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Consecration Of A New Lodge At Harrington.
Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , M . A ., was duly installed as W . M , of the Curwen Lodge , No . 1400 , and he thereupon appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year . The lodge was
then formally closed , and the brethren adjourned for a short time in order to allow . ' of tables being laid in the lodge-room for a banquet . At four o ' clock they re-assembed , when a
sumptuous dinner was well served by Bro . Hullock , of the Station Hotel , Workington . The chair was occupied by Bro . "Whitwell , M . P .. W . D . P . G . M . of Cumberland and Westmorland ,
supported right and left by Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , W . AI . 1400 ; Bro . Edward Busher , P . G . S . B . of England , P . G . S . ; Bro . Rev . Joshua Tyson , P . Prov . G . C . ; Bro . Weir , and * _ others ,
The vice-chair was filled by Bro . A . C . Alott , R . N . R ., P . S . G . W ., supported by Bro . W . B * Gibson , P . Prov . G . W . ; Bros . Pearson , Cockermouth , and others . Besides a large gathering of
the brethren , there were present the Rev . E . Curwen , Bro . Bain , and others unconnected with the Craft , ancl a number of ladies . Grace before and after meat was said by the
Provincial Grand Chaplain . Dinner being over , thc Chairman proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , and the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , responded to by the
Rev . E . Curwen ; Bro . the Rev . Alfreel Curwen , W . AI . 1400 , proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " to which the Chairman and Yice-Chairman responded ; the Chairman then gave
the Lord-Lieutenant ( Lord Lonsdale ) , which was cordially drank ; and the "Friendly Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Bain , jun . The ladies and those not Freemasons then withdrew .
and the Chairman , Vice-Chairman , Bro . Busher , and a large number ' of others were obliged to leave , in order to catch the last train home . On their retirement , which was the signal for
repeated rounds of cheering ( those remaining much regretting that the brethren from a distance were obliged to leave so early ) , thechai * - was ably filled by Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , W . AL 1400
when the usual Alasonic toasts were dul ) honoured . The health cf the Grand AIaster and Deput }
Grand Master of England , and the Provincial Grand AIaster and Deputy Provincial Grand AIaster of Cumberland and Westmorland were
proposed from the chair ; as was also the health of the Provincial Officers , to which Bro . Rev . W . Williams , P . P . G . C , responded . The health of the Chairman ( Bro . Rev . Alfred
Curwen , W . AL 1400 ) was proposed by Bro . W . B . Gibson , P . Prov . G . W ., who , in doing so , stated that he had peculiar p leasure in proposing the toast , not only ou account of the
proceedings of that day , but from the fact that he had had the honour of initiating Brother Curwen as a Freemason many years ago . He believed lhat the work in which they had that day been
engaged would be the means of disseminating the g lorious principles of Freemasonry , and that the establishment of a lodge at Harrington would give additional impetus to the spread of those
principles throughout West Cumberland . Brother Curwen responded in appropriate terms , expressing his gratitude to Brother
Gibson , and the rest ol thc brethren present , or who had been present during the da ) ' , for their attendance .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Harrington.
Ihe Chairman next proposed the health of Bro . Rev . H . L . Puxley , P . Prov . G . C , who responded . Bro . Gibson , P . Prov . G . W ., gave "The
officers of Lodge 1400 , " coupled with the names of the Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . Y ' oung and Carlyle , Bro . Dr . Dick ( Secretary ) , Bro . Rev . Joshua Tyson ( Chaplain ) , and Bro . Gambles , all
of whom responded . The Chairman then gave " The Workington Lodge , " coupled with the name of Bro . Brown , and the "The Whitehaven Lodges , " coupled
with the name of Bro . Henry , P . AL 119 , P . J . G . W ., both of whom responded . He then proposed " The Press , " coupled with
the name of Bro . Alsop , who responded ; and afterwards the Tyler ' s toast , when the proceedings te ; minated .
Consecration Of An Encampment Of Knights Templar At Stockton.
On Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., the Mount Grace Encampment , No . 118 , of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and "Military Order of Masonic
Knights Templar in England and Wales , was consecrated at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellingtonstreet , Stockton .
Amongst the visitors present were the following Sir Knights : —C . I . Bannister , Bradford , Past Grand Captain ; Wm . Foulsham , P . E . C . ;
Anthony Clapham , Newcastle , P . E . C . ; William Brignal , jun ., Durham , P . E . C . ; Edward Heft ' ernan , Spennymoor ; J . S . Trotter , Newcastle , and others .
The encampment was summoned for one o ' clock , and on the arrival of the Grand Chancellor , Sir Patrick Colquhoun , Q . C , LL . D .
accompanied by the Grand Vice-Chancellor , Sir Knight William Tinkler , the encampment was opened by the Grand Chancellor in due form , after which the Grand Chancellor addressed
those present on the nature of the meeting , and called upon the Registrar to read the warrant , after which , and the usual ceremonies , the Grand
Chancellor dedicated and consecrated theencampment , and called upon the Knights present to promote its prosperity .
Then followed the installation of Sir Knight John Trotter , as Eminent Commander . The ballot was then taken for the following companions , wdio were unanimously accepted :
—Anthony C . Knowles , Joseph Alorrell , James W . Alaisball , John E . AlacNay , John Jones , Christopher Jackson , Henry George Faber , Charles I'Anson , jut ) ., William Al . Watson , Lord Ernest
M'Donnell Vane Tempest , 1 nomas Vaughan , Charles A . Head , James Bowron , jun ., Thomas Wrightson , John Ross , Robert A . Luck , John Alorrell , and lohn Trenholm .
The above were duly installed Knights Templar by Sir Knig ht C . I . Bannister , assisted by Sir Knig ht W . Foulsham . The bye laws of the encampment , which had
been carefully prepared , and approved by the Grand Chancellor , were then taken as read , and approved and confirmed .
Sir Kni g ht the Rev . James Alilner , M . A ., of Ucatiseant Encampment , 105 , and Sir Knight William C . Ward-Jackson , of the Roval Kent
Consecration Of An Encampment Of Knights Templar At Stockton.
Encampment , 20 , were then ballotted for , and admitted members ofthe Encampment . The Eminent Commander nominated the following officers : —Prelate , Sir Knight the Rev .
J . Milner ; First Captain of Columns , Sir Knight the Rev . V . H . Aloyle , M . A . ; Second Captain Sir Knight J . S . Walton , ALD ., Registrar and Treasurer pro tem ., Sir Knight C . A . Head ;
Almoner , Sir Knight Joseph Alorrell ; Expert , Sir Kni ght Lord Ernest Vane Tempest ; First Standard Bearer , Sir Knight John Jones ; Second ditto , Sir Knight Christopher Jackson ; Captain
of Lines , Sir Knight James Bowron , junior ; Herald , Sir Knight John Ross ; Equerry , Sir Knight John Trenholm . The encampment was then closeel by thc
Eminent Commander , when a Priory ofthe Order of Alalta was consecrated by the Grand Chancellor , Sir Patrick Colquhoun , and the following Sir Knights were installed by him : —The Rev .
V . Ii . Aloyle , J . S . Walt-n , Edward Heflernan , — Palliser , Joseph Alorrell , J . Jones , Christopher Jackson , H . G . Faber , Lord E . V . Tempest , C . A . Head , Tames Bowron , John Ros ***
R . A . Luck , John Alorrell , and J . Trenholm . The priory was then closed , and an adjournment made to thc banqueting hall , where the company sat clown to an excellent repast .
Consecration Of The Vane Chapter No. 538.
On Thursday the 14 th inst ., this new Chapter was consecrated at Freemasons' Hall , Great Q"ecn-strcet , by Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., Prov . Grand Scribe E . Middlesex , assisted
by Comps . J . Terry , P . Z ., as H . ; J . W . Reed , P . Z ., as J . ; II . G . Buss , P . Z .. Prov . G . Treas . Aliddlcscx , as Dir . of Cers . The chapter having been duly opened , the
ceremony of consecration was performed with the customary solemnities , after which Comp . Little installed Comps . the Right Hon . the Earl
Vane , James Kench , and Henry \ v . landers as Third Principals , Earl Vane and Comp . Kench as Second Principals , and finally installed the noble Lord as Al . E . Z .
Some formal business was then irrnsacted , and the- rank of honorary member was conferred upon Comps . Little , Terry , and Buss , together with a vote of thanks for their services 011 the
occasion . Each of these worthy companions acknowledged the compliment , and congratulated the noble Al . E . Z . upon the inauguration of thc
chapter under his auspices . The chapter was then closed . Among the companions present , besides the founders , we noticed Comps . f . Boyd , P . Z ., and
E . Sillifant , P . Z . Giving to seven . ; domestic affliction in Lord Vane ' s family , the opening of this chapter has been delayed , and his loichhi p feeling !) alh . ckd to the fact in a lew well-chosen sen knees .
. Mitrr . M-njiii-. il invt ' i-tiji . iiii-iiili .-n jri . v .-i ! ni .- 'l M . t -v .,.- ! .-. 'i . * . * .- u '* .. ili ; itciiini ] l . * t ; c litlwtcn lilt- li-tth i-mili . in : iiiir . nl ; i :,. l v ...- t ; , ! k j : : - i-il .-., nnil lir ;! t ' . * e tcivli I ' . AV . iii ., ; .-t " ,. * iii'l "a in- i . i ,.. ! ' . -a list * hint- 1111 clio'I ii'iiii *! ..-sc . . !! . ¦ : si > . ' .. i " i :.. tir . iii ..: ;¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ 1 : 1 : It- .-mil Kiiiiil I ) i-iiiii : iiv . ' - " ill ii > . 1 . 1 . ' it'ni-t ¦ ii ' . iil | i-. 1 . 11 in- !;¦ iii IS . ml . | , ir lu * > . ) ii ) ili |> M ; i ' , ' ! . * " ! :,. . . 11 .. 1 I : . *; i * i . ii- II . i ¦ : . i : ii ....-i ¦ '¦ - ¦' ii-. v . t ills ,, |; ri-s ..-tvt- innl livi . v . l ' ' - li > - ' IftUi . 1 vt ; i .-. t . . ,.. ¦ - .: * ,,. M .-.--:.-. C ' : * l . l LI , lilt * nil tsiiiiii-lii'l it .- 'ili .-l--, 1 .. ; , •' . ' •'¦ I -::- ' .: j I . IIIHI JM , I . HIlcv-stucl , C '; ivcnil ' s ' i-.-i ; u . i * it . I . t'iiiin , iv ' . it . o . lhv ;* pi .: i . ' .: s . ' ti ' . tif uii ' nii ' . cM-. tcm fi 1 mil ' . ' . ; " ' ) : iHi = - . ri * .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Harrington.
Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , M . A ., was duly installed as W . M , of the Curwen Lodge , No . 1400 , and he thereupon appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year . The lodge was
then formally closed , and the brethren adjourned for a short time in order to allow . ' of tables being laid in the lodge-room for a banquet . At four o ' clock they re-assembed , when a
sumptuous dinner was well served by Bro . Hullock , of the Station Hotel , Workington . The chair was occupied by Bro . "Whitwell , M . P .. W . D . P . G . M . of Cumberland and Westmorland ,
supported right and left by Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , W . AI . 1400 ; Bro . Edward Busher , P . G . S . B . of England , P . G . S . ; Bro . Rev . Joshua Tyson , P . Prov . G . C . ; Bro . Weir , and * _ others ,
The vice-chair was filled by Bro . A . C . Alott , R . N . R ., P . S . G . W ., supported by Bro . W . B * Gibson , P . Prov . G . W . ; Bros . Pearson , Cockermouth , and others . Besides a large gathering of
the brethren , there were present the Rev . E . Curwen , Bro . Bain , and others unconnected with the Craft , ancl a number of ladies . Grace before and after meat was said by the
Provincial Grand Chaplain . Dinner being over , thc Chairman proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , and the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , responded to by the
Rev . E . Curwen ; Bro . the Rev . Alfreel Curwen , W . AI . 1400 , proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " to which the Chairman and Yice-Chairman responded ; the Chairman then gave
the Lord-Lieutenant ( Lord Lonsdale ) , which was cordially drank ; and the "Friendly Visitors , " which was responded to by Bro . Bain , jun . The ladies and those not Freemasons then withdrew .
and the Chairman , Vice-Chairman , Bro . Busher , and a large number ' of others were obliged to leave , in order to catch the last train home . On their retirement , which was the signal for
repeated rounds of cheering ( those remaining much regretting that the brethren from a distance were obliged to leave so early ) , thechai * - was ably filled by Bro . Rev . Alfred Curwen , W . AL 1400
when the usual Alasonic toasts were dul ) honoured . The health cf the Grand AIaster and Deput }
Grand Master of England , and the Provincial Grand AIaster and Deputy Provincial Grand AIaster of Cumberland and Westmorland were
proposed from the chair ; as was also the health of the Provincial Officers , to which Bro . Rev . W . Williams , P . P . G . C , responded . The health of the Chairman ( Bro . Rev . Alfred
Curwen , W . AL 1400 ) was proposed by Bro . W . B . Gibson , P . Prov . G . W ., who , in doing so , stated that he had peculiar p leasure in proposing the toast , not only ou account of the
proceedings of that day , but from the fact that he had had the honour of initiating Brother Curwen as a Freemason many years ago . He believed lhat the work in which they had that day been
engaged would be the means of disseminating the g lorious principles of Freemasonry , and that the establishment of a lodge at Harrington would give additional impetus to the spread of those
principles throughout West Cumberland . Brother Curwen responded in appropriate terms , expressing his gratitude to Brother
Gibson , and the rest ol thc brethren present , or who had been present during the da ) ' , for their attendance .
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Harrington.
Ihe Chairman next proposed the health of Bro . Rev . H . L . Puxley , P . Prov . G . C , who responded . Bro . Gibson , P . Prov . G . W ., gave "The
officers of Lodge 1400 , " coupled with the names of the Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . Y ' oung and Carlyle , Bro . Dr . Dick ( Secretary ) , Bro . Rev . Joshua Tyson ( Chaplain ) , and Bro . Gambles , all
of whom responded . The Chairman then gave " The Workington Lodge , " coupled with the name of Bro . Brown , and the "The Whitehaven Lodges , " coupled
with the name of Bro . Henry , P . AL 119 , P . J . G . W ., both of whom responded . He then proposed " The Press , " coupled with
the name of Bro . Alsop , who responded ; and afterwards the Tyler ' s toast , when the proceedings te ; minated .
Consecration Of An Encampment Of Knights Templar At Stockton.
On Tuesday , the 29 th ult ., the Mount Grace Encampment , No . 118 , of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and "Military Order of Masonic
Knights Templar in England and Wales , was consecrated at the Freemasons' Hall , Wellingtonstreet , Stockton .
Amongst the visitors present were the following Sir Knights : —C . I . Bannister , Bradford , Past Grand Captain ; Wm . Foulsham , P . E . C . ;
Anthony Clapham , Newcastle , P . E . C . ; William Brignal , jun ., Durham , P . E . C . ; Edward Heft ' ernan , Spennymoor ; J . S . Trotter , Newcastle , and others .
The encampment was summoned for one o ' clock , and on the arrival of the Grand Chancellor , Sir Patrick Colquhoun , Q . C , LL . D .
accompanied by the Grand Vice-Chancellor , Sir Knight William Tinkler , the encampment was opened by the Grand Chancellor in due form , after which the Grand Chancellor addressed
those present on the nature of the meeting , and called upon the Registrar to read the warrant , after which , and the usual ceremonies , the Grand
Chancellor dedicated and consecrated theencampment , and called upon the Knights present to promote its prosperity .
Then followed the installation of Sir Knight John Trotter , as Eminent Commander . The ballot was then taken for the following companions , wdio were unanimously accepted :
—Anthony C . Knowles , Joseph Alorrell , James W . Alaisball , John E . AlacNay , John Jones , Christopher Jackson , Henry George Faber , Charles I'Anson , jut ) ., William Al . Watson , Lord Ernest
M'Donnell Vane Tempest , 1 nomas Vaughan , Charles A . Head , James Bowron , jun ., Thomas Wrightson , John Ross , Robert A . Luck , John Alorrell , and lohn Trenholm .
The above were duly installed Knights Templar by Sir Knig ht C . I . Bannister , assisted by Sir Knig ht W . Foulsham . The bye laws of the encampment , which had
been carefully prepared , and approved by the Grand Chancellor , were then taken as read , and approved and confirmed .
Sir Kni g ht the Rev . James Alilner , M . A ., of Ucatiseant Encampment , 105 , and Sir Knight William C . Ward-Jackson , of the Roval Kent
Consecration Of An Encampment Of Knights Templar At Stockton.
Encampment , 20 , were then ballotted for , and admitted members ofthe Encampment . The Eminent Commander nominated the following officers : —Prelate , Sir Knight the Rev .
J . Milner ; First Captain of Columns , Sir Knight the Rev . V . H . Aloyle , M . A . ; Second Captain Sir Knight J . S . Walton , ALD ., Registrar and Treasurer pro tem ., Sir Knight C . A . Head ;
Almoner , Sir Knight Joseph Alorrell ; Expert , Sir Kni ght Lord Ernest Vane Tempest ; First Standard Bearer , Sir Knight John Jones ; Second ditto , Sir Knight Christopher Jackson ; Captain
of Lines , Sir Knight James Bowron , junior ; Herald , Sir Knight John Ross ; Equerry , Sir Knight John Trenholm . The encampment was then closeel by thc
Eminent Commander , when a Priory ofthe Order of Alalta was consecrated by the Grand Chancellor , Sir Patrick Colquhoun , and the following Sir Knights were installed by him : —The Rev .
V . Ii . Aloyle , J . S . Walt-n , Edward Heflernan , — Palliser , Joseph Alorrell , J . Jones , Christopher Jackson , H . G . Faber , Lord E . V . Tempest , C . A . Head , Tames Bowron , John Ros ***
R . A . Luck , John Alorrell , and J . Trenholm . The priory was then closed , and an adjournment made to thc banqueting hall , where the company sat clown to an excellent repast .
Consecration Of The Vane Chapter No. 538.
On Thursday the 14 th inst ., this new Chapter was consecrated at Freemasons' Hall , Great Q"ecn-strcet , by Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z ., Prov . Grand Scribe E . Middlesex , assisted
by Comps . J . Terry , P . Z ., as H . ; J . W . Reed , P . Z ., as J . ; II . G . Buss , P . Z .. Prov . G . Treas . Aliddlcscx , as Dir . of Cers . The chapter having been duly opened , the
ceremony of consecration was performed with the customary solemnities , after which Comp . Little installed Comps . the Right Hon . the Earl
Vane , James Kench , and Henry \ v . landers as Third Principals , Earl Vane and Comp . Kench as Second Principals , and finally installed the noble Lord as Al . E . Z .
Some formal business was then irrnsacted , and the- rank of honorary member was conferred upon Comps . Little , Terry , and Buss , together with a vote of thanks for their services 011 the
occasion . Each of these worthy companions acknowledged the compliment , and congratulated the noble Al . E . Z . upon the inauguration of thc
chapter under his auspices . The chapter was then closed . Among the companions present , besides the founders , we noticed Comps . f . Boyd , P . Z ., and
E . Sillifant , P . Z . Giving to seven . ; domestic affliction in Lord Vane ' s family , the opening of this chapter has been delayed , and his loichhi p feeling !) alh . ckd to the fact in a lew well-chosen sen knees .
. Mitrr . M-njiii-. il invt ' i-tiji . iiii-iiili .-n jri . v .-i ! ni .- 'l M . t -v .,.- ! .-. 'i . * . * .- u '* .. ili ; itciiini ] l . * t ; c litlwtcn lilt- li-tth i-mili . in : iiiir . nl ; i :,. l v ...- t ; , ! k j : : - i-il .-., nnil lir ;! t ' . * e tcivli I ' . AV . iii ., ; .-t " ,. * iii'l "a in- i . i ,.. ! ' . -a list * hint- 1111 clio'I ii'iiii *! ..-sc . . !! . ¦ : si > . ' .. i " i :.. tir . iii ..: ;¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ 1 : 1 : It- .-mil Kiiiiil I ) i-iiiii : iiv . ' - " ill ii > . 1 . 1 . ' it'ni-t ¦ ii ' . iil | i-. 1 . 11 in- !;¦ iii IS . ml . | , ir lu * > . ) ii ) ili |> M ; i ' , ' ! . * " ! :,. . . 11 .. 1 I : . *; i * i . ii- II . i ¦ : . i : ii ....-i ¦ '¦ - ¦' ii-. v . t ills ,, |; ri-s ..-tvt- innl livi . v . l ' ' - li > - ' IftUi . 1 vt ; i .-. t . . ,.. ¦ - .: * ,,. M .-.--:.-. C ' : * l . l LI , lilt * nil tsiiiiii-lii'l it .- 'ili .-l--, 1 .. ; , •' . ' •'¦ I -::- ' .: j I . IIIHI JM , I . HIlcv-stucl , C '; ivcnil ' s ' i-.-i ; u . i * it . I . t'iiiin , iv ' . it . o . lhv ;* pi .: i . ' .: s . ' ti ' . tif uii ' nii ' . cM-. tcm fi 1 mil ' . ' . ; " ' ) : iHi = - . ri * .