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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . -iwe , having been duly proclaimed and saluted iin the va rious degrees , at 'length , appointed Ihe following brethren n ' s his officers : Bros . W . Hjnc Haycock , I . P . M . ; W . M . Mitchell , S . W . ; J . Barber , J . W . ; G . ' Beard , Secrctarv ; W . Carter , S . D . ; W . Prout , J . D . ; R . Perryman , l . G . ; S . Wheatonand F . Halse , Stewards ; T . II . Paul , Tyler . Brc . ]> , M . Hodge , as Treasurer , then read a letter received from
the 1 . P . M ., Bro . lime Haycock , who expressed his desire to present some token to the lodge in commemoration of the year of his office , and as an acknowledgment of the kindness received by him from the brethren during that period , and stated that it was his intention , if acceptable to the brethren , to present a chair similar to the handsome oak W . M . and Warden ' s chairs of the lodge , for the use
of the l . P . M . This was most warmly accepted , and a vole o [ thanks passed to the liberal donor . The lodge was then closed in form , anil Ihe brethren adjourned to the large ball room of the London Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . W . J . Rogers . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured , some pleasant harmony followed , and a most agreeable
and delightful evening spent . This was one of the most successful meetings that has taken place in this old lodge for many years . Br . HKEi . EY . —Roi / ai Lodge of Fnilh and Friendship ( No . 270 ) . —The installation meeting and eighty-ninth anniversary of this old lodge took place at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Monday , the 4 U 1 inst . The officers present
were Bros . Daniel Beslcy , W . M . ; John Gamble , S . W ., and W . M . elect ; John Bloxsome , J . W . ; Captain Bloxsome , R . N ., Secretary and Treasurer ; Thomas Morse , S . D . ; j . lies , J . D . ; Wm . Faiiley , l . G . ; J . Merrett , Tyler , arid others . The lodge was opened' in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when
Bro . J . Gamble having been presented , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . Henry Jeffs , P . M ., and Worshipful Master of 493 , P . Prov . G . J . W . of Gloucestershire , and Past Preceptor of Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 81 ; , in such an able and impressive manner , as to elicit the hearty applause of all the brethren present . The W . M .
having been saluted according to ancient custom , invested his officers , viz .: —Bros . D . Beslcy , l . P . M . ; J . Bloxsome , S . W . ; Thomas Morse , J . W . ; Captain Bloxsome , Treasurer and Secretary ; J . lies , S . D . ; W . P . Iladley , J . D . ; E . Gregory , D . C . ; F . Godwin , l . G . ; and J . Merrett , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very good banquet , provided by the worthv host , Mr .
W . Dumungham . I he regular toasts were given , both loyal anil Masonic , and a very happy evening was spent in harmony and brotherly love . WIOTON . —Si . John's Lodge ( Xo . 327 ) . —On Mondav , 28 th ult ., the brethren of this old lodge met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John the Kvangelist . Th . e lodge was opened at " High Twelve , " by Broi Bowman , W . M .,
after which the Worshipful Master for the ensuing twelve months was dul y installed by Bro . Porter , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., in a most masterly and impressive manner , in the presence of a full lodge . After the W . M . had been dul y installed and properly received by the brethren , he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Bowman , Immediate Past Master ; W . II . Hoodless , S . W . ; Joseph l . nzonby , J . W . ;
the Rev . C . H . Gem , Chaplain ; 11 . Bewes , P . M . Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; T . Ross , S . D . ; W . | . Carrick , J . D . ; 1 ( . Twentynian , l . G . ; C . Y . Wright , S . s ]; Isaac Pattinson , J . . ; T . Richardson , Tyler . Bro . W . J . Carrick was also invested hy the W . M . as Organist of the lodge . The newly elected Worshipful Master then closed the lodge through the three degrees , and the brethren separated .
I he banquet was , as usual , provided at the close of the formal business of the lodge , to which on this occasion the brethren were invited . It was provided by Mrs . Martin , of the Lion and Lamb Inn , and was substantial and well served . The chair was taken b y Bro . Mc Median , W . M ., supported by Bros . Lemon , P . M ., P . G . T . ; Bowman , P . M . ; Porter , P . M ., P . G . S . W . ; the Rev . C . II . Gem , P . S . W . ;
Gardiner , P . M . ; W . II . I . euthwaite , W . M ., P . G . S . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . II . Hoodless ( in the vice-chair ); Gate , P . M ., P . Prov . G . ll . ; Pearson , P . M .-, T . Richardson , P . M . ; T . Ross , S . D . ; Wright , S . S . ; Isaac Pattinson , J . S . ; R . Twentynian , l . G . On the removal of the cloth , the chairman gave " The Queen , " followed by the toast of "His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the vest of the Royal Family , " both toasts being responded to with enthusiasm , and followed by appropriate music . The next toast was that of "The Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , K . G . ; the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " Jjiven also by the chairman , who then gave " The Right
» orshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Bective ; his Deputy , Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " To this toast Bros . Lemon , I ' . G . T . ; Porter , P . G . S . W . ; Gate , P . Prov . G . R . ; and T . Richardson , P . Prov . J . D . ; responded . The toast of the "Newly Installed W . M ., Bro . Mc Median , " was proposed Ijy Bro . Bowman , P . M ., and responded to by Bro .
McMechan , who proposed the health of "The I . P . M ., Bro . Bowman . " Bro . Lemon proposed "The Installing Master , Hro . Porter , P . M ., " to which Bro . Porter responded . " The Officers of the Lodge" was proposed by the chairman , and responded to by the various brethren who hold office . The vice-chairman proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was replied to by Bros , the Rev . C . H . Gem ,
Gardiner , and Leuthwaite . Bro . Lazonby proposed "The Masonic Charities , " and Bro . Ross "The Bonny Lasses of Cumberland , " to which Bro . R . Twentynian responded . 1 'be chairman proposed "The Absent Brethren , and to the memories of those deceased during the year , " mentioning the names of Bros . G . Shannon and G . Gat-rick , as those removed at a distance , and the names of Bros . John Norman Hodgson and Joseph Martin ( late Tyler ) , as those
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
dead within the past twelve months . The health of Bro . Foster having been proposed in complimentary lerms"b y Bro . Lemon , and the . health of Bro . R . II . Watson , C . E ., of Dundraw , having been given by the chairman " and heartily received , the Tyler's Toast , "To all jPonrTand Distressed Masons" was proposed by Bro . W . J . Carrick , and the meeting afterwards broke up , after most agreeable
proceedings , at about eight o'clock . During the evening an interesting communication , hy telegram , was" received from Bro . G . Shannon , M . D ., P . M ., who is in London , waiting of a ship being ready for him to sail to Australia , and who had to leave Wigtoun owing to ill-health . Bro . Shannon sent his congratulations to Bro . Mc Median , W . M ., and hearty good wishes to all brethren present , and said
that he continued to improve in health . The telegram from liro . Shannon , and ( he news it contained , was received with many manifestations of pleasure by the brethren . During the evening a telegram was sent from the W . M . of Wigton Lodge to the Ulvcrston Lodge ( who met on the same evening ) , expressing hearty good wishes . The agrecablcness of the afternoon ' s proceedings was very
much enhanced by the songs sung by various of the brethren , who were accompanied with much taste by Bro . Carrick ( Organist of the lodge ) , and Bro . Leuthwaite , who also presided over the harmonium during the ceremonies of the lodge , and added much lo the impressiveness of the service through which the Installing Master , the Worshipful Master , and his officers went .
SOUTH MOI . TON . —Loyal Lodge of Jnduslri / ( No . 421 ) . — The annual installation of W . M . was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday last , Bro . H . W . Higgins , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Swingburn and Mountjoy were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Robert Snow was duly presented and installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Higgins in a
most satisfactory way . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following officers * . —Bros . R . Louis Riccard , S . W . ; Frederick Day ' , ' J . W . ; Hugh Gawthrop , Chaplain ; George Huxtable , S . D . ; Henry Hitchcock , J . D . ; Richard Paige , l . G . ; I . K . Kingdon , Treasurer ; J . Kingdon , Secretary ; John Bickell , ' M . C . ; Richard Kingdon , Tyler . The brethren afterwards adjourned , at ; p . m ., lo partake
of their annual banquet at the Unicorn Hotel . Bro . W . Cole ( in the absence of the W . M . through domestic affliction ) took the chair . Most of the members of the lodge were present , and the visiting brethren included Bros . Toller , W . M . Barnstaple Lodge ; Rev . R . Russell , Secretary Bideford Lodge ; — Brewer , Barnstaple ; and others . The banquet was most efficiently served , and gave
complete satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . MANI-IIRSTKK . —Humphrey Chrlham Lodge ( No . 6 45 ) . — The installation and festival of StTjohn was held on the 6 ( h inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street . The lodge was opened at 4 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . John Duffield , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., assisted by his officers . The usual
routine business was performed , and the only ceremony being the installation of Master , the chair was assumed by Bro . Thus . Entwisle , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., P . M . 221 . The W . M . elect , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , P . G . S . W . Greece , G . Steward Scotland , P . Prov . G . J . W . Aberdeenshire , S .-C , was presented for the benefit of installation . 1 laving assented to the ancient charges , the brethren below
the chair retired , and Bro . Matier was installed into the Oriental chair of K . S ., wilh the customary ceremonies . On their return to the lodge , the brethren saluted the newlyinstalled W . M . in the three degrees , after which the following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . Dr . Barlow , S . W . ; Lees , J . W . ; Duffield , Treasurer ; G . F . Fruman , Secretary ; William C . Gilles , S . D . ; Harrop , | . D . ; S .
Kelly , l . G . ; J . McCiilloch , S . S . ; and Marshall , as Tyler . The address lo the W . M . was given by Bro . Entwisle ; that to the Wardens by Bro . Bcresford , P . Prov . G . D . Cheshire ; and the concluding address lo the brethren generally , by Bro . J . A . Birch , Prov . G . J . W . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Hearty good wishes were then given , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony
with solemn prayer . The brethren then proceeded to banquet , at which the newly-installed W . M . presided , supported by the following distinguished visitors and members of the lodge : Bros . j . M . Wike , P . G . D . England ; | . L . Mine , P . P . G .. S . W . ; J . A . Birch , P . G . [ . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . P . G . S . D . ; F . Entwisle , P . P . G . S . of W . ; Bcresford , P . P . G . D ., Cheshire ; H . J . Stephenson , P . M . onn ; I . E .
Hall , W . M . Ashbury Lodge ; and the following Past Masters of the lodge : Bros . Duffield , Col . Fowler , Goetz , and Ashton ; among the other brethren we noticed Bros . Blackburn , Dippie , Barron , Sctten , Fricdlander , 1009 ; Picrpont , Richardson , and others . Letters of apology were read from Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England ; W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., and others . The
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and heartily responded to , by the brethren . The evening was enlivened by several songs , among which we can highly praise those by Bro . Fricdlander . The brethren separated at an early hour , full of zeal for the coming year . LI . ANEI . I . Y . —Prince of IFule . i Lodge ( No . 671 ) . —On Monday , January 4 , 187 . 5 , the ceremony of installing the
Worshipful Master of the Prince of Wales Lodge for the ensuing year , took place at the Masonic Hall , Llanelly . The W . M . elect was Bro . William Stamcr Thompson , S . W . ; the high esteem in which he is held being evinced by a large gathering of the brethren . Bro . Thompson was presented for installation by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Major Lloyd Philipps ; the ceremony being performed in a
most able and impressive manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J . Beavan Phillips , P . G . W . At the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year . A banquet subsequently took place in the lodgeroom , which was also well attended . The visitors to the lodge on this occasion were numerous . In addition to the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Major Lloyd Philipps . and the R . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Deputy Prov . G . M ., the Rev . Latimer Jonesfthere were present Bros . ; E . J . Morris , D . P . G . M . JEastcrnJDivision of South Wales ; Charles Bath , P . Prov . G . W .- 'JamesTHall , P . Prov . G . W .-TW . J . Rees , S . D . of Talbot Lodge , Swansea ; Stradling , W . M . Milford Lodge , and P . G . Chaplain ; and W . J . Morgan , P . M ., St . Peter ' s Lodge , Carmarthen , P . Prov . G . W . Tlie speakers dwelt eloquently upon the
fact that Freemasonry is prospering here and elsewhere . Among the toasts was one specially characteristic of the Order , to wit , " Masonic Charities ; " which was fitly proposed by Bro . Beavan Phillips , Charity Steward and Charity Commissioner for the Province . It was seconded in an able speech by Bro . Morris , of Swansea , Charity
Commissioner for the adjoining Province . It is pleasant to hear that a considerable sum is already collected and promised for the charities ; and Llanelly is slated to have come forward handsomely . An agreeable evening was spent , which as usual lost nothing by the catering of thai good host and Brother , Captain Eynon . The proceedings closed wilh the time-honoured toast of the T yler .
F . MiswoiiTii . —Earl Kllesmere Lodge ( No . 6 7 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Church Ir . n , Earn worth , on Wednesday , the 6 th January , to instal the W . M . elect . Bro . Walter Pennington , W . M ., opened the lodge at 4 p . m ., after the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The W . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Holmes , was installed
into the chair of K . S . b y Bro . William Goodacre , P . Prov . G . P . for Cheshire . The ceremony was gone through in a most impressive manner , and afforded great gratification to the brethren assembled . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge , and they were duly installed with the insignia of Iheir offices : —Bros . Thomas Laycock , S . W . ; T . Entwistle , J . W . ; R .
Warburton , P . M . 1 reasurcr ; Robert Whittaker , Prov . G . D . C . Secretary ; T . Greenhalgh , S . D . ; D . A . Elliott , J . D .-, Albert Martin , l . G . ; Pickford and Shaw , Stewards ; Ralph Brooks , Tyler . After the installation , thvee candidates for initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Amongst those present were Past Masters Bros .
Barrow , Warburton , Whittaker , Blackhurst , Kirkman , Palmer , Pennington ; also visiting brethren Bros . Duckworth , Prov . Assistant G . D . C . ; John Wild , W . M . elect 146 ; B . Pilling , W . M . elect 350 ; and others . The usual Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., leading , in his masterly style . Bros .
Palmer , Pendlebury , Pilling , and Laycock , contributed very much to the harmony of the evening by giving some capital songs . Bro . Thomas Laycock , S . W ., presented the lodge with handsome Masonic candles , purchased from Bro . Geo . Kenning's establishment , Little Britain , London .
DOUGLAS ( ISI . E or MAN ) . —Ti / nnaldI Lodge ( No . 1242 ) . — The annual meeting in connection with the installation of the W . M . of the Tynwald Lodge , and the investiture of officers , took p lace at the Lodge Rooms , St . James ' s Hall , on Monday week . The brethren , to the number of about 35 , assembled at three o ' clock , and after the transaction of some formal business , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Quinney ,
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . John A . Brown , P . M ., who had undertaken the duties of Installing Master . After the Master Masons had retired , the lodge was opened in the Past Master's degree , and the new W . M ., Bro . T . M . Cowley , who filled the chair of S . W . during the past year , was called into the lodge-room and duly installed into the chair of K . S ., the Past Masters present being Bros . J . A . Brown ;
T . Bawden ; E . W . Stocker ; J . J . Harwood ; S . Webb ; J . Lambert ; J . Quinney ; and E . Mundcy . This part of the ceremony being over , the lodge was lowered , and the W . M . duly proclaimed in the various degrees . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C . Kennaugh , S . W . ; F . J . Johnson , J . W . ; W . L . Clarke , P . M ., Treasurer ; Rev . W . T . Hobson , Chaplain ; R . Smith , Organist ; J . J .
Edwards , Secretary ; S . J . Harris , S . D . ; T . Cowm , J . D . ; R . Swinnerton , I . G . ; anil Bro . Long , Tyler . After the ceremony , the brethren adjourned to the Bowling Green Hotel , where they sat down to a splendid banquet , served in Bro . I Iandlcy ' s best style . After dessert hail been brought in , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a right merry evening spent . Masonic songs were sung by
Bros . James Brown and R . Swinnerton , and a Masonic reading was given by Bro . J . J . Harwood , P . M . During the evening a beautiful Past Master ' s gold jewel was presented to the retiring W . M ., J . Quinney . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . John Quinney by the brethren of the Tynwald Lodge ( No . 1242 ) as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of his proficiency as
W . M . 1242 ; December , 1874 . " Secretary ' s silver jewels were also presented to Bros . W . M . Stewart and F . J . Johnson , as a mark of appreciation of their services to the iodge in the capacity of Secretary . Bro . the Rev . W . T . Hobson , in responding to the toast of his health , which was proposed by Bro . J . A . Fulton , said that he was perfectly satisfied , before he became a Mason , that
Freemasonry was an institution of such a nature that no Christian man or Christian minister need shrink from joining it ; and what he had seen since he became a member of the Order had confirmed him in that opinion . So long as the " Great Book of Books " was open before them as the foundation of the moral teachings of the Order , and so long as Faith , Hope , and Charity , were its leading principles , so long would the Order , to a great
extent , correspond with Christianity itself . The brethren separated shortly after 11 o'clock , after spending a pleasant evening . During the evening , the health of Bro . J . A . Brown , P . M ., the Installing Master , was also drunk , Bro . Stocker , P . M ., observing that he had been a Past Master for nearly 15 years , and had been present at many installations in London and elsewhere , but he had never seen the installation ceremony done so well as Bro . Brown had done it that evening .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . -iwe , having been duly proclaimed and saluted iin the va rious degrees , at 'length , appointed Ihe following brethren n ' s his officers : Bros . W . Hjnc Haycock , I . P . M . ; W . M . Mitchell , S . W . ; J . Barber , J . W . ; G . ' Beard , Secrctarv ; W . Carter , S . D . ; W . Prout , J . D . ; R . Perryman , l . G . ; S . Wheatonand F . Halse , Stewards ; T . II . Paul , Tyler . Brc . ]> , M . Hodge , as Treasurer , then read a letter received from
the 1 . P . M ., Bro . lime Haycock , who expressed his desire to present some token to the lodge in commemoration of the year of his office , and as an acknowledgment of the kindness received by him from the brethren during that period , and stated that it was his intention , if acceptable to the brethren , to present a chair similar to the handsome oak W . M . and Warden ' s chairs of the lodge , for the use
of the l . P . M . This was most warmly accepted , and a vole o [ thanks passed to the liberal donor . The lodge was then closed in form , anil Ihe brethren adjourned to the large ball room of the London Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . W . J . Rogers . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured , some pleasant harmony followed , and a most agreeable
and delightful evening spent . This was one of the most successful meetings that has taken place in this old lodge for many years . Br . HKEi . EY . —Roi / ai Lodge of Fnilh and Friendship ( No . 270 ) . —The installation meeting and eighty-ninth anniversary of this old lodge took place at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , on Monday , the 4 U 1 inst . The officers present
were Bros . Daniel Beslcy , W . M . ; John Gamble , S . W ., and W . M . elect ; John Bloxsome , J . W . ; Captain Bloxsome , R . N ., Secretary and Treasurer ; Thomas Morse , S . D . ; j . lies , J . D . ; Wm . Faiiley , l . G . ; J . Merrett , Tyler , arid others . The lodge was opened' in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when
Bro . J . Gamble having been presented , a board of Installed Masters was formed , and he was duly installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . Henry Jeffs , P . M ., and Worshipful Master of 493 , P . Prov . G . J . W . of Gloucestershire , and Past Preceptor of Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 81 ; , in such an able and impressive manner , as to elicit the hearty applause of all the brethren present . The W . M .
having been saluted according to ancient custom , invested his officers , viz .: —Bros . D . Beslcy , l . P . M . ; J . Bloxsome , S . W . ; Thomas Morse , J . W . ; Captain Bloxsome , Treasurer and Secretary ; J . lies , S . D . ; W . P . Iladley , J . D . ; E . Gregory , D . C . ; F . Godwin , l . G . ; and J . Merrett , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very good banquet , provided by the worthv host , Mr .
W . Dumungham . I he regular toasts were given , both loyal anil Masonic , and a very happy evening was spent in harmony and brotherly love . WIOTON . —Si . John's Lodge ( Xo . 327 ) . —On Mondav , 28 th ult ., the brethren of this old lodge met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John the Kvangelist . Th . e lodge was opened at " High Twelve , " by Broi Bowman , W . M .,
after which the Worshipful Master for the ensuing twelve months was dul y installed by Bro . Porter , P . M ., P . G . S . W ., in a most masterly and impressive manner , in the presence of a full lodge . After the W . M . had been dul y installed and properly received by the brethren , he invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Bowman , Immediate Past Master ; W . II . Hoodless , S . W . ; Joseph l . nzonby , J . W . ;
the Rev . C . H . Gem , Chaplain ; 11 . Bewes , P . M . Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; T . Ross , S . D . ; W . | . Carrick , J . D . ; 1 ( . Twentynian , l . G . ; C . Y . Wright , S . s ]; Isaac Pattinson , J . . ; T . Richardson , Tyler . Bro . W . J . Carrick was also invested hy the W . M . as Organist of the lodge . The newly elected Worshipful Master then closed the lodge through the three degrees , and the brethren separated .
I he banquet was , as usual , provided at the close of the formal business of the lodge , to which on this occasion the brethren were invited . It was provided by Mrs . Martin , of the Lion and Lamb Inn , and was substantial and well served . The chair was taken b y Bro . Mc Median , W . M ., supported by Bros . Lemon , P . M ., P . G . T . ; Bowman , P . M . ; Porter , P . M ., P . G . S . W . ; the Rev . C . II . Gem , P . S . W . ;
Gardiner , P . M . ; W . II . I . euthwaite , W . M ., P . G . S . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . II . Hoodless ( in the vice-chair ); Gate , P . M ., P . Prov . G . ll . ; Pearson , P . M .-, T . Richardson , P . M . ; T . Ross , S . D . ; Wright , S . S . ; Isaac Pattinson , J . S . ; R . Twentynian , l . G . On the removal of the cloth , the chairman gave " The Queen , " followed by the toast of "His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales , the Princess of Wales , and the vest of the Royal Family , " both toasts being responded to with enthusiasm , and followed by appropriate music . The next toast was that of "The Most Worshipful the Pro Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , K . G . ; the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " Jjiven also by the chairman , who then gave " The Right
» orshipful the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Bective ; his Deputy , Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers . " To this toast Bros . Lemon , I ' . G . T . ; Porter , P . G . S . W . ; Gate , P . Prov . G . R . ; and T . Richardson , P . Prov . J . D . ; responded . The toast of the "Newly Installed W . M ., Bro . Mc Median , " was proposed Ijy Bro . Bowman , P . M ., and responded to by Bro .
McMechan , who proposed the health of "The I . P . M ., Bro . Bowman . " Bro . Lemon proposed "The Installing Master , Hro . Porter , P . M ., " to which Bro . Porter responded . " The Officers of the Lodge" was proposed by the chairman , and responded to by the various brethren who hold office . The vice-chairman proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was replied to by Bros , the Rev . C . H . Gem ,
Gardiner , and Leuthwaite . Bro . Lazonby proposed "The Masonic Charities , " and Bro . Ross "The Bonny Lasses of Cumberland , " to which Bro . R . Twentynian responded . 1 'be chairman proposed "The Absent Brethren , and to the memories of those deceased during the year , " mentioning the names of Bros . G . Shannon and G . Gat-rick , as those removed at a distance , and the names of Bros . John Norman Hodgson and Joseph Martin ( late Tyler ) , as those
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
dead within the past twelve months . The health of Bro . Foster having been proposed in complimentary lerms"b y Bro . Lemon , and the . health of Bro . R . II . Watson , C . E ., of Dundraw , having been given by the chairman " and heartily received , the Tyler's Toast , "To all jPonrTand Distressed Masons" was proposed by Bro . W . J . Carrick , and the meeting afterwards broke up , after most agreeable
proceedings , at about eight o'clock . During the evening an interesting communication , hy telegram , was" received from Bro . G . Shannon , M . D ., P . M ., who is in London , waiting of a ship being ready for him to sail to Australia , and who had to leave Wigtoun owing to ill-health . Bro . Shannon sent his congratulations to Bro . Mc Median , W . M ., and hearty good wishes to all brethren present , and said
that he continued to improve in health . The telegram from liro . Shannon , and ( he news it contained , was received with many manifestations of pleasure by the brethren . During the evening a telegram was sent from the W . M . of Wigton Lodge to the Ulvcrston Lodge ( who met on the same evening ) , expressing hearty good wishes . The agrecablcness of the afternoon ' s proceedings was very
much enhanced by the songs sung by various of the brethren , who were accompanied with much taste by Bro . Carrick ( Organist of the lodge ) , and Bro . Leuthwaite , who also presided over the harmonium during the ceremonies of the lodge , and added much lo the impressiveness of the service through which the Installing Master , the Worshipful Master , and his officers went .
SOUTH MOI . TON . —Loyal Lodge of Jnduslri / ( No . 421 ) . — The annual installation of W . M . was held at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday last , Bro . H . W . Higgins , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Swingburn and Mountjoy were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bro . Robert Snow was duly presented and installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Higgins in a
most satisfactory way . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following officers * . —Bros . R . Louis Riccard , S . W . ; Frederick Day ' , ' J . W . ; Hugh Gawthrop , Chaplain ; George Huxtable , S . D . ; Henry Hitchcock , J . D . ; Richard Paige , l . G . ; I . K . Kingdon , Treasurer ; J . Kingdon , Secretary ; John Bickell , ' M . C . ; Richard Kingdon , Tyler . The brethren afterwards adjourned , at ; p . m ., lo partake
of their annual banquet at the Unicorn Hotel . Bro . W . Cole ( in the absence of the W . M . through domestic affliction ) took the chair . Most of the members of the lodge were present , and the visiting brethren included Bros . Toller , W . M . Barnstaple Lodge ; Rev . R . Russell , Secretary Bideford Lodge ; — Brewer , Barnstaple ; and others . The banquet was most efficiently served , and gave
complete satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . MANI-IIRSTKK . —Humphrey Chrlham Lodge ( No . 6 45 ) . — The installation and festival of StTjohn was held on the 6 ( h inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper Street . The lodge was opened at 4 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . John Duffield , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., assisted by his officers . The usual
routine business was performed , and the only ceremony being the installation of Master , the chair was assumed by Bro . Thus . Entwisle , P . Prov . G . S . of W ., P . M . 221 . The W . M . elect , Bro . C . Fitzgerald Matier , P . G . S . W . Greece , G . Steward Scotland , P . Prov . G . J . W . Aberdeenshire , S .-C , was presented for the benefit of installation . 1 laving assented to the ancient charges , the brethren below
the chair retired , and Bro . Matier was installed into the Oriental chair of K . S ., wilh the customary ceremonies . On their return to the lodge , the brethren saluted the newlyinstalled W . M . in the three degrees , after which the following officers were appointed and invested : Bros . Dr . Barlow , S . W . ; Lees , J . W . ; Duffield , Treasurer ; G . F . Fruman , Secretary ; William C . Gilles , S . D . ; Harrop , | . D . ; S .
Kelly , l . G . ; J . McCiilloch , S . S . ; and Marshall , as Tyler . The address lo the W . M . was given by Bro . Entwisle ; that to the Wardens by Bro . Bcresford , P . Prov . G . D . Cheshire ; and the concluding address lo the brethren generally , by Bro . J . A . Birch , Prov . G . J . W . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . Hearty good wishes were then given , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony
with solemn prayer . The brethren then proceeded to banquet , at which the newly-installed W . M . presided , supported by the following distinguished visitors and members of the lodge : Bros . j . M . Wike , P . G . D . England ; | . L . Mine , P . P . G .. S . W . ; J . A . Birch , P . G . [ . W . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . P . G . S . D . ; F . Entwisle , P . P . G . S . of W . ; Bcresford , P . P . G . D ., Cheshire ; H . J . Stephenson , P . M . onn ; I . E .
Hall , W . M . Ashbury Lodge ; and the following Past Masters of the lodge : Bros . Duffield , Col . Fowler , Goetz , and Ashton ; among the other brethren we noticed Bros . Blackburn , Dippie , Barron , Sctten , Fricdlander , 1009 ; Picrpont , Richardson , and others . Letters of apology were read from Bros . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . England ; W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., D . P . G . M ., and others . The
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , and heartily responded to , by the brethren . The evening was enlivened by several songs , among which we can highly praise those by Bro . Fricdlander . The brethren separated at an early hour , full of zeal for the coming year . LI . ANEI . I . Y . —Prince of IFule . i Lodge ( No . 671 ) . —On Monday , January 4 , 187 . 5 , the ceremony of installing the
Worshipful Master of the Prince of Wales Lodge for the ensuing year , took place at the Masonic Hall , Llanelly . The W . M . elect was Bro . William Stamcr Thompson , S . W . ; the high esteem in which he is held being evinced by a large gathering of the brethren . Bro . Thompson was presented for installation by the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Major Lloyd Philipps ; the ceremony being performed in a
most able and impressive manner by the retiring W . M ., Bro . J . Beavan Phillips , P . G . W . At the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year . A banquet subsequently took place in the lodgeroom , which was also well attended . The visitors to the lodge on this occasion were numerous . In addition to the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., Major Lloyd Philipps . and the R . W .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Deputy Prov . G . M ., the Rev . Latimer Jonesfthere were present Bros . ; E . J . Morris , D . P . G . M . JEastcrnJDivision of South Wales ; Charles Bath , P . Prov . G . W .- 'JamesTHall , P . Prov . G . W .-TW . J . Rees , S . D . of Talbot Lodge , Swansea ; Stradling , W . M . Milford Lodge , and P . G . Chaplain ; and W . J . Morgan , P . M ., St . Peter ' s Lodge , Carmarthen , P . Prov . G . W . Tlie speakers dwelt eloquently upon the
fact that Freemasonry is prospering here and elsewhere . Among the toasts was one specially characteristic of the Order , to wit , " Masonic Charities ; " which was fitly proposed by Bro . Beavan Phillips , Charity Steward and Charity Commissioner for the Province . It was seconded in an able speech by Bro . Morris , of Swansea , Charity
Commissioner for the adjoining Province . It is pleasant to hear that a considerable sum is already collected and promised for the charities ; and Llanelly is slated to have come forward handsomely . An agreeable evening was spent , which as usual lost nothing by the catering of thai good host and Brother , Captain Eynon . The proceedings closed wilh the time-honoured toast of the T yler .
F . MiswoiiTii . —Earl Kllesmere Lodge ( No . 6 7 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Church Ir . n , Earn worth , on Wednesday , the 6 th January , to instal the W . M . elect . Bro . Walter Pennington , W . M ., opened the lodge at 4 p . m ., after the minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The W . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Holmes , was installed
into the chair of K . S . b y Bro . William Goodacre , P . Prov . G . P . for Cheshire . The ceremony was gone through in a most impressive manner , and afforded great gratification to the brethren assembled . The Worshipful Master appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge , and they were duly installed with the insignia of Iheir offices : —Bros . Thomas Laycock , S . W . ; T . Entwistle , J . W . ; R .
Warburton , P . M . 1 reasurcr ; Robert Whittaker , Prov . G . D . C . Secretary ; T . Greenhalgh , S . D . ; D . A . Elliott , J . D .-, Albert Martin , l . G . ; Pickford and Shaw , Stewards ; Ralph Brooks , Tyler . After the installation , thvee candidates for initiation were proposed , and the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Amongst those present were Past Masters Bros .
Barrow , Warburton , Whittaker , Blackhurst , Kirkman , Palmer , Pennington ; also visiting brethren Bros . Duckworth , Prov . Assistant G . D . C . ; John Wild , W . M . elect 146 ; B . Pilling , W . M . elect 350 ; and others . The usual Masonic toasts were duly proposed and honoured . Bro . Whittaker , P . M ., leading , in his masterly style . Bros .
Palmer , Pendlebury , Pilling , and Laycock , contributed very much to the harmony of the evening by giving some capital songs . Bro . Thomas Laycock , S . W ., presented the lodge with handsome Masonic candles , purchased from Bro . Geo . Kenning's establishment , Little Britain , London .
DOUGLAS ( ISI . E or MAN ) . —Ti / nnaldI Lodge ( No . 1242 ) . — The annual meeting in connection with the installation of the W . M . of the Tynwald Lodge , and the investiture of officers , took p lace at the Lodge Rooms , St . James ' s Hall , on Monday week . The brethren , to the number of about 35 , assembled at three o ' clock , and after the transaction of some formal business , the retiring W . M ., Bro . Quinney ,
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . John A . Brown , P . M ., who had undertaken the duties of Installing Master . After the Master Masons had retired , the lodge was opened in the Past Master's degree , and the new W . M ., Bro . T . M . Cowley , who filled the chair of S . W . during the past year , was called into the lodge-room and duly installed into the chair of K . S ., the Past Masters present being Bros . J . A . Brown ;
T . Bawden ; E . W . Stocker ; J . J . Harwood ; S . Webb ; J . Lambert ; J . Quinney ; and E . Mundcy . This part of the ceremony being over , the lodge was lowered , and the W . M . duly proclaimed in the various degrees . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C . Kennaugh , S . W . ; F . J . Johnson , J . W . ; W . L . Clarke , P . M ., Treasurer ; Rev . W . T . Hobson , Chaplain ; R . Smith , Organist ; J . J .
Edwards , Secretary ; S . J . Harris , S . D . ; T . Cowm , J . D . ; R . Swinnerton , I . G . ; anil Bro . Long , Tyler . After the ceremony , the brethren adjourned to the Bowling Green Hotel , where they sat down to a splendid banquet , served in Bro . I Iandlcy ' s best style . After dessert hail been brought in , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and a right merry evening spent . Masonic songs were sung by
Bros . James Brown and R . Swinnerton , and a Masonic reading was given by Bro . J . J . Harwood , P . M . During the evening a beautiful Past Master ' s gold jewel was presented to the retiring W . M ., J . Quinney . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . John Quinney by the brethren of the Tynwald Lodge ( No . 1242 ) as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of his proficiency as
W . M . 1242 ; December , 1874 . " Secretary ' s silver jewels were also presented to Bros . W . M . Stewart and F . J . Johnson , as a mark of appreciation of their services to the iodge in the capacity of Secretary . Bro . the Rev . W . T . Hobson , in responding to the toast of his health , which was proposed by Bro . J . A . Fulton , said that he was perfectly satisfied , before he became a Mason , that
Freemasonry was an institution of such a nature that no Christian man or Christian minister need shrink from joining it ; and what he had seen since he became a member of the Order had confirmed him in that opinion . So long as the " Great Book of Books " was open before them as the foundation of the moral teachings of the Order , and so long as Faith , Hope , and Charity , were its leading principles , so long would the Order , to a great
extent , correspond with Christianity itself . The brethren separated shortly after 11 o'clock , after spending a pleasant evening . During the evening , the health of Bro . J . A . Brown , P . M ., the Installing Master , was also drunk , Bro . Stocker , P . M ., observing that he had been a Past Master for nearly 15 years , and had been present at many installations in London and elsewhere , but he had never seen the installation ceremony done so well as Bro . Brown had done it that evening .