Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GRAND FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD On WEDNESDAY , the 2 < jth of APRIL , 1887 , AT THE FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON . THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF CARNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER , IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may be obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Tickets will be issued after 4 p . m . on 26 th April . DINNER AT SIX , O'CLOCK PRECISELY . The MUSICAL A RRANGEMENTS will be under the direction of Bro . W ALTER PARRATT , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . HENRY CARTER , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . 3 , Clement ' s-Iane , Lombard-street , E . C .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS . EARLSWOOD , RED HILL , SURREY . FOURTH APPLICATION . Your V OTES and INTEREST are solicited on behalf of ALBERT JOHN COOTE , Aged 8 Years , 19 th August , 1 SS 6 " , Who has been an Idiot from birth . His Father , a Pilot , is at sea the greater part of his time ; his Mother being delicate , and having four younger children , is quite unable to give him the care and attention he requires . The Father is willing to contribute Thirteen Pounds ( jC' 3 os . od . ) per annum towards his support . The case is recommended by » R . EMMETT , Esq ., L . R . C . P . Lond ., Woodville , Kingston , Portsmouth . * Rev . E . P . GRANT , Vicar of Portsmouth . Major-General Sir F . W . FITZ WYGRAM , Bart ., Leigh Park , Havant , M . P ., South Hants . Hon . Sir THOMAS C . BRUCE , 42 , Hill-street , London . R . W . FORD , Esq ., Solicitor and Clerk ofthe Peace , Portsmouth . A . S . BLAKE , Esq ., Mayor of Portsmouth . JAMES GIEVE , fcsq ., J . P ., Portsmouth . Dr . CREWE , The Old Priory , Milton , Portsmouth . JAS . GREEN , Esq ., L R . C . P . Lond ., Brandon House , Landport , Portsmouth . W . W . B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P ., Basingstoke . The Biethren Portsmouth Temperance Lodge , No . 20 C 8 . * GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydenham , Proxies -will be thankfully received by those marked * , and by Bro . JAMES COOTE , 74 , St . Thomas ' s-st ., Portsmouth . Obtained at the Election on 28 th October , 1886-221 votes . The lowest successful Candidate at the same Election obtained 650 votes . TV v ^ « H . *« m > ¦ ¦ i
uro.KooertHenryClemowTestimonial. THE FUND BEING CLOSED ABANQUET Will be held on MONDAY , the 25 th instant , AT ANDERTON'S HOTEL , FLEET STREET , At 6 o'clock p . m ., when the Testimonial will be presented . Bro . JOHN BARNETT , Jun ., 177 , 2192 , In the Chair . TICKETS ( including Wine ) , 21 s . each , to be obtained at the Hotel , jfoning Dress , Bro . EDWD . WITTS , 144 , Hon . Sec .
AN ENGAGEMENT WANTED as T Cashier , Collector , Manager , or any Position of liust . Several years' experience in the City . —Address , MASONIC , J . W . Birch , Advertising Contractor , 171 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
PRO . TOM LAWLER begs to ^* announce that he has returned to Town , and is now ? Pen to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & C .-G 6 , Tonsley ' hill , Wandsworth , S . W .
TO LET—The UPPER PART of a „ HOUSE near the General Post Office . Eight go > ms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this ^ aper .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE r , . ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the ^ -A-, SICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures . , " > anous subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught I , 2 lis * i by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , ^ ncas ter-road , Notting-hill , W .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President—T HE E ARL OF L ATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE P LUCKNETT , P . G . D . Englandand Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Vivo . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . C ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished . The Fund will close in April .
¦ YJMI ** . ] THE [ 1 S 04 < $ > << * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . V ^\ vV I'nrti-ssingana omaof passim ; excellence , v * A V ; md uiiKjual'rd in ihe world . Mannfac-* . * Avr t " ' ' > ' A * C * PARASCHO & CO ., of . XxSV r \ Oiunen ' y , Yenijeh . Tinkey . Each Cigarette . rVO v * t * rO « hears the Trade Mark "DUMENLY , " * » *••V x \^\ V ^ *""¦•^* S ^; , ms •None others are genyA V nine . One sample box ( sent post free for ¦ Cpv 2-. Od . ) is sullicient to convince any con-. Wy * * nuisfeur o £ their superiority , XVVS S ° ' address ' Ihe United Kingdom—V ) v 58 , Pall Mall , London , W ,
/a*COCKERELL'S 13 , CORNHILL , E . C . f ^ y For Prices , see Daily Papers . Cj ^ / Trucks direct from tho * Colliery to every Railway Station .
A.MONARCHKINO, TAILOR , Cornhill , E . G ., and Regent-street , ¥ ., LONDON . 10 PER CENT . DISCOUNT FOR CASH .
hstab . j D U E R , [ 1549 . / « C * ° 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., f ^ ^ y ALSO Kh CALLARD & CALLARD , < y ^ Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s * Wood . ^ J \^ y Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers 8 s Tins J ^\ y packed for the country with Biscuits , Sec . ^ "y ' French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPIIED ..
42*CHARLESLANCASTER, /¦// LAHC ASTERS t \ i i ^ ° S- B ° n , y * w ( Awarded 15 Prizes and Medals . ) * CA \ ShluuTM griff ^^ WFLPNC ^ P * INVEKTOE AND PATENTEE OP THE ' S ^ giPf * i-BAEBEL BREECHLOADING HAMMEKIESS F ° * °° ' GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL « wm ( Welgrht 711 ) . 4 oa . ) ( Weight 1 Mb . ) (* 478 bore , 211 ) . 6 oz . ) ISss ' " THE COLINDIAN , " MHITAKT A RIFLED GUN FOR SHOT AND BALL , and Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . LARGE BORE Special Prises for Cash . RIFLES . 151 , NEW BOND ST ., W . Established 1828
fGEORGESPILLER ^ g ? Surgeon ' s Optician , to ^ 3 , WIGMORE ST ., W . £ 7 A 7 — / s-7 * SHOT-PROOF SPECTACLES . ^ ^ THE NEW § " SHOOTING" PINCE-NEZ , £ j > WITH RIGID BRIDGE . CQ They P ress tiie nose much less than i any other eye-glass .
,, , # S Moule ' s EARTH System ; ¦ MlO ^ . , * ^ a * V V * J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , ^ ^ oTB ^ 5 a > GARRICK STREET , S _ COYENT GARDEN , LONDON .
TELEGRAPHICADDRESSES(Inland). For the Freemason Printing Works—FREEMASON , LONDON . For Jewels , Clothing , Banners , and Furniture—KENNING , LONDON .
THE MASONIC CELEBRATION OF THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE . Secretaries of Lodges desiring to distribute the second circular just issued by the Pro Grand Master amongst the members of their lodges , may obtain copies on application to the Publisher of the Freemason who will supply them at the rate of five shillings per 100 .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following , amongst other communications , unavoidably stand over : —
CRAFTLord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . Provincial Grand Lodge Cumberland and Westmorland .
jy ^^^^^ F ^^ Pp - a 55 »^ a ^* : ft " -. / P- ^ H-h & Ms-y ** I SATURDAY , APRIL 23 , 1887 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ]
THE JUBILEE-BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Allow me to supplement my former letter by suggesting that if "A Vice-President" and others are so anxious that the Boys' School authorities should follow the example of those of the Girls' School , and admit all the candidates—which can , of course , be done at the October Election , and still be a bona fide Jubilee commemorationinstead of only filling up the vacancies , he and they should direct their efforts towards enlarging the funded property
of the School , and so increase the permanent income . This they could do by raising a number of Jubilee Perpetual Presentations at 1000 guineas each , as West Yorkshire is doing in the case of the Widows' Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and as , I believe , other provinces propose doing before the year is ended . Of course , I know that twent y 1000 guinea funds will take a good deal of raising ; but I also know that a nermanent increase of ie \ in thp nnmhpr
of boys—as "A Vice-President" proposed—means a permanent additional outlay of £ Soo , and that is rather more than an Institution which , as Bro . Binckes has since pointed out , has only £ 755 permanent income at its disposal , can afford to do . —Fraternally yours , Q . ias"uwtw j
"FREEMASONS' CALENDAR . SOMERSETSHIRE , 1 S 87-S . " Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards , as editor of the Somerset Calendar , has evidently a fondness for the work , for the present issue ( the sixth of the series ) contains , for the first time , a roll of officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge since 1854 ( inclusive ) , when Colonel C . K . Kemeys Tynte became the Provincial Grand Master , who was followed , in 1863 , by
the respected Bro . Colonel Adair , who resigned in 1868 , and was succeeded by the M . W . Bro . Lord Carnarvon , the honoured Pro Grand Masterof England . Throughout that long period there have been but three Deputy Provincial Grand Masters—Bros . J . Randolph , H . Bridges , and R . C . Else—the latter having held the appointment from the year 1875 , and is a most acceptable and zealous officer . There are 25 lodges in tbe province , commencing witb No . 41 ,
Bath , of 1733 , and ending with No . 3038 , Langport , of 1 S 84 . The number of members—obtained by adding the figures given under each lodge—is 10 S 1 . The number of votes held in the Central Masonic Charities is 2343 , which isa slight reduction from last year ; but the difference is less than might fairly be expected , considering the heavy losses through the decease of several very large subscribers during the past year . The tables printed , relative to the votes , extend to 12 pages , each lodge being separately arranged and classified , and the number of subscribing members indicated , so that it is easy to see what lodges are doing their duty , some having considerable more votes than
members , and others vice versa . Another new feature tor 1886 is a list of the Stewards and amounts collected for each Institution during the last 11 years . Royal Arch Masonry is represented by nine chapters , the senior on trie roll—No . 41 , Bath—having been the first to obtain a centenary jewel warrant in England . 'I here are 390 subscribing Koyal Arch companions in Somerset , and under the happy rule of the R . W . Bro . R . C . Else there are eight
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT FREE & ACCEPTED MASONS OF ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GRAND FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD On WEDNESDAY , the 2 < jth of APRIL , 1887 , AT THE FREEMASONS' HALL , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON . THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF CARNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER , IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may be obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Tickets will be issued after 4 p . m . on 26 th April . DINNER AT SIX , O'CLOCK PRECISELY . The MUSICAL A RRANGEMENTS will be under the direction of Bro . W ALTER PARRATT , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . HENRY CARTER , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . 3 , Clement ' s-Iane , Lombard-street , E . C .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS . EARLSWOOD , RED HILL , SURREY . FOURTH APPLICATION . Your V OTES and INTEREST are solicited on behalf of ALBERT JOHN COOTE , Aged 8 Years , 19 th August , 1 SS 6 " , Who has been an Idiot from birth . His Father , a Pilot , is at sea the greater part of his time ; his Mother being delicate , and having four younger children , is quite unable to give him the care and attention he requires . The Father is willing to contribute Thirteen Pounds ( jC' 3 os . od . ) per annum towards his support . The case is recommended by » R . EMMETT , Esq ., L . R . C . P . Lond ., Woodville , Kingston , Portsmouth . * Rev . E . P . GRANT , Vicar of Portsmouth . Major-General Sir F . W . FITZ WYGRAM , Bart ., Leigh Park , Havant , M . P ., South Hants . Hon . Sir THOMAS C . BRUCE , 42 , Hill-street , London . R . W . FORD , Esq ., Solicitor and Clerk ofthe Peace , Portsmouth . A . S . BLAKE , Esq ., Mayor of Portsmouth . JAMES GIEVE , fcsq ., J . P ., Portsmouth . Dr . CREWE , The Old Priory , Milton , Portsmouth . JAS . GREEN , Esq ., L R . C . P . Lond ., Brandon House , Landport , Portsmouth . W . W . B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P ., Basingstoke . The Biethren Portsmouth Temperance Lodge , No . 20 C 8 . * GEORGE KENNING , Upper Sydenham , Proxies -will be thankfully received by those marked * , and by Bro . JAMES COOTE , 74 , St . Thomas ' s-st ., Portsmouth . Obtained at the Election on 28 th October , 1886-221 votes . The lowest successful Candidate at the same Election obtained 650 votes . TV v ^ « H . *« m > ¦ ¦ i
uro.KooertHenryClemowTestimonial. THE FUND BEING CLOSED ABANQUET Will be held on MONDAY , the 25 th instant , AT ANDERTON'S HOTEL , FLEET STREET , At 6 o'clock p . m ., when the Testimonial will be presented . Bro . JOHN BARNETT , Jun ., 177 , 2192 , In the Chair . TICKETS ( including Wine ) , 21 s . each , to be obtained at the Hotel , jfoning Dress , Bro . EDWD . WITTS , 144 , Hon . Sec .
AN ENGAGEMENT WANTED as T Cashier , Collector , Manager , or any Position of liust . Several years' experience in the City . —Address , MASONIC , J . W . Birch , Advertising Contractor , 171 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
PRO . TOM LAWLER begs to ^* announce that he has returned to Town , and is now ? Pen to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & C .-G 6 , Tonsley ' hill , Wandsworth , S . W .
TO LET—The UPPER PART of a „ HOUSE near the General Post Office . Eight go > ms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this ^ aper .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE r , . ( P . M . and P . Z . ) .-PRIVATE TUITION in the ^ -A-, SICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures . , " > anous subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught I , 2 lis * i by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , ^ ncas ter-road , Notting-hill , W .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President—T HE E ARL OF L ATHOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE P LUCKNETT , P . G . D . Englandand Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Vivo . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . C ., by whom also all further particulars will be furnished . The Fund will close in April .
¦ YJMI ** . ] THE [ 1 S 04 < $ > << * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . V ^\ vV I'nrti-ssingana omaof passim ; excellence , v * A V ; md uiiKjual'rd in ihe world . Mannfac-* . * Avr t " ' ' > ' A * C * PARASCHO & CO ., of . XxSV r \ Oiunen ' y , Yenijeh . Tinkey . Each Cigarette . rVO v * t * rO « hears the Trade Mark "DUMENLY , " * » *••V x \^\ V ^ *""¦•^* S ^; , ms •None others are genyA V nine . One sample box ( sent post free for ¦ Cpv 2-. Od . ) is sullicient to convince any con-. Wy * * nuisfeur o £ their superiority , XVVS S ° ' address ' Ihe United Kingdom—V ) v 58 , Pall Mall , London , W ,
/a*COCKERELL'S 13 , CORNHILL , E . C . f ^ y For Prices , see Daily Papers . Cj ^ / Trucks direct from tho * Colliery to every Railway Station .
A.MONARCHKINO, TAILOR , Cornhill , E . G ., and Regent-street , ¥ ., LONDON . 10 PER CENT . DISCOUNT FOR CASH .
hstab . j D U E R , [ 1549 . / « C * ° 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., f ^ ^ y ALSO Kh CALLARD & CALLARD , < y ^ Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s * Wood . ^ J \^ y Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers 8 s Tins J ^\ y packed for the country with Biscuits , Sec . ^ "y ' French & Vienna Fancy Rolls & Bread . WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPIIED ..
42*CHARLESLANCASTER, /¦// LAHC ASTERS t \ i i ^ ° S- B ° n , y * w ( Awarded 15 Prizes and Medals . ) * CA \ ShluuTM griff ^^ WFLPNC ^ P * INVEKTOE AND PATENTEE OP THE ' S ^ giPf * i-BAEBEL BREECHLOADING HAMMEKIESS F ° * °° ' GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL « wm ( Welgrht 711 ) . 4 oa . ) ( Weight 1 Mb . ) (* 478 bore , 211 ) . 6 oz . ) ISss ' " THE COLINDIAN , " MHITAKT A RIFLED GUN FOR SHOT AND BALL , and Illustrated Detailed Price Lists Free on Application . LARGE BORE Special Prises for Cash . RIFLES . 151 , NEW BOND ST ., W . Established 1828
fGEORGESPILLER ^ g ? Surgeon ' s Optician , to ^ 3 , WIGMORE ST ., W . £ 7 A 7 — / s-7 * SHOT-PROOF SPECTACLES . ^ ^ THE NEW § " SHOOTING" PINCE-NEZ , £ j > WITH RIGID BRIDGE . CQ They P ress tiie nose much less than i any other eye-glass .
,, , # S Moule ' s EARTH System ; ¦ MlO ^ . , * ^ a * V V * J . W . Girdlestone ' s Patent , ^ ^ oTB ^ 5 a > GARRICK STREET , S _ COYENT GARDEN , LONDON .
TELEGRAPHICADDRESSES(Inland). For the Freemason Printing Works—FREEMASON , LONDON . For Jewels , Clothing , Banners , and Furniture—KENNING , LONDON .
THE MASONIC CELEBRATION OF THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE . Secretaries of Lodges desiring to distribute the second circular just issued by the Pro Grand Master amongst the members of their lodges , may obtain copies on application to the Publisher of the Freemason who will supply them at the rate of five shillings per 100 .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following , amongst other communications , unavoidably stand over : —
CRAFTLord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . Provincial Grand Lodge Cumberland and Westmorland .
jy ^^^^^ F ^^ Pp - a 55 »^ a ^* : ft " -. / P- ^ H-h & Ms-y ** I SATURDAY , APRIL 23 , 1887 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion , ]
THE JUBILEE-BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , Allow me to supplement my former letter by suggesting that if "A Vice-President" and others are so anxious that the Boys' School authorities should follow the example of those of the Girls' School , and admit all the candidates—which can , of course , be done at the October Election , and still be a bona fide Jubilee commemorationinstead of only filling up the vacancies , he and they should direct their efforts towards enlarging the funded property
of the School , and so increase the permanent income . This they could do by raising a number of Jubilee Perpetual Presentations at 1000 guineas each , as West Yorkshire is doing in the case of the Widows' Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and as , I believe , other provinces propose doing before the year is ended . Of course , I know that twent y 1000 guinea funds will take a good deal of raising ; but I also know that a nermanent increase of ie \ in thp nnmhpr
of boys—as "A Vice-President" proposed—means a permanent additional outlay of £ Soo , and that is rather more than an Institution which , as Bro . Binckes has since pointed out , has only £ 755 permanent income at its disposal , can afford to do . —Fraternally yours , Q . ias"uwtw j
"FREEMASONS' CALENDAR . SOMERSETSHIRE , 1 S 87-S . " Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards , as editor of the Somerset Calendar , has evidently a fondness for the work , for the present issue ( the sixth of the series ) contains , for the first time , a roll of officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge since 1854 ( inclusive ) , when Colonel C . K . Kemeys Tynte became the Provincial Grand Master , who was followed , in 1863 , by
the respected Bro . Colonel Adair , who resigned in 1868 , and was succeeded by the M . W . Bro . Lord Carnarvon , the honoured Pro Grand Masterof England . Throughout that long period there have been but three Deputy Provincial Grand Masters—Bros . J . Randolph , H . Bridges , and R . C . Else—the latter having held the appointment from the year 1875 , and is a most acceptable and zealous officer . There are 25 lodges in tbe province , commencing witb No . 41 ,
Bath , of 1733 , and ending with No . 3038 , Langport , of 1 S 84 . The number of members—obtained by adding the figures given under each lodge—is 10 S 1 . The number of votes held in the Central Masonic Charities is 2343 , which isa slight reduction from last year ; but the difference is less than might fairly be expected , considering the heavy losses through the decease of several very large subscribers during the past year . The tables printed , relative to the votes , extend to 12 pages , each lodge being separately arranged and classified , and the number of subscribing members indicated , so that it is easy to see what lodges are doing their duty , some having considerable more votes than
members , and others vice versa . Another new feature tor 1886 is a list of the Stewards and amounts collected for each Institution during the last 11 years . Royal Arch Masonry is represented by nine chapters , the senior on trie roll—No . 41 , Bath—having been the first to obtain a centenary jewel warrant in England . 'I here are 390 subscribing Koyal Arch companions in Somerset , and under the happy rule of the R . W . Bro . R . C . Else there are eight