Article Knights Templar. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION AND DEDICTION OF A MASONIC TEMPLE IN CARNARVON CASTLE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Knights Templar.
auspices the Conclave was held , was opened at half-past twelve o ' clock by Sir Knight AV . Ashworth , E . C The Provincial Grand Officers , after having signed the Equerry ' s hook , entered in procession under the Arch of
Steel , marshalled by the P . G . D . C , assisted by Sir Knt . W . H . Hopkins , the V . E . P . G . C . Sii Knight . Albert Hudson Royds , and his P . G . Officers were saluted in usual form , and look their accustomed stalls .
The Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in due manner , and with solemn prayer , at half-past one o ' clock , after which the muster roll was called over . The following Kni g hts answered to their names : —
The Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , on the throne ; Sir Knt . William Henry Wri ght , the Eminent the Deputy Provincial Grand Commander ; Sir Knts . Wm . Birch , Prior : R . Me . D . Smith , Sub-Prior ; Rev . [ . L . Figgins , Assistant
Prelate ; W . H . Pratt , First Captain ; Thos . IL Winder , Vice Chancellor ; John Chadwick , Registrar ; Jas . A . Birch , Treasurer : Jas . Watson , Hospitaller ; W . II . Hopkins , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; | . W . | . Fowler , Supt . of Works ; John Fletcher , Almoner ; Thos . Morris ,
Warden of Regalia ;!' . K . Williams , Second Fxpert ; James Holroyd , Second Standard Bearer Hy . Creeke , Second Aide de-Camp : W . Wayne . First Captain of Lines : Thos . Hollingsworth , Second Herald ; J . L . Goodwin Org . ; Richd . Ingham , Manner li . : Wm . Dawson , Kquerrv ; and several ollicers of the Provincial ( irand Conclave .
The minutes of the Provincial ( hand Conclave , holilen at Manchester , on the 2 i ; th June , 1 S 71 , were read and confirmed , and P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were audited and passed . Sir Knt . A . Birch , was re-elected P . G . Treas . for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . F . W . Dawson , the Equerry lor the same period . The P . G . C . then appointed and invested the following Sir Knts . as his P . G . ( ( Ulcers -.
—William Henry Wri ght ... 1 ) . Prov . G . Com . C R . N . Besw icke-Koyd Prov . C Prior . | . F . Tweedale Prov . G . Sub-Prim Rev . J . L . Figgins Prov . G . Prelate . Key . Thos . Wilson Prov . G . A . Prclati William Ashworth Prov . G . ist . Capt | . AN ' . J . Fowler Prov . G . 2 nd Capt G . P . lSroekbank Prov . G . Chan .
T . 11 . Winder Prov . G . X . Chan . ( olin Chadwick Prov . G . Keg . E . A . Royds Prov . G . Cham . T . R . Wi ' lliams Prov . G . I I ' osptlr . AV . If . Hopkins Prov . ( . . Dir . of C | ohn Ashworth Prov . G . A . I ) , of C johnAValker Prov . G . S . of W . Jas . Holroyd Prov . G . Almoner .
William lilain Prov . G . AN ' , of R . J . Grimmer Prov . G . First E \ . Marry Creeke Prov . G . Second K AVilliam AVayne Prov . G . First S . P Geo . E . I lardman Prov . G . Second S . B Thos . Morris Prov . G . F . A . D . C Thos . Hollino ' swirth Prov . G . S . A . D . C
John Proctor Prov a G . I' . C of L Thomas Mowers Prov . G . S . C . of I . Herod Tnrnei Pro' G . F . Herald Kichd . Ingham Prov . G . b . Hcr . th ! J . L . Goodwin Prov . G . Org . S . J . Phillipson Prov . G . Sword B . Edmund Hartley Prov . G . Banner 15
The Committee of General Purposes was then eli'cli'd , and it was resolved to hold the next annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave at Ashton , under the auspices of the Loyal N olunleer Kncampmeiit . The alms were colli'clcd , . mil llic : sun ol /'' . war . \ oteil lo Sir Knt .
1 . Li . 'dnapl , lue olue-t templar MI the province . It was also resolved , " That this Prov . Grand Conclave should always be represented in Grand Conclave b y the Provincial Grand Commander or his Deputy , and that the expenses of Sir Knt . Wri g ht , or of his representatives if unable lo he present , should be paid out of the fluids ol Prov . Grand Conclave , if required .
The P . G . Conclave was then closed in due form , alter which a banquet was celebrated at the Town 1 lall , which was provided in splendid style b y Messrs . Smethurst and P . utterw orth . The iiMial l < i _ v ; il and knightl y tnaMs were duly proposed and cnlhush . siically honoured .
Grand Mark Lodge.
[ As there were necessarily some omissions in our condensed report of the proceedings at the Half-yearly Communication to ( irand Mark Lodge last week , we subjoin a full account ol
the Grand Master ' s address , in which he stated to the brethren the steps he intended to take with regard to those brethren who had brought about the fusion of the Scottish Lodges with this Grand Lodge .- —1 'hi . Freemason . ' ]
The Grand Master : Brethren , I have to make one or two observations to Grand Lodge upon the points that have been alluded to in the Report of the General Board . ' F'irst of all , as regards the appointment of Representatives from
these two distinguished American Grand Chapters to ourselves . I think that is a point , thc importance of which it is difficult to over-rate , and upon which we may very well congratulate ourselves , because it not only admits us into the
great comity of Supreme Masonic J urisdictions , but 1 think it is an example which cannot fail to be followed b y other American Grand Chapters . I believe we are very much indebted to Bro . I luglian , who is well-known in the Masonic
literary world , not onl y in England but in America , for this result ; and as he has been appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania , I wish to mark my sense ot what we owe lo him bv giving him the rank of
Past Grand Junior Warden of this ( irand Lodge , which Grand Lodge at its lastmeetingempowered me to do . 1 think also , we may congratulate ourselves upon the union of the Scotch Provincial ( irand Lodge of Lancashire with this Supreme
Grand Body . We are all aware that the existence of lodges owing allegiance to the Grand Chapter of Scotland in this country has been a very great thorn in our side , and I think a very "Teat Masonic scandal : and it reflects the srrealest
credit , 111 my humble judgment , upon our Scottish brethren in Lancashire , that they have been so energetic in taking steps and coming forward so readily in bringing thai state of things to an end , and expressing a desire to work under one
united banner with Knglish Mark Lodges , Tliere are one or two more points connected with this union of the Scotch lodges with us upon which I must ask ( irand Lodge to hear a lew
words on the course I intend to pursue in conferring Past Grand rank upon certain distinguished brethren who have promoted the interests ol this Grand Lodge . First of all , I think it onl y due to the brethren of the Provincial Scotch
Grand Lodge of Lancashire , that their present and past provincial rank should be confirmed to them . It obviousl y would not be ri ght that in joining us they should lose the rank they possess , as an independent organisation . I have therefore
lo propose to Grand Lodge that the present and past Provincial ( irand rank of the Scotch brethren in Lancashire should be confirmed to them . That is the lirst point . Then 1 have to ask Grand Lodge lo give the rank of Past Junior Grand
Nv arden to three distinguished brethren , one ol then , under the Scotch constitution , two < . ( them unik ' i the Lnglisb constitution . Bro . Brocl- 'ban ! ' is ihe brother under the Scotch const i tution . Those under-the English constitution
. ire Bros . White and Birchall , and , in connection with Bro . Romaine Cullender , they have been very forward in bringing about the happy result I have mentioned . They have been recommended to me by Uro . Callender ; and in order to shew
our appreciation of the eilbrts that have been made for the last year and ahalf bv the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire lo maintain the diguiiv and cfficicucv ol out order hi those pails , I have 1 . 11 a A Iv Grand Lodirc to coiiMrni on resolution to
grant the rank of Past Junior Grand AN ' arden . on Bro . Brockbank of the Scotch constitution , and Bros . NVhite and Birchall of the English . And last , though not . least , I desire on the occasion of my quitting this chair as Grand Master lo express my pleasure that this most vexatious negotiation
has been brought to s , satisfactory a conclusion , and also to express the debt we all owe to our Grand Secretary for the great and indefatigable endeavour he has always put forth , seconded as they have been b y many of ihe brelhreii 111 Lancashire to unite the Judges working under the Scotch Con-
Grand Mark Lodge.
stitution with us , We must acknowledge that we all owe to him a deep debt of gratitude for bringing these negotiations to such a satisfactory conclusion , and 1 wish to ask Grand Lodge in order to shew our sense of his eminent merit for the last thirteen years to confer on him also the
rank of Past Junior Grand Warden . Those are the motions 1 have to make . "That the past and present provincial grand rank which our Bro . Brockbank holds under the Grand Chapter of Scotland should be confirmed to him ; that he should take the rank of Past Junior Grand
AVarclen in this Grand Lodge , that the rank of Past Junior Grand AV ' arden should be conferred on Bro . AVhile , and Birchall , and our Grand Secretary under the English Constitution . " ( Great cheering ) . Bro . AV . Beach , P . G . M .: —M . AV . G . M ., and brethren , I have very great pleasure in seconding
the proposition . I am sure it is a matter of very great gratification to hear the announcement you have made to-day . To have any difference of jurisdiction must mar the harmony of Masonry , and we must congratulate ourselves upon the energy and success which have characterised the . efforts of our brethren in
terminating those differences . I am sure , lo our Grand Secretary , we are indebted for the efforts he has made . I have had many opportunities myself of knowing how energeticall y he devoted himself to any course he took in hand , and I am sure this Grand Lodsre must
congratulate itself upon the manner in which he has conducted the negotiation . I have great , pleasure in thus publicly announcing it , and I second the motion of the M . AV . G . M . ( Cheers ) . The motion was then put , and carried unanimously .
Subsequently , on the motion of the Karl of Limerick , seconded b y Bro . Johnlluyshe , Grand Lodge increased the allowance for the expenses ol Grand Secretary ' s office to L ' , apportioning that sum equall y between Grand Secretary and whomsoever mi g ht be appointed as his assistant .
The motion as carried , was " That the stun of i ' loo be granted to Grand Secretary , and £ 100 to the Assistant appointed b y Grand Secretary . " The Grand Master , in announcing the vote , said , Bro . ( irand Secretary , I have , great p leasure in informing you , that in your absence , the .
( irand Lodge has voted ; £ ' 200 per annum to be granted for expenses of Grand Secretary ' s office , and it has done that , we distinctl y underlain ! , which I am sure the Grand Lodge would have been read y to confirm , if done b y the
General Board , directed that . . / . '' 100 of that sum . shall be considered as given to your very worthy son . or whoever may he appointed as Assistant , 1 suggest , that , in order to secure a constant attendance in ihe ollice . The election of ( Jiantl Master , and appointment of Grand Ollicers followed .
Consecration And Dediction Of A Masonic Temple In Carnarvon Castle.
The- idea of fitting up a part of this timehallowed structure as a Masonic Temple
originated with the members of the Segontium Lodge . Through the influence and exertions of the V . W . Bro . AN ' . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., for the Carnarvonshire boroughs , and of Bro . Sir Llewellyn Turner , Deputy Governor of the Castle ,
the permission , ol' the KAN ' . Bro . the Karl of Carnarvon , was obtained for this purpose . AVheu nn tlie year 'So ' v thc Prince of Wales and hh . Royal Consort intimated their intention to honor Carnarvon b y a visit , that part of the Castle
traditionall y known as the " Queen ' sTower , " underwent extensive restoration and repairs , some of the principal rooms were then fitted up , and handsomel y decorated for the use of the Royal visitors , and the largest apartment occupying the entire
area ol the base ol this tower was appropriated as the reception room for the Princess of AVales . The brethren of the Segontium Lodge , following up what was then so worthily begun , have been enabled , by an additional outlay of sonic hundreds
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
auspices the Conclave was held , was opened at half-past twelve o ' clock by Sir Knight AV . Ashworth , E . C The Provincial Grand Officers , after having signed the Equerry ' s hook , entered in procession under the Arch of
Steel , marshalled by the P . G . D . C , assisted by Sir Knt . W . H . Hopkins , the V . E . P . G . C . Sii Knight . Albert Hudson Royds , and his P . G . Officers were saluted in usual form , and look their accustomed stalls .
The Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in due manner , and with solemn prayer , at half-past one o ' clock , after which the muster roll was called over . The following Kni g hts answered to their names : —
The Very Eminent Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Knt . Albert Hudson Royds , on the throne ; Sir Knt . William Henry Wri ght , the Eminent the Deputy Provincial Grand Commander ; Sir Knts . Wm . Birch , Prior : R . Me . D . Smith , Sub-Prior ; Rev . [ . L . Figgins , Assistant
Prelate ; W . H . Pratt , First Captain ; Thos . IL Winder , Vice Chancellor ; John Chadwick , Registrar ; Jas . A . Birch , Treasurer : Jas . Watson , Hospitaller ; W . II . Hopkins , Assistant Director of Ceremonies ; | . W . | . Fowler , Supt . of Works ; John Fletcher , Almoner ; Thos . Morris ,
Warden of Regalia ;!' . K . Williams , Second Fxpert ; James Holroyd , Second Standard Bearer Hy . Creeke , Second Aide de-Camp : W . Wayne . First Captain of Lines : Thos . Hollingsworth , Second Herald ; J . L . Goodwin Org . ; Richd . Ingham , Manner li . : Wm . Dawson , Kquerrv ; and several ollicers of the Provincial ( irand Conclave .
The minutes of the Provincial ( hand Conclave , holilen at Manchester , on the 2 i ; th June , 1 S 71 , were read and confirmed , and P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were audited and passed . Sir Knt . A . Birch , was re-elected P . G . Treas . for the ensuing year , and Sir Knt . F . W . Dawson , the Equerry lor the same period . The P . G . C . then appointed and invested the following Sir Knts . as his P . G . ( ( Ulcers -.
—William Henry Wri ght ... 1 ) . Prov . G . Com . C R . N . Besw icke-Koyd Prov . C Prior . | . F . Tweedale Prov . G . Sub-Prim Rev . J . L . Figgins Prov . G . Prelate . Key . Thos . Wilson Prov . G . A . Prclati William Ashworth Prov . G . ist . Capt | . AN ' . J . Fowler Prov . G . 2 nd Capt G . P . lSroekbank Prov . G . Chan .
T . 11 . Winder Prov . G . X . Chan . ( olin Chadwick Prov . G . Keg . E . A . Royds Prov . G . Cham . T . R . Wi ' lliams Prov . G . I I ' osptlr . AV . If . Hopkins Prov . ( . . Dir . of C | ohn Ashworth Prov . G . A . I ) , of C johnAValker Prov . G . S . of W . Jas . Holroyd Prov . G . Almoner .
William lilain Prov . G . AN ' , of R . J . Grimmer Prov . G . First E \ . Marry Creeke Prov . G . Second K AVilliam AVayne Prov . G . First S . P Geo . E . I lardman Prov . G . Second S . B Thos . Morris Prov . G . F . A . D . C Thos . Hollino ' swirth Prov . G . S . A . D . C
John Proctor Prov a G . I' . C of L Thomas Mowers Prov . G . S . C . of I . Herod Tnrnei Pro' G . F . Herald Kichd . Ingham Prov . G . b . Hcr . th ! J . L . Goodwin Prov . G . Org . S . J . Phillipson Prov . G . Sword B . Edmund Hartley Prov . G . Banner 15
The Committee of General Purposes was then eli'cli'd , and it was resolved to hold the next annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave at Ashton , under the auspices of the Loyal N olunleer Kncampmeiit . The alms were colli'clcd , . mil llic : sun ol /'' . war . \ oteil lo Sir Knt .
1 . Li . 'dnapl , lue olue-t templar MI the province . It was also resolved , " That this Prov . Grand Conclave should always be represented in Grand Conclave b y the Provincial Grand Commander or his Deputy , and that the expenses of Sir Knt . Wri g ht , or of his representatives if unable lo he present , should be paid out of the fluids ol Prov . Grand Conclave , if required .
The P . G . Conclave was then closed in due form , alter which a banquet was celebrated at the Town 1 lall , which was provided in splendid style b y Messrs . Smethurst and P . utterw orth . The iiMial l < i _ v ; il and knightl y tnaMs were duly proposed and cnlhush . siically honoured .
Grand Mark Lodge.
[ As there were necessarily some omissions in our condensed report of the proceedings at the Half-yearly Communication to ( irand Mark Lodge last week , we subjoin a full account ol
the Grand Master ' s address , in which he stated to the brethren the steps he intended to take with regard to those brethren who had brought about the fusion of the Scottish Lodges with this Grand Lodge .- —1 'hi . Freemason . ' ]
The Grand Master : Brethren , I have to make one or two observations to Grand Lodge upon the points that have been alluded to in the Report of the General Board . ' F'irst of all , as regards the appointment of Representatives from
these two distinguished American Grand Chapters to ourselves . I think that is a point , thc importance of which it is difficult to over-rate , and upon which we may very well congratulate ourselves , because it not only admits us into the
great comity of Supreme Masonic J urisdictions , but 1 think it is an example which cannot fail to be followed b y other American Grand Chapters . I believe we are very much indebted to Bro . I luglian , who is well-known in the Masonic
literary world , not onl y in England but in America , for this result ; and as he has been appointed Representative of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania , I wish to mark my sense ot what we owe lo him bv giving him the rank of
Past Grand Junior Warden of this ( irand Lodge , which Grand Lodge at its lastmeetingempowered me to do . 1 think also , we may congratulate ourselves upon the union of the Scotch Provincial ( irand Lodge of Lancashire with this Supreme
Grand Body . We are all aware that the existence of lodges owing allegiance to the Grand Chapter of Scotland in this country has been a very great thorn in our side , and I think a very "Teat Masonic scandal : and it reflects the srrealest
credit , 111 my humble judgment , upon our Scottish brethren in Lancashire , that they have been so energetic in taking steps and coming forward so readily in bringing thai state of things to an end , and expressing a desire to work under one
united banner with Knglish Mark Lodges , Tliere are one or two more points connected with this union of the Scotch lodges with us upon which I must ask ( irand Lodge to hear a lew
words on the course I intend to pursue in conferring Past Grand rank upon certain distinguished brethren who have promoted the interests ol this Grand Lodge . First of all , I think it onl y due to the brethren of the Provincial Scotch
Grand Lodge of Lancashire , that their present and past provincial rank should be confirmed to them . It obviousl y would not be ri ght that in joining us they should lose the rank they possess , as an independent organisation . I have therefore
lo propose to Grand Lodge that the present and past Provincial ( irand rank of the Scotch brethren in Lancashire should be confirmed to them . That is the lirst point . Then 1 have to ask Grand Lodge lo give the rank of Past Junior Grand
Nv arden to three distinguished brethren , one ol then , under the Scotch constitution , two < . ( them unik ' i the Lnglisb constitution . Bro . Brocl- 'ban ! ' is ihe brother under the Scotch const i tution . Those under-the English constitution
. ire Bros . White and Birchall , and , in connection with Bro . Romaine Cullender , they have been very forward in bringing about the happy result I have mentioned . They have been recommended to me by Uro . Callender ; and in order to shew
our appreciation of the eilbrts that have been made for the last year and ahalf bv the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire lo maintain the diguiiv and cfficicucv ol out order hi those pails , I have 1 . 11 a A Iv Grand Lodirc to coiiMrni on resolution to
grant the rank of Past Junior Grand AN ' arden . on Bro . Brockbank of the Scotch constitution , and Bros . NVhite and Birchall of the English . And last , though not . least , I desire on the occasion of my quitting this chair as Grand Master lo express my pleasure that this most vexatious negotiation
has been brought to s , satisfactory a conclusion , and also to express the debt we all owe to our Grand Secretary for the great and indefatigable endeavour he has always put forth , seconded as they have been b y many of ihe brelhreii 111 Lancashire to unite the Judges working under the Scotch Con-
Grand Mark Lodge.
stitution with us , We must acknowledge that we all owe to him a deep debt of gratitude for bringing these negotiations to such a satisfactory conclusion , and 1 wish to ask Grand Lodge in order to shew our sense of his eminent merit for the last thirteen years to confer on him also the
rank of Past Junior Grand Warden . Those are the motions 1 have to make . "That the past and present provincial grand rank which our Bro . Brockbank holds under the Grand Chapter of Scotland should be confirmed to him ; that he should take the rank of Past Junior Grand
AVarclen in this Grand Lodge , that the rank of Past Junior Grand AV ' arden should be conferred on Bro . AVhile , and Birchall , and our Grand Secretary under the English Constitution . " ( Great cheering ) . Bro . AV . Beach , P . G . M .: —M . AV . G . M ., and brethren , I have very great pleasure in seconding
the proposition . I am sure it is a matter of very great gratification to hear the announcement you have made to-day . To have any difference of jurisdiction must mar the harmony of Masonry , and we must congratulate ourselves upon the energy and success which have characterised the . efforts of our brethren in
terminating those differences . I am sure , lo our Grand Secretary , we are indebted for the efforts he has made . I have had many opportunities myself of knowing how energeticall y he devoted himself to any course he took in hand , and I am sure this Grand Lodsre must
congratulate itself upon the manner in which he has conducted the negotiation . I have great , pleasure in thus publicly announcing it , and I second the motion of the M . AV . G . M . ( Cheers ) . The motion was then put , and carried unanimously .
Subsequently , on the motion of the Karl of Limerick , seconded b y Bro . Johnlluyshe , Grand Lodge increased the allowance for the expenses ol Grand Secretary ' s office to L ' , apportioning that sum equall y between Grand Secretary and whomsoever mi g ht be appointed as his assistant .
The motion as carried , was " That the stun of i ' loo be granted to Grand Secretary , and £ 100 to the Assistant appointed b y Grand Secretary . " The Grand Master , in announcing the vote , said , Bro . ( irand Secretary , I have , great p leasure in informing you , that in your absence , the .
( irand Lodge has voted ; £ ' 200 per annum to be granted for expenses of Grand Secretary ' s office , and it has done that , we distinctl y underlain ! , which I am sure the Grand Lodge would have been read y to confirm , if done b y the
General Board , directed that . . / . '' 100 of that sum . shall be considered as given to your very worthy son . or whoever may he appointed as Assistant , 1 suggest , that , in order to secure a constant attendance in ihe ollice . The election of ( Jiantl Master , and appointment of Grand Ollicers followed .
Consecration And Dediction Of A Masonic Temple In Carnarvon Castle.
The- idea of fitting up a part of this timehallowed structure as a Masonic Temple
originated with the members of the Segontium Lodge . Through the influence and exertions of the V . W . Bro . AN ' . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., for the Carnarvonshire boroughs , and of Bro . Sir Llewellyn Turner , Deputy Governor of the Castle ,
the permission , ol' the KAN ' . Bro . the Karl of Carnarvon , was obtained for this purpose . AVheu nn tlie year 'So ' v thc Prince of Wales and hh . Royal Consort intimated their intention to honor Carnarvon b y a visit , that part of the Castle
traditionall y known as the " Queen ' sTower , " underwent extensive restoration and repairs , some of the principal rooms were then fitted up , and handsomel y decorated for the use of the Royal visitors , and the largest apartment occupying the entire
area ol the base ol this tower was appropriated as the reception room for the Princess of AVales . The brethren of the Segontium Lodge , following up what was then so worthily begun , have been enabled , by an additional outlay of sonic hundreds