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BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways . ''PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Masonic Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to J OSEPH H . SPENCER .
NEW MARKET HOTEL , KING STREET , WEST SMITHFIELD , E . C . BRO . THOMAS BUTT , PROPRIETOR . Every accommodation for Masonic or other Lodge Tinners or Suppers provided for large or small parties . ' Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality . Lodge 1623 held here . The regular meetings of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction are held at this Hotel on Monday evenings at 8 o ' clock .
DOLLY'S CHOP HOUSE , Gt U li E N'S HEAD PASSAGE , E . G ., Within two minutes' of General Post Office , St . Martin'sle-Grand . Entrance , Newgate St . & Paternoster Row . THE GRILL ROOM having reccmly undergone extensive alterations and remodelling , is now , from the complete improvements , second to none in the City for accommodation . Winer , Spirits , and Malt Liquors of the first quality . Cigars choicest brands . W . L . G . Fisiu . EiGH , Proprietor .
QAFE MONICO , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . Must be seen to be appreciated . Crowded from midday till midnight , and pronounced by all to be unparalleled . The Grand Cafe Saloon , the Grand Billiard Saloon , and the Capital Grill Room and Appointments are the admiration of the public . Call and see it at once . Success unprecedented . Comfortable , cheerful , and charming-.
WHELPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS ; A DIRECT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of which cases lad been pronounced INCURABLE . DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS the numerous well-authenticated Testimonials in disorders of the HEAD , CHEST , BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCERS , SORES , and all SKIN DISEASES , are sufficient to prove tbe great value of Ibis most useful Family Medicine . ^ x- ? r " 0 N'S V " EcP 5 > . AS ONE 4 P ^ ' 7 I % ^^\ OF THE [^ ESTA ^^^^ ISSSjJ BEST \^ v ^ tlS __ 2 ^^^^^ // MEDICINES ^^ ZZi ^^^ Zl ^^ ' ^ KNOWN . Many persons have found these Pills cf great service both in preventing and relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climates they arc very bcnelicial in all Bilious Complaints . Sold in Boxes , price Jjd , is ijd . and ssgd , by G . WHEI . PTOfl & SON , 3 , Crane Court , 1 'lect-street , London , and by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for S , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
j & g & feaeK FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE , the « 5 * £ ' 5 'j _ ' '' J ^? k Original and Only true . —Hundreds of Ifti ^^ lr ^ iPyJ ? - 'dical practitioners leslify to its marvellous •jgS ^ oiSjS ^> J 9 efficacy in tile cure of Asthma , Bronchitis , ? CE _? 'Ai TM ^^ Coughs , Neuralgia , Fevers , Cholera , Dysen-^ ief ^ i . ' -Ji ®** ify , Spasms , and all Nerve Pains . Lord f / tint > it _ FL & Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice lames , ujt H ** aml , ord | Uftic ( . Mc | lish > declded in - favour nf FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compcllingthem to pay all costs in the suits . Sec Times ot July 24 , 1873 . Bottles is . ijd ., as . yd ., 4 s . 6 d ., us ., and 30 s , Sold by all chemists . The following testimonials are taken from many others . THE " TIMES , " AUGUST i th , 1877 . From our ote .-l Correspondent with Ihc Russian Army : " Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . "The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputaiion as a doctor owiny to my being provided with a small bottle ofCHLORODYNE , with which I EFFECTED MIRACULOUS CURES . " From Mons . llonjoiir Binthelcmy , Delegate of the Society for the Relief of lhe Hounded Decorated itiil / i Ihe Cross of the Convention of G . nez'H . " Le Caillon , pres Meung sur Loir , France , June iSth , 1873 . " I hereby attest that the Chlorodync manufactured by RICHARD FREEMAN , Pharmacist , of London , is the best remedy against CHOLERA and L YSENTERY , and further affirm , as Director of the Anglo-American Ambulances and of French prisoners during the War of 1870 to 1871 , that a large number of those under my care were attacked with Dysentery , and that by means of his Chlorodync they were in a few days perfectly cured . , ( Signed ) BONJOUR BARTHELEMY
FURNISH THROUGHOUT , OETZMANN&Co., 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , Near Tottenham Court Road . Jw£v/f^lS^fi&b^"^^^^^^^ fvYJ ^ 0 ^^ f \ Iv ^ s ^ fet ^ & f ^ ° T 7 ^~^ ^ m fifes ^ 0 & S ? P ?{ V IIMB ^^ 3 & 3 ^\ | fe ,.-4- |^ l g rr^m^^S^ARPFT^^^^IpiiS ry=&x&^^^^^^^IplHt The Eugenie Easy Chair . These snpcrior Carpets of which Messrs . Oetzmann and _ Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- Tl'alnul Cal'inct . Spring Seat , good Castors 25 s od factnre , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of . tood Brussels , and , , . _ , Marqucterie and Ormolu -r _ . v- "V ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ 3 ts 6 d are very durable . Price lists free on application . 1- or the moun . | in ' ed inside with Velvet The Vienna , Gent s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece . , 6- n ' : ie _ ns 1 Chair , larger size , to showing the border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- - . •. ; ' . ¦ „ ,,. -,, ; , lV ' -. donVi -1 = ? i match 3 S s od ccipt of Ss ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or 3 ^ „ , 7 tC ' , w' " if , ^ Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hcarth-iugs to match , 6 ft . •»" •wml 2 "" ' •, s M Hair 42 s od lonfr bv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 5 s . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNHHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent with guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention ^
FURNITURE , CARPETS , BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , & c . WILLIAMWAINE, Comblete House Furnisher , and Wholesale and Export Upholsterer , 131 to 139 , NEWINGTON BUTTS , The most convenient Furnishing Establishment in the Kingdom . Stocks immense . Illustrated Price Lists gralis All goods delivered free and warranted . Carpets . Brussels , 300 pieces , 2 / 41 , 2 / 9 , 2 / 11 , and 3 / 3 per yard ; best ditto , 3 / 11 , worth 4 / 11 . Inspect before purchasing elsewhere ; especially members of the Civil Service and Co-operative Societies , and compare prices . Vast stocks of Table Linen , Sheetings , Quilts , Blankets , Flannels , Huckabacks , Glass Cloths , Crumb Cloths , Muslin Lace , and Damask Curtains , Reps , 1 ' ekinadcs , Cretonnes , Floorcloths , now being offered at prices much below the present market value . Guaranteed genuine and of the best quality . Horrock ' s Long Cloths at their own list prices . Furniture , Bedsteads , Bedding , & c , well seasoned , and at very reduced prices . Sixty Pianofortes by the most eminent makers at very low prices . Music at one quarter published price , and large quantities at much less . JVM . JV ~ A 1 NE , 131 to 130 , Newington Butts , London , S . E . Factories , Crampton Street and Frederick Plc . ee .
GANNONSTREETHOTEL, CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C The Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , renders this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c , DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS . THE LARGE HALL is capable of seating jpwards of Twelve Hundred people . FAMILIES AND VISITORS visiting London for long or short periods will fipd all the appointments , ana accomodation , unrivalled . E . H . RAND , Superintendent .
GREEN'S,ST.JAMES'SPLACEHOTEL, 17 , ST . JAMES'S PLACE , ST . JAMES'S STREET , S . W . The advantages possessed by this Hotel are rarely to be found . Situated in the most fashionable , and at the same time most quiet part of Town ( no traffic through St . James's Place ) , it contains elegant suites of rooms , also single apartments , with use of Coffee Room . The attention of Masonic Brethren , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Families Is directed to the superior excellence and comfort of the above Hotel . Under personal supervision great care has been devoted to the CUISINE , and choice selection of FIRST QUALITY WINES . Visitors to the Hotel have the privilege of a PHIVATE and DIRECT entry to the GREEN PARK . Families and Gentlemen visiting London should communicate with BRO . ANTON HEROLD .
ASHLEY'SHOTEL, HENRIETTA STREET AND MAIDEN LANE , COVENT GARDEN , LONDON . This well known homely and comfortable FAMILY AND MASONIC HOTEL ,.. Situated in the most central and commercial part of the metropolis , has been Rebuilt and Newl y Furnished . Visitors obtain all the comforts and convenience of a First-class Modern Hotel at prices long noted for combining Comfort wilh Economy . LADIES' COFFEE ROOM . BILLIARDS . Night Porter . LODGE COVENT GARDEN , 1614 , and the PISCATORIAL SOCIETY'S MEETINGS are held here . Room-Complete in Appointments for MASONIC BANQUETS and other Meetings . Bro . RICHARD MICHELL , Proprietor .
THE LONDONAND GENERA L WATE R PURIFYING COMPANY x ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when once fixed , no attention whatever . with a Cistera ' Fm ' cf . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . _ And superior to all others , ViJe Professor Frankiand ' s Reports to the Registrar General , July 1866 . Novel " ! $ ^ g *^^ 9 f % M ber , 1867 , and May , i 87 o ; the * ' Lancet , " . January 13 , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September J } i j _ S || S ? KffSj : v if » lSf > 31 Dr - Letheby , February 1 j , 187 s , ar . d December , 187 a . ¦ SSljllfipll fjll i Frice £ t I 0 S - upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Js . to £ i . I g | fij = 3 | j § B ll ]! Patronized and used by Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M-i * ^^ IPffilrMl Sandringham ) by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; the elite of the Medical Profession , and at the bonao 1 ] ~ i £ l aKjSfflg' ||! | j ) St . George's , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , I •' " ! ___ = ______ : §__§!? . wr Institutions , Breweries , & c . ,, ^ ^ POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . od . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , ios . 6 d . and 21 s . <** Danchell ' a 'ITesling Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one-D y ke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . ,. and This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qnalitive Water Analysis , will be found of use by medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more a ; impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January la , 1 S 73 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways . ''PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Masonic Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , the tariff on application to J OSEPH H . SPENCER .
NEW MARKET HOTEL , KING STREET , WEST SMITHFIELD , E . C . BRO . THOMAS BUTT , PROPRIETOR . Every accommodation for Masonic or other Lodge Tinners or Suppers provided for large or small parties . ' Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality . Lodge 1623 held here . The regular meetings of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction are held at this Hotel on Monday evenings at 8 o ' clock .
DOLLY'S CHOP HOUSE , Gt U li E N'S HEAD PASSAGE , E . G ., Within two minutes' of General Post Office , St . Martin'sle-Grand . Entrance , Newgate St . & Paternoster Row . THE GRILL ROOM having reccmly undergone extensive alterations and remodelling , is now , from the complete improvements , second to none in the City for accommodation . Winer , Spirits , and Malt Liquors of the first quality . Cigars choicest brands . W . L . G . Fisiu . EiGH , Proprietor .
QAFE MONICO , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . Must be seen to be appreciated . Crowded from midday till midnight , and pronounced by all to be unparalleled . The Grand Cafe Saloon , the Grand Billiard Saloon , and the Capital Grill Room and Appointments are the admiration of the public . Call and see it at once . Success unprecedented . Comfortable , cheerful , and charming-.
WHELPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS ; A DIRECT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of which cases lad been pronounced INCURABLE . DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS the numerous well-authenticated Testimonials in disorders of the HEAD , CHEST , BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCERS , SORES , and all SKIN DISEASES , are sufficient to prove tbe great value of Ibis most useful Family Medicine . ^ x- ? r " 0 N'S V " EcP 5 > . AS ONE 4 P ^ ' 7 I % ^^\ OF THE [^ ESTA ^^^^ ISSSjJ BEST \^ v ^ tlS __ 2 ^^^^^ // MEDICINES ^^ ZZi ^^^ Zl ^^ ' ^ KNOWN . Many persons have found these Pills cf great service both in preventing and relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climates they arc very bcnelicial in all Bilious Complaints . Sold in Boxes , price Jjd , is ijd . and ssgd , by G . WHEI . PTOfl & SON , 3 , Crane Court , 1 'lect-street , London , and by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for S , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
j & g & feaeK FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE , the « 5 * £ ' 5 'j _ ' '' J ^? k Original and Only true . —Hundreds of Ifti ^^ lr ^ iPyJ ? - 'dical practitioners leslify to its marvellous •jgS ^ oiSjS ^> J 9 efficacy in tile cure of Asthma , Bronchitis , ? CE _? 'Ai TM ^^ Coughs , Neuralgia , Fevers , Cholera , Dysen-^ ief ^ i . ' -Ji ®** ify , Spasms , and all Nerve Pains . Lord f / tint > it _ FL & Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice lames , ujt H ** aml , ord | Uftic ( . Mc | lish > declded in - favour nf FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compcllingthem to pay all costs in the suits . Sec Times ot July 24 , 1873 . Bottles is . ijd ., as . yd ., 4 s . 6 d ., us ., and 30 s , Sold by all chemists . The following testimonials are taken from many others . THE " TIMES , " AUGUST i th , 1877 . From our ote .-l Correspondent with Ihc Russian Army : " Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . "The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks longer , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputaiion as a doctor owiny to my being provided with a small bottle ofCHLORODYNE , with which I EFFECTED MIRACULOUS CURES . " From Mons . llonjoiir Binthelcmy , Delegate of the Society for the Relief of lhe Hounded Decorated itiil / i Ihe Cross of the Convention of G . nez'H . " Le Caillon , pres Meung sur Loir , France , June iSth , 1873 . " I hereby attest that the Chlorodync manufactured by RICHARD FREEMAN , Pharmacist , of London , is the best remedy against CHOLERA and L YSENTERY , and further affirm , as Director of the Anglo-American Ambulances and of French prisoners during the War of 1870 to 1871 , that a large number of those under my care were attacked with Dysentery , and that by means of his Chlorodync they were in a few days perfectly cured . , ( Signed ) BONJOUR BARTHELEMY
FURNISH THROUGHOUT , OETZMANN&Co., 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , Near Tottenham Court Road . Jw£v/f^lS^fi&b^"^^^^^^^ fvYJ ^ 0 ^^ f \ Iv ^ s ^ fet ^ & f ^ ° T 7 ^~^ ^ m fifes ^ 0 & S ? P ?{ V IIMB ^^ 3 & 3 ^\ | fe ,.-4- |^ l g rr^m^^S^ARPFT^^^^IpiiS ry=&x&^^^^^^^IplHt The Eugenie Easy Chair . These snpcrior Carpets of which Messrs . Oetzmann and _ Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- Tl'alnul Cal'inct . Spring Seat , good Castors 25 s od factnre , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of . tood Brussels , and , , . _ , Marqucterie and Ormolu -r _ . v- "V ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ 3 ts 6 d are very durable . Price lists free on application . 1- or the moun . | in ' ed inside with Velvet The Vienna , Gent s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece . , 6- n ' : ie _ ns 1 Chair , larger size , to showing the border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- - . •. ; ' . ¦ „ ,,. -,, ; , lV ' -. donVi -1 = ? i match 3 S s od ccipt of Ss ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or 3 ^ „ , 7 tC ' , w' " if , ^ Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hcarth-iugs to match , 6 ft . •»" •wml 2 "" ' •, s M Hair 42 s od lonfr bv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 5 s . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNHHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent with guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention ^
FURNITURE , CARPETS , BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , & c . WILLIAMWAINE, Comblete House Furnisher , and Wholesale and Export Upholsterer , 131 to 139 , NEWINGTON BUTTS , The most convenient Furnishing Establishment in the Kingdom . Stocks immense . Illustrated Price Lists gralis All goods delivered free and warranted . Carpets . Brussels , 300 pieces , 2 / 41 , 2 / 9 , 2 / 11 , and 3 / 3 per yard ; best ditto , 3 / 11 , worth 4 / 11 . Inspect before purchasing elsewhere ; especially members of the Civil Service and Co-operative Societies , and compare prices . Vast stocks of Table Linen , Sheetings , Quilts , Blankets , Flannels , Huckabacks , Glass Cloths , Crumb Cloths , Muslin Lace , and Damask Curtains , Reps , 1 ' ekinadcs , Cretonnes , Floorcloths , now being offered at prices much below the present market value . Guaranteed genuine and of the best quality . Horrock ' s Long Cloths at their own list prices . Furniture , Bedsteads , Bedding , & c , well seasoned , and at very reduced prices . Sixty Pianofortes by the most eminent makers at very low prices . Music at one quarter published price , and large quantities at much less . JVM . JV ~ A 1 NE , 131 to 130 , Newington Butts , London , S . E . Factories , Crampton Street and Frederick Plc . ee .
GANNONSTREETHOTEL, CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C The Railway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , renders this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c , DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS . THE LARGE HALL is capable of seating jpwards of Twelve Hundred people . FAMILIES AND VISITORS visiting London for long or short periods will fipd all the appointments , ana accomodation , unrivalled . E . H . RAND , Superintendent .
GREEN'S,ST.JAMES'SPLACEHOTEL, 17 , ST . JAMES'S PLACE , ST . JAMES'S STREET , S . W . The advantages possessed by this Hotel are rarely to be found . Situated in the most fashionable , and at the same time most quiet part of Town ( no traffic through St . James's Place ) , it contains elegant suites of rooms , also single apartments , with use of Coffee Room . The attention of Masonic Brethren , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Families Is directed to the superior excellence and comfort of the above Hotel . Under personal supervision great care has been devoted to the CUISINE , and choice selection of FIRST QUALITY WINES . Visitors to the Hotel have the privilege of a PHIVATE and DIRECT entry to the GREEN PARK . Families and Gentlemen visiting London should communicate with BRO . ANTON HEROLD .
ASHLEY'SHOTEL, HENRIETTA STREET AND MAIDEN LANE , COVENT GARDEN , LONDON . This well known homely and comfortable FAMILY AND MASONIC HOTEL ,.. Situated in the most central and commercial part of the metropolis , has been Rebuilt and Newl y Furnished . Visitors obtain all the comforts and convenience of a First-class Modern Hotel at prices long noted for combining Comfort wilh Economy . LADIES' COFFEE ROOM . BILLIARDS . Night Porter . LODGE COVENT GARDEN , 1614 , and the PISCATORIAL SOCIETY'S MEETINGS are held here . Room-Complete in Appointments for MASONIC BANQUETS and other Meetings . Bro . RICHARD MICHELL , Proprietor .
THE LONDONAND GENERA L WATE R PURIFYING COMPANY x ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when once fixed , no attention whatever . with a Cistera ' Fm ' cf . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . _ And superior to all others , ViJe Professor Frankiand ' s Reports to the Registrar General , July 1866 . Novel " ! $ ^ g *^^ 9 f % M ber , 1867 , and May , i 87 o ; the * ' Lancet , " . January 13 , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September J } i j _ S || S ? KffSj : v if » lSf > 31 Dr - Letheby , February 1 j , 187 s , ar . d December , 187 a . ¦ SSljllfipll fjll i Frice £ t I 0 S - upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Js . to £ i . I g | fij = 3 | j § B ll ]! Patronized and used by Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M-i * ^^ IPffilrMl Sandringham ) by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; the elite of the Medical Profession , and at the bonao 1 ] ~ i £ l aKjSfflg' ||! | j ) St . George's , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , I •' " ! ___ = ______ : §__§!? . wr Institutions , Breweries , & c . ,, ^ ^ POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . od . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , ios . 6 d . and 21 s . <** Danchell ' a 'ITesling Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one-D y ke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . ,. and This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qnalitive Water Analysis , will be found of use by medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more a ; impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January la , 1 S 73 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .