Article SUMMER FESTIVAL OF THE DOMATIC LODGE, No. 177. Page 1 of 1 Article SUMMER FESTIVAL OF THE DOMATIC LODGE, No. 177. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Summer Festival Of The Domatic Lodge, No. 177.
The annual Summer Festival of the members of the Domatic Lodge was held on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at Bro . Joynt ' s , the Prince of Wales Hotel , East Moulsey , neai Hampton Court , under exceptional and favourable circumstances . For many years it has been the custom to have a day out , at about this time of the year , but upon . no former occasion , within the recollection ol even the oldest member of the lodge , has the meeting been attended with such success as the present . This must have been and will ever be , we are sure , a source of congratulation to the urbane W . M ., Bro . J . R . Foulger , who for some six months has
presided over this , we think , the largest lodge in England . In point of influence and position it will certainly not rank as the least important in the Grand Lodge books , for it can boast of several Grand Officers , brethren whose merits have found favour in Grand Lodge ' and whose worth alone has raised them to the position they now occupy . However , it having been resolved to have this reunion ,
the following brethren were appointed as a Committee of Stewards , to carry out the necessary arrangements : —Bros . Walford , S . W . ; Ferguson , J . W . ; Kent , J . D . ; Bird , Chubb , E . B . Clarke , Potter , R . M . Smith , Treas . ; Brett , G . P . ; and Chas . E . Thompson , Hon . Sec . The house having been chosen and the tickets circulated , nothing but fine weather was wanted to complete the
ioyfulness of the occasion . It was originally intended that the ladies who might accompany the brethren should join the company at dessert , but as the time drew near it was determined to invite the ladies to grace the festive board by their presence , which they consented to do , and , as we have stated , that exceptional circumstances in matters relative to Masonry and the fineness of the weather
rendered the whole affair a brilliant success . Bro . Walford , the S . W ., faced the W . M . at the lower end of the table , and amongst those assembled we noticed : Bros . Henry Carpenter , P . Z ., P . M ., Industry Lodge ( a veteran in Masonry ) ; Joseph Hedding ( Great Eastern Railway ); Walter Joyce ( Strand Theatre ) , Southern Star Lodge ; H . Potter , P . M ., 115 S , 177 , 25 , & c . : Tims ,
S . D . ; Willing , junr ., A . Treadwell , Bird , Chubb , Chudleigh , Wigmore , Goodfellow , Ford ( Barley Mow Hotel , Salisbury Square ) , Fountain ( White Swan , Salisbury Square ) , Evans , Joynt , Chas . E . Thompson , S . W . 1158 , and many others , also a brilliant company of ladies all most elegantly attired . The W . M . having sounded his gavil , grace was said ,
and an excellent dinner partaken of , the serving of which spoke well for the resources of the establishment but it would be better on ftuure occasions for the esteemed host ( Bro . Joynt ) to provide a more sprightly staff of waiters , there being nothing to speak of in the way of complaint save that . The wines were very good . The W . M . having set an example , by drinking the
health of the whole of the company present , frequent compliments were exchanged on all sides . The cloth was drawn and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given , but without the "honours , " in consequence of the presence of the ladies , and included "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey , G . M ., " "Ear ! Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " and "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . "
The next toast was given by the W . M . lie saitl , in proposing the health of " The Visitors , " that he was sure they had enjoyed themselves , and , as old anil good Masons , would agree with him that it was an unlooked-for pleasure , antl therefore the more agreeable , in having the presence of the ladies ( hear , hear ) . It was not at first intended to ask them ( the ladies ) to dine with them , but , for reasons
which he woultl not dilate upon , the committee had altered their minds antl they were honoured with their presence that day . It was indeed an unexpected pleasure ( hear , hear ) . He then reverted to the presence of the visitors , and expressed the gratification he and the other members felt at their company ( hear , hear ) . ( The toast was well received . )
Bro . CARPENTER returned thanks , and mentioned that he was indebted to Bro . Thompson , the Hon . Sec , for his visit that afternoon , which had been greatly enhanced , as the W . M . had supposed , by the presence of the ladies . He certainly was of opinion that the ladies should on such occasions , when no Masonic business was transacted , he permitted to take part in the pleasures of the day ( hear ,
hear , and cheers ) . He concluded by wishing health , happiness antl prosperity to them all . Bro . Yo ' . tD ( an old member of the Domatic Lolge ) a ! sr > expressed his thanks for the treat he had had that day , and stated his intention of re-joining the Domatic Lodge as soon as the meetings were resinned . The W . M . then proposed what he ventured to call the
toast of the flay , viz . : "The Health of the Ladle ? " ( loud cheers ) . II ; sincerely hope I they woultl be invi cd next year , he should do all he could to obtain their presence , fur he considered that it was nohing but right they should hive the opportunity of being pr -sent . Tlic meeting that day had been such a wonderful success that he did not doubt die motion for their admission would be carried
without any difficulty ( hear , hear ) . The toast was such a good one that it required no recommendation from him to make them drink it with proper enthusiasm ( hear , hear ) ; he would only say that lutl it not been for their presence they would not have enjoyed themselves anything like iv . ' iat tliey had clone ( hear , hear ) . He coupled with the toatt the name of liro Willing .
As the W . M . had stated , the toast needed no long speech to give it eclat , for it was received with every dimomlration of respect antl good feeling . Bro . WILLING responded in felicitous terms on behalf of the ladies . He was afraid the W . M . had made a very bid choice in selecting him to reply for them , lie was , nevertheless , speaking for the Ladies , very much obliged U ihcm indeed for asking them lo dine that day . The
Summer Festival Of The Domatic Lodge, No. 177.
ladies took a great interest in Masonry , because they believed it to be good , and because of the support it gave to so many charities ( hear , hear ) . He believed Masons to be thorough bricks , and that the ladies were willing to become mortar , and stick to them as much as they could ( laughter ) . For the many handsome ladies present he begged to tender their sincere and grateful thanks for the
compliment paid them . The W . M . proposed the health of "The Officers of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Walford and Tims returned thanks in appropriate terms ' . The health of " Bro . Chas . E . Thompson , the Hon . Secretary , " was made a special toast , and in proposing it a high compliment was paid that brother for the trouble he
had voluntarily taken upon himself in accepting that office , and for the way in which he had carried out the arrangements . Bro . CHARLES E . Ti-iojirsoN ( S . W . 1158 ) in responding , assured the brethren that if his poor services had in theslightest degree tended to theircomfort hewas sufficiently paid . Undoubtedly he had been put to some trouble ,
for the Oomatic Lodge numbered something like 150 members , but with him it had been " a labour of love . " Twice had he proposed that the ladies should dine with the brethren , and he trusted that for the future it would be a recognized thing . He thanked them all very sincerely . Bro . POTTER , in happy terms , replied to the toast of the "P . M . ' s .
The healths of "The Lay Members" and "The Host " were then given and responded to by Bros . Treadwell and Joynt , and , after some excellent songs and a recitation by Bro . Joyce , the brethren and ladies returned to town highly delighted . We must not forget to mention that the respected Bro . Carpenter brought the harmony of the evening to a close with his favourite song of "Twelve Bottles More . "
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Gresham Lodge , No . 869 . — This lodge held their usual meeting as the Four Swans Hotel , Waltham Cross , on Saturday , July 9 th . Bro . R . Bruce , W . M ., was supported by all the officers , and there was a good attendance of brethren . Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 192 , was the only visiting brother , and he expressed his
satisfaction at the perfect manner in which the W . M . had discharged his duties , which consisted of raising Bros . Stephens and Pottle . As is usual at this season of the year there was a good attendance of ladies , the wives and friends of ihe brethren ; and at the conclusion of the business of the lodge , all adjourned to a sumptuous and welllaid banquet , where they thoroughly enjoyed themselves ,
and interchanged those friendly courtesies which tend so much to cement friendship antl increase the interest of the fair ones in the cnuse of Masonry . The only toasts on this occasion were those of " The Queen and the Craft , " "The Ladies , " and "The W . M . " The toast of "The Ladies" was responded to by the gallant Bro . Capt . Barnes in a very r . musing and complimentary
manner . The evening was enlivened by several capital songs . Bro . W . II . Ethrington sang a new song he had recently set to music , entitled " Happy to Meet , " which , not only as a Masonic song , but as one particularly appropriate for this occasion , gave great satisfaction . The brethren and friends then adjourned inlo the beautiful gardens , where the dessert was laid , tinting which the band of the 41 st
Middlesex Rifles V . L ., conducted by Bro . Ethrington , played « omc excellent selections and dance music , thus concluding a most enjoyable day . The brethren returned to town much pleased with their reunion meeting . Perfect Ashlar , No . 1178 . —At the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bcrmontlscy , this lodge met on
Thursday , July 7 th . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., presided . He passetl Bro . Baker , anil raised Bro . Collins . There were present : Bros . L Green , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Rose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; J . XV . Dudley , I . G . ; V . II . Elsworth , P . M ., & c . Visitors : Lazarus , P . M . ; Swass , & c . Banquet was also served .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Gilbert Grceital ! Lodge , A ' o . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held on Monday evening last , at the Masonic Room * . The W . M . liro . XX . Mossop was supported by Bros . W . Richardson , I . W ., as S . W . ; P . J . EJelstcn . as ] . XV . ; John Bowes , P . M ., Past . Prov . G . Reg ., as P . M . ; W . S . Hawkins
S . D . ; W . Pollitt , J . D . ; J . Parry , Peter Leigh , J U . Fo ' . tcr , John Wood , Thomas Pieipoint , Henry Moult , R . Brierlv , Thomas Auckland , and Tames Hannah , Tyler . Visitor : liro . William Smith , W . M . No . 14 S . The lodge was opened in form with prayer , when the niinutesof the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lo : lge was opened in the second degree , when bros .
Picrpomt , Wood , and Poller claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , were entrusted . On readmission they were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the W . M . being assisted by Uro . Howes . The lodge was closed down , and nothing further being proposed for the good of Masonry in general or of No . 1250 in particular , it was closed with the usual solemnities .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —Lodgeof Glasgow St . John , A o . 3 bis . — The meeting of this ledge wr . s held on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at the usual hour . In die absence of the Master , the chair was filled by Pro . Craig , P . M .: Pro . Fletcher acting S . W . ; and Bro . M'Aulay acting J , XV . The lodge was duly
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
opened , after which a candidate was initiated by Bro . Bamber , Sec . The R . W . M . thereafter entered and took the chair , upon which the minutes were read , and , after some comments , passed . Tne Sub .-M . then proposed that a committee of the Office Bearers of the lodge should be appointed to wait upon the editor of the Glasgow
Herald in order to get , if possible , the name of the individual who was writing concerning the lodge under the signature of "Masonicus , " so that , if possible , legal proceedings should be taken against him for his remarks . This motion was seconded by the Treasurer , and agreed to . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The election meeting of this chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , July 7 th ; Companions J . Lacey , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., as H . ; P . Browne , J ., presided . The elections were unanimous in favour of Companions P . A . Nairne , as Z . ; P . Browne , H . ; M . Scott , J . ; F .
Walters , P . Z ., Treasurer ( re-elected ) ; R . S . Foreman , S . E . ; A . Williams , S . N . ; T . Quihampton , P . S . It was unanimously agreed that a five-guinea P . Z . 's Jewel be given to Comp . J . Lacey . M . E . Z ., for his valuable services during his year of office . Banquet followed . Visitors : J . Hart , Givilt , & c .
SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Chapter of Lanarkshire . —A meeting of this chapter was convened on Friday , 1 st inst ., by order of the S . G . R . A . Chapter , for the purpose of recommending a companion to the office of P . G . Superintendent . The chapter was opened by M . E . P . Z . 's Crabb , Taylor , and Campbell , & c ., & c . The notice having been
read calling tne meeting , a motion was proposed by Comp . Wallace ( 79 ) , seconded by Comp . Balfour ( 73 ) , that a Superintendent be recommended for this Province . Comp . Campbell ( 69 ) proposed an amendment , seconded by Comp . Park ( 122 ) that we remain as we are at present , under the superintendence of the S . G . R . A . Chapter , as
we have been for the last six years , and that we request a deputation of the S . G . R . A . Chapter to visit the Province as often as convenient , to inquire into the working of Royal Arch Masonry . The motion and amendment having been put to the meeting , five voted for the motion and eight for the amendment . Comp . Wallace ' s motion was lost by a majority of three .
Mark Masonry.
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia M . M . Lodge , No . 53 . —The brethren of this Mark Masters' Lodge held their annual meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield , on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., when Bro . E . Drury , W . M ., assisted by his officers , very ably and impressively advanced to this honourable degree Bro . Ashberry , J . W . No . 1239 , and Bro . Scargill , J . D . No . 1230 . The W . M .-
elect , Bro . II . Matthews , W . M . of the Wentworth Lodge , No . 1239 , was then presented by Bro . Brittain , W . M . 139 , to the retiring XV . M ., Bro . E . Drury , P . M ., P . Z . of 296 , antl P . Prov . G . S . B . of West Yorkshire , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , which ceremony he performed iu that able and impressive manner which has gained for him the esteem and applause of the whole
of the Craft in Sheffield . After the brethren had saluted the newly-installed W . M ., he appointed Bro . Brittain W . M . 139 and P . M . of 296 , as S . W . ; Bro . II . J . Garnett , P . M . of this lodge , P . M . 139 and 1239 , also P . Z . 296 , as J . W . ; antl after duly investing them and the rest of the officers , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . The whole of ihe brethren then retired from the
lodge-room to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Matthews , XV . M ., who gave the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . P . M . Druro then rose to propose the toast of the evening , "The Health of the W . M . , and saitl it was with feelings of intense pleasure that he had that evening the honour of installing as his successor in the chair of Adoniram such a good , zealous , and hard-working
Mason as Bro . Matthews ; and from the efficient manner in which Bro . Matthews discharged all the duties he undertook in the various degrees of Masonry , he felt quite confident that under his rule and guidance the Britannia Mark Masters Lodge , No . 53 , could not fail being prosperous . The toast was enthusiastically received , and with musical honours . After the W . M . had responded to
th-: toast in appropriate terms , he proposed "The Health of the Officers of ihe Lotlge , " to which Bro . Brittain , S . W ., responded . "Tho Health of the InstallingOfficer ( Bro . P . M . Drury ) , " The newly-advanced Brethren , " and several other toasts , having been given and duly acknowledged , ihe brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a very enjoyable evening .
ORDERS OP CHIVALRY . RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . St . Georges Com live , A ' o . iS . —A meeting of this conclave was held at the Palrncrston Arms , Grosvcnor Park , Camberwell , on the 71 I 1 inst . The chair was occupied by Sir Knt . Henry Thompson , M . P . S ' ., who was supported bv Sir Kins . W . II . Hubbard , G . T ., as V . E . ; II . J . Wright , S . G .: C . L . Marshall , Treas . ; E . Shaughncssy , R . ; T . Wingham , Prefect j T . Wingham , fun ., Org . ; R . Wentworth Little , G . K . ; J . Ashwefl , S . ; G . Cathcrwood ,
Sic . A nonce of motion was given to discontinue the meetings of the conclave during the summer months , and the M . P . S ordered a special assembly to be convened in September for the purpose of considering the proposition . After rehearsing the ceremony , the conclave vas closed , antl the knitjils spent the evening together inner the genial presidency of their esteemed M . I' . S , win s .: excellent working in Craft M . isonry i ^ -o highly cstccir . cl and appreciated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summer Festival Of The Domatic Lodge, No. 177.
The annual Summer Festival of the members of the Domatic Lodge was held on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at Bro . Joynt ' s , the Prince of Wales Hotel , East Moulsey , neai Hampton Court , under exceptional and favourable circumstances . For many years it has been the custom to have a day out , at about this time of the year , but upon . no former occasion , within the recollection ol even the oldest member of the lodge , has the meeting been attended with such success as the present . This must have been and will ever be , we are sure , a source of congratulation to the urbane W . M ., Bro . J . R . Foulger , who for some six months has
presided over this , we think , the largest lodge in England . In point of influence and position it will certainly not rank as the least important in the Grand Lodge books , for it can boast of several Grand Officers , brethren whose merits have found favour in Grand Lodge ' and whose worth alone has raised them to the position they now occupy . However , it having been resolved to have this reunion ,
the following brethren were appointed as a Committee of Stewards , to carry out the necessary arrangements : —Bros . Walford , S . W . ; Ferguson , J . W . ; Kent , J . D . ; Bird , Chubb , E . B . Clarke , Potter , R . M . Smith , Treas . ; Brett , G . P . ; and Chas . E . Thompson , Hon . Sec . The house having been chosen and the tickets circulated , nothing but fine weather was wanted to complete the
ioyfulness of the occasion . It was originally intended that the ladies who might accompany the brethren should join the company at dessert , but as the time drew near it was determined to invite the ladies to grace the festive board by their presence , which they consented to do , and , as we have stated , that exceptional circumstances in matters relative to Masonry and the fineness of the weather
rendered the whole affair a brilliant success . Bro . Walford , the S . W ., faced the W . M . at the lower end of the table , and amongst those assembled we noticed : Bros . Henry Carpenter , P . Z ., P . M ., Industry Lodge ( a veteran in Masonry ) ; Joseph Hedding ( Great Eastern Railway ); Walter Joyce ( Strand Theatre ) , Southern Star Lodge ; H . Potter , P . M ., 115 S , 177 , 25 , & c . : Tims ,
S . D . ; Willing , junr ., A . Treadwell , Bird , Chubb , Chudleigh , Wigmore , Goodfellow , Ford ( Barley Mow Hotel , Salisbury Square ) , Fountain ( White Swan , Salisbury Square ) , Evans , Joynt , Chas . E . Thompson , S . W . 1158 , and many others , also a brilliant company of ladies all most elegantly attired . The W . M . having sounded his gavil , grace was said ,
and an excellent dinner partaken of , the serving of which spoke well for the resources of the establishment but it would be better on ftuure occasions for the esteemed host ( Bro . Joynt ) to provide a more sprightly staff of waiters , there being nothing to speak of in the way of complaint save that . The wines were very good . The W . M . having set an example , by drinking the
health of the whole of the company present , frequent compliments were exchanged on all sides . The cloth was drawn and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given , but without the "honours , " in consequence of the presence of the ladies , and included "The Right Hon . the Earl de Grey , G . M ., " "Ear ! Carnarvon , D . G . M ., " and "Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , P . G . M . "
The next toast was given by the W . M . lie saitl , in proposing the health of " The Visitors , " that he was sure they had enjoyed themselves , and , as old anil good Masons , would agree with him that it was an unlooked-for pleasure , antl therefore the more agreeable , in having the presence of the ladies ( hear , hear ) . It was not at first intended to ask them ( the ladies ) to dine with them , but , for reasons
which he woultl not dilate upon , the committee had altered their minds antl they were honoured with their presence that day . It was indeed an unexpected pleasure ( hear , hear ) . He then reverted to the presence of the visitors , and expressed the gratification he and the other members felt at their company ( hear , hear ) . ( The toast was well received . )
Bro . CARPENTER returned thanks , and mentioned that he was indebted to Bro . Thompson , the Hon . Sec , for his visit that afternoon , which had been greatly enhanced , as the W . M . had supposed , by the presence of the ladies . He certainly was of opinion that the ladies should on such occasions , when no Masonic business was transacted , he permitted to take part in the pleasures of the day ( hear ,
hear , and cheers ) . He concluded by wishing health , happiness antl prosperity to them all . Bro . Yo ' . tD ( an old member of the Domatic Lolge ) a ! sr > expressed his thanks for the treat he had had that day , and stated his intention of re-joining the Domatic Lodge as soon as the meetings were resinned . The W . M . then proposed what he ventured to call the
toast of the flay , viz . : "The Health of the Ladle ? " ( loud cheers ) . II ; sincerely hope I they woultl be invi cd next year , he should do all he could to obtain their presence , fur he considered that it was nohing but right they should hive the opportunity of being pr -sent . Tlic meeting that day had been such a wonderful success that he did not doubt die motion for their admission would be carried
without any difficulty ( hear , hear ) . The toast was such a good one that it required no recommendation from him to make them drink it with proper enthusiasm ( hear , hear ) ; he would only say that lutl it not been for their presence they would not have enjoyed themselves anything like iv . ' iat tliey had clone ( hear , hear ) . He coupled with the toatt the name of liro Willing .
As the W . M . had stated , the toast needed no long speech to give it eclat , for it was received with every dimomlration of respect antl good feeling . Bro . WILLING responded in felicitous terms on behalf of the ladies . He was afraid the W . M . had made a very bid choice in selecting him to reply for them , lie was , nevertheless , speaking for the Ladies , very much obliged U ihcm indeed for asking them lo dine that day . The
Summer Festival Of The Domatic Lodge, No. 177.
ladies took a great interest in Masonry , because they believed it to be good , and because of the support it gave to so many charities ( hear , hear ) . He believed Masons to be thorough bricks , and that the ladies were willing to become mortar , and stick to them as much as they could ( laughter ) . For the many handsome ladies present he begged to tender their sincere and grateful thanks for the
compliment paid them . The W . M . proposed the health of "The Officers of the Lodge , " for which Bros . Walford and Tims returned thanks in appropriate terms ' . The health of " Bro . Chas . E . Thompson , the Hon . Secretary , " was made a special toast , and in proposing it a high compliment was paid that brother for the trouble he
had voluntarily taken upon himself in accepting that office , and for the way in which he had carried out the arrangements . Bro . CHARLES E . Ti-iojirsoN ( S . W . 1158 ) in responding , assured the brethren that if his poor services had in theslightest degree tended to theircomfort hewas sufficiently paid . Undoubtedly he had been put to some trouble ,
for the Oomatic Lodge numbered something like 150 members , but with him it had been " a labour of love . " Twice had he proposed that the ladies should dine with the brethren , and he trusted that for the future it would be a recognized thing . He thanked them all very sincerely . Bro . POTTER , in happy terms , replied to the toast of the "P . M . ' s .
The healths of "The Lay Members" and "The Host " were then given and responded to by Bros . Treadwell and Joynt , and , after some excellent songs and a recitation by Bro . Joyce , the brethren and ladies returned to town highly delighted . We must not forget to mention that the respected Bro . Carpenter brought the harmony of the evening to a close with his favourite song of "Twelve Bottles More . "
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Gresham Lodge , No . 869 . — This lodge held their usual meeting as the Four Swans Hotel , Waltham Cross , on Saturday , July 9 th . Bro . R . Bruce , W . M ., was supported by all the officers , and there was a good attendance of brethren . Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 192 , was the only visiting brother , and he expressed his
satisfaction at the perfect manner in which the W . M . had discharged his duties , which consisted of raising Bros . Stephens and Pottle . As is usual at this season of the year there was a good attendance of ladies , the wives and friends of ihe brethren ; and at the conclusion of the business of the lodge , all adjourned to a sumptuous and welllaid banquet , where they thoroughly enjoyed themselves ,
and interchanged those friendly courtesies which tend so much to cement friendship antl increase the interest of the fair ones in the cnuse of Masonry . The only toasts on this occasion were those of " The Queen and the Craft , " "The Ladies , " and "The W . M . " The toast of "The Ladies" was responded to by the gallant Bro . Capt . Barnes in a very r . musing and complimentary
manner . The evening was enlivened by several capital songs . Bro . W . II . Ethrington sang a new song he had recently set to music , entitled " Happy to Meet , " which , not only as a Masonic song , but as one particularly appropriate for this occasion , gave great satisfaction . The brethren and friends then adjourned inlo the beautiful gardens , where the dessert was laid , tinting which the band of the 41 st
Middlesex Rifles V . L ., conducted by Bro . Ethrington , played « omc excellent selections and dance music , thus concluding a most enjoyable day . The brethren returned to town much pleased with their reunion meeting . Perfect Ashlar , No . 1178 . —At the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jamaica-road , Bcrmontlscy , this lodge met on
Thursday , July 7 th . Bro . J . W . Avery , W . M ., presided . He passetl Bro . Baker , anil raised Bro . Collins . There were present : Bros . L Green , S . W . ; II . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; D . Rose , P . M ., S . D . ; G . J . Grace , J . D . ; J . XV . Dudley , I . G . ; V . II . Elsworth , P . M ., & c . Visitors : Lazarus , P . M . ; Swass , & c . Banquet was also served .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Gilbert Grceital ! Lodge , A ' o . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of the lodge was held on Monday evening last , at the Masonic Room * . The W . M . liro . XX . Mossop was supported by Bros . W . Richardson , I . W ., as S . W . ; P . J . EJelstcn . as ] . XV . ; John Bowes , P . M ., Past . Prov . G . Reg ., as P . M . ; W . S . Hawkins
S . D . ; W . Pollitt , J . D . ; J . Parry , Peter Leigh , J U . Fo ' . tcr , John Wood , Thomas Pieipoint , Henry Moult , R . Brierlv , Thomas Auckland , and Tames Hannah , Tyler . Visitor : liro . William Smith , W . M . No . 14 S . The lodge was opened in form with prayer , when the niinutesof the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lo : lge was opened in the second degree , when bros .
Picrpomt , Wood , and Poller claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , were entrusted . On readmission they were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the W . M . being assisted by Uro . Howes . The lodge was closed down , and nothing further being proposed for the good of Masonry in general or of No . 1250 in particular , it was closed with the usual solemnities .
SCOTLAND . GLASGOW . —Lodgeof Glasgow St . John , A o . 3 bis . — The meeting of this ledge wr . s held on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at the usual hour . In die absence of the Master , the chair was filled by Pro . Craig , P . M .: Pro . Fletcher acting S . W . ; and Bro . M'Aulay acting J , XV . The lodge was duly
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
opened , after which a candidate was initiated by Bro . Bamber , Sec . The R . W . M . thereafter entered and took the chair , upon which the minutes were read , and , after some comments , passed . Tne Sub .-M . then proposed that a committee of the Office Bearers of the lodge should be appointed to wait upon the editor of the Glasgow
Herald in order to get , if possible , the name of the individual who was writing concerning the lodge under the signature of "Masonicus , " so that , if possible , legal proceedings should be taken against him for his remarks . This motion was seconded by the Treasurer , and agreed to . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed in due form .
Royal Arch.
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —The election meeting of this chapter was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars , on Thursday , July 7 th ; Companions J . Lacey , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., as H . ; P . Browne , J ., presided . The elections were unanimous in favour of Companions P . A . Nairne , as Z . ; P . Browne , H . ; M . Scott , J . ; F .
Walters , P . Z ., Treasurer ( re-elected ) ; R . S . Foreman , S . E . ; A . Williams , S . N . ; T . Quihampton , P . S . It was unanimously agreed that a five-guinea P . Z . 's Jewel be given to Comp . J . Lacey . M . E . Z ., for his valuable services during his year of office . Banquet followed . Visitors : J . Hart , Givilt , & c .
SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Chapter of Lanarkshire . —A meeting of this chapter was convened on Friday , 1 st inst ., by order of the S . G . R . A . Chapter , for the purpose of recommending a companion to the office of P . G . Superintendent . The chapter was opened by M . E . P . Z . 's Crabb , Taylor , and Campbell , & c ., & c . The notice having been
read calling tne meeting , a motion was proposed by Comp . Wallace ( 79 ) , seconded by Comp . Balfour ( 73 ) , that a Superintendent be recommended for this Province . Comp . Campbell ( 69 ) proposed an amendment , seconded by Comp . Park ( 122 ) that we remain as we are at present , under the superintendence of the S . G . R . A . Chapter , as
we have been for the last six years , and that we request a deputation of the S . G . R . A . Chapter to visit the Province as often as convenient , to inquire into the working of Royal Arch Masonry . The motion and amendment having been put to the meeting , five voted for the motion and eight for the amendment . Comp . Wallace ' s motion was lost by a majority of three .
Mark Masonry.
SHEFFIELD . —Britannia M . M . Lodge , No . 53 . —The brethren of this Mark Masters' Lodge held their annual meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield , on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., when Bro . E . Drury , W . M ., assisted by his officers , very ably and impressively advanced to this honourable degree Bro . Ashberry , J . W . No . 1239 , and Bro . Scargill , J . D . No . 1230 . The W . M .-
elect , Bro . II . Matthews , W . M . of the Wentworth Lodge , No . 1239 , was then presented by Bro . Brittain , W . M . 139 , to the retiring XV . M ., Bro . E . Drury , P . M ., P . Z . of 296 , antl P . Prov . G . S . B . of West Yorkshire , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation , which ceremony he performed iu that able and impressive manner which has gained for him the esteem and applause of the whole
of the Craft in Sheffield . After the brethren had saluted the newly-installed W . M ., he appointed Bro . Brittain W . M . 139 and P . M . of 296 , as S . W . ; Bro . II . J . Garnett , P . M . of this lodge , P . M . 139 and 1239 , also P . Z . 296 , as J . W . ; antl after duly investing them and the rest of the officers , the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . The whole of ihe brethren then retired from the
lodge-room to the banquet , presided over by Bro . Matthews , XV . M ., who gave the customary loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . P . M . Druro then rose to propose the toast of the evening , "The Health of the W . M . , and saitl it was with feelings of intense pleasure that he had that evening the honour of installing as his successor in the chair of Adoniram such a good , zealous , and hard-working
Mason as Bro . Matthews ; and from the efficient manner in which Bro . Matthews discharged all the duties he undertook in the various degrees of Masonry , he felt quite confident that under his rule and guidance the Britannia Mark Masters Lodge , No . 53 , could not fail being prosperous . The toast was enthusiastically received , and with musical honours . After the W . M . had responded to
th-: toast in appropriate terms , he proposed "The Health of the Officers of ihe Lotlge , " to which Bro . Brittain , S . W ., responded . "Tho Health of the InstallingOfficer ( Bro . P . M . Drury ) , " The newly-advanced Brethren , " and several other toasts , having been given and duly acknowledged , ihe brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a very enjoyable evening .
ORDERS OP CHIVALRY . RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . St . Georges Com live , A ' o . iS . —A meeting of this conclave was held at the Palrncrston Arms , Grosvcnor Park , Camberwell , on the 71 I 1 inst . The chair was occupied by Sir Knt . Henry Thompson , M . P . S ' ., who was supported bv Sir Kins . W . II . Hubbard , G . T ., as V . E . ; II . J . Wright , S . G .: C . L . Marshall , Treas . ; E . Shaughncssy , R . ; T . Wingham , Prefect j T . Wingham , fun ., Org . ; R . Wentworth Little , G . K . ; J . Ashwefl , S . ; G . Cathcrwood ,
Sic . A nonce of motion was given to discontinue the meetings of the conclave during the summer months , and the M . P . S ordered a special assembly to be convened in September for the purpose of considering the proposition . After rehearsing the ceremony , the conclave vas closed , antl the knitjils spent the evening together inner the genial presidency of their esteemed M . I' . S , win s .: excellent working in Craft M . isonry i ^ -o highly cstccir . cl and appreciated .