S . Rosenthal , J . Empson , Major Creaton , J . Brett , F . Walters , H . Massey ,
Hime , Chadwick , E . Sillifant , T . W . White , A . H . Tattershall , E . Cox , H . Muggeridge , S . Muggeridge , and others . Bro . E . H . Patten read the minutes of the
previous Quarterly Court and the several general meetings . The list of committee formed from annual subscribers was read and approved of .
Bro . B . Head proposed , and Bro . F . Walters seconded , " That a sum not exceeding seventy guineas be granted as a recognition of the medical attendance during the late visitation of
sickness at the school ; that a committee of five members be appointed to carry the foregoing resolution into effect ; that Bros . Head , Nunn , Creaton , Young , and E . Cox be nominated as
such committee . ( lhe resolution was carried ncm . con . ) Bro . B . Baker ' s notice of motion was not entertained , in consequence of his
non-attendance . Some formal business being disposed of , the Court was closed . The election of candidates for Girls' School was then proceeded with ( for result of which see advertisement on our front page ) .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , ' & c , & c ., on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them lo be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HIM . HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
' I ' HEKK is mi medicine at the present day I value so highly as the Pain Killer . I have used it in my family for years , and in every instance it has proved a sovereign remedy . I tested it to-day on a severe burn , and found it all that could be desired . 1 cannot praise it too highly .- —A . D . MILNE , editor of Messenger , N . Y . —To P . Davis & Son . "
0 GLASGOW . Festival of the Girvan Knights Templar Encampment , No . 32 . The annual soiree of the Girvan Knights Templar Encampment , No . 32 , was held on Tuesday evening the 4 th inst ., in the New Masonic Hall , Struthers-street , Calton , which was tastefully decorated
for the occasion . Sir Kt . Robert Bell , M . N . C ., occupied the chair , and surrounding him on the platform were Rev . J . C . Stewart , and Messrs . Thomas Clannachan , P . C . ; James O . Park , D . C . ; J ames E . Speirs , C . G . ; James Love , Treasurer ; Edward M'Farlane , Secretary ; James Barclay , J .
W . Paterson , William Phillips , Joseph Singleton , Thomas Barclay , and J . Thompson . After tea , the Chairman delivered the following address : —Ladies and Gentlemen , it gives me very great pleasure to see so large and so influential an assembly at this our annual festival . It is an
indication that we are making progress , and our prosperity will appear when I say it is not more than eighteen months since we emerged from the deepest obscurity with a number of members barely sufficient to open an encampment ; but now I am glaa to tell you that already our number is adequate to fill this
spacious hall . I regard our prosperity in the higher Orders as another index of the prosperity of Masonry in general—a prosperity which is substantiated by every source of information . It is not only making great progress in Scotland , but itis marching forward with rapid and majestic steps all over the world .
Whyshouldit not ? It istruth , and truth will prevail ; moreover it is truth based on charity , the best of all foundations , and when strengthened with union it breathes the very spirit of the psalm we have just sung " That it is a good thing for brethren to dwell together in unity , " and to enjoy happy anticipations
of the life that shall never end . It is the mystic tic that binds men of all nations , though varied their creeds , with one determination to preserve unsullied the purity of that virtue which alone emanates from her great light— the Bible . It is the tie that binds them into one band of a peaceful brotherhood , which
all the machinations of the world has hitherto assailed in vain . Though she is as invincible as her landmarks , still her invincibility branches out into a moderation and toleration that has taught many important lessons to the present increasing Christian alliance . Her combination and
fraternization has been of great service to the world ; when discord and division is breaking up into fragments every system of church and state , she towers her loving head above all disorder , and with outstretched arms is ever ready to receive and comfort the desolate and downcast , who arc tossed to and fro with
the cold selfishness of the world . Even when nation is rising against nation , she is not only unshaken , but is rich with the balm of Gilead ; the first to stretch out pecuniary aid , and the foremost to bind up the wounds of the afflicted ; her nature being love , sorrow and suffering delight to nestle under her
wings ; her habits being social , union and communion is the very atmosphere in which she loves to breathe ; it is the soil on which grows her most fragrant and fertile plants—friendship , integrity , mutual love . It is here where the mystic tree , with its evergreen-foliage and never-dying principle ,
adapts itself to our isolated necessities , and when we come under its impartial protecting shade , it becomes clearly demonstrated to us that it is rooted in love , and love is God . It is her love and social clement that endears her to our social natures ; but after all we arc still strangers and pilgrims in the
world . Here we have no abiding-place . Our loved objects fall by our side and crumble into dust beneath our feet ; the seeds of decay and suffering are inherent in our present constitution , and thus are we surrounded with sorrows manifold . What then can be more reasonable , more refreshing and
consoling than thus socially to meet and mutually to bear each other ' s burdens , and so fulfill the law of love ? By doing so we put to shame the narrowminded selfish , and compel them to say , " Behold , how they love one another . " I had just commenced to note some of the special blessings that naturally
now from union and communion ; but no sooner was my anchor weighed and sails set , than I was told by the Committee that the programme was long , and that my words must be few . This at once took the wind out of my sails , and sent me adrift on the fathomless deep of social bliss . I trust ,
however , that they have not in like manner clipped the oratorical wings of our Rev . and very worthy brother , Bro . Stewart . I expect he has been left unfettered to ascend the social tree , and that he has culled for us some of its choicest fruit , which 1 know he can
serve up with a master hand . It must be very congratulating for him to see so many happy faces present ready to receive the good things of our Order . Now , good ladies , I have just one favour to ask of you , and it is this , " will you have a special care over the gentlemen for this evening c" Jf so it
will greatly facilitate and alleviate the duties of the chair ; but , in obedience to the Committee , I hasten to bring you under the captivating power of harmony and song , trusting you will enjoy yourselves this evening , more especially when the ladies are present ,
for without them our meeting would have been the shell without the kernel . A concert followed , the artistes being Mrs . Henderson , and Messrs . T . Paul , A . Brodie , J . C . Wilson , M'Elroy , T . Collins , & c . An assembly brought the proceedings to a close .
Caledonian Chapter of Unify , No . 73 . This chapter met in the Masonic Hall , 170 . Buchanan-street , on the 28 th ult ., Comp . David Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., presiding . Gomp . A . H . M'Couleagh , having sent an apology , the chair of H . was taken by Thomas Findler , his seat as J .
being occupied by William Donaldson , G . W . Wheeler acting as P . S ., and George McLeod as Scribe E . The First Principal of No . 69 having resigned , at the request of the officers of that chapter , Comp . Gilchrist , in' his usual impressive style , exalted for them Bro . George Robertson . The
chapter was then opened in the Mark Degree , and Bro . James Dunlop , Master Mason , Commercial , No . 360 , and H . G , Y . McLeod , of Caledonian Railway Lodge , No . 854 , were elevated to that degree . A lodge of Past Masters was then opened , and the I . P . Z ., Comp . James Balfourentrusted those two
, gentlemen with the secrets of that degree , all the ceremonies being very effectively worked . In the course of the evening a very handsome brooch , with Masonic and Royal Arch emblems at the back , was presented to Comp . Thomas Findler , for his past services as Scribe E .
Comp . E . D . Gilchrist , as theZ . of the chapter , m presenting , said that he knew it would be prized far above its intrinsic worth as a memento of the kind feelings of all the Companions towards both Mr . Findler and his wife , and he trusted that she might be long spared to grace the brooch which she would
do quite as much as it would adorn her . Comp . Findler thanked the M . E . Z . and the rest of the Companions for their kind appreciation of his services . When he was consulted as to the form he should like their gift to take , he suggested a brooch for his wife , for although he could not entrust
her with his Masonic secrets , he thought it only fair she should participate in the honours they had been pleased to bestow upon him , as the time devoted to their service , which had earned this reward , had been principally taken from that which he usually devoted to home , but the very handsome gift he was
now going to take her would make him re-double , if possible , attention to that chapter and the duties of his present office therein . The health of the newly-exalted Companions was also drunk with enthuiasm , and responded to by Comps . McLeod and Dunlop .
Ire Land.
A grand Masonic reunion took place on the 12 th inst ., at the Exhibition Palace , Dublin . Several thousand persons were present , the scene being one of much magnificence . The assembly included several personages of distinction . Lord Powerscourt , in thecourse of some remarks ,
said that charges had been made against their Craft , on the ground that Masonry was a secret society , and , as such , akin to Fenian and other similar organisations , existing for political and disloyal purposes . Such was not the case . Nothing
contrary to law and order was ever permitted in their body . Their object was to promote peace on earth and goodwill to men . ( Cheers . ) Owing to sudden indisposition , the Grand Master of All Ireland ( the Duke of Leinster ) was not present .
The "Little" Testimonial Fund.
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS . L s . d . Grand Conclave Red Cross ... 52 10 o Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex 10 10 o Premier Conclave , No . 1 ... ... 10 10 o Rose and Lily Conclave , No . 3 ... 550 Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 ... 550
Whittington Lodge , 862 ... ... 550 Bro . W . B . Woodman , M . D ., P . M . 66 550 ,, George Kenning , W . M . 192 ... 550 „ J . T . Moss , W . M . 1326 , P . M . 169 5 S ° „ Bayles , 297 ... ... ... 500 Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction 330 Bro . Paton , 393 ... ... —330 „ W . Bustin , P . G . S . B ., P . G . S .
Cumberland ... ... 3 3 o „ JohnWhitwcll . jl / . y ., D . P . G . M . Cumberland ... 3 3 ° „ Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Midd ! csex 220 ,, Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chap ., P . M . 82 ... 220 ,, Roebuck ... ... ... 220 ,, Captain ] . Bertram ! Payne ... 2 2 o / , Cairt . Irwin , BriaWl .-.. . v . » * o