Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Rosicrucian Society of England. Page 1 of 1 Article Gibraltar. Page 1 of 1 Article BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article GALLERY LODGE CONCERT. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1
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Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE , —Royal Kent Preceptory ( No . 8 ) . —This preceptory vvas opened on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , by the E . P . Sir Knight Charles Rutter Fry , 30 , assisted by the officers . The V . E . Sir Knight Charles lames Banister , Pro Prior ; Sir Knight Col . James Moncks , 0
Past P . Sub . Prior , 30 ; and Sir Knight Henry Maddison , P . E . P ., 30 ; with the Sword and Banner Bearers , vvere received under an arch of steel . V . E . Pro Pi ior Sir Knight Charles James Banister , Past Grand Captain of England , & c , & c , was saluted in due form . The minutes of the last meeting vvere read and confirmed . Sir Knight Thomas John Armstrong , 1 st Capt ., E . P . elect , was presented by P . E . P . Sir Knight Henry Maddison for
installation , to the E . P . Sir Knight C . R . Fry , 30 ° , vvho installed his successor most impressively , and received the congratulations of the V . E . Prov . Prior , Sir Knight C . J . Banister , and the Past Commanders , and Past Preceptors . The E . Preceptor then appointed his ofiicers for thc year .
Business over , the preceptory was closed . The banquet was held in the dining hall under the presidency of the E . P ., which vvas all that could be desired . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts vvere severally proposed and responded to .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
Rosicrucian Society of England .
METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The annual meeting of this college vvas held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 16 a , Great Queen-street , there vvas a large attendance , including the Supreme Magus of the Order , W . R . Woodman , M . D ., 9 ° , the Junior Sub . Magus ; J . L . Thomas , 9 ° ; Wm . Wynn Westcott , M . B ., Hon . Magus , 0 ° , and Secretary ; Fratres W . I . Ferguson
and Eugene Thiellay , both S ° ; S . L . M . Mathers and F . H . Gottlieb , both Hon . S ° ; Frater T . S . Bulmer , Chief Adept of Australia ; and Fratres Roy , Coffin , W . G . Lemon , J . J . Thomas , H . H . Shirley , Nelson Prower , T . O . Harding , T . VV . Lemon , M . A . ; George Kenning , and many others . Bro . T . G . Robinson having been duly elected and advanced
to the Degree of Zelator by the M . T ., Frater Thiellay , in his usual graceful and perfect manner , and Frater Macgregor Mathers having acted as C . of Ns ., completed the ceremony in the impressive manner vvhich has made him a reputation . Jewels of honour vvere presented to Fratres Dr . Woodman , James Lewis Thomas , and Ferguson for the impoitant services they had rendered during their terms of Mastership .
The yearly audit vvas performed by Fratres Roy and J . J . Thomas , vvho reported that after payment of ordinary expenses , and also of the publication of the annual report , the college owned a balance of sixty-seven pounds odd . Frater Robert Roy vvas unanimously elected M . of the T . foo the ensuing year , and Frater Dr . Woodman re-elected as Treasurer for the fourth year in succession . The other
officers were then appointed as follows : Fratres T . C . Walls , D . M . ; John Collinson , 1 st Ancient ; W . Wynn Westcott , 2 nd Ancient and Secretary ; H . J . Lardner , 3 rd Ancient ; S . L . M . Mathers , 4 th Ancient ; George Cockle , 5 th Ancient ; T . W . Coffin , 6 th Ancient ; Wm . Ackland , 7 th Ancient ; Webster Glynes , Precentor ; W . G . Lemon , Con . of Ns . ; T . W . Lemon , Chaplain and Organist ; J .
J . Thomas , T . B . j Eugene Street , Herald : Jones Parry , Medallist ; William Lake , G . of T . ; John Gilbert , Janitor . An honorary Past Master ' s jewel vvas awarded to R . W . Frater Thiellay on his retiring from the chair , and the Secretary was requested to petition the S . M . to allow the college to confer ihe Degree of Honorary Past Masterof the college upon Frater George Kenning , the third oldest
member surviving and subscribing . A proposition by Frater T . C . Walls lapsed . Two formal propositions concerning candidates and subscribers vvere passed , and ordered to take effect at once . A warm greeting was extended to an old member , Frater Gottlieb , vvho has been long absent , and to the chief Adept of Australia , Dr . Bulmer , now on a visit to England .
After the closure of the convocation the fraters adjourned to a light repast at the Holborn Restaurant ; there vvere several excellent speeches , and very high approbation was expressed of the services of the S . M ., the Past Masters , and of the Secretary . A special Jubilee Convocation , to
be held in the summer to greet the Supreme Magus of the United States , vvho is about to visit England , was mentioned as under consideration . The annual meeting of the High Council vvas not held , on account of the absence of one of its officials whose presence vvas necessary forthe transaction of business .
Gibraltar .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . ALAMEDA . —Europa Chapter ( No . 14 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter vvas held on Saturday , the gth inst ., at the new Masonic Hall . It was the first meeting held under the presidency of the present M . W . S ., Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 30 ° , and proved a marked success . All the chambers had been re-arranged and re-furnished in a most complete manner under the
supenntendance of the Recorder , Bro . Cottrell , and the Degree was exceptionally well worked . The following members vvere present : III . Bro .-Sir H . Burford-Hancock , 30 ° , M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . W . F . Roberts , P . M . W . S ., acting Prelate ; Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., ist General ; G . O'Mulley , 2 nd General ; W . F . Cottrell , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treasurer ; W . U . Thornton , G . Marshal ;
H . P . Wylie , Raphael ; T . S . Jerome , C . of G . ; J . King , Org . ; M . Ghio , Equerry ; A . ' Patterson , P . M . W . S . ; and W . Glassford , P . M . W . S . Visitors : Bros . C . A . Gorham P . M . W . S . ; R . E . Owen , and C . T . Davenport . The business of the evening was the perfection of the following brethren : Bros . Lieut .-Col . J . L . Tweedie , D . S . O . ; Lieut .-Colonel Morgan Crofton , D . S . O . ; Capt . H . Stewart , and Lieut . H . di S . Burford-Hancock . The
ballot having been taken and proving unanimous , they were advanced in a faultless manner by the M . W . S ., vvho complimented the officers on the excellency of the woiking , and cordially thanked the Recorder for the zeal and taste displayed in the re-arrangement of the rooms . At the conclusion of the business , the companions adjourned to the banquet room , were the remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent .
Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of thc Board of Benevolence vvas held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Sen or Vice-President , and Bto . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , occupied their respective chairs . Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., A . A . Pendlebury ,
W . Dodd , and VV . H . Lee , attended from the Grand Secretary's department , and there vvere also present Bros . VV . P . Brown , D . D . Mercer , Henry Garrod , W . H . Peiryman , J . E . Le Feuvre , Edgar Bowyer , J . H . Matthews , Charles Dairy , A . C . Woodward , G . P . Britten , C . F . Hogard , S . C . Haslip , G . A . Candy , Magnus Ohren , R . J . Taylor , Arthur Calver , H . F . Thompson , G . Ward Verry ,
G . R . Langley , Walter Snodin , U . de N . LE wson , Lewis Marcus , VV . A . Tinney , H . Dickey , Walter Kerr Stallon , VV . E . Jameson , G . J . Sharpe , John Purrolh , John G . Tongue , G . Lifting , H . Larter , S . S . Fountaine , E . Kidman , George Sarney , Arthur E . Gladwell , H . Massey , J . H . Wood , W . J . Crutch , James C . Smith , Thos . F . Haines , C . J . Dilley , J . Brittain , Thos . P . Collings , H . Purdue , T .
R . Beaufoit , Aithur Cleall , A . J . Street , Fredk . Whiting , T . Bull , Henry John , J . Goodchild , Robt . Deiry , Geo . Coop , Arthur Betts , Edwin Payne , and H . Sadler , G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the M . W . G . M ., made at the March meeting , to the extent of £ 450 . They then proceeded with the list of new cases , of which 40 vvere on the list . These came from lodges in
London , Jersey , Dover , Workington , Bridlington , Northhampton , Hertford , York , Richmond ( Yorks ) , Ashtonunder-Lyne , Mauritius , Sheerness , Rochdale , Liverpool , Woolwich , Penryn , Hasiingden , Lincoln , Withington , Boston , Malta , Trowbridge , Erith , Yeovil , Exeter , Singapore , and Devonpoit . ' 1 wo cases vvere deferred , and two
dismissed . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1130 , vvhich vvas composed of one recommendation of £ 150 , one of £ 100 , one of £ 75 , two of £ 50 each , 6 of jt , ' 4 o each , 7 of 30 each , and tight grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , seven of ^ ' io each , and two of £ 5 each . The Board sat four-ar . d-a-quartei hours .
Gallery Lodge Concert.
The second annual concert in aid of the Charity Fund of the Gallery Lodge , No . 192 S , was held on Saturday , at the Brixton Hall , Acre lane , Brixton . Illness , unfortunately , prevented the W . M ., Bro . VV . O . Goldsmith , from being present , but his place was ably supplied by Bro . R . ) . Griffiths , J . W ., the Chairman of the Concert Committee ,
who vvas supported by Bros . J . C . Duckworth , S . W . j H . Massey , P . M . ; Herbert Wright , S . D . j F . Gale , C . Greenwood , VV . J . Innes , T . M . Rendle , H . J . Sanderson , J . H . Smith , R . j . Albery , and C . Basil Cooke . After an organ solo by Mr ., Merton Clark , Bro . Frederick Bevan sang Tosti ' s ballad , " For ever and for ever , " in excellent style . Miss Lily Rowe , who possesses avery rich
contralto voice , then gave Frank L . Moir ' s "Landof little people , " vvhich was followed by a humorous ditty from Bro . R . W . Heney . Miss Ethel Winn sang Cobb ' s " The wind is awake" vvith expression , and Mr . Donnell Balfe ' s fine voice vvas heard to great advantage in Handel ' s " Honour and arms . " Miss Annie Morley gave Covven ' s " The better land" sweetly , but without expression , while ,
on the other hand , Miss Ethel Winn and Bro . F . Bevan rendered ample justice to the quaint archness of the duet " I know a youth , " from Gilbert and Sullivan ' s " Ruddigore . " Mr . James Akers rattled off Godfrey Monk ' s "The rolling wave" with good effect , and Miss Edith Cooke , being too hoarse to sing , gave a banjo solo of her own composition . A humorous song by Bro . F . H . Cozens
concluded the first part of the entertainment , and , by a happy innovation , the audience adjourned during the interval to the adjoining part of the building , where refreshments vvere served . ln connection with This novel feature it may be mentioned that Messrs . Huntley and Palmer kmdly contributed a supply of their especial wares towards it . The second portion ot the programme opened with a
very humorous sketch of a mock Italian opera , admiiably given by Bro . Heney , vvhich wasunanimously encored . Miss Lily Rowe then sang Fanny Puzzi ' s " L'lndovina . " and in response to an encore gave " Auld Lang Syne . " Bro . F . Bevan followed vvith a spirited rendering of '' Hearts of Oak . " Madame Merton Clark showed skill in her delivery of Bishop ' s " Lo , here the gentle lark . " Miss
Ethel Winn archly rendered "I'll be no submissive me , " and as an encore " Oh I dear vvhat can the matter be . " Mr . Fied W . Stephens vvas equally successful in "The Christening , " and "The Absent Man . " Morandi ' s " Sonata in F . " was given as an organ solo by Mr . Merton Clark . Mr . Donnell Balfe achieved another triumph in Watson's "Thy Sentinel ami . " Mr . James Akers sung
Pinsuti ' s " Queen of the Earth , " and Miss Annie Morley gave Covven ' s " Left untold , " and as an encore "Home , sweet Home , " with marked sweetness , the programme concluding vvith anotherhumerous ditty fiom Mr . Fred VV . Stephens . The duties of accompanist vvere most skilfully discharged by Bro . Fred H . Cozens upon ' a pianoforte kindly lent for the occasion by Messrs . Broadwood .
The Gavel Club Cinderella took place last Monday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , and a report of the same vvill appear in our next issue . MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c—Mr . George Kenning , of Little Biitain , has published a fifth edition of his illustrated catalogue , containing facsimiles of every
description of Masonic clothing , jewels , & c . In addition to being a beautiful specimen of the printer's art , it is accurate in every detail of colour and finish . No lodge should be without one—in fact , vve may say it would be useful to every member of the Crait . —Morning Advertiser .
HOLLOWAV ' S OI . VTMEXT Axil Pius . —Few persons are so favoured by circumstances , or so lortilied by nature , as to enable them to pass unscathed the sore trials of an inclement season . With catarrhs , coughs , and influenza evcrywhe eabounding , it should be universally known that Holloway's Ointment , diligently rubbed upon Ihe chest , checks thc worst assaults of these ma adits , and securelwards oil
y " more grave and dangerous diseases of the throat and lungs . The truth of this assertion must remain unquestioned in the face of thousands of unimpeachable living witnesses , who have personally derived the utmost possible benefits from this treatment when their present sufferings vvere appalling , and their future prospects most disheartening . Both remedies act admirably together , —[ ADVT , ] '
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
D . G . LODGE OF CANTERBURY , N . Z . R . W . Bro . H . Thompson , Dist . G . M ., presided at t | ie regular Quarterly communication held at the St . Augustine Masonic Hall , Christ Church , on Thursday , the 20 th January last , of the District Grand Lodge of Canterbury New Zealand , among the brethren present being Bros . Dr ' Deamer , Dep . D . G . M . j C . P . Hulbert , D . S . G . W ; \ v '
Sansom , D . J . G . W . ; R . C . Bishop , D . G . Ireas . ; W . R Mitchell , D . G . Sec ; VV . B . Allwright , P . D . J . G . W ., as D . S . G . D . j S . Derbridge , D . J . G . D . ; M . Sandstein D . G . S . of Wks . ; H . Sawtell , D . G . D . C ; W . R . May ' D . G . S . B . ; VV . T . C . Mills , D . G . Purs . ; Richard Stevens . D . G . Tyler ; seveial Past D . G . Officers , the representatives of lodges , and sundry visitors . D . G . Lodqe havino *
been opened , and the minutes of the previous Quarterl y Communication read and confirmed , several apologies for non-attendance were read , and the roll of lodges called . The D . G . Treasurer submitted the audited statement cf account for iSSG , vvhich was in all respects satisfactory , and was received and adopted . The report of the Board of General Purposes evoked a certain amount of discussion ,
but vvas in the end adopted , while that of the Standing Committee vvas also dealt vvith . The D . G . M . then invested the following as his officers fui the year , viz ., Bro . S . Derbridge , D . S . G . W . ; M . Sandstein , D . J . G . W . ; R . fj . Bishop ( re-elected ) , D . G . Treasurer ; F . J . Smith , D . G . Registrar ; W . R . Mitchell , D . G . Secretary ; Henry Sawtell , D . S . G . D . j W . S . Smith , D . J . G . D . ; VV . M . Lyttelton , D . G . S . of Wks . j W . T . C . Mills , D . G . D . C .
George Buckham , D . A . G . D . C . ; J . C . Revell , D . G . S . B . ; G . F . Morley and G . M . Douglas , D . G . Std . Brs . j F . M . Warren , D . A . G . Sec ., * J . L . Scott , D . G . Purst . ; E . M . Just , D . A . G . Purst . ; and Richard Stevens , D . G . Tyler . D . G . Stewards , Bro . T . L . Smith and three others to be nominated hereafter . The Standing Committee having heen constituted partly by election by D . G . Lodge , and partly by nomination by the D . G . Master , the D . G . Lodge vvas closed vvith the usual formalities .
DIST . G . LODGE OF NORTHERN CHINA . The regular quarterly communication of this D ' strict G . Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Friday , the 7 th January last . R . W . Bro . J . L . Miller , Dist . Grand Master , presided , and there were present Bros . Cornelius Thorne , Past Dist . G . M . ; C . H . Dallas , P . Dist . G . M . of
Japan ; T . W . Kingsmill , Dep . D . G . M . ; J . M . Cory , ' D . S . G . W . j Lewis Moore , D . S . G . W ., as D . J . G . W . ; W . H . Short , D . G . Treasurer ; O . Middleton , Pres . D . Bd . of General Purps . ; Reginald D . Starkey , D . G . Secretary ; E . P . Lalcaca , P . D . G . W ., as D . S . G . D . ; T . F . Hough , D . G . Std . Br ., as D . J . G . D . ; G . R . Wingrove , D . G . D . C . ; A . M . A . Evans , D . A . G . D . C ; A . P . Macgregor ,
D . G . S . B . ; R . VV . Astill , D . G . Purs . ; G . M . Hart , A . D . G . P . ; Charles Merritt , D . G . Tyler ; the D . G . Stewards j the representatives of lodgesj and seveial visitors . The reports of the Board * of General Purposes and the D . G . Treasurer having been submitted , and adopted , the D . G . Master having been elected to serve as
a Delegate from D . G . Lodge en the Masonic School Fund , vice Bro . C . Thorne , P . D . G . M . resigned , and Bro . W . H . Shoit having been re-elected D . G . Treasurer , the following were invested as D . G . Officers for the year , viz .: Bros . T . VV . Kingsmill , D . D . G . M . j John Morris , D . S . G . W ., * 1 * 1 . Digby Staikey , D . J . G . W . ; VV . H . Short , D . G . Treas . ; A . M . A . Evans , D . G . Reg . j John Findlay , Pies . D . Bd ,
of G . Purps . ; George M . Hai t , D . G . Secretary ; G . A , Allcot , D . S . G . D . ; George R . Wingrove , D . J . G . D . ; A . P . Macgregor , D . G . S . of VV . ; J . F . Hough , D . G . D . C ; H . J . Fisher , D . A . G . D . C ; James Baird , D . G . Swd . Br . ; K . W . Astell and Sydenham Moutrie , D . G . Std . Brs . j Geo . Lanning , D . G . Org . ; F . M . Gratton , D . A . G . Sec ; John VVest , D . G . Purs .: John Fryer , D . A . G . P . ; Charles
Merritt , D . G . Tylerj S . R . Gale , R . Pestonjee , R . E . Toeg , C . W . Ure , J . J . Mansfield , and A . H . Alsing , D . G . Stwds , The D . G . Master then addressed a few remarks , chiefly of local import , to the brethren , and , after a few words on the necessity of Past District Grand Officers weaiirg the clothing of their rank at all Masonic meetings , Bro . VVingrove proposed "That all brethren working
under the English and Scottish Const tutions in the District of Northern China be invited to sign a congratulatory address to be forwarded to her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her Jubilee , and that a Committee ~ be appointed to make the necessary arrangements , and to collect subscriptions , to enable that address to be presented in a manner suitable to the occasion j " and the motion having
been seconded , and carried by acclamation , a Committee , composed of the District Grand Master , Deputy District Grand Master , the District Grand Wardens , and the VVorshipful Masters of the English lodges , vvas appointed , the representatives of the Scottish Constitution being invited to join . The other business having heen dispatched , District Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethien adjourned .
G . CHAPTER OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . Comp . George E . Corson , G . H . P ., presided at the annual convocation held in Washington on the Sth December , 1 SS 6 . There was a goodly attendance of Grand Officers and representatives of chapters , and Comp . Noble D . Larner , General Grand High Priest of the United States being
present as a visitor , and being accorded the honours appropriate to his exalted rank . The proceedings were of local interest , the statistical and financial reports being satisfactory . The former showed an aggregate membership of 1259 , and the latter a total tund of over 2514 dollars with disbursements reaching 1 S 09 dollars . Comps . W . G . Powers and L . G . Stephens are G . H . P . and Grand Secretary respectively .
GRAND CHAPTER OF WISCONSIN . . Comp . S . H . Alban , G . H . P ., presided at the 37 th Annual Convocation of the Grand R . A . Chapterof Wisconsin , held at Milwaukee on the 15 th and 16 th February lait , 55 chapters being represented . 'Ihe usual address was delivered , and the reports on correspondence , statistics , and
finance were submitted in due course . There appe ar ' ° be 4137 members in ihe jurisdiction , or 149 more than last year , and there is a balance in hand cf close on 334 6 dollars , the total fund , including 6556 dollars received , amounting to 6 7 66 dollars , while the disbursements vvere only 34 ° dollars . Comp . N . C . Daniels is G . H . P . / or the year , ana Comp . J . W . Lafiin , G . Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE , —Royal Kent Preceptory ( No . 8 ) . —This preceptory vvas opened on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Maple-street , by the E . P . Sir Knight Charles Rutter Fry , 30 , assisted by the officers . The V . E . Sir Knight Charles lames Banister , Pro Prior ; Sir Knight Col . James Moncks , 0
Past P . Sub . Prior , 30 ; and Sir Knight Henry Maddison , P . E . P ., 30 ; with the Sword and Banner Bearers , vvere received under an arch of steel . V . E . Pro Pi ior Sir Knight Charles James Banister , Past Grand Captain of England , & c , & c , was saluted in due form . The minutes of the last meeting vvere read and confirmed . Sir Knight Thomas John Armstrong , 1 st Capt ., E . P . elect , was presented by P . E . P . Sir Knight Henry Maddison for
installation , to the E . P . Sir Knight C . R . Fry , 30 ° , vvho installed his successor most impressively , and received the congratulations of the V . E . Prov . Prior , Sir Knight C . J . Banister , and the Past Commanders , and Past Preceptors . The E . Preceptor then appointed his ofiicers for thc year .
Business over , the preceptory was closed . The banquet was held in the dining hall under the presidency of the E . P ., which vvas all that could be desired . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts vvere severally proposed and responded to .
Rosicrucian Society Of England.
Rosicrucian Society of England .
METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The annual meeting of this college vvas held on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , 16 a , Great Queen-street , there vvas a large attendance , including the Supreme Magus of the Order , W . R . Woodman , M . D ., 9 ° , the Junior Sub . Magus ; J . L . Thomas , 9 ° ; Wm . Wynn Westcott , M . B ., Hon . Magus , 0 ° , and Secretary ; Fratres W . I . Ferguson
and Eugene Thiellay , both S ° ; S . L . M . Mathers and F . H . Gottlieb , both Hon . S ° ; Frater T . S . Bulmer , Chief Adept of Australia ; and Fratres Roy , Coffin , W . G . Lemon , J . J . Thomas , H . H . Shirley , Nelson Prower , T . O . Harding , T . VV . Lemon , M . A . ; George Kenning , and many others . Bro . T . G . Robinson having been duly elected and advanced
to the Degree of Zelator by the M . T ., Frater Thiellay , in his usual graceful and perfect manner , and Frater Macgregor Mathers having acted as C . of Ns ., completed the ceremony in the impressive manner vvhich has made him a reputation . Jewels of honour vvere presented to Fratres Dr . Woodman , James Lewis Thomas , and Ferguson for the impoitant services they had rendered during their terms of Mastership .
The yearly audit vvas performed by Fratres Roy and J . J . Thomas , vvho reported that after payment of ordinary expenses , and also of the publication of the annual report , the college owned a balance of sixty-seven pounds odd . Frater Robert Roy vvas unanimously elected M . of the T . foo the ensuing year , and Frater Dr . Woodman re-elected as Treasurer for the fourth year in succession . The other
officers were then appointed as follows : Fratres T . C . Walls , D . M . ; John Collinson , 1 st Ancient ; W . Wynn Westcott , 2 nd Ancient and Secretary ; H . J . Lardner , 3 rd Ancient ; S . L . M . Mathers , 4 th Ancient ; George Cockle , 5 th Ancient ; T . W . Coffin , 6 th Ancient ; Wm . Ackland , 7 th Ancient ; Webster Glynes , Precentor ; W . G . Lemon , Con . of Ns . ; T . W . Lemon , Chaplain and Organist ; J .
J . Thomas , T . B . j Eugene Street , Herald : Jones Parry , Medallist ; William Lake , G . of T . ; John Gilbert , Janitor . An honorary Past Master ' s jewel vvas awarded to R . W . Frater Thiellay on his retiring from the chair , and the Secretary was requested to petition the S . M . to allow the college to confer ihe Degree of Honorary Past Masterof the college upon Frater George Kenning , the third oldest
member surviving and subscribing . A proposition by Frater T . C . Walls lapsed . Two formal propositions concerning candidates and subscribers vvere passed , and ordered to take effect at once . A warm greeting was extended to an old member , Frater Gottlieb , vvho has been long absent , and to the chief Adept of Australia , Dr . Bulmer , now on a visit to England .
After the closure of the convocation the fraters adjourned to a light repast at the Holborn Restaurant ; there vvere several excellent speeches , and very high approbation was expressed of the services of the S . M ., the Past Masters , and of the Secretary . A special Jubilee Convocation , to
be held in the summer to greet the Supreme Magus of the United States , vvho is about to visit England , was mentioned as under consideration . The annual meeting of the High Council vvas not held , on account of the absence of one of its officials whose presence vvas necessary forthe transaction of business .
Gibraltar .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . ALAMEDA . —Europa Chapter ( No . 14 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter vvas held on Saturday , the gth inst ., at the new Masonic Hall . It was the first meeting held under the presidency of the present M . W . S ., Bro . Sir Henry Burford-Hancock , 30 ° , and proved a marked success . All the chambers had been re-arranged and re-furnished in a most complete manner under the
supenntendance of the Recorder , Bro . Cottrell , and the Degree was exceptionally well worked . The following members vvere present : III . Bro .-Sir H . Burford-Hancock , 30 ° , M . W . S . ; E . and P . Bros . W . F . Roberts , P . M . W . S ., acting Prelate ; Sir Norman Pringle , Bart ., ist General ; G . O'Mulley , 2 nd General ; W . F . Cottrell , P . M . W . S ., Recorder and Treasurer ; W . U . Thornton , G . Marshal ;
H . P . Wylie , Raphael ; T . S . Jerome , C . of G . ; J . King , Org . ; M . Ghio , Equerry ; A . ' Patterson , P . M . W . S . ; and W . Glassford , P . M . W . S . Visitors : Bros . C . A . Gorham P . M . W . S . ; R . E . Owen , and C . T . Davenport . The business of the evening was the perfection of the following brethren : Bros . Lieut .-Col . J . L . Tweedie , D . S . O . ; Lieut .-Colonel Morgan Crofton , D . S . O . ; Capt . H . Stewart , and Lieut . H . di S . Burford-Hancock . The
ballot having been taken and proving unanimous , they were advanced in a faultless manner by the M . W . S ., vvho complimented the officers on the excellency of the woiking , and cordially thanked the Recorder for the zeal and taste displayed in the re-arrangement of the rooms . At the conclusion of the business , the companions adjourned to the banquet room , were the remainder of the evening was pleasantly spent .
Board Of Benevolence.
The monthly meeting of thc Board of Benevolence vvas held on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President , Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., Sen or Vice-President , and Bto . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , occupied their respective chairs . Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., A . A . Pendlebury ,
W . Dodd , and VV . H . Lee , attended from the Grand Secretary's department , and there vvere also present Bros . VV . P . Brown , D . D . Mercer , Henry Garrod , W . H . Peiryman , J . E . Le Feuvre , Edgar Bowyer , J . H . Matthews , Charles Dairy , A . C . Woodward , G . P . Britten , C . F . Hogard , S . C . Haslip , G . A . Candy , Magnus Ohren , R . J . Taylor , Arthur Calver , H . F . Thompson , G . Ward Verry ,
G . R . Langley , Walter Snodin , U . de N . LE wson , Lewis Marcus , VV . A . Tinney , H . Dickey , Walter Kerr Stallon , VV . E . Jameson , G . J . Sharpe , John Purrolh , John G . Tongue , G . Lifting , H . Larter , S . S . Fountaine , E . Kidman , George Sarney , Arthur E . Gladwell , H . Massey , J . H . Wood , W . J . Crutch , James C . Smith , Thos . F . Haines , C . J . Dilley , J . Brittain , Thos . P . Collings , H . Purdue , T .
R . Beaufoit , Aithur Cleall , A . J . Street , Fredk . Whiting , T . Bull , Henry John , J . Goodchild , Robt . Deiry , Geo . Coop , Arthur Betts , Edwin Payne , and H . Sadler , G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the M . W . G . M ., made at the March meeting , to the extent of £ 450 . They then proceeded with the list of new cases , of which 40 vvere on the list . These came from lodges in
London , Jersey , Dover , Workington , Bridlington , Northhampton , Hertford , York , Richmond ( Yorks ) , Ashtonunder-Lyne , Mauritius , Sheerness , Rochdale , Liverpool , Woolwich , Penryn , Hasiingden , Lincoln , Withington , Boston , Malta , Trowbridge , Erith , Yeovil , Exeter , Singapore , and Devonpoit . ' 1 wo cases vvere deferred , and two
dismissed . The remainder were relieved with a total of £ 1130 , vvhich vvas composed of one recommendation of £ 150 , one of £ 100 , one of £ 75 , two of £ 50 each , 6 of jt , ' 4 o each , 7 of 30 each , and tight grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , seven of ^ ' io each , and two of £ 5 each . The Board sat four-ar . d-a-quartei hours .
Gallery Lodge Concert.
The second annual concert in aid of the Charity Fund of the Gallery Lodge , No . 192 S , was held on Saturday , at the Brixton Hall , Acre lane , Brixton . Illness , unfortunately , prevented the W . M ., Bro . VV . O . Goldsmith , from being present , but his place was ably supplied by Bro . R . ) . Griffiths , J . W ., the Chairman of the Concert Committee ,
who vvas supported by Bros . J . C . Duckworth , S . W . j H . Massey , P . M . ; Herbert Wright , S . D . j F . Gale , C . Greenwood , VV . J . Innes , T . M . Rendle , H . J . Sanderson , J . H . Smith , R . j . Albery , and C . Basil Cooke . After an organ solo by Mr ., Merton Clark , Bro . Frederick Bevan sang Tosti ' s ballad , " For ever and for ever , " in excellent style . Miss Lily Rowe , who possesses avery rich
contralto voice , then gave Frank L . Moir ' s "Landof little people , " vvhich was followed by a humorous ditty from Bro . R . W . Heney . Miss Ethel Winn sang Cobb ' s " The wind is awake" vvith expression , and Mr . Donnell Balfe ' s fine voice vvas heard to great advantage in Handel ' s " Honour and arms . " Miss Annie Morley gave Covven ' s " The better land" sweetly , but without expression , while ,
on the other hand , Miss Ethel Winn and Bro . F . Bevan rendered ample justice to the quaint archness of the duet " I know a youth , " from Gilbert and Sullivan ' s " Ruddigore . " Mr . James Akers rattled off Godfrey Monk ' s "The rolling wave" with good effect , and Miss Edith Cooke , being too hoarse to sing , gave a banjo solo of her own composition . A humorous song by Bro . F . H . Cozens
concluded the first part of the entertainment , and , by a happy innovation , the audience adjourned during the interval to the adjoining part of the building , where refreshments vvere served . ln connection with This novel feature it may be mentioned that Messrs . Huntley and Palmer kmdly contributed a supply of their especial wares towards it . The second portion ot the programme opened with a
very humorous sketch of a mock Italian opera , admiiably given by Bro . Heney , vvhich wasunanimously encored . Miss Lily Rowe then sang Fanny Puzzi ' s " L'lndovina . " and in response to an encore gave " Auld Lang Syne . " Bro . F . Bevan followed vvith a spirited rendering of '' Hearts of Oak . " Madame Merton Clark showed skill in her delivery of Bishop ' s " Lo , here the gentle lark . " Miss
Ethel Winn archly rendered "I'll be no submissive me , " and as an encore " Oh I dear vvhat can the matter be . " Mr . Fied W . Stephens vvas equally successful in "The Christening , " and "The Absent Man . " Morandi ' s " Sonata in F . " was given as an organ solo by Mr . Merton Clark . Mr . Donnell Balfe achieved another triumph in Watson's "Thy Sentinel ami . " Mr . James Akers sung
Pinsuti ' s " Queen of the Earth , " and Miss Annie Morley gave Covven ' s " Left untold , " and as an encore "Home , sweet Home , " with marked sweetness , the programme concluding vvith anotherhumerous ditty fiom Mr . Fred VV . Stephens . The duties of accompanist vvere most skilfully discharged by Bro . Fred H . Cozens upon ' a pianoforte kindly lent for the occasion by Messrs . Broadwood .
The Gavel Club Cinderella took place last Monday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , and a report of the same vvill appear in our next issue . MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c—Mr . George Kenning , of Little Biitain , has published a fifth edition of his illustrated catalogue , containing facsimiles of every
description of Masonic clothing , jewels , & c . In addition to being a beautiful specimen of the printer's art , it is accurate in every detail of colour and finish . No lodge should be without one—in fact , vve may say it would be useful to every member of the Crait . —Morning Advertiser .
HOLLOWAV ' S OI . VTMEXT Axil Pius . —Few persons are so favoured by circumstances , or so lortilied by nature , as to enable them to pass unscathed the sore trials of an inclement season . With catarrhs , coughs , and influenza evcrywhe eabounding , it should be universally known that Holloway's Ointment , diligently rubbed upon Ihe chest , checks thc worst assaults of these ma adits , and securelwards oil
y " more grave and dangerous diseases of the throat and lungs . The truth of this assertion must remain unquestioned in the face of thousands of unimpeachable living witnesses , who have personally derived the utmost possible benefits from this treatment when their present sufferings vvere appalling , and their future prospects most disheartening . Both remedies act admirably together , —[ ADVT , ] '
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
D . G . LODGE OF CANTERBURY , N . Z . R . W . Bro . H . Thompson , Dist . G . M ., presided at t | ie regular Quarterly communication held at the St . Augustine Masonic Hall , Christ Church , on Thursday , the 20 th January last , of the District Grand Lodge of Canterbury New Zealand , among the brethren present being Bros . Dr ' Deamer , Dep . D . G . M . j C . P . Hulbert , D . S . G . W ; \ v '
Sansom , D . J . G . W . ; R . C . Bishop , D . G . Ireas . ; W . R Mitchell , D . G . Sec ; VV . B . Allwright , P . D . J . G . W ., as D . S . G . D . j S . Derbridge , D . J . G . D . ; M . Sandstein D . G . S . of Wks . ; H . Sawtell , D . G . D . C ; W . R . May ' D . G . S . B . ; VV . T . C . Mills , D . G . Purs . ; Richard Stevens . D . G . Tyler ; seveial Past D . G . Officers , the representatives of lodges , and sundry visitors . D . G . Lodqe havino *
been opened , and the minutes of the previous Quarterl y Communication read and confirmed , several apologies for non-attendance were read , and the roll of lodges called . The D . G . Treasurer submitted the audited statement cf account for iSSG , vvhich was in all respects satisfactory , and was received and adopted . The report of the Board of General Purposes evoked a certain amount of discussion ,
but vvas in the end adopted , while that of the Standing Committee vvas also dealt vvith . The D . G . M . then invested the following as his officers fui the year , viz ., Bro . S . Derbridge , D . S . G . W . ; M . Sandstein , D . J . G . W . ; R . fj . Bishop ( re-elected ) , D . G . Treasurer ; F . J . Smith , D . G . Registrar ; W . R . Mitchell , D . G . Secretary ; Henry Sawtell , D . S . G . D . j W . S . Smith , D . J . G . D . ; VV . M . Lyttelton , D . G . S . of Wks . j W . T . C . Mills , D . G . D . C .
George Buckham , D . A . G . D . C . ; J . C . Revell , D . G . S . B . ; G . F . Morley and G . M . Douglas , D . G . Std . Brs . j F . M . Warren , D . A . G . Sec ., * J . L . Scott , D . G . Purst . ; E . M . Just , D . A . G . Purst . ; and Richard Stevens , D . G . Tyler . D . G . Stewards , Bro . T . L . Smith and three others to be nominated hereafter . The Standing Committee having heen constituted partly by election by D . G . Lodge , and partly by nomination by the D . G . Master , the D . G . Lodge vvas closed vvith the usual formalities .
DIST . G . LODGE OF NORTHERN CHINA . The regular quarterly communication of this D ' strict G . Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Shanghai , on Friday , the 7 th January last . R . W . Bro . J . L . Miller , Dist . Grand Master , presided , and there were present Bros . Cornelius Thorne , Past Dist . G . M . ; C . H . Dallas , P . Dist . G . M . of
Japan ; T . W . Kingsmill , Dep . D . G . M . ; J . M . Cory , ' D . S . G . W . j Lewis Moore , D . S . G . W ., as D . J . G . W . ; W . H . Short , D . G . Treasurer ; O . Middleton , Pres . D . Bd . of General Purps . ; Reginald D . Starkey , D . G . Secretary ; E . P . Lalcaca , P . D . G . W ., as D . S . G . D . ; T . F . Hough , D . G . Std . Br ., as D . J . G . D . ; G . R . Wingrove , D . G . D . C . ; A . M . A . Evans , D . A . G . D . C ; A . P . Macgregor ,
D . G . S . B . ; R . VV . Astill , D . G . Purs . ; G . M . Hart , A . D . G . P . ; Charles Merritt , D . G . Tyler ; the D . G . Stewards j the representatives of lodgesj and seveial visitors . The reports of the Board * of General Purposes and the D . G . Treasurer having been submitted , and adopted , the D . G . Master having been elected to serve as
a Delegate from D . G . Lodge en the Masonic School Fund , vice Bro . C . Thorne , P . D . G . M . resigned , and Bro . W . H . Shoit having been re-elected D . G . Treasurer , the following were invested as D . G . Officers for the year , viz .: Bros . T . VV . Kingsmill , D . D . G . M . j John Morris , D . S . G . W ., * 1 * 1 . Digby Staikey , D . J . G . W . ; VV . H . Short , D . G . Treas . ; A . M . A . Evans , D . G . Reg . j John Findlay , Pies . D . Bd ,
of G . Purps . ; George M . Hai t , D . G . Secretary ; G . A , Allcot , D . S . G . D . ; George R . Wingrove , D . J . G . D . ; A . P . Macgregor , D . G . S . of VV . ; J . F . Hough , D . G . D . C ; H . J . Fisher , D . A . G . D . C ; James Baird , D . G . Swd . Br . ; K . W . Astell and Sydenham Moutrie , D . G . Std . Brs . j Geo . Lanning , D . G . Org . ; F . M . Gratton , D . A . G . Sec ; John VVest , D . G . Purs .: John Fryer , D . A . G . P . ; Charles
Merritt , D . G . Tylerj S . R . Gale , R . Pestonjee , R . E . Toeg , C . W . Ure , J . J . Mansfield , and A . H . Alsing , D . G . Stwds , The D . G . Master then addressed a few remarks , chiefly of local import , to the brethren , and , after a few words on the necessity of Past District Grand Officers weaiirg the clothing of their rank at all Masonic meetings , Bro . VVingrove proposed "That all brethren working
under the English and Scottish Const tutions in the District of Northern China be invited to sign a congratulatory address to be forwarded to her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of her Jubilee , and that a Committee ~ be appointed to make the necessary arrangements , and to collect subscriptions , to enable that address to be presented in a manner suitable to the occasion j " and the motion having
been seconded , and carried by acclamation , a Committee , composed of the District Grand Master , Deputy District Grand Master , the District Grand Wardens , and the VVorshipful Masters of the English lodges , vvas appointed , the representatives of the Scottish Constitution being invited to join . The other business having heen dispatched , District Grand Lodge was closed , and the brethien adjourned .
G . CHAPTER OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . Comp . George E . Corson , G . H . P ., presided at the annual convocation held in Washington on the Sth December , 1 SS 6 . There was a goodly attendance of Grand Officers and representatives of chapters , and Comp . Noble D . Larner , General Grand High Priest of the United States being
present as a visitor , and being accorded the honours appropriate to his exalted rank . The proceedings were of local interest , the statistical and financial reports being satisfactory . The former showed an aggregate membership of 1259 , and the latter a total tund of over 2514 dollars with disbursements reaching 1 S 09 dollars . Comps . W . G . Powers and L . G . Stephens are G . H . P . and Grand Secretary respectively .
GRAND CHAPTER OF WISCONSIN . . Comp . S . H . Alban , G . H . P ., presided at the 37 th Annual Convocation of the Grand R . A . Chapterof Wisconsin , held at Milwaukee on the 15 th and 16 th February lait , 55 chapters being represented . 'Ihe usual address was delivered , and the reports on correspondence , statistics , and
finance were submitted in due course . There appe ar ' ° be 4137 members in ihe jurisdiction , or 149 more than last year , and there is a balance in hand cf close on 334 6 dollars , the total fund , including 6556 dollars received , amounting to 6 7 66 dollars , while the disbursements vvere only 34 ° dollars . Comp . N . C . Daniels is G . H . P . / or the year , ana Comp . J . W . Lafiin , G . Secretary .