Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . E . W . Fry , S . W .,- W . Cessford , J . W . ; J . D . Terson , S . D . ; T . A . Terson , J . D . ; J . Bordeaux , I . G . ; J . King , Tyler ; J . Coram , P . M ., Treas . ; and W . Gardner , P . M ., Sec . Bro . G . Adamson , P . M ., proposed , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of the lodsre
to Bro . Archibald Wilson , for the efficient manner in which he had performed the installation ceremony , seconded by Bro . A . J . Vanderlyn , P . M ., and carried ' unanimously . Immediately after the closing of the lodge , the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to an excellent
banquet , Bro . Adcock , thc W . M ., presiding , among those who sat down were : —Bros . A . Wilson , l . P . M . ; Dr . Marshall , P . M . ; J . O . Rees , P . M . ; A . W . Ayres , P . M . ; H . S . Bayton , P . M . ; f . Coram , P . M . ; A . J . Vanderlyn , W . Gardner , P . M . ; G . Cox , P . M . ; G . Adamson ,
P . M . ; C . Andrews , W . M . 299 ; Melvill Matson , P . M . 10 ^ 2 ; Magrath , P . M . 926 ; S . Penfold , W . M . 558 ; H . P . Popkiss , P . M . 1208 ; R . J . Emmerson , W . M . 1206 ; G . W . Osbaldeston , S . W . 1206 ; T . Moring , P . M . 9 ; H . C . Fuhr , W . M . 1208 ; S . G . Fairtlough , the newly
appointed officers , and the following brethren , Brown , Court , Adamson , Rose , Chadwick , A . T . Wilson , Whitley , G . R . Igglesden , B . A . Igglesden , Holmes , Lester , Oxenham , Pilcher , Risien , Forster , Carpenter , Pankhurst , Little , Canham , Atherden , Elms , sen ., Birch , & c . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . The W . M . in giving the toast of " The Health of the Installing Master" said it affcircled him much p leasure to present Bro . Archibald Wilson with a Past Master ' s jewel ; he was satisfied he well deserved it for the efficient manner in
which lie had conducted the business of the lodge during the past twelve months , and for the manner in which he had that clay officiated as Installing Master , as well as for the time and energy he devoted to the extra duty , as the Provincial Grand Festival was held in Dover during his
Mastership . Bro . Wilson in a feeling manner responded , and said he accepted their present , and should ever value it as a memento of their esteem and regard , he thanked them for the honour they had conferred upon him , and should ever remember with pleasure , that he had
occupied the distinguished position of Worship ! 111 Master of one oi" the oldest and most prosperous lodges in the Province of Kent . Some excellent singing by several of the brethren contributed very much to one of the most pleasant evening ' s ever enjoved by the Masons of Dover .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —A ' eplinie Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . — The annual meeting of this Lodge for installation , and other purposes , was held at the Temple , Hope Street , on Friday evening the 7 th inst . Bro . J . Taylor , W . M ., opened the Lodge in due form , the minutes were read and confirmed , and
the ballot was taken for Mr . T . Farrell , Monte Video . Mr E . Webber , Mr . J . Hughes , and two brethren , proposed for joining ; each of whom were declared duly elected . Bro . Hamer , P . Prov . G . T ., then took the chair , and proceeded to invest Bro . P . B . Gee , as W . M ., the ceremony
being conducted in the most impressive and effective manner . The following officers were then invested by the newly-chaired W . M .: — Bros . A . Davies , S . W . ; J . S . Dixon , J . W . ; T . Singleton , S . D . ; W . Roberts , J . D . : A . Gray , I . G . ; J . Healing , P . M . as Treas . ; l ' emberton ,
P . M . as Sec . ; Leighton , Org . ; T . Joseph , D . C ; Cotter ,. S . S . ; Royle , j . S . ; and Ball , T . Mr . J . Hughes , and Mr . T . Farrell , were then initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft , by the newly-installed W . M ., assisted by his officers , the ceremony being performed in a
sty le which elicited the admiration of the numerous Past Masters present . After a sum hail been voted for a case of distress , and a day appointed for the annual pic-nic , the brethren sat down to an excellent repast , after which , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to . Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., in proposing
the health of the W . M ., referred to his steady progress in Masonry ; in each office proving himself an efficient , zealous , and worthy Mason . The toast was honoured with the greatest enthusiasm . The W . M . thanked the brethren in feeling terms for the honour conferred upon him , and assured them that he would endeavour to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
follow in the footsteps of his predecessors , and maintain that unanimity which had always marked the Lodge . The W . M . then presented , in the name of the brethren , a Past Master ' s Jewel to Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., as a mark of their esteem , and an evidence of the value they placed
upon his past year ' s work . Bro . Taylor acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms , and referred , with gratitude , to the valuable help he had received from every officer during his year in the chair . The toast of the Past Masters was
responded to by Bros . Healing , and Pemberton , and the Visiting Brethren , by Bros . Pearson , W . M . 249 ; Hill , P . M . 724 ; Larsen , P . M . J 94 ; Doyle , P . M . 66 ^ , Sec . After tv number of other toasts the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
MIDDLESEX . POTTER ' BAR . — -Acacia Lodge ( No . 1309 ) . —• The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 12 th ult . at the Railway Hotel , Potters Bar . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . opened the lodge . He initiated two gentlemen , and installed Bro . J . H . Butten as W . M ., who appointed as
liis officers .- —Bros . E . Richardson , S . W . ; G . W . Schollard , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Cattel , P . Prov . G . J . D . Northamptonshire , P . M ., Sec ; R . Limpus . S . D . ; W . Hughes , J . D . ; H . J . Waddington , I . G . ; C . A . Ferrier , and Rushworth , as Stewards ; F . Walters , P . M .,
D . C , and W . S . ; J . Bavin , P . M . Tyler . Bro . Chas . Horsley , P . M . raised one brother , passed three , and initiated a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry . He was recommended to the Provincial Grand Master , as the brother whom the lodge would like to see have office in
Provincial Grand Lodge . The work was done in an admirable manner . A vote of thanks , and the same to be entered on lodge book , was given to Bro . Frederick Walteis , P . M ., for doing the ceremony of the installation in such an admirable , painstaking , correct , and efficient manner . Bro . G . T . Loe , the Immediate Past Master , had a
Past Master s jewel voted to him from the lodge funds for his efficient services rendered to the lodge . The'Jodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bro . Limpus provided some excellent music , which was much appreciated . Tlie visitors were Bros . Edmands , P . G . S ., P . M . 8 ; Still , 129 , 5 ; Evans , 1293 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SUFFOLK lpswicn . —Roi / al Sussex Chapter ofPerfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The usual quarterly meeting of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday last on which occasion there were present : —Comps . F . B . Marriott , M . E . Z . ; S . H . Wright , H . ; G . S . Finclley , P . Z ., act . J . ; J . Franks , P . Z ., Scribe , E . ; N .
Tracy , Scribe N . ; S / B . King , P . Z . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . Act . Principal Sojourner ; Visiting companions Emra Holmes , & c . The chapter having been opened by the three chiefs , and the Companions who had not yet passed the chair been admitted , the minutes were put and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the evening disposed of . Scribe Ethen announced that according to
notice Comp . Emra Holmes , was announced to give a lecture that evening , and the M . F .. Z stated that it would give the Companions very great pleasure to hear the address . Comp . Holmes then delivered his lecture " Random
Notes on Freemasonry , which though over an hour in length waslistenedto with great attention and interest b y the Companions present , and at its conclusion Comp . Marriott spoke in very high terms of the ability and research displayed in it . Several Companions expressed a
wish to read it at leisure , and Comp . Holmes stated that he hoped the brethren might be enable to do so in the columns of the Freemason Comp . Marriott , M . E . Z ., moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to Comp . Emra Holmes for his able and instructive lecture , and that the
same be recorded in the minutes . Com ]) . King seconded the motion with pleasure . The chapter being afterwards closed , tho Companions retiree ! fur refreshment , and on the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair . In proposing the health ol
Royal Arch.
their visitor , Comp . Emra Holmes , the M . E . Z . saidhe agreed with many of the observations of the lecturer that evening . Many of his suggestions were most valuable—and especially as to the introduction of brethren into the order , and the election of Worshi pful Master . He quite thought that some social standing , some position , should
be expected of those who were called to fill so high an office . They had all learnt much that evening , and the Masonic traditions spoken of by Comp . Holmes were full of interest . Comp . Holmes in responding , said , speaking of the Masonic traditions , take that usually spoken of
as the Prince Edwin Legend , ( the Charter which King Athelstnne granted to his brother Prince Edwin in 926 as head of the Freemasons . ) Many people now a days repudiated this charter , Findel amongst them . Yet the tradition was noted in manuscripts , notably those of the Antiquity
Lodge , now being published with facsnnles by Bro . Hughan , and these MSS . were some of them 200 years old . Indeed he believed there was documentary evidence in existence showing the belief in this charter 400 or 500 years ago , and this he considered was as good historical evidence
as could be obtained . He had great pleasure in giving his lecture to so appreciative an audience , and he hoped the Companions would put down to zeal for Masonry anything he might have said which they did not entirely approve . A very pleasant evening was brought to a close at a reasonable hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . M . uinoNALii LODGE ( No . 104)—The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Saturday the Sth inst . Amongst others present were the W . Bros . Dr . Eugene Cronin , P . G . D ., W . M . ; the V . W . Bro . James
Stevens , P . G . O ., l . P . M . ; Thos . Meggy , P . G . O ., P . M . ; C . Hammerton , G . D . C , and Prov . Grand Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , S . W . ; Berridge , J . W . ; Worrell , and White , Overseers ; Newman , S . D . ; and Denne , I . G . The visitors were the V . W . Bros . F > ed . Binekes , P . G . J . W ., and Grand
Secretary ; and Fairfax . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . Stevens advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Masters , Bros . Lieut .-Col . Wi gginton , Draper , and Hale ; and Bro . Meggy , then installed as W . M . for the year , Bro . Chas . Hammerton . The newly
amended ceremony of installation as agreed by the Grand Lodge on the previous Tuesday , was for the first time used and found to work perfectly , and to the entire satisfaction of those members of the General Board , who were
present and had assisted in revising the same . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . Bro . Alfred Williams , Grand Steward having volunteered to represent the lodge as Steward at the ensuing' Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , the sum of one guinea was voted from the Charity Fund in support of his list .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
WEST LANCASHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave ol" Kni ght Templars in West Lancashire was holden at Head Quarters in the East ,
Grand Field of Encampment , Town Hall , Rochdale , on the 30 th May , at which there was a largeand influential gathering of F ,. C . ' s ., P . G . C ' s ., and other honoured , and duly qualified Knights Templar .
Amongst the representatives ot the different Encampments of the province , were the following : —Sir Knights W . Ashworth , E . C . ; W . H . Prince , P . ; H . Turner , ist C . ; j . Fothergill , 2 nd C . ; W . Roberts , Reg . ; T . Oakden ,
Almoner ; R . Whitworth , Expert ; J . B . Ashworth , ist . S . B . ; E . Woodcock , D . C ; [ . Holroyd , P . C ; E . Wrigley , I ' . C ; L . Groilen , Org . ; S . J . Phillipson , J . Barnes , E . C , St . J oseph ; W . O . Walker , G . Lee , W . Hlain , W . Doyle , J . Wood , M . Maw-son , J . Brock tor , R . higham , J . Lloyd , W . H . Grininiers , J . Morris , & c . The Albert Encampment , under whose
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bros . E . W . Fry , S . W .,- W . Cessford , J . W . ; J . D . Terson , S . D . ; T . A . Terson , J . D . ; J . Bordeaux , I . G . ; J . King , Tyler ; J . Coram , P . M ., Treas . ; and W . Gardner , P . M ., Sec . Bro . G . Adamson , P . M ., proposed , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of the lodsre
to Bro . Archibald Wilson , for the efficient manner in which he had performed the installation ceremony , seconded by Bro . A . J . Vanderlyn , P . M ., and carried ' unanimously . Immediately after the closing of the lodge , the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to an excellent
banquet , Bro . Adcock , thc W . M ., presiding , among those who sat down were : —Bros . A . Wilson , l . P . M . ; Dr . Marshall , P . M . ; J . O . Rees , P . M . ; A . W . Ayres , P . M . ; H . S . Bayton , P . M . ; f . Coram , P . M . ; A . J . Vanderlyn , W . Gardner , P . M . ; G . Cox , P . M . ; G . Adamson ,
P . M . ; C . Andrews , W . M . 299 ; Melvill Matson , P . M . 10 ^ 2 ; Magrath , P . M . 926 ; S . Penfold , W . M . 558 ; H . P . Popkiss , P . M . 1208 ; R . J . Emmerson , W . M . 1206 ; G . W . Osbaldeston , S . W . 1206 ; T . Moring , P . M . 9 ; H . C . Fuhr , W . M . 1208 ; S . G . Fairtlough , the newly
appointed officers , and the following brethren , Brown , Court , Adamson , Rose , Chadwick , A . T . Wilson , Whitley , G . R . Igglesden , B . A . Igglesden , Holmes , Lester , Oxenham , Pilcher , Risien , Forster , Carpenter , Pankhurst , Little , Canham , Atherden , Elms , sen ., Birch , & c . The usual
loyal and Masonic toasts were dul y honoured . The W . M . in giving the toast of " The Health of the Installing Master" said it affcircled him much p leasure to present Bro . Archibald Wilson with a Past Master ' s jewel ; he was satisfied he well deserved it for the efficient manner in
which lie had conducted the business of the lodge during the past twelve months , and for the manner in which he had that clay officiated as Installing Master , as well as for the time and energy he devoted to the extra duty , as the Provincial Grand Festival was held in Dover during his
Mastership . Bro . Wilson in a feeling manner responded , and said he accepted their present , and should ever value it as a memento of their esteem and regard , he thanked them for the honour they had conferred upon him , and should ever remember with pleasure , that he had
occupied the distinguished position of Worship ! 111 Master of one oi" the oldest and most prosperous lodges in the Province of Kent . Some excellent singing by several of the brethren contributed very much to one of the most pleasant evening ' s ever enjoved by the Masons of Dover .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —A ' eplinie Lodge ( No . 1264 ) . — The annual meeting of this Lodge for installation , and other purposes , was held at the Temple , Hope Street , on Friday evening the 7 th inst . Bro . J . Taylor , W . M ., opened the Lodge in due form , the minutes were read and confirmed , and
the ballot was taken for Mr . T . Farrell , Monte Video . Mr E . Webber , Mr . J . Hughes , and two brethren , proposed for joining ; each of whom were declared duly elected . Bro . Hamer , P . Prov . G . T ., then took the chair , and proceeded to invest Bro . P . B . Gee , as W . M ., the ceremony
being conducted in the most impressive and effective manner . The following officers were then invested by the newly-chaired W . M .: — Bros . A . Davies , S . W . ; J . S . Dixon , J . W . ; T . Singleton , S . D . ; W . Roberts , J . D . : A . Gray , I . G . ; J . Healing , P . M . as Treas . ; l ' emberton ,
P . M . as Sec . ; Leighton , Org . ; T . Joseph , D . C ; Cotter ,. S . S . ; Royle , j . S . ; and Ball , T . Mr . J . Hughes , and Mr . T . Farrell , were then initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft , by the newly-installed W . M ., assisted by his officers , the ceremony being performed in a
sty le which elicited the admiration of the numerous Past Masters present . After a sum hail been voted for a case of distress , and a day appointed for the annual pic-nic , the brethren sat down to an excellent repast , after which , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were g iven and responded to . Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., in proposing
the health of the W . M ., referred to his steady progress in Masonry ; in each office proving himself an efficient , zealous , and worthy Mason . The toast was honoured with the greatest enthusiasm . The W . M . thanked the brethren in feeling terms for the honour conferred upon him , and assured them that he would endeavour to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
follow in the footsteps of his predecessors , and maintain that unanimity which had always marked the Lodge . The W . M . then presented , in the name of the brethren , a Past Master ' s Jewel to Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., as a mark of their esteem , and an evidence of the value they placed
upon his past year ' s work . Bro . Taylor acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms , and referred , with gratitude , to the valuable help he had received from every officer during his year in the chair . The toast of the Past Masters was
responded to by Bros . Healing , and Pemberton , and the Visiting Brethren , by Bros . Pearson , W . M . 249 ; Hill , P . M . 724 ; Larsen , P . M . J 94 ; Doyle , P . M . 66 ^ , Sec . After tv number of other toasts the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
MIDDLESEX . POTTER ' BAR . — -Acacia Lodge ( No . 1309 ) . —• The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 12 th ult . at the Railway Hotel , Potters Bar . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . opened the lodge . He initiated two gentlemen , and installed Bro . J . H . Butten as W . M ., who appointed as
liis officers .- —Bros . E . Richardson , S . W . ; G . W . Schollard , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Cattel , P . Prov . G . J . D . Northamptonshire , P . M ., Sec ; R . Limpus . S . D . ; W . Hughes , J . D . ; H . J . Waddington , I . G . ; C . A . Ferrier , and Rushworth , as Stewards ; F . Walters , P . M .,
D . C , and W . S . ; J . Bavin , P . M . Tyler . Bro . Chas . Horsley , P . M . raised one brother , passed three , and initiated a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry . He was recommended to the Provincial Grand Master , as the brother whom the lodge would like to see have office in
Provincial Grand Lodge . The work was done in an admirable manner . A vote of thanks , and the same to be entered on lodge book , was given to Bro . Frederick Walteis , P . M ., for doing the ceremony of the installation in such an admirable , painstaking , correct , and efficient manner . Bro . G . T . Loe , the Immediate Past Master , had a
Past Master s jewel voted to him from the lodge funds for his efficient services rendered to the lodge . The'Jodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bro . Limpus provided some excellent music , which was much appreciated . Tlie visitors were Bros . Edmands , P . G . S ., P . M . 8 ; Still , 129 , 5 ; Evans , 1293 .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
SUFFOLK lpswicn . —Roi / al Sussex Chapter ofPerfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The usual quarterly meeting of this chapter took place at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday last on which occasion there were present : —Comps . F . B . Marriott , M . E . Z . ; S . H . Wright , H . ; G . S . Finclley , P . Z ., act . J . ; J . Franks , P . Z ., Scribe , E . ; N .
Tracy , Scribe N . ; S / B . King , P . Z . ; Dr . Mills , P . Z . Act . Principal Sojourner ; Visiting companions Emra Holmes , & c . The chapter having been opened by the three chiefs , and the Companions who had not yet passed the chair been admitted , the minutes were put and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the evening disposed of . Scribe Ethen announced that according to
notice Comp . Emra Holmes , was announced to give a lecture that evening , and the M . F .. Z stated that it would give the Companions very great pleasure to hear the address . Comp . Holmes then delivered his lecture " Random
Notes on Freemasonry , which though over an hour in length waslistenedto with great attention and interest b y the Companions present , and at its conclusion Comp . Marriott spoke in very high terms of the ability and research displayed in it . Several Companions expressed a
wish to read it at leisure , and Comp . Holmes stated that he hoped the brethren might be enable to do so in the columns of the Freemason Comp . Marriott , M . E . Z ., moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to Comp . Emra Holmes for his able and instructive lecture , and that the
same be recorded in the minutes . Com ]) . King seconded the motion with pleasure . The chapter being afterwards closed , tho Companions retiree ! fur refreshment , and on the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair . In proposing the health ol
Royal Arch.
their visitor , Comp . Emra Holmes , the M . E . Z . saidhe agreed with many of the observations of the lecturer that evening . Many of his suggestions were most valuable—and especially as to the introduction of brethren into the order , and the election of Worshi pful Master . He quite thought that some social standing , some position , should
be expected of those who were called to fill so high an office . They had all learnt much that evening , and the Masonic traditions spoken of by Comp . Holmes were full of interest . Comp . Holmes in responding , said , speaking of the Masonic traditions , take that usually spoken of
as the Prince Edwin Legend , ( the Charter which King Athelstnne granted to his brother Prince Edwin in 926 as head of the Freemasons . ) Many people now a days repudiated this charter , Findel amongst them . Yet the tradition was noted in manuscripts , notably those of the Antiquity
Lodge , now being published with facsnnles by Bro . Hughan , and these MSS . were some of them 200 years old . Indeed he believed there was documentary evidence in existence showing the belief in this charter 400 or 500 years ago , and this he considered was as good historical evidence
as could be obtained . He had great pleasure in giving his lecture to so appreciative an audience , and he hoped the Companions would put down to zeal for Masonry anything he might have said which they did not entirely approve . A very pleasant evening was brought to a close at a reasonable hour .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . M . uinoNALii LODGE ( No . 104)—The installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Saturday the Sth inst . Amongst others present were the W . Bros . Dr . Eugene Cronin , P . G . D ., W . M . ; the V . W . Bro . James
Stevens , P . G . O ., l . P . M . ; Thos . Meggy , P . G . O ., P . M . ; C . Hammerton , G . D . C , and Prov . Grand Sec . Middlesex and Surrey , S . W . ; Berridge , J . W . ; Worrell , and White , Overseers ; Newman , S . D . ; and Denne , I . G . The visitors were the V . W . Bros . F > ed . Binekes , P . G . J . W ., and Grand
Secretary ; and Fairfax . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., Bro . Stevens advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Masters , Bros . Lieut .-Col . Wi gginton , Draper , and Hale ; and Bro . Meggy , then installed as W . M . for the year , Bro . Chas . Hammerton . The newly
amended ceremony of installation as agreed by the Grand Lodge on the previous Tuesday , was for the first time used and found to work perfectly , and to the entire satisfaction of those members of the General Board , who were
present and had assisted in revising the same . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers . Bro . Alfred Williams , Grand Steward having volunteered to represent the lodge as Steward at the ensuing' Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , the sum of one guinea was voted from the Charity Fund in support of his list .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
WEST LANCASHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave ol" Kni ght Templars in West Lancashire was holden at Head Quarters in the East ,
Grand Field of Encampment , Town Hall , Rochdale , on the 30 th May , at which there was a largeand influential gathering of F ,. C . ' s ., P . G . C ' s ., and other honoured , and duly qualified Knights Templar .
Amongst the representatives ot the different Encampments of the province , were the following : —Sir Knights W . Ashworth , E . C . ; W . H . Prince , P . ; H . Turner , ist C . ; j . Fothergill , 2 nd C . ; W . Roberts , Reg . ; T . Oakden ,
Almoner ; R . Whitworth , Expert ; J . B . Ashworth , ist . S . B . ; E . Woodcock , D . C ; [ . Holroyd , P . C ; E . Wrigley , I ' . C ; L . Groilen , Org . ; S . J . Phillipson , J . Barnes , E . C , St . J oseph ; W . O . Walker , G . Lee , W . Hlain , W . Doyle , J . Wood , M . Maw-son , J . Brock tor , R . higham , J . Lloyd , W . H . Grininiers , J . Morris , & c . The Albert Encampment , under whose