Article " HENRY PRICE AGAIN. " ← Page 2 of 2 Article " HENRY PRICE AGAIN. " Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" Henry Price Again. "
fixes the date of the Philadelphia Charter to June 24 th , 1734 , and that of Charleston to December 27 th , 1735 . The Massachusetts record in both cases merely says " about this time , " which means sooner or later , and does not say a word about a charter sent to Charleston , and I have reason to
believe that neither in Charleston nor Philadelphia are any evidences left on record or otherwise of the said Henry Price ' s charters . The letter of Franklin fixes the date of Henry Price's second commission to the month of August , 1735 , and the charter to Philadelphia , if such a charter was ever sent there
by Price , must have been dated after the date on Franklin ' s letter . Henry Price , in his letter to the authorities ofthe Grand Lodge of England , January 27 th , 1768 , says , " And in the year 1 734 , said commission to me was extended overall North America . " Unfortunately , we have no complete file of the
newspapers published here in 1734 in any one of our Massachusetts libraries , for otherwise I could have been able to determine whether Franklin's letter is genuine or not . The said letter was unfortunately destroyed in the fire that consumed the Masonic Hall , in Boston , in 1864 . Our worthy Bro .
Dr . Lewis speaks positively as to its genuineness , but with all due deference to my friend ' s opinion and sincerity , I think you will agree with me that a man taking hold of an old document , whose suspicion about its genuineness had not been aroused , and another man , whose suspicion had been aroused ,
might come to very opposite opinions . Assuming , however , the genuineness of Franklin ' s letter , that he had " seen in the Boston prints an article of news from London , importing that at a Grand Lodge held there in August last Mr . Price ' s deputation and power was extended over all America . "
this " news from London" must have been copied from London papers , ancl , if so , this " power over all America" ought to be found in the records of the Grand Lodge of England of August , 1734 . The question now is , did the Grand Lodge of England hold a meeting in August , 1734 ? and , if so ,
does the record say anything of the additional powers conferred on Henry Price by the said G . L . at the above date ? In conclusion , I beg to state , that so far our high American Masonic authorities have laboured to be-fog and darken thc path to historic truth . My
labours to bring order out of chaos will encounter the ire of that self-interested class . A change , however , is coming over thc scene . Wc have at last a G . M . in Massachusetts who combines a love of truth with thc necessary moral couragetodisseminate the truth , and truth only . The oldest documents
relating to Masonry in this State were placed at my disposal by Bro . Winslow Lewis , and Bro . Gardner , our G . M ., afforded me every facility for sifting the origin of Masonry here . What I now want is hel p from thc London FREEMASON . Furthermore , I
feel assured that the R . W . Grand Secretary of England , to whom I am already under several obligations , would be willing to aid our enquiries . Now , Bro . FREEMASON , " Truth is the foundation of every Masonic virtue , " help us then to get at it . Fraternally yours , JACOB NORTON . Boston , Mass ., January 31 st , 1870 .
DOMATIC LODGE , No . 173 . ( To ihe Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your reports of Masonic meetings arc generally so ample and satisfactory that it has puzzled some of our brethren , myself included , to account for thc omission in the
report of thc last meeting of the Domatic , of the chief thing that characterised thc banquet upon that occasion ; I mean the presentation to Bro . Tanner , the retiring W . M ., of a Past Master ' s jewel , for which the lodge voted double thc usual sum ; and of a valuable gold watch , chain , and appendages , in
consideration ofthe special services he had rendered to thc lodge , and as an expression of thc esteem in which he is held . Those members of the lodge who have spoken with me on the subject regret , as I do , the omission of all notice of this in the report , because we all felt a desire to do honour to a deserving brother . The omission seems curious ,
too , if contrasted with the particularity which characterises that part of thc report which enumcratcthe brethren present , in specifying thc number ol another lodge ( 1158 ) , to which some of them also belong—an unusual thing , 1 believe , in your reports . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , WILLIAM CARPENTER , P . M .
( To the Editor of The Freemason ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Being one of the visitors to the Domatic Lodge on Friday , thc nth instant , I was surprised to see such a short report of it , as also to notice the omission of what 1 consider
the chief treat ofthe evening , namely , the presentation of a handsome jewel and a gold watch and chain to Bro . R . Tanner , the late W . M ., as also Sccrerary , in recognition of the great services he had rendered the lodge . I thought it but right to call your attention to this omission , as you and tha
" Henry Price Again. "
Craft are well aware our Brother Tanner is a hard working and indefatigable Mason . Yours fraternally , PLANTAGENET .
GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher's Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s'Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c— [ Advt . ]
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and the body suffers from a thousand ailments . "The Blood Purifier , "
old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition to the blood and restores to it its florid hue , and then the progress of decay is arre „ ted and the ailment disappear—man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bottle from thc Hon . the Dean of Lismore , General Wm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ., ns . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . 1 , 'Al ., 2 s . od ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with Ihe old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine . —[ Advt . l
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending by mail , free of charge lo all who wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having been given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address O . P . Brown , Secretary , 2 , King-street , Covent-gardcn , London . —[ Advt . ]
§ lbim * tts . cnmrts . DPS'l ^ S ^ SING ^ A ^ ir ^ as latelyln " the Bankruptcy Court , London—Mrs . Bromby , widow of the late Brother William Clark Bromby , Wharfinger , High-street , Hull—which has called forth much commiseration . A SUBSCRIPTION is in hand to relieve her painful position , and kindly contributed to by Earl of Zclland , Grand Master ; Eavl de Grey and Ripon , with
other gentlemen and ladies . Donations are earnestly solicited from thc benevolent , and received hy Rev . J . M . ANDREWS , Vicar of St . Jude ' s , Vicarage , 4 S , Argylesquare , Euslon-road , W . C . ; also by Messrs . LOVEU ., SON , and PnTir . l . n , Solicitors , Gray ' s Inn Square , London , W . C . ; and gratefully acknowledged by Mrs . Eliza Biombv .
BRO . J OHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , anil General Dccoratcr , has REMOVED from 16 , AlvniUR-STREi' . T , New Oxford-street , lo No . 53 , NEW COMPTON-STREF . T , SOIIO .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil's residence . —Address , Oflice of this Paper .
A LADY , having met with much success 111 the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a UK-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . Ii ., office of this paper .
A WIDOW LADY , aged 35 , desires a T \ SITUATION as Companion to a Lady who travels ( no objection to go abroad ) , or Lady Housekeeper in a private family , where a Cook and Housemaid arc kept , or in a house of business . No objection to children . Clever with the needle . Unexceptionable references . — Address , U . E . S ., 5 , Cecil-street , Margate , Kent .
PARTNERSHIP . — Wanted , a person with X ; C ; oo , to join the advertiser in an old-established compact Steam BREWERY in London , ns active partner , doing a good trade with its own houses . —For full particulars apply to XXX ( care of Bro . John Smith ) , Office 72 , No . 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . 3 rd February , 1 S 70 .
DO YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No ; we find we can do better hy sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van , at five minutes' nutice . lie will contract to lake goods of every description to or from any ofthe Docks or Wharves , at per ton , 01 any job you offer him . Address , POWELL , Carman ami Coiuractor , I , Carlluisian-strcet , Aldersgate-strcet , City , ICC .
ASTHMA , Coughs , ancl Bronchitis . —Instantaneous relief through inhaling the vapour of the celebrated ANTIASTHMATIC PAPER . No medicine . A trial sheet sent gratis , post free . —25 sheets for 5 s ., sent rest free , by LASSMANN , & CASSAN , 66 , Waterloo-road , S .
THE EVER-READY FIRE ESCAPES for Households and Hotels . H EADS of Families , Proprietors of Plotels , ' Industrial Dwelling Companies and others may best guard against dreadful calamities by fire by sending One Pound to Messrs . J . B . SCAMMELL & Co ., Wholesale Ironmongers , 13 , King-street , Smithfield , London , for one of their EVER-READY FIRE ESCAPES , which will not burn or decay ; which should be kept in every house , can be set to use in half-a-minute , and affords ready escape for a whole household from a height of 40-ft ., and is supplied in a small neat box or bag . PRICES , SINGLY OR IN SETS . One 40-ft . Fire Escape , in box or bag , £ i o o One 30-ft . and one 40-ft ., in two boxes .. .. ., 3 o o One 3 o-ft . ( one 40-ft .., one 50-ft ., in three boxes .. .. 330 One 30-ft ., one 40-ft ., one 50-fc , one 60-ft ., in four boxes 400 Extra fittings , 6 d . to is . 6 d . each . Thc Traveller's Fire Escape , 40-ft . in a small bag .. 0100 The Poor "Man's Fire Escape , 40-ft ., in a bag .. .. o 10 o J . B . SCAMMELL and Co ., Wholesale Ironmongers , 13 , King Street , Smithfield , London , E . C .
( EY ROYAL LETTERS PxVTENT . ) G . SHREWSBURY'S GAS CONSERVATORY BOILER . Numerous Testimonials on application ( enclose stamp ) . SOLE MAKER . AND PATENTEE , G . Shrewsbury , Lower Norwood , S . E .
DIAMONDS , Pearls , ancl every description of Jewellery PURCHASED . Goods sent from the country for disposal , cash will be sent by return ; and if not satisfactory , and the amount is returned in four days , - the goods will be rcfoiwarded free of any charge whatever . —Lamrt Van Praagh , 24 , Bernard-street , Russell-square . Private office .
• piNE ARTS . —Rare Opportunity for Coli f lectors and Dealers in the Fine Arts . —DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP of the firm of P . L . EVERARD & Co ., 51 , Bedford-square , London , and Brussels . Over One Thousand high-class Continental Pictures , purchased at a cost of upwards of sixty thousand pounds , to be SOLD without reserve . Pictures hy Henrietta Browne , Alma Tadcma , Edward Frere , De I laas , Portacls , Duverger , Bouguercau , Vevhoeckhoven , Santin , Landclle , & c . Terms cash . Now on view .
T 7 REEMASONRY , CHORAL SOCIETIES , 1 and CLUBS . —The GEORGE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Aldermanbury , 21 and 22 , E . C . —The Proprietors are open to enter into fresh arrangements with Lodges and Societies . Beds 2 s . ; Breakfast is . 6 d ., with Fish 2 s . Dinner , Fish orSiup , Joint and Vegetables is . 6 d .
ST AMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , 24 , WelbecU-stveet , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Greenhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CUKES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . Thc highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
T 70 R COUGPIS , COLDS , ASTHMA , BRONI CIHTIS , and NEURALGIA . —THE GREAT REMEDY ofthe day is Pr . J . COLLLS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE : a few doses will cure all inci pient cases . Caution . —The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of the Chlorodyne renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine , which is now sold under the protection of Government , authorising a stamp bearing the words "Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne , " without which none is genuine . See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W . Page Wood , the "Times , " July 16 , 1 S 64 . Sold in bottles , is . i ^ d ., 2 s . yd ., and 4 s . 6 d ., by all Chemists . Sole Manufacturer , T . J . DAVENPORT , ' 33 , Great Russell-street , Loudon , W . C . From LORD FRANCIS CONYNGHAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , December 11 , 1 S 65 : — " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this lime last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne's Chlorodyne from Mr . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful Medicine , will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent the above address . " Sole Manufacturer , J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" Henry Price Again. "
fixes the date of the Philadelphia Charter to June 24 th , 1734 , and that of Charleston to December 27 th , 1735 . The Massachusetts record in both cases merely says " about this time , " which means sooner or later , and does not say a word about a charter sent to Charleston , and I have reason to
believe that neither in Charleston nor Philadelphia are any evidences left on record or otherwise of the said Henry Price ' s charters . The letter of Franklin fixes the date of Henry Price's second commission to the month of August , 1735 , and the charter to Philadelphia , if such a charter was ever sent there
by Price , must have been dated after the date on Franklin ' s letter . Henry Price , in his letter to the authorities ofthe Grand Lodge of England , January 27 th , 1768 , says , " And in the year 1 734 , said commission to me was extended overall North America . " Unfortunately , we have no complete file of the
newspapers published here in 1734 in any one of our Massachusetts libraries , for otherwise I could have been able to determine whether Franklin's letter is genuine or not . The said letter was unfortunately destroyed in the fire that consumed the Masonic Hall , in Boston , in 1864 . Our worthy Bro .
Dr . Lewis speaks positively as to its genuineness , but with all due deference to my friend ' s opinion and sincerity , I think you will agree with me that a man taking hold of an old document , whose suspicion about its genuineness had not been aroused , and another man , whose suspicion had been aroused ,
might come to very opposite opinions . Assuming , however , the genuineness of Franklin ' s letter , that he had " seen in the Boston prints an article of news from London , importing that at a Grand Lodge held there in August last Mr . Price ' s deputation and power was extended over all America . "
this " news from London" must have been copied from London papers , ancl , if so , this " power over all America" ought to be found in the records of the Grand Lodge of England of August , 1734 . The question now is , did the Grand Lodge of England hold a meeting in August , 1734 ? and , if so ,
does the record say anything of the additional powers conferred on Henry Price by the said G . L . at the above date ? In conclusion , I beg to state , that so far our high American Masonic authorities have laboured to be-fog and darken thc path to historic truth . My
labours to bring order out of chaos will encounter the ire of that self-interested class . A change , however , is coming over thc scene . Wc have at last a G . M . in Massachusetts who combines a love of truth with thc necessary moral couragetodisseminate the truth , and truth only . The oldest documents
relating to Masonry in this State were placed at my disposal by Bro . Winslow Lewis , and Bro . Gardner , our G . M ., afforded me every facility for sifting the origin of Masonry here . What I now want is hel p from thc London FREEMASON . Furthermore , I
feel assured that the R . W . Grand Secretary of England , to whom I am already under several obligations , would be willing to aid our enquiries . Now , Bro . FREEMASON , " Truth is the foundation of every Masonic virtue , " help us then to get at it . Fraternally yours , JACOB NORTON . Boston , Mass ., January 31 st , 1870 .
DOMATIC LODGE , No . 173 . ( To ihe Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your reports of Masonic meetings arc generally so ample and satisfactory that it has puzzled some of our brethren , myself included , to account for thc omission in the
report of thc last meeting of the Domatic , of the chief thing that characterised thc banquet upon that occasion ; I mean the presentation to Bro . Tanner , the retiring W . M ., of a Past Master ' s jewel , for which the lodge voted double thc usual sum ; and of a valuable gold watch , chain , and appendages , in
consideration ofthe special services he had rendered to thc lodge , and as an expression of thc esteem in which he is held . Those members of the lodge who have spoken with me on the subject regret , as I do , the omission of all notice of this in the report , because we all felt a desire to do honour to a deserving brother . The omission seems curious ,
too , if contrasted with the particularity which characterises that part of thc report which enumcratcthe brethren present , in specifying thc number ol another lodge ( 1158 ) , to which some of them also belong—an unusual thing , 1 believe , in your reports . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , WILLIAM CARPENTER , P . M .
( To the Editor of The Freemason ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Being one of the visitors to the Domatic Lodge on Friday , thc nth instant , I was surprised to see such a short report of it , as also to notice the omission of what 1 consider
the chief treat ofthe evening , namely , the presentation of a handsome jewel and a gold watch and chain to Bro . R . Tanner , the late W . M ., as also Sccrerary , in recognition of the great services he had rendered the lodge . I thought it but right to call your attention to this omission , as you and tha
" Henry Price Again. "
Craft are well aware our Brother Tanner is a hard working and indefatigable Mason . Yours fraternally , PLANTAGENET .
GALVANISM . —Pulvermacher's Monthly Record of Cures is now ready for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by Pulvermacher ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Electric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may be had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermacher , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermacher ' s'Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c— [ Advt . ]
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of the powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and the body suffers from a thousand ailments . "The Blood Purifier , "
old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition to the blood and restores to it its florid hue , and then the progress of decay is arre „ ted and the ailment disappear—man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bottle from thc Hon . the Dean of Lismore , General Wm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ., ns . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . 1 , 'Al ., 2 s . od ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with Ihe old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine . —[ Advt . l
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending by mail , free of charge lo all who wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having been given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address O . P . Brown , Secretary , 2 , King-street , Covent-gardcn , London . —[ Advt . ]
§ lbim * tts . cnmrts . DPS'l ^ S ^ SING ^ A ^ ir ^ as latelyln " the Bankruptcy Court , London—Mrs . Bromby , widow of the late Brother William Clark Bromby , Wharfinger , High-street , Hull—which has called forth much commiseration . A SUBSCRIPTION is in hand to relieve her painful position , and kindly contributed to by Earl of Zclland , Grand Master ; Eavl de Grey and Ripon , with
other gentlemen and ladies . Donations are earnestly solicited from thc benevolent , and received hy Rev . J . M . ANDREWS , Vicar of St . Jude ' s , Vicarage , 4 S , Argylesquare , Euslon-road , W . C . ; also by Messrs . LOVEU ., SON , and PnTir . l . n , Solicitors , Gray ' s Inn Square , London , W . C . ; and gratefully acknowledged by Mrs . Eliza Biombv .
BRO . J OHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , anil General Dccoratcr , has REMOVED from 16 , AlvniUR-STREi' . T , New Oxford-street , lo No . 53 , NEW COMPTON-STREF . T , SOIIO .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil's residence . —Address , Oflice of this Paper .
A LADY , having met with much success 111 the tuition of English , French , and Music , desires a UK-ENGAGEMENT . First-class references can be given . —Address , A . Ii ., office of this paper .
A WIDOW LADY , aged 35 , desires a T \ SITUATION as Companion to a Lady who travels ( no objection to go abroad ) , or Lady Housekeeper in a private family , where a Cook and Housemaid arc kept , or in a house of business . No objection to children . Clever with the needle . Unexceptionable references . — Address , U . E . S ., 5 , Cecil-street , Margate , Kent .
PARTNERSHIP . — Wanted , a person with X ; C ; oo , to join the advertiser in an old-established compact Steam BREWERY in London , ns active partner , doing a good trade with its own houses . —For full particulars apply to XXX ( care of Bro . John Smith ) , Office 72 , No . 27 , Leadenhall-street , E . C . 3 rd February , 1 S 70 .
DO YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No ; we find we can do better hy sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van , at five minutes' nutice . lie will contract to lake goods of every description to or from any ofthe Docks or Wharves , at per ton , 01 any job you offer him . Address , POWELL , Carman ami Coiuractor , I , Carlluisian-strcet , Aldersgate-strcet , City , ICC .
ASTHMA , Coughs , ancl Bronchitis . —Instantaneous relief through inhaling the vapour of the celebrated ANTIASTHMATIC PAPER . No medicine . A trial sheet sent gratis , post free . —25 sheets for 5 s ., sent rest free , by LASSMANN , & CASSAN , 66 , Waterloo-road , S .
THE EVER-READY FIRE ESCAPES for Households and Hotels . H EADS of Families , Proprietors of Plotels , ' Industrial Dwelling Companies and others may best guard against dreadful calamities by fire by sending One Pound to Messrs . J . B . SCAMMELL & Co ., Wholesale Ironmongers , 13 , King-street , Smithfield , London , for one of their EVER-READY FIRE ESCAPES , which will not burn or decay ; which should be kept in every house , can be set to use in half-a-minute , and affords ready escape for a whole household from a height of 40-ft ., and is supplied in a small neat box or bag . PRICES , SINGLY OR IN SETS . One 40-ft . Fire Escape , in box or bag , £ i o o One 30-ft . and one 40-ft ., in two boxes .. .. ., 3 o o One 3 o-ft . ( one 40-ft .., one 50-ft ., in three boxes .. .. 330 One 30-ft ., one 40-ft ., one 50-fc , one 60-ft ., in four boxes 400 Extra fittings , 6 d . to is . 6 d . each . Thc Traveller's Fire Escape , 40-ft . in a small bag .. 0100 The Poor "Man's Fire Escape , 40-ft ., in a bag .. .. o 10 o J . B . SCAMMELL and Co ., Wholesale Ironmongers , 13 , King Street , Smithfield , London , E . C .
( EY ROYAL LETTERS PxVTENT . ) G . SHREWSBURY'S GAS CONSERVATORY BOILER . Numerous Testimonials on application ( enclose stamp ) . SOLE MAKER . AND PATENTEE , G . Shrewsbury , Lower Norwood , S . E .
DIAMONDS , Pearls , ancl every description of Jewellery PURCHASED . Goods sent from the country for disposal , cash will be sent by return ; and if not satisfactory , and the amount is returned in four days , - the goods will be rcfoiwarded free of any charge whatever . —Lamrt Van Praagh , 24 , Bernard-street , Russell-square . Private office .
• piNE ARTS . —Rare Opportunity for Coli f lectors and Dealers in the Fine Arts . —DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP of the firm of P . L . EVERARD & Co ., 51 , Bedford-square , London , and Brussels . Over One Thousand high-class Continental Pictures , purchased at a cost of upwards of sixty thousand pounds , to be SOLD without reserve . Pictures hy Henrietta Browne , Alma Tadcma , Edward Frere , De I laas , Portacls , Duverger , Bouguercau , Vevhoeckhoven , Santin , Landclle , & c . Terms cash . Now on view .
T 7 REEMASONRY , CHORAL SOCIETIES , 1 and CLUBS . —The GEORGE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Aldermanbury , 21 and 22 , E . C . —The Proprietors are open to enter into fresh arrangements with Lodges and Societies . Beds 2 s . ; Breakfast is . 6 d ., with Fish 2 s . Dinner , Fish orSiup , Joint and Vegetables is . 6 d .
ST AMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , 24 , WelbecU-stveet , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Greenhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CUKES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . Thc highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
T 70 R COUGPIS , COLDS , ASTHMA , BRONI CIHTIS , and NEURALGIA . —THE GREAT REMEDY ofthe day is Pr . J . COLLLS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE : a few doses will cure all inci pient cases . Caution . —The extraordinary medical reports on the efficiency of the Chlorodyne renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine , which is now sold under the protection of Government , authorising a stamp bearing the words "Dr . J . Collis Browne ' s Chlorodyne , " without which none is genuine . See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W . Page Wood , the "Times , " July 16 , 1 S 64 . Sold in bottles , is . i ^ d ., 2 s . yd ., and 4 s . 6 d ., by all Chemists . Sole Manufacturer , T . J . DAVENPORT , ' 33 , Great Russell-street , Loudon , W . C . From LORD FRANCIS CONYNGHAM , Mount Charles , Donegal , December 11 , 1 S 65 : — " Lord Francis Conyngham , who this lime last year bought some of Dr . J . Collis Browne's Chlorodyne from Mr . Davenport , and has found it a most wonderful Medicine , will be glad to have half-a-dozen bottles sent the above address . " Sole Manufacturer , J . T . DAVENPORT , 33 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .