Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eve , P . M . 72 . 3 , & c ., P . Prov . G . S . AV . Hants , \ c . The Board of Installed Masters included Bros . Drewitt , Wells , Piggott , Charrington , Mason , 777 ; Batcman , 72 . 3 ; Morris , 17 . 3 - Arnold , P . Prov . G . Chap . Essex , W . M . 1 . 395 , ' ^ "c At the close of the ceremony the lodge resumed , and
saluted the W . M . in the three degrees . Bro . G . J . Smallpiece was appointed S . AA . and Treasurer Vickers , J . AV . ; Charrington , S . D . ; Bean , f . D . : J . Xealds , Sec- E . Drewitt , D . C . ; Tyre , I . G . : Neate , Ty ler . Amongst the brethren were Bros . VVanie , 723 ; Taylor , 1046 ; Anderson , 1 046 ;
Hemming , 1141 ; Michaux , 777 ; Wainwright and G . Smallpiece , Wardens , designate 1 . 59 , 3 , to :. The lodge was closed in proper form , and an adjournment was made to the banquetting-room , where the brethren mustered in great force to support the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were duly honoured , the W . M . receiving the fraternal congratulations of the assembly . The Tyler ' s toast brought the pleasant evening ' s proceedings to a close , and the brethren , happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , dispersed before high twelve .
INDIA . DISTRICT GRAND LODGK OF BEM , \ L . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 21 st March , 1872 .
The following brethren were present : —The It . AV . Bro . Hugh David Sandeman , C . S ., District Grand Master ; the AV . Bros . John Pitt Kennedy , Deputy District Grand Master ; G . H . Daly , M . D ., P . District Grand Master ; AV . B . Farr , D . S . G . AV . ; I . L . Taylor , D . J . G . W . ; D . J .
y . emiii , JJ . Lr . . Registrar ; \\ . is . Mactavish , as D . G . Treasurer ; Capt . AV . G . Murray , D . G . Secretary ; G . J . Scott , D . G . Dir . of Cer .: Major C . T . Hitchins , Past D . G . Sword Bearer : Bros . AV . G . Amos , as D . G . Pursuivant ; C . H .
Compton , D . G . Organist ; J . AV . Puehuii , as Standard Bearer ; It . C . Sterndale , A . J . Ferris , M . D . A . Le Franc , and AV . Hay , D . G . Stewards : G . Alexander , D . G . Tyler ; and D . J . Daniel , P . D . G Tyler .
There were also present representatives of lodges : —Star in the East , No . 67 ; Industry and Perseverance " , No . 109 ; True Friendship , No . 218 ; Humility with Fortitude , Xo , 229 : Marine , No . 232 ; St . John , Xo . 4 86 ; Excelsior , No . 823 ; and Sandeman , No . 1374 .
The visitors were : —Bros . S . H . Emanuel , 2 , 32 ; J . II . Turner , 3 , 32 ; J . Colohan , 1374 : J . Gunter , 1 . 374 ; Wala Gohur Shah , 392 : Bros . It . AV . Mathews and AN ' . Burroughs , unattached . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 6 . 43 p . m .
The District Grand Secretary reported the receipt of apologies from several brethren lor unavoidable non-attendance . The Minutes of the Communication of the
27 th December , 1871 , having been pruned and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , and , on beinti put lo the vote , were confirmed . The District Giand Master then addressed
Grand Lodge as lollows : — "AN orslnpftil Brethren , —My first duty this evening is a very painful one . It is to notice the sad calamity which has fallen upon Freemasonry in India , as well as upon the country at large , by the violent death of the Earl of Mayo , who was the first Patron
of our Ancient Order . You know that the news of the cruel ami fatal attack upon Her Majesty ' s Viceroy at Port Blair by a convict assassin was received in India with feelings of the deepest horror and indignation , and 1 am sure that 1
speak the feelings of every one here present when I say that among the many millions ol men who have had reason to deplore the great loss which has been occasioned by the untimely death of a nobleman who had done and
wasdoinpso much for the improvement ol the country over which he was destined to rule , none feel more strongly than those who deemed it a privilege to call him their brother in the Craft . The deceased Earl was a liberal subscriber to our charities , and was always glad to have intelligence regarding the progress and well-being of the Order . A proposition will be laid before von
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
during the evening to address a letter of condolence to the widowed Countess of Mayo , on the irreparable loss which she has sustained , and , although words of condolence can obviously do no practical good in cases which are beyond
human aid , yet I think wc should be failing in our duty did we not tender for her acceptance the only thing that we can offer , a hearty expression of our sincere sympathy with her under Iter heavy trial , and of our great grief at ihe loss of an honoured and respected chief .
It is also my sad duty to report to Grand Lodge the death on the 2 nd January last , of our V . W . Bro . James Henry Linton , who had for several years conducted the duties of District Grand Treasurer . vVs it was very inconvenient , if not impossible , to carry on the work of District Grand Lodge , without a Treasurer , I took upon myself to ask W . Bro . Mactavish to undertake the
duties of that high office , subject to your confirmation this evening . Bro . Mactavish has responded favourably to my call , and I have to ask your sanction to his permanent appointment as your Treasurer . In making the selection , I felt that I was choosing a Brother who possesses your
highest confidence , and who , from his well-known position as a merchant in this city , will reflect credit upon the post which he has very kindly consented , with your approval , to fill . I notice with regret a paragraph in the report of the Committee of General Purposes to the
effect that several lodges are in arrears of payment of dues . I sincerely hope that Masters will not allow their Lodges to stiller in name by this disregard of a positive duty . Masters of Lodges are personally and solely responsible for
these dues , and they . should bear in mind that the honor of their Lodges is in their keeping , and that Masons who do not intimately know the laws of the Craft are apt to attach blame to Lodges for the shortcomings of their rulers . It will be noticed that the Fund of Benevolence is
still unable to meet the whole of the calls which are made upon it for charity to the poor and needy . The position of this Fund will now be further embarrassed b y the painful report of the Committee that its vested property is apparently lost to us for ever . This unfortunate
circumstance will , no doubt be remarked upon by you when the report is discussed . The Committee should bear in mind that in the audit of accounts there are certain strict rules of observance which should never be relaxed in the smallest decree , -whatever may be the
position or the circumstances of the persons whose accounts are undergoing examination . I notice that there is a discrepancy in the balance of the Fund of Benevolence as given in the abstract ol the Fund on the first , and that shown on ihe second page of the Agenda paper . This will
require explanation . I am confident that every Mason in Calcutta will join with me in an expression of regret at the prospect of losing the able services of the Excellent Brother who now occupies the post of Senior AVarden in this District Grand Lodge .
It . AV . Bro . farr , 111 the ordinary course of promotion , has been ordered to a far distant station , and , although we ought to feel glad at knowing that he is personally advanced b y the move , yet we cannot but regret the loss which his promotion will occasion to ourselves ; the
Fund of Benevolence and the Masonic Association will be great losers by his departure , for lie has taken an intimate and active interest in both these institutions , and we shall , in our Lodges of the Craft , in its many degrees , miss one who is second to none of us in that careful precision
which ought to characterise the work of those who conduct the ritualistic work of the order . That It . AV . Bro . Farr will leave Calcutta to the regret of us all , and that he will carry with him our sincere good-wishes for his prosperity ,
it is superfluous for me to say , and I will but add my wish that he may again at no far distant date be stationed in Calcutta , where his presence is so useful to us in the Craft , which he so faithfully serves , and of \ v hich he is so popular a member .
A new Lodge has been formed at Jtoorkce , m the Xorth-AVest Provinces , under the auspices of Captain Graham Birch . The Lodge will be known as the "Beauchamp" Lodge . Bro . Birch and his masonic coadjutors deserve high praise
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
for their energetic conduct in this matter . They have purchased a well adapted house , so that the Lodge is their own exclusive property , and have formed themselves into a joint-stock company , subscribing the money under terms by which the Lodge will b y degrees purchase the whole of the shares into its own name . Seeing the great
difficulties which admittedly stand in the way ol establishing Lodges in Mofussil stations , I feel that I cannot speak too highly of the successful scheme which the Freemasons at Roorkee have planned and matured , and I sincerely hope that their labours will be attended with the happiest results .
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was read . The District Grand Treasurer ' s Accounts foi the Quarter ending 29 th February , 1872 , wetc audited and found
correct-It . AVor . Bro . J . P . Kennedy proposed and the District Grand Secretary seconded , " that the accounts as shown in the Report be accepted as correct and passed , which was carried unanimously . "
The Report of the Committee of the Masonic Fund of Benevolence for the Quarter ending 3 JSL December , 1871 . was read .- — AVor . Bro . AV . 1 ? Mactavish proposed , and AVor . Bro . D . J . Zemin seconded , "' that the Report of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence be approved and adopted , " which was carried unanimously .
Lpon the It . \ Y . the D . G . Master ' s motion , seconded by Wor . Bro . G . If . Daly , an address to Her Most Gracious Majesty ihe Queer ., upon the recovery of ILlt . I . L the ' ' Prince of AVales , Past Grand Master of England , was adopted , and the D . G . Secretary directed to have it engrossed and submitted for signature at an early date .
Lpon the It . AV . the District Grand Master ' s motion , seconded by AVor . Bro AV . B . Farr , a letter of condolence to the Countess of Mayo , expressive of the profound grief of this D . G . Lodge at the loss of the late Lord Patron of the Masonic Craft in India , was adopted , and the D . G . Secretary directed to have it fairly written out and submitted for signature at an early dale .
The It . AV . the District Grand Master propos ed , and Bro , A \' . G . Murray seconded , Wor . Bro . AV . Ji . Mactavish , AV . M . -ot j , and Pa , i Asst . Director of Ceremonies , to he Treasurer of the D . G . Lodge , in the place of AVor . Bro . J . il . Linton , deceased , w hich was carried unanimously . Bro . Mactavish was led up by the Director of Ceremonies and invested bv J-L . YV " . the District
Grand Master w ith the badge <> . ' office as D . G . Treasurer . The District Grand Seerctar , r .-. id a leuer from the Quarter Master Genera : of the Army , expressing the thanks of the Right Hon . Lord Napier of Magdala for a copy of 1 ) 10 Masonic Diary presented to him by the P ,. AV , the District Grand Master .
The District Grand Secret . try wished to lay before the District Grand Lodge . 1 statement ol the financial success of the Masonic Diary . Three hundred copies had been printed , at a cost of about rt . 50 Rupees ; 2 . 38 copies had been sold up to da ' e .
A Collection was made i . or lite Fund of Benevolence . The District Grand Secretary announced the amount to be Its . i 7 :-c-c ( including Its . . 36 ' sent by two Grand Lodge Officers unable to attend the meeting ) , which v . as handed over to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further busc •¦<¦; , the District , Grand hedge - was closed in due i ' < : rn \ atS-: o p . m .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BRISTOL . PKO \ IXC . IAL GRAND ( . ' . >; .. 1 1 HR , Freemasonry in the Province o ! Bristol , undcr
the rule of various Provincial Grand Masters , has nourished , and , with the increase of numbers , it has lately taken a more prominent position I ban it had hitherto done .
Bristol is a Province in itse .-f . on account ol the number of the lodges and v \< : influence of the various members of the ( .-., 'fi . It has lately
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eve , P . M . 72 . 3 , & c ., P . Prov . G . S . AV . Hants , \ c . The Board of Installed Masters included Bros . Drewitt , Wells , Piggott , Charrington , Mason , 777 ; Batcman , 72 . 3 ; Morris , 17 . 3 - Arnold , P . Prov . G . Chap . Essex , W . M . 1 . 395 , ' ^ "c At the close of the ceremony the lodge resumed , and
saluted the W . M . in the three degrees . Bro . G . J . Smallpiece was appointed S . AA . and Treasurer Vickers , J . AV . ; Charrington , S . D . ; Bean , f . D . : J . Xealds , Sec- E . Drewitt , D . C . ; Tyre , I . G . : Neate , Ty ler . Amongst the brethren were Bros . VVanie , 723 ; Taylor , 1046 ; Anderson , 1 046 ;
Hemming , 1141 ; Michaux , 777 ; Wainwright and G . Smallpiece , Wardens , designate 1 . 59 , 3 , to :. The lodge was closed in proper form , and an adjournment was made to the banquetting-room , where the brethren mustered in great force to support the W . M . The usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were duly honoured , the W . M . receiving the fraternal congratulations of the assembly . The Tyler ' s toast brought the pleasant evening ' s proceedings to a close , and the brethren , happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , dispersed before high twelve .
INDIA . DISTRICT GRAND LODGK OF BEM , \ L . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 21 st March , 1872 .
The following brethren were present : —The It . AV . Bro . Hugh David Sandeman , C . S ., District Grand Master ; the AV . Bros . John Pitt Kennedy , Deputy District Grand Master ; G . H . Daly , M . D ., P . District Grand Master ; AV . B . Farr , D . S . G . AV . ; I . L . Taylor , D . J . G . W . ; D . J .
y . emiii , JJ . Lr . . Registrar ; \\ . is . Mactavish , as D . G . Treasurer ; Capt . AV . G . Murray , D . G . Secretary ; G . J . Scott , D . G . Dir . of Cer .: Major C . T . Hitchins , Past D . G . Sword Bearer : Bros . AV . G . Amos , as D . G . Pursuivant ; C . H .
Compton , D . G . Organist ; J . AV . Puehuii , as Standard Bearer ; It . C . Sterndale , A . J . Ferris , M . D . A . Le Franc , and AV . Hay , D . G . Stewards : G . Alexander , D . G . Tyler ; and D . J . Daniel , P . D . G Tyler .
There were also present representatives of lodges : —Star in the East , No . 67 ; Industry and Perseverance " , No . 109 ; True Friendship , No . 218 ; Humility with Fortitude , Xo , 229 : Marine , No . 232 ; St . John , Xo . 4 86 ; Excelsior , No . 823 ; and Sandeman , No . 1374 .
The visitors were : —Bros . S . H . Emanuel , 2 , 32 ; J . II . Turner , 3 , 32 ; J . Colohan , 1374 : J . Gunter , 1 . 374 ; Wala Gohur Shah , 392 : Bros . It . AV . Mathews and AN ' . Burroughs , unattached . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 6 . 43 p . m .
The District Grand Secretary reported the receipt of apologies from several brethren lor unavoidable non-attendance . The Minutes of the Communication of the
27 th December , 1871 , having been pruned and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , and , on beinti put lo the vote , were confirmed . The District Giand Master then addressed
Grand Lodge as lollows : — "AN orslnpftil Brethren , —My first duty this evening is a very painful one . It is to notice the sad calamity which has fallen upon Freemasonry in India , as well as upon the country at large , by the violent death of the Earl of Mayo , who was the first Patron
of our Ancient Order . You know that the news of the cruel ami fatal attack upon Her Majesty ' s Viceroy at Port Blair by a convict assassin was received in India with feelings of the deepest horror and indignation , and 1 am sure that 1
speak the feelings of every one here present when I say that among the many millions ol men who have had reason to deplore the great loss which has been occasioned by the untimely death of a nobleman who had done and
wasdoinpso much for the improvement ol the country over which he was destined to rule , none feel more strongly than those who deemed it a privilege to call him their brother in the Craft . The deceased Earl was a liberal subscriber to our charities , and was always glad to have intelligence regarding the progress and well-being of the Order . A proposition will be laid before von
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
during the evening to address a letter of condolence to the widowed Countess of Mayo , on the irreparable loss which she has sustained , and , although words of condolence can obviously do no practical good in cases which are beyond
human aid , yet I think wc should be failing in our duty did we not tender for her acceptance the only thing that we can offer , a hearty expression of our sincere sympathy with her under Iter heavy trial , and of our great grief at ihe loss of an honoured and respected chief .
It is also my sad duty to report to Grand Lodge the death on the 2 nd January last , of our V . W . Bro . James Henry Linton , who had for several years conducted the duties of District Grand Treasurer . vVs it was very inconvenient , if not impossible , to carry on the work of District Grand Lodge , without a Treasurer , I took upon myself to ask W . Bro . Mactavish to undertake the
duties of that high office , subject to your confirmation this evening . Bro . Mactavish has responded favourably to my call , and I have to ask your sanction to his permanent appointment as your Treasurer . In making the selection , I felt that I was choosing a Brother who possesses your
highest confidence , and who , from his well-known position as a merchant in this city , will reflect credit upon the post which he has very kindly consented , with your approval , to fill . I notice with regret a paragraph in the report of the Committee of General Purposes to the
effect that several lodges are in arrears of payment of dues . I sincerely hope that Masters will not allow their Lodges to stiller in name by this disregard of a positive duty . Masters of Lodges are personally and solely responsible for
these dues , and they . should bear in mind that the honor of their Lodges is in their keeping , and that Masons who do not intimately know the laws of the Craft are apt to attach blame to Lodges for the shortcomings of their rulers . It will be noticed that the Fund of Benevolence is
still unable to meet the whole of the calls which are made upon it for charity to the poor and needy . The position of this Fund will now be further embarrassed b y the painful report of the Committee that its vested property is apparently lost to us for ever . This unfortunate
circumstance will , no doubt be remarked upon by you when the report is discussed . The Committee should bear in mind that in the audit of accounts there are certain strict rules of observance which should never be relaxed in the smallest decree , -whatever may be the
position or the circumstances of the persons whose accounts are undergoing examination . I notice that there is a discrepancy in the balance of the Fund of Benevolence as given in the abstract ol the Fund on the first , and that shown on ihe second page of the Agenda paper . This will
require explanation . I am confident that every Mason in Calcutta will join with me in an expression of regret at the prospect of losing the able services of the Excellent Brother who now occupies the post of Senior AVarden in this District Grand Lodge .
It . AV . Bro . farr , 111 the ordinary course of promotion , has been ordered to a far distant station , and , although we ought to feel glad at knowing that he is personally advanced b y the move , yet we cannot but regret the loss which his promotion will occasion to ourselves ; the
Fund of Benevolence and the Masonic Association will be great losers by his departure , for lie has taken an intimate and active interest in both these institutions , and we shall , in our Lodges of the Craft , in its many degrees , miss one who is second to none of us in that careful precision
which ought to characterise the work of those who conduct the ritualistic work of the order . That It . AV . Bro . Farr will leave Calcutta to the regret of us all , and that he will carry with him our sincere good-wishes for his prosperity ,
it is superfluous for me to say , and I will but add my wish that he may again at no far distant date be stationed in Calcutta , where his presence is so useful to us in the Craft , which he so faithfully serves , and of \ v hich he is so popular a member .
A new Lodge has been formed at Jtoorkce , m the Xorth-AVest Provinces , under the auspices of Captain Graham Birch . The Lodge will be known as the "Beauchamp" Lodge . Bro . Birch and his masonic coadjutors deserve high praise
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
for their energetic conduct in this matter . They have purchased a well adapted house , so that the Lodge is their own exclusive property , and have formed themselves into a joint-stock company , subscribing the money under terms by which the Lodge will b y degrees purchase the whole of the shares into its own name . Seeing the great
difficulties which admittedly stand in the way ol establishing Lodges in Mofussil stations , I feel that I cannot speak too highly of the successful scheme which the Freemasons at Roorkee have planned and matured , and I sincerely hope that their labours will be attended with the happiest results .
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was read . The District Grand Treasurer ' s Accounts foi the Quarter ending 29 th February , 1872 , wetc audited and found
correct-It . AVor . Bro . J . P . Kennedy proposed and the District Grand Secretary seconded , " that the accounts as shown in the Report be accepted as correct and passed , which was carried unanimously . "
The Report of the Committee of the Masonic Fund of Benevolence for the Quarter ending 3 JSL December , 1871 . was read .- — AVor . Bro . AV . 1 ? Mactavish proposed , and AVor . Bro . D . J . Zemin seconded , "' that the Report of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence be approved and adopted , " which was carried unanimously .
Lpon the It . \ Y . the D . G . Master ' s motion , seconded by Wor . Bro . G . If . Daly , an address to Her Most Gracious Majesty ihe Queer ., upon the recovery of ILlt . I . L the ' ' Prince of AVales , Past Grand Master of England , was adopted , and the D . G . Secretary directed to have it engrossed and submitted for signature at an early date .
Lpon the It . AV . the District Grand Master ' s motion , seconded by AVor . Bro AV . B . Farr , a letter of condolence to the Countess of Mayo , expressive of the profound grief of this D . G . Lodge at the loss of the late Lord Patron of the Masonic Craft in India , was adopted , and the D . G . Secretary directed to have it fairly written out and submitted for signature at an early dale .
The It . AV . the District Grand Master propos ed , and Bro , A \' . G . Murray seconded , Wor . Bro . AV . Ji . Mactavish , AV . M . -ot j , and Pa , i Asst . Director of Ceremonies , to he Treasurer of the D . G . Lodge , in the place of AVor . Bro . J . il . Linton , deceased , w hich was carried unanimously . Bro . Mactavish was led up by the Director of Ceremonies and invested bv J-L . YV " . the District
Grand Master w ith the badge <> . ' office as D . G . Treasurer . The District Grand Seerctar , r .-. id a leuer from the Quarter Master Genera : of the Army , expressing the thanks of the Right Hon . Lord Napier of Magdala for a copy of 1 ) 10 Masonic Diary presented to him by the P ,. AV , the District Grand Master .
The District Grand Secret . try wished to lay before the District Grand Lodge . 1 statement ol the financial success of the Masonic Diary . Three hundred copies had been printed , at a cost of about rt . 50 Rupees ; 2 . 38 copies had been sold up to da ' e .
A Collection was made i . or lite Fund of Benevolence . The District Grand Secretary announced the amount to be Its . i 7 :-c-c ( including Its . . 36 ' sent by two Grand Lodge Officers unable to attend the meeting ) , which v . as handed over to the District Grand Treasurer . There being no further busc •¦<¦; , the District , Grand hedge - was closed in due i ' < : rn \ atS-: o p . m .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
BRISTOL . PKO \ IXC . IAL GRAND ( . ' . >; .. 1 1 HR , Freemasonry in the Province o ! Bristol , undcr
the rule of various Provincial Grand Masters , has nourished , and , with the increase of numbers , it has lately taken a more prominent position I ban it had hitherto done .
Bristol is a Province in itse .-f . on account ol the number of the lodges and v \< : influence of the various members of the ( .-., 'fi . It has lately