Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 2 of 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
ten years he has filled a responsible appointment in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and . during the greater part of this time he has been cashier ancl accountant to the Grand Lodge and the Grand Chapter—positions which he still fills . I venture to lay these facts before you , in the
hope that you will agree with me that the appointment of Bro . Little would be of real benefit to the Charity , and I ask you , on this ground only , to g ive him your interest and support . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally ,
J . . PARKINSON , V . P . P . S . —Bro . Little has served the Stewardships , and is a Life Governor of three Masonic Charities . Dear Sir and Brother , —
AVe have great pleasure in calling the special attention of our brother Life Governors to the following testimonial in favour of Bro . Little from Bro . Hervey , the Grand Secretary of Eng-, land .
" Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , "November 12 , 1 S 72 . " Having been asked to express my opinion of the qualifications of Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , I beg to say that , during the period I have
held the appointment of Grand Secretary , I have found his conduct such as to merit my warmest approval . " I have the utmost confidence in saying that , to abilities of a very high order , he unites the
indispensable attributes of accuracy , attention , and trustworthiness , and I believe him to be well fitted for carrying out the duties of any oflice , however confidential , to which he may aspite . " ( Signed ) J HERVEY , G . S . "
AVe also desire , in the interests of truth to notice a statement that the revenue of the Institution has not materially sull ' ercd during Bro . Patten ' s illness ; this no doubt is true , but the statement is incomplete as it stands , inasmuch as
a large proportion of tbe Stewards at the last Festival were Bro . Little ' s personal friends , and some at least undertook the Stewardships and qualified as Life Governors at his request , just as
we find now that brethren are coming forward almost daily with their ten guineas each and qualify ing to vote and ensure his election . Yours fraternally , J BOYD , G . Purst ., P . AL P . Z .
EDWIN * SlLLllANT , P . AI . Hon . Sees . Wentworth Little Committee . 1 , 5 th , November , 1 S 72 . To the . Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother ,- —•
1 have received several letters from brethren respecting the above appointment or election , and , in anticipation of receiving more , will you permit me to make a few remarks in The h ' reemnson , and thus save me a deal of
unnecessary correspondence . Few read the " laws , " I presume , hence their ignorance of what they contain . Allow me to draw attention to the following : —' ¦ 1 . The elay of election is lived i ' or Thursday ,
28 th November , particulars 01 which are duly advertised . 2 . The election will be by ballot of the Governors and other members of the General Committee , from 12 ( noon ) to **;
( p . m . ) . 3 . Any brother can become a member ol such Committee on payment of a donation of ten guineas ( or more ) , and be entitled
to vote at the election of Secretary , on Thursday , the 28 th inst . 4 . A " Life Subscriber" who has already paid five guineas in one sum to the Institution cannot vote , unless another five guineas
are donated prior to the 2 S 1 I 1 mst . , - * ,. These conditions apply in like manner to the oliicial representatives of "Lodges , Chapters , and Societies . " 6 . T ' ne friends of Bro . Ii . W . Little have
thus an opportunity to show the-ir appreciation of bis Masonic , zeal , trustworthy character , and general elliciencv , by becoming " Life Governors" ( if not ahead ) so ) , thereby qualify ing themselves to vote on his behalf on the 2 t > th November , ; v
Original Correspondence.
noon , and at the same time be aiding a most useful and excellent Institution . 7 . The friends of other candidates ( should there be any ) will do well to qualify
themselves in like manner . Wishing Bro . R . W . Little every success , Fraternally yours , W . J . HUGHAN Truro , Cornwall , Nov . 20 th , 1872 .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) Dear Sir anil brother . If all the candidates for the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School would do as Bro . Little has done , advertise a list of their
Committees or supporters , what a deal of trouble woulel be saved in unnecessary canvassing and annoyance to Life Governors and others . Yours fraternally , L . G . and P . M .
Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I am glad to see that several members of our Fraternity have testified , through the medium of your columns , so warmly in favour of
Bro . 11 . Wentworth Little as a candidate for the Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Allow me , a resident in Lancashare , to assure you that his claims are not unrecognised or undervalued in the northern
provinces . I am favoured in having been during nine years past acquainted with that distinguished brother , who has worked so energetically for tho benefit of our Craft , and quite qualified to state that , in addition to his great business tact
and many Alasonic acquirements , he is possessed of very superior literary abilities which , should he succeed in obtaining the appointment he now seeks , would be capable of being turned to excellent account in advocatinu the claims of
that noble Institution , whose Secretaryship is now vacant by the lamented serious illness of Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B .
With every desire for the united success of the Schools and Bro . Little ' s candidature , I am , yours fraternally , J . DANIEL AIOORE , P . G . S . B ., of England .
To the Editor if The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — In answer to " J . II . G ., " whose letter of inquiry is inserted on page 607 of your number of the 9 th instant , I am able to inform him lhat the engraving referred to is b y Bro . Barloloz / . i ,
li . A ., engraver to his late Majesty King George III ., from a painting by Bro . Stothard , li . A ., and published in London , J une ist , 1 S 02 , by Wm . Jell'ryes & Co ., Earl-street , Blackfriars . Thc print representing "the Distinguishing
Characteristic of Alasonry—Charity exerted on proper objects" was "by permission , most respectfully dedicated by their obedient servant and brother , Wm . Jell ' ryes , to the Grand Lodge of England . "
I am Sir , yours , kc , C . DuiTi ' . i . n FAULKNER , P . M ., IO / I , Fellow of the Koyal Historical Societ ) Doddington , Oxon , 181 I 1 Nov ., A . L . , 7 87-2 . P . S . —1 have a fine copy hanging iu my hall .
( To ( lie Editor of The Freemason ) . Dear Sir and Brother , Comply ing with the request expressed by your correspondent , J . II . G ., in his IctteT inserted in the last number of your publication , I beg to inform him that we have , suspemlcd in
our lotlge an engraving such as he describes , ami also to state that it represents the celebration ol the Annual Festival of the Koyal Alasonic Institution for Girls . The " venerable old Gentleman leading by the hand two small girls , " in the foreground alluded to , is , 1 believe , a likeness of the Treasurer oi
the Institution , as it was his custom to head the procession , leading the two smallest children ; t ' . ie either principal figures depicted are also portraits of notable Freemasons of the time . I lis Koyal Hig hness the Prince Regent , afterwards George the Fourth , was the Grand Alaslei at the time of the publication of the engraving .
Original Correspondence.
Tliere is a key to the engraving , I believe . The inscription on our copy shews that the engraving was executed by Bro . Bartolozzi , li . A ., Engraver to liis Majesty , from a painting by Bro . Stothard , R . A ., ancl was published by Wm . Teflryes and Co ., of Earl St ., Blackfriars , ist
June , 1802 , and is subscribed "To the Grand Lodge of England ; this print representing the distinguishing characteristic of Masonry , Charity exerted on proper objects , is , by permission , most respectfully dedicated , by their obedient servant and brother , Win . JelVrves . "
Should J . If . G . wish for further information he may doubtless obtain it on application at the Institution .
Truly and fraternally yours , WILL . W . BARLOW , W . AI . Lodge of Hope , , 302 . Bradford , 13 th Nov ., 1872 . [ We have received lrom Bro . B . Broughton , S . W . 302 , a communication of similar import . ]
PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS . To the Editor of 'The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , —¦ 1 have observed from time to time that in reports ofthe proceedings of Provincial Grand
Lodges , and on other occasions when Provincial Grand Ollicers have been present , titles of honour have been prefived to their names , such as V . W ., to which they are not entitled . It ought to be known that wo Provincial Grand Ofiicer , as
such , has a right lo any designation beyond that of" \ V , " except the Provincial Grand Master , who is " K . W . " I am warranted in writing positively on this subject , inasmuch as two years ago I had occasion to write to the Grand
Secretary about it and he sent to me a printed circular to the above eli ' ect . I have not the circular at present to refer to , but 1 remember its contents well , and I think it was stated in itlhat the matter had been thus decided by the Af . W . G . AL , Lorel Zetland . I am , yours faithfull y and fraternally , A PROV . GRA . XII OITICEK ,
A AIISTAKE . To the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — "W . P . Ii ., " in your last issue , calls attention to the statement , at p'Age -- , 76 , where " a well-known brother" is styled ' ' an avowed atheist , " a statement which W . P . B characterises
as a mistake . Alany-fire'thren will share with me the pleasure of this correction , though at the same time the / will agree that , judging by the language used hythe brother alluded to in your columns , the inference to be drawn from them would be that the term used was correct . li . IL
Tin- Golden Grape Cognac is a pure grape spirit of the greatest strength , exceedingly agreeable lo the palate , whilst the high encomiums passed upon il by the most eminent of the trade , leave no doubt as to its being the finest brandy in the market .
"A Vlfll TII l-:. r . * i ('„ ni . i Me : l * l . i . t ..- * v . -- *! IIIMII :. i I 1 ICIJIII . 1 IK-.-S ,,: ' M .-.-vs . I *' . ; -, ' -, I -Yivnll * . Iri'l - 'Hi "y ; .. mini * :. * "I - — m ¦ : ilif HumcmiiKcilt -. l e ,::. * - ! -mi .-i- ' -f - ' . ! 'f C ' lic ,:.. i . i-iin j -.- i--i !;** "U ' . lure it i- * s ., | , il ,, r | . uiili .-ii-- -.: i » . nii-i '* i-1 "i ' . imt '** - * . * * V .-Lull" ' il ; !¦! . : i-. * 'l Willi wli . it I - ; iw il . iiin : im i <¦¦ - i" i ! u * * " "inin - '* .-. ' ' - ' ¦ ¦' - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' I * " ' il , vim , il ot tin- ' . ....... . ni . ! ll * - * v . '¦'• il ' - 111 : : ii , ; .. . ili ; l * fil l . y ill ,.--¦ . !> . Iv . ii-. in Iii il im * : i v . iii . ' .. * -. 'iii * mill , 1 in . Hi :, ni-- Iv . crii--, mi . lii In-., ! * ; n * -re-I In llu * I * . * : I . 1 . * IM nl ' . ' - , ! . 11 . '' '! . 'ii ' .-Stv AlTitlt ill l . ji ' . t „„ , ! . V . i . ViUtl . i ' . vi * l . | . ' hive vt-. * ii-ii- ' . i ! . ; -in . 1 . . MI . I Iii- ! : i ; .-i . it iittii . lii . f ,:.. i . t , 1 . 1 v , Iii . ' . 1 I Uiii * In-ill -ni . ' ..-. I :- - ¦ . '¦•¦ ¦ ¦ An'T li '* ii * - . . i - i . iifii-.-illii "t . !< . <"> . 1 iin . liTliviilmtiil ni'ili . "' .-, I «¦• - 1 : 1 ' in . ill' li . . > < i'i - 'i . -. l . e-l ; I ' -ii . i I . iKi -i-i . i . il in 'in ! . * i . " ** v . ! ... n : i i •*' , v . i :-1 , 1 , 1-:., lv ., l lit- ; -
. , „ .,.. TU ,, ,.-, ; -. '„ ....:, 1 1 * . . ' . . ; -i'i . * ... !* i . ll -. ' .. ' " * ' . iir-c . wlil . il u , uL-, * Uc-ti , . -i . . it ' * - * . ' . -Im * II :. . * . * " . > .. ' . ¦ ..-. i ..:... ' ' > " ¦ . ••'¦ - I ' f . KKV , U- 't l . i .. " -. lll . lit , ! .. « . . < : ¦> , ; ... " ., J * - ' ,- -. ... 1 t . TV 1 lilM - N * S . III , l .. ni . I . m . " lldl Kt . i * I . *' ' 1 ' . ' * .:.: . * ii * t I !»• I' - ' -i n .- ' . i . i ,.. . l ' .- .. !• * ..-. ! cu- ! i .-c i . itii ' .-tics mv in . \ .-. l , * .- ' . i . ' v . *'„ i .---.-. v . * .. . ¦ .--. . ii- flii . i .-Uil )>> uwuiMciii-« : „„ . * ' , . „ :. mi .- *! . l . . * r ... cri .... l . i ! .,.. - -. A lev d . cc ..,, licit I iii- iilv . in- lir . nt- - ' fin' * , !¦ - * , **¦'• - . . '" I ' ¦ ¦ .. ' lui : "c '"'" - ' » ' 'V
all ' -t „ . l .: i «* li i . r ' llivr cm ; . I , i , i- 1 li ! .,:. i :, * . * ' - "V-v will -cl ri-1 . 1 , ,-,,-, , i , v . ' n .. .- ; -. iii . i ' . * . i . i . e .. ii . I , . I-- " ** -i *» '* •' ¦* : ¦ -Hutu" - wl „ ,-cl ... u- i . iV , „ , i * .. i . ' .,-a , i . ii . l * , * .. * i . .- - -- - - -- ¦ - . -- ¦* ' •!** "' nl' - * - !•""'• * i . ,., ¦ „ , ; .,., 1 . CrMi : ; - .. h-. ' i . - ' i-. i :. i .. -. 1 , I * mi . n . *> , i'ltl i . U .. 'lui * liv-c o , nt , live 1 'U -. v . ' ii-ti v .. . . - ; . *; . ' ., - ' .. ¦ ¦ n .--ni : - ¦ * " ' - . ; , „ . ,, „| , ¦ ,: ; -..,.: will ... n : i . n ' . ( .. in . ' * . .. * " * -I-- ilr .-iwli .-irk [\ Ui ~ 7 . . . ,. i ; ii , i * :-.- \\ : i : t ; , . iv .:. . ;¦ . ' : ; . ;' .- cull ,.- liitm ; iu
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
ten years he has filled a responsible appointment in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and . during the greater part of this time he has been cashier ancl accountant to the Grand Lodge and the Grand Chapter—positions which he still fills . I venture to lay these facts before you , in the
hope that you will agree with me that the appointment of Bro . Little would be of real benefit to the Charity , and I ask you , on this ground only , to g ive him your interest and support . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally ,
J . . PARKINSON , V . P . P . S . —Bro . Little has served the Stewardships , and is a Life Governor of three Masonic Charities . Dear Sir and Brother , —
AVe have great pleasure in calling the special attention of our brother Life Governors to the following testimonial in favour of Bro . Little from Bro . Hervey , the Grand Secretary of Eng-, land .
" Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , "November 12 , 1 S 72 . " Having been asked to express my opinion of the qualifications of Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , I beg to say that , during the period I have
held the appointment of Grand Secretary , I have found his conduct such as to merit my warmest approval . " I have the utmost confidence in saying that , to abilities of a very high order , he unites the
indispensable attributes of accuracy , attention , and trustworthiness , and I believe him to be well fitted for carrying out the duties of any oflice , however confidential , to which he may aspite . " ( Signed ) J HERVEY , G . S . "
AVe also desire , in the interests of truth to notice a statement that the revenue of the Institution has not materially sull ' ercd during Bro . Patten ' s illness ; this no doubt is true , but the statement is incomplete as it stands , inasmuch as
a large proportion of tbe Stewards at the last Festival were Bro . Little ' s personal friends , and some at least undertook the Stewardships and qualified as Life Governors at his request , just as
we find now that brethren are coming forward almost daily with their ten guineas each and qualify ing to vote and ensure his election . Yours fraternally , J BOYD , G . Purst ., P . AL P . Z .
EDWIN * SlLLllANT , P . AI . Hon . Sees . Wentworth Little Committee . 1 , 5 th , November , 1 S 72 . To the . Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother ,- —•
1 have received several letters from brethren respecting the above appointment or election , and , in anticipation of receiving more , will you permit me to make a few remarks in The h ' reemnson , and thus save me a deal of
unnecessary correspondence . Few read the " laws , " I presume , hence their ignorance of what they contain . Allow me to draw attention to the following : —' ¦ 1 . The elay of election is lived i ' or Thursday ,
28 th November , particulars 01 which are duly advertised . 2 . The election will be by ballot of the Governors and other members of the General Committee , from 12 ( noon ) to **;
( p . m . ) . 3 . Any brother can become a member ol such Committee on payment of a donation of ten guineas ( or more ) , and be entitled
to vote at the election of Secretary , on Thursday , the 28 th inst . 4 . A " Life Subscriber" who has already paid five guineas in one sum to the Institution cannot vote , unless another five guineas
are donated prior to the 2 S 1 I 1 mst . , - * ,. These conditions apply in like manner to the oliicial representatives of "Lodges , Chapters , and Societies . " 6 . T ' ne friends of Bro . Ii . W . Little have
thus an opportunity to show the-ir appreciation of bis Masonic , zeal , trustworthy character , and general elliciencv , by becoming " Life Governors" ( if not ahead ) so ) , thereby qualify ing themselves to vote on his behalf on the 2 t > th November , ; v
Original Correspondence.
noon , and at the same time be aiding a most useful and excellent Institution . 7 . The friends of other candidates ( should there be any ) will do well to qualify
themselves in like manner . Wishing Bro . R . W . Little every success , Fraternally yours , W . J . HUGHAN Truro , Cornwall , Nov . 20 th , 1872 .
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) Dear Sir anil brother . If all the candidates for the vacant Secretaryship of the Girls' School would do as Bro . Little has done , advertise a list of their
Committees or supporters , what a deal of trouble woulel be saved in unnecessary canvassing and annoyance to Life Governors and others . Yours fraternally , L . G . and P . M .
Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I am glad to see that several members of our Fraternity have testified , through the medium of your columns , so warmly in favour of
Bro . 11 . Wentworth Little as a candidate for the Secretaryship of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Allow me , a resident in Lancashare , to assure you that his claims are not unrecognised or undervalued in the northern
provinces . I am favoured in having been during nine years past acquainted with that distinguished brother , who has worked so energetically for tho benefit of our Craft , and quite qualified to state that , in addition to his great business tact
and many Alasonic acquirements , he is possessed of very superior literary abilities which , should he succeed in obtaining the appointment he now seeks , would be capable of being turned to excellent account in advocatinu the claims of
that noble Institution , whose Secretaryship is now vacant by the lamented serious illness of Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B .
With every desire for the united success of the Schools and Bro . Little ' s candidature , I am , yours fraternally , J . DANIEL AIOORE , P . G . S . B ., of England .
To the Editor if The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — In answer to " J . II . G ., " whose letter of inquiry is inserted on page 607 of your number of the 9 th instant , I am able to inform him lhat the engraving referred to is b y Bro . Barloloz / . i ,
li . A ., engraver to his late Majesty King George III ., from a painting by Bro . Stothard , li . A ., and published in London , J une ist , 1 S 02 , by Wm . Jell'ryes & Co ., Earl-street , Blackfriars . Thc print representing "the Distinguishing
Characteristic of Alasonry—Charity exerted on proper objects" was "by permission , most respectfully dedicated by their obedient servant and brother , Wm . Jell ' ryes , to the Grand Lodge of England . "
I am Sir , yours , kc , C . DuiTi ' . i . n FAULKNER , P . M ., IO / I , Fellow of the Koyal Historical Societ ) Doddington , Oxon , 181 I 1 Nov ., A . L . , 7 87-2 . P . S . —1 have a fine copy hanging iu my hall .
( To ( lie Editor of The Freemason ) . Dear Sir and Brother , Comply ing with the request expressed by your correspondent , J . II . G ., in his IctteT inserted in the last number of your publication , I beg to inform him that we have , suspemlcd in
our lotlge an engraving such as he describes , ami also to state that it represents the celebration ol the Annual Festival of the Koyal Alasonic Institution for Girls . The " venerable old Gentleman leading by the hand two small girls , " in the foreground alluded to , is , 1 believe , a likeness of the Treasurer oi
the Institution , as it was his custom to head the procession , leading the two smallest children ; t ' . ie either principal figures depicted are also portraits of notable Freemasons of the time . I lis Koyal Hig hness the Prince Regent , afterwards George the Fourth , was the Grand Alaslei at the time of the publication of the engraving .
Original Correspondence.
Tliere is a key to the engraving , I believe . The inscription on our copy shews that the engraving was executed by Bro . Bartolozzi , li . A ., Engraver to liis Majesty , from a painting by Bro . Stothard , R . A ., ancl was published by Wm . Teflryes and Co ., of Earl St ., Blackfriars , ist
June , 1802 , and is subscribed "To the Grand Lodge of England ; this print representing the distinguishing characteristic of Masonry , Charity exerted on proper objects , is , by permission , most respectfully dedicated , by their obedient servant and brother , Win . JelVrves . "
Should J . If . G . wish for further information he may doubtless obtain it on application at the Institution .
Truly and fraternally yours , WILL . W . BARLOW , W . AI . Lodge of Hope , , 302 . Bradford , 13 th Nov ., 1872 . [ We have received lrom Bro . B . Broughton , S . W . 302 , a communication of similar import . ]
PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICERS . To the Editor of 'The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , —¦ 1 have observed from time to time that in reports ofthe proceedings of Provincial Grand
Lodges , and on other occasions when Provincial Grand Ollicers have been present , titles of honour have been prefived to their names , such as V . W ., to which they are not entitled . It ought to be known that wo Provincial Grand Ofiicer , as
such , has a right lo any designation beyond that of" \ V , " except the Provincial Grand Master , who is " K . W . " I am warranted in writing positively on this subject , inasmuch as two years ago I had occasion to write to the Grand
Secretary about it and he sent to me a printed circular to the above eli ' ect . I have not the circular at present to refer to , but 1 remember its contents well , and I think it was stated in itlhat the matter had been thus decided by the Af . W . G . AL , Lorel Zetland . I am , yours faithfull y and fraternally , A PROV . GRA . XII OITICEK ,
A AIISTAKE . To the Editor of The Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — "W . P . Ii ., " in your last issue , calls attention to the statement , at p'Age -- , 76 , where " a well-known brother" is styled ' ' an avowed atheist , " a statement which W . P . B characterises
as a mistake . Alany-fire'thren will share with me the pleasure of this correction , though at the same time the / will agree that , judging by the language used hythe brother alluded to in your columns , the inference to be drawn from them would be that the term used was correct . li . IL
Tin- Golden Grape Cognac is a pure grape spirit of the greatest strength , exceedingly agreeable lo the palate , whilst the high encomiums passed upon il by the most eminent of the trade , leave no doubt as to its being the finest brandy in the market .
"A Vlfll TII l-:. r . * i ('„ ni . i Me : l * l . i . t ..- * v . -- *! IIIMII :. i I 1 ICIJIII . 1 IK-.-S ,,: ' M .-.-vs . I *' . ; -, ' -, I -Yivnll * . Iri'l - 'Hi "y ; .. mini * :. * "I - — m ¦ : ilif HumcmiiKcilt -. l e ,::. * - ! -mi .-i- ' -f - ' . ! 'f C ' lic ,:.. i . i-iin j -.- i--i !;** "U ' . lure it i- * s ., | , il ,, r | . uiili .-ii-- -.: i » . nii-i '* i-1 "i ' . imt '** - * . * * V .-Lull" ' il ; !¦! . : i-. * 'l Willi wli . it I - ; iw il . iiin : im i <¦¦ - i" i ! u * * " "inin - '* .-. ' ' - ' ¦ ¦' - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' I * " ' il , vim , il ot tin- ' . ....... . ni . ! ll * - * v . '¦'• il ' - 111 : : ii , ; .. . ili ; l * fil l . y ill ,.--¦ . !> . Iv . ii-. in Iii il im * : i v . iii . ' .. * -. 'iii * mill , 1 in . Hi :, ni-- Iv . crii--, mi . lii In-., ! * ; n * -re-I In llu * I * . * : I . 1 . * IM nl ' . ' - , ! . 11 . '' '! . 'ii ' .-Stv AlTitlt ill l . ji ' . t „„ , ! . V . i . ViUtl . i ' . vi * l . | . ' hive vt-. * ii-ii- ' . i ! . ; -in . 1 . . MI . I Iii- ! : i ; .-i . it iittii . lii . f ,:.. i . t , 1 . 1 v , Iii . ' . 1 I Uiii * In-ill -ni . ' ..-. I :- - ¦ . '¦•¦ ¦ ¦ An'T li '* ii * - . . i - i . iifii-.-illii "t . !< . <"> . 1 iin . liTliviilmtiil ni'ili . "' .-, I «¦• - 1 : 1 ' in . ill' li . . > < i'i - 'i . -. l . e-l ; I ' -ii . i I . iKi -i-i . i . il in 'in ! . * i . " ** v . ! ... n : i i •*' , v . i :-1 , 1 , 1-:., lv ., l lit- ; -
. , „ .,.. TU ,, ,.-, ; -. '„ ....:, 1 1 * . . ' . . ; -i'i . * ... !* i . ll -. ' .. ' " * ' . iir-c . wlil . il u , uL-, * Uc-ti , . -i . . it ' * - * . ' . -Im * II :. . * . * " . > .. ' . ¦ ..-. i ..:... ' ' > " ¦ . ••'¦ - I ' f . KKV , U- 't l . i .. " -. lll . lit , ! .. « . . < : ¦> , ; ... " ., J * - ' ,- -. ... 1 t . TV 1 lilM - N * S . III , l .. ni . I . m . " lldl Kt . i * I . *' ' 1 ' . ' * .:.: . * ii * t I !»• I' - ' -i n .- ' . i . i ,.. . l ' .- .. !• * ..-. ! cu- ! i .-c i . itii ' .-tics mv in . \ .-. l , * .- ' . i . ' v . *'„ i .---.-. v . * .. . ¦ .--. . ii- flii . i .-Uil )>> uwuiMciii-« : „„ . * ' , . „ :. mi .- *! . l . . * r ... cri .... l . i ! .,.. - -. A lev d . cc ..,, licit I iii- iilv . in- lir . nt- - ' fin' * , !¦ - * , **¦'• - . . '" I ' ¦ ¦ .. ' lui : "c '"'" - ' » ' 'V
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