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PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE . iy , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 1782 . Luv Ksr Current Rates 1 Assured free of all Liability Liberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , •) ) oint F . B . MACDONALD , J Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 . ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . Prospectuses and every information forwarded Post Free on application to the MANAGER .
MANCHESTER HOTEL , - " •*¦ ALDERSGATE STREET . NOTICE TO SECRETARIES OF MASONIC LODGES , CLUBS , AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE MEETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
Now READY . NEW MASONIC WORK . Demy Svo . About 300 pages . Price Ios . HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN THE PROVINCE OF ROXBURGHSHIRE AND SELKIRKSHIRE , FROM 1674 TO THE PRESENT TIME . Transcribed from the Records of the Lodges of Melrose , Selkirk , Kelso , Haughfoot , Jedburgh , Hawick , Stow , Galashiels , and Yetholm , BY W . FRED . VERNON , Past Depute Provincial Grand Master Roxburghshire and Berwickshire ; P . M . and Bard Nos . 5 S and 261 ; Hon . Mem . Nos . 12 , 104 , 262 , 2 S 0 , and 424 S . C ; Local Secretary for South Scotland of the CC . Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , AUTHOR OF " Kelso , Past and Present , " "Tales from the Diary of a Doctor , " "John Tamson ' s Bairn , " & c , & c , WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , Past Grand Deacon England ; Past Senior Grand Warden Iowa , U . S . A . ; P . Prov . G . Sec . and P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall , & c , & c . DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO The Most Wor . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland , THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF HADDINGTON . GEORGE KENNING . 16 and I ( 5 A , Great Queen-street , London . W . C . FIRST PRIZE MEDALS . Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 ; Sydney Centenary Exhibition , 1888 . MASONS' CERTIFICATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . MORELL , 17 & 18 , GREAT ST . ANDREW ST ., BLOOMSBURY , LONDON , W . C . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture I ' rame and Decorative Moulding * ( Two Million feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . IlliiMrated Book of Pattern * . 8 j pages 4 to demy , revised for 1891 , pom Irre for three n-nnv ttamn * TKI . RRKAPHIC ADDRESS—RAnnrtRV , LONDON . NOTICE OF REMOVAL . HEPBURN AND COCKS , DEED , . CASH BOX , WROUGHT IRON FRAME AND STRONG-ROOM DOOR MANUFACTURERS , For many years in CHANCERY LANK , respectfully beg to . inform the public that they have removed to 49 A , LINCOLNS' INN FIELDS , ( s . w . CORNER ) , LONDON , W . C . Works— 59 , WYCH STREET , STRAND . Over a hundred years' reputation for Quality and Good Value . " Estimates given . Established 1790 . Price Lists
FISH , POULTRY , GAME OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , I 86 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . G . ) , 2 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND SG , H / G 1 I STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PROVISION STORKS ( NOW OPENED ) 50 , 51 , and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E ' . C .
WANTED BY ADVE RTISER , . Ace . 31 ( several years a Master Mason ) , a SITUATION in any portion of trust . Hi ^ hjst Testimonials . —Address : W ., 5 S , Conway-road , Plumstead .
THE FREEMASONS' CALENDAR AND POCKET BOOK Is published by Command of the M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , & c The PROFITS are DEVOTED to the CHARITY FUND . The Brethren are invited to assist this FUND by Purchasing this Calendar . THE EDITION FOR 1893 , PRICE 2 s ., Furnishes a comprehensive view of the development of the Order , with description of all Lodges and Names of Dignitaries under the English Constitution , with Reference , for Freemasons all over the Globe ; also a Chronological Table of the Grand Masters and of events remarkable in Masonry . Published for the Grand Lodge at GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT ( Opposite Freemasons' Hall , ) 16 AND 16 A , GREAT OUEEN STREET , LONDON , VV . C .
NOW READY . Demy Svo . About 500 pages . Price 10 s . 6 d Crown 4 to , Price £ t Is .
Dedicated by permission to THOMAS FREDERICK HALSKY , Esq ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master .
London . —GEORGB KENNING , 16 and 16 a , Great Queen-st ., Lincoln's Inn Fields , W . C .
. . .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . SUFFERED AGONY FOR 30 YEARS . EADE'S PILLS . 30 , Randall-street , Bridge-road , EADE'S PILLS . Battersea , S . W . January 27 th , 1 S 92 . EADE'S PILLS . Dear Sir , —I feel it my duty to write and give you great praise for introducing such a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills . HAVING SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS , I can truly say I have never had anything to relieve my pain ( and it is pain indeed ) so quickly GOUT . as your Pills . I used to lay in bed for two or three months at a time , but now RHEUMATISM . I not only get relief in a few hours , but am able to get to work in less than a GOUT . week . —Yours truly , W . LlTTLEIOHN . RHEUMATISM . Mr . G . Eade . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . Prepared only by GEORGE EADE , 72 , Goswell Road , London , E . C . j and Sold by all Chemists in Bottles , is . ijd ., and 2 s . gd . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS .
DR . FOX'S COUGH AND VOICE WAFERS . The Great Remedy for COUGHS . COLDS , BRONCHITIS , INFLUENZA , HOARSENESS , Loss OF VOICE , And all Affections of the Chest and Lungs , Being prepared from Fruits and Herbs only , may be taken with perfect safety by old and young . DR . FOX'S COUGH ~ & VOICE WAFERS Are Sold everywhere , in tins is . ijd . each , by Chemists and Medicine Vendors . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE EADE , 72 , G OSWELL R OAD , L ONDON A Tin sent free on receipt of stamps , or Postal Order .
'"THE NEW LINE TO THE NORTH AMERSHAM , BUCKS . CROWN HOTEL . FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL . MASONIC PICNICS CATHREO FOR . Trains from Baiter Street . Bro . A . G . COLLINS , Proprietor FOR SALE . —CROSSLEY'S GAS ENGINE , 3 ! H . P ., in good working order . To make room for larger one . —GEORGE KKN n \ sa , Frcemason Office , 16 and 16 a Great Queen-street , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONUON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FIFTH A N N 1 V E R S ARY F E S TIV AI , Will be held AT THE ROYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On WEDNESDAY , 28 th JUNE , 1 S 93 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . THE LORD BROOKE , R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Essex , Vice-President of the Institution . The Brighton Corporation Band will give Promenade Concerts in the afternoon and evening . A . R . A . M ., with Miss Maggie Davies . and other distinguished A Concert will take p lace in the Music Room , from 6 . 30 p . m ., under the direction of Bro . Maldwyn Humphreys , artistes . Full particulars of the arrangements as to special trains , & c , may be obtained at the office . Dinner Tickets ( inclusive of First Class Return Fares from London ) , for Ladies , 21 s ., and Brethren , 25 s . By order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . C , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., Sth June , 1 S 93 . The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards representing lodges or provinces on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
SHRIEVALTY ELECTION . TO THE LIVERYMEN OF THE CITY OF LONDON . MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , The many promises of support I have received , including a large number of spontaneous offers from brother Liverymen , more than justify my fulfilment of the pledge I gave as far back as J ANUARY nth , 1893 , when I then declared my intention to place my services at your disposal for the Shrievalty on Midsummer Day next . Many changes have taken place since then , but the fact remains , and has not been denied , that I WAS THK FIRST CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD . In consequence of many erroneous rumours which have been circulated with reference to my politics , 1 think it desirable to state emphatically , that although a Liberal prior to the introduction of the Home Rule Bill , 1 am now a Liberal Unionist . If elected by you , my time will be entirely and ungrudgingly bestowed , and every opportunity embraced to faithfully discharge the religious , charitable , and hosp itable duties which , to my mind , are inseparable from the ollice . 1 venture to ask all those who have so kindly p ledged themselves to support my candidature , to attend at the meeting of Common Hall on Midsummer Day next to aid me at the show of hands , and , if necessary , at the subsequent poll . I have the honour to be , My Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient Servant , Juneyth . GEORGE HAND , Citizen , Loriner , Fishmonger , Horn "' Spectaelemaker , Shipwright , GanM' ?' and Member Court of Assistants n « - plate Workers' Company , 25 , 26 , 27 , Lawrence-lane , Trump-street , Cheapside , 17 , Lawrence-lane , and ^ , 19 and 21 , Fore-street Avenue , E . L .
pOALS . COALS . COALSCOCKERELL'S ( L IMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , &<" POT Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway SU " "'
A BROTHER INTERESTED ' rl making a Collection of Home and Foreign . ^ j Summonses , will gladly receive any , and would sen t ) lC in exchange .- " COLLECTOR , " c / o the Editor 01 Freemason .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE . iy , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 1782 . Luv Ksr Current Rates 1 Assured free of all Liability Liberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , •) ) oint F . B . MACDONALD , J Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 . ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . Prospectuses and every information forwarded Post Free on application to the MANAGER .
MANCHESTER HOTEL , - " •*¦ ALDERSGATE STREET . NOTICE TO SECRETARIES OF MASONIC LODGES , CLUBS , AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE MEETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
Now READY . NEW MASONIC WORK . Demy Svo . About 300 pages . Price Ios . HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN THE PROVINCE OF ROXBURGHSHIRE AND SELKIRKSHIRE , FROM 1674 TO THE PRESENT TIME . Transcribed from the Records of the Lodges of Melrose , Selkirk , Kelso , Haughfoot , Jedburgh , Hawick , Stow , Galashiels , and Yetholm , BY W . FRED . VERNON , Past Depute Provincial Grand Master Roxburghshire and Berwickshire ; P . M . and Bard Nos . 5 S and 261 ; Hon . Mem . Nos . 12 , 104 , 262 , 2 S 0 , and 424 S . C ; Local Secretary for South Scotland of the CC . Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 , AUTHOR OF " Kelso , Past and Present , " "Tales from the Diary of a Doctor , " "John Tamson ' s Bairn , " & c , & c , WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , Past Grand Deacon England ; Past Senior Grand Warden Iowa , U . S . A . ; P . Prov . G . Sec . and P . Prov . S . G . W . Cornwall , & c , & c . DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO The Most Wor . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland , THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF HADDINGTON . GEORGE KENNING . 16 and I ( 5 A , Great Queen-street , London . W . C . FIRST PRIZE MEDALS . Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition , 1887 ; Sydney Centenary Exhibition , 1888 . MASONS' CERTIFICATES , & c , FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . MORELL , 17 & 18 , GREAT ST . ANDREW ST ., BLOOMSBURY , LONDON , W . C . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture I ' rame and Decorative Moulding * ( Two Million feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . IlliiMrated Book of Pattern * . 8 j pages 4 to demy , revised for 1891 , pom Irre for three n-nnv ttamn * TKI . RRKAPHIC ADDRESS—RAnnrtRV , LONDON . NOTICE OF REMOVAL . HEPBURN AND COCKS , DEED , . CASH BOX , WROUGHT IRON FRAME AND STRONG-ROOM DOOR MANUFACTURERS , For many years in CHANCERY LANK , respectfully beg to . inform the public that they have removed to 49 A , LINCOLNS' INN FIELDS , ( s . w . CORNER ) , LONDON , W . C . Works— 59 , WYCH STREET , STRAND . Over a hundred years' reputation for Quality and Good Value . " Estimates given . Established 1790 . Price Lists
FISH , POULTRY , GAME OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , I 86 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . G . ) , 2 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND SG , H / G 1 I STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices . HIGH-CLASS PROVISION STORKS ( NOW OPENED ) 50 , 51 , and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E ' . C .
WANTED BY ADVE RTISER , . Ace . 31 ( several years a Master Mason ) , a SITUATION in any portion of trust . Hi ^ hjst Testimonials . —Address : W ., 5 S , Conway-road , Plumstead .
THE FREEMASONS' CALENDAR AND POCKET BOOK Is published by Command of the M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , & c The PROFITS are DEVOTED to the CHARITY FUND . The Brethren are invited to assist this FUND by Purchasing this Calendar . THE EDITION FOR 1893 , PRICE 2 s ., Furnishes a comprehensive view of the development of the Order , with description of all Lodges and Names of Dignitaries under the English Constitution , with Reference , for Freemasons all over the Globe ; also a Chronological Table of the Grand Masters and of events remarkable in Masonry . Published for the Grand Lodge at GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT ( Opposite Freemasons' Hall , ) 16 AND 16 A , GREAT OUEEN STREET , LONDON , VV . C .
NOW READY . Demy Svo . About 500 pages . Price 10 s . 6 d Crown 4 to , Price £ t Is .
Dedicated by permission to THOMAS FREDERICK HALSKY , Esq ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master .
London . —GEORGB KENNING , 16 and 16 a , Great Queen-st ., Lincoln's Inn Fields , W . C .
. . .
EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . SUFFERED AGONY FOR 30 YEARS . EADE'S PILLS . 30 , Randall-street , Bridge-road , EADE'S PILLS . Battersea , S . W . January 27 th , 1 S 92 . EADE'S PILLS . Dear Sir , —I feel it my duty to write and give you great praise for introducing such a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills . HAVING SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS , I can truly say I have never had anything to relieve my pain ( and it is pain indeed ) so quickly GOUT . as your Pills . I used to lay in bed for two or three months at a time , but now RHEUMATISM . I not only get relief in a few hours , but am able to get to work in less than a GOUT . week . —Yours truly , W . LlTTLEIOHN . RHEUMATISM . Mr . G . Eade . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS . Prepared only by GEORGE EADE , 72 , Goswell Road , London , E . C . j and Sold by all Chemists in Bottles , is . ijd ., and 2 s . gd . EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS .
DR . FOX'S COUGH AND VOICE WAFERS . The Great Remedy for COUGHS . COLDS , BRONCHITIS , INFLUENZA , HOARSENESS , Loss OF VOICE , And all Affections of the Chest and Lungs , Being prepared from Fruits and Herbs only , may be taken with perfect safety by old and young . DR . FOX'S COUGH ~ & VOICE WAFERS Are Sold everywhere , in tins is . ijd . each , by Chemists and Medicine Vendors . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE EADE , 72 , G OSWELL R OAD , L ONDON A Tin sent free on receipt of stamps , or Postal Order .
'"THE NEW LINE TO THE NORTH AMERSHAM , BUCKS . CROWN HOTEL . FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL . MASONIC PICNICS CATHREO FOR . Trains from Baiter Street . Bro . A . G . COLLINS , Proprietor FOR SALE . —CROSSLEY'S GAS ENGINE , 3 ! H . P ., in good working order . To make room for larger one . —GEORGE KKN n \ sa , Frcemason Office , 16 and 16 a Great Queen-street , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OFFICE : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONUON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FIFTH A N N 1 V E R S ARY F E S TIV AI , Will be held AT THE ROYAL PAVILION , BRIGHTON , On WEDNESDAY , 28 th JUNE , 1 S 93 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . THE LORD BROOKE , R . W . Prov . Grand Master of Essex , Vice-President of the Institution . The Brighton Corporation Band will give Promenade Concerts in the afternoon and evening . A . R . A . M ., with Miss Maggie Davies . and other distinguished A Concert will take p lace in the Music Room , from 6 . 30 p . m ., under the direction of Bro . Maldwyn Humphreys , artistes . Full particulars of the arrangements as to special trains , & c , may be obtained at the office . Dinner Tickets ( inclusive of First Class Return Fares from London ) , for Ladies , 21 s ., and Brethren , 25 s . By order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , Hon . Secretary to the Board of Stewards . C , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., Sth June , 1 S 93 . The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards representing lodges or provinces on this important occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
SHRIEVALTY ELECTION . TO THE LIVERYMEN OF THE CITY OF LONDON . MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , The many promises of support I have received , including a large number of spontaneous offers from brother Liverymen , more than justify my fulfilment of the pledge I gave as far back as J ANUARY nth , 1893 , when I then declared my intention to place my services at your disposal for the Shrievalty on Midsummer Day next . Many changes have taken place since then , but the fact remains , and has not been denied , that I WAS THK FIRST CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD . In consequence of many erroneous rumours which have been circulated with reference to my politics , 1 think it desirable to state emphatically , that although a Liberal prior to the introduction of the Home Rule Bill , 1 am now a Liberal Unionist . If elected by you , my time will be entirely and ungrudgingly bestowed , and every opportunity embraced to faithfully discharge the religious , charitable , and hosp itable duties which , to my mind , are inseparable from the ollice . 1 venture to ask all those who have so kindly p ledged themselves to support my candidature , to attend at the meeting of Common Hall on Midsummer Day next to aid me at the show of hands , and , if necessary , at the subsequent poll . I have the honour to be , My Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient Servant , Juneyth . GEORGE HAND , Citizen , Loriner , Fishmonger , Horn "' Spectaelemaker , Shipwright , GanM' ?' and Member Court of Assistants n « - plate Workers' Company , 25 , 26 , 27 , Lawrence-lane , Trump-street , Cheapside , 17 , Lawrence-lane , and ^ , 19 and 21 , Fore-street Avenue , E . L .
pOALS . COALS . COALSCOCKERELL'S ( L IMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , &<" POT Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway SU " "'
A BROTHER INTERESTED ' rl making a Collection of Home and Foreign . ^ j Summonses , will gladly receive any , and would sen t ) lC in exchange .- " COLLECTOR , " c / o the Editor 01 Freemason .