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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft l . H ; i 5 onri ) . METROPOLITAN ' .
BUKjl . BTT C . OLTTS LoOCK ( No . 1278 . ] 111 theabscMcc of the W . M ., Bro . Jas . Terry , P . M ., itc , presided at the lastmeetiiigof the above lodge , -which washeld at the Approach Tavern , Approachroad , Victoria-park , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Under the auspices of so eminent a brother ,
the work was naturall y done m a manner seldom equalled , and rarely surpassed . Favourable mention should also be made of the officers who assisted him , namely : — -Bros . Hy . Lloyd , S . W . ; Ashbtimer , J . W . -. Geo . Verry , P . M . 5154 , Hon . Sec ; J . Harris , S . D . ; J . Crutch , f . D . j ' and
Gilchrist , Tyler . The evening ' s programme consisted of conferring the Master ' s degree upon Bro . J oseph Jacobs , passing to the second degree Bro . Argent , and ( by permission ) Bro . W i I . Reed , of _ ¦ ¦; _•; 4 . The ceremony of this degree was conducted by Bro . Geo . Verry , whose
Masoni' talent is well-known and appreciated . Alter v . hich , Bro . Terry resumed the chair and initiated into the Order Messrs . W . T . Christian and A . T azarr . s . The brethren then adjourned to partake of a repast provided for them by that
excellent and very obli ging host , Bro . Thomas l . loyd . The following brethren visited the lodge : ¦ - Bros . H . W . Reed . 3 ^ 4 ; T . f . Berry , J . D . . j . T-L ; W . H . Coles , W . M . 20 ; Wellington , | . I ) . SKi ; C . C . Tavlor , W . M . 141 ; K . GoUhiel . P . M . 1 m .
Lbve-iON honor . (\ ci . ! . ; 6 .-j ) . —Freemasonry Jlourisht - at Clapton . This is evident from the unexampled progress the above lodge has made during a yen' short period of time . Its a > e is just eight months . At its birth it numbered about ; . ; do / en members , which have now
increased ' o forty-three . It has alread y been represented at ihe last festival in aid of the Girls ' . " school , Bro . Stephens , the Senior Warden ( acting is Steward ! heading the subscription list with £ 10—to which individual members of the lodge added £ 10 more . This speaks well of the
judgment ol the founders , whose anticipations as to the expediency of establishing a lodge in the locality have been more than realised . A variety ol prese . its to embellish the lodge indicate the enthusiasm ol the members , the most noteworthv of which are a handsome chair for the W . M . b ' v
Bro . Stephens . S . W ' ., andatessolaled carpet b y Bro . Batchelor . the honorary Treasurer . The w-ork ' ingol Ihe lodge isdoni : with more than average efficiency , and the -tal of the ollicerswas severely tested at ihe last meeting , which was held at the White I [ art Tavern . Clapton , on Wednesday , May 1 -Ah
f > ro . J . D . Taylor , the W . M . presiding . He w ; is assisted : n hit- duties by Bros . Win . Stephens , S . W ' .: W ' yatt , S . W ' .: ' Batchelor , Treasurer : Culler , P . M . Sec . ; Lutwych . S . D . ; Miles , | . D .: (' alien , ! . G . ; ( . ilehrist , Tv ler . The amount of business was stupendous , and consisted of conferring ihe M . M . degree upon Bros . Daniel ,
WllianiMU ! , Dennis , Soper , Birch , Cogan . and Home , passing to the degree of Fcllow-CraIt Bros . I li gh , Kiddell . Murlis , and Jessett , and initialing in ancient form , into the mysteries of the order . Messr- ; . W , Fox . and J . I- ' , Coleman . In the whole of this work , the officers acquitted themselves most creditably , and the solemnity of the proceedings was enhanced by the aid of an
harmonium ; it whicn Bro . McDavid ably presided The v is tors tm this occasion were Bros . T . S . Smith , Sep : Miles , rt- ; Copeland , 7-4 : C . C . Taylor . W . M . 141 : and E . Gottheil , P . M . jxt . 'I he writer of this report may , perhaps , be pardoned for suggesting that those brethren , who
think proper to pass part of their time at the bar ol a tavern , instead of attending to their duties in the lodge-room , should do so without exhibiting themselves in Masonic costume to the gaze of cvc-y passer-by , for this , coupled with " seceding lateness of the hour at which the
banquet is served , unnecessaril y protracting- the proceedings to an unseeml y hour , which , " with ordinary care , mi ght otherwise be brought to an < arl } - close , must surely tend , eventually , to injure a hidge whose prospects are so bri ght and promising , and which seem to have a fortune in store .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
second to none in the craft . The toasts of the evening were of the usual character . Bro . Buller , P . M . and Hon . Sec , in giving the health of the W . M ., spoke in high terms of his assiduity and zeal , as the Mastership of the Clap ton Lodge was no sinecure , to which the W . M
responded , thanking his officers for their assist ance , and the brethren for their indulgence , bu expressed a longing for the time to come , tha would relieve him of his duties , which he would however , faithfull y carry out while his tenure of office lasted .
CHESHIRE . ROCK FURRY . —Rock Lodge ( No . 12 S 9 . )—The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at the Rock Ferry Hotel , and there was a large attendance of members and several visitors . The W . M ., Bro . It . H . Moore , presided , and Mr . L . M .
Sanderson was initiated , Bro . Capt . Lakey passed , and Bros . Dr . Paton and W . Wooliscroft , raised , the hitter ceremony being performed by Bro . Edwd . Friend , P . M . Various matters of lodge business having been transacted , Bro . Moore , W . M ., addressing Bro . Friend , informed him that
the members of the Rock Lodge desired to show their appieciation of his ( Bro . Friend ' s ) services in the lodge since its formation , and after paying a high compliment to him , requested , in the name of the members , Bro . Friend ' s acceptance of a handsome timepiece , on which was
inscribed : — " Presented by the Members of the Rock Lodge , Xo . 118 9 , "ro- l ' -M . Friend , in recognition of his services on behalf of the lodge during his two years' Mastership , 1870 and 1 S 71 , and as a mark of their sincere respect and esteem , 10 th May , 1872 . " Bro . Friend in thanking the brethren , expressed his gratification at
such an unlooked-for compliment , and said he should value the gift , not only for its intrinsic worth , but as showing the kindly feeling entertained towards him , which he heartily reciprocated . The brethren afterwards partook of refreshment , and a very pleasant evening was brwusrht to a close by the 'Filer ' s toast .
LEICESTERSHIRE . I . itu TSTKR . —John < . ' / ' Gaunt Lodge ( Xo . 32 3 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Sculthorpe , W . M ., who was supported by nearly all the officers , ami a very large number of members . There was also a numerous
attendance ol visitors , among whom were , the W . M ., I . P . M ., | . W ., Sec , " I . G ., and several members of No . ' 270 ; the I . P . M ., S . W . J . W ., Sec , J . D ., and some other brethren of No . 1 , 381 also Bros . AN ' . (' .. Shout , of Xo . ^ 62 ; Samuel While , of Xo . rtSo , P . ti . S . B . West Lancashire
Henry Deane , W . M . 1007 : ami P . Schulze ol tooy . Alter the confirmation of the minutes ol the prov ions meeting , the ballot was taken for Mr . F . A . W ykes , who being unanimously elected , was admitted , and initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremony being
conducted in a very efficient and impressive manner by the W . M . The musical accompaniments consisted al' a new set of very appropriate chants , the words of which , together with those of the opening and closing hymns were selected , and the music arranged by Bro . E . [ . Crow , Mas .
Bar . Cantab ., W . M . 279 . These Mere very effectivel y rendered b y Bro . Crow , who presided , as Organist , and elicited numerous exprcs-; sions of approval from the brethren present . The ! next business was to ballot for the W . M . and
: Treasurer far the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . j Xalhanel 1 layerol ' t , D . ' ' , was elected to the j former office , and Bro . W . B . Smith , P . M ., re-1 elected to the latter , the votes of the brethren 1 beiii " - unanimous in each ease . A vote of thanks
: was accorded to Bro . Smith for his services as I 'Treasurer during the year , and acknowledged in I suitable terms b y that brother . Arrangements j were made to hold the Annual Festival and Installation Meeting of this lodge on St . John ' s Day , June 24 th . Some other business being disposed of , the lodge was closed in the usual manner .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) M \ ye jittsiT . R . —Blair Lodge ( Xo . Sr 5 ) . —On Friday evening , May 10 th , the above lodge held its usual monthly meeting in the Huhne Town Hall . Amongst the company present were Bros . G . D . Pochin , W . M . ; AN " . Pochin , S . W .-J . Newton , J . W . ; John Vertegans , P . M . ; s ' ..
Cheetham . . P . M . ; T . A . Sidgreaves , S . D . ; Dr . Raine , J . D . ; Samuel It . Knight , George Cookson , junr ., H . Vetter , Thomas Black , T . Hancock , J ohn Ingham , It . Hoi den , Towle , Jas . Sly ,, and about thirty others , Bro . Adrain Callado was raised to the degree of Master Mason . It was
proposed by Bro . Towle , and seconded by Bro . Cheetham , that this lodge be closed during the months of Jul ) ' and August , which wascarried unanimously . After the business of the lodge yvas concluded the banquet was held . Bro . Vertegans
delivered , m his usual good style , an oration upon our newly raised brother ; after which Brother George Cookson , junr ., sang ' Hearts of Oak . " His voice was in real good trim , and received the rapturous applause of all the brethren present .
SUFFOLK . It'su ; eii . —British Union Lodge ( Xo . 114 . ) — The usual monthly meeting of this exclusive and vet prosperous lodge , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday the irtth inst ., when there were present Bros . C . E . Long , W . M . ;
Rev . ¥ ,. I . Lock wood , P . M ., D . P . G . M . : P . Cornell , . I . P . M ., P . G . | . D . ; Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., S . W . : S . Wright , j . W . ; J . Spalding , P . M . Sec ; C . Schtilen , P . Prov . G . J . D ., Treasurer ; Durance George . S . D . ; Itevd . A . W . G . Moore , I . G . : | . ] . Burton , J . D ., P . Prov . G . A . D . C . Cambridge
-Emra Holmes , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . : A . f . Baher , P . M ., Organist ; AN ' . Bobv , P . Prov . G . S . B : G . A . Turner , P . Prov . G . D . C ' . ; Itevd . It . X . Sanderson , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Lord A'iscount Million , If . Miller , G . Bullen , & c . A'isiting brethren
11 o t > .. „ . T T i-v 0 n r-...,, wl AT .,. a .,-It . B . Barton , L . L . I ) ., P . l'rnv . Grand Master . AVestern India ; N . Tracy , P . M . 3 jrt , P . Prov .. G . J . .: I . II . Staddon , ' P . M . , 576 , P . G . S . D .: S . ' B . King . P . M . 376 , P . l'rov . G . S . D . ; C . Daw , P . M . 22- P . l ' rov . G . S . D . Hertfordshire : G .
Gard I ' ve , 31 : J . AA'hite , 1304 ; II . Grunwade . 51 : A . Grimwade , , 3 , 3 2 ; E . II . Edwards , 13 S 3 : Itevd . C . Woodward , Chaplain to the Masonic Institution for Girls , rxc . The lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the minutes of last Iodize were read and confirmed , and the
Secretary announced that the Grand Master had been pleased to grant the petition of the brethren to be allowed to wear the centenary jewel' —the lodge having had a continuous existence since 1762 . The lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . Lord Mahon , and George Bullen
were examined and obligated , and aiterwards duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the impressive and solemn ceremony being performed by Bro . Sanderson in the admirable manner for which he is famous . The brethren afterward sat down to a banquet served in first
rate stvle by Bro . Spalding . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Dr . Barton in responding to the toast of the Grand Officers took occasion to compliment the brethren on the admirable working of the lodge . Lord Mahon proposed the AV . M . in brief but happy
terms , and expressed his sense of the beauty and . solemnity of the ceremonieshe had gone through . Bro . Long responded , and Bro . Emra Holmes having received the jewel from the AY . Master , proposed Bro . Sandersons health , and spoke ol the excellent way in which he had performed
theceremonies—at the same time stating that Bro . Sanderson was equally a brig ht and learned Mason in the hi g her degrees which some present knew he worked as we ' ll as the three degrees that evening . Bro . Sanderson modestly acknowledged the toast . The brethren separated at a late hour after spending a most agreeable evening .
SURREY . Gt 11 . 1 . mi ) . — Royal AlJ ' red Lodge ( No . " ] lj - ) ~ The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Angel Hotel on the irtth inst ., for the installation of Bro . IL Hotting ,. P . Prov . G . P . Surrey . The duties of installing naster were beautifully performed by Bro . It .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft l . H ; i 5 onri ) . METROPOLITAN ' .
BUKjl . BTT C . OLTTS LoOCK ( No . 1278 . ] 111 theabscMcc of the W . M ., Bro . Jas . Terry , P . M ., itc , presided at the lastmeetiiigof the above lodge , -which washeld at the Approach Tavern , Approachroad , Victoria-park , on Thursday , the 16 th inst . Under the auspices of so eminent a brother ,
the work was naturall y done m a manner seldom equalled , and rarely surpassed . Favourable mention should also be made of the officers who assisted him , namely : — -Bros . Hy . Lloyd , S . W . ; Ashbtimer , J . W . -. Geo . Verry , P . M . 5154 , Hon . Sec ; J . Harris , S . D . ; J . Crutch , f . D . j ' and
Gilchrist , Tyler . The evening ' s programme consisted of conferring the Master ' s degree upon Bro . J oseph Jacobs , passing to the second degree Bro . Argent , and ( by permission ) Bro . W i I . Reed , of _ ¦ ¦; _•; 4 . The ceremony of this degree was conducted by Bro . Geo . Verry , whose
Masoni' talent is well-known and appreciated . Alter v . hich , Bro . Terry resumed the chair and initiated into the Order Messrs . W . T . Christian and A . T azarr . s . The brethren then adjourned to partake of a repast provided for them by that
excellent and very obli ging host , Bro . Thomas l . loyd . The following brethren visited the lodge : ¦ - Bros . H . W . Reed . 3 ^ 4 ; T . f . Berry , J . D . . j . T-L ; W . H . Coles , W . M . 20 ; Wellington , | . I ) . SKi ; C . C . Tavlor , W . M . 141 ; K . GoUhiel . P . M . 1 m .
Lbve-iON honor . (\ ci . ! . ; 6 .-j ) . —Freemasonry Jlourisht - at Clapton . This is evident from the unexampled progress the above lodge has made during a yen' short period of time . Its a > e is just eight months . At its birth it numbered about ; . ; do / en members , which have now
increased ' o forty-three . It has alread y been represented at ihe last festival in aid of the Girls ' . " school , Bro . Stephens , the Senior Warden ( acting is Steward ! heading the subscription list with £ 10—to which individual members of the lodge added £ 10 more . This speaks well of the
judgment ol the founders , whose anticipations as to the expediency of establishing a lodge in the locality have been more than realised . A variety ol prese . its to embellish the lodge indicate the enthusiasm ol the members , the most noteworthv of which are a handsome chair for the W . M . b ' v
Bro . Stephens . S . W ' ., andatessolaled carpet b y Bro . Batchelor . the honorary Treasurer . The w-ork ' ingol Ihe lodge isdoni : with more than average efficiency , and the -tal of the ollicerswas severely tested at ihe last meeting , which was held at the White I [ art Tavern . Clapton , on Wednesday , May 1 -Ah
f > ro . J . D . Taylor , the W . M . presiding . He w ; is assisted : n hit- duties by Bros . Win . Stephens , S . W ' .: W ' yatt , S . W ' .: ' Batchelor , Treasurer : Culler , P . M . Sec . ; Lutwych . S . D . ; Miles , | . D .: (' alien , ! . G . ; ( . ilehrist , Tv ler . The amount of business was stupendous , and consisted of conferring ihe M . M . degree upon Bros . Daniel ,
WllianiMU ! , Dennis , Soper , Birch , Cogan . and Home , passing to the degree of Fcllow-CraIt Bros . I li gh , Kiddell . Murlis , and Jessett , and initialing in ancient form , into the mysteries of the order . Messr- ; . W , Fox . and J . I- ' , Coleman . In the whole of this work , the officers acquitted themselves most creditably , and the solemnity of the proceedings was enhanced by the aid of an
harmonium ; it whicn Bro . McDavid ably presided The v is tors tm this occasion were Bros . T . S . Smith , Sep : Miles , rt- ; Copeland , 7-4 : C . C . Taylor . W . M . 141 : and E . Gottheil , P . M . jxt . 'I he writer of this report may , perhaps , be pardoned for suggesting that those brethren , who
think proper to pass part of their time at the bar ol a tavern , instead of attending to their duties in the lodge-room , should do so without exhibiting themselves in Masonic costume to the gaze of cvc-y passer-by , for this , coupled with " seceding lateness of the hour at which the
banquet is served , unnecessaril y protracting- the proceedings to an unseeml y hour , which , " with ordinary care , mi ght otherwise be brought to an < arl } - close , must surely tend , eventually , to injure a hidge whose prospects are so bri ght and promising , and which seem to have a fortune in store .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
second to none in the craft . The toasts of the evening were of the usual character . Bro . Buller , P . M . and Hon . Sec , in giving the health of the W . M ., spoke in high terms of his assiduity and zeal , as the Mastership of the Clap ton Lodge was no sinecure , to which the W . M
responded , thanking his officers for their assist ance , and the brethren for their indulgence , bu expressed a longing for the time to come , tha would relieve him of his duties , which he would however , faithfull y carry out while his tenure of office lasted .
CHESHIRE . ROCK FURRY . —Rock Lodge ( No . 12 S 9 . )—The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at the Rock Ferry Hotel , and there was a large attendance of members and several visitors . The W . M ., Bro . It . H . Moore , presided , and Mr . L . M .
Sanderson was initiated , Bro . Capt . Lakey passed , and Bros . Dr . Paton and W . Wooliscroft , raised , the hitter ceremony being performed by Bro . Edwd . Friend , P . M . Various matters of lodge business having been transacted , Bro . Moore , W . M ., addressing Bro . Friend , informed him that
the members of the Rock Lodge desired to show their appieciation of his ( Bro . Friend ' s ) services in the lodge since its formation , and after paying a high compliment to him , requested , in the name of the members , Bro . Friend ' s acceptance of a handsome timepiece , on which was
inscribed : — " Presented by the Members of the Rock Lodge , Xo . 118 9 , "ro- l ' -M . Friend , in recognition of his services on behalf of the lodge during his two years' Mastership , 1870 and 1 S 71 , and as a mark of their sincere respect and esteem , 10 th May , 1872 . " Bro . Friend in thanking the brethren , expressed his gratification at
such an unlooked-for compliment , and said he should value the gift , not only for its intrinsic worth , but as showing the kindly feeling entertained towards him , which he heartily reciprocated . The brethren afterwards partook of refreshment , and a very pleasant evening was brwusrht to a close by the 'Filer ' s toast .
LEICESTERSHIRE . I . itu TSTKR . —John < . ' / ' Gaunt Lodge ( Xo . 32 3 . )—This lodge held its regular meeting on Thursday , the 16 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Sculthorpe , W . M ., who was supported by nearly all the officers , ami a very large number of members . There was also a numerous
attendance ol visitors , among whom were , the W . M ., I . P . M ., | . W ., Sec , " I . G ., and several members of No . ' 270 ; the I . P . M ., S . W . J . W ., Sec , J . D ., and some other brethren of No . 1 , 381 also Bros . AN ' . (' .. Shout , of Xo . ^ 62 ; Samuel While , of Xo . rtSo , P . ti . S . B . West Lancashire
Henry Deane , W . M . 1007 : ami P . Schulze ol tooy . Alter the confirmation of the minutes ol the prov ions meeting , the ballot was taken for Mr . F . A . W ykes , who being unanimously elected , was admitted , and initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremony being
conducted in a very efficient and impressive manner by the W . M . The musical accompaniments consisted al' a new set of very appropriate chants , the words of which , together with those of the opening and closing hymns were selected , and the music arranged by Bro . E . [ . Crow , Mas .
Bar . Cantab ., W . M . 279 . These Mere very effectivel y rendered b y Bro . Crow , who presided , as Organist , and elicited numerous exprcs-; sions of approval from the brethren present . The ! next business was to ballot for the W . M . and
: Treasurer far the ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . j Xalhanel 1 layerol ' t , D . ' ' , was elected to the j former office , and Bro . W . B . Smith , P . M ., re-1 elected to the latter , the votes of the brethren 1 beiii " - unanimous in each ease . A vote of thanks
: was accorded to Bro . Smith for his services as I 'Treasurer during the year , and acknowledged in I suitable terms b y that brother . Arrangements j were made to hold the Annual Festival and Installation Meeting of this lodge on St . John ' s Day , June 24 th . Some other business being disposed of , the lodge was closed in the usual manner .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) M \ ye jittsiT . R . —Blair Lodge ( Xo . Sr 5 ) . —On Friday evening , May 10 th , the above lodge held its usual monthly meeting in the Huhne Town Hall . Amongst the company present were Bros . G . D . Pochin , W . M . ; AN " . Pochin , S . W .-J . Newton , J . W . ; John Vertegans , P . M . ; s ' ..
Cheetham . . P . M . ; T . A . Sidgreaves , S . D . ; Dr . Raine , J . D . ; Samuel It . Knight , George Cookson , junr ., H . Vetter , Thomas Black , T . Hancock , J ohn Ingham , It . Hoi den , Towle , Jas . Sly ,, and about thirty others , Bro . Adrain Callado was raised to the degree of Master Mason . It was
proposed by Bro . Towle , and seconded by Bro . Cheetham , that this lodge be closed during the months of Jul ) ' and August , which wascarried unanimously . After the business of the lodge yvas concluded the banquet was held . Bro . Vertegans
delivered , m his usual good style , an oration upon our newly raised brother ; after which Brother George Cookson , junr ., sang ' Hearts of Oak . " His voice was in real good trim , and received the rapturous applause of all the brethren present .
SUFFOLK . It'su ; eii . —British Union Lodge ( Xo . 114 . ) — The usual monthly meeting of this exclusive and vet prosperous lodge , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday the irtth inst ., when there were present Bros . C . E . Long , W . M . ;
Rev . ¥ ,. I . Lock wood , P . M ., D . P . G . M . : P . Cornell , . I . P . M ., P . G . | . D . ; Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., S . W . : S . Wright , j . W . ; J . Spalding , P . M . Sec ; C . Schtilen , P . Prov . G . J . D ., Treasurer ; Durance George . S . D . ; Itevd . A . W . G . Moore , I . G . : | . ] . Burton , J . D ., P . Prov . G . A . D . C . Cambridge
-Emra Holmes , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . : A . f . Baher , P . M ., Organist ; AN ' . Bobv , P . Prov . G . S . B : G . A . Turner , P . Prov . G . D . C ' . ; Itevd . It . X . Sanderson , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Lord A'iscount Million , If . Miller , G . Bullen , & c . A'isiting brethren
11 o t > .. „ . T T i-v 0 n r-...,, wl AT .,. a .,-It . B . Barton , L . L . I ) ., P . l'rnv . Grand Master . AVestern India ; N . Tracy , P . M . 3 jrt , P . Prov .. G . J . .: I . II . Staddon , ' P . M . , 576 , P . G . S . D .: S . ' B . King . P . M . 376 , P . l'rov . G . S . D . ; C . Daw , P . M . 22- P . l ' rov . G . S . D . Hertfordshire : G .
Gard I ' ve , 31 : J . AA'hite , 1304 ; II . Grunwade . 51 : A . Grimwade , , 3 , 3 2 ; E . II . Edwards , 13 S 3 : Itevd . C . Woodward , Chaplain to the Masonic Institution for Girls , rxc . The lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the minutes of last Iodize were read and confirmed , and the
Secretary announced that the Grand Master had been pleased to grant the petition of the brethren to be allowed to wear the centenary jewel' —the lodge having had a continuous existence since 1762 . The lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . Lord Mahon , and George Bullen
were examined and obligated , and aiterwards duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the impressive and solemn ceremony being performed by Bro . Sanderson in the admirable manner for which he is famous . The brethren afterward sat down to a banquet served in first
rate stvle by Bro . Spalding . Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and Bro . Dr . Barton in responding to the toast of the Grand Officers took occasion to compliment the brethren on the admirable working of the lodge . Lord Mahon proposed the AV . M . in brief but happy
terms , and expressed his sense of the beauty and . solemnity of the ceremonieshe had gone through . Bro . Long responded , and Bro . Emra Holmes having received the jewel from the AY . Master , proposed Bro . Sandersons health , and spoke ol the excellent way in which he had performed
theceremonies—at the same time stating that Bro . Sanderson was equally a brig ht and learned Mason in the hi g her degrees which some present knew he worked as we ' ll as the three degrees that evening . Bro . Sanderson modestly acknowledged the toast . The brethren separated at a late hour after spending a most agreeable evening .
SURREY . Gt 11 . 1 . mi ) . — Royal AlJ ' red Lodge ( No . " ] lj - ) ~ The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Angel Hotel on the irtth inst ., for the installation of Bro . IL Hotting ,. P . Prov . G . P . Surrey . The duties of installing naster were beautifully performed by Bro . It .