Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article United States of America. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Public Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE COMING STRUGGLE. Page 1 of 2 Article THE COMING STRUGGLE. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON ts now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . ]] ., ditto 7 s - 6 cl - Vol . JZJ ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . oil . Heading * Case's to bold 52 numbers ... as . Od .
United States Of America.
United States of America .
THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of tlie United States Ior i-s . ; ier annum , payable in advance . Tlie Vrcerniisoii is published un Saturday Mornings in lime for the vorlv trains . Tin- price of the l'recmnson is Twopence per -.-peek : annual siihscrijiliiin , ios . { payable in ailvancc . ) A . ' ! communication ' s , tellers , & c ., to be ndilres ^ eiUo thc Editor , 19 S , Fleet-street , ICC . Tbe HditoMvill pay careful .-mention lo abMS . * - " ** .. entrusted loliim , oute-annot ' . iiulerl ,-, k ' e to return them unlessaccoinpanied by postage Limps-.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
SN-ATCHES . —Declined with t-l' . anks . W . T . *—An English P . M . has no rnnk in rv lodg * --, under another jurisdiction , except by couitcsy . Me can , of ccHiitc , bc present -nt a Board of Insalled Masters , but at thnt point his privileges cea . se .
The follawin *; commuui ^ tfton ** - ; !» av _ hwn Tuceive- 't , uvul viU appear next wjck : — " iS ' nrtnni . in Aniviiitics , " K . H . ; * 'Notes on tne Ord ^ r-i oC thc T .: mpk * ruv . l Htvpital , " \ V . I \ H ; " Welcome in St , j MMil •_* , *> , " G . W . W . : " J \ nck'ni Ynrk nnd I . ondnn ft rami l-o ^ es " M . von ' n : Student ; He potts ot' I'rnvinctnl (» rai ) il Loilge ol' lA-u * Tr ** u * T nn I Rutland ; Cr ; ifr Lor ] , ' -. ' - ; . *» , ; , J 2 '> , ; o % Hgo ; JMari : Linl ^ c NS , 121 , ii :, lie , i 3 ( v ; K . T . Kncampincnt ND , 4 .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Victoria Theatre . On Snturd .-ij-, N ' ovcin ' ier 2 _ *; ri ( , ; url clun ' nn ; tiie wt ' tk , thc pciformMvcc will commence with THE I- 'IRliMAN . l- ' ieilen ' ck * , "Mr . Allen ; Wealthy , -Mr . Dudley ; Stulib * , Air . 1 ' ower ; Cincinn . itu . s Mr . F . iwn , Pre . * .- * ., Mr . Sidney ; John Smith Gun , Miss M-iuil ; Alice , Miss I lenilersDii ; Mr . i . \ V : i ;! il ! etonj > 'uc , Mr ? . Burleigh : Lucrit ' . i , Mrs . Hurk-iirli . Afttrwiiich ' , CMARACTKK D . WCIiS , Miss Maudand M ' iss
Hdsine . To be folliiv .-jd b y 'I" ! It SEA . Cn-pti' . 'm M : m < lctillc , Mr . Power ; Captain Sturdy , Mr . Parkes ; Oil Curious , Mr . Guest ; Poultice Peter , Mr . Skinner ; Dennis O'Tru , "Mi . Fawn ; Mary Helm , Miss Uemisrson ; Kate , Miss Allen ; Dame , Mrs . K :: iiibo \ v . On Satuiday , the Infant Vance in his uniijuc performance . On Friday for the Benefit of tlie f . e . ssees , MACBETH , awl a Miscellaneoii-s lvateit ii' . ini-. 'nt , which will be dulv announced . Stii-je ¦ Manager , Mr . C . T . JJurk-ig-Ii .
Sadler ' s Wolls Theatre . Oa Saturday Xovein ' . ier I , *! , : \ ni duiin ; , ' the week , the jieiformance will c . inimc .-ice with THE TICKET Ol * I . KAVK MAX . lia !) 1 ' iierlv , Mr . C . Sennett . M-dlev Moss , Mr . I . ei . 'h : Jem I ) a ! t > : i . Mi . Sliepl ' . e .-d ; Iliv . ' isha ' . v , Mr . C * . T , Bu . 'lei ::. *! ,- > . ' ,: . ; M . si M . Cnpcr ; . Mr .-. tVi'tl . iu- ^ fjfv ,
Mis . L . . * -tc | i : ien .. ia ; Sun , Miss ken bine . I o oiiucUiilc v .- * *! i Ti " . ' /* I * * . . DW 1 * :. *( S (> K THK FO . 'tKS' )' . I :, ! ini .-iel , Mr . C . Sr . m .-lt ; Pharos . Mr . I . aci *; Hti ^ li l . auoi-k , Mr . Sliepherd : Alfie . l , Mr . Kvan-. ; kinchin , Mr . I Iu . lspetii ; Cl' . eap J . ihu , Mr . | 5 MU-. iieU ; C ' vut ' . / ia , Miss M . Cooper ; St . irliic . itt lie- * , Mis- ; I ' ram ih ; Lemuel , Mi-- F . irrc-n . St . i ^ c Maiiairer , Mr . C . T . liuiieie-h .
JTJoy . il Ptiivtecimic . Oiien lit is -11-.. I 7- A . lini-iu 1 1 " . Xc-. v 1 : ii . ,-t . TIIK W ' lUll I . ADV OK . \ i * ; -.. \]* l .. 1 * 111 *; ¦ l . i- 'i-J'IXi ; | iI-:. M'IV , In * . Mr . ( li-. irj-U . i . kl . iii l . -v .-htcl ! n * Mi .. i-.. V . iallm ! i . icll-lmcm " : Mini trr . I OM .,. \ Sn IH >\ VTO > AYI : IT , Iiv I ' mfc ' s-ur ( . * i , r . liici * . I . 'Cliirt « i < : 5 . V . ltlil .. '! rll-l . i . i . ljilil- 111 . Mr . Kiil ' fc - ; tlie UiKT . lllil IJivinj ll . JI : and m . iiu * utl . er Ku * citiv ' nm ; m > .
M . Hlomc Tussaud ' s Exhibition . On vi-.-.. * . 1 M iciii'iiTiit , M im . i-.-nro . in ,, * * II . KM TIN ! TKIXf i ; ss l . Ol . 'ISl- ; aii . i the . M . MMI'IS Ol' I . OKXI-:, ,-, i- „ : i , ic * v p . inr . iii M . i Id nl * DU . l . UlNi ;" -l () M- ; , ih-, ; :, c ., i AI- 'KI . * . \ . V KKI'I . OK r-IK ; tbe" ( I linrint , " . sir K . i ^ er ' 1 ' idilnirm- ; llu . U-. li , liie " K . ii . iv . ii- Kin ;; " X'i . 1 i-I . H . II . THIi I'Jil . STIi Ol * U ' . \ I . K > in i ! i : K-ibci nf the Order ut * llic fi . v . ii-r . Open lrom 10 a . m . In io p . 11 ,. Adiiuviii . n is ., Children under jo , L , l . lixtr . i Knoiiis ( id .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
"Week conimeucinrr Xou-inber 2 £ . ROYAI . AU' \ 'A . \ D' * A TI-li-ATHE , Utn-. itre-t .-l-., cc 1 ! 0 . 1 * .. -- ; ilL » r . Indian Ojicta-.-. " O uVAtT AM .-I-II 1 ' llKA TKI-:, ( "Treat ' I liiir | ., Uc ~ t ' r 7 c 7 ^"" iT'"" 7 "'" ¦* ¦* - . Mr . 11 . l . c-IL- ; :, tAUm _ -t , , Mr . Aiilmr ( J . micv . " I buuud P Ki . v . i * tn ' ~ \ Y ' . \ u * ~ 'Yf-JK \ Yi < lCy-ii ^ Mr . .-elliiii *'; irry . _ M . c I ' ciit FnuM . " ' r- * . 1 r . \ i'lvi ; KOVAI ., \\ 'T : " i " iTii-. iu ~ -ijVi ' - "VZ i 7 A ~ -TT iiTiT ! 17 " .-* - F-vee . . Mi » eell .-iiK- ( iii » l-. iaeii .-iiinm-i . t , iai . l " t ' . iii-i . u ) ( ai-. - . ) . * .- . ' C ' . ' . | AME ' ; TM ' , . U .. i ' . " iaT- > , ! r , rrt . " . y . 7 ;" ,, ' 7 l :, „ ; ] : ' riri < n 7 ' -uc sJ 1 citnr . nr . nceij by ft : SI :. v .- *[ ri . iipc . { - r- ' - > Ki- 's ~~' t ~) ii 7 r 7 ' , vniii ; **""* , iir 7 i *^ T ^ i 7 t ~ wi" ^ 7 . " — ' » fr « ' « . ' . ' ... -, k ami UVIilun . ' >* r : *'* PMU ' S ci ; , ' * " . ; . \\ 'iiii . ' l-i ,.-, , i .. "rr ^ 7 t ~ li 7 *¦ * . I'lil . c- -Ni iv ... mr . " i \ j :-: * . v S ' ' Sii ' sii ' '~ r \ T . i ., \ w , 7 ^ -7 ~ 7 . ' . ""; . . . 7 , V ' . ' 7 Ti 7 . 7 , 7777 - *¦» lirn . .-iiiu ' . ulji--. Mi * cr ! la » -.-i « :. ' KiilcrlaiiiiiK *' iu Iiv a IAI < ::-C < 1 < * i . iiij . iini . ¦ T 1 :-:. M : * 1 . 1-fT *! i- "" . \ r T iT . 'l "TTmiTTT ^ Mrer t 7- ~ iT . TcTI ^ 7 i ~ * 7 v 7 iT- "i ~ - * a . ' ) . ) i- ' juiilr . ¦¦ -WarM ,-. t , M . i ; ie . Qrr . Rvs 1 i . \ Ti"r ^ "Tiri 7 P . rrc-~ , ~ ,.. r .--i . * ..-. 7 v .,. i' ¦¦ - ¦ . ~ .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 2 _ , tS / 2 .
The Coming Struggle.
Before the next issue of this journal the election of a Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will bs a thing of the past . The ballot will take place , as publicly advertised ,
on Thursday , thc 28 th November , at Freemasons Hall j and will commence at 12 noon and close at 5 p . m . precisely . In accord with the resolutions passed at the last General Committee
meeting , candidates must be Master Masons of three years standing , and be less than forty years of age . So much for the legal limits of qualification declared to ha necessarv . But over and
above these , as all who have the welfare of the Institution at heart must feel , are other and more recondite qualifications , which the Governors and other members of the General Committee are
moral ! vbound to insist upon in their new * Secretary . Inthe first rank of these must be placed Masonic experience and a wide connection , personally
and by repute , among the brethren . I'hc claims of Bro . Wentworth Little , in these particulars , are so well known and have been advocated so
recently , that wc make no apology , at this stage ofthe proceedings , for declaring formally in his favour , and expressing out * sanguine hopes for his success . It will be remembered that un to
this date Tne Freemason has been content to argue upon general principles , ami has refrained from pronouncing lor or against any possible candidate for this important post . The time , as
it seems to us , has now arrived for speaking out j and in assuring Bro . Little ' s numerous supporters of our sympathy , we beg to impress upon them that they must be prepared to put forth their
full strength on the day of the election . What that strength is , and how conclusively it may be exercised , we have some means of knowing , and we have full confidence that we shall be able
this day week to congratulate Bro . Little and his frieiid-s upon their success . This being so , it may be asked if it be not possible to avoid a contest altogether , and bv a
union ol torces between those who have been hitherto supporting a candidate now excluded , and tlie friends of Bro . Little , the latter may not be elected unaninioush * to a position he is sure to
( ill well . Ri ghtly or wrongly , i ? ie House Committee has been credited with acting in the interests of a particular candidate ; and though we firml y believe this opinioi : to boa mistaken one , so far ns the bulk of the members uf th- * Com .
mittee are concerned , it is impossible to deny that their acts , a , * a body , have been susceptible of this interpretation . The strongest claim put forward b y the brother t ' uv were supposed to
favour , and of whom we desire to speak with al ! respect , was the length nf time he had discharged Bro . Patten ' s duties to the satisfaction of the / louse Coiiuuiuce—such length of lime
and hypothetical !; . * contingent claim being due to the absence of action on the pari of the House , Committee itself . Then came the unfortunate *
demand lor more than fourteen days in which to make a Report , which it is admitted now , could have b ; " -n made in a few ho ' . ir-i ; the ill . '
The Coming Struggle.
judged suppression , without discussion , of an amendment which Bro . J . C . Parkinson had drawn by counsel before he attempted to bring it before the meeting : and the abortive effort to
leave the day of the election of a Secretary unfixed and indefinite . These were all , we submit , errors of judgement ; and while we are satisfied that the House Committee as a
whole , did not intend these several acts to operate exclusively in the interests of an individual , it does not seem , a very extravagant conjecture
to suppose that some of its members may have remembered that their operation would not bc prejudicial to the man they favoured . If it be true that the House Committee
actually- - carried a resolution at one of their meetings , of similar purport to Bro . Parkinson ' s , with respect to the Masonic standing of candidates , and rescinded it subsequently , for the
express purpose of not excluding an individual , it is obvious that the principle affirmed by the General Committee cannot be altogether distasteful .
But arguing from the standpoint ot Bro . Little ' s assured success , will not the House Committee let bye-gones be bye-gones , and agree to co-operate with liis supporters in not merely
electing him to the Secretaryship of the Girls ' School , but in making a graceful compensation to a late candidate , who has served them faithfully and well ? Is it worth while to put up , or to
encourage in putting up , new candidates for the mere sake of preventing a '' walk over , " in name as well as in reality ? Bro . Little ' s supporters are strong in numbers , in organization , in
influence , in determination , and in faith . Is it fair to brethren , who are less known than he , and who are without liis connections and claims , to put them to the needless expense and
fruitless anxiety of a contest ? Is h worth whiie , for the mere sake of " showing fight to the last , " to invite hostility fro : " . i men who are now honestly anxious to land one of Bro . Little ' s late opponents
in a position nearly eqtwl 111 emoluments to the Secretaryship to thc Girls' School ? We ask the friends of this brother , in all earnestness , to weigh the situation well , and we call upon Bro . Little ' s
supporters with erf al earnestness to come to the poll on Thursday , the 28 th , precisely as if there wcre a really dangerous rival in the field . It is desirable on every ground that each section of
opinion should be adequately represented on that occasion ; imd in the choice of scrutineers , in the appointment of officers fiir the day , and in every
arrangement pertaining to the ballot , the Committee will , we are satisfied , be scrupulousl y careful to give each candidate ' s supporters full and fair representation .
Bro Little ' s friends will do well to remember that their votes , and their influence , will be of tlie highest import to him next Thursday ; and that the numbers who come to the poll will be
j quoted hereafter as a really significant expression of popular opinion . We will impress upon ; them further that the earlier in the day they vote , the greater will be the favour conferred .
and that as the election of next Thursday is the crowning effort in a gallant struggle , and the final claim which will be made upon their time
they will best serve the cause they have at heart b y bringing as many of their personal friends among th < ' Life Governors - as thpv r ; m influence with
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON ts now ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . ]] ., ditto 7 s - 6 cl - Vol . JZJ ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . oil . Heading * Case's to bold 52 numbers ... as . Od .
United States Of America.
United States of America .
THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of tlie United States Ior i-s . ; ier annum , payable in advance . Tlie Vrcerniisoii is published un Saturday Mornings in lime for the vorlv trains . Tin- price of the l'recmnson is Twopence per -.-peek : annual siihscrijiliiin , ios . { payable in ailvancc . ) A . ' ! communication ' s , tellers , & c ., to be ndilres ^ eiUo thc Editor , 19 S , Fleet-street , ICC . Tbe HditoMvill pay careful .-mention lo abMS . * - " ** .. entrusted loliim , oute-annot ' . iiulerl ,-, k ' e to return them unlessaccoinpanied by postage Limps-.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
SN-ATCHES . —Declined with t-l' . anks . W . T . *—An English P . M . has no rnnk in rv lodg * --, under another jurisdiction , except by couitcsy . Me can , of ccHiitc , bc present -nt a Board of Insalled Masters , but at thnt point his privileges cea . se .
The follawin *; commuui ^ tfton ** - ; !» av _ hwn Tuceive- 't , uvul viU appear next wjck : — " iS ' nrtnni . in Aniviiitics , " K . H . ; * 'Notes on tne Ord ^ r-i oC thc T .: mpk * ruv . l Htvpital , " \ V . I \ H ; " Welcome in St , j MMil •_* , *> , " G . W . W . : " J \ nck'ni Ynrk nnd I . ondnn ft rami l-o ^ es " M . von ' n : Student ; He potts ot' I'rnvinctnl (» rai ) il Loilge ol' lA-u * Tr ** u * T nn I Rutland ; Cr ; ifr Lor ] , ' -. ' - ; . *» , ; , J 2 '> , ; o % Hgo ; JMari : Linl ^ c NS , 121 , ii :, lie , i 3 ( v ; K . T . Kncampincnt ND , 4 .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
Victoria Theatre . On Snturd .-ij-, N ' ovcin ' ier 2 _ *; ri ( , ; url clun ' nn ; tiie wt ' tk , thc pciformMvcc will commence with THE I- 'IRliMAN . l- ' ieilen ' ck * , "Mr . Allen ; Wealthy , -Mr . Dudley ; Stulib * , Air . 1 ' ower ; Cincinn . itu . s Mr . F . iwn , Pre . * .- * ., Mr . Sidney ; John Smith Gun , Miss M-iuil ; Alice , Miss I lenilersDii ; Mr . i . \ V : i ;! il ! etonj > 'uc , Mr ? . Burleigh : Lucrit ' . i , Mrs . Hurk-iirli . Afttrwiiich ' , CMARACTKK D . WCIiS , Miss Maudand M ' iss
Hdsine . To be folliiv .-jd b y 'I" ! It SEA . Cn-pti' . 'm M : m < lctillc , Mr . Power ; Captain Sturdy , Mr . Parkes ; Oil Curious , Mr . Guest ; Poultice Peter , Mr . Skinner ; Dennis O'Tru , "Mi . Fawn ; Mary Helm , Miss Uemisrson ; Kate , Miss Allen ; Dame , Mrs . K :: iiibo \ v . On Satuiday , the Infant Vance in his uniijuc performance . On Friday for the Benefit of tlie f . e . ssees , MACBETH , awl a Miscellaneoii-s lvateit ii' . ini-. 'nt , which will be dulv announced . Stii-je ¦ Manager , Mr . C . T . JJurk-ig-Ii .
Sadler ' s Wolls Theatre . Oa Saturday Xovein ' . ier I , *! , : \ ni duiin ; , ' the week , the jieiformance will c . inimc .-ice with THE TICKET Ol * I . KAVK MAX . lia !) 1 ' iierlv , Mr . C . Sennett . M-dlev Moss , Mr . I . ei . 'h : Jem I ) a ! t > : i . Mi . Sliepl ' . e .-d ; Iliv . ' isha ' . v , Mr . C * . T , Bu . 'lei ::. *! ,- > . ' ,: . ; M . si M . Cnpcr ; . Mr .-. tVi'tl . iu- ^ fjfv ,
Mis . L . . * -tc | i : ien .. ia ; Sun , Miss ken bine . I o oiiucUiilc v .- * *! i Ti " . ' /* I * * . . DW 1 * :. *( S (> K THK FO . 'tKS' )' . I :, ! ini .-iel , Mr . C . Sr . m .-lt ; Pharos . Mr . I . aci *; Hti ^ li l . auoi-k , Mr . Sliepherd : Alfie . l , Mr . Kvan-. ; kinchin , Mr . I Iu . lspetii ; Cl' . eap J . ihu , Mr . | 5 MU-. iieU ; C ' vut ' . / ia , Miss M . Cooper ; St . irliic . itt lie- * , Mis- ; I ' ram ih ; Lemuel , Mi-- F . irrc-n . St . i ^ c Maiiairer , Mr . C . T . liuiieie-h .
JTJoy . il Ptiivtecimic . Oiien lit is -11-.. I 7- A . lini-iu 1 1 " . Xc-. v 1 : ii . ,-t . TIIK W ' lUll I . ADV OK . \ i * ; -.. \]* l .. 1 * 111 *; ¦ l . i- 'i-J'IXi ; | iI-:. M'IV , In * . Mr . ( li-. irj-U . i . kl . iii l . -v .-htcl ! n * Mi .. i-.. V . iallm ! i . icll-lmcm " : Mini trr . I OM .,. \ Sn IH >\ VTO > AYI : IT , Iiv I ' mfc ' s-ur ( . * i , r . liici * . I . 'Cliirt « i < : 5 . V . ltlil .. '! rll-l . i . i . ljilil- 111 . Mr . Kiil ' fc - ; tlie UiKT . lllil IJivinj ll . JI : and m . iiu * utl . er Ku * citiv ' nm ; m > .
M . Hlomc Tussaud ' s Exhibition . On vi-.-.. * . 1 M iciii'iiTiit , M im . i-.-nro . in ,, * * II . KM TIN ! TKIXf i ; ss l . Ol . 'ISl- ; aii . i the . M . MMI'IS Ol' I . OKXI-:, ,-, i- „ : i , ic * v p . inr . iii M . i Id nl * DU . l . UlNi ;" -l () M- ; , ih-, ; :, c ., i AI- 'KI . * . \ . V KKI'I . OK r-IK ; tbe" ( I linrint , " . sir K . i ^ er ' 1 ' idilnirm- ; llu . U-. li , liie " K . ii . iv . ii- Kin ;; " X'i . 1 i-I . H . II . THIi I'Jil . STIi Ol * U ' . \ I . K > in i ! i : K-ibci nf the Order ut * llic fi . v . ii-r . Open lrom 10 a . m . In io p . 11 ,. Adiiuviii . n is ., Children under jo , L , l . lixtr . i Knoiiis ( id .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
"Week conimeucinrr Xou-inber 2 £ . ROYAI . AU' \ 'A . \ D' * A TI-li-ATHE , Utn-. itre-t .-l-., cc 1 ! 0 . 1 * .. -- ; ilL » r . Indian Ojicta-.-. " O uVAtT AM .-I-II 1 ' llKA TKI-:, ( "Treat ' I liiir | ., Uc ~ t ' r 7 c 7 ^"" iT'"" 7 "'" ¦* ¦* - . Mr . 11 . l . c-IL- ; :, tAUm _ -t , , Mr . Aiilmr ( J . micv . " I buuud P Ki . v . i * tn ' ~ \ Y ' . \ u * ~ 'Yf-JK \ Yi < lCy-ii ^ Mr . .-elliiii *'; irry . _ M . c I ' ciit FnuM . " ' r- * . 1 r . \ i'lvi ; KOVAI ., \\ 'T : " i " iTii-. iu ~ -ijVi ' - "VZ i 7 A ~ -TT iiTiT ! 17 " .-* - F-vee . . Mi » eell .-iiK- ( iii » l-. iaeii .-iiinm-i . t , iai . l " t ' . iii-i . u ) ( ai-. - . ) . * .- . ' C ' . ' . | AME ' ; TM ' , . U .. i ' . " iaT- > , ! r , rrt . " . y . 7 ;" ,, ' 7 l :, „ ; ] : ' riri < n 7 ' -uc sJ 1 citnr . nr . nceij by ft : SI :. v .- *[ ri . iipc . { - r- ' - > Ki- 's ~~' t ~) ii 7 r 7 ' , vniii ; **""* , iir 7 i *^ T ^ i 7 t ~ wi" ^ 7 . " — ' » fr « ' « . ' . ' ... -, k ami UVIilun . ' >* r : *'* PMU ' S ci ; , ' * " . ; . \\ 'iiii . ' l-i ,.-, , i .. "rr ^ 7 t ~ li 7 *¦ * . I'lil . c- -Ni iv ... mr . " i \ j :-: * . v S ' ' Sii ' sii ' '~ r \ T . i ., \ w , 7 ^ -7 ~ 7 . ' . ""; . . . 7 , V ' . ' 7 Ti 7 . 7 , 7777 - *¦» lirn . .-iiiu ' . ulji--. Mi * cr ! la » -.-i « :. ' KiilcrlaiiiiiK *' iu Iiv a IAI < ::-C < 1 < * i . iiij . iini . ¦ T 1 :-:. M : * 1 . 1-fT *! i- "" . \ r T iT . 'l "TTmiTTT ^ Mrer t 7- ~ iT . TcTI ^ 7 i ~ * 7 v 7 iT- "i ~ - * a . ' ) . ) i- ' juiilr . ¦¦ -WarM ,-. t , M . i ; ie . Qrr . Rvs 1 i . \ Ti"r ^ "Tiri 7 P . rrc-~ , ~ ,.. r .--i . * ..-. 7 v .,. i' ¦¦ - ¦ . ~ .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 2 _ , tS / 2 .
The Coming Struggle.
Before the next issue of this journal the election of a Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will bs a thing of the past . The ballot will take place , as publicly advertised ,
on Thursday , thc 28 th November , at Freemasons Hall j and will commence at 12 noon and close at 5 p . m . precisely . In accord with the resolutions passed at the last General Committee
meeting , candidates must be Master Masons of three years standing , and be less than forty years of age . So much for the legal limits of qualification declared to ha necessarv . But over and
above these , as all who have the welfare of the Institution at heart must feel , are other and more recondite qualifications , which the Governors and other members of the General Committee are
moral ! vbound to insist upon in their new * Secretary . Inthe first rank of these must be placed Masonic experience and a wide connection , personally
and by repute , among the brethren . I'hc claims of Bro . Wentworth Little , in these particulars , are so well known and have been advocated so
recently , that wc make no apology , at this stage ofthe proceedings , for declaring formally in his favour , and expressing out * sanguine hopes for his success . It will be remembered that un to
this date Tne Freemason has been content to argue upon general principles , ami has refrained from pronouncing lor or against any possible candidate for this important post . The time , as
it seems to us , has now arrived for speaking out j and in assuring Bro . Little ' s numerous supporters of our sympathy , we beg to impress upon them that they must be prepared to put forth their
full strength on the day of the election . What that strength is , and how conclusively it may be exercised , we have some means of knowing , and we have full confidence that we shall be able
this day week to congratulate Bro . Little and his frieiid-s upon their success . This being so , it may be asked if it be not possible to avoid a contest altogether , and bv a
union ol torces between those who have been hitherto supporting a candidate now excluded , and tlie friends of Bro . Little , the latter may not be elected unaninioush * to a position he is sure to
( ill well . Ri ghtly or wrongly , i ? ie House Committee has been credited with acting in the interests of a particular candidate ; and though we firml y believe this opinioi : to boa mistaken one , so far ns the bulk of the members uf th- * Com .
mittee are concerned , it is impossible to deny that their acts , a , * a body , have been susceptible of this interpretation . The strongest claim put forward b y the brother t ' uv were supposed to
favour , and of whom we desire to speak with al ! respect , was the length nf time he had discharged Bro . Patten ' s duties to the satisfaction of the / louse Coiiuuiuce—such length of lime
and hypothetical !; . * contingent claim being due to the absence of action on the pari of the House , Committee itself . Then came the unfortunate *
demand lor more than fourteen days in which to make a Report , which it is admitted now , could have b ; " -n made in a few ho ' . ir-i ; the ill . '
The Coming Struggle.
judged suppression , without discussion , of an amendment which Bro . J . C . Parkinson had drawn by counsel before he attempted to bring it before the meeting : and the abortive effort to
leave the day of the election of a Secretary unfixed and indefinite . These were all , we submit , errors of judgement ; and while we are satisfied that the House Committee as a
whole , did not intend these several acts to operate exclusively in the interests of an individual , it does not seem , a very extravagant conjecture
to suppose that some of its members may have remembered that their operation would not bc prejudicial to the man they favoured . If it be true that the House Committee
actually- - carried a resolution at one of their meetings , of similar purport to Bro . Parkinson ' s , with respect to the Masonic standing of candidates , and rescinded it subsequently , for the
express purpose of not excluding an individual , it is obvious that the principle affirmed by the General Committee cannot be altogether distasteful .
But arguing from the standpoint ot Bro . Little ' s assured success , will not the House Committee let bye-gones be bye-gones , and agree to co-operate with liis supporters in not merely
electing him to the Secretaryship of the Girls ' School , but in making a graceful compensation to a late candidate , who has served them faithfully and well ? Is it worth while to put up , or to
encourage in putting up , new candidates for the mere sake of preventing a '' walk over , " in name as well as in reality ? Bro . Little ' s supporters are strong in numbers , in organization , in
influence , in determination , and in faith . Is it fair to brethren , who are less known than he , and who are without liis connections and claims , to put them to the needless expense and
fruitless anxiety of a contest ? Is h worth whiie , for the mere sake of " showing fight to the last , " to invite hostility fro : " . i men who are now honestly anxious to land one of Bro . Little ' s late opponents
in a position nearly eqtwl 111 emoluments to the Secretaryship to thc Girls' School ? We ask the friends of this brother , in all earnestness , to weigh the situation well , and we call upon Bro . Little ' s
supporters with erf al earnestness to come to the poll on Thursday , the 28 th , precisely as if there wcre a really dangerous rival in the field . It is desirable on every ground that each section of
opinion should be adequately represented on that occasion ; imd in the choice of scrutineers , in the appointment of officers fiir the day , and in every
arrangement pertaining to the ballot , the Committee will , we are satisfied , be scrupulousl y careful to give each candidate ' s supporters full and fair representation .
Bro Little ' s friends will do well to remember that their votes , and their influence , will be of tlie highest import to him next Thursday ; and that the numbers who come to the poll will be
j quoted hereafter as a really significant expression of popular opinion . We will impress upon ; them further that the earlier in the day they vote , the greater will be the favour conferred .
and that as the election of next Thursday is the crowning effort in a gallant struggle , and the final claim which will be made upon their time
they will best serve the cause they have at heart b y bringing as many of their personal friends among th < ' Life Governors - as thpv r ; m influence with