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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
recommending and adhibiting the required signatures to a petition in favour ofthe candidature for admission to the kindred Institution of a daughter ^ of a late Brother , Past Master of the lodge . With the view of utilizing the musical talent for which a number of our local brethren
are distinguished , Bro . Tebbutt , Organist pro . tem ., submitted the following notice of motion : — "That considering an effective rendering ofthe ceremonies as highly important in imparting an additional impressiveness to the services , as well as inducing an increased interest and
improved attendance on the part of the brethren to tbe duties of the lodge , it is desirable to form a Masonic choir of not less than twelve members in connection with the local lodges . After the customary fraternal greetings from the visitors , the lodge was closed in ample form .
DALTON-IN-FURNESS . —Baldwin Lodge ( No . 139 8 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held on Mondayevening , the nth instant , in the Masonic
Temple , the Castle , Dalton-in-Furness , when the following officers were present : —The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Pearson , W . M . of Lodge of Furness , Ulverston , 995 , supported by Bro . J .
Case , P . M . 99 1 ; ; W . Whiteside , S . W . j J
Postlethwaite , J . W . ; F . F . Clark , Treasurer ; J . Tyson , Secretary ; W . Horn , S . D . ; F . Bell , J . D . ; Rev . J . W . Morgan ' , Chaplain ; J . Walker , I . G . ; and T . Cooper , Tyler . The visiting brethren present were Bros . I . H . Matthews , P . S . W ., and R . Casson , both ofoo *; , the latter of whom
very ably presided at the harmonium , the attendance of brethren , members ofthe lodge , was very good . The lodge was duly opened by the Acting W . M ., in the first degree , and the minutes of the two former meetings were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for the admission
of two candidates , in one case proving favourable , and in the other unfavourable . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . J . Harrison gave proof of proficiency as F . C , was entrusted by the W . M ., and retired , when the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro .
Harrison was duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed to the lirst degree , when Bro . W . Dalzell having proved proficiency as E . A ., was entrusted and retired , the lodge resuming the second degree . Bro . Dalzell was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was
again closed to the lirst degree , when Mr . George Bellas Moses , of Dalton-ir .-Furness , iron ore merchant , and Mr . Frederick Atkinson , of Daltonin-Furness , commercial traveller , were consecutively' initiated into the mysteries and privileges nf ancient Freemasonry . The workinsr tools in
each degree were presenteel by the S . W ., and J . W . respectively , and the S . W . delivered to the newly initiated brethren the initiation charge . The questions in the first degree were then put round . The bye laws of the lodge having been
confirmed , and some other formal business tlisposed of , the lodge was duly closed at 10 . 30 p . m . Thelodge , which may yet be said to be in its infancy , is much indebted to the watchfulness and nurturintr care of the ollicers and
brethren of the lodge ol Furness , 99 *; , the W . M . attending on each occasion to contluct the lodge . PRESCOT . —Lodge of Lnt / nlIt / ( No . 86 ) . —The brethren of this old and highly prosperous lotlge were summoned to their Masonic duties on
Wednesday afternoon , the 1 , 3 th inst ., and as the principal business was the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . W . R . Fowler , there was an unusually large muster of members and visitors . The ancient Loyalty is amongst the most popular of lodges in the province of Lancashire West ,
and it fully maintained its proud position by the success which attended the interesting meeting on this occasion . The assembly took place at the Royal Hotel , where the lodge was duly opened by Bro . Dr . S . Morris , W . M ., who was supported by the following 11 : 1 st anti present officers and
members of No . H (> : —Inns . J . ]>' . Birchall , P . M . ; | . T . Hall , P . M . ; T . Wylie , P . 1 W . G . Meg ., P . M . ; G . Tinner , P . M .. Treas .: K . Young , Sec ; J . Williams . S . W . ; K . 1 ) . Simpson , J . D . j R . Cork , I . G . j W . Jamieson , S . j W . Tyrer , M . C . T . Se-phtoti , T yler ; J . Hamer ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . Prov . G . Treas ., J . Vaughan , J . V . Van . Denne , G . H . Turner , J . Ellis , C . R . Hall , jun . W . Cron , J . Kitchen , S . Marsh , G . Stead , J . j Knight , R . S . Reynolds , H . S . Oppenheim , J . S . Robertson , T . Ambler , A . ' 1 . Galloway , and
T . Swift . Amongst the visitors present during the afternoon were Bros . J . Sket'f , P . Prov ., G . O . j J . K . Smith , P . M . 349 ; W . Harrison , W . M . 897 ; W . J . Newman , J . W . 786 j C . C . Wilson , 897 ; I . De Zouch , 249 ; D . Saunders ,
1299 ; W . Thomson , 314 ; J . Busfield , 216 ; T . Evans , 1023 , and others . The lodge having been opened in clue form by Bro . Morris , W . M ., the minutes of the jirevious meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bros . T . Wylie and J .
Hamer then presented Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , W . M . elect , to his father ( Bro . J . W . J . Fowler ) for installation , and he proceeded with the ceremony in an impressive and efficient manner . The spectacle of a son being installed by his father
is so rare as to be always interesting ; but when an installing Master enjoys so high a Masonic reputation as that honestly earned by Bro . P . M . Fowler , the interest is greatly increased . After the lodge had been opened in thc third degree , a
board of Installed Masters was held , and Bro . Fowler , jun ., was duly placed inthe chair . The other brethren were then re-admitted , and the newly installed Master was saluted , according to ancient custom , in the three degrees . The
working tools were presented by Bro . T . Wylie , and the charges to the following officers , appointed for the ensuing year , were given by Bro . J . Hamer . —Bros . S . Morris , I . P . M . ; H . Scott . S . W . ; R . Young , J . W . j J . W . J . Fowler , P . M ., Treas . ;
W . Tyrer , Secretary ; R . Cork , S . D . ; G . H . Turner , J . D . ; W . Cron , I . G . j C . R . Hall , S . S . ; J . Kitchen , J . S . j R . D . Simpson , M . C . Bro . T . Sephton was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The musical portion ofthe ceremony , which included
Skeaf s admirably written anthem , " Behold how good , " was rendered in the most striking and effective manner b y Bros . D . Saunders , J . Busfield , and T . Evans , Bro . J . Skeaf presiding at the harmonium . The loelge was closed
according to ancient form . The brethren subsequentl y sat down to a magnificent banquet in the Court House , under the presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . The health of
" The Right Hon . Lorel Skelmersdale , V . W . P . D . P . G . M ., anel the P . Prov . G . Officers , " was acknowledged by Bro . Wylie , P . Prov . G . Reg . ' The West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of
Children of Distressed Masons , and the Masonic Charities , " was acknowledged by by Hro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treasurer . "The Worshipful Master , " proposed by Bro . S . Morris , I . P . M ., was acknowledged by ilro . Fowler , \ V .
M ., in a suitable maimer . Bro . Wylie then gave " The Worthy and Worshipful Past Master , " anel inthe course of a highly appropriate speech , he presented a very chaste and valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Morris , I . P . M ., who
acknowledged thefgift from the brethren in a few but pointed words . "The P . M . ' s and Officers of Lodge of Loyalty , No . 86 , " anel " The Visiting Brethren " were . the other toasts on the list . After spending an exceedingly pleasant evening , the brethren separated at an early hour .
LEIGH . —Mui ' iji / is of Lome Loilge fNo . 1 , 354 ) . —The first installation since the consecration of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , at the Masonic Rooms Newton-street , Leigh . The brethren assembled about four
o ' clock in the afternoon , and the installation of the Worshipful Master was ' proceeded with , after the ustii- 'al lode business had been transacted . The choice of the brethren having fallen upon Bro . James Jackson , the worthy superintendent
ofthe Warrington Division of County Police , that gentleman was installed according to ancient custom , by Bro . Join Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Piov . G . Ke'g . The brethren visiting from other lodges were Jlros . jjKno . s Andrew , Waverley 1 . 322 ,
P . S . S . E . Z . ; P . Mills , 300 and I oS !' , P . M . ; J . Marland W . M . ; 3 , 5 o , ; P . Ashforth J . W . . 300 , ; William Lewis , 4 H 4 ; D . W . Finney i .-S . 12 . 30 , P . M . ; William Mi .-sip P . M . 11 50 , ; 'J hon ' ias Bowers , 1088 and 1144 , P . G . A . D . G . G . ; J . Howe , 300 , James Kershaw 300 , and J . Fother-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gill , P . M . 1129 . The members of the Marquis of Lome Lod ge present were : —Bros . T . J . Lancashire , W . M ., J . Jackson , S . W . ; R . Neild , S . D ., W . Duncan , J . D ., T . Smith , I . G . j G . Dickenson , Secretary , R . W . B . Sanderson , T . T . Hayes , C . E . Wright , James KirkpatrickN .
, Molyneaux , John Hall , G . H . H . Evans , J . Rose , J . l "" ales , and H . Heap , Tyler . The newly-installed W . M ., after having been saluted by the brethren , invested the following gentlemen as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Robert Neild , S . W . ; William Duncan , J . W .
C . E . Wright , S . D . ; Thomas Smith , J . D . j N . Molyneaux , I . G ., J . Ashton , Tyler . Bros . Bryce and Dickenson wcre re-elected as Treasurer and ^ Secretary . The lodge was finally lowered and closed by the newly-installed Master . The members and visiting brethren afterwards celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist
by a banquet at the Boar ' s Head Inn , Marketplace . Tho W . M . in giving the first toast , "The Queen—the Mother of a Mason , " said that the toast of our Sovereign was the first given , when ever Englishmen were gathered together , and more particularly when Masons assembled , as on that occasion . The Queen was the mother of
a Mason , and therefore they should receive the loyal toast with more than usual heartiness . In proposing the toast of "H . R . H . the Princeof Wales , M . W . P . G . M . ; H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , and the other members of the Royal Family , " the W . M said they no doubt were well
aware that the Prince of Wales was Brother Wales , and that other members of the Royal Family were Masons . He would not eulogise them , but he sincerel y believed that if the example of the royal household was imitated , it would make many better men , and better Masons .
The W \ M . trusted they would duly honour the next toast , which was the * ' Army , Navy , Militia , Volunteers , and Royal Navy Reserve , " with which he coupled the name of Bro . Molyneux . Bro . Molyneux responeled . The W . M . said all Masons knew thatthe two gentlemen at the head
of the Masonic body , the Marquis of Ripon and the Earl of Carnarvon , were second to none who have ever occupied that position ; either as diplomatists , as statesmen , as noblemen , or as gentlemen . He gave , with unusual pleasure , the health of " The M . W . G . M ., the R . W . D .
G . M ., and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast having been enthusiasticall y honoured , the W . M . said that he was sorry to say that at present they had no Provincial ' Grand Master , and , therefore , in proposing "The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., and the Prov . G . L .
of West Lancashire , " he asked them to drink to the memory of the late Sir Thomas G . F . Hesketh , Bart ., to whom a successor has not yet been appointed . In giving the toast ofthe evening , Bro . Lancashire , the retiring W M ., said that there was great difference between talking
upon a subject without interest , and upon one fraught with interest from beginning to end . He : had to propose a toast , which was the health of Bro . James Jackson , W . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , No . 1 . 354 . ( Applause . ) In doing so he did it with the firm belief , that it would be
received with that warm appreciation which should characterise every Mason . After referring to Bro . Jackson as no new resident in Lei gh , he said that whether their new W . M . remained in Leigh for a long or a short period , anel whatever future was in store for him , the name of
James Jackson , the W . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , would be respected by all persons in the town—non-Masons or Masons—but particularly by those who were Masons . Bro . Jackson , W . M ., acknowledged ] the toast of his health , which had been most enthusiastically
drunk . He thought that his brother , Mr . Lancashire had made use of rather too complimentary language . ( No , no ) He , however , thanked him for proposing , and the brethren for receiving so enthusiastically , the toast of his health . He had great hopes for the future of Masonry in Leigh . He was not an old Mason , but
still had held the office of W . M . in an old lodge at Warringto . i . This he considered to be a great h * i : iotir ; to which was now added that of succeeding Ilro . Lancashire to the chair of the Marquisnf Lorne Lod ge . He thanked them for the honours they had twice conferred upon him that elay . ( Appplauss . ) Bro . Sanderson pro ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
recommending and adhibiting the required signatures to a petition in favour ofthe candidature for admission to the kindred Institution of a daughter ^ of a late Brother , Past Master of the lodge . With the view of utilizing the musical talent for which a number of our local brethren
are distinguished , Bro . Tebbutt , Organist pro . tem ., submitted the following notice of motion : — "That considering an effective rendering ofthe ceremonies as highly important in imparting an additional impressiveness to the services , as well as inducing an increased interest and
improved attendance on the part of the brethren to tbe duties of the lodge , it is desirable to form a Masonic choir of not less than twelve members in connection with the local lodges . After the customary fraternal greetings from the visitors , the lodge was closed in ample form .
DALTON-IN-FURNESS . —Baldwin Lodge ( No . 139 8 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this young and flourishing lodge was held on Mondayevening , the nth instant , in the Masonic
Temple , the Castle , Dalton-in-Furness , when the following officers were present : —The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Pearson , W . M . of Lodge of Furness , Ulverston , 995 , supported by Bro . J .
Case , P . M . 99 1 ; ; W . Whiteside , S . W . j J
Postlethwaite , J . W . ; F . F . Clark , Treasurer ; J . Tyson , Secretary ; W . Horn , S . D . ; F . Bell , J . D . ; Rev . J . W . Morgan ' , Chaplain ; J . Walker , I . G . ; and T . Cooper , Tyler . The visiting brethren present were Bros . I . H . Matthews , P . S . W ., and R . Casson , both ofoo *; , the latter of whom
very ably presided at the harmonium , the attendance of brethren , members ofthe lodge , was very good . The lodge was duly opened by the Acting W . M ., in the first degree , and the minutes of the two former meetings were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for the admission
of two candidates , in one case proving favourable , and in the other unfavourable . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . J . Harrison gave proof of proficiency as F . C , was entrusted by the W . M ., and retired , when the lodge was raised to the third degree , and Bro .
Harrison was duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed to the lirst degree , when Bro . W . Dalzell having proved proficiency as E . A ., was entrusted and retired , the lodge resuming the second degree . Bro . Dalzell was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was
again closed to the lirst degree , when Mr . George Bellas Moses , of Dalton-ir .-Furness , iron ore merchant , and Mr . Frederick Atkinson , of Daltonin-Furness , commercial traveller , were consecutively' initiated into the mysteries and privileges nf ancient Freemasonry . The workinsr tools in
each degree were presenteel by the S . W ., and J . W . respectively , and the S . W . delivered to the newly initiated brethren the initiation charge . The questions in the first degree were then put round . The bye laws of the lodge having been
confirmed , and some other formal business tlisposed of , the lodge was duly closed at 10 . 30 p . m . Thelodge , which may yet be said to be in its infancy , is much indebted to the watchfulness and nurturintr care of the ollicers and
brethren of the lodge ol Furness , 99 *; , the W . M . attending on each occasion to contluct the lodge . PRESCOT . —Lodge of Lnt / nlIt / ( No . 86 ) . —The brethren of this old and highly prosperous lotlge were summoned to their Masonic duties on
Wednesday afternoon , the 1 , 3 th inst ., and as the principal business was the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . W . R . Fowler , there was an unusually large muster of members and visitors . The ancient Loyalty is amongst the most popular of lodges in the province of Lancashire West ,
and it fully maintained its proud position by the success which attended the interesting meeting on this occasion . The assembly took place at the Royal Hotel , where the lodge was duly opened by Bro . Dr . S . Morris , W . M ., who was supported by the following 11 : 1 st anti present officers and
members of No . H (> : —Inns . J . ]>' . Birchall , P . M . ; | . T . Hall , P . M . ; T . Wylie , P . 1 W . G . Meg ., P . M . ; G . Tinner , P . M .. Treas .: K . Young , Sec ; J . Williams . S . W . ; K . 1 ) . Simpson , J . D . j R . Cork , I . G . j W . Jamieson , S . j W . Tyrer , M . C . T . Se-phtoti , T yler ; J . Hamer ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . Prov . G . Treas ., J . Vaughan , J . V . Van . Denne , G . H . Turner , J . Ellis , C . R . Hall , jun . W . Cron , J . Kitchen , S . Marsh , G . Stead , J . j Knight , R . S . Reynolds , H . S . Oppenheim , J . S . Robertson , T . Ambler , A . ' 1 . Galloway , and
T . Swift . Amongst the visitors present during the afternoon were Bros . J . Sket'f , P . Prov ., G . O . j J . K . Smith , P . M . 349 ; W . Harrison , W . M . 897 ; W . J . Newman , J . W . 786 j C . C . Wilson , 897 ; I . De Zouch , 249 ; D . Saunders ,
1299 ; W . Thomson , 314 ; J . Busfield , 216 ; T . Evans , 1023 , and others . The lodge having been opened in clue form by Bro . Morris , W . M ., the minutes of the jirevious meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bros . T . Wylie and J .
Hamer then presented Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , W . M . elect , to his father ( Bro . J . W . J . Fowler ) for installation , and he proceeded with the ceremony in an impressive and efficient manner . The spectacle of a son being installed by his father
is so rare as to be always interesting ; but when an installing Master enjoys so high a Masonic reputation as that honestly earned by Bro . P . M . Fowler , the interest is greatly increased . After the lodge had been opened in thc third degree , a
board of Installed Masters was held , and Bro . Fowler , jun ., was duly placed inthe chair . The other brethren were then re-admitted , and the newly installed Master was saluted , according to ancient custom , in the three degrees . The
working tools were presented by Bro . T . Wylie , and the charges to the following officers , appointed for the ensuing year , were given by Bro . J . Hamer . —Bros . S . Morris , I . P . M . ; H . Scott . S . W . ; R . Young , J . W . j J . W . J . Fowler , P . M ., Treas . ;
W . Tyrer , Secretary ; R . Cork , S . D . ; G . H . Turner , J . D . ; W . Cron , I . G . j C . R . Hall , S . S . ; J . Kitchen , J . S . j R . D . Simpson , M . C . Bro . T . Sephton was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The musical portion ofthe ceremony , which included
Skeaf s admirably written anthem , " Behold how good , " was rendered in the most striking and effective manner b y Bros . D . Saunders , J . Busfield , and T . Evans , Bro . J . Skeaf presiding at the harmonium . The loelge was closed
according to ancient form . The brethren subsequentl y sat down to a magnificent banquet in the Court House , under the presidency of the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and cordially responded to . The health of
" The Right Hon . Lorel Skelmersdale , V . W . P . D . P . G . M ., anel the P . Prov . G . Officers , " was acknowledged by Bro . Wylie , P . Prov . G . Reg . ' The West Lancashire Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of
Children of Distressed Masons , and the Masonic Charities , " was acknowledged by by Hro . J . Hamer , P . Prov . G . Treasurer . "The Worshipful Master , " proposed by Bro . S . Morris , I . P . M ., was acknowledged by ilro . Fowler , \ V .
M ., in a suitable maimer . Bro . Wylie then gave " The Worthy and Worshipful Past Master , " anel inthe course of a highly appropriate speech , he presented a very chaste and valuable Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Morris , I . P . M ., who
acknowledged thefgift from the brethren in a few but pointed words . "The P . M . ' s and Officers of Lodge of Loyalty , No . 86 , " anel " The Visiting Brethren " were . the other toasts on the list . After spending an exceedingly pleasant evening , the brethren separated at an early hour .
LEIGH . —Mui ' iji / is of Lome Loilge fNo . 1 , 354 ) . —The first installation since the consecration of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , at the Masonic Rooms Newton-street , Leigh . The brethren assembled about four
o ' clock in the afternoon , and the installation of the Worshipful Master was ' proceeded with , after the ustii- 'al lode business had been transacted . The choice of the brethren having fallen upon Bro . James Jackson , the worthy superintendent
ofthe Warrington Division of County Police , that gentleman was installed according to ancient custom , by Bro . Join Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Piov . G . Ke'g . The brethren visiting from other lodges were Jlros . jjKno . s Andrew , Waverley 1 . 322 ,
P . S . S . E . Z . ; P . Mills , 300 and I oS !' , P . M . ; J . Marland W . M . ; 3 , 5 o , ; P . Ashforth J . W . . 300 , ; William Lewis , 4 H 4 ; D . W . Finney i .-S . 12 . 30 , P . M . ; William Mi .-sip P . M . 11 50 , ; 'J hon ' ias Bowers , 1088 and 1144 , P . G . A . D . G . G . ; J . Howe , 300 , James Kershaw 300 , and J . Fother-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gill , P . M . 1129 . The members of the Marquis of Lome Lod ge present were : —Bros . T . J . Lancashire , W . M ., J . Jackson , S . W . ; R . Neild , S . D ., W . Duncan , J . D ., T . Smith , I . G . j G . Dickenson , Secretary , R . W . B . Sanderson , T . T . Hayes , C . E . Wright , James KirkpatrickN .
, Molyneaux , John Hall , G . H . H . Evans , J . Rose , J . l "" ales , and H . Heap , Tyler . The newly-installed W . M ., after having been saluted by the brethren , invested the following gentlemen as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Robert Neild , S . W . ; William Duncan , J . W .
C . E . Wright , S . D . ; Thomas Smith , J . D . j N . Molyneaux , I . G ., J . Ashton , Tyler . Bros . Bryce and Dickenson wcre re-elected as Treasurer and ^ Secretary . The lodge was finally lowered and closed by the newly-installed Master . The members and visiting brethren afterwards celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist
by a banquet at the Boar ' s Head Inn , Marketplace . Tho W . M . in giving the first toast , "The Queen—the Mother of a Mason , " said that the toast of our Sovereign was the first given , when ever Englishmen were gathered together , and more particularly when Masons assembled , as on that occasion . The Queen was the mother of
a Mason , and therefore they should receive the loyal toast with more than usual heartiness . In proposing the toast of "H . R . H . the Princeof Wales , M . W . P . G . M . ; H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , and the other members of the Royal Family , " the W . M said they no doubt were well
aware that the Prince of Wales was Brother Wales , and that other members of the Royal Family were Masons . He would not eulogise them , but he sincerel y believed that if the example of the royal household was imitated , it would make many better men , and better Masons .
The W \ M . trusted they would duly honour the next toast , which was the * ' Army , Navy , Militia , Volunteers , and Royal Navy Reserve , " with which he coupled the name of Bro . Molyneux . Bro . Molyneux responeled . The W . M . said all Masons knew thatthe two gentlemen at the head
of the Masonic body , the Marquis of Ripon and the Earl of Carnarvon , were second to none who have ever occupied that position ; either as diplomatists , as statesmen , as noblemen , or as gentlemen . He gave , with unusual pleasure , the health of " The M . W . G . M ., the R . W . D .
G . M ., and the Grand Lodge of England . " The toast having been enthusiasticall y honoured , the W . M . said that he was sorry to say that at present they had no Provincial ' Grand Master , and , therefore , in proposing "The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the R . W . D . P . G . M ., and the Prov . G . L .
of West Lancashire , " he asked them to drink to the memory of the late Sir Thomas G . F . Hesketh , Bart ., to whom a successor has not yet been appointed . In giving the toast ofthe evening , Bro . Lancashire , the retiring W M ., said that there was great difference between talking
upon a subject without interest , and upon one fraught with interest from beginning to end . He : had to propose a toast , which was the health of Bro . James Jackson , W . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , No . 1 . 354 . ( Applause . ) In doing so he did it with the firm belief , that it would be
received with that warm appreciation which should characterise every Mason . After referring to Bro . Jackson as no new resident in Lei gh , he said that whether their new W . M . remained in Leigh for a long or a short period , anel whatever future was in store for him , the name of
James Jackson , the W . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , would be respected by all persons in the town—non-Masons or Masons—but particularly by those who were Masons . Bro . Jackson , W . M ., acknowledged ] the toast of his health , which had been most enthusiastically
drunk . He thought that his brother , Mr . Lancashire had made use of rather too complimentary language . ( No , no ) He , however , thanked him for proposing , and the brethren for receiving so enthusiastically , the toast of his health . He had great hopes for the future of Masonry in Leigh . He was not an old Mason , but
still had held the office of W . M . in an old lodge at Warringto . i . This he considered to be a great h * i : iotir ; to which was now added that of succeeding Ilro . Lancashire to the chair of the Marquisnf Lorne Lod ge . He thanked them for the honours they had twice conferred upon him that elay . ( Appplauss . ) Bro . Sanderson pro ,