Article THE PAST MASTER'S JEWEL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Past Master's Jewel.
brotherly love , relief , and truth I was favoured some months since by the energetic Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . J . W ., with a copy of this explanation , which , however , has since been published in one of tho Masonic journals . It is as follows : " As the formation of this figure depends on the connection of the several lines , angles , and triangles , which
complete the whole , so Freemasonry depends on the unanimity and integrity of its members , the inflexibility of their charitable pursuits , and the immutability of the principles upon , which the Society is established—namel y , brotherly love , relief , and truth . The position is clear , and , therefore , in a symbolical sense , we demonstrate that
some of our brethren , from exalted situations in life , may be considered as standing on a basis of earthly bliss emblematical of the greater square which subtends the right angle ; others , whom Providence has blessed with means to tread thc flowery paths of life , in affluence and ease , are descriptive of the squares which stand on the sides that form the right
angle . The several triangles inscribed within the squares are applicable to those happy beings who enjoy every social comfort , ancl never exceed the bounds of mediocrity ; whilst those who have the heartfelt satisfaction of administering to the wants of the industrious and indigent may be compared to the angles which surround and support the figure . The lines which form the figure itself remind us of
those unfortunatebrethren who , by a series of inevitable events , are rendered incapable of providing even the most common necessaries of life , unless aided by a cheerful and ready assistance from their more fortunate companions . Hence , by connecting the several links together , and bringing the unfortunate and industrious into contact with the affluent and exalted , we form a figure descriptive of the true basis on which our ancient brethren raised the
superstructure of Freemasonry ; a basis which no mortal power can shake , the bosom of all gentle charity . This Heaven-born virtue is assurdedly a Divine attribute , a sublime emotion , that fully demonstrates the existence of a spiritual being , and animates us with the cheering hope of finally becoming partakers of a glorious immortality . " In
addition to the sentiments of charity , enjoined in this address on the jewel of a Past M aster , let us also remind us thatalthough the responsibility and honour of ruling the lodge has passed from us with the investure of the newly-installed Master , we are by no means exempted from the discharge of great and important duties , and that we should add to
the moral inculcated by the square a more intimate knowledge of the arts and sciences , acknowledged by and cultivated in a true research after the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry ; and that so far from lapsing into repose , after having occupied for the prescribed period the throne of K . S ., the Past Master should always be ready and willing not only
to attend when called into consultation with his fellow-rulers in the Craft , but also by his example and teaching , to render such assistance to thc junior members of our Fraternity as may tend to stimulate their ardour and direct their endeavours , and thereby add to the list of brilliant luminaries whose names are recorded in the annals of
Freemasonry . We are told that to be invested with the jewel of a W . M ., as an emblem of its office , is the highest honour that the lodge can confer upon any of its members . So it is in a certain sense ; but as the authorities of the Grand Lodge permit the wearing of honorary jewels , in my estimation the highest honour that citn be conferred , is not the
investure of an untried AVorshipful Master with the insignia ofhis office , but is to be found in the lodge decorating thc breast of a worthy and AVorshi pful Past Master who has performed the important duties appertaining to the chair of the lodge with zeal , courtesy , integrity and assiduity , so as justly to have earned the respect and approbation of the
brethren ; one who has spared neither time nor trouble in promoting the study of our ritual , and who , like some of the Past Masters of this lodge , including our own I . P . M ., have by their conduct and judgment , won the gratitude and brotherly
affection of all who have worked under their rule ; and these qualifications , I think , cannot be more fitly acknowledged than by decorating the breast of such a Past Master , with thc square , thc emblem of Mastership in the Craft , together with this figure representing the Eureka of Pythagoras .
OUR thanks are due to Bro . B for a copy of the Mot d'Ordre of Paris , and we hope to avail ourselves of his kindness next week . THE following articles , reports , & c , stand over till our next : — " Freemasonry and Judaism , " "Subordination in the Higher Degrees , " "Freemasonry in Scotland , " " Observance of the Baptist
Day , '" Our Ancient Brethren" once more , District Grand Lodge of Bengal , Lodge of Unity ( 132 ) Temple Lodge ( 1094 ) , Pembroke ( 1299 ) , Macdonald ( 1216 ) , Acacia ( 1314 ) , St . Peter ' s ( 1330 ) , St . Andrew ' s and Rowley R . A . Chapters , Masonic Ball at Georgetown ( Demerara ) , and Consecration of th « Blackheath Lodge , No . 1320 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Royal Athelstan Lodge , Xo . 19 . —This ancient and wellknown lodge held its last meeting of the session 011 the evening of the nth inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . AVilliam A . B . Williams , AA ' . M ., and there were also present Bros . S . Gale , P . M . ; J . Savage , P . M . ; B . Starling , P . M .,
Treas . ; AVitham M . Bywater , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; C . Tyler , T . L . Fox , 3 d . Levinson , J . Dix , G . Rice , D . Nicholson , AA' . Pound , G . Campion , T . H . Potter , and J . Pollard , P . M . ' s ; Dr . J . AVhitmore , P . M ., S . AV . ; T . S . Stevens , J . AV . ; G . G . Ring , S . D . ; C . Coleman , J . D . ; J . C . Goldsmith , I . G . ; and mauy others . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , after which
a ballot was taken for Mr . G . S . Barker , which proved unanimous in favour of his admission . The AV . M ., in an admirable manner , raised Bro . M . C . T . Stevenson to the third degree . Bro . Savage then took the chair , and in his usual faultless manner initiated his friend Mr . C . S . Barker into Freemasonry . The AV . M . having resumed the chair , the necessary arrangements were made for the
summer festival a slight alteration in a by-law was made , a joining brother was proposed , and the lodge was closed . A first-class bauquet followed , and the visual toasts were heartily honoured . Bros . Gover and Hepworth Dixou responded in excellent speeches for thc visitors ; Bro . Saunders , S . G . D ., having previously returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Bro . J . Savage , P . G . D ., on behalf of
the lodge , presented Bro . J . Pollard with a handsome gold P . M . ' s jewel , hearing a suitable inscription , in acknowledgment of his services as AA ' . M . Bro . Pollard , in appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for their gift . After a few hours had been agreeably spent the brethren separated . Bro . Saunders , Gover ( W . M . 1 ) , H . Dixon , F . AValters , and Morgan were amongst the visitors .
Bedford Lodge , Xo . 157 . —Thc last regular meeting of the season of this old lodge was held on Friday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . John Hills , AA ' . M ., presiding . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . G . Brown , P . M ., hy desire look the chair , and in a very impressive manner passed his friend Bro . II . Sachto the second degree . A candidate for initiation was absent
through ill-health . Bro . J . Hills resumed the chair , and it was decided to hold an emergency meeting on the second Friday in June , when the preliminary arrangements for the summer festival will be made . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a good banquet . The usual toasts were proposed and responded to , Bros . Baylis and A \ ortliii ) gton replying for thc visitors ; some songs were
well sung , and after the usual happy evening had been spent the brethren separated . Bros . Millis ( P . M . ) , T . Cubitt ( P . G . S . D Middlesex ) , L . Drew , AV . II . Baylis ( W . M . 9 ) , F . AValters ( P . M . 73 ) , Worthington , Carey , & c ., were also present . I'hanix Lod-je , Xo . 173 . —The installation meeting of this old lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday ,
the 13 th inst ., when the lodge was duly opened by Bro . G . R . Green , AV . M ., who afterwards raised two candidctes in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . AVatson , P . M ., P . G . Steward , then took the chair , and installed Bro . Tansley AVitt , A \' . M .-elect , as [ Master for the ensuing year . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted lo Bro . Green for his past services ; also a handsome sum to a
worthy brother present in acknowledgment of his services as Installing Master for many years . The brethren then adjourned to the Tavern , where a fust-rate dinner was served , and the care of ihe worthy Treasurer , Bro . George AVilson , P . M ., to promote the comfort of all was unremitting . Several capital songs were sung during the
course of the evening , and the principal toasts were responded to by Bros . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purs . ; G . J . Kane , P . M . 766 , P . Prov . G . Sec , AVarwickshire ; R . AVcntworlh Little , AA' . M . 1293 , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex ; T . Mason , P . M . 186 ; C . Chard , P . M . 907 , AV . Hilton , J . AV . 1351 .
South Middlesex Lodge , Xo . S 58 . —This lodge met on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at Beaufort House , AVest Brompton . Bro . AA ' . IT . AVeaver , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the whole of his officers . Bio . AValter AVellsman was formally installed into the chair of King Solomon for the ensuing year by Bro . Kadclifle , P . M ., in a most effective manner , which elicited the approbation
of the members of the lodge as also of a large number of Past Masters and brethren , visitors to the lodge . The newly-installed AV . M . then appointed his officers as follows-. —Bros . AVorthhigton , P . M ., S . AV . ; Jones , J . AV . ; Storey , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Pamphilon , I . G . The W . M . then in a very impressive manner initiated Messrs . F . Crane , C . J . Singleton , and F . Egan into
Freemasonry , the clear and unaffected tone , and the well modulated enunciation , elicited a large meed of approval for the AV . M . ' s excellent style . After the close of the lodge , the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , served from the cuisine attached to the lodge ; the AV . M . most ably presided , and in his own happy and agreeable manner was the means of causing a delightful evening to
the brethren . In his welcome lo the visitors , the AV . M . ' s kindly remarks were eloquently replied to by Bro . Dwarber , S . AV . of the Constitutional Lodge . During the evening a very handsome P . M . 's jewel was presented to I . P . M ., Bro . Weaver . Bros . Higgs and J . Dawson contributed much to the pleasures of thc evening by some excellent singing .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . — St . Luke ' s Lodge , Xo . 225 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst . Present : Bros . G . S . Golding , AV . M . j C . Byford , S . AV . ; J . Prentice , J . W . ; J . Talbot , S . D . ; AV . Skinner , J . D . ; A . C . Barber , Sec ; C . Davy , P . M ., as I . G . ; G . Spalding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tyler ; S . Ellis and C . Godball , P . M . ' s ; AV . T . Westgate ; J . AV . Robb , I . P . M . ; Jos . Whitehead , S . B . Ring , John Turner ; visitor , AV . Parsons , 959 . The lodge was duly opened and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Minutes were also ordered to be entered of several presentations to the lodge of improved furniture , & c .
There being no other business before the lodge , Bro . AV . T . AVestgate , P . M .., gave the explanation of the tracingboard of the second degree . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The brethren , to the number of about twenty , then retired from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening , interspersed with song , toast and sentiment .
BivrurY , YORKS . —Nelson of thcNUe Lodge , No . 264 . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., in thc Freemasons' Hall , Batley . The AV . M ., Bro . Benjamin P . Packer , presided , assisted by his officers as follows : Bros . Parr , S . AV . ; Newsome , J . AV . ; AVm . Parker , S . D . ; Heaton , J . D . ; Talbot , Treas . ; Brearey , Sec . ; M . Parker , I . G .-, Preston , D . C . ; A . Parker ,
Org . ; Blakeley , Gomersall , Bailey , J . J . Parker , and J . Parker , jun ., P . M . ' s ; and a good attendance of members . A'isitors -. Bios . AVm . AVard ( W . M . 971 ) , Joseph Terry and George Speding , 971 . The lodge was opened by the AV . M . and the minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . The business of the evening was then proceeded with , which comprised the initiation of Messrs . Dixon Hall , James AA'atson , and AVm . Cave ,
which was done by the AV . M ., Bro . Blakeley , P . M ., giving the working tools and the ancient charge in his usual good manner . After this the brethren discussed the advisability of forming a Royal Arch Chapter in connection with the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the same and report to the next lodge meeting . The lodge was then closed down in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the festive board , where harmony was kept up with spirit , and the usual toasts were duly honoured .
LEICESTER . —St . Johns Lodge , A'o . 279 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on AVednesday , the 3 rd instant , under the presidency ofthe AA ' . M ., Bro . Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., when there was a good attendance of members and visitors , including the Prov . Grand Master and Bros , the Rev . Dr . Havcroft , P . G . C , Geortre Toller , P . G . Sec , T . IT .
Buzzard , AV . M . 523 , Dr . Clifton , Rev . AV . T . Fry , and other brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the preliminary business transacted , the chair was taken by liro . Kelly , P . G . M ., who , after due examination , passed Bros . AVilkinson , Ellwood , and Edwards to the second degree , and afterwards initialed Mr . Charles James AVoithington , the charge being given by Bro . Toller . A vote of thanks
was unanimously passed to Bro . AA'm . Pettifor , an old and highly-esteemed P . M . of the lodge and P . P . G . S . AV ., for past services ; he has , to the regret of the brethren , been in ill-health for some months past , and he was nominated as an honorary member . A candidate having been proposed , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , Xo . 281 . —The members of this old-established lodge assembled for their regular meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Afhenamm , on AVednesday , the 10 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . L ) ., G . S . B . England , occupied the chair , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : — John Hatch , I . P . M . ; AVm . Hall , S . AV . ; AVm . Fleming ,
J . AV . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; Edward Airey , S . D . ; Benjamin Mills , as J . D . ; John Harrison , I . G . ; J . AA ' atson and Beeley , Tylers ; Richard Taylor , Steward ; J . L . AVhimpray , G . Kelland , and E . Storey , P . M . ' s ; John Barrow , Jos . Barrow , J . Beesley , J . Bell , R . Bond , AV . Bradshaw , C . Hartley , AV . Heald , R . Jervis , J . Stanley , R . Harger , James Taylor , James Boltou ,
& c , & c . The lodge having been opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted , Bros J . Taylor and J . Bolton gave full proof of their proficiency as E . A . P . ' s , and were passed to the degree of F . C . ; the former hy the AV . M ., and the latter by Bro . J . Hatch , I . P . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . Hall , S . AV . —The AV . M . announced that in obedience to the summons
received , he had , as the representative of the Lodge of Fortitude , attended the Grand Lodge of England on the 26 th April , when it had pleased the M . W . G . M . to confer an honour upon him and upon the lodge hy appointing him to the office of Grand Sword-bearer . —Bro . Simpson , P . M ., in a somewhat eulogistic speech , in which he quoted from a leader in a previous number of THE FREEMASON ,
on Grand Lotlge appointments , proposed , and Bro . E . Storey , P . M ., seconded , a vote of congratulation to Bro . Dr . Moore on his appointment , and the brethren saluted him in due form as a Grand Officer of England . The AV . M . then gave an address on the Past Master ' s jewel ( which will be found or . another page of our journal ) which was listened to with great attention by the brethren .
A Past Master s jewel of the value of five guineas was voted and presented to Bro . John Hatch , thc zealous and energetic Immediate Past Master of the lodge ; and a jewel of the same value , or an equivalent sum of money to be devoted to one of our excellent Masonic Charities , was voted to Bro . AA'himpray , the senior Past Master , who
had attended the lodge during thc last three years ; that estimable brother had presided over the lodge in the years 1843 , 1 S 51 and i 860 , and desired that the sum should be given to one of our Charities . On the next evening that time will permit , the AV . M . purposes to deliver a lecture on "The Ballot in our Lodges .
SOUTHPORT . —Lodgeof Unity , Xo . 613 . —Thisflourish , ing lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 1 st inst ., when more than thirty brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of Bro . Dodd , AV . M . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . Howell , P . G . Treas . Stafford , & c , was elected a joining member . Bros . J . Sutton , T . Crook , and J . Ellis were raised , thc ceremony being performed b y the W . M , in a most solemn and itu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Past Master's Jewel.
brotherly love , relief , and truth I was favoured some months since by the energetic Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . J . W ., with a copy of this explanation , which , however , has since been published in one of tho Masonic journals . It is as follows : " As the formation of this figure depends on the connection of the several lines , angles , and triangles , which
complete the whole , so Freemasonry depends on the unanimity and integrity of its members , the inflexibility of their charitable pursuits , and the immutability of the principles upon , which the Society is established—namel y , brotherly love , relief , and truth . The position is clear , and , therefore , in a symbolical sense , we demonstrate that
some of our brethren , from exalted situations in life , may be considered as standing on a basis of earthly bliss emblematical of the greater square which subtends the right angle ; others , whom Providence has blessed with means to tread thc flowery paths of life , in affluence and ease , are descriptive of the squares which stand on the sides that form the right
angle . The several triangles inscribed within the squares are applicable to those happy beings who enjoy every social comfort , ancl never exceed the bounds of mediocrity ; whilst those who have the heartfelt satisfaction of administering to the wants of the industrious and indigent may be compared to the angles which surround and support the figure . The lines which form the figure itself remind us of
those unfortunatebrethren who , by a series of inevitable events , are rendered incapable of providing even the most common necessaries of life , unless aided by a cheerful and ready assistance from their more fortunate companions . Hence , by connecting the several links together , and bringing the unfortunate and industrious into contact with the affluent and exalted , we form a figure descriptive of the true basis on which our ancient brethren raised the
superstructure of Freemasonry ; a basis which no mortal power can shake , the bosom of all gentle charity . This Heaven-born virtue is assurdedly a Divine attribute , a sublime emotion , that fully demonstrates the existence of a spiritual being , and animates us with the cheering hope of finally becoming partakers of a glorious immortality . " In
addition to the sentiments of charity , enjoined in this address on the jewel of a Past M aster , let us also remind us thatalthough the responsibility and honour of ruling the lodge has passed from us with the investure of the newly-installed Master , we are by no means exempted from the discharge of great and important duties , and that we should add to
the moral inculcated by the square a more intimate knowledge of the arts and sciences , acknowledged by and cultivated in a true research after the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry ; and that so far from lapsing into repose , after having occupied for the prescribed period the throne of K . S ., the Past Master should always be ready and willing not only
to attend when called into consultation with his fellow-rulers in the Craft , but also by his example and teaching , to render such assistance to thc junior members of our Fraternity as may tend to stimulate their ardour and direct their endeavours , and thereby add to the list of brilliant luminaries whose names are recorded in the annals of
Freemasonry . We are told that to be invested with the jewel of a W . M ., as an emblem of its office , is the highest honour that the lodge can confer upon any of its members . So it is in a certain sense ; but as the authorities of the Grand Lodge permit the wearing of honorary jewels , in my estimation the highest honour that citn be conferred , is not the
investure of an untried AVorshipful Master with the insignia ofhis office , but is to be found in the lodge decorating thc breast of a worthy and AVorshi pful Past Master who has performed the important duties appertaining to the chair of the lodge with zeal , courtesy , integrity and assiduity , so as justly to have earned the respect and approbation of the
brethren ; one who has spared neither time nor trouble in promoting the study of our ritual , and who , like some of the Past Masters of this lodge , including our own I . P . M ., have by their conduct and judgment , won the gratitude and brotherly
affection of all who have worked under their rule ; and these qualifications , I think , cannot be more fitly acknowledged than by decorating the breast of such a Past Master , with thc square , thc emblem of Mastership in the Craft , together with this figure representing the Eureka of Pythagoras .
OUR thanks are due to Bro . B for a copy of the Mot d'Ordre of Paris , and we hope to avail ourselves of his kindness next week . THE following articles , reports , & c , stand over till our next : — " Freemasonry and Judaism , " "Subordination in the Higher Degrees , " "Freemasonry in Scotland , " " Observance of the Baptist
Day , '" Our Ancient Brethren" once more , District Grand Lodge of Bengal , Lodge of Unity ( 132 ) Temple Lodge ( 1094 ) , Pembroke ( 1299 ) , Macdonald ( 1216 ) , Acacia ( 1314 ) , St . Peter ' s ( 1330 ) , St . Andrew ' s and Rowley R . A . Chapters , Masonic Ball at Georgetown ( Demerara ) , and Consecration of th « Blackheath Lodge , No . 1320 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Royal Athelstan Lodge , Xo . 19 . —This ancient and wellknown lodge held its last meeting of the session 011 the evening of the nth inst ., at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . The lodge was opened by Bro . AVilliam A . B . Williams , AA ' . M ., and there were also present Bros . S . Gale , P . M . ; J . Savage , P . M . ; B . Starling , P . M .,
Treas . ; AVitham M . Bywater , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; C . Tyler , T . L . Fox , 3 d . Levinson , J . Dix , G . Rice , D . Nicholson , AA' . Pound , G . Campion , T . H . Potter , and J . Pollard , P . M . ' s ; Dr . J . AVhitmore , P . M ., S . AV . ; T . S . Stevens , J . AV . ; G . G . Ring , S . D . ; C . Coleman , J . D . ; J . C . Goldsmith , I . G . ; and mauy others . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed , after which
a ballot was taken for Mr . G . S . Barker , which proved unanimous in favour of his admission . The AV . M ., in an admirable manner , raised Bro . M . C . T . Stevenson to the third degree . Bro . Savage then took the chair , and in his usual faultless manner initiated his friend Mr . C . S . Barker into Freemasonry . The AV . M . having resumed the chair , the necessary arrangements were made for the
summer festival a slight alteration in a by-law was made , a joining brother was proposed , and the lodge was closed . A first-class bauquet followed , and the visual toasts were heartily honoured . Bros . Gover and Hepworth Dixou responded in excellent speeches for thc visitors ; Bro . Saunders , S . G . D ., having previously returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Bro . J . Savage , P . G . D ., on behalf of
the lodge , presented Bro . J . Pollard with a handsome gold P . M . ' s jewel , hearing a suitable inscription , in acknowledgment of his services as AA ' . M . Bro . Pollard , in appropriate terms , thanked the brethren for their gift . After a few hours had been agreeably spent the brethren separated . Bro . Saunders , Gover ( W . M . 1 ) , H . Dixon , F . AValters , and Morgan were amongst the visitors .
Bedford Lodge , Xo . 157 . —Thc last regular meeting of the season of this old lodge was held on Friday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . John Hills , AA ' . M ., presiding . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . G . Brown , P . M ., hy desire look the chair , and in a very impressive manner passed his friend Bro . II . Sachto the second degree . A candidate for initiation was absent
through ill-health . Bro . J . Hills resumed the chair , and it was decided to hold an emergency meeting on the second Friday in June , when the preliminary arrangements for the summer festival will be made . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a good banquet . The usual toasts were proposed and responded to , Bros . Baylis and A \ ortliii ) gton replying for thc visitors ; some songs were
well sung , and after the usual happy evening had been spent the brethren separated . Bros . Millis ( P . M . ) , T . Cubitt ( P . G . S . D Middlesex ) , L . Drew , AV . II . Baylis ( W . M . 9 ) , F . AValters ( P . M . 73 ) , Worthington , Carey , & c ., were also present . I'hanix Lod-je , Xo . 173 . —The installation meeting of this old lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday ,
the 13 th inst ., when the lodge was duly opened by Bro . G . R . Green , AV . M ., who afterwards raised two candidctes in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . AVatson , P . M ., P . G . Steward , then took the chair , and installed Bro . Tansley AVitt , A \' . M .-elect , as [ Master for the ensuing year . A P . M . ' s jewel was voted lo Bro . Green for his past services ; also a handsome sum to a
worthy brother present in acknowledgment of his services as Installing Master for many years . The brethren then adjourned to the Tavern , where a fust-rate dinner was served , and the care of ihe worthy Treasurer , Bro . George AVilson , P . M ., to promote the comfort of all was unremitting . Several capital songs were sung during the
course of the evening , and the principal toasts were responded to by Bros . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purs . ; G . J . Kane , P . M . 766 , P . Prov . G . Sec , AVarwickshire ; R . AVcntworlh Little , AA' . M . 1293 , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex ; T . Mason , P . M . 186 ; C . Chard , P . M . 907 , AV . Hilton , J . AV . 1351 .
South Middlesex Lodge , Xo . S 58 . —This lodge met on Thursday , the 27 th ult ., at Beaufort House , AVest Brompton . Bro . AA ' . IT . AVeaver , W . M ., in the chair , supported by the whole of his officers . Bio . AValter AVellsman was formally installed into the chair of King Solomon for the ensuing year by Bro . Kadclifle , P . M ., in a most effective manner , which elicited the approbation
of the members of the lodge as also of a large number of Past Masters and brethren , visitors to the lodge . The newly-installed AV . M . then appointed his officers as follows-. —Bros . AVorthhigton , P . M ., S . AV . ; Jones , J . AV . ; Storey , S . D . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Pamphilon , I . G . The W . M . then in a very impressive manner initiated Messrs . F . Crane , C . J . Singleton , and F . Egan into
Freemasonry , the clear and unaffected tone , and the well modulated enunciation , elicited a large meed of approval for the AV . M . ' s excellent style . After the close of the lodge , the brethren partook of an excellent banquet , served from the cuisine attached to the lodge ; the AV . M . most ably presided , and in his own happy and agreeable manner was the means of causing a delightful evening to
the brethren . In his welcome lo the visitors , the AV . M . ' s kindly remarks were eloquently replied to by Bro . Dwarber , S . AV . of the Constitutional Lodge . During the evening a very handsome P . M . 's jewel was presented to I . P . M ., Bro . Weaver . Bros . Higgs and J . Dawson contributed much to the pleasures of thc evening by some excellent singing .
PROVINCIAL . IPSWICH . — St . Luke ' s Lodge , Xo . 225 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst . Present : Bros . G . S . Golding , AV . M . j C . Byford , S . AV . ; J . Prentice , J . W . ; J . Talbot , S . D . ; AV . Skinner , J . D . ; A . C . Barber , Sec ; C . Davy , P . M ., as I . G . ; G . Spalding ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Tyler ; S . Ellis and C . Godball , P . M . ' s ; AV . T . Westgate ; J . AV . Robb , I . P . M . ; Jos . Whitehead , S . B . Ring , John Turner ; visitor , AV . Parsons , 959 . The lodge was duly opened and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Minutes were also ordered to be entered of several presentations to the lodge of improved furniture , & c .
There being no other business before the lodge , Bro . AV . T . AVestgate , P . M .., gave the explanation of the tracingboard of the second degree . A brother was proposed as a joining member , and the lodge was closed with solemn prayer . The brethren , to the number of about twenty , then retired from labour to refreshment , and a pleasant evening , interspersed with song , toast and sentiment .
BivrurY , YORKS . —Nelson of thcNUe Lodge , No . 264 . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., in thc Freemasons' Hall , Batley . The AV . M ., Bro . Benjamin P . Packer , presided , assisted by his officers as follows : Bros . Parr , S . AV . ; Newsome , J . AV . ; AVm . Parker , S . D . ; Heaton , J . D . ; Talbot , Treas . ; Brearey , Sec . ; M . Parker , I . G .-, Preston , D . C . ; A . Parker ,
Org . ; Blakeley , Gomersall , Bailey , J . J . Parker , and J . Parker , jun ., P . M . ' s ; and a good attendance of members . A'isitors -. Bios . AVm . AVard ( W . M . 971 ) , Joseph Terry and George Speding , 971 . The lodge was opened by the AV . M . and the minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . The business of the evening was then proceeded with , which comprised the initiation of Messrs . Dixon Hall , James AA'atson , and AVm . Cave ,
which was done by the AV . M ., Bro . Blakeley , P . M ., giving the working tools and the ancient charge in his usual good manner . After this the brethren discussed the advisability of forming a Royal Arch Chapter in connection with the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the same and report to the next lodge meeting . The lodge was then closed down in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned to the festive board , where harmony was kept up with spirit , and the usual toasts were duly honoured .
LEICESTER . —St . Johns Lodge , A'o . 279 . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on AVednesday , the 3 rd instant , under the presidency ofthe AA ' . M ., Bro . Stretton , P . P . G . Reg ., when there was a good attendance of members and visitors , including the Prov . Grand Master and Bros , the Rev . Dr . Havcroft , P . G . C , Geortre Toller , P . G . Sec , T . IT .
Buzzard , AV . M . 523 , Dr . Clifton , Rev . AV . T . Fry , and other brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the preliminary business transacted , the chair was taken by liro . Kelly , P . G . M ., who , after due examination , passed Bros . AVilkinson , Ellwood , and Edwards to the second degree , and afterwards initialed Mr . Charles James AVoithington , the charge being given by Bro . Toller . A vote of thanks
was unanimously passed to Bro . AA'm . Pettifor , an old and highly-esteemed P . M . of the lodge and P . P . G . S . AV ., for past services ; he has , to the regret of the brethren , been in ill-health for some months past , and he was nominated as an honorary member . A candidate having been proposed , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , Xo . 281 . —The members of this old-established lodge assembled for their regular meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Afhenamm , on AVednesday , the 10 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . L ) ., G . S . B . England , occupied the chair , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : — John Hatch , I . P . M . ; AVm . Hall , S . AV . ; AVm . Fleming ,
J . AV . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Secretary ; Edward Airey , S . D . ; Benjamin Mills , as J . D . ; John Harrison , I . G . ; J . AA ' atson and Beeley , Tylers ; Richard Taylor , Steward ; J . L . AVhimpray , G . Kelland , and E . Storey , P . M . ' s ; John Barrow , Jos . Barrow , J . Beesley , J . Bell , R . Bond , AV . Bradshaw , C . Hartley , AV . Heald , R . Jervis , J . Stanley , R . Harger , James Taylor , James Boltou ,
& c , & c . The lodge having been opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted , Bros J . Taylor and J . Bolton gave full proof of their proficiency as E . A . P . ' s , and were passed to the degree of F . C . ; the former hy the AV . M ., and the latter by Bro . J . Hatch , I . P . M ., the working tools being presented by Bro . Hall , S . AV . —The AV . M . announced that in obedience to the summons
received , he had , as the representative of the Lodge of Fortitude , attended the Grand Lodge of England on the 26 th April , when it had pleased the M . W . G . M . to confer an honour upon him and upon the lodge hy appointing him to the office of Grand Sword-bearer . —Bro . Simpson , P . M ., in a somewhat eulogistic speech , in which he quoted from a leader in a previous number of THE FREEMASON ,
on Grand Lotlge appointments , proposed , and Bro . E . Storey , P . M ., seconded , a vote of congratulation to Bro . Dr . Moore on his appointment , and the brethren saluted him in due form as a Grand Officer of England . The AV . M . then gave an address on the Past Master ' s jewel ( which will be found or . another page of our journal ) which was listened to with great attention by the brethren .
A Past Master s jewel of the value of five guineas was voted and presented to Bro . John Hatch , thc zealous and energetic Immediate Past Master of the lodge ; and a jewel of the same value , or an equivalent sum of money to be devoted to one of our excellent Masonic Charities , was voted to Bro . AA'himpray , the senior Past Master , who
had attended the lodge during thc last three years ; that estimable brother had presided over the lodge in the years 1843 , 1 S 51 and i 860 , and desired that the sum should be given to one of our Charities . On the next evening that time will permit , the AV . M . purposes to deliver a lecture on "The Ballot in our Lodges .
SOUTHPORT . —Lodgeof Unity , Xo . 613 . —Thisflourish , ing lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 1 st inst ., when more than thirty brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , under the presidency of Bro . Dodd , AV . M . The minutes having been confirmed , Bro . Howell , P . G . Treas . Stafford , & c , was elected a joining member . Bros . J . Sutton , T . Crook , and J . Ellis were raised , thc ceremony being performed b y the W . M , in a most solemn and itu-