Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Miscellanea. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
pressive manner . Refreshment followed labour , and the brethren separated after spending a very agreeable evening . A well-attended Lodge of Emergency was held on the Sth inst ., when Bros . Sloan and Hirst were raised to the third degree by the W . M . SUNDERLAND . —Williamson Lodge , Xo . 94 . 9 . —The annual meeting of this lodge , for the purpose of installing the W . M . forthe ensuing twelve months , was held in the
lodge-room at the Royal Hotel , Sunderland , on Monday , May 1 st . After the minutes of the last general lodge and of the Permanent Committee meeting ( the latter recommending a donation to the Girls' School and the enrolment of the lodge on the lists of annual subscribers to the Sunderland Infirmary and the Sunderland Orphan Asylum ) had been confirmed , two candidates were
balloted for , and being accepted , and in attendance , were duly initiated . The W . M .-elect , Bro . W . Liddell , was then presented to the AV . M . Bro . R . Hudson , P . G . D . C , to receive the benefit of installation , and was duly placed in the chair of IC S . in the manner prescribed by ancient usage . The brethren having saluted the W . M . in the usual form , he invested the following officers : —Bros . R .
Hudson , I . P . M . ; AV . Bryans , S . AV . ; J . H . Coates , J . AV . ; R . W . Half knight , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Barlow , Sec ; J . H . Sanderson , S . D . ; T . Atkinson , J . D . ; J Eggleston , I . G . ; A . Forrest , D . C . and Org . ; J . Thompson , Tyler ; C . F . Austin and R . AVard , Stewards ; R . Shadforth and C . Bell , Auditors . The whole cercmonj of installation was worked by the outgoing AV . M ., Bro .
Hudson , with that care for which lie has become noted during his year of office , and he threw the same zeal , heartiness , and ability into the performance of this duty that he has brought to bear during the past twelve months in the discharge of the multifarious and onerous duties attached to the Master ' s chair in every lodge . Among the large number of visitors present were the W . M ,, Bro .
AViener , M . Douglass ( P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ) , T . Ehven ( P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ) , R . Sangster ( P . M ., P . P . G . P . ) , R . Dixon ( P . M . ) , and several members of St . John ' s , No . So ; the AV . M . ( Bro . Skelton ) . M . Allison ( P . M . ) , and several members of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 ; members of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 94 , and St . Peter ' s ( Newcastle ) , No . 4 81 . Among the members ofthe lodge
were Past Masters R . AV . Half knight , P . P . G . P . ; AV . Adamson ; L . Chatt , P . P . G . P . ; A . Cooke , P . P . S . of AV . ; and J . Trewhett , P . P . G . R . The annual festival to celebrate the installation was held in the lodge-room on Monday evening , May Sth , when a large number of visitors and brethren were present . After ample justice had been done to the very substantial dinner provided by Bro . Richardson , the customary , loyal , Masonic , and
other toasts were duly given and responded to . Bro . A . Forrest , O ., presided at the piano , and to his efforts and those of Bros . Ferry and Giesicke the brethren are indebted for a very excellent musical treat . BARNET . —Acacia Lodge , Xo . 1309 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Middlesex , on AVednesday , 10 th inst . Bro .
Frederick AValters , W . M ., presided . He , in his usual proficient manner , raised one to the third and passed three brothers to the second degree , and then installed his successor , Bro . George James Loe , as AV . M ., who appointed as his officers : Bros . F . AValters , I . P . M . ; J . H . Butten , S . AV . ; E . Richardson , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; G . Cattel , P . P . G . J . D .
Northampton , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ); Cleramans , S . D . ; C . F . Hall , J . D . ; T . Barnard , I . G . ; G . Corfe , D . C . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . Bro . F . AValters then delivered the charges to the AV . M ., AVardens , and brethren , and , when concluded , was rewarded with hearty applause , and a vote of thanks to be entered on the lodge minute book , for the admirable and correct manner he
had performed the ceremony of installation . Vote of thanks , to be entered on the lodge minute book , was given both to the Treasurer and the Secretary for the correct and satisfactory manner they had performed their duties . Bro . F . AValters , P . M ., announced that as the lodge allowed him to select how the five guineas was to be spent which had been voted to him for a testimonial for his services as the first AV . M . he would wish it to be
given to the "Little Testimonial , as he was a brother they all knew ( being one of their members ) , and to know him was to respect him . Several joining members were proposed and some candidates for initiation , and the lodge was closed . There were , as usual here , a large number of visitors present . The usual good banquet was served , and , after an agreeable evening well spent , the brethren separated .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , Xo . 720 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Horns' Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the Sth inst ., under the presidency of E . Comp . Edward AVorthington , M . E . Z ., supported by Comps . J . Nunn , P . Z ., H . ; R . IT . Harvey , J . ; IT . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; and AV .
B . Church , P . S . Amongst other companions present were J . Reid , J . Thomas , and S . C . Davison , P . Z . ' s ; J . T . Niblett , Henry Smith , G . IT . N . Bridges , G . AVatcrall , T . H . Pulsford , AV . AVorrell , A . AVolton , and M . S . Larlham . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , Comps . J . Nunn , R . H . Harvey , and C . S . Davison were installed as M . E . Z ., IT ., and J . respectively , and the following officers were invested : viz ., Comps . IT .
C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; Jas . Stevens , P . Z ., ScribeE . ; W . B Church , Scribe N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; and Bradley , Janitor . The P . S . deferred the appointment of his assistants until theensuing meeting . Comp . J . Thomas , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , was invested as D . C . Bros . Henry F . Hodges , of thc Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , and William J . Messenger , of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , were balloted ] for as candidates for advancement , and being in
Royal Arch.
attendance , were severally introduced and advanced to the supreme degree of R . A . A P . Z . 's jewel was presented to the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . AVorthington , and all Masonic business being ended , the companions adjourned to banquet , provided with the usual liberality of Bro . Whittet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly
honoured , that of " The Past Principals ofthe Chapter " calling up every companion who had filled the chair of M . E . Z . since the foundation of the chapter . After a most enjoyable . evening , the harmony of which was greatly enhanced by the musical performances of Comp . AVeaver , who , with Comp . Everett , of Winchester , visited the chapter on this occasion , the companions separated .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole , Xo . 148 . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday evening last , at the chapter-rooms . The M . E . Z ., Comp . D . W . Finney , was supported by Comps . John Bowes , Prov . G . Standard-Bearer , IT . ; William Mossop , J . : AVilliam Richardson , P . Soj . ; AV . S . Hawkins ,
Scribe E . ; W . Sharp , Scribe N . ; Robert Jackson , Asst . Soj . ; John Harding , Asst . Soj . ; Edwin Roberts , P . J . Edelsten , Rev . H . P . Stedman , AVilliam Smith , Richard Brierley , Thomas Auckland , William Crompton , Jabez George Hughes , and James Hannah , Janitor . The chapter was duly opened according to ancient custom by the Principals , when the minutes of the last convocation
were read and confirmed . The ballot-box was then sent round respectively for Bros . AV . Smith , P . M . 148 ; Rd . Brierley , and Thomas Auckland , as candidates for the mystic rites , and in each case it proved unanimously in favour . The three brethren being in attendance , they were severally admitted with due caution , and exalted by Comp . Bowes , the M . E . Z . delivering the symbolic lecture
in an able manner . A long discussion then took place as to the desirability of raising the subscription , when it was decided not to do so ; but to clear off the debt by special donations . Comp . Sharp , Scribe N ., presented to the chapter a portrait of Elias Ashmole , beautifully framed in the Oxford fashion . A brother was proposed as a candidate , and there being no other business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities .
LINSLADE , BUCKS . —St . Barnabas Chapter , Xo . 94 S . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Elephant and Castle Hotel , on Thursday , the nth inst . Comps . Rev . R . B . Fraser , as M . E . Z . ; Gotto , as H . -, AVatson , as J . ; and several other companions , were present . Visitor : Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . West Lancashire . The chapter was duly opened , the
companions admitted , and the minutes read and confirmed . Two candidates were due for exaltation , but neither of them being in attendance , Comp . AVatson , P . Z , delivered the historic , symbolic , and mystic lectures for the instruction of the companions . There being no further business , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge , Xo . 60 . —The Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , held their annual meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , Carlisle , on Friday se'nnight . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . George G . Hayward , P . M . and G . J . G . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M . and P . G . D . ; AVilliam Murray , P . M . and P . G . S . ; T . Blacklock , P . M . and P . G . D . ; AV . Johnston ,
P . M . ; J . Porter , S . AV . ( AV . M .-etect ); AV . Court , J . AV . ; AVilliam Pratchitt , M . O . ; J . A . AVheatley , S . O . ; and several other brethren . Only three candidates , Bro . AVilliam Thornton , of Lodge 1073 , Keswick ; Bros . Dr . George Shannon and Thomas McMechan , of Lodge 327 , AVigton , being present for advancement , were duly prepared and advanced to this honourable degree by George
G . Hayward , P . M . This being the annual meeting for the installation ofthe AV . M ., Bro . James Porter , the S . AA ' ., was presented and duly installed as the AV . M . for the ensuing twelve months by the G . J . G . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers , after which he
presented , in the name of the lodge , to George G . Hayward , P . M ., G . J . G . of the Grand Lodge of England , & c , a handsome P . M . ' s jewel for his very valuable services to this lodge . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to partake of a banquet prepared by Mrs . McGowan at the Coffee House .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave , Xo . 44 . —An emergency meeting of this conclave was held at Freemasons ' Hall , on AVednesday , the loth inst ., the M . P . S ., 111 . Sir Kt . Kelly , Intendant-General for Leicestershire and Rutland , presiding . The following Sir Knights were also present : George Toller , V . E . ; Partridge , R ., as S . G . ;
AVcareJ . G . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , IT . P . ; Baines , Prefect ; Buzzard , as S . B . ; Sculthorpe , Treas . ; Barber , Herald ; Bembridge , Sentinel ; Arnott , and Spencer . A ballot was taken for Bro . Dunn , as Sentinel , by dispensation , which was unanimously in his favour . There were eleven candidates due for installation , two only , however , were able to be present , viz ., Bros . AV . R . Bryan , of No . 1007 ,
Loughborough , and John Thomas Thorp , of No . 523 , Leicester , who were duly installed . The various charges on the delivery of thc sword , or thc jewel , tunic , and sword , as illustrating the three great watchwords of thc order , & c , were delivered in the course ofthe ceremony by the
M . P . S ., after which the Viceroy gave the historical oration and the High Prelate the lecture illustrativcof thereligious and moral teachings ofthe order , and the special duties of its members . Some further propositions having been taken , the conclave was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the refectory .
Knights Templar.
Mount Calvary , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —An emergency meeting of this old encampment was held at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue , Basinghall-street , on Thursday , the nth inst ., and was attended by Sir Kts . W . Stone , E . C . ; J . G . Chancellor , P . E . G , AV . Paas , P . E . C ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . E . C ., Reg . ; E .
S . Stillwell , P . E . C . ; J . Stohwasser , P . E . C . ; S . Rosenthal ( E . C . Grove Encampment ) , 1 st C . ; D . M . Dewar , 2 nd C . ; R . W . Stewart , Expert ; E . Baxter , C . of L . ; R . Wentworth Little , as S . B . ; and AV . H . Trego ; with visiting Knights AV . H . AVright , D . P . G . C . Lancashire ; Prince , P . E . C . ; andE . T . Inskip . Comps . Rev . Vivian H . Moyle , Jorgea D . Larsen , and J . Cleaver were duly
installed as Knights ofthe Temple . Sir Kt . Stewart gave notice that he should propose the removal of the encampment from Freemasons' Tavern to Masons' Hall Tavern at the next regular meeting , and the encamprhent was closed . A most sumptuous dinner was then served , under the personal supervision of Sir Kt . C . Gosden ( who was
installed in the encampment ) , and the utmost good feeling prevailed throughout the entire evening . We are glad to be able to state that the "Mount Calvary" is in a most flourishing condition , and is likely to continue so as long as the members pull together so amicably as they do at present .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
—?—BRO . S . C . HADLEV , C . C ., took the chair at the anniversary dinner of the Coffee House Keepers ' Society , on the 15 th inst ., at the London Tavern . BRO . J BOWES , P . M ., P . Z ., Past Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland , & c , was
elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society at the last meeting of the society . A BILL to incorporate the Mount Lebanon Lodge of Freemasons , Summerside , No . 984 , passed the Legislative Council of Prince Edward's Island the end of last month . The Bill went through the
House like "greased lightning , " as our Yankee brothers would say . MARK MASONRY . —The installation of Bro . Col . Burdett as P . G . M . M . of Middlesex and Surrey is arranged to take place on Friday , June 2 , at Guildford . The M . W . G . M . M . will instal . The fact
that the Bath and West of England Show will be going on at the time will no doubt prove an additional attraction . THE installation of the Earl of Carnarvon as P . G . M . M . of Somerset is fixed to take place at Weston-super-Mare on the evening of
Whit-Monday . IT is intended to raise by subscription a sufficient amount to present a full-sized copy in marble of the bust ofthe M . AV . P . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., by Bro . Morton Edwards , to the Grand Lodge , and also a copy to his lordship , both as a token of
esteem as well as a memento of the twenty-six years' rule by thc M . W . P . G . M . over the Craft . The bust , which his lordship sat for before retiring from the Grand Mastership , is in thc full regalia of Grand Master , and is well known as being an excellent likeness and a fine work of art . Several distinguished and influential brethren have already
signified their intention to subscribe , and it is proposed to make the movement sufficiently widespread to allow of the whole of the Craft from joining . Brethren wishing to take part are invited to send in their names to Bro . F . W . Koch , thc acting Hon . Sec , al 7 , Gower-street , Bedford-square , the office where the model of the bust may be seen . The committee is now being formed .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : "Ihave carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary AVheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by tlie Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
CROSBY ' BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of snch fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the rcot of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s Balsamic Cough Elixer , as thc true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr , Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Ami-Lancet , " says : "I have
repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommend it as amost valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from oniumand squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in
Asthmas , lironchitis . Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . fid . and us each , and wholesale byj- * s . M . CROSIIV , Chemist , Scarborough . "» * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which ca » be obtained erntii of any rctp « cuble Ch » mUt . —[ Advt . J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
pressive manner . Refreshment followed labour , and the brethren separated after spending a very agreeable evening . A well-attended Lodge of Emergency was held on the Sth inst ., when Bros . Sloan and Hirst were raised to the third degree by the W . M . SUNDERLAND . —Williamson Lodge , Xo . 94 . 9 . —The annual meeting of this lodge , for the purpose of installing the W . M . forthe ensuing twelve months , was held in the
lodge-room at the Royal Hotel , Sunderland , on Monday , May 1 st . After the minutes of the last general lodge and of the Permanent Committee meeting ( the latter recommending a donation to the Girls' School and the enrolment of the lodge on the lists of annual subscribers to the Sunderland Infirmary and the Sunderland Orphan Asylum ) had been confirmed , two candidates were
balloted for , and being accepted , and in attendance , were duly initiated . The W . M .-elect , Bro . W . Liddell , was then presented to the AV . M . Bro . R . Hudson , P . G . D . C , to receive the benefit of installation , and was duly placed in the chair of IC S . in the manner prescribed by ancient usage . The brethren having saluted the W . M . in the usual form , he invested the following officers : —Bros . R .
Hudson , I . P . M . ; AV . Bryans , S . AV . ; J . H . Coates , J . AV . ; R . W . Half knight , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Barlow , Sec ; J . H . Sanderson , S . D . ; T . Atkinson , J . D . ; J Eggleston , I . G . ; A . Forrest , D . C . and Org . ; J . Thompson , Tyler ; C . F . Austin and R . AVard , Stewards ; R . Shadforth and C . Bell , Auditors . The whole cercmonj of installation was worked by the outgoing AV . M ., Bro .
Hudson , with that care for which lie has become noted during his year of office , and he threw the same zeal , heartiness , and ability into the performance of this duty that he has brought to bear during the past twelve months in the discharge of the multifarious and onerous duties attached to the Master ' s chair in every lodge . Among the large number of visitors present were the W . M ,, Bro .
AViener , M . Douglass ( P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ) , T . Ehven ( P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ) , R . Sangster ( P . M ., P . P . G . P . ) , R . Dixon ( P . M . ) , and several members of St . John ' s , No . So ; the AV . M . ( Bro . Skelton ) . M . Allison ( P . M . ) , and several members of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 ; members of the Phcenix Lodge , No . 94 , and St . Peter ' s ( Newcastle ) , No . 4 81 . Among the members ofthe lodge
were Past Masters R . AV . Half knight , P . P . G . P . ; AV . Adamson ; L . Chatt , P . P . G . P . ; A . Cooke , P . P . S . of AV . ; and J . Trewhett , P . P . G . R . The annual festival to celebrate the installation was held in the lodge-room on Monday evening , May Sth , when a large number of visitors and brethren were present . After ample justice had been done to the very substantial dinner provided by Bro . Richardson , the customary , loyal , Masonic , and
other toasts were duly given and responded to . Bro . A . Forrest , O ., presided at the piano , and to his efforts and those of Bros . Ferry and Giesicke the brethren are indebted for a very excellent musical treat . BARNET . —Acacia Lodge , Xo . 1309 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Middlesex , on AVednesday , 10 th inst . Bro .
Frederick AValters , W . M ., presided . He , in his usual proficient manner , raised one to the third and passed three brothers to the second degree , and then installed his successor , Bro . George James Loe , as AV . M ., who appointed as his officers : Bros . F . AValters , I . P . M . ; J . H . Butten , S . AV . ; E . Richardson , J . W . ; E . Sillifant , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; G . Cattel , P . P . G . J . D .
Northampton , P . M ., Sec . ( re-invested ); Cleramans , S . D . ; C . F . Hall , J . D . ; T . Barnard , I . G . ; G . Corfe , D . C . ; J . Bavin , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . Bro . F . AValters then delivered the charges to the AV . M ., AVardens , and brethren , and , when concluded , was rewarded with hearty applause , and a vote of thanks to be entered on the lodge minute book , for the admirable and correct manner he
had performed the ceremony of installation . Vote of thanks , to be entered on the lodge minute book , was given both to the Treasurer and the Secretary for the correct and satisfactory manner they had performed their duties . Bro . F . AValters , P . M ., announced that as the lodge allowed him to select how the five guineas was to be spent which had been voted to him for a testimonial for his services as the first AV . M . he would wish it to be
given to the "Little Testimonial , as he was a brother they all knew ( being one of their members ) , and to know him was to respect him . Several joining members were proposed and some candidates for initiation , and the lodge was closed . There were , as usual here , a large number of visitors present . The usual good banquet was served , and , after an agreeable evening well spent , the brethren separated .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Panmure Chapter , Xo . 720 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Horns' Tavern , Kennington , on Monday , the Sth inst ., under the presidency of E . Comp . Edward AVorthington , M . E . Z ., supported by Comps . J . Nunn , P . Z ., H . ; R . IT . Harvey , J . ; IT . C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; James Stevens , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; and AV .
B . Church , P . S . Amongst other companions present were J . Reid , J . Thomas , and S . C . Davison , P . Z . ' s ; J . T . Niblett , Henry Smith , G . IT . N . Bridges , G . AVatcrall , T . H . Pulsford , AV . AVorrell , A . AVolton , and M . S . Larlham . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , Comps . J . Nunn , R . H . Harvey , and C . S . Davison were installed as M . E . Z ., IT ., and J . respectively , and the following officers were invested : viz ., Comps . IT .
C . Levander , P . Z ., Treas . ; Jas . Stevens , P . Z ., ScribeE . ; W . B Church , Scribe N . ; C . Hammerton , P . S . ; and Bradley , Janitor . The P . S . deferred the appointment of his assistants until theensuing meeting . Comp . J . Thomas , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , was invested as D . C . Bros . Henry F . Hodges , of thc Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , and William J . Messenger , of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , were balloted ] for as candidates for advancement , and being in
Royal Arch.
attendance , were severally introduced and advanced to the supreme degree of R . A . A P . Z . 's jewel was presented to the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . AVorthington , and all Masonic business being ended , the companions adjourned to banquet , provided with the usual liberality of Bro . Whittet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly
honoured , that of " The Past Principals ofthe Chapter " calling up every companion who had filled the chair of M . E . Z . since the foundation of the chapter . After a most enjoyable . evening , the harmony of which was greatly enhanced by the musical performances of Comp . AVeaver , who , with Comp . Everett , of Winchester , visited the chapter on this occasion , the companions separated .
PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole , Xo . 148 . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held on Monday evening last , at the chapter-rooms . The M . E . Z ., Comp . D . W . Finney , was supported by Comps . John Bowes , Prov . G . Standard-Bearer , IT . ; William Mossop , J . : AVilliam Richardson , P . Soj . ; AV . S . Hawkins ,
Scribe E . ; W . Sharp , Scribe N . ; Robert Jackson , Asst . Soj . ; John Harding , Asst . Soj . ; Edwin Roberts , P . J . Edelsten , Rev . H . P . Stedman , AVilliam Smith , Richard Brierley , Thomas Auckland , William Crompton , Jabez George Hughes , and James Hannah , Janitor . The chapter was duly opened according to ancient custom by the Principals , when the minutes of the last convocation
were read and confirmed . The ballot-box was then sent round respectively for Bros . AV . Smith , P . M . 148 ; Rd . Brierley , and Thomas Auckland , as candidates for the mystic rites , and in each case it proved unanimously in favour . The three brethren being in attendance , they were severally admitted with due caution , and exalted by Comp . Bowes , the M . E . Z . delivering the symbolic lecture
in an able manner . A long discussion then took place as to the desirability of raising the subscription , when it was decided not to do so ; but to clear off the debt by special donations . Comp . Sharp , Scribe N ., presented to the chapter a portrait of Elias Ashmole , beautifully framed in the Oxford fashion . A brother was proposed as a candidate , and there being no other business , the chapter was closed with the usual solemnities .
LINSLADE , BUCKS . —St . Barnabas Chapter , Xo . 94 S . — The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Elephant and Castle Hotel , on Thursday , the nth inst . Comps . Rev . R . B . Fraser , as M . E . Z . ; Gotto , as H . -, AVatson , as J . ; and several other companions , were present . Visitor : Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . West Lancashire . The chapter was duly opened , the
companions admitted , and the minutes read and confirmed . Two candidates were due for exaltation , but neither of them being in attendance , Comp . AVatson , P . Z , delivered the historic , symbolic , and mystic lectures for the instruction of the companions . There being no further business , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
CARLISLE . —Cumberland Lodge , Xo . 60 . —The Cumberland Lodge of Mark Masters , held their annual meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Castle-street , Carlisle , on Friday se'nnight . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . George G . Hayward , P . M . and G . J . G . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M . and P . G . D . ; AVilliam Murray , P . M . and P . G . S . ; T . Blacklock , P . M . and P . G . D . ; AV . Johnston ,
P . M . ; J . Porter , S . AV . ( AV . M .-etect ); AV . Court , J . AV . ; AVilliam Pratchitt , M . O . ; J . A . AVheatley , S . O . ; and several other brethren . Only three candidates , Bro . AVilliam Thornton , of Lodge 1073 , Keswick ; Bros . Dr . George Shannon and Thomas McMechan , of Lodge 327 , AVigton , being present for advancement , were duly prepared and advanced to this honourable degree by George
G . Hayward , P . M . This being the annual meeting for the installation ofthe AV . M ., Bro . James Porter , the S . AA ' ., was presented and duly installed as the AV . M . for the ensuing twelve months by the G . J . G . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers , after which he
presented , in the name of the lodge , to George G . Hayward , P . M ., G . J . G . of the Grand Lodge of England , & c , a handsome P . M . ' s jewel for his very valuable services to this lodge . The lodge was then duly closed , and the brethren adjourned to partake of a banquet prepared by Mrs . McGowan at the Coffee House .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . LEICESTER . —Byzantine Conclave , Xo . 44 . —An emergency meeting of this conclave was held at Freemasons ' Hall , on AVednesday , the loth inst ., the M . P . S ., 111 . Sir Kt . Kelly , Intendant-General for Leicestershire and Rutland , presiding . The following Sir Knights were also present : George Toller , V . E . ; Partridge , R ., as S . G . ;
AVcareJ . G . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , IT . P . ; Baines , Prefect ; Buzzard , as S . B . ; Sculthorpe , Treas . ; Barber , Herald ; Bembridge , Sentinel ; Arnott , and Spencer . A ballot was taken for Bro . Dunn , as Sentinel , by dispensation , which was unanimously in his favour . There were eleven candidates due for installation , two only , however , were able to be present , viz ., Bros . AV . R . Bryan , of No . 1007 ,
Loughborough , and John Thomas Thorp , of No . 523 , Leicester , who were duly installed . The various charges on the delivery of thc sword , or thc jewel , tunic , and sword , as illustrating the three great watchwords of thc order , & c , were delivered in the course ofthe ceremony by the
M . P . S ., after which the Viceroy gave the historical oration and the High Prelate the lecture illustrativcof thereligious and moral teachings ofthe order , and the special duties of its members . Some further propositions having been taken , the conclave was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the refectory .
Knights Templar.
Mount Calvary , or Early Grand Encampment of England . —An emergency meeting of this old encampment was held at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' -avenue , Basinghall-street , on Thursday , the nth inst ., and was attended by Sir Kts . W . Stone , E . C . ; J . G . Chancellor , P . E . G , AV . Paas , P . E . C ., Treas . ; F . Binckes , P . E . C ., Reg . ; E .
S . Stillwell , P . E . C . ; J . Stohwasser , P . E . C . ; S . Rosenthal ( E . C . Grove Encampment ) , 1 st C . ; D . M . Dewar , 2 nd C . ; R . W . Stewart , Expert ; E . Baxter , C . of L . ; R . Wentworth Little , as S . B . ; and AV . H . Trego ; with visiting Knights AV . H . AVright , D . P . G . C . Lancashire ; Prince , P . E . C . ; andE . T . Inskip . Comps . Rev . Vivian H . Moyle , Jorgea D . Larsen , and J . Cleaver were duly
installed as Knights ofthe Temple . Sir Kt . Stewart gave notice that he should propose the removal of the encampment from Freemasons' Tavern to Masons' Hall Tavern at the next regular meeting , and the encamprhent was closed . A most sumptuous dinner was then served , under the personal supervision of Sir Kt . C . Gosden ( who was
installed in the encampment ) , and the utmost good feeling prevailed throughout the entire evening . We are glad to be able to state that the "Mount Calvary" is in a most flourishing condition , and is likely to continue so as long as the members pull together so amicably as they do at present .
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
—?—BRO . S . C . HADLEV , C . C ., took the chair at the anniversary dinner of the Coffee House Keepers ' Society , on the 15 th inst ., at the London Tavern . BRO . J BOWES , P . M ., P . Z ., Past Prov . G . Reg . Cumberland and Westmorland , & c , was
elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society at the last meeting of the society . A BILL to incorporate the Mount Lebanon Lodge of Freemasons , Summerside , No . 984 , passed the Legislative Council of Prince Edward's Island the end of last month . The Bill went through the
House like "greased lightning , " as our Yankee brothers would say . MARK MASONRY . —The installation of Bro . Col . Burdett as P . G . M . M . of Middlesex and Surrey is arranged to take place on Friday , June 2 , at Guildford . The M . W . G . M . M . will instal . The fact
that the Bath and West of England Show will be going on at the time will no doubt prove an additional attraction . THE installation of the Earl of Carnarvon as P . G . M . M . of Somerset is fixed to take place at Weston-super-Mare on the evening of
Whit-Monday . IT is intended to raise by subscription a sufficient amount to present a full-sized copy in marble of the bust ofthe M . AV . P . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., by Bro . Morton Edwards , to the Grand Lodge , and also a copy to his lordship , both as a token of
esteem as well as a memento of the twenty-six years' rule by thc M . W . P . G . M . over the Craft . The bust , which his lordship sat for before retiring from the Grand Mastership , is in thc full regalia of Grand Master , and is well known as being an excellent likeness and a fine work of art . Several distinguished and influential brethren have already
signified their intention to subscribe , and it is proposed to make the movement sufficiently widespread to allow of the whole of the Craft from joining . Brethren wishing to take part are invited to send in their names to Bro . F . W . Koch , thc acting Hon . Sec , al 7 , Gower-street , Bedford-square , the office where the model of the bust may be seen . The committee is now being formed .
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : "Ihave carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary AVheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by tlie Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
CROSBY ' BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . Instead of snch fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the rcot of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s Balsamic Cough Elixer , as thc true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr , Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Ami-Lancet , " says : "I have
repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough . Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommend it as amost valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from oniumand squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in
Asthmas , lironchitis . Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throad and chests Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . od ., 4 s . fid . and us each , and wholesale byj- * s . M . CROSIIV , Chemist , Scarborough . "» * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which ca » be obtained erntii of any rctp « cuble Ch » mUt . —[ Advt . J