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LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1835 , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) . Secretary . Offices : —107 a , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK . BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hint to purchase a Plot of Land for five Shillings per month ¦ With I mmrdiate Possession . eithcr for Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . HO -JJ to Invest Money with safety al £ e \ . per cent . Interest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplieJ . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Mamaer .
THE UPHALL MINERAL OIL COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . The Paraffin Oil manufactured by this Company is now admitted 10 be the finest in the market . D . FLANNERY , 15 , BACHELOR ' S "WALK , DUBLIN , Sole Agent for Ireland .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or withont a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 484 , Oxlord-slrcct , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec . MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable bv instalments . Stamp for re > ly . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY ( Limitei ) , 3 , Tavistock-street , Covcnt-garden , and 14 , Southampton-row , Hluoinsbury . P . J . HARVEY , Sec .
TO CONCESSIONAIRES , PROMOTERS , and FINANCIAL AGENTS . —Shares in new undertakings successfully influenced and placed . — Address , in perfect conliden-e , "Operator , " care of Brother John Baptist Wolpcrt , Advertising Agent , 24 , Austin Friars , London , E . C . MR . RICHARD RING , Solicitor , of 29 , Frederick Street , Gray ' s Inn , beys to infirm his Clients that he has opened an Office at 23 , WORSHIP STRHHT . KINSISI-KV , and tha Divorce Cases are conductc ! . Arrangements wilh Creditors promptly made under the present bankruptcy Act . WILLIAM WINSOR , of 3 , Milcs ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp -rts CIGARSofthc very Kinesl llrands only , and Manufactures Cigars from theChoicc-lTol . accos . Wholesale and Uctail .
The Case of Annie M . Pattison . M RS . PATTISON , of Colchester , Essex , begs to express her most sincere and heartfelt THANKS to all tlie Brethren who , hy their activity and zeal , secured the election of her child to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . COMMISSION . —Wanted , a first-class MAN to represent a well-known Rheinis Champagne House in Scotland and Ireland . None need apply except those with a good connection , and who enn furnish jjuuil references addressed to Iiro . Jehu Baptist Wolperl , Advertising Agent , 24 ., Austin Friars , City .
THE SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of -L Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES TO HE LET , and of ESTATES FOR SALE in the SOUTH-WEST of LONDON , is published Monihly by MR . JAS . STEVENS , AUCTIONEER . X . ' ESTATE AGENT . CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those scehing Resident es , and saving much trouble in ubtai in _; inforiiialiuil of properties for disposal ill the S . W . district . Send postcard wilh your address , and a copy will be forwarded by eturn jiusl . TH E L O N D O N _ M Roll . Published every Baturday : price nd . The object of ibis journal is lo set l"rth ihe claims of the many Religious . Educational , Jlciievolent , ami Prudential Institutions of tlie United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proce-.-dirigs , whether as Meetings , ermons , Amiiversa . ies , or Elections , so as 10 present these National Institutions to the favour of tbe Public . Office , 59 , Soulhamploii-ruw , P . usscl | . _ . i | iiare , London , W . C .
" T FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . X —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by CJuti . FRANK GOI : LI : V , CiMiid Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand llodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world ajij will be found of great advantage 10 all Masons , especially those : Htcrestcd in American affairs . Terms j .- per annum , and to those who subscribe for the l _ ondon _ . ''_ . _ I _ . VSON the price will bc $ 1 50 currency . / cstage free . Subscriptions received by the Loudon FHI . I _ MASON . THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Journal , published on the ijth of every month , by H . G . REYNOLDS , Jun ., Springfield , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen pages targe ounru . Circulation 20 , 000 monthly . ' Terms to lie oblaincd , and Subscriptions received , at TMH FRF . R - MASON Office , 3 , 3 , and 4 , Lilllc IJritain , and forwarded frc « af charge . ^
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . THE RED CROSS SONG ; composed by Bro . H . PARKER , words by Bro . R . W . LITTLE ... 3 / 0 WHAT BETTER THEME THAN MASONRY ? words by Bro . J AMES STEVENS ; music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ ... ... ... . ... 4 / 0 BROTHERLY LOVE , RELIEF AND TRUTH ; written by Bio . SEWELI , ; composed by Bro . J . RHODES ... ... ... ... .. 4 / 0 THE FINAL TOAST ; written by D . L . RICHARDSON ; music by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW 3 / 0 THE E . A . SONG ; arranged by the late Bro . PARRY , ofthe " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 2 ... 6 d . MASONIC HARMONIA ... ... ... 7 / 0 MASONIC MUSIC , compiled for the use of lhe "Merchants Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . YouNGHUSliAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., and P . Piov . J . G . W . West Lancashire ... ... 6 d THE FREEMASON ( Tell me the sign , John ) ; written by GEORGE PALMER ... .. ... 3 / 0 THREE TIMES THREE ; Composed by Bro . HARROWAY , " Royal York Lodge , " Bri ghton ... 3 / 0 THE SHAKE OF THE HAND ( in G & B flat ) ; composed by J OHN BLOCKI . EY ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASONS' FESTIVAL MARCH & MASONIC HYMN , by ibo . \ V . B . TOLPUTT ( I ' asl Master of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON QUADRILLES ; inscribed ( by permission ) to the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , KG . ; by Bro . J OSHUA MARSHALL ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) , Solo or Duett ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 MUSICFORTHECEREMONYOFADVANCEM KNT TO Tl 1 E MARK DEG REE ; composed by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . li . Portal ... ... 3 / 0 All the above Half-Price . TIIIC MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . BAKER , No . 241 ... ... ... ... ... 1 / 0
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . Sickcl ' s Aliimau Kezon ( cloth ) ... ... ... 5 /" ,, Freemason ' s . Monitor ( tucks ) ... 4 / S R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 Guide to tlie Chapter ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / - Manual ,, ... ... ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Kite .. ... ... 17 / 6 R . ami S . M . Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swcdciibouru Kite ... ... ... 4 / 6 Masonic Token ( cloth i ^ ilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy ' s Manuel K . Star ... ... ... 3 / 3 Simons li . lv . Commandery ( tucks ) ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... ... ... 3 / 6 Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... ... 5 / 6 l'ierson ' s Tra , liiiuns ... ... ... 7 l-Signcl of King Solomon ... ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon ' sjuiispiiideiice .. ... ... ... 5 / 6 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... .,. 9 / - Oliituary Rites ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , l > y Bro . G Taylor , P . M ... 5 / 0 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lockwooii ' s Masonic Law ... ... ... 4 / - \ Yebb ' s Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook ,, ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 6 Woodruffs Masonic Code ... ... ... 2 / - Lighls and Shadows ( cloth ) ... ... ... 6 / - Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... ... 4 / 6 Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... 5 / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... ... ... I 4 f-Rellccled Rays of Lighl' ... ... ... 1 / - Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Fieemasoniy iu Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ... ... .. ... 1 / - Kingston Masonic Annual ... ... ... 3 /" Knight Templar Sermon .. ... ... 6 d . T . ie Rosicrucian S . G . C . Regulations ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Royal Arch ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 G . L . Constitutions ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 i \_ aik Constitutions ... ... ... 2 / 6 Knights Templar Statute ... ... 3 / 6 and 5 / 6 Crall , Mark , R . A ., R C , R . +, K . T . Books . Vols . 1 , 11 ., and 1 II . of the 1 ' UKK . MASON , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 & 15 / - Book of Illustrations Clothing and Jewels ( coloured ) 2 ) 6 General I listory of Freemasonry ( Kebold in Europe ) 15 / - W 01 Id ' s Masonic Register , Hyncman ... ... 17 / 6 Stories of the Fireside , Barber ... ... 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan . Masonic Calendar , 1 S 71 and 1 S 72 ... 2 / - Grand Loilge Calendar ... ... ... 2 / - Lodge Bibles ... ... . . 15 / - 21 / - 42 / - Chaplcr Bibles ... ... ... 15 / - 21 / - 42 / - Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland ... 3 / 6 Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look ... .. 6 / - WANTED . —PUPILS to learn CHROMOLITHOGRAPH Y ( a notion of drawing required ) . t Mr . Rosenthal ' s , 2 , Red Lion Square .
The Lombard Exchange & News Room ,, LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS : £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 330 Annual Subscription ... ... ... 330 Members residing and carrying en business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant Captains , & Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) ... I 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , Poste Restante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . BRO . JOHN II . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Manager . Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Silver and Gold Engraver of Arms , Crests \ Monograms , and Inscriptions , RATHBONE PLACE . OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . Volunteer Prizes and Presentation Badges engraved with great dispatch \ Vatc Cases Enamelled with Arms and . Monograms . , Saw-pierced Monograms made in Metal-Gilt Silver , or Gold , and mounted to Book Covers or Cigar Cases . Masonic emblems made . DIE-SINKING DEPARTMENT . Notepaper and Envelope Dies Sunk for Relief Plain , or Illuminating . Company ' s Seals and Ornamental Dies cut for Jewellers * Relief and Illuminated Stamping executed . Stationery supplied . Circular and Sample Sheets Free . REEVES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Book Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON . E . C . Next the "Times" Office . EEVES , SON and CO ., Publishers . EEVES , SON and CO ., _» Newspaper Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Magazine Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., ' Law Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Commercial Printers EEVES , SON and CO ., \ " Show Card Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Label Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Ornamental and Colour Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Bankers' Cheque Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Copper Plate Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., lithographic Printers . p EEVES , SON and CO ., \ JL \ . Lithographic Artists . EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Colourcra . EEVES , SON and CO ^ Designers . RF . EVES , SON and CO ., Slereotypers . "n EEVES ^ " S 0 N and CO ., -IV Engravers ant ! Dic-Sinkcr * . "n EEVES , SON nnd CO . oiler many ndv .-miaRCS . IV to Manur : utiiii : rs and all persons re » i : itriii ^ T ar _; c ijiiantilics oi' l ' : i ; ior ami Printing , us they pussess the IIM-I ; n i " --w . l m : uJiinery , a-i u-t . il as every other f . ici . ity for executing ur-Ju \ s entrusted to IIK-M : in the ch-. vipyst and he ^ t i-iamier . A- tVliLlSlIKK . S , their Offices are very central , and they render aoxuuts monthly . gORWICK'S BAKING POWDER JJAS BEEN AWARDED I WO GOLD MEDALS JPOR its SUPERIORITY over all OTHERS . JyJAKES BREAD , PASTRY , PUDDINGS . & c . „ LIGHT and WHOLESOME . gOLD in id . and 2 d . PACKETS , ^ LSO 6 d . aivl is . PATENT BOXES . GLENFIELD STARCH 11 tlie only kind used in | - ! * ir Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLKNTIKI . D STAIICH . are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out tl O directions printed on every package . 11 _ i s rather more il ill cult to make than other Starches , but when this is oveiiume , they will . sny » ike the Queen's Laundress , thai it is the I ' HICM St : in : h they ever us-cu . When yon ask / or the Glenfield , see that you get it . Printed by Brother J AMKS ADLEV RHBV ' / AKI * SON , Playhouse Yard , lilackfriars , in the City of London ; and published by the Proprietor , Brother GKOKKR . KKNNING , at his t Mtices . 2 , 3 and 4 * Little Britain , and 198 , Klect-slrect , it- ** f ' nv of I nmlon , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the county of Lancaster .- — 1 SATURDAY , OCTOUUX 21 , 187 ; ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1835 , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ 25 each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , for any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) . Secretary . Offices : —107 a , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK . BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hint to purchase a Plot of Land for five Shillings per month ¦ With I mmrdiate Possession . eithcr for Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . HO -JJ to Invest Money with safety al £ e \ . per cent . Interest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under £ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplieJ . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT , Mamaer .
THE UPHALL MINERAL OIL COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . The Paraffin Oil manufactured by this Company is now admitted 10 be the finest in the market . D . FLANNERY , 15 , BACHELOR ' S "WALK , DUBLIN , Sole Agent for Ireland .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or withont a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 484 , Oxlord-slrcct , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec . MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable bv instalments . Stamp for re > ly . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY ( Limitei ) , 3 , Tavistock-street , Covcnt-garden , and 14 , Southampton-row , Hluoinsbury . P . J . HARVEY , Sec .
TO CONCESSIONAIRES , PROMOTERS , and FINANCIAL AGENTS . —Shares in new undertakings successfully influenced and placed . — Address , in perfect conliden-e , "Operator , " care of Brother John Baptist Wolpcrt , Advertising Agent , 24 , Austin Friars , London , E . C . MR . RICHARD RING , Solicitor , of 29 , Frederick Street , Gray ' s Inn , beys to infirm his Clients that he has opened an Office at 23 , WORSHIP STRHHT . KINSISI-KV , and tha Divorce Cases are conductc ! . Arrangements wilh Creditors promptly made under the present bankruptcy Act . WILLIAM WINSOR , of 3 , Milcs ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imp -rts CIGARSofthc very Kinesl llrands only , and Manufactures Cigars from theChoicc-lTol . accos . Wholesale and Uctail .
The Case of Annie M . Pattison . M RS . PATTISON , of Colchester , Essex , begs to express her most sincere and heartfelt THANKS to all tlie Brethren who , hy their activity and zeal , secured the election of her child to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . COMMISSION . —Wanted , a first-class MAN to represent a well-known Rheinis Champagne House in Scotland and Ireland . None need apply except those with a good connection , and who enn furnish jjuuil references addressed to Iiro . Jehu Baptist Wolperl , Advertising Agent , 24 ., Austin Friars , City .
THE SOUTH-WESTERN INDEX LIST of -L Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES TO HE LET , and of ESTATES FOR SALE in the SOUTH-WEST of LONDON , is published Monihly by MR . JAS . STEVENS , AUCTIONEER . X . ' ESTATE AGENT . CLAPHAM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those scehing Resident es , and saving much trouble in ubtai in _; inforiiialiuil of properties for disposal ill the S . W . district . Send postcard wilh your address , and a copy will be forwarded by eturn jiusl . TH E L O N D O N _ M Roll . Published every Baturday : price nd . The object of ibis journal is lo set l"rth ihe claims of the many Religious . Educational , Jlciievolent , ami Prudential Institutions of tlie United Kingdom , and week by week to report their proce-.-dirigs , whether as Meetings , ermons , Amiiversa . ies , or Elections , so as 10 present these National Institutions to the favour of tbe Public . Office , 59 , Soulhamploii-ruw , P . usscl | . _ . i | iiare , London , W . C .
" T FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . X —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by CJuti . FRANK GOI : LI : V , CiMiid Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand llodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of the world ajij will be found of great advantage 10 all Masons , especially those : Htcrestcd in American affairs . Terms j .- per annum , and to those who subscribe for the l _ ondon _ . ''_ . _ I _ . VSON the price will bc $ 1 50 currency . / cstage free . Subscriptions received by the Loudon FHI . I _ MASON . THE MASONIC TROWEL . —A Masonic Journal , published on the ijth of every month , by H . G . REYNOLDS , Jun ., Springfield , Illinois , United States of America . Sixteen pages targe ounru . Circulation 20 , 000 monthly . ' Terms to lie oblaincd , and Subscriptions received , at TMH FRF . R - MASON Office , 3 , 3 , and 4 , Lilllc IJritain , and forwarded frc « af charge . ^
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 3 / 9 per Yard . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . THE RED CROSS SONG ; composed by Bro . H . PARKER , words by Bro . R . W . LITTLE ... 3 / 0 WHAT BETTER THEME THAN MASONRY ? words by Bro . J AMES STEVENS ; music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ ... ... ... . ... 4 / 0 BROTHERLY LOVE , RELIEF AND TRUTH ; written by Bio . SEWELI , ; composed by Bro . J . RHODES ... ... ... ... .. 4 / 0 THE FINAL TOAST ; written by D . L . RICHARDSON ; music by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW 3 / 0 THE E . A . SONG ; arranged by the late Bro . PARRY , ofthe " Lodge of Antiquity , " No . 2 ... 6 d . MASONIC HARMONIA ... ... ... 7 / 0 MASONIC MUSIC , compiled for the use of lhe "Merchants Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . YouNGHUSliAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., and P . Piov . J . G . W . West Lancashire ... ... 6 d THE FREEMASON ( Tell me the sign , John ) ; written by GEORGE PALMER ... .. ... 3 / 0 THREE TIMES THREE ; Composed by Bro . HARROWAY , " Royal York Lodge , " Bri ghton ... 3 / 0 THE SHAKE OF THE HAND ( in G & B flat ) ; composed by J OHN BLOCKI . EY ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASONS' FESTIVAL MARCH & MASONIC HYMN , by ibo . \ V . B . TOLPUTT ( I ' asl Master of the "Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON QUADRILLES ; inscribed ( by permission ) to the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , KG . ; by Bro . J OSHUA MARSHALL ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) , Solo or Duett ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 MUSICFORTHECEREMONYOFADVANCEM KNT TO Tl 1 E MARK DEG REE ; composed by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , dedicated to the Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . li . Portal ... ... 3 / 0 All the above Half-Price . TIIIC MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . BAKER , No . 241 ... ... ... ... ... 1 / 0
MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . Sickcl ' s Aliimau Kezon ( cloth ) ... ... ... 5 /" ,, Freemason ' s . Monitor ( tucks ) ... 4 / S R . A . Companion ... ... ... ... 3 / 6 Guide to tlie Chapter ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / - Manual ,, ... ... ... 2 / 6 Book A . and A . Kite .. ... ... 17 / 6 R . ami S . M . Council Monitor ... ... ... 3 / 6 Swcdciibouru Kite ... ... ... 4 / 6 Masonic Token ( cloth i ^ ilt ) ... ... ... 7 / - Macoy ' s Manuel K . Star ... ... ... 3 / 3 Simons li . lv . Commandery ( tucks ) ... ... 3 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... ... ... 3 / 6 Chase ' s Digest of Masonic Law ... ... ... 5 / 6 l'ierson ' s Tra , liiiuns ... ... ... 7 l-Signcl of King Solomon ... ... ... 4 / 6 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) ... ... 5 / 6 Simon ' sjuiispiiideiice .. ... ... ... 5 / 6 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) ... .,. 9 / - Oliituary Rites ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Masonic Gatherings , l > y Bro . G Taylor , P . M ... 5 / 0 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lockwooii ' s Masonic Law ... ... ... 4 / - \ Yebb ' s Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... ... 3 / 6 Drew ' s Handbook ,, ... ... ... 3 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moral Design ... ... ... 3 / 6 Woodruffs Masonic Code ... ... ... 2 / - Lighls and Shadows ( cloth ) ... ... ... 6 / - Cross True Masonic Chart ... ... ... 4 / 6 Mystic Tie ( cloth ) ... ... ... ... 5 / 6 Ritual of Freemasonry ... ... ... I 4 f-Rellccled Rays of Lighl' ... ... ... 1 / - Red Cross Statutes ... ... ... 1 / 6 Fieemasoniy iu Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ... ... .. ... 1 / - Kingston Masonic Annual ... ... ... 3 /" Knight Templar Sermon .. ... ... 6 d . T . ie Rosicrucian S . G . C . Regulations ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 Royal Arch ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 G . L . Constitutions ... ... ... ... 1 / 6 i \_ aik Constitutions ... ... ... 2 / 6 Knights Templar Statute ... ... 3 / 6 and 5 / 6 Crall , Mark , R . A ., R C , R . +, K . T . Books . Vols . 1 , 11 ., and 1 II . of the 1 ' UKK . MASON , 4 / 6 , 7 / 6 & 15 / - Book of Illustrations Clothing and Jewels ( coloured ) 2 ) 6 General I listory of Freemasonry ( Kebold in Europe ) 15 / - W 01 Id ' s Masonic Register , Hyncman ... ... 17 / 6 Stories of the Fireside , Barber ... ... 7 / 6 Cosmopolitan . Masonic Calendar , 1 S 71 and 1 S 72 ... 2 / - Grand Loilge Calendar ... ... ... 2 / - Lodge Bibles ... ... . . 15 / - 21 / - 42 / - Chaplcr Bibles ... ... ... 15 / - 21 / - 42 / - Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland ... 3 / 6 Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look ... .. 6 / - WANTED . —PUPILS to learn CHROMOLITHOGRAPH Y ( a notion of drawing required ) . t Mr . Rosenthal ' s , 2 , Red Lion Square .
The Lombard Exchange & News Room ,, LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERMS : £ s . d . Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... 330 Annual Subscription ... ... ... 330 Members residing and carrying en business at a distance of fifty miles and upwards from London , Merchant Captains , & Clerks to Subscribers ( no entrance fee ) ... I 1 o The Room is well supplied with newspapers , telegrams , and books of reference . It includes a Post-office , Poste Restante , Telegraph-office , Reading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines for the use of subscribers . BRO . JOHN II . YOUNGHUSBAND , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C ., P . P . J . G . W ., & c , Manager . Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Silver and Gold Engraver of Arms , Crests \ Monograms , and Inscriptions , RATHBONE PLACE . OXFORD-STREET , LONDON , W . Volunteer Prizes and Presentation Badges engraved with great dispatch \ Vatc Cases Enamelled with Arms and . Monograms . , Saw-pierced Monograms made in Metal-Gilt Silver , or Gold , and mounted to Book Covers or Cigar Cases . Masonic emblems made . DIE-SINKING DEPARTMENT . Notepaper and Envelope Dies Sunk for Relief Plain , or Illuminating . Company ' s Seals and Ornamental Dies cut for Jewellers * Relief and Illuminated Stamping executed . Stationery supplied . Circular and Sample Sheets Free . REEVES , SON and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Book Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON . E . C . Next the "Times" Office . EEVES , SON and CO ., Publishers . EEVES , SON and CO ., _» Newspaper Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Magazine Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., ' Law Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Commercial Printers EEVES , SON and CO ., \ " Show Card Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Label Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Ornamental and Colour Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., Bankers' Cheque Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Copper Plate Printers . EEVES , SON and CO ., lithographic Printers . p EEVES , SON and CO ., \ JL \ . Lithographic Artists . EEVES , SON and CO ., Map Printers and Colourcra . EEVES , SON and CO ^ Designers . RF . EVES , SON and CO ., Slereotypers . "n EEVES ^ " S 0 N and CO ., -IV Engravers ant ! Dic-Sinkcr * . "n EEVES , SON nnd CO . oiler many ndv .-miaRCS . IV to Manur : utiiii : rs and all persons re » i : itriii ^ T ar _; c ijiiantilics oi' l ' : i ; ior ami Printing , us they pussess the IIM-I ; n i " --w . l m : uJiinery , a-i u-t . il as every other f . ici . ity for executing ur-Ju \ s entrusted to IIK-M : in the ch-. vipyst and he ^ t i-iamier . A- tVliLlSlIKK . S , their Offices are very central , and they render aoxuuts monthly . gORWICK'S BAKING POWDER JJAS BEEN AWARDED I WO GOLD MEDALS JPOR its SUPERIORITY over all OTHERS . JyJAKES BREAD , PASTRY , PUDDINGS . & c . „ LIGHT and WHOLESOME . gOLD in id . and 2 d . PACKETS , ^ LSO 6 d . aivl is . PATENT BOXES . GLENFIELD STARCH 11 tlie only kind used in | - ! * ir Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLKNTIKI . D STAIICH . are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out tl O directions printed on every package . 11 _ i s rather more il ill cult to make than other Starches , but when this is oveiiume , they will . sny » ike the Queen's Laundress , thai it is the I ' HICM St : in : h they ever us-cu . When yon ask / or the Glenfield , see that you get it . Printed by Brother J AMKS ADLEV RHBV ' / AKI * SON , Playhouse Yard , lilackfriars , in the City of London ; and published by the Proprietor , Brother GKOKKR . KKNNING , at his t Mtices . 2 , 3 and 4 * Little Britain , and 198 , Klect-slrect , it- ** f ' nv of I nmlon , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the county of Lancaster .- — 1 SATURDAY , OCTOUUX 21 , 187 ; ,