Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T ONDON & NORTH-WESTERN L _/ and CALEDONIAN RAILWAYS ( WEST COAST ROUTE ) . Commencing July ist , N E W CORRIDOR T R A INS . WITH REFRESHMENT AND DINING CARS ATTACHED FOR EIRST AND THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS , Will be run between LONDON ( EUSTON ) & GLASGOW ( CENTRAL ) At the following times : — r . M . i i \ . « J . O . NUOX ( liusrox ) ilep . 2 . 0 : UI . ASKOW HlllMISIillAM ,, 3 . 35 i ( CKXTli . ll , ) ... ( Icp . 2 . < 1 '•"''!»»& , „ 5 . 50 ' 1 '™ « T . < u ; JlANCHESTKK ... I -M . IXCHI . STEI . ... ( Victm-in ) „ 5 . 35 ' ( VicUiviil ) „ " . 'ill M \> CHI : STKU ... LlVEKI'OOl ( Bxcluiiigu ) „ 5 . KI j ( KveluniKc ) „ / . : ! (! i ' SSow ( i ' :, « " »»*« . " » »¦* (<> : > - . U . ) ... HIT . 10 . 15 I LONDON ( Kisrox ) „ 10 . 15 L UNCHEON , DINNER , and other REFRESHMENTS will be served en route at the following charges : — LUNCHEONS ( served after Departure of Trains ) . First Class , 2 s . Cd . | Third Class , 2 s . Also a la carte at Buffet charges as per daily Bill of Fare . TEAS ( served from 4 . 30 to 6 . 0 p . m . ) , Pot of Tea , Roll and Butter , Gd . Other Refreshments at Buffet charges as per daily Bill of Fare . DINNER ( TABUS D'HUTB . ) ( served afler leaving Preston ) First Class , 3 s . ( 3 d . | Third Class , 25 . ( id . Commencing ist August , in addition to the Refreshment and Dining Cars to and from Glasgow , a Refreshment and Dining Saloon will be run to and from Edinburgh , and Corridor Vehicles also placed in circuit between Liverpool and Manchester , and Edinburgh and Glasgow . Until this arrangement comes into operation , Passengers for Edinburgh and the North can make use of the Glasgow Refreshment and Dining Saloon as far as Carlisle . FRED . HARRISON , General Manager , L . & . N . W . Ry . J AMES THOMPSON , General Manager , Caledonian Ry . 1-ondon , June , 1893 .
p REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . SUMMER HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . SATURDAY , July 1 st , for three or six days from LONDON to Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Tutlmry , Stoke , Manchester , Stockport , Southport , Liverpool , Hudderslield , & c . To SKEGNESS , July 1 , 3 , S , 10 , 15 , 17 , 20 , J 4 , 20 , and , ' , and to SUTTON-ON-SEA and MABLETHORPE , July 1 , from Moorgate , 6 . 37 a . m . ; Aldersgate , 6 . 39 ; Farringdon , 6 . 41 ; King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 7 . 0 ; Holloway , 7 . 0 ; Finsbury Park , 7 . 5 . Return fare third class , 4 s . Gd . I ' assengers by the Saturday trains may also return on the Monday or Tuesday following , at slightly higher fares . To SHERINGHAM , CROMER ( Beach ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , July 3 rd and 17 th , for one day , from K ' mg ' sCross ) G . N . ) , G . 20 a . m . ; Finsbury Park , G . 25 . Returning same day only from Yarmouth ( Beach ) 6 p . m . ; Cromer ( Beach ) G . 55 ; and Sheringham , 7 . 5 . Third class return fare , 5 s . To St . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPSTEAD , and HARl LNDEN , Every Saturday Afternoon from Moorgate , 2- ' S , Aldersgate , 2 . 17 ; Farringdon , 2 . 19 ; King's Cross ( UN . ) , 2 . 40 j Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars see bills to be obtained at Company ' s Stations , and Town Parcels Receiving Offices ; of SWAN & LHACH , 3 , Charing Cross , and 3 _! , Piccadilly Jr'rfs ; at the Army and Navy Stores , 105 , Victoria-street , J . VV . ; and of WILLIAM WHITELEY , 151 , Queen's-road , Bayswater , W . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . Kmg ' s Cross , June , 1 S 93 .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHEAP EXCURSIONS From ST . PANCRAS and CITY STATIONS , SATURDAY , JULY 1 , ?" ° LEICESTER , BIRMINGHAM , NOTTINGHAM , \ A"i ' , k Newark . Lincoln , Burton , Staffordshire Potteries , MATLOCK . BUXTON , MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , "olton , BLACKBURN , Bury , ROCHDALE , Oldham , S * . Wakefield , LEEDS , BRADFORD , YORK , , L 'LL , SCARBOROUGH , NEWCASFLE-UN-TViVE , Lancaster , MORECAMBE , LAKE DISTRICT , Carlisle , ° - . Returning July 3 or 6 . See Bills for times . Also to DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) . From St . Pancras , J '' 5 a . m ., via Barrow ; 10 . 5 a . m ., Wa Liverpool ; returning a "y week day within ten days . WEDNESDAY , July 5 , to DUBLIN , via Morecambe . ' HURSDAY , July G , to DUBLIN , via Liverpool . fo ; ° NUAY , July 10 , to BELFAST , LONDONDERRY , 1 via Barrow , and via Stranraer and Larne . camb ESDAY ' y " ' LONDONDERRY , via Morefor £ ' __ v S , ' 4 or 1 C 1 days , as per bills . Giving facilities For . i ng K'Harney , and the North and West of Ireland . TIP , of starting see bills . S TAritvX ? BILLS may be had at the MIDLAND from -ruiH and City and Suburban Booking Offices , and Offices . C ° 0 K andS 0 N > Ludgate-circus , and Branch GEO . H . TURNER , General Manager .
R . W . Bro . THE EARL OF EUSTON , ° , Prov . G . M . R . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , 33 ° , Dep . Prov . G . M
The Knights Companions will meet in Council , at 3 . ; , Golden-square , on Wednesday , 5 th July , at 5 . 30 o ' clock p . m . precisely , where thc Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of candidates with the name and number of Craft Lodge and R . A . Chapter must be sent to me not later than Monday , the 3 rd July , 1 S 93 .
The BANQUET will be held at the Cafe Royal , Regent-st at 7 . 30 o'clock . Tickets 21 s . By order , C . FITZGERALD MATIER , ° ( P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Lancashire ) , Prov . Grand Secretary Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , June , 1893 .
. . ., .
FREEMASON'S HYMN . —THE MYSTIC TIE . Words and Music composed by F . J . STEIN . Price is . 6 d . nett . London : GRORGF KENNING , 16 & I 6 A , Gt . Queen-st .
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , Sic ., Manager .
Specially devoted to thc service of
In the most Recherche Style of French Cookery
Will be served in this Room at Separate Tables ,
Between the hours of 6 and I J p . m
Composed of a selection of Dishes from the Carte du Jour of the East Rooms .
, . , . . , .,
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , "THE" STATIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to write upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s . Catalogues Post Free .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
M . S . —We fail to understand the meaning of your letter and we think it would not be understood by our readers . — [ ED . FM . ) The following communications , amongst others , unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LODGES . —Royal iJrunswiclc , No . $ 27 ; Blackheath , No . 1320 : Lebanon , Nn . 1336 : and Robinson , No . 2046 . Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of East Anglia . Annual Supper Star Chapter of Instruction . Laying b'oundation- ^ totic of Church at Stockport .
SATURDAY , J 24 , 18 93 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire will be held at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , on Friday , the 7 th prox ., under the banner of thc Kingswood Lodge , No . 2278 . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . Master , will , it is expected , preside , and there will doubtless be a full attendance of Provincial Officers and brethren on the occasion .
* * * It will be seen from thc report we publish elsewhere that the annual sports of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , which were held on Saturday last , proved very successful , and that athletics are wisely regarded
by " the powers that be" as an essential part of the curriculum at our Boys' School . The distribution of prizes will be held on Tuesday next in the large hall , the central figures in this important function being Bro . Lord Brooke , P . G . M . Essex , who will preside at
the restival on the following day , and Lady Brooke , by whom the prizes will be presented to the fortunate winners . We trust that this branch of the annual festivity in connection with this School will be as successful as was Saturday ' s meeting .
* * We have much pleasure in announcing that thc M . W . the Grand Master has appointed'the Right Hon . W . L . Jackson , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire in place of Bro . T . W . Tew , who , as
we previously stated , has resigned owing to ill-health . The appointment has , we understand , given much satisfaction to the brethren of West Yorkshire , and will be accepted by the Craft generally as one of thc best that could have been made . Bro . Jackson was initiated so long ago as 1865 in the Lodge of Fidelity ,
No . 28 9 , Leeds , and was W . M . in 1885 , as well ' as S . G . W . of West Yorkshire in the same year . He was exalted in Chapter No . 289 . j , Bro . Jackson brings to the office all the experience ol public affairs and influence attaching to the position held by him as a member of Lord Salisbury ' s late Cabinet .
* * * It must be exceedingly gratifying to the brethren in the Bengal Presidency , and especially to Bro . the Hon . H . T . Prinsep , who is District Grand Master of Bengal , to find that Freemasonry in that district is in such a
flourishing condition . Among the reports presented at the Quarterly Commincation of the District Grand Lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on the 21 st March last , and published in the appendix to the account of its Proceedings will be found a tabular statement , showing the several and collective strength
of the lodges on the roll of the district . From this it appears that the number of brethren remaining on the list on the 31 st December , 1892 , was 915 as c . mpared with 7 C 4 on the corresponding day of 1891 . The number of lodges to which the return relates is . 15 , but there are 10 other lodges whose returns had not been received at the time when the table was completed .
Thc Grand Lodge of New Zealand has talked so loudly about its superiority to everything else that is Masonic in that Colony , that it must not bc surprised to find those who do not accept its own estimate of its merits as decisive , the reverse of disconcerted at an
event which recently happened , and which cannot well fail to exercise a depressing influence on the members of that Constitution . A short time since , Lodge Eden joined the newly organised , but unrecognised Grand Lodgeof New Zealand . It has now resumed its status as an English lodge , having been re-consecratcd in March last . Comment is needless .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T ONDON & NORTH-WESTERN L _/ and CALEDONIAN RAILWAYS ( WEST COAST ROUTE ) . Commencing July ist , N E W CORRIDOR T R A INS . WITH REFRESHMENT AND DINING CARS ATTACHED FOR EIRST AND THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS , Will be run between LONDON ( EUSTON ) & GLASGOW ( CENTRAL ) At the following times : — r . M . i i \ . « J . O . NUOX ( liusrox ) ilep . 2 . 0 : UI . ASKOW HlllMISIillAM ,, 3 . 35 i ( CKXTli . ll , ) ... ( Icp . 2 . < 1 '•"''!»»& , „ 5 . 50 ' 1 '™ « T . < u ; JlANCHESTKK ... I -M . IXCHI . STEI . ... ( Victm-in ) „ 5 . 35 ' ( VicUiviil ) „ " . 'ill M \> CHI : STKU ... LlVEKI'OOl ( Bxcluiiigu ) „ 5 . KI j ( KveluniKc ) „ / . : ! (! i ' SSow ( i ' :, « " »»*« . " » »¦* (<> : > - . U . ) ... HIT . 10 . 15 I LONDON ( Kisrox ) „ 10 . 15 L UNCHEON , DINNER , and other REFRESHMENTS will be served en route at the following charges : — LUNCHEONS ( served after Departure of Trains ) . First Class , 2 s . Cd . | Third Class , 2 s . Also a la carte at Buffet charges as per daily Bill of Fare . TEAS ( served from 4 . 30 to 6 . 0 p . m . ) , Pot of Tea , Roll and Butter , Gd . Other Refreshments at Buffet charges as per daily Bill of Fare . DINNER ( TABUS D'HUTB . ) ( served afler leaving Preston ) First Class , 3 s . ( 3 d . | Third Class , 25 . ( id . Commencing ist August , in addition to the Refreshment and Dining Cars to and from Glasgow , a Refreshment and Dining Saloon will be run to and from Edinburgh , and Corridor Vehicles also placed in circuit between Liverpool and Manchester , and Edinburgh and Glasgow . Until this arrangement comes into operation , Passengers for Edinburgh and the North can make use of the Glasgow Refreshment and Dining Saloon as far as Carlisle . FRED . HARRISON , General Manager , L . & . N . W . Ry . J AMES THOMPSON , General Manager , Caledonian Ry . 1-ondon , June , 1893 .
p REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . SUMMER HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . SATURDAY , July 1 st , for three or six days from LONDON to Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Tutlmry , Stoke , Manchester , Stockport , Southport , Liverpool , Hudderslield , & c . To SKEGNESS , July 1 , 3 , S , 10 , 15 , 17 , 20 , J 4 , 20 , and , ' , and to SUTTON-ON-SEA and MABLETHORPE , July 1 , from Moorgate , 6 . 37 a . m . ; Aldersgate , 6 . 39 ; Farringdon , 6 . 41 ; King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 7 . 0 ; Holloway , 7 . 0 ; Finsbury Park , 7 . 5 . Return fare third class , 4 s . Gd . I ' assengers by the Saturday trains may also return on the Monday or Tuesday following , at slightly higher fares . To SHERINGHAM , CROMER ( Beach ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , July 3 rd and 17 th , for one day , from K ' mg ' sCross ) G . N . ) , G . 20 a . m . ; Finsbury Park , G . 25 . Returning same day only from Yarmouth ( Beach ) 6 p . m . ; Cromer ( Beach ) G . 55 ; and Sheringham , 7 . 5 . Third class return fare , 5 s . To St . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPSTEAD , and HARl LNDEN , Every Saturday Afternoon from Moorgate , 2- ' S , Aldersgate , 2 . 17 ; Farringdon , 2 . 19 ; King's Cross ( UN . ) , 2 . 40 j Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars see bills to be obtained at Company ' s Stations , and Town Parcels Receiving Offices ; of SWAN & LHACH , 3 , Charing Cross , and 3 _! , Piccadilly Jr'rfs ; at the Army and Navy Stores , 105 , Victoria-street , J . VV . ; and of WILLIAM WHITELEY , 151 , Queen's-road , Bayswater , W . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . Kmg ' s Cross , June , 1 S 93 .
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHEAP EXCURSIONS From ST . PANCRAS and CITY STATIONS , SATURDAY , JULY 1 , ?" ° LEICESTER , BIRMINGHAM , NOTTINGHAM , \ A"i ' , k Newark . Lincoln , Burton , Staffordshire Potteries , MATLOCK . BUXTON , MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , "olton , BLACKBURN , Bury , ROCHDALE , Oldham , S * . Wakefield , LEEDS , BRADFORD , YORK , , L 'LL , SCARBOROUGH , NEWCASFLE-UN-TViVE , Lancaster , MORECAMBE , LAKE DISTRICT , Carlisle , ° - . Returning July 3 or 6 . See Bills for times . Also to DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) . From St . Pancras , J '' 5 a . m ., via Barrow ; 10 . 5 a . m ., Wa Liverpool ; returning a "y week day within ten days . WEDNESDAY , July 5 , to DUBLIN , via Morecambe . ' HURSDAY , July G , to DUBLIN , via Liverpool . fo ; ° NUAY , July 10 , to BELFAST , LONDONDERRY , 1 via Barrow , and via Stranraer and Larne . camb ESDAY ' y " ' LONDONDERRY , via Morefor £ ' __ v S , ' 4 or 1 C 1 days , as per bills . Giving facilities For . i ng K'Harney , and the North and West of Ireland . TIP , of starting see bills . S TAritvX ? BILLS may be had at the MIDLAND from -ruiH and City and Suburban Booking Offices , and Offices . C ° 0 K andS 0 N > Ludgate-circus , and Branch GEO . H . TURNER , General Manager .
R . W . Bro . THE EARL OF EUSTON , ° , Prov . G . M . R . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON , 33 ° , Dep . Prov . G . M
The Knights Companions will meet in Council , at 3 . ; , Golden-square , on Wednesday , 5 th July , at 5 . 30 o ' clock p . m . precisely , where thc Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of candidates with the name and number of Craft Lodge and R . A . Chapter must be sent to me not later than Monday , the 3 rd July , 1 S 93 .
The BANQUET will be held at the Cafe Royal , Regent-st at 7 . 30 o'clock . Tickets 21 s . By order , C . FITZGERALD MATIER , ° ( P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Lancashire ) , Prov . Grand Secretary Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C , June , 1893 .
. . ., .
FREEMASON'S HYMN . —THE MYSTIC TIE . Words and Music composed by F . J . STEIN . Price is . 6 d . nett . London : GRORGF KENNING , 16 & I 6 A , Gt . Queen-st .
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) London , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , Sic ., Manager .
Specially devoted to thc service of
In the most Recherche Style of French Cookery
Will be served in this Room at Separate Tables ,
Between the hours of 6 and I J p . m
Composed of a selection of Dishes from the Carte du Jour of the East Rooms .
, . , . . , .,
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , "THE" STATIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to write upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s . Catalogues Post Free .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
M . S . —We fail to understand the meaning of your letter and we think it would not be understood by our readers . — [ ED . FM . ) The following communications , amongst others , unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LODGES . —Royal iJrunswiclc , No . $ 27 ; Blackheath , No . 1320 : Lebanon , Nn . 1336 : and Robinson , No . 2046 . Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of East Anglia . Annual Supper Star Chapter of Instruction . Laying b'oundation- ^ totic of Church at Stockport .
SATURDAY , J 24 , 18 93 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire will be held at the Crown Hotel , Broxbourne , on Friday , the 7 th prox ., under the banner of thc Kingswood Lodge , No . 2278 . Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . G . Master , will , it is expected , preside , and there will doubtless be a full attendance of Provincial Officers and brethren on the occasion .
* * * It will be seen from thc report we publish elsewhere that the annual sports of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , which were held on Saturday last , proved very successful , and that athletics are wisely regarded
by " the powers that be" as an essential part of the curriculum at our Boys' School . The distribution of prizes will be held on Tuesday next in the large hall , the central figures in this important function being Bro . Lord Brooke , P . G . M . Essex , who will preside at
the restival on the following day , and Lady Brooke , by whom the prizes will be presented to the fortunate winners . We trust that this branch of the annual festivity in connection with this School will be as successful as was Saturday ' s meeting .
* * We have much pleasure in announcing that thc M . W . the Grand Master has appointed'the Right Hon . W . L . Jackson , M . P ., as Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire in place of Bro . T . W . Tew , who , as
we previously stated , has resigned owing to ill-health . The appointment has , we understand , given much satisfaction to the brethren of West Yorkshire , and will be accepted by the Craft generally as one of thc best that could have been made . Bro . Jackson was initiated so long ago as 1865 in the Lodge of Fidelity ,
No . 28 9 , Leeds , and was W . M . in 1885 , as well ' as S . G . W . of West Yorkshire in the same year . He was exalted in Chapter No . 289 . j , Bro . Jackson brings to the office all the experience ol public affairs and influence attaching to the position held by him as a member of Lord Salisbury ' s late Cabinet .
* * * It must be exceedingly gratifying to the brethren in the Bengal Presidency , and especially to Bro . the Hon . H . T . Prinsep , who is District Grand Master of Bengal , to find that Freemasonry in that district is in such a
flourishing condition . Among the reports presented at the Quarterly Commincation of the District Grand Lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on the 21 st March last , and published in the appendix to the account of its Proceedings will be found a tabular statement , showing the several and collective strength
of the lodges on the roll of the district . From this it appears that the number of brethren remaining on the list on the 31 st December , 1892 , was 915 as c . mpared with 7 C 4 on the corresponding day of 1891 . The number of lodges to which the return relates is . 15 , but there are 10 other lodges whose returns had not been received at the time when the table was completed .
Thc Grand Lodge of New Zealand has talked so loudly about its superiority to everything else that is Masonic in that Colony , that it must not bc surprised to find those who do not accept its own estimate of its merits as decisive , the reverse of disconcerted at an
event which recently happened , and which cannot well fail to exercise a depressing influence on the members of that Constitution . A short time since , Lodge Eden joined the newly organised , but unrecognised Grand Lodgeof New Zealand . It has now resumed its status as an English lodge , having been re-consecratcd in March last . Comment is needless .