Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
BRITISH , POKflGX , A \ l ) COLONIAL . FRKF . M ASOXs ' 1 , 111 ' , P . OA'l ' . Sl'I'I'OUT C-OMMITTKE . —A meeting oflheabovecoinmittee , held at Bro . Foster ' s , Railway Tavern , London-street ,
was called for iuesday , the 4 th mst . In consequence of the indisposition of Hro . A . E . Harris , President , and ! 5 ro . S . Davis , Treasurer , business was postponed until the next meeting .
Subscriptions , are received b y Bro . S . Davis , at the A ' ork iloiel , jersey , from R . Moss , Restoration Lodge , Bro . A . G . AVilliams , ( no , Bristol , and . 1 friend , will be duly announced in tlie next list . D .
DAVIS , 141 , Hon . Secretary . All letters and subscriptions in connection with the above movement ) to be forwarded to the I Ion . Secretary , 130 , AVhitechapel-road , K .
l . ro . Sir . ' . hchael Costa . 32 . , had the honour of an interview with his Koval Highness the Prince of AVales on . Monday , al Morlborough Mouse . J lis Koval 1 litrlmess look the occasion
of presenting to Sir . AL Costa a massive gold ring , bearing an engraved seal of the Royal Albert Hall , with the inscription inside :- — " Presented by } ler Majesty ' s Commissioners to Sir
Michael Costa , m return lor Ihe valuable services lie voluntarily gave upon ihe occasion of the opening - of the ball and of the opening nf the International f . xhlbition , in 1 S 71 . " Il will be
renicmbeivd Win tne musical arrangements on the occasions rcicrtvd to v \ ere under the direction ol Sir M . Costa , who composed a sacred eaniaia for the opening of ihe Koval Albert I lall .
GKYSTVI . Pvi . vi r ..---Monday . 10 th J une . was the lSth anniver . ' -arv ofthe opening ofthe Crystal Palace , bv the U ' . ueii and the Prince Consort . Since that dav , up 10 Saturday , St 11 inst .. the
enormous number ... ' 0 , 976 . 929 persons ha \ , visited the Palace , a total which represents nearlv ten liinesihe entire jiopulation of the metropolis
man . woman and child , and ( as given in tin ii-n-lis return * - of last veari , exceeds ( lie whole pupulaiion u ' . ' ihe I ' mteil Kingdom bv lod . - . i ' i .
'flic S p hinx Lodge ol Instruction is ahoui to remove lo the Castle Tavern , Cambcrwcll-road . when' its meetings will be held , as usual , on and after the 29 th inst .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
lair ihe Week ending I'Ytday . . lime 21 , 18 . 72 . The P . ditor will he glad to have in-. tice flam Sccrctaricol Lodges and Chapters ol any change in place or time ol ( iiei line' .
S . VTI . ' HIIVV . J : 15 . Lodge 118 ; , Lewis . Nightingale Tavern , Weed Green . Siar Lodge of Institution ( 1275 ) . Mai . piis uf Gr . ml . v , New t ' ri ..-s-inad , at 7 ; lirn . C . S . Dilley , Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge el Instruciion ( 1 . 120 ) , Stirling
Castle-C ' amhervvell , at 7 . 10 ; Bros , i ' hoeaas and Woith . nglon , Preceptors . Mount . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , i ' reeeptor . Manchester Lodge of Instruction , Yoikshire they , London Street , l'ltzioy-Square , at 8 : Bro Ash . P . M ., Prcccptur .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
MOND . VV , J IM-: I 7 . Lodge 720 , Panmuic , lialham Iloiel , B . ilhain . ,, () ot , City ol Landing Cniidliall Coll ' ee I louse , Grcshain-slreet . ,, 115 ' ) . Mnr . piis ot nalhousic , lacvmason . s' 1 tall . ,, 1201 , l- ' . cleelie , freemasons' I lall .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 17 . 11 , Veae . Uvay Tinrai fench inch-si reel Siatinn , at 7 . Strong - Alan Lodge , of In . ( ruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . ' John's ( . ' ate , Clerkea ' . vc !! , at 8 ; Bro . James Tern . Picecptar . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern ,
I lavcrslock-hill , at , S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , I ' reeeptor . P . nstcrn Star Lodge ol Instruction ( y . s ) . Iv ' oyal Iloiel , Milcend-road , at 7 .. to ; Bro . K . Gotthcil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank ol friendship Tavern , Mile l-aid , at 7 for 8 . St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction ( 1 S 0 V I ( iirse and Groom Tavern . Winslev-street , ( opposite the PamhcoiiV
Oxford-street , at 8 : Bro . J . Ii . Stacey . Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavirn . Deptford , : il 8 ; Bro . C . G . Vv illcy , l' . M . 115 ; , i ' reeeptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( i ^ ofi ) , Gun
Tavern , High-street , Wtipping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , I ' reeeptor . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1 21 } " ;) , St , Saviour ' s , Col . lege , Klansicd-rond , forest-hill , at 7 . J 0 ; Bio . II . W . Lindas , i'reeeptor .
Tri-sii . vv , Ji'M- - 18 . Board of Gcucatl purposes at . 1 . Lodge 4 , ; -. Sali-diurv . 71 , Dcan-st .. Soho . Chap . it . Knocli . freemasons' t tali . 18 a . induMrv . freemasons * llall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction . I ' oittigal Hotel . fleel-street . at 7 : Comp . Brett , Ficcepior . Domtilic Lodge of Instruciion . palnicr-nui Tav .. Grosvcnnrpaik , Caml-ervvcll , ai 8 ; Bro . | ohn Thomas ,
Piece ; a or . faith Lodge of Instruction . Refreshment liooiii- ; , Vicioria .-st . ( o ] . posite Westminster Palace I loicl" ) al 8 ; Bro . C . A . Ci . tlehrime . Preceptor . Yarbornngh Lodge of Instruction . Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . I-aac Staph . I ' reeeptor . I'rince fredk . Willi mi Lodge of Instruction ( 7 ^ , ;') , Knights
of St . John Tavern . St . John ' s Wood ; Bro . !•' . ( , . Baker . I ' reeeptor . D . ' tlhousie Lodge of Instruction , King f . dvvard . Triangle , I ' nckncv , at 7 . ^ 0 . Bro . J . Satindcrs . I'reeeptor . 1 'lorence ? xieh ' lingalc l . odee of Instruction , Masonic llall ,
\\ 11 li ; i 111-st 1 c-et , Woolv . i .-h . a . t 7 .. 13 . l'to-pcrity Lodge of liisint .-i ' u . u , Gladstone Tnurn , Bi-. hopsgai . ast . Witiiiu . at ; .. ; o ; Bro . Ballon , ( W . M . 1 2271 , lVccpier . St . M . aiv lebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ' :. British Stores Tavern , N ' cvv-siicct . Si . John ' s Wood , at , S ; Bio . T . A . Adams , pice , alar .
VV I : ! ' -.. SLAV , Jl v . 1 ; I , ) . l-o . lge of B .-nevoiei-. v . a ! 6 . l . od gv 147 . Since , av . ( luildhall Hotel , Gicshani-st . .. 7 CO . Nelson , vlasoiiiv- Had . W iliittm-si ., Woolwich . ., 11 .-, c , liuc ! . ! u ' . ;! : ni ' . i an . l Chaa . de-. flecma-ons' llall . .. 1 ., 20 , Biael . ' neath . Cri . v . ii Hotel . Blaekheaik . .. i ' . i . a , laiae .. ' . 'kc-hi . e Claa-c . C : lit .-iu-tl -11 i o " s .
.. l . ; f ' . -. Clapt . n . White i ' ait Hotel . I ppcv Clapt in . ,. i . ; S 2 . Cor nihian . ( leorg'e ' Intel , Cui . iii Tow n 1 'oplar . Chnptci 10 , We-ttniusi' .-i- and Kevsi . me , ficcmnsnns' llall . I ' vthagoiean Lodge oi' In-truetion 170 V 1 ' iinee of Orange . Greenwich , at S : Lao . J . Bo' t . Nash , I're . ' ep . iui ' . ladled Stieti ' .-lh l . i . ' . ' . ' . e of In-irucii-. n i :.-. 'i , the Grafton
\; in-, I ' rince of ' . Va ' e . ' -. Keel , l-e-aiiii Touai , : u , S ; ilia . J . N . laol . I ' lvceptor . I-raid Lodge of In-. ! : nation . Li-ing Sua Tav in . HV-il . e-road , at ~ ., \ o : Ii :-.. I ' -aae Saipti , i ' iece ] . ! or . New Concord Lodge of lu-liau ! iea , Hosetnary Branch Tavern , I lo \ t ,, n , at S . Coid ' alence l . o . lge of In . tit ' . clion , liailway Tav ., I . ondousiieet . C'itv . at - .-o .
Koval tanon l ^ odge of In- tiaa ( ion , Horse and Ciroom Tavern , Win-dev-streit , ()\ lord-street . at S . Bio . T . A . Adams , Prevvi ' -tor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction . Mai-inore Arms . Patk-ioad , Peckham ' at S : Bro . David Hose , Precept ... ' . _ Temperance in t ' e . e fast Lodge of Instruciion , George the I-ninth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge 01 In-tiuclioii . Thicket I lotel , Ancrly , at - .-o . 11 . 111 .: Bro . II . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
Tmaaa . Av , J : 20 . Ilou-e Committee tail- ' School , al 4 . Lodge I . . Stockweil . Duke of fuinhurgh Tav .. Stockv . e ) . . Mark Lodge 7 . Canaoaaii . Mine Tavern . I lang . iaa t ' oiul . Ol . seivauee i \ . T . l-aicamiimeivt . 14 . Bedioid-iov ,.
The II . A . Chapter of Improvement , freemasons' llall . at 7 : Comp . Brett , Precept .. r . Ceremony , explanation of l ! . A . Jewel and Solids , pan sections , l- 'ii ' e ' iity Loilge o ; lr .--f . au-. ' . a . i ( ; ,,. Voi !; shi \ e Grey , l . oty . ' . e . u-; -t .. ' !'( tleiil ' . a-, C . iat-: ea'i , al S : Bio . T . . ' -.. . ' . aams ,
Precvpior . j I ' anmurc l . ou ' ee of he t : i ; el : oii l ; : o ) , Balham lli . tel , Ballaun , at 7 -o ; Pa ... Joa-a Ti . e .- aa ' - s , Preceptor , finslauv- l . odg-e ol lii- !; aui ; . ) u . Jolly Aiigi-.-ts' 'i ' avi-rn , lhitii-street , City-ioad ; l !; o . Steau . Pieceplor . ; United alarineis' Lod- 'V of In ; ti uciion , Three Cranes .
Mile-end-road . at S : P . ro . 'P . J . Barnes , [ receptor . I Whillinglan Lodge of Instiuctiou ( S 62 ) , Crown Tavern , lioihorn , at 8 : Bro . Lewis Alexander . P . M . 188 . Preceptor . Chigvvell Lodge ol Instruction , Hald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . . 10 .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Fin DAY , J : 2 1 . I louse Committee Boys' School , l . odgv ( ., friendship , Willis ' s Booms , Si . James ' s . ., 1 J 75 , l . ose of Denmark , While I hut , Barnes . .. tnS , taiivirsii ; , freemasons' llalk Chapter i ) 2 , Moira . London Tavern . Bishopsgaiesst . , . 1 7 6 , Caveae .
l . ' nions fnuilalion Lodge of linpi ' mena-nt for M . M . 's freemasons' I lall , al 7 . Temperance Lodge of Instruciion , Yiclr . iia Tav ., Victoria road . Deptford , at 8 . Burdelt Coulls Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , ai 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Veirv . Preceptor .
I lajiton l . o . lge of In . siriicnon , While I larr , Clapton , at , .,, o ; j P . ro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Koval Standard Lodge of In-. iruction ( 1208 ) , Tile Castle Tavern , I lollowav . at 8 : Br ... K , l . . . r . , l' . M . 1 ci . ^ , W . M . 1 2 ij 8 A Preceptor . I ' vlhagorcan Chapter of Inslrticlion ( No . 70 ) . Prince of Orange . Gr . vii ' . violi-ro .-iil , at 8 ; Comp . W . West . Smith ,
Pieccptor . Westhourne Lodge of Instruction ( 7 . ; . ; ") I lorse and Groom , Winslev-strect , Oxlord-Street , at 8 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , I'oitugal I lotel , fleetstreet , al 7 ; Bro . Brett . Preceptor .
Belgrave Lodge of Instruciion . Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardins . Ch . aiing-cioss ; Bro . Pulsfonl , Preceplor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern . . Mile . ond-roo . d . ai 8 : Bro . Isaac Sa . pii . Preceplor . Rol . eit Burns Lodge of Instruciion , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , l ! egenl-si ., al 8 ; Bio . U . Watson . Preceplor . Burgovne lodge of Instruction , Graft 011 Arms . Prince of ' \\ n ! cs \ -road . N . W .. at 8 . St . Lake ' s Lodge of Instruciion ( 1 . 14 V Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-riKid . S . W . f ' niled Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction . Duke of fdinhurgh ,
Shepherds-lane , Brixton , at 7 : Uro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Pnveptar . Duke oi f . diuliurgh Lodge of Instiuctiou , Silver Lion , Penny-fields . Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of ' ustruciion , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road . Bermond-cv . at 8 ; Bro . I lowe- ' -, P . M ., Preeer-tar .
The iollowing \ itieles and Cor . iniiitiieaiions will appear next week : — " fi . oisiep-, oi Pre ; masonry , " hv Bro . W . Viuer Bi- 'lolf , M . I ) . " : " Presenlaiion to Bro . Ii . J . Ciow . W . ' vl . 271 J . Leicester " : and Itepovis of Lodges , i - < j 1 . Leicester : Chapter ico . t , D-. i . igia-, I-de of Man . \ full Kepoti ol lite proceedings on the occasion of the removal ol the Bard , of Avon Lodge from Stratford lo Staines , which was received too late for insertion , will appear next week .
GEORGft KENNING , I 9 G , Fleet Slrc-el , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER . r > . , 1 . Snong Silver Watehcs from 1 1 « . Silver f . uglisli f ever ., ( own make ) Irom ; 10 o ladies Gold l-ingli'ti Lever' Iront ., , j o . Gents ( , ' old l . ' ngli-ii L .-. er . from 1 ; 12 o t . ' .. Id V . ai-. 'h .-- from 2 12 o Good Sound ' -:-dav Clock-. in laai ci ' -es irotu o 10 o Goo , 1 Sottad S-dav Clock- , , wiih aiaruni irom o t ^ o Watches . Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitahle for Pre-dilation . , \ c ., made 10 order with dispatch . Ml kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate piiccs , hv experienced workmen . George Kenaings' Ladies' Gold Knglish Levels , mieipialied . ( . ' 10 tc-. Couultv orders y ,- ]\\ receive prompt attention .
Miiniifvicfory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Bi'itaiu . CAUTION . > In calling the attention of the Trade to a recent decision in the House of Lords , in ihe case of" U ' olherspoon v . Currie , " whereby i . 'iir exclusive right to the u--e of the word "Clcnlicld" in connection with Starch is indispurahly established , would al-c . intimate thai this deei-iou renders tlie sale of the Maich made hy the defendant illegal , and will suhieet the seller of it to a Penally of J . ' io . ooo . We beg - to iutimaie to those what mav have been induced to buv it , thai to stu . e tlieiu from t : tat loss we will allow 20 , ' perewl . for it . at thc Gle . aieid Statch Wo , lis , Pah . lev . in exchange for the genuine aiiale . tit thc current price . This will email a I . - s , upon 0111 .-eh . es . as the rackets will he broken up and -eki ( l ; i- // , <„ v Siue . ii , hut it will at the same timehe the nu-aas < ,: ' tendeiing ta . e Ai . icle useless for ftullier d . cceptiou . Any iiiloimaiioii dial will lettd 10 conviction will he tevvaided . It . W . 11 uiaisi'iioN \ C ' o .
J ( . ) ST .--At tlie iiH'ctiiijr cf Grand Conclave . ij ai Ctnmou-stieet Iloiel , May toth , a crystal K . T . Siar . mounted in silver . Address , Grand Director tit Ceremonies , 15 , Poitugal-sticil , l . incolii ' s-inn .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
BRITISH , POKflGX , A \ l ) COLONIAL . FRKF . M ASOXs ' 1 , 111 ' , P . OA'l ' . Sl'I'I'OUT C-OMMITTKE . —A meeting oflheabovecoinmittee , held at Bro . Foster ' s , Railway Tavern , London-street ,
was called for iuesday , the 4 th mst . In consequence of the indisposition of Hro . A . E . Harris , President , and ! 5 ro . S . Davis , Treasurer , business was postponed until the next meeting .
Subscriptions , are received b y Bro . S . Davis , at the A ' ork iloiel , jersey , from R . Moss , Restoration Lodge , Bro . A . G . AVilliams , ( no , Bristol , and . 1 friend , will be duly announced in tlie next list . D .
DAVIS , 141 , Hon . Secretary . All letters and subscriptions in connection with the above movement ) to be forwarded to the I Ion . Secretary , 130 , AVhitechapel-road , K .
l . ro . Sir . ' . hchael Costa . 32 . , had the honour of an interview with his Koval Highness the Prince of AVales on . Monday , al Morlborough Mouse . J lis Koval 1 litrlmess look the occasion
of presenting to Sir . AL Costa a massive gold ring , bearing an engraved seal of the Royal Albert Hall , with the inscription inside :- — " Presented by } ler Majesty ' s Commissioners to Sir
Michael Costa , m return lor Ihe valuable services lie voluntarily gave upon ihe occasion of the opening - of the ball and of the opening nf the International f . xhlbition , in 1 S 71 . " Il will be
renicmbeivd Win tne musical arrangements on the occasions rcicrtvd to v \ ere under the direction ol Sir M . Costa , who composed a sacred eaniaia for the opening of ihe Koval Albert I lall .
GKYSTVI . Pvi . vi r ..---Monday . 10 th J une . was the lSth anniver . ' -arv ofthe opening ofthe Crystal Palace , bv the U ' . ueii and the Prince Consort . Since that dav , up 10 Saturday , St 11 inst .. the
enormous number ... ' 0 , 976 . 929 persons ha \ , visited the Palace , a total which represents nearlv ten liinesihe entire jiopulation of the metropolis
man . woman and child , and ( as given in tin ii-n-lis return * - of last veari , exceeds ( lie whole pupulaiion u ' . ' ihe I ' mteil Kingdom bv lod . - . i ' i .
'flic S p hinx Lodge ol Instruction is ahoui to remove lo the Castle Tavern , Cambcrwcll-road . when' its meetings will be held , as usual , on and after the 29 th inst .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
lair ihe Week ending I'Ytday . . lime 21 , 18 . 72 . The P . ditor will he glad to have in-. tice flam Sccrctaricol Lodges and Chapters ol any change in place or time ol ( iiei line' .
S . VTI . ' HIIVV . J : 15 . Lodge 118 ; , Lewis . Nightingale Tavern , Weed Green . Siar Lodge of Institution ( 1275 ) . Mai . piis uf Gr . ml . v , New t ' ri ..-s-inad , at 7 ; lirn . C . S . Dilley , Preceptor . Sphinx Lodge el Instruciion ( 1 . 120 ) , Stirling
Castle-C ' amhervvell , at 7 . 10 ; Bros , i ' hoeaas and Woith . nglon , Preceptors . Mount . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , at S ; Comp . Brett , i ' reeeptor . Manchester Lodge of Instruction , Yoikshire they , London Street , l'ltzioy-Square , at 8 : Bro Ash . P . M ., Prcccptur .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
MOND . VV , J IM-: I 7 . Lodge 720 , Panmuic , lialham Iloiel , B . ilhain . ,, () ot , City ol Landing Cniidliall Coll ' ee I louse , Grcshain-slreet . ,, 115 ' ) . Mnr . piis ot nalhousic , lacvmason . s' 1 tall . ,, 1201 , l- ' . cleelie , freemasons' I lall .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 17 . 11 , Veae . Uvay Tinrai fench inch-si reel Siatinn , at 7 . Strong - Alan Lodge , of In . ( ruction ( 45 ) , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . ' John's ( . ' ate , Clerkea ' . vc !! , at 8 ; Bro . James Tern . Picecptar . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern ,
I lavcrslock-hill , at , S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , I ' reeeptor . P . nstcrn Star Lodge ol Instruction ( y . s ) . Iv ' oyal Iloiel , Milcend-road , at 7 .. to ; Bro . K . Gotthcil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank ol friendship Tavern , Mile l-aid , at 7 for 8 . St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction ( 1 S 0 V I ( iirse and Groom Tavern . Winslev-street , ( opposite the PamhcoiiV
Oxford-street , at 8 : Bro . J . Ii . Stacey . Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , White Swan Tavirn . Deptford , : il 8 ; Bro . C . G . Vv illcy , l' . M . 115 ; , i ' reeeptor . St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction ( i ^ ofi ) , Gun
Tavern , High-street , Wtipping , at 7 ; Bro . T . Mortlock , I ' reeeptor . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1 21 } " ;) , St , Saviour ' s , Col . lege , Klansicd-rond , forest-hill , at 7 . J 0 ; Bio . II . W . Lindas , i'reeeptor .
Tri-sii . vv , Ji'M- - 18 . Board of Gcucatl purposes at . 1 . Lodge 4 , ; -. Sali-diurv . 71 , Dcan-st .. Soho . Chap . it . Knocli . freemasons' t tali . 18 a . induMrv . freemasons * llall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction . I ' oittigal Hotel . fleel-street . at 7 : Comp . Brett , Ficcepior . Domtilic Lodge of Instruciion . palnicr-nui Tav .. Grosvcnnrpaik , Caml-ervvcll , ai 8 ; Bro . | ohn Thomas ,
Piece ; a or . faith Lodge of Instruction . Refreshment liooiii- ; , Vicioria .-st . ( o ] . posite Westminster Palace I loicl" ) al 8 ; Bro . C . A . Ci . tlehrime . Preceptor . Yarbornngh Lodge of Instruction . Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . I-aac Staph . I ' reeeptor . I'rince fredk . Willi mi Lodge of Instruction ( 7 ^ , ;') , Knights
of St . John Tavern . St . John ' s Wood ; Bro . !•' . ( , . Baker . I ' reeeptor . D . ' tlhousie Lodge of Instruction , King f . dvvard . Triangle , I ' nckncv , at 7 . ^ 0 . Bro . J . Satindcrs . I'reeeptor . 1 'lorence ? xieh ' lingalc l . odee of Instruction , Masonic llall ,
\\ 11 li ; i 111-st 1 c-et , Woolv . i .-h . a . t 7 .. 13 . l'to-pcrity Lodge of liisint .-i ' u . u , Gladstone Tnurn , Bi-. hopsgai . ast . Witiiiu . at ; .. ; o ; Bro . Ballon , ( W . M . 1 2271 , lVccpier . St . M . aiv lebone Lodge of Instruction ( 1305 ' :. British Stores Tavern , N ' cvv-siicct . Si . John ' s Wood , at , S ; Bio . T . A . Adams , pice , alar .
VV I : ! ' -.. SLAV , Jl v . 1 ; I , ) . l-o . lge of B .-nevoiei-. v . a ! 6 . l . od gv 147 . Since , av . ( luildhall Hotel , Gicshani-st . .. 7 CO . Nelson , vlasoiiiv- Had . W iliittm-si ., Woolwich . ., 11 .-, c , liuc ! . ! u ' . ;! : ni ' . i an . l Chaa . de-. flecma-ons' llall . .. 1 ., 20 , Biael . ' neath . Cri . v . ii Hotel . Blaekheaik . .. i ' . i . a , laiae .. ' . 'kc-hi . e Claa-c . C : lit .-iu-tl -11 i o " s .
.. l . ; f ' . -. Clapt . n . White i ' ait Hotel . I ppcv Clapt in . ,. i . ; S 2 . Cor nihian . ( leorg'e ' Intel , Cui . iii Tow n 1 'oplar . Chnptci 10 , We-ttniusi' .-i- and Kevsi . me , ficcmnsnns' llall . I ' vthagoiean Lodge oi' In-truetion 170 V 1 ' iinee of Orange . Greenwich , at S : Lao . J . Bo' t . Nash , I're . ' ep . iui ' . ladled Stieti ' .-lh l . i . ' . ' . ' . e of In-irucii-. n i :.-. 'i , the Grafton
\; in-, I ' rince of ' . Va ' e . ' -. Keel , l-e-aiiii Touai , : u , S ; ilia . J . N . laol . I ' lvceptor . I-raid Lodge of In-. ! : nation . Li-ing Sua Tav in . HV-il . e-road , at ~ ., \ o : Ii :-.. I ' -aae Saipti , i ' iece ] . ! or . New Concord Lodge of lu-liau ! iea , Hosetnary Branch Tavern , I lo \ t ,, n , at S . Coid ' alence l . o . lge of In . tit ' . clion , liailway Tav ., I . ondousiieet . C'itv . at - .-o .
Koval tanon l ^ odge of In- tiaa ( ion , Horse and Ciroom Tavern , Win-dev-streit , ()\ lord-street . at S . Bio . T . A . Adams , Prevvi ' -tor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction . Mai-inore Arms . Patk-ioad , Peckham ' at S : Bro . David Hose , Precept ... ' . _ Temperance in t ' e . e fast Lodge of Instruciion , George the I-ninth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge 01 In-tiuclioii . Thicket I lotel , Ancrly , at - .-o . 11 . 111 .: Bro . II . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
Tmaaa . Av , J : 20 . Ilou-e Committee tail- ' School , al 4 . Lodge I . . Stockweil . Duke of fuinhurgh Tav .. Stockv . e ) . . Mark Lodge 7 . Canaoaaii . Mine Tavern . I lang . iaa t ' oiul . Ol . seivauee i \ . T . l-aicamiimeivt . 14 . Bedioid-iov ,.
The II . A . Chapter of Improvement , freemasons' llall . at 7 : Comp . Brett , Precept .. r . Ceremony , explanation of l ! . A . Jewel and Solids , pan sections , l- 'ii ' e ' iity Loilge o ; lr .--f . au-. ' . a . i ( ; ,,. Voi !; shi \ e Grey , l . oty . ' . e . u-; -t .. ' !'( tleiil ' . a-, C . iat-: ea'i , al S : Bio . T . . ' -.. . ' . aams ,
Precvpior . j I ' anmurc l . ou ' ee of he t : i ; el : oii l ; : o ) , Balham lli . tel , Ballaun , at 7 -o ; Pa ... Joa-a Ti . e .- aa ' - s , Preceptor , finslauv- l . odg-e ol lii- !; aui ; . ) u . Jolly Aiigi-.-ts' 'i ' avi-rn , lhitii-street , City-ioad ; l !; o . Steau . Pieceplor . ; United alarineis' Lod- 'V of In ; ti uciion , Three Cranes .
Mile-end-road . at S : P . ro . 'P . J . Barnes , [ receptor . I Whillinglan Lodge of Instiuctiou ( S 62 ) , Crown Tavern , lioihorn , at 8 : Bro . Lewis Alexander . P . M . 188 . Preceptor . Chigvvell Lodge ol Instruction , Hald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 . . 10 .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Fin DAY , J : 2 1 . I louse Committee Boys' School , l . odgv ( ., friendship , Willis ' s Booms , Si . James ' s . ., 1 J 75 , l . ose of Denmark , While I hut , Barnes . .. tnS , taiivirsii ; , freemasons' llalk Chapter i ) 2 , Moira . London Tavern . Bishopsgaiesst . , . 1 7 6 , Caveae .
l . ' nions fnuilalion Lodge of linpi ' mena-nt for M . M . 's freemasons' I lall , al 7 . Temperance Lodge of Instruciion , Yiclr . iia Tav ., Victoria road . Deptford , at 8 . Burdelt Coulls Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , Victoria-park , ai 8 ; Bro . Geo . W . Veirv . Preceptor .
I lajiton l . o . lge of In . siriicnon , While I larr , Clapton , at , .,, o ; j P . ro . John Saunders , Preceptor . Koval Standard Lodge of In-. iruction ( 1208 ) , Tile Castle Tavern , I lollowav . at 8 : Br ... K , l . . . r . , l' . M . 1 ci . ^ , W . M . 1 2 ij 8 A Preceptor . I ' vlhagorcan Chapter of Inslrticlion ( No . 70 ) . Prince of Orange . Gr . vii ' . violi-ro .-iil , at 8 ; Comp . W . West . Smith ,
Pieccptor . Westhourne Lodge of Instruction ( 7 . ; . ; ") I lorse and Groom , Winslev-strect , Oxlord-Street , at 8 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , I'oitugal I lotel , fleetstreet , al 7 ; Bro . Brett . Preceptor .
Belgrave Lodge of Instruciion . Duke of Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardins . Ch . aiing-cioss ; Bro . Pulsfonl , Preceplor . Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern . . Mile . ond-roo . d . ai 8 : Bro . Isaac Sa . pii . Preceplor . Rol . eit Burns Lodge of Instruciion , Union Tavern ,
Airstreet , l ! egenl-si ., al 8 ; Bio . U . Watson . Preceplor . Burgovne lodge of Instruction , Graft 011 Arms . Prince of ' \\ n ! cs \ -road . N . W .. at 8 . St . Lake ' s Lodge of Instruciion ( 1 . 14 V Gladstone Tavern , Brompton-riKid . S . W . f ' niled Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction . Duke of fdinhurgh ,
Shepherds-lane , Brixton , at 7 : Uro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Pnveptar . Duke oi f . diuliurgh Lodge of Instiuctiou , Silver Lion , Penny-fields . Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . potts , Preceptor . St . James ' s Lodge of ' ustruciion , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica-road . Bermond-cv . at 8 ; Bro . I lowe- ' -, P . M ., Preeer-tar .
The iollowing \ itieles and Cor . iniiitiieaiions will appear next week : — " fi . oisiep-, oi Pre ; masonry , " hv Bro . W . Viuer Bi- 'lolf , M . I ) . " : " Presenlaiion to Bro . Ii . J . Ciow . W . ' vl . 271 J . Leicester " : and Itepovis of Lodges , i - < j 1 . Leicester : Chapter ico . t , D-. i . igia-, I-de of Man . \ full Kepoti ol lite proceedings on the occasion of the removal ol the Bard , of Avon Lodge from Stratford lo Staines , which was received too late for insertion , will appear next week .
GEORGft KENNING , I 9 G , Fleet Slrc-el , E . C . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER . r > . , 1 . Snong Silver Watehcs from 1 1 « . Silver f . uglisli f ever ., ( own make ) Irom ; 10 o ladies Gold l-ingli'ti Lever' Iront ., , j o . Gents ( , ' old l . ' ngli-ii L .-. er . from 1 ; 12 o t . ' .. Id V . ai-. 'h .-- from 2 12 o Good Sound ' -:-dav Clock-. in laai ci ' -es irotu o 10 o Goo , 1 Sottad S-dav Clock- , , wiih aiaruni irom o t ^ o Watches . Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , and Jewels , suitahle for Pre-dilation . , \ c ., made 10 order with dispatch . Ml kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate piiccs , hv experienced workmen . George Kenaings' Ladies' Gold Knglish Levels , mieipialied . ( . ' 10 tc-. Couultv orders y ,- ]\\ receive prompt attention .
Miiniifvicfory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Bi'itaiu . CAUTION . > In calling the attention of the Trade to a recent decision in the House of Lords , in ihe case of" U ' olherspoon v . Currie , " whereby i . 'iir exclusive right to the u--e of the word "Clcnlicld" in connection with Starch is indispurahly established , would al-c . intimate thai this deei-iou renders tlie sale of the Maich made hy the defendant illegal , and will suhieet the seller of it to a Penally of J . ' io . ooo . We beg - to iutimaie to those what mav have been induced to buv it , thai to stu . e tlieiu from t : tat loss we will allow 20 , ' perewl . for it . at thc Gle . aieid Statch Wo , lis , Pah . lev . in exchange for the genuine aiiale . tit thc current price . This will email a I . - s , upon 0111 .-eh . es . as the rackets will he broken up and -eki ( l ; i- // , <„ v Siue . ii , hut it will at the same timehe the nu-aas < ,: ' tendeiing ta . e Ai . icle useless for ftullier d . cceptiou . Any iiiloimaiioii dial will lettd 10 conviction will he tevvaided . It . W . 11 uiaisi'iioN \ C ' o .
J ( . ) ST .--At tlie iiH'ctiiijr cf Grand Conclave . ij ai Ctnmou-stieet Iloiel , May toth , a crystal K . T . Siar . mounted in silver . Address , Grand Director tit Ceremonies , 15 , Poitugal-sticil , l . incolii ' s-inn .