Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officer of eleven years' standing , was re-elected Tyler . After the formal closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where they availed themselves of expressing their sentiments of respect and esteem towards a good Master , a ready friend , and a " brother" in the best signification of the word ,
viz ., the W . M ., Bro . W . Tesseyman . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 13 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum , Lancaster . The W . M ., Bro . Dr . Moore , G . S . B . England , presided
and was supported by his officers as follows : Bros . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; William Hall , S . W . ; Wm . Fleming , J . W . ; James Hatch , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Airey , S . D . ; William J . Sly , J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; H . Sumner , Steward ; J . Watson , Tyler ; and about twenty
brethren . —As soon as the lodge was opened , the W . M . stated that , taking precedence of all other business , he had to announce to the lodge assembled what each brother had already much deplored as an individual , namely , the distressing intelligence that had been received of the serious illness
of our Royal Brother the Prince of Wales . The W . M . then , in a feeling speech , proposed that a record should be placed on the minutes of the meeting of the sorrow of the brethren at hearing of the dangerous illness of his Royal Highness , together with an expression of the deepest sympathy
with her Majesty the Queen and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales in their affliction . —This was seconded by Bro . J . Hatch , I . P . M ., and carried unanimously . The by-laws were then read , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken for a Worshipful Master for the ensuing year
which resulted in the election of Bro . Wm . Hall , the present S . W ., and the installation ceremony was decided to be held on Wednesday afternoon , the 27 th instant , the subsequent banquet to take place at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Bro . Jas . Hatch , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . John
Watson , Tyler . The W . M . retired from the lodgeroom , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . John Hatch , I . P . M ., when , on the proposition of Bro . G . Kelland , seconded by Bro . Hatch , it was unanimously resolved that the sum of five guineas should be voted towards presenting the W . M . with a Past
Grand Sword-bearers jewel , on his retiring from office in the Grand Lodge of England . The W . M . gave notice of motion , that he should propose at the next meeting that the sum of £$ 5 s . be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
DARTMOUTH . —ITauley Lodge , No . 797 . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Rooms on Monday , the nth instant , for the purpose of installing Bro . Thos . Lidstone , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . of W ., Devon , and one of the founders of this lodge . The ceremony was performed by Bro . G . S .
Ellis , P . M . The W . M . afterwards invested his officers , viz ., Bros . Ellis , I . P . M . ; Pescott , S . W . ; Goodridge , J . J . Hurrell , Treasurer ; J . Bovey , Secretary ; E . Seale , S . D . ; J . White , J . D . ; T . P . Lidstone , I . G . ; J . Evans , D . C . ; H . Winsor , Tyler . ROCK FERRY , CHESHIRE . —RockLodge , No . 12 S 9 .
—The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Rock Ferry Hotel , and was well attended by members and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . J . P . Plait , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Bulley , Thomas Piatt , and J . B . Hignett , P . PJ . G . D . ' s ; F . K . Stevenson , Prov . G . S . B . ; T .
E . Hignctt , W . M . 537 ; T . S . Jones , W . M . 1276 ; A . Green , P . M . 249 ; Sprutlv , M . D ., P . M . 537 ; Ryan , M . D ., 537 ; & c . The ' W . M ., Bro . Friend , having initiated Messrs . G . Scott and R . H . Prince , the lodge was further opened , and Bro . R . H . Moore , S . W ., was presented to the W . M . for the
benefit of installation , and Bro . Friend accordingly installed him in the chair of K . S . The new W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows Bros . Lewis , S . W . ; Bolton , J . W . ( by proxy , being unavoidably absent ) ; P . J . Pearson , Sec . ; Saycr , S . D . ; Pattison , J . D . ; and Wigt ' . ahl , I . G . Bro .
Stevenson , P . G . S . B ., who had been unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Ho ' taway , Tyler , were respectively invested by the W . M . Five joining members and one candidate for initiation having been proposed , and various other matters connected with the lodge discussed , the brethren
adjourned from labour to refreshment , and a very pleasant evening was passed . This lodge is now in a prosperous condition , and likely to become everything that its most ardent supporters could wish . hARy ; v . T . ~ AcatiaLodge , No . i ^ oQ . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 13 th inst ' ., at the Railway Hotel , Potters' Bar . Bro .
Frederick Walters , I . P . M ., presided , and passed Bro . J . M . Jennings ( 1326 ) to the second degree , and raised Bio . Schollard to the third degree . Bro . Charles Horslcy , P . M ., then took the chair , and separately initiated Messrs . Hughes , Buttcrlicld , and Ferrier into Freemasonry , the work being well performed . Barlquet followed labour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , High-street , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . John Fenn , W . M ., who was supported by the following officers : Bros . C . Carnegie , Grand Purs .
Hants ., I . P . M .: Captain Richardson , R . E ., S . W . ; A . McKenzie , J . W . ; Laverty , S . D . ; Bennett , J . D . ; R . White , Sec . ; Anderson , I . G . ; Lucas , Tyler ; and a goodly muster of the . brethren . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree , and the minutes of the regular meeting on 2 nd Nov ., and
the emergency meeting on the 9 th , were read and separately confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Bros . Hanley and Denison , 7 th Hussars , and Sergeant-major Wyatt , Cavalry Brigade , as joining members , and Sergeant-major Silk , garrison staff " , a candidate for initiation , which proved unanimous
in each case . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bishop , a candidate for the M . M . 's degree , was examined respecting his proficiency as a F . C ., which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted with a test of merit and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and
Bro . Bishop was raised to that degree . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees . The W . M . announced that a lodge of instruction would be held on the 21 st inst . The W . M . then , on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . C . Carnegie , I . P . M ., with a tea and coffee service .
The following is the inscription on the salver : "Presented to Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M . 311 ( I . C . ) , 6 97 ( E . C ) , P . P . Gr . Supt . of " Works Essex , Gr . Pursuivant Hampshire , first W . M . of the Aldershot Camp Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , by the brethren of that lodge , as a token of
their esteem and regard for his zealous services in the establishment of their lodge , and his faithful exposition of the principles of Freemasonry . Aldershot , November , 1 S 71 . "—The W . M ., addressing Bro . Carnegie , said : It gives me much pleasure to be the medium of presenting vou with this tea
service . The brethren feel that the great prosperity of the lodge while under your . Mastership , and the devotion which you paid to its interests , call for this recognition of your services ; and I but echothe sentiment of every brother when I express the earnest wish that you may live long to enjoy this gift ; and
whenitpleases the G . A . O . T . U . topromoteyou to the Grand Lodge above , it will be a source of joy to your posterity . —Bro . Carnegie said he was deeply touched , not only in receiving such a valuable gift , but also by the Masonic spirit which prompted its presentation . He was gratified that his humble
endeavours to carry out the great principles of Freemasonry had met with the approbation of his brethren , and thanked not only the lodge as a body for its support during his year of office , but more particularly those brethren who had assisted him in
working its ceremonies . The testimonial would be carefully preserved , pointed to with pride , and handed down to his children as an agreeable memento of his connection with the Camp Lodge . —Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed with prayer .
HAMPTON ' . —Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —At the Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., this lodge met . Bro . S . Wickens . ' W . M ., presided . There were also present : Bros . T . f . Moss , P . G . S ., I . P . M . and Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; R . Bowman , S . W . ; D . Beck , J . W . ; H . Dubois
S . D . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . J . Jackson , I . G . ; & c . Bros . Solly and Livctt were raised ; Bros . Donald , Duckworth , and Baldwin were passed ; and Messrs . Payne , Greai'son , and Hulett were initiated—all the work being well done . After the lodge had been closed , banquet and dessert followed .
WiMliLEDON . —United Service Lodge , No . 1361 . —This new lodge met at the Swan Hotel , Wimbledon , on Saturday the nth inst ., under the presidency of the W . M . ; Bro . Major E . Hamilton Finney , who was supported by Bros . G . Cowell , M . D ., S . W . ; E . II Finney , jun ., J . W . ; R . W .
Little , P . M . ; W . Dodd , P . M . ; T . W . White , J . W . 21 : T . R . Darke , & c . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots wierc taken for Bro . C . Butcher as a joining member , and for Dr . Frederick W . Parsons for initiation . Both proving favorable , Dr . Parsons was then regularly initiated into the Order . The
Grand Secretary ' s letter , announcing that the Grand Master had been pleased to nominate Bro . Finney , junr ., as J . W ., in place of the brother named in the warrant , was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner , and spent a pleasant evening together .
Royal Arch.
LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter , A o . 1051 . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on the nth instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Alhenieum . There were present : Comps , Mason , M . E . Z . ; Hall ,
Royal Arch.
H . ; Dr . Moore , P . Z ., as J . ; Whimpray , E . ; W . J . Sly , N . ; E . Simpson , P . S . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; W . Heald and R . Taylor , Assts . S . ; W . Bradshaw , E . A . Sail , J . Coulon , and J . Watson . After the chapter had been opened , Comp . Dr . Moore , who occupied the chair of M . E . Z ., announced the
dangerous illness of our Royal Companion and Brother the Prince of Wales , and , in a feeling speech , directed that an expression of sorrow on the part of the companions of the chapter , at his prolonged and very serious illness , should be placed upon the minutes of the chapter , together with an expression
of the deepest sympathy with her Majesty the Queen and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales in their trial and affliction . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Coulon , of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , No . 1353 , and he was declared to be unanimously elected . Bros . Coulon and E . A . Sail ,
LL . D ., vicar of Dolphinholme , were then duly exalted to the degree of Royal Arch by Comp . Moore , P . Z ., who afterwards gave the mystical lecture , the historical and symbolical lectures being delivered by Comp . Hall , H . The M . E . Z . announced
that the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Comp . Sir Thomas G . Fermor-PIesketh , Bart ., M . P ., had signified that it was his intention to hold a Prcv , Grand Chapter in Lancaster , on the 29 th instant . There being no other business before the chapter , it was closed in due form .
o GLASGOW . Lodge St . Mar !; , No . 102 . —The installation of the office-bearers of St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 102 , took place on Monday week . There was a large attendance of the brethren . Bro . Barro . v , D . P . G . M ., who was the installing master , discharged his duties most efficiently . The office-bearers installed were
Bros . John Cunmnghame , R . W . M . ; Thomas Halket , P . M . ; J . F . Mitchell , D . M . ; W . Haddow , S . M . ; R . Jamieson , S . W . ; D . Douglas , J . W . ; H . Campbell , Secretary ; Thomas Halket , jun ., Treasurer ; R . H . Clydesdale , S . D . ; W . Robertson , J . D . ; R . M'Call , S . S . ; J . Whyte , Jeweller ; J . O .
Smith , V . S . P . G . L . ; A . Gladstone , Director of Music ; J . B . Hardie , I . G . ; James Pollock , Tyler . The R . W . M ., after taking the chair , returned thanks to the brethren for the honour they had done him , and moved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Barrow for the able manner in
which he had discharged his duties , Bro . Barrow , in acknowledging the compliment , said that the lodge had bestowed a great honour on Bro ] Cunninghame ; but he had no doubt whatever that their new Right Worshipful Master would uphold the prestige of the lodge as in days gone by . The
lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren having enjoyed themselves in a truly Masonic manner , the lodge was in due time closed . St . Andre-ids Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 . -At a meeting of the St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter ,
held at 170 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday week , the following Companions , were installed into office : —Thomas D . Humphreys , P . Z . ; Duncan M'Geachy , P . H . ; Thomas P . Mullins , P . J . ; D . Campbell , S . E . ; Peter Gray , S . N . ; Edward Crosher , Treas . ; John M'Ewen , 1 st Soj . ; Andrew Russell , 2 nd do . ; George Denny , 3 rd do . ; John L .
Hunter , Standard-bearer ; George Heron , Organist ; John C . Fraser , Janitor . The ceremonial was ably rendered by Comp . T . M . Campbell , P . P . Z ., and the earnest manner of the celebrant duly impressed the newly-installed office-bearers with the importance of their duties . Upon the motion of Comp . Humphreys , P . Z ., seconded by Comp . T . M . Campbell , Comp . O'Neal Ilaye was affiliated .
ROTHESAY . The annual meeting of the brethren of the Rothesay St . John ' s Lodge No . 392 , was held in their own hall on Monday evening , when the abstract of accounts and report for the year were
approved , and the following office-bearers elected for the ensuing year : —Lachlan Milloy , R . W . M . ; Alex . Stirling , D . M . ; Alex . Duncan , S . W . ; Alex . M'Donald , J . W . ; Archd . Morrison , Treasurer ; Andrew Higgie , Secretary ; George Grant , Chaplain ; Neil Anderson , Tyler .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Chest and Stomach Complaints . —The source and centre of almost every ailment is impurity of the blood ; dislodge thence poison , and disease departs . Holloway ' s Pills exercise the inestimable power of thoroughly cleansing such component pari of the blood , and rendering this fluid lit to perform its important functions . They cope most successfully with chest diseases , stomach complaints , liver
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officer of eleven years' standing , was re-elected Tyler . After the formal closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , where they availed themselves of expressing their sentiments of respect and esteem towards a good Master , a ready friend , and a " brother" in the best signification of the word ,
viz ., the W . M ., Bro . W . Tesseyman . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 13 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Athenreum , Lancaster . The W . M ., Bro . Dr . Moore , G . S . B . England , presided
and was supported by his officers as follows : Bros . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; William Hall , S . W . ; Wm . Fleming , J . W . ; James Hatch , P . M ., Treas . ; Edmund Simpson , P . M ., Sec . ; E . Airey , S . D . ; William J . Sly , J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; H . Sumner , Steward ; J . Watson , Tyler ; and about twenty
brethren . —As soon as the lodge was opened , the W . M . stated that , taking precedence of all other business , he had to announce to the lodge assembled what each brother had already much deplored as an individual , namely , the distressing intelligence that had been received of the serious illness
of our Royal Brother the Prince of Wales . The W . M . then , in a feeling speech , proposed that a record should be placed on the minutes of the meeting of the sorrow of the brethren at hearing of the dangerous illness of his Royal Highness , together with an expression of the deepest sympathy
with her Majesty the Queen and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales in their affliction . —This was seconded by Bro . J . Hatch , I . P . M ., and carried unanimously . The by-laws were then read , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken for a Worshipful Master for the ensuing year
which resulted in the election of Bro . Wm . Hall , the present S . W ., and the installation ceremony was decided to be held on Wednesday afternoon , the 27 th instant , the subsequent banquet to take place at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Bro . Jas . Hatch , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . John
Watson , Tyler . The W . M . retired from the lodgeroom , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Bro . John Hatch , I . P . M ., when , on the proposition of Bro . G . Kelland , seconded by Bro . Hatch , it was unanimously resolved that the sum of five guineas should be voted towards presenting the W . M . with a Past
Grand Sword-bearers jewel , on his retiring from office in the Grand Lodge of England . The W . M . gave notice of motion , that he should propose at the next meeting that the sum of £$ 5 s . be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form .
DARTMOUTH . —ITauley Lodge , No . 797 . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the Masonic Rooms on Monday , the nth instant , for the purpose of installing Bro . Thos . Lidstone , P . M ., P . Z ., P . P . G . S . of W ., Devon , and one of the founders of this lodge . The ceremony was performed by Bro . G . S .
Ellis , P . M . The W . M . afterwards invested his officers , viz ., Bros . Ellis , I . P . M . ; Pescott , S . W . ; Goodridge , J . J . Hurrell , Treasurer ; J . Bovey , Secretary ; E . Seale , S . D . ; J . White , J . D . ; T . P . Lidstone , I . G . ; J . Evans , D . C . ; H . Winsor , Tyler . ROCK FERRY , CHESHIRE . —RockLodge , No . 12 S 9 .
—The regular meeting of this lodge took place on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Rock Ferry Hotel , and was well attended by members and visitors , amongst whom were Bros . J . P . Plait , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . Bulley , Thomas Piatt , and J . B . Hignett , P . PJ . G . D . ' s ; F . K . Stevenson , Prov . G . S . B . ; T .
E . Hignctt , W . M . 537 ; T . S . Jones , W . M . 1276 ; A . Green , P . M . 249 ; Sprutlv , M . D ., P . M . 537 ; Ryan , M . D ., 537 ; & c . The ' W . M ., Bro . Friend , having initiated Messrs . G . Scott and R . H . Prince , the lodge was further opened , and Bro . R . H . Moore , S . W ., was presented to the W . M . for the
benefit of installation , and Bro . Friend accordingly installed him in the chair of K . S . The new W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows Bros . Lewis , S . W . ; Bolton , J . W . ( by proxy , being unavoidably absent ) ; P . J . Pearson , Sec . ; Saycr , S . D . ; Pattison , J . D . ; and Wigt ' . ahl , I . G . Bro .
Stevenson , P . G . S . B ., who had been unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Ho ' taway , Tyler , were respectively invested by the W . M . Five joining members and one candidate for initiation having been proposed , and various other matters connected with the lodge discussed , the brethren
adjourned from labour to refreshment , and a very pleasant evening was passed . This lodge is now in a prosperous condition , and likely to become everything that its most ardent supporters could wish . hARy ; v . T . ~ AcatiaLodge , No . i ^ oQ . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 13 th inst ' ., at the Railway Hotel , Potters' Bar . Bro .
Frederick Walters , I . P . M ., presided , and passed Bro . J . M . Jennings ( 1326 ) to the second degree , and raised Bio . Schollard to the third degree . Bro . Charles Horslcy , P . M ., then took the chair , and separately initiated Messrs . Hughes , Buttcrlicld , and Ferrier into Freemasonry , the work being well performed . Barlquet followed labour .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , High-street , on Thursday , the 7 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . John Fenn , W . M ., who was supported by the following officers : Bros . C . Carnegie , Grand Purs .
Hants ., I . P . M .: Captain Richardson , R . E ., S . W . ; A . McKenzie , J . W . ; Laverty , S . D . ; Bennett , J . D . ; R . White , Sec . ; Anderson , I . G . ; Lucas , Tyler ; and a goodly muster of the . brethren . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree , and the minutes of the regular meeting on 2 nd Nov ., and
the emergency meeting on the 9 th , were read and separately confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Bros . Hanley and Denison , 7 th Hussars , and Sergeant-major Wyatt , Cavalry Brigade , as joining members , and Sergeant-major Silk , garrison staff " , a candidate for initiation , which proved unanimous
in each case . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Bishop , a candidate for the M . M . 's degree , was examined respecting his proficiency as a F . C ., which proving satisfactory , he was entrusted with a test of merit and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and
Bro . Bishop was raised to that degree . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees . The W . M . announced that a lodge of instruction would be held on the 21 st inst . The W . M . then , on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . C . Carnegie , I . P . M ., with a tea and coffee service .
The following is the inscription on the salver : "Presented to Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M . 311 ( I . C . ) , 6 97 ( E . C ) , P . P . Gr . Supt . of " Works Essex , Gr . Pursuivant Hampshire , first W . M . of the Aldershot Camp Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , by the brethren of that lodge , as a token of
their esteem and regard for his zealous services in the establishment of their lodge , and his faithful exposition of the principles of Freemasonry . Aldershot , November , 1 S 71 . "—The W . M ., addressing Bro . Carnegie , said : It gives me much pleasure to be the medium of presenting vou with this tea
service . The brethren feel that the great prosperity of the lodge while under your . Mastership , and the devotion which you paid to its interests , call for this recognition of your services ; and I but echothe sentiment of every brother when I express the earnest wish that you may live long to enjoy this gift ; and
whenitpleases the G . A . O . T . U . topromoteyou to the Grand Lodge above , it will be a source of joy to your posterity . —Bro . Carnegie said he was deeply touched , not only in receiving such a valuable gift , but also by the Masonic spirit which prompted its presentation . He was gratified that his humble
endeavours to carry out the great principles of Freemasonry had met with the approbation of his brethren , and thanked not only the lodge as a body for its support during his year of office , but more particularly those brethren who had assisted him in
working its ceremonies . The testimonial would be carefully preserved , pointed to with pride , and handed down to his children as an agreeable memento of his connection with the Camp Lodge . —Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed with prayer .
HAMPTON ' . —Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 . —At the Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., this lodge met . Bro . S . Wickens . ' W . M ., presided . There were also present : Bros . T . f . Moss , P . G . S ., I . P . M . and Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec ; R . Bowman , S . W . ; D . Beck , J . W . ; H . Dubois
S . D . ; W . Hammond , P . M ., J . J . Jackson , I . G . ; & c . Bros . Solly and Livctt were raised ; Bros . Donald , Duckworth , and Baldwin were passed ; and Messrs . Payne , Greai'son , and Hulett were initiated—all the work being well done . After the lodge had been closed , banquet and dessert followed .
WiMliLEDON . —United Service Lodge , No . 1361 . —This new lodge met at the Swan Hotel , Wimbledon , on Saturday the nth inst ., under the presidency of the W . M . ; Bro . Major E . Hamilton Finney , who was supported by Bros . G . Cowell , M . D ., S . W . ; E . II Finney , jun ., J . W . ; R . W .
Little , P . M . ; W . Dodd , P . M . ; T . W . White , J . W . 21 : T . R . Darke , & c . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes confirmed , ballots wierc taken for Bro . C . Butcher as a joining member , and for Dr . Frederick W . Parsons for initiation . Both proving favorable , Dr . Parsons was then regularly initiated into the Order . The
Grand Secretary ' s letter , announcing that the Grand Master had been pleased to nominate Bro . Finney , junr ., as J . W ., in place of the brother named in the warrant , was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to dinner , and spent a pleasant evening together .
Royal Arch.
LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter , A o . 1051 . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on the nth instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Alhenieum . There were present : Comps , Mason , M . E . Z . ; Hall ,
Royal Arch.
H . ; Dr . Moore , P . Z ., as J . ; Whimpray , E . ; W . J . Sly , N . ; E . Simpson , P . S . ; W . Barker , Treas . ; W . Heald and R . Taylor , Assts . S . ; W . Bradshaw , E . A . Sail , J . Coulon , and J . Watson . After the chapter had been opened , Comp . Dr . Moore , who occupied the chair of M . E . Z ., announced the
dangerous illness of our Royal Companion and Brother the Prince of Wales , and , in a feeling speech , directed that an expression of sorrow on the part of the companions of the chapter , at his prolonged and very serious illness , should be placed upon the minutes of the chapter , together with an expression
of the deepest sympathy with her Majesty the Queen and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales in their trial and affliction . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Coulon , of the Duke of Lancaster Lodge , No . 1353 , and he was declared to be unanimously elected . Bros . Coulon and E . A . Sail ,
LL . D ., vicar of Dolphinholme , were then duly exalted to the degree of Royal Arch by Comp . Moore , P . Z ., who afterwards gave the mystical lecture , the historical and symbolical lectures being delivered by Comp . Hall , H . The M . E . Z . announced
that the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Comp . Sir Thomas G . Fermor-PIesketh , Bart ., M . P ., had signified that it was his intention to hold a Prcv , Grand Chapter in Lancaster , on the 29 th instant . There being no other business before the chapter , it was closed in due form .
o GLASGOW . Lodge St . Mar !; , No . 102 . —The installation of the office-bearers of St . Mark ' s Lodge , No . 102 , took place on Monday week . There was a large attendance of the brethren . Bro . Barro . v , D . P . G . M ., who was the installing master , discharged his duties most efficiently . The office-bearers installed were
Bros . John Cunmnghame , R . W . M . ; Thomas Halket , P . M . ; J . F . Mitchell , D . M . ; W . Haddow , S . M . ; R . Jamieson , S . W . ; D . Douglas , J . W . ; H . Campbell , Secretary ; Thomas Halket , jun ., Treasurer ; R . H . Clydesdale , S . D . ; W . Robertson , J . D . ; R . M'Call , S . S . ; J . Whyte , Jeweller ; J . O .
Smith , V . S . P . G . L . ; A . Gladstone , Director of Music ; J . B . Hardie , I . G . ; James Pollock , Tyler . The R . W . M ., after taking the chair , returned thanks to the brethren for the honour they had done him , and moved that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Barrow for the able manner in
which he had discharged his duties , Bro . Barrow , in acknowledging the compliment , said that the lodge had bestowed a great honour on Bro ] Cunninghame ; but he had no doubt whatever that their new Right Worshipful Master would uphold the prestige of the lodge as in days gone by . The
lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren having enjoyed themselves in a truly Masonic manner , the lodge was in due time closed . St . Andre-ids Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 . -At a meeting of the St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter ,
held at 170 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday week , the following Companions , were installed into office : —Thomas D . Humphreys , P . Z . ; Duncan M'Geachy , P . H . ; Thomas P . Mullins , P . J . ; D . Campbell , S . E . ; Peter Gray , S . N . ; Edward Crosher , Treas . ; John M'Ewen , 1 st Soj . ; Andrew Russell , 2 nd do . ; George Denny , 3 rd do . ; John L .
Hunter , Standard-bearer ; George Heron , Organist ; John C . Fraser , Janitor . The ceremonial was ably rendered by Comp . T . M . Campbell , P . P . Z ., and the earnest manner of the celebrant duly impressed the newly-installed office-bearers with the importance of their duties . Upon the motion of Comp . Humphreys , P . Z ., seconded by Comp . T . M . Campbell , Comp . O'Neal Ilaye was affiliated .
ROTHESAY . The annual meeting of the brethren of the Rothesay St . John ' s Lodge No . 392 , was held in their own hall on Monday evening , when the abstract of accounts and report for the year were
approved , and the following office-bearers elected for the ensuing year : —Lachlan Milloy , R . W . M . ; Alex . Stirling , D . M . ; Alex . Duncan , S . W . ; Alex . M'Donald , J . W . ; Archd . Morrison , Treasurer ; Andrew Higgie , Secretary ; George Grant , Chaplain ; Neil Anderson , Tyler .
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