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P ^ ATE ^ TY RESTAU RANT , STRAND . LUNCHEONS ( HOT AND COLD ) At Popular Prices , in BUFFET and RESTAURANT ( on First Floor ) , also Chops , Steaks , Joints , Entrees , Sic ., in the GRILL ROOM . AFTERNOON TEA , Consisting of Tea or Coffee , Cut Bread and Butter , Jam , Cake , Pastry , ad lib ., at Is . per head , served from 4 till 6 in RESTAURANT ( First Floor ) . DINNERS IN RESTAURANT , From 5 . 30 till 9 , at fixed prices ( 3 s . 6 d . and 5 s . ) and a la Caite . In this room THE VIENNESE BAND performs from 6 till S . Smoking after 7 . 45 . AMERICAN BAR . THE GRILL ROOM is open till 12 . 30 . PRIVATE DINING ROOMS for large and small Parties . SPIERS & POND , Ltd ., PROPRIETORS .
NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1836 . LONDON : 1 , MOORGATE STREET , E . C . ABERDEEN : 1 , UNION TERRACE . INCOME AND FUNDS ( 1895 ) . Tire Premiums £ 7 ^ 2 , 000 Life Premiums 239 . Interest ¦¦ . » 172 , 000 ^ cumulated Funds ... . £ 4 , 671 , 000
SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 21 , 1896 . -A
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
We have been requested to state that the petitions ° ' candidates for the Royal Masonic Institution for lr | s whose names it is desired to have entered on the lbt "n time for them to be entitled to compete at the ' •'Mtion in April , 1897 , must reach the offices of the '^ titulion , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , not later than llm rsday , the ioth December .
* * * 'he annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of r 'rthumberland , which will take place , as previously Enounced , at Alnwick on Tuesday next , the 24 th "slant , wil ] be held under the auspices of the Alnwick 0 () Ke , No . H 67 , which has been charged with the ) ' of making the necessary arrangements for the '•"I'tior . of the R . W . Bro . the P . ight Hon . Sir M .
Masonic Notes.
VVhite Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., his oflicers , and the brethren . The Assembly Rooms has been selected as the place of meeting , and the Prov . Grand Lodge will be opened at 2 . 30 p . m . There is a tolerably full programme of business to be transacted , while dinner will be served at the Corn Exchange at 5 . 30 p . m .
The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sussex will be held , in accordance with our previous announcement , at the Town Hall , Hastings , on Wednesday , the 25 th instant , at 3 . 45 p . m . precisely . It is expected that H . R . H . the Prov . Grand Master will preside on the occasion , while dinner will take place
at the Queen's Hotel at 5 p . m . The Provincial Boards of Finance and General Purposes will meet at the Town Hall at 2 p . m . to allow of their giving the final touches to their respective reports . There is nothing out of the ordinary course of business entered on the Agenda , unless , indeed , it be the appointment
of three brethren to the brevet rank of Past Prov . G . Officers . # * * A convocation of the Prov . Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire will be held in the Masonic Hall , Long Causeway , Dewsbury at 3 . 30 p . m . to-day ( Friday ) ,
the Chapter of the Three Grand Principles , No . 208 , being in charge of the necessary arrangements , both for the Prov . Grand Chapter and for the tea which will be served at 5 p . m . in the banquet room of the Town Hall . In the course of the proceedings , the Grand Superintendent , M . E . Comp . W . L . Jackson , M . P ., will deliver an address .
New Brighton , in the Province of Cheshire , will be the scene of a highly interesting function on Wednesday , the 2 nd prox ., when Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd , P . G . D . England , D . P . G . M . of Cheshire , assisted by Bros . Col . Dean , Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Jackson , Prov . J . G . W . j the Rev . C . Chetwynd Atkinson ,
Prov . G . Chaplain ; R . Newhouse , D . G . S . B . England , Prov . G . Secretary ; and other officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , will consecrate the New Brighton Lodge , No . 2619 . The proceedings will take plice at 2 . 30 p . m ., at the Victoria Hotel , where the lodge has
established its quarters , and will be followed by the customary banquet at 5 p . m . The founders are iS in number , and the principal officers designate Bros . Col . Dean , W . M . ; Joseph Quilliam Roby , S . W . ; and Simon Jude , J . VV . * » *
It is to be regretted the weather was unfavourable for outdoor displays on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., which was the day appointed for laying the foundation-stone of the new barracks about to bs erected at Darwen for the ist Volunteer Battalion of the Eist Lancashire
Regiment , with Masonic ceremonial by Bro . Col , Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . Master of East Lancashire . It is also to be regretted that thit Right Worshipful brother was prevented by in Jisposition from fulfilling his engagement . His place , however , was ably filled by Bro . Lieut .-Col . Robinsyn , commanding
the battalion , who impressively discharged the duty which would have devolved upon Bro . Col . Starkie . There was a very full attendance of the officers and members of the Lodge of Harmony and Industry under Bro . 1 . Wardley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . East
Lancashire , the Deputy Master , and numerous visiting brethren , while the military and municipil elements were even more numerously represented , the land on which the barracks are to be erected being the gilt of the Corporation of Darwen .
Considering also the state of the weather , and that overcoats and umbrellas were the order ol the day , ther e was a large gathering of spectators at the site where the stone was laid and along the line of route followed by the processson . However , the ceremony was got through expeditiously , and when the function was over ,
the Darwen Lodge , with its nti nerous visitors , and a goodly muster of fair ladies , devoted the evening to music and dancing , which were continued with animition till 11 p . m . We regret that owing to the very heavy demands upon our space , we are under the necessity of deferring the publication of our report of the gathering till next week .
* A ' new Rose Croix Chapter , bearing the title of "The Earl of Lathom , " after the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , M . P . Sovereign G . Commander of the Supreme Council , 33 " , of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite , and ranking as No . 137 on the roll , was consecrated at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday , the 13 th instant , by M . III . Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , Past M . P . S . G . C , Lieutenant Grand Commander , who was assisted by Bros . Frank Richardson , 33 ° ; R . Loveland Loveland , 33 ° ; J . H . Matthews
Masonic Notes.
33 ; and other members of the Council . Bro . Major G . H . N . Bridges , V . D ., M . VV . S . designate , was afterwards installed in office by Bro . Frank Richardson , 33 ° , and appointed his oflicers for the ensuing year . Bath ceremonies went admirably , and we regret we are under the necessity of postponing our report till next week .
* » * It will be seen from the report we publish elsewhere that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire has followed in the wake of those of Kent , Shropshire , Gloucestershire , Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , and so many other Provinces by passinga resolution to the effect that the action of the Board of
Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys with reference to the removal of the School to a more desirable locality " commends itself to this Provincial Grand Lodge as worthy of the hearty and liberal support of all Subscribers to the Institution and of the Craft generally . " * # #
A somewhat similar resolution was passed at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , held under the presidency of the Right . Hon . the Earl of Jersey , on Tuesday , the ioth instant , our report of which we are under the necessity of holding over . At this gathering the Secretary of the R . M . I .
for Boys was present , and was invited to give the brethren the benefit of his information on the subject . When he had done so , the Prov . Grand Secretary moved , and Bro . the Rev . H . Adair Pickard , Past G . Chaplain , seconded , a resolution to the effect that " This Provincial Grand Lodge cordially approves of
the step that has been taken to remove the Boys ' School to a healthier locality , where increased advantages to the Boys may be given , and expresses its confidence that the Board of Management of the Institution will carry out the scheme to the best interests
of the Craft . " Before putting the resolution to the meeting , which adopted it unanimously , Lord Jersey said Prov . Grand Lodge was greatly indebted to Bro . McLeod for his clear and full statement of the case , and expressed his entire approval of the proposal . * * *
Our readers will learn , with the sincerest regret , that Bro . Joseph Todd , who for so many years has been one of the brightest ornaments of the Craft in the Province of North and East Yorkshire , and who last year was honoured with the appointment of Grand Standard Bearer of Grand Lodge , h is just died suddenly . An account of his Masonic career will appear next week .
We are very pleased to hear that a scheme for creeling a testimonial cottage on the Masonic grounds , Punt-road , Melbourne , as a compliment to Bro . Sir W . ] . Clarke , Bart , Past G . Master and Pro G . Master of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria , has made good progress , and that though on the ist October only a
portion of the lodges had deilt with the matter , the sum of . £ 331 had been subscribed . The list was to close on the 31 st ult ., so that there was ample time for the other lodges to join in the testimonial . The first stone of the cottage was to be laid with Masonic ceremonial by Bro . Lord Brassey , M . W . G . M ., on Saturday , the 24 th ult . We learn also from the proceedings of
Grand Lodge , on the ist September , that a motion was carried by acclamation , to the effect that an address of thanks be passed to Bro . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., for his services as M . W . Grand Master of Victoria during a period of seven years , and that the said address be prepared and engrossed under the direction of the Board of General Purposes and formally presented to Bro . Sir VV . J . Clarke .
# ? * The report of the Board of General Purposes was a lengthy one , and contained several recommendations , as to sundry of which considerable discussion arose , while one or two of them were struck out . The
recommendation that the salary of the Grand Secretary should be increased from . £ 400 to . £ 450 was adopted almost unanimously , there being a numerous section of the brethren present who were in favour of the increased salary being fixed at . £ 500 per annum . From
several of the clauses in the report , it is evident that very great care is being taken to ensure strict obedience to the Book of Constitutions , and also that only worthy persons are accepted as candidates for admission into our Order . Two cases of this latter description was cited in Clauses 13 and 14 .
* In the former a Past Master of a suburban lodge charged the W . M . of another suburban lodge with un-Masonic conduct in balloting for and accepting a candidate of whom " the tongue of good report had not been heard . " The matter was investigated , when it was shown that the W . M . was free from all blame ,
having taken more than usual care in making the necessary inquiries as to the fitness of the candidate . " At the same time , it was shown that the Past Master , from the evidence he adduced , was actuated solely by a desire to maintain the purity of the Craft . In the end , the Board instructed the W . M . not to initiate the candidate respecting whom the charge was made .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
P ^ ATE ^ TY RESTAU RANT , STRAND . LUNCHEONS ( HOT AND COLD ) At Popular Prices , in BUFFET and RESTAURANT ( on First Floor ) , also Chops , Steaks , Joints , Entrees , Sic ., in the GRILL ROOM . AFTERNOON TEA , Consisting of Tea or Coffee , Cut Bread and Butter , Jam , Cake , Pastry , ad lib ., at Is . per head , served from 4 till 6 in RESTAURANT ( First Floor ) . DINNERS IN RESTAURANT , From 5 . 30 till 9 , at fixed prices ( 3 s . 6 d . and 5 s . ) and a la Caite . In this room THE VIENNESE BAND performs from 6 till S . Smoking after 7 . 45 . AMERICAN BAR . THE GRILL ROOM is open till 12 . 30 . PRIVATE DINING ROOMS for large and small Parties . SPIERS & POND , Ltd ., PROPRIETORS .
NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY . Established 1836 . LONDON : 1 , MOORGATE STREET , E . C . ABERDEEN : 1 , UNION TERRACE . INCOME AND FUNDS ( 1895 ) . Tire Premiums £ 7 ^ 2 , 000 Life Premiums 239 . Interest ¦¦ . » 172 , 000 ^ cumulated Funds ... . £ 4 , 671 , 000
SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 21 , 1896 . -A
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
We have been requested to state that the petitions ° ' candidates for the Royal Masonic Institution for lr | s whose names it is desired to have entered on the lbt "n time for them to be entitled to compete at the ' •'Mtion in April , 1897 , must reach the offices of the '^ titulion , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , not later than llm rsday , the ioth December .
* * * 'he annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of r 'rthumberland , which will take place , as previously Enounced , at Alnwick on Tuesday next , the 24 th "slant , wil ] be held under the auspices of the Alnwick 0 () Ke , No . H 67 , which has been charged with the ) ' of making the necessary arrangements for the '•"I'tior . of the R . W . Bro . the P . ight Hon . Sir M .
Masonic Notes.
VVhite Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., his oflicers , and the brethren . The Assembly Rooms has been selected as the place of meeting , and the Prov . Grand Lodge will be opened at 2 . 30 p . m . There is a tolerably full programme of business to be transacted , while dinner will be served at the Corn Exchange at 5 . 30 p . m .
The annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Sussex will be held , in accordance with our previous announcement , at the Town Hall , Hastings , on Wednesday , the 25 th instant , at 3 . 45 p . m . precisely . It is expected that H . R . H . the Prov . Grand Master will preside on the occasion , while dinner will take place
at the Queen's Hotel at 5 p . m . The Provincial Boards of Finance and General Purposes will meet at the Town Hall at 2 p . m . to allow of their giving the final touches to their respective reports . There is nothing out of the ordinary course of business entered on the Agenda , unless , indeed , it be the appointment
of three brethren to the brevet rank of Past Prov . G . Officers . # * * A convocation of the Prov . Grand Chapter of West Yorkshire will be held in the Masonic Hall , Long Causeway , Dewsbury at 3 . 30 p . m . to-day ( Friday ) ,
the Chapter of the Three Grand Principles , No . 208 , being in charge of the necessary arrangements , both for the Prov . Grand Chapter and for the tea which will be served at 5 p . m . in the banquet room of the Town Hall . In the course of the proceedings , the Grand Superintendent , M . E . Comp . W . L . Jackson , M . P ., will deliver an address .
New Brighton , in the Province of Cheshire , will be the scene of a highly interesting function on Wednesday , the 2 nd prox ., when Bro . Sir Horatio Lloyd , P . G . D . England , D . P . G . M . of Cheshire , assisted by Bros . Col . Dean , Prov . S . G . W . ; Henry Jackson , Prov . J . G . W . j the Rev . C . Chetwynd Atkinson ,
Prov . G . Chaplain ; R . Newhouse , D . G . S . B . England , Prov . G . Secretary ; and other officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , will consecrate the New Brighton Lodge , No . 2619 . The proceedings will take plice at 2 . 30 p . m ., at the Victoria Hotel , where the lodge has
established its quarters , and will be followed by the customary banquet at 5 p . m . The founders are iS in number , and the principal officers designate Bros . Col . Dean , W . M . ; Joseph Quilliam Roby , S . W . ; and Simon Jude , J . VV . * » *
It is to be regretted the weather was unfavourable for outdoor displays on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., which was the day appointed for laying the foundation-stone of the new barracks about to bs erected at Darwen for the ist Volunteer Battalion of the Eist Lancashire
Regiment , with Masonic ceremonial by Bro . Col , Le Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . Master of East Lancashire . It is also to be regretted that thit Right Worshipful brother was prevented by in Jisposition from fulfilling his engagement . His place , however , was ably filled by Bro . Lieut .-Col . Robinsyn , commanding
the battalion , who impressively discharged the duty which would have devolved upon Bro . Col . Starkie . There was a very full attendance of the officers and members of the Lodge of Harmony and Industry under Bro . 1 . Wardley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . East
Lancashire , the Deputy Master , and numerous visiting brethren , while the military and municipil elements were even more numerously represented , the land on which the barracks are to be erected being the gilt of the Corporation of Darwen .
Considering also the state of the weather , and that overcoats and umbrellas were the order ol the day , ther e was a large gathering of spectators at the site where the stone was laid and along the line of route followed by the processson . However , the ceremony was got through expeditiously , and when the function was over ,
the Darwen Lodge , with its nti nerous visitors , and a goodly muster of fair ladies , devoted the evening to music and dancing , which were continued with animition till 11 p . m . We regret that owing to the very heavy demands upon our space , we are under the necessity of deferring the publication of our report of the gathering till next week .
* A ' new Rose Croix Chapter , bearing the title of "The Earl of Lathom , " after the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , M . P . Sovereign G . Commander of the Supreme Council , 33 " , of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite , and ranking as No . 137 on the roll , was consecrated at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday , the 13 th instant , by M . III . Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , Past M . P . S . G . C , Lieutenant Grand Commander , who was assisted by Bros . Frank Richardson , 33 ° ; R . Loveland Loveland , 33 ° ; J . H . Matthews
Masonic Notes.
33 ; and other members of the Council . Bro . Major G . H . N . Bridges , V . D ., M . VV . S . designate , was afterwards installed in office by Bro . Frank Richardson , 33 ° , and appointed his oflicers for the ensuing year . Bath ceremonies went admirably , and we regret we are under the necessity of postponing our report till next week .
* » * It will be seen from the report we publish elsewhere that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire has followed in the wake of those of Kent , Shropshire , Gloucestershire , Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , and so many other Provinces by passinga resolution to the effect that the action of the Board of
Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys with reference to the removal of the School to a more desirable locality " commends itself to this Provincial Grand Lodge as worthy of the hearty and liberal support of all Subscribers to the Institution and of the Craft generally . " * # #
A somewhat similar resolution was passed at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , held under the presidency of the Right . Hon . the Earl of Jersey , on Tuesday , the ioth instant , our report of which we are under the necessity of holding over . At this gathering the Secretary of the R . M . I .
for Boys was present , and was invited to give the brethren the benefit of his information on the subject . When he had done so , the Prov . Grand Secretary moved , and Bro . the Rev . H . Adair Pickard , Past G . Chaplain , seconded , a resolution to the effect that " This Provincial Grand Lodge cordially approves of
the step that has been taken to remove the Boys ' School to a healthier locality , where increased advantages to the Boys may be given , and expresses its confidence that the Board of Management of the Institution will carry out the scheme to the best interests
of the Craft . " Before putting the resolution to the meeting , which adopted it unanimously , Lord Jersey said Prov . Grand Lodge was greatly indebted to Bro . McLeod for his clear and full statement of the case , and expressed his entire approval of the proposal . * * *
Our readers will learn , with the sincerest regret , that Bro . Joseph Todd , who for so many years has been one of the brightest ornaments of the Craft in the Province of North and East Yorkshire , and who last year was honoured with the appointment of Grand Standard Bearer of Grand Lodge , h is just died suddenly . An account of his Masonic career will appear next week .
We are very pleased to hear that a scheme for creeling a testimonial cottage on the Masonic grounds , Punt-road , Melbourne , as a compliment to Bro . Sir W . ] . Clarke , Bart , Past G . Master and Pro G . Master of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria , has made good progress , and that though on the ist October only a
portion of the lodges had deilt with the matter , the sum of . £ 331 had been subscribed . The list was to close on the 31 st ult ., so that there was ample time for the other lodges to join in the testimonial . The first stone of the cottage was to be laid with Masonic ceremonial by Bro . Lord Brassey , M . W . G . M ., on Saturday , the 24 th ult . We learn also from the proceedings of
Grand Lodge , on the ist September , that a motion was carried by acclamation , to the effect that an address of thanks be passed to Bro . Sir W . J . Clarke , Bart ., for his services as M . W . Grand Master of Victoria during a period of seven years , and that the said address be prepared and engrossed under the direction of the Board of General Purposes and formally presented to Bro . Sir VV . J . Clarke .
# ? * The report of the Board of General Purposes was a lengthy one , and contained several recommendations , as to sundry of which considerable discussion arose , while one or two of them were struck out . The
recommendation that the salary of the Grand Secretary should be increased from . £ 400 to . £ 450 was adopted almost unanimously , there being a numerous section of the brethren present who were in favour of the increased salary being fixed at . £ 500 per annum . From
several of the clauses in the report , it is evident that very great care is being taken to ensure strict obedience to the Book of Constitutions , and also that only worthy persons are accepted as candidates for admission into our Order . Two cases of this latter description was cited in Clauses 13 and 14 .
* In the former a Past Master of a suburban lodge charged the W . M . of another suburban lodge with un-Masonic conduct in balloting for and accepting a candidate of whom " the tongue of good report had not been heard . " The matter was investigated , when it was shown that the W . M . was free from all blame ,
having taken more than usual care in making the necessary inquiries as to the fitness of the candidate . " At the same time , it was shown that the Past Master , from the evidence he adduced , was actuated solely by a desire to maintain the purity of the Craft . In the end , the Board instructed the W . M . not to initiate the candidate respecting whom the charge was made .