Article REUNION OF THE SHAKESPERE LODGE, No. 1009, MANCHESTER. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reunion Of The Shakespere Lodge, No. 1009, Manchester.
A man so genial that he seemed to be , Not one , but all mankind ' s epitome . " Bro . Coates concluded by proposing " The health of Bro . Wm . Romaine Callender , jun ., the Prov . Grand Master of Masons in East Lancashire . "
The toast was most enthusiastically received , and the usual honours were duly accorded . Bro . W . R . Callender , jun ., in responding , said that to him it was always a pleasure to visit the Shakespere Lodge personally , because he was
always sure of awarm reception , and , generally , because the members of the lodge strove unceasingly to promulgate and advance the grand tenets and principles of their noble Order . The
mystic tie whicn . bound together in unity and concord , all the brethren now [ assembled could not fairly be understood by the outer world , for one of the chief advantages of Freemasonry consisted in the fact that it enabled brethren to
meet together in the closest bonds of union , who on other matters , social , political , and religious , entertained feelings and opinions varying very widely one from the other . He hoped the Shakespere Lodge would long continue to exist and flourish—that its members would ever strive
to preserve the landmarks , respect the ceremonial , and uphold the dignity of Freemasonry . He complimented the W . M . on his position as the head of such a lodge ; he congratulated him
on the skill of his officers and the willing support accorded to him by all the brethren of the lodge , upon whom , he jocosely remarked , " the mantle of their great Master appeared to have fallen . "
The W . M . briefly proposed , " The Provincial Grand Officers , past and present , of this and other provinces , " which was responded to by Bro . Gibbon , P . G . J . W ., and Bro . Lcresche , P . P . G . R . The latter expressed his gratification
at finding that although he was a Past P . G . Officer , he was not forgotten by the Master and brethren of the Shakespere Lodge , or by other brethren in the province . It was a pleasure to find that any services he had rendered during his tenure of office as P . G . Registrar had been
so warmly appreciated , and he begged to assure the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , that not only he but all the other Past Prov . Grand Officers would at all times be heartily glad to render any services he might desire , with the view of assisting in the efficient ruling of so large and important a province .
The R . W . Prov . Grand Master proposed " The health of the Worshipful Master of the Shakespere Lodge'' in complimentary terms , expressing his satisfaction at seeing so important
a lodge ruled by so efficient a Master . Bro . Austin thanked the Prov . Grand Mastei for the kind manner he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the hearty way they had received it .
Bro . the Rev . S . G . B . Bradshaw , I . P . M ., proposed ' •The Visiting Brethren , which was responded to in a few humorous remarks by Bro . Edwin Simpson , P . M ., and Bro . G . A . Birch ,
P . P . G . S . D ., in a pleasing and effective speech . Bro . Alderson , P . M ., proposed " The Masonic Charities . " and the Senior Warden gave the last toast at about eleven o'clock .
rhe harmony of the evening was largely contributed to by Bros . Hepton ( Scc . )/ Bentlev , Condon , and C . H . Coates , P . M . The latter in addition to performing efficiently at the Social
Board , as in the lodge , the duties of Director of Ceremonies , gavchisoriginalShukesperesong , and introduced a new verse referring to the visit of the R . W . P . G . M ! ., which was much appreciated .
which may save us many heavy doctors' hills . " — Civil Sci- 'icc Gazelle . Made simply with Jioiling Water or Milk . Kach packet is labelled— "J ; S KITS & Co ., Homceopathic Chemists , London . " Also , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed Milk ) . — [ Advt . ]
BREAK I-MST . —Ems ' . s COCOA . —GRATEIVL AND CoMI'outiNC ,. — " l ! y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful applicntian of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . ICpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage
THE New Zealand Meat-Preserving Co . ' s beef and mutton is being supplied to the trade by Messrs . Robert Wotlicrspoon and Co ., manufacturers of " The Glenlicld Starch , '' Glasgow and London .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ With a view to increase the circulation , and consequently the usefulness , of THE FREEMASON , it is suggested that Lodges , & c , desiring reports to appear in the paper , should take a certain number of copies in proportion to the space required for the report . ] ' THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 . —The regular meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 19 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . Present : Bros . R . Shackell , W . M . ( in the chair ) ; G . J . C . Smith , S . W . ;
Osborn , J . W . ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Ansell , S . D . ; H . Bethcll , J . D . ; A . Le Feaux , Organist ; B . Deeley , I . G . ; J . Driscoll , P . M ., and C . Smith , Stewards ; Caseley , D . C . ; j . Harling , I . P . M . ; W . McDonald , P . M . ; J . Johns , P . M . ; Campbell , Inglis , C . Bethcll , & c .
The lodge was opened 111 antient form , and the minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . Clark and Norwood were initiated , and Bro . Cosedge was raised . The Book of Constitutions , handsomely bound in calf , with gilt edges , was presented to the lodge by the
W . M . ; and a very handsome large-size set of tracing-boards was presented by the S . W . ; to whom the thanks of the lodge were given for their presents . The ballot was then taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . G . J . C . Smith was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S ., Bro .
Jesse Turner , P . M ., being unanimously re-eiccted Treasurer . It was resolved , "That a P . M . jewel be presented to Bro . R . Shackell , W . M ., on the next lodge-night , for the very able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the lodge for the past year . " The sum of two guineas was voted towards
the Testimonial Fund for Pro . Binckes . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler , and the lodge , to mark its appreciation of his services for the past year , presented him with a half-sovereign as a Christmas-box . After relieving the widow of a deceased brother , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a good plain supper .
Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 . —On Tuesday , the 19 th instant , this lodge held a meeting at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . M . Loewenstark , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . G . Free , S . W . ; G . Grace , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; A . Dussek , S . D . ; S . Harman , J .
Gomme , I . G . ; I . Wilkins , D . C . ; Dr . Dixon , F . Walters , D . Rose , F . H . Ebsworth , and T . J . Sabine , P . M . 's ; & c . Bro . Hill was raised to the third degree , and Messrs . Hunter and Spencer ( the proprietor ) were initiated into Freemasonry . The
ballots were unanimously in favour of Bro . G . Free as W . M ., Bro . E . Harris as Treasurer , and Bro . W . Y . Laing , P . M ., as Tyler ( re-elected ) . The lodge was then closed , no banquet or any refreshment following , in consequence of the illness of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Hedford Lodge , Xo . 157 . —The election meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Friday , S 1 I 1 inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Mills , W . M ., presiding . One brother was raised lo the third degree . Bro . W . Holland , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Lavender , P . M .. Treas ., was re-elected unanimously ; and the Tvlcr w . u re-elected .
Polish National I . odg \ A .- > . 53 . 1 .- —On the 14 th inst ., the second regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Diosy , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Charpentier , liarany , and Kocsis were passed , and Mr . j . L . Denman initiated . Bro . Sulc / . evski , P . M ., moved "That this lodge record a vote of condolence with the sufferings of the
M . W . G . P . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " which was carried nem . con ., and ordered to be embodied in the minutes . The feeling of deep regret thus recorded seems to have pervaded the ensuing banquet—music and song were suppressed , and the usual toasts and acclamations were given in a subdued tone .
U'hittington Lodge , Ao . " £ < 2 . —A meeting of this lodge was held , on the iSth instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present : Bros . J . Salisbury , W . M . ; Jones , S . W . ; O . uilty , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex , Sec . ; Smith , P . M ., S . D . ; Seelig , J . D . ; Haley , I . G . ; Kingston , D . C .
Jas . Weaver , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middlesex , Treasurer Benevolent Fund ; Hurlston , P . M . ; Davis , I . P . M . ; G . C . Pritchard , Org . : and many other brethren . The W . M . having opened the lodge , took the ballot for , and initiated , Messrs . A . Moore , J . Smith , F . L .
Prior , and R . C . Miller . Bro . James Weaver then occupied the chair and passed Bros . Rose , Rodet , Lavington , Walmslcy , and Ben Zion . The lodge having bcewresumed to the lirst degree , Bio . James Weaver proposed , and it was carried by acclama-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tion , that a vote of condolence be entered on the minutes , expressing the deep sympathy the members have with their Illustrious Brother , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , in his severe illness , with a sincere hope that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to spare him to come amongst his brethren again ., A guinea
was voted to the Tyler as a Christmas-box , two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banqueting-room , and there brought a very happy evening to a close . Maedonald Lodsre , No . 1216 . —This lodge met at
the head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles at Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., and was exceedingly well attended . The W . M ., Bro . S . H . Wagstaff , was supported by all his officers , viz . Bros . G . Waterall , S . W . ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . . James Stevens , I . P . M . : Thomas Meggv , P . M .
Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis . Sec . ; \\ J . Messenger , S . D . ; J . H . Hastie , J . D . ; M . S . Larlham , I . G . ; W . Dickers and T . W . Carnell , Stewards . Amongst other members present were Bros . A . Williams , A . Fletcher , W . Elliott , J . Allen , A . Wolton , A . Kethro , W . W . Peall , C . Fountain , H .
Hammond , W . Willis , & c , & c , and the visitors were Bros . H . Puckle , C . Swan ( S 69 ) , J . Martin ( 139 ) , and Herbert Barry ( 10 S ) . The lodge having been duly opened , ballots were taken for Messrs . W . Gray and W . S . Cackett , which proving favourable they were severally introduced and initiated .
A ballot having been similarly taken for Mr . Allan Wilson , the W . M ., in ready compliance with the expressed desire of the candidate , surrendered the chair of K . S . to Bro . Stevens , I . P . M ., who duly initiated Mr . Wilson into the Order . Mr . J . B . Schott was subsequently balloted for , approved
and initiated by the W . M . The whole of the work was performed in the admirably correct and impressive manner which has made the Maedonald Lodge so justly famous as an exemplar of perfect Masonry . Propositions for initiation at ensuing meeting having been made and some routine
business disposed of , the I . PM ., Bro . Stevens , addressed the lodge in appropriate terms in reference to the dangerous condition of our Royal Brother the Prince of Wales , submitting to the brethren that both in their Masonic capacity and in that of loyal Volunteers , they should express
their sense of the lamentable circumstances then causing so much anxiety throughout the nation ; and although not presuming to the importance of a public body , to add their tear of sympathy for the afflictions of the royal household to that flood of regret and condolence with which the country
overflowed . He moved , " That this lodge do record on its minutes the heartfelt sympathy and affection its members entertain for their Royal Brotherthc Prince of Wales , in his severe and dangerous illness ; their loyal devotion to his family ; and their sincere prayers that the G . A . O . T . U . mav yet restore him to
health , to the nation , and to re-union with his Masonic brethren . "—Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . M ., in equally expressive terms , seconded the motion , which , it is almost needless to add , wasunanimonsly resolved . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , but the general gloom occasioned by the uncertainty of the moment induced a speedy separation .
PROVINCIAL . Uvi . L . — llnmher Lodge , No . 57 . —On Tuesday last an unusually large meeting of brethren took place for the purpose of electing the principal officers of this well-known and important lodge . The election of the W . M . for the coming year was the
cause of many attending whose visits lately have , in one respect , been like the angels ' , few and far between . For some time previously it had been considered a forgone conclusion that the Mastership would beconferred on Bro . R . T . Vivian , and the supporters of that gentleman had the satisfaction of
having their representative almost unanimously elected . 'Die W . M .-elect in returning thanks stated it wus impossible , upon anevent of such importance to him , to adequately express his gratitute . He had no occasion to allude to his services in the past , nor any desire to say what he intended doing in the
future , beyond the fact that he should endeavour at all times to walk in the footsteps of one who , by his kindness and courtesy , his high Masonic , attainments , his goodness of heart , and never-ceasing anxiety to promote the happiness and comfort of his brethren , could never amongst them be
regarded with anything but the most affectionate esteem , and that one was their present W . M . Bro . Vivian , we may state , possesses every qualification for ably filling the chair . He is a man of education and cultivation , and has devoted considerable time to the study of our ancient art . We wish him and the lodge every success in the
election . I he following officers were also elected Bros . J . L . Seaton , P . M ., Treasurer to the Benevolent and Pension Fund ; Alderman Fountain , Treasurer to the lodge ; W . D . Keyworth , P . M ., Treasurer to the Poor Fund , an office which Bro . Keyworth has fulfilled in a manner almost beyond piaisu for the last seven years . Bro . Johnson , another old
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reunion Of The Shakespere Lodge, No. 1009, Manchester.
A man so genial that he seemed to be , Not one , but all mankind ' s epitome . " Bro . Coates concluded by proposing " The health of Bro . Wm . Romaine Callender , jun ., the Prov . Grand Master of Masons in East Lancashire . "
The toast was most enthusiastically received , and the usual honours were duly accorded . Bro . W . R . Callender , jun ., in responding , said that to him it was always a pleasure to visit the Shakespere Lodge personally , because he was
always sure of awarm reception , and , generally , because the members of the lodge strove unceasingly to promulgate and advance the grand tenets and principles of their noble Order . The
mystic tie whicn . bound together in unity and concord , all the brethren now [ assembled could not fairly be understood by the outer world , for one of the chief advantages of Freemasonry consisted in the fact that it enabled brethren to
meet together in the closest bonds of union , who on other matters , social , political , and religious , entertained feelings and opinions varying very widely one from the other . He hoped the Shakespere Lodge would long continue to exist and flourish—that its members would ever strive
to preserve the landmarks , respect the ceremonial , and uphold the dignity of Freemasonry . He complimented the W . M . on his position as the head of such a lodge ; he congratulated him
on the skill of his officers and the willing support accorded to him by all the brethren of the lodge , upon whom , he jocosely remarked , " the mantle of their great Master appeared to have fallen . "
The W . M . briefly proposed , " The Provincial Grand Officers , past and present , of this and other provinces , " which was responded to by Bro . Gibbon , P . G . J . W ., and Bro . Lcresche , P . P . G . R . The latter expressed his gratification
at finding that although he was a Past P . G . Officer , he was not forgotten by the Master and brethren of the Shakespere Lodge , or by other brethren in the province . It was a pleasure to find that any services he had rendered during his tenure of office as P . G . Registrar had been
so warmly appreciated , and he begged to assure the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , that not only he but all the other Past Prov . Grand Officers would at all times be heartily glad to render any services he might desire , with the view of assisting in the efficient ruling of so large and important a province .
The R . W . Prov . Grand Master proposed " The health of the Worshipful Master of the Shakespere Lodge'' in complimentary terms , expressing his satisfaction at seeing so important
a lodge ruled by so efficient a Master . Bro . Austin thanked the Prov . Grand Mastei for the kind manner he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the hearty way they had received it .
Bro . the Rev . S . G . B . Bradshaw , I . P . M ., proposed ' •The Visiting Brethren , which was responded to in a few humorous remarks by Bro . Edwin Simpson , P . M ., and Bro . G . A . Birch ,
P . P . G . S . D ., in a pleasing and effective speech . Bro . Alderson , P . M ., proposed " The Masonic Charities . " and the Senior Warden gave the last toast at about eleven o'clock .
rhe harmony of the evening was largely contributed to by Bros . Hepton ( Scc . )/ Bentlev , Condon , and C . H . Coates , P . M . The latter in addition to performing efficiently at the Social
Board , as in the lodge , the duties of Director of Ceremonies , gavchisoriginalShukesperesong , and introduced a new verse referring to the visit of the R . W . P . G . M ! ., which was much appreciated .
which may save us many heavy doctors' hills . " — Civil Sci- 'icc Gazelle . Made simply with Jioiling Water or Milk . Kach packet is labelled— "J ; S KITS & Co ., Homceopathic Chemists , London . " Also , makers of Epps ' s Milky Cocoa ( Cocoa and Condensed Milk ) . — [ Advt . ]
BREAK I-MST . —Ems ' . s COCOA . —GRATEIVL AND CoMI'outiNC ,. — " l ! y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful applicntian of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . ICpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage
THE New Zealand Meat-Preserving Co . ' s beef and mutton is being supplied to the trade by Messrs . Robert Wotlicrspoon and Co ., manufacturers of " The Glenlicld Starch , '' Glasgow and London .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
[ With a view to increase the circulation , and consequently the usefulness , of THE FREEMASON , it is suggested that Lodges , & c , desiring reports to appear in the paper , should take a certain number of copies in proportion to the space required for the report . ] ' THE CRAFT .
METROPOLITAN . United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 . —The regular meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 19 th inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . Present : Bros . R . Shackell , W . M . ( in the chair ) ; G . J . C . Smith , S . W . ;
Osborn , J . W . ; Jesse Turner , P . M ., Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; Ansell , S . D . ; H . Bethcll , J . D . ; A . Le Feaux , Organist ; B . Deeley , I . G . ; J . Driscoll , P . M ., and C . Smith , Stewards ; Caseley , D . C . ; j . Harling , I . P . M . ; W . McDonald , P . M . ; J . Johns , P . M . ; Campbell , Inglis , C . Bethcll , & c .
The lodge was opened 111 antient form , and the minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Messrs . Clark and Norwood were initiated , and Bro . Cosedge was raised . The Book of Constitutions , handsomely bound in calf , with gilt edges , was presented to the lodge by the
W . M . ; and a very handsome large-size set of tracing-boards was presented by the S . W . ; to whom the thanks of the lodge were given for their presents . The ballot was then taken for the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . G . J . C . Smith was unanimously elected to fill the chair of K . S ., Bro .
Jesse Turner , P . M ., being unanimously re-eiccted Treasurer . It was resolved , "That a P . M . jewel be presented to Bro . R . Shackell , W . M ., on the next lodge-night , for the very able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the lodge for the past year . " The sum of two guineas was voted towards
the Testimonial Fund for Pro . Binckes . Bro . Grant was re-elected Tyler , and the lodge , to mark its appreciation of his services for the past year , presented him with a half-sovereign as a Christmas-box . After relieving the widow of a deceased brother , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a good plain supper .
Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 . —On Tuesday , the 19 th instant , this lodge held a meeting at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . M . Loewenstark , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . G . Free , S . W . ; G . Grace , J . W . ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; A . Dussek , S . D . ; S . Harman , J .
Gomme , I . G . ; I . Wilkins , D . C . ; Dr . Dixon , F . Walters , D . Rose , F . H . Ebsworth , and T . J . Sabine , P . M . 's ; & c . Bro . Hill was raised to the third degree , and Messrs . Hunter and Spencer ( the proprietor ) were initiated into Freemasonry . The
ballots were unanimously in favour of Bro . G . Free as W . M ., Bro . E . Harris as Treasurer , and Bro . W . Y . Laing , P . M ., as Tyler ( re-elected ) . The lodge was then closed , no banquet or any refreshment following , in consequence of the illness of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Hedford Lodge , Xo . 157 . —The election meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Friday , S 1 I 1 inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Mills , W . M ., presiding . One brother was raised lo the third degree . Bro . W . Holland , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Lavender , P . M .. Treas ., was re-elected unanimously ; and the Tvlcr w . u re-elected .
Polish National I . odg \ A .- > . 53 . 1 .- —On the 14 th inst ., the second regular meeting of this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Diosy , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Charpentier , liarany , and Kocsis were passed , and Mr . j . L . Denman initiated . Bro . Sulc / . evski , P . M ., moved "That this lodge record a vote of condolence with the sufferings of the
M . W . G . P . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " which was carried nem . con ., and ordered to be embodied in the minutes . The feeling of deep regret thus recorded seems to have pervaded the ensuing banquet—music and song were suppressed , and the usual toasts and acclamations were given in a subdued tone .
U'hittington Lodge , Ao . " £ < 2 . —A meeting of this lodge was held , on the iSth instant , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present : Bros . J . Salisbury , W . M . ; Jones , S . W . ; O . uilty , P . M ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , Prov . G . Sec . Middlesex , Sec . ; Smith , P . M ., S . D . ; Seelig , J . D . ; Haley , I . G . ; Kingston , D . C .
Jas . Weaver , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middlesex , Treasurer Benevolent Fund ; Hurlston , P . M . ; Davis , I . P . M . ; G . C . Pritchard , Org . : and many other brethren . The W . M . having opened the lodge , took the ballot for , and initiated , Messrs . A . Moore , J . Smith , F . L .
Prior , and R . C . Miller . Bro . James Weaver then occupied the chair and passed Bros . Rose , Rodet , Lavington , Walmslcy , and Ben Zion . The lodge having bcewresumed to the lirst degree , Bio . James Weaver proposed , and it was carried by acclama-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tion , that a vote of condolence be entered on the minutes , expressing the deep sympathy the members have with their Illustrious Brother , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , in his severe illness , with a sincere hope that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to spare him to come amongst his brethren again ., A guinea
was voted to the Tyler as a Christmas-box , two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and the lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to the banqueting-room , and there brought a very happy evening to a close . Maedonald Lodsre , No . 1216 . —This lodge met at
the head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles at Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 13 th inst ., and was exceedingly well attended . The W . M ., Bro . S . H . Wagstaff , was supported by all his officers , viz . Bros . G . Waterall , S . W . ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . . James Stevens , I . P . M . : Thomas Meggv , P . M .
Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis . Sec . ; \\ J . Messenger , S . D . ; J . H . Hastie , J . D . ; M . S . Larlham , I . G . ; W . Dickers and T . W . Carnell , Stewards . Amongst other members present were Bros . A . Williams , A . Fletcher , W . Elliott , J . Allen , A . Wolton , A . Kethro , W . W . Peall , C . Fountain , H .
Hammond , W . Willis , & c , & c , and the visitors were Bros . H . Puckle , C . Swan ( S 69 ) , J . Martin ( 139 ) , and Herbert Barry ( 10 S ) . The lodge having been duly opened , ballots were taken for Messrs . W . Gray and W . S . Cackett , which proving favourable they were severally introduced and initiated .
A ballot having been similarly taken for Mr . Allan Wilson , the W . M ., in ready compliance with the expressed desire of the candidate , surrendered the chair of K . S . to Bro . Stevens , I . P . M ., who duly initiated Mr . Wilson into the Order . Mr . J . B . Schott was subsequently balloted for , approved
and initiated by the W . M . The whole of the work was performed in the admirably correct and impressive manner which has made the Maedonald Lodge so justly famous as an exemplar of perfect Masonry . Propositions for initiation at ensuing meeting having been made and some routine
business disposed of , the I . PM ., Bro . Stevens , addressed the lodge in appropriate terms in reference to the dangerous condition of our Royal Brother the Prince of Wales , submitting to the brethren that both in their Masonic capacity and in that of loyal Volunteers , they should express
their sense of the lamentable circumstances then causing so much anxiety throughout the nation ; and although not presuming to the importance of a public body , to add their tear of sympathy for the afflictions of the royal household to that flood of regret and condolence with which the country
overflowed . He moved , " That this lodge do record on its minutes the heartfelt sympathy and affection its members entertain for their Royal Brotherthc Prince of Wales , in his severe and dangerous illness ; their loyal devotion to his family ; and their sincere prayers that the G . A . O . T . U . mav yet restore him to
health , to the nation , and to re-union with his Masonic brethren . "—Bro . Thomas Meggy , P . M ., in equally expressive terms , seconded the motion , which , it is almost needless to add , wasunanimonsly resolved . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , but the general gloom occasioned by the uncertainty of the moment induced a speedy separation .
PROVINCIAL . Uvi . L . — llnmher Lodge , No . 57 . —On Tuesday last an unusually large meeting of brethren took place for the purpose of electing the principal officers of this well-known and important lodge . The election of the W . M . for the coming year was the
cause of many attending whose visits lately have , in one respect , been like the angels ' , few and far between . For some time previously it had been considered a forgone conclusion that the Mastership would beconferred on Bro . R . T . Vivian , and the supporters of that gentleman had the satisfaction of
having their representative almost unanimously elected . 'Die W . M .-elect in returning thanks stated it wus impossible , upon anevent of such importance to him , to adequately express his gratitute . He had no occasion to allude to his services in the past , nor any desire to say what he intended doing in the
future , beyond the fact that he should endeavour at all times to walk in the footsteps of one who , by his kindness and courtesy , his high Masonic , attainments , his goodness of heart , and never-ceasing anxiety to promote the happiness and comfort of his brethren , could never amongst them be
regarded with anything but the most affectionate esteem , and that one was their present W . M . Bro . Vivian , we may state , possesses every qualification for ably filling the chair . He is a man of education and cultivation , and has devoted considerable time to the study of our ancient art . We wish him and the lodge every success in the
election . I he following officers were also elected Bros . J . L . Seaton , P . M ., Treasurer to the Benevolent and Pension Fund ; Alderman Fountain , Treasurer to the lodge ; W . D . Keyworth , P . M ., Treasurer to the Poor Fund , an office which Bro . Keyworth has fulfilled in a manner almost beyond piaisu for the last seven years . Bro . Johnson , another old